#group iia
tnsfrbc · 10 months
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thoughtlessarse · 1 month
Languages: Français | Deutsch
On Monday (12 August), the World Health Organisation (WHO) published a report revealing a significant surge of mpox cases worldwide. The report documents 99,176 laboratory-confirmed cases and 208 deaths across 116 countries and territories from January 2022 to June 2024. In June 2024 alone (latest complete monthly disease surveillance data available), 934 new cases and four deaths were reported from 26 countries, underscoring the virus’ persistent global spread. The WHO’s risk assessment highlights a high risk of mpox transmission in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and neighbouring areas, where the virus predominantly affects adults and spreads mainly through sexual contact. Mpox virus variants are classified into clades, groups of strains with shared genetic characteristics. Clade I, formerly the Congo Basin or Central African clade, and Clade II, previously the West African clade, are the primary classifications, with both clades further divided into subclades Ia, Ib, IIa and IIb. High risk was noted in other regions of the DRC, where the clade Ia variant is endemic, primarily infecting children. In the wider region, in Nigeria and other parts of West, Central, and East Africa, there is a moderate risk for both children and adults from clades I and II. Globally, a moderate risk persists around clade IIb, outbreaks of which mainly affect men who have sex with men. Four European countries — Spain (8,084 cases), France (4,272), the United Kingdom (3,952), and Germany (3,857) — rank among the ten nations with the highest cumulative case numbers from January 2022 to June 2024. 
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The problem is that Europeans can access vaccines Africans cannot. Europeans should be sending vaccines to Africa and in so doing they'd protect Africa and Europe.
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scribble-games · 2 years
Are agent 300 and 180 like the Azazel and Angel of the agency? 🙈
Sort of? 180 and Angel are roughly equivalent jobs-wise; 300 and Azazel aren't quite the same. DIABLO doesn't have as formal a structure as the IIA does.
Agent 300 is head of the Agency's 3-department (mission control and intelligence analysis) so he is in a very important position; he's probably the most powerful person in the agency behind the Director and any other direct leadership.
The way the DIABLO Council works is that everyone on the Council has a territory of their own. They keep an eye on organised crime within their territory; providing information/protection/resources to various gangs, groups and mafias in return for favours and profits. (these groups do not necessarily know that they're working for DIABLO or even who their 'patron' is) The Council members then pool money and resources together allowing them to keep up with intelligence on a global scale, in an alliance overseen by the leader of DIABLO, Lucifer. So Azazel is maybe like a cross between the Director and 300.
I was trying to do a bit of a parallel in the last few scenes of Aegis Project, where 180 talks about their mission with the Director and Angel talks about theirs with Azazel - even if you did really well the Director is just like 'I suppose you're barely adequate, now go do more work', but even if Angel didn't get the Aegis Azazel's like oh well nevermind!
Hope that made any sense!
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liverobinreaction · 2 years
yelling yelling yelling i really dont want to do any work today, god i hate environmental investment law so much
Bug i hear you say, you seem to spend an awful lot of your time complaining or actively avoiding doing work instead of getting on with it
To which i have only this to say: i would rather unironically read ASBAR and critically evaluate it as a canon piece of work than read another word about bilateral investment treaties and the WTO
Id work on Banshee or one of my other fics but god. There's nothing in my head rn. Nothing but goddamn IIAs and the knowledge that i have to do something bc there's a group discussion in an hour
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good-then-dont · 1 year
got tagged by @auds-and-evens to do this fandom tag game!! thaaank u <33333
name: iia
first fandom you became a part of? this is a toughy bc ive been hardcore obsessed w various things but never rlly IN fandoms. i'd say it's a toss-up between dan&phil and exo the kpop group when i was like 12
what was the first tv show fandom you joined: i lurked big time in shadowhunters but i didn't properly JOIN a fandom until iasip in 2017/18
how old were you? like 14/15
latest tv/movie fandom you became a part of? shameless! when i join a fandom it's my home for years. so i haven't been anywhere else since 2020 i fear
a tv/movie fandom you haven’t joined but like to creep on?: hmmmmm it's hard to say! prob none at the moment. i just hang out here in my corner of tumblr lol
your favorite fandom? in its prime? iasip 100000%. there was nothing like it. i got so many amazing friends from that fandom that i still talk to daily in a server even though it's been years and none of us are active in the fandom anymore. shoutout og sunny server i can't remember all your urls but i love u sm<33
the tv show that gives you the most brainrot? shameless rn<3
the fictional couple that gives you the most brainrot? can you guess.....
guilty pleasure fictional couple? idkkkk im not in any other fandoms !!!!! maybe macdennis even after all these years...
guilty pleasure tv show? glee. although its not even a guilty pleasure i just love it. also the kardashians...my s/o made me watch it once and now we watch all the new seasons. it's literally so stupid and brain destroying but they sure know how to make a tv show.
and finally, something that made you happy this week? getting tagged in a lot of these games!! feels so nice to be thought of :)<3
once again i'm a lil late to this so i'm sure everyone in this fandom and their moms have been tagged so ill just tag some buddies @cleardishwashers @meggiscat <3
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mcatmemoranda · 1 year
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Anticoagulation Pharmacy Lecture
Unfractionated heparin (UFH) work on factors Xa and IIa; it binds to and potentiates the action of antithrombin to facilitate inactivation of factors Xa and IIa. Monitor with activated prothrombin time (aPTT). VTE ppx: 5000 U SubQ q8. VTE tx: 80 U/kg bolus, then 18 U/kg/hr continuous infusion. Adverse effects: bleeding, thrombocytopenia, infusion reactions.
Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH) acts on factor Xa and thrombin a little bit. Works the same as UFH by binding antithrombin, which inhibits factor Xa. More predictable kinetics than UFH. Reversed with protamine. Grouped in with enoxaparin.
Enoxaparin for VTE ppx for pts >120 mg is 40 mg bid
Fondaparinux is a synthetic version of a piece of heparin, works to inhibit factor Xa, no effect on thrombin. Likely safe for pt with HIT. VTE ppx: 2.5 mg qd, unless pt is under 50 kg.
Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT) – platelet factor 4 released from platelets binds to heparin and antibodies form against that complex. This activates the plateletsà thrombocytopenia and increased coagulability. 4T score of 0-3 is less than 1% possibility that the pt has HIT. If 4T score is hight, send for SRA (Serotonin-Release Assay). You have to stop heparin and start a different anticoagulant if pt has HIT. Direct thrombin inhibitors are safe to use for AC in pts who have HIT. These are argatroban and bivalirudin. Monitor these with aPTT. There’s no reversal agent for these. These prevent and treat thrombosis in the setting of HIT or if pt doesn’t respond to heparin. Bivalirudin is cleared renally. Argatroban is cleared hepatically.
Oral Anticoagulation
Warfarin – works on factors 7, 9, 10, and 2. It inhibits vitamin K epoxide reductase complex 1. Bridge with heparin because it inhibits proteins C and S, which are anticoagulants. Start 5 mg x2 days then check INR. Can do 2.5 mg if <50 kg; 7.5 mg if >120 kg. Vitamin K or KCentra can reverse warfarin. Warfarin pills have different colors for each strength of warfarin.
INR goals:
Non-valvular AFib: 2-3
DVT/PE: 2-3
Mitral mechanical valve: 2.5-3.5
Coagulopathies: 2-3
Factor Xa inhibitors: apixaban, rivaroxaban, edoxaban – for non-valvular AFib; no monitoring required, safe to use in HIT; reversed with KCentra or Andexanet Alfa (rivaroxaban and apixaban).
Apixaban C/I in severe hepatic disease.
Xarelto should be taken at night with evening meal (or biggest meal of the day to increase absorption); C/I with dialysis (increases bleeding risk). Pts on Xarelto who need dialysis should be on apixaban instead. Apixaban causes less GI and intracranial bleeding.
Savaysa (edoxaban) C/I in pts with CrCl > 95 mL/min
Dabigatran – direct thrombin inhibitor; no monitoring required; safe to use in HIT; reverse with PraxBind (idarucizumab). Dabigatran is very expensive. Expires 6 weeks after bottle opened. Renal adjustment.
Apixaban has been studied in cancer pts.
DOACs for obese pts: conflicting evidence; some evidence of altered kinetics. Modest reduction in AUC in pts >120 kg. AUC reduction doesn’t appear to affect the efficacy of the drug.
Warfarin reversal:
KCentra (prothrombin complex concentrate) has all the factors affected by warfarin and proteins C and S. Dosing: 1500 units for intracranial bleed; 2000 units for DOAC reversal. KCentra is very prothrombotic and dangerous; can cause a thrombotic event. The pharmacy will call you if you order it. KCentra should only be used for emergency bleeding in the ED.
You always give vitamin K (phytonadione) with KCentra. KCentra is short-term benefit. Vitamin K provides long-term benefit. Works in 12-24 hours.
INR 4 to 10, no need to give vit K. If INR >10 and no bleeding – just give vit K. If major bleed, give 5-10 mg IV vitamin K and KCentra. If pt needs urgent procuder, give KCentra.
Vitamin K dosing: 1000 units for intracranial bleed.
Andexanet and KCentra reverse apixaban (Eliquis). Andexanet binds Xa inhibitors.
Bridging: use short acting AC while waiting for long-acting AC to take effect. Can use heparin. Bridge x4-5 days and until INR is therapeutic for 2 measurements.
Heparin needs to be held 4-6 hours prior to surgery, warfarin should be held 5 days prior to surgery.
Resume warfarin 12-24 hours after surgery.
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blubushie · 1 year
I HAVE MORE QUESTIONS. whats your favorite candy? do you like steaks? how do you like steaks? dont say rare. no one likes them rare. what do you get at starbucks? do they even HAVE starbucks in australia? whats your favorite show? whats your favorite movie? whats your favorite song? what music do you like to listen to? can you dance? can you SING? whats your favorite model of car? dont say whatever it is sniper drives.
Bring on the questions!
What's your favourite lolly?
For lollies, I'd kill for sour gummy worms. As a nipper I loved Hershey's chocolate so much that I named my childhood dog Hershey. My favourite chocolate is peanut butter cups.
Do you like steaks? How do you like steaks? Don't say rare. No one likes them rare.
Get fucked, I like mine rare. I want that cunt so rare it's mooing. (Really, though, I do like my steaks rare.)
What do you get at Starbucks? Do they even HAVE Starbucks in Australia?
We do! It's always either the chocolate croissant or the bacon, egg, and cheese brekkie roll. I don't eat out much lmao
What's your favourite show?
Right now it's 1923 (Spencer Dutton my beloved) but since we're between seasons I'd say The Mandalorian. I don't watch much TV and that's the only two shows currently airing that I can name lmao. My dad's the one what got me into 1923 because he knows I love stockman shit and then he found out Spencer is a bit of a bushie like me and he buzzed me going "BLU THERE'S A NEW SHOW ON! YEAH IT'S A SPIN-OFF OF YELLOWSTONE! YEAH THERE'S A HANDSOME MAN ON THERE AND I KNOW YOU LIKE MEN BECAUSE YOU'RE A LITTLE FA-"
What's your favourite movie?
Bugger me. Growing up it was Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron because I was that weird kid obsessed with horses. (I still love horses.) Now? It's still probably Spirit. And Prince of Egypt. For comedy it's Crocodile Dundee 1 or 2 (my favourite it 2 and we don't talk about 3).
What's your favourite song? What music do you like to listen to?
I'm a sucker for Australian country (Slim Dusty), bush ballads (also Slim Dusty), and folk songs (again, Slim Dusty). Lately I've been singing Moreton Bay when I'm working, or Fields of Athenry. That said I also like rock and old (40s-80s) American country (Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash, George Jones, etc). There's almost some traditional pop (Tom Jones, Frank Sinatra). I like most stuff 80s and older, I suppose. As for my favourite song, normally I'd say Waltzing Matilda but that's a mite cliché innit so fuck you I'm not saying Waltzing Matilda. Letter from Down Under makes my eyes water so let's go with that. For a "modern" song, I've had Dear Rodeo stuck in my head for the past few days.
The one that always picks my spirits up is Down Under, of course.
Can you dance?
I have all the swagger of an emu on roller skates. I can slow dance (cheers Mum) but I have zero dancing ability outside of that.
Can you SING?
Yeah, when I was in high school in the states I actually performed at Carnegie Hall in New York with Eric Whitacre and the rest of my choir group. I met a famous composer so that's my claim to fame. My favourite we performed was The Seal Lullaby. I'm a tenor when I sing but on rare occasions I can sing countertenor when needed. My chest voice is baritone.
What's your favourite model of car? Don't say whatever it is Sniper drives.
Get fucked, it's a 1965 Land Rover Series IIA. Not really. It's a 1957 Cadillac Eldorado Brougham.
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If I could though I would 100% buy a 1965 Land Rover Series IIA ute-type. Actually I'd prefer the II model instead of the IIA because I like how the horn on the II model branches off of the steering column like windscreen wipers on a modern car. Gives it a neat look.
(Also Land Rovers are fucking invincible.)
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jordanandegypt · 6 days
Exploring Amman
September 14, 2024
Today the 8 of us under the leadership of our of fine trip leader, Nader, set out to discover Amman, a city of 5 million people that has been constantly inhabited for the last 10,000 years.  No easy task - but luckily we had all day.  So much to learn, to understand and to explore.   Of course I’m being facitious as it would take years to just study of history of this city - but we will try to get what we can with the time we have.
Amman is a city of hills - 7 to be exact.  Amman, Jordan is the world’s oldest constantly inhabited city, and if historical records are anything to go by, there have been people living in the region since 7250 BCE.  We drove around a tiny bit of this huge city and headed to the Citadel.  WOWZA!!   Most of the structures still visible at the site are from the Roman, Byzantine, and Umayyad periods.  The major remains at the site are the Temple of Hercules, a Byzantine church, and the Umayyad Palace.  
Behold the Roman Temple of Hercules.
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I’m not going to lie here - I never heard of the Umayyad period - so it took some time for me to put this into my brain.
From Britannica:
Umayyad dynasty, (661–750) First great Muslim dynasty. It was founded by Muʿāwiyah I, who triumphed over the Prophet Muhammad’s son-in-law, ʿAlī, to become the fifth caliph. He moved the capital from Medina to Damascus and used the Syrian army to extend the Arab empire. The Umayyads’ greatest period was under Abd al-Malik (r. 685–705), when their empire extended from Spain to Central Asia and India. Their decline began with a defeat by the Byzantine Empire in 717
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The roof is new - really new 1998!
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The Byzantine church
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As we have witnessed around the world, the conquering group destroys the conquered's most sacred building and rebuilds atop the ruins.  Nothing new here and we could see the different “level” in the work that is on-going on the Citadel.  Most of of the damage that we saw on The Citadel was from a major earthquake in 749 CE.
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The Citadel has a wonderful very small museum and I enjoyed it greatly.  The following info is really for me - because this museum laid out by “ages.”  It was no surprise to see lots of artifacts from every “age."
These are the archaeological ages generally cited, particularly as they pertain to human history in the Middle/Near East:
Stone Age—2,000,000 to 3300 b.c.e.
Palaeolithic—2,000,000 to 10,000
Neolithic—10,000 to 5000
Chalcolithic/Copper Age—5000 to 3300
Bronze Age—3300 to 1200 b.c.e.
Early Bronze—3300 to 2200
Middle Bronze—2200 to 1550
Late Bronze—1550 to 1200
Iron Age—1200 to 586 b.c.e.
Iron i—1200 to 1000
Iron iia—1000 to 925
Iron iib—925 to 586
As I mentioned people have been in this area a VERY long time.
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This little guy is from 6500 BCE!
BUT before I go on it is necessary for us to understand the following terms and how these “terms" plays into the history of Jordan.
The Lavent - literally meaning the lands east of the Mediterranean Sea - including Crypus.  Dark green in the picture below.
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The Fertile Crescent
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The Ottoman Empire
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OK - so what is up with the maps?  All of these maps are the land mass “Jordan” but the country of Jordan with its current day borders are new -  1946.
I lifted the info below from Wiki and I’m leaving in some of the links.  The reason I added this is to give you an idea of the long and complex history of this region.
Modern-day Jordan has been inhabited by humans since the Paleolithic period. Three kingdoms emerged in Transjordan at the end of the Bronze Age: Ammon, Moab and Edom. In the third century BC, the Arab Nabataeans established their kingdom centered in Petra. Later rulers of the Transjordan region include the Assyrian, Babylonian, Roman, Byzantine, Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, and the Ottoman empires. After the 1916 Great Arab Revolt against the Ottomans during World War I, the Greater Syria region was partitioned, leading to the establishment of the Emirate of Transjordan in 1921, which became a British protectorate. In 1946, the country gained independence and became officially known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The entire concept of “nationalism” is also new.  Prior to the establishment of “borders” - something the people in the region had little to do with - there was no such things as a “Jordanian.”  Nader told us that while his generation embraces being “Jordanian” his grandparents had no such belief.  
The Flag
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The flag explained: 
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Remember the official name is The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - but the “region” that became Jordan was part of several caliphates over the years.  More maps…
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The flag honors the history of the “Jordanians”. The 7 pointed star is for the 7 hills of Ammon and the 7 verses of Al-Fatah - the first chapter of the Quran.  Nad told us the verses and their meaning and it is about being a good human, humble, serving others  and asking for God’s guidance.  (Of course that is my take away and I mean no disrespect if I have left out things.)
So - on to the next thing - lunch.
We were welcomed with a small cup of coffee with cardamon  - delicious.
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Then lots of bread and dips.  The hummus is out of this world!!!
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We finished with barbecued lamb, chicken and kabobs.
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Next we headed back to the hotel for some down time.  On the way we talked about water.  It is scare and very expensive.  All the buildings have water tanks.
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The water tanks are filled by the city/region/municipalities on a certain schedule - usually one week, but where Nad lives it is every 3 weeks.  The tanks are metered and depending on the area and height of the building an additional water pump might be necessary to get the water to the tanks.  The plumbing for the water fill is internal. Water pressure remains a problem that prohibits the water from being free flowing. Water charges vary depending on usage and sometimes it is necessary to buy water from a water truck at a much higher rate.  The amount of tanks you get depends on the size of the family living in the home.  In Michigan, we take unlimited access of clean water for granted - no doubt -  and being in a region where water is so limited makes me appreciate that luxury.
Mark and I opted for naps during our downtime and then a short walk to around the hotel grounds and pool.  
At 18:00 we headed down to old town to experience the market and do a little people watching.  LOVE IT!
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My conclusion:  Lots of smokers!!  Nad told us about 25% of women smoke and 50% of men.  I never saw a woman smoking during our walk.  Smoking - FYI - is allowed in restaurants!  🤮.   Variations on clothing range from supper conservative - to western ware but still quite modest.  We saw woman wearing niqab, chador and hijab head coverings - but most often it was the hijab.  
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They come in lots of beautiful colors and prints.  We also saw plenty of women wearing no head covering.  
Men - just looked like men, wearing whatever they wished although we did see a few men wearing a Thobe.
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All were shopping and seemingly enjoying theirselves. Again - I see we have more alike than different
We saw a Mosque that has been in use for centuries and we were lucky enough to be standing right in front of it as call to prayer was announced.
We finished the evening in a little restaurant that specialized in falafel.  Let me just say YUM - and although I can’t have any of the bread options, I am not going hungry and trying to deal with my hatred toward my fellow travelers who are mopping up all the wonderful side dishes with their wonderfully smelling bread. (Just kidding - kinda)
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I’m not sure when we got home - but we were tired.  I did some research of things I had experienced during the day - then went to bed.  Our first full day in Jordan was spectacular!!
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adoctorx · 1 month
DOACs are a newer class of anticoagulants that are more targeted and work faster than traditional options. They also don’t require frequent monitoring and have fewer dietary restrictions. Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) are a group of medications doctors prescribe to prevent and treat blood clots. They inhibit specific factors in the blood coagulation process, reducing the risk of clot formation. Doctors often prescribe them to treat and prevent conditions such as atrial fibrillation, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism. Unlike traditional anticoagulants like warfarin, DOACs do not require frequent blood monitoring and have fewer dietary restrictions. Read on to learn more about DOACs, including how they work, possible side effects, and considerations for their use. DOACs vs. NOACs Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) and novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs) are terms used interchangeably to describe newer blood-thinning medications that inhibit specific factors in the blood clotting process. The main difference lies in the terminology, but both terms refer to the same group of medications. “DOACs” is the preferred term to emphasize their direct action on clotting factors, while “NOACs” highlights their novel introduction compared to older therapies. How do direct oral anticoagulants work? DOACs work by inhibiting specific proteins in the blood clotting process. Unlike traditional anticoagulants like warfarin, which act on multiple pathways, DOACs directly target either factor Xa or thrombin (factor IIa). Factor Xa is an enzyme that converts prothrombin to thrombin, which is essential for clot formation. Thrombin then converts fibrinogen to fibrin, forming the clot. By inhibiting these proteins, DOACs effectively prevent blood clot formation. This lowers the risk of stroke and other clot-related conditions such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism. Who should take direct oral anticoagulants? Doctors often prescribe DOACs for the following conditions: atrial fibrillation (AFib) DVT pulmonary embolism DOACs help prevent stroke in people with AFib and manage or prevent the recurrence of DVT and pulmonary embolism. Doctors may also prescribe DOACs after surgeries, such as hip or knee replacements, to prevent clots from forming. It’s important to talk with a healthcare professional to get personalized medical advice on whether DOACs are suitable for you. What are examples of direct oral anticoagulants? Common examples of direct oral anticoagulants include: Dabigatran (Pradaxa): Pradaxa inhibits thrombin. It’s a capsule with a typical dosage of 150 milligrams (mg) twice daily. Doctors prescribe it for stroke prevention in people with AFib and to treat and prevent DVT and pulmonary embolism. Rivaroxaban (Xarelto): Xarelto inhibits factor Xa. It’s available in tablet form with a dosage of 10 to 20 mg once daily. Doctors prescribe it to reduce the risk of stroke in AFib, treat and prevent DVT and pulmonary embolism, and prevent clots after surgery. Apixaban (Eliquis): Eliquis targets factor Xa and comes in 2.5 mg and 5 mg tablets with varying dosages. It helps prevent stroke in people with AFib, treats and prevents DVT and pulmonary embolism, and prevents DVT after hip or knee replacement surgery. Edoxaban (Savaysa): Savaysa also targets factor Xa. It’s available as a tablet, which doctors typically prescribe at a dosage of 60 mg once daily. It can help prevent stroke in people with AFib and treat DVT and pulmonary embolism after initial anticoagulant use. What are the benefits of direct oral anticoagulants? DOACs have several benefits over traditional anticoagulants. These include: No routine monitoring: Unlike warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven), DOACs do not require regular blood testing to monitor their effectiveness. Fewer dietary restrictions: People taking DOACs do not need to adhere to strict dietary restrictions. Predictable pharmacokinetics: DOACs have predictable responses, making dosing simpler.
Rapid onset and offset: DOACs act quickly, providing rapid anticoagulation. Their effects also diminish faster when you stop taking the medication. Reduced drug interactions: DOACs interact less with other medications than warfarin. What are the risks or side effects of direct oral anticoagulants? While DOACs are generally well-tolerated, they are not without risks. As with all anticoagulants, there’s a risk of bleeding, including serious bleeding events such as gastrointestinal bleeding and intracranial hemorrhage. Some people may also experience stomach upset or indigestion. Do direct oral anticoagulants interact with other medications? DOACs can interact with other medications, increasing the risk of bleeding or reducing their effectiveness. These medications include: Antiplatelet drugs: Combining DOACs with medications like aspirin can increase bleeding risk. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): These can also increase the likelihood of gastrointestinal bleeding. Certain antibiotics and antifungals: Medications like clarithromycin or ketoconazole can alter the levels of DOACs in the blood. To avoid potential interactions, it’s crucial to inform a healthcare professional of all medications and supplements you are taking. Who should not take direct oral anticoagulants? Certain people should avoid direct oral anticoagulants: People with severe kidney disease: Since the kidneys clear DOACs, severe impairment can lead to accumulation and increased bleeding risk. People with mechanical heart valves: DOACs are not approved for people with mechanical heart valves as there’s not enough research to suggest they’re effective. Active bleeding: Anyone experiencing significant bleeding should not take DOACs. Frequently asked questions Is warfarin a direct oral anticoagulant? No, warfarin is not a DOAC. It’s a vitamin K antagonist, an older type of anticoagulant that requires regular blood monitoring and dietary restrictions. Is heparin a direct oral anticoagulant? No, heparin is not a DOAC. It’s an injectable anticoagulant used in hospitals to prevent and treat blood clots. Takeaway DOACs effectively prevent and treat blood clots by inhibiting specific clotting factors. Doctors prescribe them for people with conditions like AFib, DVT, and pulmonary embolism. DOACs offer several benefits, including no routine blood monitoring and fewer dietary restrictions. However, they’re not suitable for everyone and have some risks, such as bleeding and kidney function impairment. Here's a sample FAQ ⁤section optimized⁤ for SEO and formatted in HTML based on an article about Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs): ```html Frequently Asked ​Questions About Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs) What are Direct Oral⁣ Anticoagulants (DOACs)? Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs) are⁤ a class of medication that help prevent ⁤blood clots.​ They work by directly inhibiting specific clotting factors in the blood. How do DOACs work? DOACs ‍work by targeting and inhibiting Factor‍ Xa⁣ or thrombin, which are key proteins in the coagulation process. This action ⁤prevents⁢ the formation of clots. What are some examples of DOACs? Examples of DOACs include dabigatran (Pradaxa), rivaroxaban (Xarelto), apixaban (Eliquis), and edoxaban (Savaysa). Why ‍are DOACs prescribed? DOACs⁤ are prescribed to prevent and treat various types of blood‍ clots, such as deep ‌vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE), and to prevent stroke in‌ individuals with atrial fibrillation. What are the benefits of using DOACs over older anticoagulants? DOACs offer⁤ benefits over older anticoagulants like warfarin because they have fewer dietary restrictions, do ⁤not require frequent blood monitoring, ‍and have fewer interactions with other medications. Are there any side effects of DOACs? Common side effects of DOACs include‍ bleeding, ⁢nausea, and anemia. It's important to discuss any concerns with your healthcare⁤ provider.
How should⁣ DOACs be taken? DOACs are usually taken once⁢ or twice ​a day, with or ⁢without food depending on the medication. Follow your healthcare provider's instructions regarding dosage⁣ and timing. Can DOACs be used by everyone? Not⁢ everyone can take DOACs. Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as significant kidney or liver impairment,⁤ or those with active bleeding disorders, may not be suitable candidates for these​ medications. What should I do if I miss a dose‌ of a DOAC? If you miss a dose of a DOAC,⁢ take it as soon as you remember. If it's close to your next dose, skip the missed dose and resume your normal schedule. Do not double up doses to⁢ catch up. Can DOACs be stopped abruptly? Do not stop taking DOACs without consulting⁢ your healthcare provider, as suddenly‌ stopping can increase the risk of clot formation. Always follow your healthcare‍ provider's guidance. ``` This HTML structure not only makes it easier for search engines to parse the content but also provides clear, ​concise, and direct answers for users.
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Tangis Haru Warnai Suasana Family Support Group Di Lapas Kerobokan
Kerobokan, INFO_PAS – Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) Kelas IIA Kerobokan menggelar kegiatan Family Support Group (FSG) melalui layanan kunjungan khusus bagi warga binaan peserta Rehabilitasi Sosial (Residen). Dengan mengusung tema “Keluarga Sebagai Sumber Pemulihan NAPZA”, keluarga hadir secara langsung dalam kegiatan ini untuk memberikan dukungan sekaligus melihat bagaimana capaian keberhasilan…
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theleadersglobe · 2 months
Astronomers Discover ‘Vampire’ Star’s Secret in Stellar Cluster M67
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Astronomers from the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) have made an extraordinary discovery. They identified a vampire star in the star cluster M67, located in the constellation Cancer. This discovery, using data from the UltraViolet Imaging Telescope on board AstroSat, India’s first dedicated space observatory, marks a significant advancement in astrophysical research.
The vampire star, named WOCS 9005, is rejuvenating by siphoning material from a companion star. This process, known as mass transfer in a binary system, rejuvenates the star, making it appear younger than its age. The star cluster M67, which is a loosely gravitationally bound grouping of over 500 stars, provided the perfect environment for such a discovery.
Read More: (https://theleadersglobe.com/science-technology/astronomers-discover-vampire-stars-secret-in-stellar-cluster-m67/)
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vkdevan2020 · 3 months
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madhu0703 · 5 months
Best TNPSC Coaching Center in Coimbatore|Dheeran IAS Academy
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DHEERAN IAS ACADEMY is the best institute for TNPSC coaching in Coimbatore | TNPSC Group I,II,IIA,IV,VAO |Classes available Both Online & Offline
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delveinsight12 · 5 months
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market Report 2032: Epidemiology Data, Pipeline Therapies, Latest FDA, EMA, PDMA Approvals by DelveInsight | FibroGen, Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, United Therapeutics, Boehringer Ingelheim, Pliant Therapeutics, Inc., Galecto Biotech, Horizon Therapeutics, CSL Behring, Kadmon Corporation, MediciNova, PureTech, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Nitto Denko Corporation, Vicore Pharma AB
DelveInsight’s “Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market Insights, Epidemiology, and Market Forecast-2032″ report offers an in-depth understanding of the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, historical and forecasted epidemiology as well as the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis market trends in the United States, EU4 (Germany, Spain, Italy, France) the United Kingdom and Japan.
To Know in detail about the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis market outlook, drug uptake, treatment scenario and epidemiology trends, Click here; Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market Forecast
Recent Advancements in the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market:
In May 2023, Kinarus Therapeutics disclosed the execution of a strategic convertible loan agreement with ChaoDian (Hangzhou) Investment Management Co., Ltd. ("CDIM"), an investment firm based in Hangzhou City, China, for a CHF 1.5 million investment. This agreement lays the groundwork for discussions regarding the introduction, development, and commercialization of KIN001 for treating Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) in China. CDIM was introduced to Kinarus through Great Health Companion Group Ltd (GHCG), a subsidiary of Hakim Unique Group.
In April 2023, AGC Biologics announced the signing of a service agreement with The Jikei University in Japan. This agreement entails AGC Biologics undertaking a technology transfer and feasibility study for a drug product targeting the treatment of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) at the CDMO's Cell and Gene Excellence center in Milan.
In February 2023, Insilico Medicine revealed that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted Orphan Drug Designation to INS018_055 for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) treatment.
In February 2023, Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals Inc. announced the dosing of the first subjects in a Phase I/IIa clinical trial of ARO-MMP7, the company's investigational RNA interference (RNAi) therapeutic intended to reduce the expression of matrix metalloproteinase 7 (MMP7) as a potential treatment for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF).
In February 2023, Daewoong Pharmaceutical of South Korea secured an exclusive licensing agreement with CS Pharmaceuticals for Bersiporocin, a first-in-class PRS inhibitor, in the Greater China region, including mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau. This agreement enables CSP to license Bersiporocin for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) and potentially other fibrotic indications for a total consideration of up to $336 million, including up to $76 million in upfront and development milestone payments and double-digit royalties on Net Sales.
In January 2023, Insilico Medicine reported positive topline results of safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics (PK) from the Phase 1 clinical trial of INS018_055, a potential first-in-class drug discovered by Insilico's end-to-end AI platform for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF).
In January 2023, Pliant Therapeutics unveiled 12-week interim data from the 320 mg dose group of INTEGRIS-IPF, a multinational, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase 2a clinical trial of bexotegrast (PLN-74809) in patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF).
In December 2022, Vallon Pharmaceuticals announced the execution of a definitive agreement ("Merger Agreement") wherein GRI Bio would merge with a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vallon in an all-stock transaction ("Merger"). The combined entity is set to concentrate on advancing GRI Bio's innovative pipeline of NKT cell regulators for treating inflammatory, fibrotic, and autoimmune diseases. Post-merger, the combined company is anticipated to operate under the name "GRI Bio, Inc."
In July 2021, FibroGen revealed that FG-3019, their human monoclonal antibody targeting connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), had received Orphan Drug Designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) treatment.
In June 2021, Redx Pharma announced the initiation of Phase I clinical trials for RXC007, an investigational oral therapy for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and other fibrotic or scarring-related conditions, with the dosing of the first healthy volunteer.
In May 2021, ImmunoMet Therapeutics disclosed that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had granted fast track status to IM156, a prospective treatment for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF).
In March 2021, MyMD Pharmaceuticals reported promising efficacy of their lead candidate, MYMD-1, in targeting the underlying causes of inflammation in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), along with its potential for treating various autoimmune and age-related disorders.
Some of the key facts of the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market Report: 
The Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis market size is anticipated to grow with a significant CAGR during the study period (2019-2032).
The Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis market size in seven major markets was USD 3,167 million in 2021
The total Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis diagnosed prevalent cases in the 7MM was 194,878 cases in 2021 which is expected to rise, at a CAGR of 1.1% during the study period (2019–2032).
The expected launch of potential therapies may increase the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis market size in the coming years, assisted by an increase in the diagnosed prevalent population of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.
Upcoming Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis therapies such as Pamrevlumab, PRM-151 (pentraxin-2, RG6354), Tyvaso (treprostinil), BI 1015550, and others has the potential to create a significant positive shift in the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis market size.
The United States accounts for the largest Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis market size, with approximately USD 2,321 million in 2021 and is expected to increase by 2032 at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 6.3% for the study period (2019–2032).
The total Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market Size in the EU-5 was USD 693 million in 2021, which is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 7.8%.
Japan accounted for USD 153 million market share in 2021 i.e. 5% of the total Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market Size in the 7MM.
Key Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Companies: FibroGen, Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, United Therapeutics, Boehringer Ingelheim, Pliant Therapeutics, Inc., Galecto Biotech, Horizon Therapeutics, CSL Behring, Kadmon Corporation, MediciNova, PureTech, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Nitto Denko Corporation, Vicore Pharma AB, and others
Key Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapies: ESBRIET (Pirfenidone), OFEV (Nintedanib), Pamrevlumab, PRM-151 (RG6354), Tyvaso (inhaled treprostinil), and others
The total Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis diagnosed prevalent cases in the 7MM was 194,878 cases in 2021 which is expected to rise, at a CAGR of 1.1% during the study period (2019–2032).
The highest Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis diagnosed prevalent cases was accounted for by the US in 2021, with 94,736 cases in the 7MM, which is expected to show a steep rise soon due to the improvement in diagnostic testing and increasing population.
Among the European countries, Germany had the highest diagnosed prevalent population of IPF with 20,774 cases, followed by the UK with 15,760 cases in 2021. On the other hand, Spain had the lowest diagnosed prevalent population.
In the epidemiology model of DelveInsight, we have considered four age groups for the categorization of IPF i.e. 18–39 years, 40–59 years, 60–79 years, and >80 years. As per our analysis, the highest percentage of diagnosed prevalent cases was observed in age group 60–79, in all the 7MM countries.
As per DelveInsight’s analysis, the males are predominantly affected more highly with IPF than females. In 2021, there were 121,389 males and 73,488 females affected by IPF in the 7MM.
Japan accounted for 21,246 cases of total diagnosed prevalent cases of IPF in 2021 which are anticipated to rise by the end of 2032.
The Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis market is expected to surge due to the disease's increasing prevalence and awareness during the forecast period. Furthermore, launching various multiple-stage Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis pipeline products will significantly revolutionize the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis market dynamics.
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Overview
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic lung condition marked by the thickening, stiffening, and scarring (fibrosis) of lung tissue, leading to progressive lung disease and shortness of breath. It is categorized as a type of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, a group of lung disorders causing similar lung damage of unknown origin, also referred to as diffuse parenchymal lung diseases.
The primary symptom of IPF is breathlessness, particularly evident during physical exertion such as exercise. The exact cause of IPF remains unclear, with both familial and sporadic occurrences observed. Various factors, including immunological, environmental, and genetic elements, are believed to contribute to its development.
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Epidemiology
The epidemiology section provides insights into the historical, current, and forecasted epidemiology trends in the seven major countries (7MM) from 2019 to 2032. It helps to recognize the causes of current and forecasted trends by exploring numerous studies and views of key opinion leaders. The epidemiology section also provides a detailed analysis of the diagnosed patient pool and future trends.
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Epidemiology Segmentation:
The Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis market report proffers epidemiological analysis for the study period 2019–2032 in the 7MM segmented into:
Total Prevalence of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Prevalent Cases of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis by severity
Gender-specific Prevalence of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Diagnosed Cases of Episodic and Chronic Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Download the report to understand which factors are driving Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis epidemiology trends @ Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Epidemiology Forecast
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Drugs Uptake and Pipeline Development Activities
The drugs uptake section focuses on the rate of uptake of the potential drugs recently launched in the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis market or expected to get launched during the study period. The analysis covers Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis market uptake by drugs, patient uptake by therapies, and sales of each drug. 
Moreover, the therapeutics assessment section helps understand the drugs with the most rapid uptake and the reasons behind the maximal use of the drugs. Additionally, it compares the drugs based on market share.
The report also covers the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Pipeline Development Activities. It provides valuable insights about different therapeutic candidates in various stages and the key companies involved in developing targeted therapeutics. It also analyzes recent developments such as collaborations, acquisitions, mergers, licensing patent details, and other information for emerging therapies.
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapies
ESBRIET (Pirfenidone)
OFEV (Nintedanib)
PRM-151 (RG6354)
Tyvaso (inhaled treprostinil)
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Key Companies
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
United Therapeutics
Boehringer Ingelheim
Pliant Therapeutics, Inc.
Galecto Biotech
Horizon Therapeutics
CSL Behring
Kadmon Corporation
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Nitto Denko Corporation
Vicore Pharma AB
Discover more about therapies set to grab major Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis market share @ Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Treatment Landscape 
Scope of the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market Report
Study Period: 2019–2032
Coverage: 7MM [The United States, EU5 (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom), and Japan]
Key Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Companies: FibroGen, Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, United Therapeutics, Boehringer Ingelheim, Pliant Therapeutics, Inc., Galecto Biotech, Horizon Therapeutics, CSL Behring, Kadmon Corporation, MediciNova, PureTech, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Nitto Denko Corporation, Vicore Pharma AB, and others
Key Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapies: ESBRIET (Pirfenidone), OFEV (Nintedanib), Pamrevlumab, PRM-151 (RG6354), Tyvaso (inhaled treprostinil), and others
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapeutic Assessment: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis current marketed and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis emerging therapies
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market Dynamics: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis market drivers and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis market barriers 
Competitive Intelligence Analysis: SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis, Porter’s five forces, BCG Matrix, Market entry strategies
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Unmet Needs, KOL’s views, Analyst’s views, Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market Access and Reimbursement 
To know more about Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis companies working in the treatment market, visit @ Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Clinical Trials and Therapeutic Assessment
Table of Contents 
1. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market Report Introduction
2. Executive Summary for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
3. SWOT analysis of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
4. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Patient Share (%) Overview at a Glance
5. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market Overview at a Glance
6. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Disease Background and Overview
7. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Epidemiology and Patient Population
8. Country-Specific Patient Population of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis 
9. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Current Treatment and Medical Practices
10. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Unmet Needs
11. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Emerging Therapies
12. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market Outlook
13. Country-Wise Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market Analysis (2019–2032)
14. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market Access and Reimbursement of Therapies
15. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market Drivers
16. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Market Barriers
17.  Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Appendix
18. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Report Methodology
19. DelveInsight Capabilities
20. Disclaimer
21. About DelveInsight
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Kritika Rehani
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obcrightsseo · 7 months
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omcmedicalblog · 8 months
Labelling Requirements – Swiss Authorized Representative
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Written, printed, or graphic information appears either on the device itself or on the packaging of each unit or the packaging of multiple devices (Art. 2 point 13 MDR). Timeline for Information on Indication of CH-REP “on the device” or “in the accompanying document.”
The provision for indication of CH-REP comes into effect on 26 May 2021 and is timeline based, applicable to devices of all classes (Class I, IIa, IIb, III).
For imported devices, the CH-REP should be indicated according to the below table:Device ClassCH-REP Symbol / Indication to be placed onClass I MDR DeviceWith effect from 26 May 2021 Until 31-Jul-2023Where: Either on the label (or) On the Document accompanying the device After 31-Jul-2023Where: On the labelClass IIa, IIb, III MDR DevicesWith effect from 26 May 2021 Where: On the labelMDD/AIMDD Devices with EU/EEA manufacturer or EC-REPWith effect from 26 May 2021 Where:MDD – On label (or) Instructions for Use (or) In Document accompanying the device   AIMDD – On sales packaging (and) Instructions for Use (or) In Document accompanying the deviceMDD/AIMDD Devices without EU/EEA manufacturer or EC-REPWith effect from 26 May 2021 Where:MDD – On label (or) Instructions for Use   AIMDD – On sales packaging (and) Instructions for Use
“CH-REP” Symbol
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Representation / Usage of the “CH-REP” Symbol on the Device packaging
The name of the Swiss AR must be available on the product label.
The Name and Address of the Authorised Representative (AR) must appear adjacent to the symbol.
The mentioned Address must enable provision to contact the Swiss AR with sufficient contact details.
The symbol’s size and name are not defined; however, they must be adequately visible to the naked eye.
Symbols to Use
Where symbols are used, they must confirm to the harmonised standards. Swiss medic rule allows the sole use of the symbol without any description of the symbol explained in the product documentation enclosed.
Other CH-REP Representation(s)
Instead of the symbol, Swiss medic also permits the indication as stated below:
“CH-Authorised Representative”
“Authorised Representative for Switzerland”
Rules for Manufacturers from EU/EEA
Manufacturers placed in the EU/EEA also fall under this obligation to appoint their Swiss AR (called CH-REP or Swiss Rep or SAR). It is least expected that a single CH-REP is appointed for devices that belong to the same medical device group or family.
Source Reference Links
MedDO Ordinance – Swiss MedDO 812.213
MedDO Article 51 – Obligations of Swiss AR
MedDO Article 104a – Timeline to Appoint AR
Swiss Medical Device Labelling Requirements – Chapter III of Annex I to EU-MDR 2017/745
Originally Published at: https://omcmedical.com/labelling-requirements-swiss-authorized-representative/
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