#gotta enjoy the fluff white it's here because we all know what happens to jace later
First Kiss
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Summary: Genevieve and Jacaerys share their first kiss. 
(For those of you who are wondering, Genevieve is an OC of an OC. She is Tatiana’s Tyrell’s daughter from her marriage to Jeremiah Merryweather, another OC of mine. And Tatiana isn an ancestor to another OC of mine Maeve Tyrell from my GOT story Blood and Thorns)
Genevieve Merryweather considered herself to be an excellent hider. The sixteen year old also was swift on her feet. She was certainly faster than most, including her younger brother Jasper, and between them she was the one who wore the dresses.
Her hiding and running abilities in the past came in handy whenever she wanted to outrun her Septa. Genevieve had the upper hand, especially when in a known area. She was able to move from spot to spot without being detected.
Dragonstone was very familiar to her. Over the years, coming and going with her family, it had become her home, really.  
There were only a few people on Dragonstone who were able to figure out what her next step would be. Therefore Genevieve’s expression only lit up when Jacaerys stepped out from behind a stone wall. She halted, releasing the grip on her dress.
“Found you.” Her brown eyed admirer grinned at her.
“You did but we weren’t playing this time.” Genevieve told him with a glow to her face. It was a glow Jacaerys liked seeing on her, and it appeared whenever they were being fun-loving.  
“Might as well have.” Jacaerys chuckled. “I’ve been trying to find you since my training ended.”
“Oh, so you took longer to find me this time.” Genevieve tried staying serious but a few giggles escaped her. “I’m disappointed, Jace.”
Jacaerys got closer to her, his voice becoming husky. “You’re delighted to see me. Don’t try denying it.”
Oh, Genevieve wasn’t about to deny anything. “I’m always delighted to see you.” She blushingly admitted.
The blush on her was the same color as the pink rose she gifted him when they had been children. That took place years ago, and the rose was now long gone. If it had been possible to stop the rose from withering Jacaerys would have done so.
The pink rose was gone, and so was the beauty of it, but not Genevieve’s. She remained beautiful to him, inside and out, and he eagerly wanted to tell her the reason as to why he’d been looking for her. He cleared his throat.  
“I overheard our mothers conversing.” At her amused stare he shrugged his shoulders. “You’re not the only one who is good at not being detected.”
“You do have your secretive moments.” Genevieve giggled. “Now what is it that you overheard our mothers talking about?”
Jacaerys answered with so much enthusiasm, almost as if he’d been told he were to claim another dragon. “About us being betrothed.
His enthusiasm was contagious. How could it not be? This was also good news to her as it was to him. It wasn’t unexpected news, however. Genevieve smiled.
“Jace, we’ve known since we were children about the possibility of being betrothed one day.”
“Yes, but it is to be official soon. According to what I overheard.” Jacaerys smiled happily, taking her hands in his. “We have a cause for celebration and what better way than to have you go on a ride with me.”
“You mean go flying?” Genevieve questioned, blue eyes widening. “On Vermax?”
Jacaerys was beaming. “Yes! He’s finally big enough to saddle two now.”
Jacaerys often told her as kids that he wanted her to go riding with him on his dragon. Vermax had been too small then, but he wasn’t anymore.
His green and reddish dragon had indeed grown but Genevieve remained unsure. She’d never been on a dragon before, only seen others riding them.
Jacaerys and his younger brother Lucerys would take to the skies with their beloved creatures. Her mother Tatiana had also ridden on a dragon before, she’d seen so. On both Rhanerya’s dragon Syrax and Daemon’s dragon Caraxes.
Her mother had a fiery persona, and she was the bravest person she knew. Genevieve could hardly think of anything that terrified her mother. Her mother would tell her the same pluckiness coursed through her veins. Yet here she stood, unconfident.
Jacaerys sensed her hesitation. Still holding her hands with his own, he brought her to him, and put his forehead down onto hers. It was so easy to get lost in his eyes at this proximity. She adored his warm brown eyes.
“Please, Gen. I promise I will not let you fall.” His words were soft, building reassurance. “You should know by now that you’re always safe with me.”
Her soon to be intended spoke the truth. Genevieve, no matter where they were, who they were with, always felt safe with Jacaerys. She felt this way ever since they were children, younger than they were now. She trusted him with her life.
That’s why Genevieve eventually agreed. She held onto his hands now and then not that long afterwards let him use those same hands to help her up Vermax.
She sat comfortably as she watched Jacaerys whisper Valyrian words to Vermax, keeping him relaxed. He hadn’t responded negatively to her presence, but Jacaerys wanted it to stay that way. His whispers were heard, and Vermax welcomed the touch on his scales.
Jacaerys soon mounted Vermax, positioning himself in front of her. He instructed Genevieve to wrap her arms around him. She quickly did so.
“What do you think?” Jacaerys asked. His heart beat in his chest so fast at having her arms wrapped around him.
Genevieve’s own heart was racing. They hadn’t taken off yet and she already felt lightheaded. She thought of her mom and how she’d done this countless times. Her mother probably never felt that way. “I feel taller.” The sixteen year old swallowed. She felt Jacaerys’ laughter.
“Just wait until we’re in the sky.”
Genevieve, while still maintaining her hold on him, then looked at her dress. “I should have probably worn the proper attire for this.”
“Next time.” Jacaerys turned his head slightly to look at her. He was smiling, his brown eyes turning a shade darker. “Although it is a beautiful dress I’d rather see you in a white dress.”
As expected Genevieve blushed. “Jace!” She giggled.
Jacaerys, still smiling, turned his head forward. He took the reins on Vermax. “Sōvēs, Vermax.” He commanded loudly. “Sōvēs.”
Genevieve wasn’t fluent in High Valyrian but she knew what sōvēs meant. Fly. And that’s exactly what Vermax did.
Genevieve's hold on Jacaerys tightened as Vermax took to the air. She was proud that she did not scream. That wouldn’t have been good considering she was so close to Jacaerys’ face. No, instead she held onto him and kept her face between his neck and shoulder.
Her eyes were shut but must have already been way up high because Genevieve felt much colder than before.
“Gen, you have to open your eyes.” Jacaerys gently prompted. “Otherwise you’ll miss the view.”
He was right. What would be the point of flying on a dragon if she was just going to keep her eyes shut the entire time. Taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes.
Small. Everything looked so small.  
Despite the fear she felt at being up so high there was also excitement. She released a laugh.
“Now I feel taller than before.”
“Told you.” Jacaerys exclaimed.
They continued to fly on Vermax, and at some point the dragon dove downwards. Genevieve once again put her face between Jacaerys’ neck and shoulder. She, however, didn’t close her eyes this time. So when Jacaerys turned to look at her their lips almost touched.  
This time it was his turn to madly blush and it was Genevieve who took the next step. The last thing she saw before pressing her lips onto his own was his warm brown eyes.
Jacaerys needed a moment to realize this actually was happening. This wasn’t another one of his dreams. The girl he loved, the girl he was soon to marry, was kissing him. When she tried leaning away he brought her right back with a hand to her cheek. The remaining hand on the reins, commanding Vermax. His dragon now flew steadily, as if he knew what was happening between with his rider and his companion. It was something wondrous.
There up in the sky, while riding on a dragon, Genevieve Merryweather and Jacaerys Velaryon shared their first kiss.
A first kiss both would remember forever. No matter how long or short their lives would be.
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