#gotta love reina's chaotic ass
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bunnithechubs · 3 months ago
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don't worry reina's dad is blocked on her socials because she's that out of pocket.
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fairytellerxo · 6 years ago
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AN: A drabble where Angel sends Yolihuani off to her first day of kindergarten and finds himself in a situation.
                       Chaotic Melodies Drabble #5
“She’s too young.” Angel Reyes shook his head as he stood outside of the SUV and looked at Noemi carefully. “We can’t send her off to kindergarten. I’ll homeschool her on the days I got her. I’m smart and I’m sure I can get EZ on board with helping me homeschool her.”
Noemi shook her head slowly before she looked at her daughter. “It’s fine, she’ll be fine Angel. She’s been excited about today all summer. She needs to socialize with kids and make friends. She needs to be a kid. I’m gonna miss her just as much as you’re gonna miss her.”
He shook his head again before pulling open the SUV's door and looking at his daughter. “Mamas, do you really wanna go to school?”
“Yes!” Yolihuani grinned at the man before moving towards him and holding out her backpack. “Mom put my name on my backpack daddy. See? Yolihuani Reyes. That’s me, okay?”
“I know who you are, I was there when you were born.” He chuckled before helping her out of the SUV and dropping down to her level. “Do you really wanna go to school? I mean, I can teach you all the shit that I know and I’m sure EZ will be able to teach you a whole lot more shit.”
She giggled as she hugged her dad tightly. “I wanna go to school. I wanna get another best friend and I wanna have recess.”
He sighed as he looked at her. “Another best friend? Who’s your first best friend babe?”
“You.” She rubbed his cheeks before looking at her mom. “He is clueless just like you said.”
Noemi chuckled as she nodded slowly. “Come on, let’s walk her to class. You’ll meet her teacher and it’ll ease your nerves a bit, Angel. I met her when I enrolled her, she’s super nice. Her name is Miss Reina. She’s a latina, so she’ll get to be a bit bilingual.”
He righted himself, scooping his daughter up before handing Noemi the backpack. “I love you, if you meet any mean kids, call me okay?”
“I don’t have a phone.” She shook her head slowly. “But, I’ll figure out how to call you!”
“Take my extra phone.” He fished it out of his pocket before placing it in the backpack. “I put my number in it, says dad. D-A-D. You know that one right mamas?”
Noemi shook her head as they came to a stop at the classroom. “I know that she’ll do fine. Don’t make her nervous Angel. We’ll be back at twelve to get you and take you to lunch. Think you can last four hours without us babe?”
“Maybe.” Yolihuani reached for her mom and smiled when she accepted her into her arms. “Can Adelita come to lunch too?”
“If she wants to, she can join us.” She kissed her daughter’s head before setting her to her feet. “Your dad will have to invite her. Okay, you’re gonna go in there and you’re gonna have the most fun and learn a whole lot of stuff. You’re gonna make some friends. If you get sad, tell the teacher and she’ll call me. Okay? I love you so much.” She hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek. “You got this. You’re my big girl.”
Angel nodded. “You’re my baby girl.” He shrugged before passing the backpack to his daughter. “I’ll ask Lita but I’m not sure if she’ll make it today, she has a busy schedule. How are you gonna pick her up at twelve and have lunch? Aren’t you supposed to be at the high school right now? Teaching. Doing your job?”
Noemi shook her head and held up a single finger before pulling open the door and watching Yolihuani disappear inside. “Angel, I’ve been telling you for months that I stopped teaching at the high school so I’d have a better schedule when she started school. I am looking for a new position.”
“You quit your whole ass job?” He gawked at her and shook his head. “That is so irresponsible. I cannot believe this shit. I cannot believe how much more responsible I am than you are right now.”
She slapped the back of his head and growled slightly. “Angel, it is not the time to compare us because you are the irresponsible one. I’ve got money to fall back on Angel. I will fight you in this parking lot right now.” She smiled at him and shrugged. “Adelita is not welcome to attend lunch today. This is something I wanna share with the two of us, our kid is five, she’s in kindergarten and she’s out of this world.”
Angel rubbed the back of his head and nodded. “I know, I wasn’t gonna invite her. I know how you get with Adelita. You turn into a jealous high school brat who wants to throw hands.”
“No, she’s not your wife and she’s not my kid’s stepmother so she doesn’t need to be included in Yoli’s firsts. I told you this on her first birthday when you invited her to the party.” She glared at him. “Don’t make me have to get a lawyer Angel, Just respect what I say.”
“I am not arguing with you about this again.” He shrugged. “Go on, go be unemployed. I got shit to do.”
She shook her head again. “Go, be a criminal.” She climbed into her SUV. “God, you need to disappear.”
Angel sat on his bike, his eyes watching the class carefully. His mind was too worried to stray further than the parking lot of the school. He wasn’t ready to leave Yolihuani, even though he could see that she was safe and that she was having fun. He had noticed a little boy that seemed to like her and that made him annoyed. “Fucker.”
“Sir, we have a report of a suspicious looking man in the parking lot.” A voice came up behind me. “What are you doing sir?”
He turned around to see an officer before he shook his head. “I’m not suspicious, I’m sitting here, waiting for my daughter to get out of school. That’s her, the one with the curly ponytail, her mom did her hair. I had no say.” He smiled. “She’s my first and only kid. I’m kind of attached.” He fished his wallet from his pocket and pulled out a few pictures. “Me and her at this carnival a few months back. Me, her and her mom at her fifth birthday. Me, her and my bro at his last birthday.”
“Sir,  understand it. I have three girls, sent them all to kindergarten. Nearly died all three times.” The officer chuckled. “I’m gonna let this slide and alert the person who called that you’re not trying to kidnap any children, you’re just making sure that your daughter is okay.”
“Yeah and tell them to mind their own fucking business. Ain’t no signs out here saying I can’t sit on my bike and watch my daughter.” He huffed. “Five minutes and she’s gonna be out of class and I can’t wait. Four whole hours without her, it’s killing me.” 
The man nodded slowly. “Look, I can’t say that because you’d be concerned too if a man was in the parking lot watching your kid’s class. I think they’re getting out early. She’s a cute kid. Enjoy your day sir.”
Angel nodded, watching the classroom empty out before he saw Yolihuani running towards him, a few kids right behind her. “Yo!”
“Daddy!” Yolihuani stopped short of her dad before she looked both ways before continuing on. “I ‘membered that.”
“Good,” He lifted her up and grinned. “I would’ve popped your ass if you didn’t stop at the crosswalk.” He kissed her head. “Who are your friends behind you?”
“I dunno.” She shrugged. “They thought the bike looked so cool. Where’s my mom?”
Angel set her onto his bike and pointed behind him. “It is a super cool bike. Your mom is pulling in behind me.” He smiled as he took her backpack before placing his helmet on her head and grinning. “Mamas, it’s a good look on you.”
The five-year-old giggled and nodded. “Mom! Look, I’m on daddy’s bike!” 
Noemi grinned as she moved towards the pair. “Seems like you got a fan club forming Angel. You’re gonna have to give everyone a turn. Come on Yoli, we gotta get you into some play shoes so we can head to lunch.”
Angel looked around at all the kids and sighed. “No, the fuck I am not.” He shook his head as he lifted his daughter off the bike. “I got to have lunch with my girls. They can wait. Sorry kids, I ain’t Santa, ain’t none of you getting pictures.”
“Bye!” Yolihuani waved at her classmates. “My dad is so cool!” She followed her mom. “He didn’t leave, he sat on his bike there the whole time!” She climbed into the SUV. “Everyone kept talking about him and his bike. Miss Reina told us to focus.”
“Angel, I don’t know what to do with you.” Noemi sighed. “Gotta let her spread her wings.”
He shrugged. “Nope, I don’t have to do that. Nope. Some fucker called the police on me but I showed him pictures and got out of being booted from the parking lot.” He strapped his daughter in and kissed her head. “She’s my girl, I’m not gonna let her out of my sight if I can help it.” He looked at Noemi and smiled. “Lunch is on me since you’re unemployed. Save your money, I got it.”
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