#got some fun charas for it though so I'm excited ^-^
good morning~ <3
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purity-town · 10 months
No update today...because I just graduated from college!!! It's been a wild weekend with my graduation ceremony and moving apartments and all that, but from here on out I'm officially free!
We're also just past the third anniversary of Purity Town! I had started working on the comic towards the end of my first semester at college, during one of the lowest points of my life -- so suffice to say, I'm so glad to see how far we've come since then, and many thanks to everyone for sticking around for so long and making this such a fun experience to work on!
And with all that, after ages, I've finally got ask responses all typed up under the cut!
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And thank you for reading!!!!! Seriously, it makes me so so so happy to see people enjoying this comic so much -- I'm getting to draw things and get excited about my lore ideas and present NPC interpretations and OCs and it's wonderful that other people are just as hyped about it. I adore Chris and Andrew a lot and I'm glad other people do too!
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Haha, yep! The Dryad gets to see That Guy again after 450 years, the townsfolk get to see the equivalent of a mythical fairy show up to bless their town, and Andrew has to deal with the Literal Actual Dryad in town and up in his business. Everyone will be happy about this and there's no way it will end messily!
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I've definitely thought about it! Particularly having her being Andrew's maternal grandmother, and then working elements reminiscent of that into Andrew's mother's design -- I even have a general idea for how she looks based on that, though I don't have anything to show for it as I haven't tried properly drawing her out.
I think there are several interesting hooks that could come of it, depending on how you spin it. Big problem with all of that being that, at least off the top of my head, there's hardly any in-game lore surrounding the nymph -- she's just someone (some creature? a type of creature? a unique being?) that exists.
I did see a note on the wiki pointing out the similarities between the Dryad and the Nymph's designs, but I'm not totally convinced that's intended; they just happen to both be showing a lot of skin. The definition of "Dryad" including the word "Nymph" nudges me towards them being related, but I'm still just...not sure. Maybe Nymphs (or Nymph, singular) are a handful of Dryads who were not outright killed in the war but instead mutated beyond recognition by the eldritch powers they fought against? Much to think about; I'm open to ideas if anyone has opinions on the matter!
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Here you go! And a sta.sh link again in case of Tumblr-image-quality-shenanigans.
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Thank you!!! The Aether is an incredibly fun location to draw in general; it's so strange and magical and gives me an excuse to add stars and sparkles everywhere. Add in the Shimmer and it's just- such a delight, haha. It's rainbows and starlight and it was really interesting translating the in-game side view we get of the Shimmer pond to the top view in the comic.
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Thank you :) This was quite the semester, and working around other folks' schedules for groupwork and sudden project requirements changes and so on and so forth left me with a busy and unpredictable schedule. But I was able to wrap up the semester with solid finals and a great GPA, so it worked out in the end -- and now I'll finally be settling into a more regular work schedule. No more all-nighters (hopefully)!!
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I’ll admit that I haven’t really thought about this much. If anything, I’ll probably handwave it a bit to be more general -- main reason being that there are plenty of reasons for someone to be on edge during a Blood Moon, and that can be an interesting thing to explore without making it into a “haha menstruation” joke.
(Also, considering the Zoologist transforms during a Blood Moon regardless of moon phase, I think the idea of the moon warping the mind and that being amplified during Blood Moons in general is a more interesting take. But even if you remove that element, Blood Moons are scary and characters being snappy or on-edge is reasonable given the circumstances.)
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I don’t have a good response to this bit, but please know that it made me laugh quite a lot.
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First off -- I’m so sorry for taking so long to answer this ask; I hope you’ve gotten good info elsewhere in the meantime but I’ll add what advice I can give! Here are some general tips below -- some may be more useful than others depending on your situation and approach to drawing, but I hope it helps in some way or another!
Start small. Purity Town started as a 2-page mini-comic, and then expanded into a 10-page chapter as I got used to the comic-making process and decided whether I wanted to stick with the project or not. Purity Town ended up snowballing into a larger narrative comic rather than the "small comic snippets accompanying a more typical fanfic" as I had originally been thinking of, but starting small helped me ease into it nonetheless. By the time that I had finished the first chapter, I had gained enough experience working with comics to feel comfortable/confident enough to continue on to chapter 2, and things just kept rolling from there.
Pace yourself. I'm quite slow at drawing, so I generally do my best to set aside time every Saturday just to work on the comic, as well as working on it whenever I feel like it over the week. This keeps me from burnout (and repetitive strain injuries). Importantly, having a set update schedule also helps me remember to actually work on updates, as leaving me to my own devices = never getting anything done (see: how long it took to answer this ask). However, many folks do just fine updating entirely on their own time, so take this one with a grain of salt and figure out what works best for you!
Plan ahead. This applies more to making longer, narrative-focused comics. Because comic-making is so time consuming, every page should count. You don't need to have the entire thing written out before you begin (see again: burnout; it's also nice to have some level of flexibility with the story to see it grow alongside your skills), but planning out at least the current story "segment" is a big help. I like to script out the current chapter, starting with a pile of out-of-context dialogue snippets and overarching chapter ideas and boiling it down to a proper dialogue script with notes for panel ideas. It helps a lot with figuring out how long the chapter will end up being and lets me freely move events around until I'm happy with how they fit together, rather than doing it all on the fly.
Do what you can to save time. If you're a digital artist especially, look into what tools your art program of choice has to help make your illustration process smoother, like paint filling tools or vector lines. If you want to re-use backgrounds or character art, then do so! It's okay! Do whatever makes you enjoy what you're doing and happy with the end result!
Stay organized. This was touched on in a number of the other points, but it's so important that I'm giving it its own slot. I make liberal use of folders and layers -- personally, I use three layers for lineart and every layer has at most two colors. Text gets its own folder and special effects have color-coded labels. My layers are always organized in the same way and I keep often-reused materials (like the lineart for Chris' staff) in separate files for easy access. Of course, the specifics are dependent on how you draw, but this has made a world of difference for me personally.
It's okay to experiment and change things. Figure out what works for you -- some folks do comics entirely as sketches or lineart without coloring, you'll see book-style vs. scrolling/vertical webcomics, and all that. It's okay to swap things up if you find that something isn't working out. Don't get too caught up in everything being "perfect," just experiment and see what makes you happy.
(Side note, but if anyone here specifically uses Clip Studio Paint and wants to talk about platform-specific details like brushes or using certain tools, feel free to send me a message on Tumblr/Discord about it. I am by no means a master of Clip Studio, but I am at least familiar with the particular tools I frequently use and can give info on them!)
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Based on personal experience, a random cave halfway down to Hell. 90% chance that it’s completely enclosed and filled with random monsters, haha. Luckily the Dryad was there to stop him!
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aceofstars16 · 9 months
7 for Stan, 12 for Ford, 1 for Mabel, 2 for Dipper; 9 for Chara, 10 for Berlyne, 18 for Apen, 6 for Idony; and then (let's hope a quick scroll got character names for Jade Torch right) 14 for Lune, 13 for Gabryl, 24 for Kennyth, and 4 for Soni, please?
It took me a while to get to this but I will attempt to reply now!
And so many fun fandoms! I'm tagging @dragonanne since there are Jade Torch characters here hehe
Stan: 7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Hmmm, I'm not sure if it's 100% a *fandom* thing but like, I really do love all of the protective Stan things, especially when he's protecting Ford. Gotta love protective siblings! 👏
Ford: 12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Oooo, there are probably a LOT, but one that's I've been wanting to write about is the headcanon that Ford tries to get Stan to like...be healthier after the show. Like, exercise more, eat healthier, all of that. Of course, Stan is annoyed by it, but it's because Ford knows they already lost so much time with his brother and he wants to have as much time with him as possible 🥹
Mabel: 1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Mabel! I mean, there are so many reasons to like her tbh. I think for me, I really just love her energy and excitement for life. She's just so fun, and she also makes me laugh so much, maybe even more than any of the other characters 😂
Dipper: 2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Oh canon thing...I mean, you gotta love his care for Mabel. Just that sibling love and support makes me so happy! And his nerdiness of course, gotta love an excited nerd haha
Chara: 9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Oh man...I...genuinely do not know tbh...I feel like maybe? I've really only shared a room with my sister and as I've gotten older I've had a harder time sharing sleeping spaces with anyone beside family so...???
Berlyne: 10. Could you be best friends with this character?
Oooo...I'd like to think so? I mean, I think we definitely have differences in personality, but I feel like I could understand her enough to be friends at least?
Apen: 18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
It's funny cause I had one gut reaction, then it changed...I think I might have to go with him and Bay? Like, even when Apen was little, he didn't antagonize Bay, and he seemed genuinely concerned about him. And even as he got older, he has never hated Bay (and Bay's care and concern (or maybe some guilt?) for Apen in Gallitan is just...😭)
Idony: 6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Oh hmmm...I mean, I feel like she cares a lot about people and I relate to that quite a bit 🥲
Lune: 14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Haha this is funny because I just saw a modern drawing of her, so I'm thinking of that now lol. I feel like...green tank tops with maybe a leather jacket and black pants (probably some more stretchy material so she can fight in them haha)
Gabryl: 13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
Oooo...honestly...I'm thinking the 🥲 Just...for me, I love him but I also get emo about him...but also like...in a good way? If he used emojis....eh...maybe just the generic smile? :)
Kenneth: 24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
I had a hard time with this haha...but I feel like I just settled on a mix of Kai from Lunar Chronicles and Gilan from Ranger's Apprentice? (though Gabryl reminders me of Kai too haha)
Soni: 4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
....is it bad I want to say my book idea that I haven't written yet? It has dragons and it would be fun if Soni could interact with my dragons haha 😂
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miyu-writings · 3 months
Welcome, July!
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To be honest, today didn't start that well.
I got too little sleep and in the small bits where I tried to fall back asleep I had some heavy thoughts. As today marks the 5th anniversary of the loss of a loved one. That is heavy so it wasn't the most auspicious beginning to my wakefulness in the new month haha.
But fortunately I have fandom to distract me. Fandom really is an absolute blessing in my life. Gratsu is. Despite everything, lol.
So I am quite hype about gratsu week! It's coming late in the month and this damn year I will get the fics down, damnit!!!
I am excited but I haven't finished my first entry yet. 😂
Need to get on that ASAP!
And there's also tomorrow. I got it into my head that I would write a drabble at least (can't let the bunny go out and grow crazy, can I? It will try though... OTL) for tomorrow. So there's that.
Am getting a bit short on time and do need to get myself together to do some reading (of not so fun stuff, I mean, if it were fic I'm pretty sure I would breeze through it xD). But I do need to get this out of the way first-ish or I will have a hard time focusing.
Decisions, decisions...
Need to stop with the webtoons - or at least calm down a lot. xD Although I'm reading The Strongest Florist right now and that manhwa is such a riot! I am laughing quite a bit at the nonsense (and flower-crazed charas). 😂 And just need to see what happens in the next chapter - I think I still have a bit to catch up to.
And Summer is at long last arriving here. We're finally having hot days (quite a change from just yesterday when it rained a lot in the morning and we had some days that overall looked like November, without all the cold at least). Hot days are coming ahead! As well as tropical nights. Seriously, it's not right for us here to get 20ºC at night! I guess that the only saving grace is that at least it's a dry heat, if it were humid I would not handle it...
Anyway, time to get some words on paper!!! Need to do my part for gratsu week!
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hmmm sometimes when i think of the name of a ship in my head i refer to the whole dynamic and relationship, but it doesnt have to necessarily be romantic and both-sided. like when i think of usuk, im thinking of the whole of them, but most of it is just uk pining over america and other toxik and shitty (n very cool) dynamics. i cant see murica as completely loving of him, not explicitly (except maybe in some temporary situations). but when i step back and look at the whole of them then i can obviously see the love and tension and deepness and blahblahh, even if when im focusing on the day to day moments it may seem completely one-sided. on the iggy side of things, his relationship w murica is obviously the most intense n obsessively loving shit he's ever had but i wont get into that classic
tl;dr "a ship doesnt necessarily refer to a explicit/romantic/requited love, it can also refer to a complex and changing relationship that may not ever even get anywhere. Or even a one-sided romance"
now, i dont like fruk, because (and yes im contradicting my explanation above a bit) i dont like to focus on the love or the romantic/sexual/whatever part of their relationship. but i DO love their relationship, which contains a lot of things, some of them ARE sex and love. but, i dont know, in my head that part is not relevant to the whole concept of their dynamics and their bond as a whole.
mm thats why i usually try to avoid saying 'fruk' when i talk about my interpretation of those two charas, cus i dont want ppl to think i'm referring to the ship. i prefer to say eng & france n stuff like that. same with prus and hungary, yeah maybe they fucked, but in my head the important characteristic of their bond is for instance, their friendship and rivalry. the sex is just a tool to get to and highlight those important parts
'usuk' in my head is not us and uk, usuk is usuk, cus in their relationship the part where they feel romantic love and all that shit is v e r y important.. So much that i cant even imagine the character of iggy without him being in love with murica, to me thats just an intrinsic part of his character. So yeah the “ship” aspect of their relationship is quite the main point for me. like everything they do that has to do with the other is affected by this thing. also lil obvious side-note. sex and romance is not the only way to show and express love, its just the most known ones. And also we are talking about countries in the shape of humans, and they are absolutely not humans, so i can do whatever the fuck i want with them. iggy expresses his love for murica in ways that he himself doesnt even know or realise, all of that while he fucks the entirety of europe on the side. He may not ever lay a finger on him and with that he’s being 200% more genuine and vulnerable than any time he fucks spain or whoever. usuk FOR LIFE
basically: To me a ‘ship’ is not referring to the actual relationship but to the angle with which you approach it. An established ‘romantic’ relationship may not be a ship if its not relevant to you or your story, but a dude who’s in love with a celebrity that lives in another continent that he’s never seen may be a ship if thats what makes sense to what youre imagining. for instance i love biker x jacket even though they never interact. I just like to think of the potential of their personalities together. Not explicit but still… “romantic”? I dont know what words to use to explain those thoughts. But so like, france n iggz: explicit, not “romantic”. Usuk: “romantic” but not explicit? (jiji who am i kidding, maybe sometimes it does get explicit but whatever, thats the general idea)
I love to consume one-sided ships, but im still not comfortable enough to let myself do it? Perhaps in the future my usuk will be completely one-sided, who knows. I still got residual damage from exposure to mainstream ship dynamics as a kid Also i lied. Ijijij i do like fruk a bit, i do think that theres potential for some cute stuffz, specially when they are young. I think that they are super close, and there are million ways of showing that. I dislike fruk when its just fruk in a bubble and thats it. But i love it when its surrounded by the context of this whole hetaverse that lives in my brain (that has to do with me not being interested in other fan’s creations). No england ship ever gets to what usuk is for me, n dats awesom. I like to think that england just entirely took his own heart, pulled it out of his chest, and handed it over to america (along with his multiple other toxicities emoji of cowboy smiling). His heart has already found a place but that doesnt mean he cannot experience sum exciting stuffz with other countries!!! In fact he does, a lot, just like the rest of the charas!!! EVERY SHIP IN HETALIA IS CANON, go have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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noelacciari · 5 years
alright this is kinda bad but I'm gonna ask anyway. so I'm a new/casual hockey fan and this girl I'm friends w is super into hockey and I'm kinda having to bluff my way through convos rn so could you give me a basic summary of the roster and stuff pls :)))
okay babe, so this is how we’re gonna set this up for you… personality quiz style. (also wait I’m assuming you mean Bruins so. im very sorry if this was about another team lol)
Step 1: pick your star
- Do you strive for perfection? Do you look for stability in a relationship? Can you appreciate a good beard? Do you need a perfect man to project all your feelings regarding men onto and then you never have to even look at another man in real life? Then Patrice Bergeron is the guy for you. He’s perfect. Like legit. Has been nominated for the Selke Award (best defensive forward) approximately a gazillion times, eventually they’re going to change it to The Bergy. Gorgeous play maker, dominate on the face-off circle. Quiet leader in the room. A pillar of the Boston community. The only person who can tame Marchand (we’ll get to him later). Every person in New England is AT LEAST 30% in love with him, regardless of sexual orientation. (I’m not even kidding). Future Hall of Famer. Without a doubt. (Forward (Center), #37, first line)
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- Do you enjoy carbs? How about charming smiles? Do you enjoy men who toe the lines of fashion? Do you like a show, flashy lights and stunning tricks? Do you like people who make you smile, no matter how bad your day is? Then David Pastrnak is your man. Better know as Pasta (said with a deep Boston accent), he’s been tearing up the ice from the moment he arrived in TD Garden. A member of the Best Top Line in the League (alongside Bergeron - and that other guy who we will get to later). His goals are always absolutely nasty, just. Sexy, sexy hockey. Off the ice he’s sunshine personified, known for his chipped tooth smile, wearing checked suits and floral shirt, and just being generally the best. (Forward (winger), #88, first line)
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- Are human sized chipmunks something you think would be pretty cool? How do you feel about Long Island? Would you think it’s funny if a guy who was a star player on a Boston team dated the daughter of a Pittsburgh coach? Do you think it’s even funnier if a guy who tweeted “I hate the Bruins” then proceeds to get drafted by them? Then Charlie McAvoy is your star d-man. At the ripe old age of 21, Long Island native Charlie McAvoy already carries a huge chunk of responsibility on the Bruins defense core. A future leader for the team (captain. imo), Charlie puts up incredible minutes, and is the perfect complement to his d-partner Zdeno Chara (we’ll get to him too). Also known as Cheeks (on tumblr) or Mac (by his teammates), Charlie isn’t afraid to throw his weight around on the ice, and he looks good doing it. Dude is a Bonafide Stallion. (Defense, #73, 1st Pair)
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Step 2: Pick your Dad
- Are you vegetarian? How do you feel about EXTREMELY tall men wearing easter bunny onesies? Do you prefer to bike to work instead of taking the train? what about pigeons? If you consider pigeons friends, then Zdeno Chara is your new dad! (Boogie Woogie Woogie). You know how Bruins fans like to say - Don’t Poke The Bear? Well Big Zee is that hypothetical bear. Our beloved captain and father earned himself quite the reputation on the ice, known for his hard AF slap shots and even harder punches. Clocking in at 6′9″ and 250lbs, Zad is still a beast at 42 years old - and he apparently has no plans to retire. While his age doesn’t appear to be slowing him down on the ice, Zee has shown his softer side off the ice with his inspirational and extremely cute Instagram. He came into Boston in 2006 and was named Captain upon signing, and has forever changed the culture of the Boston Bruins. Chara facilitates an inclusive but hard working locker room, and his legacy will live on in Boston long after his retirement. (Defense, #33, first pair)
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- Are you a dog person? Also are you American? Those are really the only 2 qualifications you need to chose David Backes as your dad. Although some of us older folks like me (at the stunningly old, reaching retirement age of 26) might consider Backes to be more of a daddy, the majority of Bruins tumblr view him as their Dad. Common nicknames include Dadkes and Papa, and his effect on the team after being brought back into the line-up during the playoffs has endeared him to fans. While his deal is… not great (he’s expensive!!) and he hasn’t performed up to how much money he’s paid, it’s clear that he’s a leader on the team. The young guys look up to him, and the older guys respect him, and that’s what we’s appreciates ‘bout him. Also. He LOVES animals. Backes and his wife Kelly (who have known each other since kindergarten how cute is that shit) have their own charity that helps animals!! (Forward (Winger/Center), #42, currently 2nd line)
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- Were you really into magic as a kid (or currently)? Have you always gravitated to your one friend’s dad who was super quiet but super smart and taught you how to play chess at that cookout one time? Then your new dad is David Krejci! Sometimes called The Wizard, Krejci is known to make magic happen on the ice. Between no-look passes and somehow being able to know exactly where his wingers are going to be before they even know, tbh. Krej is probably the MOST underrated player on the Bruins, but he’s always dependable, and always seems to be there when you need him.  (Forward (Center), #46, 2nd Line)
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Step 3: pick your weirdo
- Have you never eaten a vegetable willingly in your life? Do you consider yourself a chef - specifically for children? Do you think getting your teeth knocked out is fun and exciting? Then Jake “JD” DeBrusk is the dude for you! Goofy AF off the ice and a sniper on it, Jake is extremely worthy of being your chosen weirdo. He has a lucky winter hat named “tuukka” that he’s been wearing all playoffs, and he might only have one brain cell but we love him for it. At one point called a draft bust, Jake has been proving himself to be an elite player, and has been a steady winger for Krejci all season. Plus. He’s cute af. (Forward (winger), #74, 2nd Line)
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- Is getting under other people’s skin one of your favorite activities? Do you like to piss people off by being better than them at everything? Does licking someone’s face in the middle of a hockey game seem like a Good Idea to you? Back in step number one did you chose Patrice Bergeron as your Lord and Savior? Then Boston’s favorite Pest - Brad Marchand - is the guy for you! Brad started off as an undersized fourth liner, and has worked his way up to one of the top scorers in the league. Outside of Boston he’s probably the most hated player in the NHL - earning himself a reputation for being a pest (at best), and sometimes being dirty (at worst). This year we are proud to announce that he did not get suspended once! Though he did come in just short of 100 Penalty Minutes. Marchy was our top scorer this year, and has become an integral part of this team. (Forward (winger), #63, 1st Line)
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- Are you secretly an arsonist? Are frogs your favorite animal? Do you have a crush on that Pretty Jock that’s in all your classes and sometimes smiles at you in the lunch line? Then Danton Heinen is the weirdo for you. Danton has been a quietly steady performer for the Bruins this season, spending time on the top line with Bergeron and Marchand when Pasta was out. He’s growing into quite the play maker, and he’s known for making good decisions on the ice that lead to goals. Danton also happens to look like a frog, which is an important character trait imo. He’s a tumblr favorite, but he’s a good person to like even in real life, because he makes an impact on the ice. (Forward (winger), #43, 3rd Line)
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Step 4: chose your conventionally attractive white boy
- OKay we’re not doing the questions thing because judging by your ask you may not even be interested in men so i’m just going to dive straight into the description. He’s tall with a strong jaw and perfect curls and pecs of a God. Charlie Coyle is a Weymouth, MA native who Boston brought back home at the trade deadline. He’s been a bit of a hero this playoff run, and he looks damn good doing it. The B’s have been searching for a good 3rd line center, and Charlie has filled the role perfectly. Personally, I am deeply in love with him, in case you could not tell. (Forward (center/winger), #13, 3rd Line)
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- an integral member of the Bruin’s all important Line 1A (aka the 4th line), Sean Kuraly has got it all. Piercing blue eyes? Check. Perfectly highlighted hair? Check. Cute little chin? Double check. Though he’s been photographed wearing jorts and an open flannel shirt with nothing underneath it, Sean is still a certified Babe. He’s been Klutch in every playoff run he’s had with the B’s, and is the scoring force behind the 4th Line’s brawn. Not to mention, his signature celly is a leap from the ice! (Forward, (center/winger), #52, 4th Line)
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- Brandon Carlo… how do I begin to explain Brandon Carlo? Brandon Carlo is flawless. He has two bible tattoos and a designer bulldog. I hear his hair is insured for $10,000. I hear he does Tri-City Americans commercials… in Washington. His favorite movie is Miracle. One time he met David Backes on a plane… and he told him he was pretty. One time he punched me in the face… it was awesome (’cause he missed). In all seriousness though, Monte is a hardworking, defensive defenseman, who has really shone this season. He doesn’t show up on the scoreboard often, but he makes it really hard for other teams to get goals. Even though he struggles to score empty netters... he’s still a babe. (Defense, #25, 2nd Pair)
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Step 5: Chose your shorty
- If you’re thinking - wait, shouldn’t Marchand be in this category? Isn’t he the smallest guy in the World? Then Torey Krug is the Short King for you. An ELITE offensive defenseman, Torey is absolute dynamite on the ice. In game 3 of the Stanley Cup Finals Torey made history by becoming the first Bruins player ever to record 4 points in a stanley cup finals game. Krug is quick on his feet and can snipe from the blue line, but isn’t afraid to lay down the law when he needs to. Notorious for loosing his helmet so he can show off that flow, Torey also has a bulldog named fenway and a BABY on the way. (Defense, #47, 2nd Pair).
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- Is talk shit, get hit a favorite saying of yours? Can you appreciate biceps the size of your head? Then Noel Acciari is your man. He might be short but he’s built like a tank, and he uses that bod to plow through guys on the ice. Noeldozer is known for laying down the cleanest hits, and we love when he takes out the trash! The Rhode Island Native got married last summer, and has a golden retriever named Thor. His mouth is currently fucked right up but I promise he’s actually kinda pretty. (Forward (winger/center), #55, 4th Line)
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- Are you one of the apparent hoards of people that think a Boston accent is sexy? Could you get into a guy who says the fuck word on live television? Are collarbone tattoos a thing you admire? Do you like sexy, tough little son’s of bitches? Great! Matt Grzelcyk is the little guy for you. A BU grad who’s become a cornerstone of the Bruins d-core, Grz is a tough little cutie who works hard and gets shit done. More of an offensive defenseman, Matty G has been there for the team even when all of our other defenseman were injured. His Dad has worked at the Gahden for like a million years, and playing for the B’s is a dream come true for Matt and his family. He got taken out in Game 2 of the Finals, and the Bruins are currently seeking revenge. Dude’s got a good beard going too. (Defense, #48, 3rd Pair)
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Step 6: Pick your goalie
- As much as we love Jaro, there’s only one goalie you need to know about when you’re learning about the Bruins... 2 U’s 2 K’s 2 Points... Tuukka Rask! The clear MVP of the Playoffs this year, Tuukka has been a brick wall in the net for the B’s. He’s known for being quick tempered and a little... wild, at times, having been caught on camera beating the shit out of a bunch of milk crates and on time brandishing a skate blade at the refs like a knife. Though some fans seem to never forgive Tuukka for the B’s loosing the 2013 playoffs, around these parts we love and respect and rely on his prowess in the net. Off ice, he kinda looks like the grinch (and knows it), though apparently Bergy thinks he looks like Harry Styles (i wish i was kidding). He’s also got 2 adorable little girls! (GOALIE, starter)
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So now you’ve got 6 guys that you know about, right? I would pick 1 or 2 of those to be the ones you pay attention to. Listen for headlines about their goals/play, if you’re watching games, look for their numbers on the ice. All you gotta do is be able to say “Wow did you see that Coyle goal on Saturday night?” and all of a sudden you sound like an expert! (This works even better of you choose a guy not from the first category). 
If you have more questions about specific players or lines, feel free to reach out! I know not a lot but I know many people who actually do know things lol
(Also to any of Bruins tumblr who made it this far, I KNOW i’m missing your faves okay. Wagner, Clifton, Nordy, MoJo, Moore, and half the providence roster deserve a spot on here. But I’ve already written too much)
(Also Also, special thanks to Lil for helping me with Monte’s description) 
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atiny-piratequeen · 5 years
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Thank you for tagging me @cosmicmingi ! I'll tag @san--shine, @wonderlandsobsession and @fantastic-bby and whoever of my writing followers/mutuals wants to fill this out 👀👀 tag me if you do!
1)Okay so Against The Tide was such a hassle for me because I couldn't settle on one name and I resulted in a twt poll and asking my server of kpop friends for their opinions. Alternative titles were Quantum Immortality (from a theory and a Crywolf song), Through the Sea of Time (a pokemon mystery dungeon song, one of my faves), and Through the Eighth Sea (suggested to me by Alma. Bc the "Eighth Sea" is the sea of time. Get it? 8 ateez members, 1 sea to represent them all? Yeaaaaa-)
2) Okay so its so funny because it came before Wonderland even came out, but All Eyes On Me came as soon as I thought of the concept of an ot8 fic centered around Yeosang bc of him being shy and such. That's why there's a lot of cameras and depictions of Yeosang being especially excited at being watched, so I felt it fit perfectly 
3) so I made that AtT playlist (didn't realize the mofo was 6 hours long, jfc that might be why nobody's commented on the songs yet), and I'll just say I listen to a lot of Babymetal and Crywolf when I write. Not just AtT, but in general. Babymetal obviously for the "fie's on her anime fight scene bullshit" and Crywolf for my emotionally challenging (aka fucking HEARTBREAKING) scenes or scenes in general that have a more muted, down to earth feel to them.
4) As far as Ateez goes, I always have an abundance of fun writing Seonghwa and Yunho, tbh. Night Shift has me spoiled and now I'm in love with writing Seonghwa as a sarcastic, slightly passive aggressive being who's honestly just a big softie for those he loves and Yunho...Yunho has a heart of gold and I adore him uwu
5) Jongho is probably the hardest to write for me because I don't want to typecast him as this nonchalant, emotionless smartass, yknow? I wanna give him depth other than "big strong maknae boi" but I feel I might have to do a bit better to write him truer to his actual personality 
6) In All Eyes On Me, San and Yeosang's little cat and mouse game wasn't supposed to take over but I-and a lot of other people-enjoyed the dynamic of Yeosang building his confidence, all while San was getting exceedingly more hungry/sneaky. So definitely San so far.
Though Yunho is creeping up in AtT and yall will see more of that in the near future 👀
7) Reoccurring themes...at risk of sounding like a nut, the stories I put the most time and love into are ones like Against the Tide or for those who have read some of my BTS works, Still Standing. Fics that have intricate stories and characters feel real emotional, mental, and physical trials, but eventually they overcome. I do write these with supernatural, fantasy, and/or sci-fi twists bc i love those genres so much, but I just enjoy writing fics that make me and my readers go through the emotional motions.
8) I've honestly stayed away from hybrid fics for so long bc of how a lot of them sre linked to ABO fics that are written in very...high key problematic and exploitative manners, but thanks to Skunk San, I'm definitely gonna get back into writing hybrid fics. Or at least a oneshot. Idk man I'm giving him a tail. Bitches love tails. It's me, I'm bitches. 
9) I want to get better at making people laugh with scenes without making it seem forced. I've gotten lucky enough to have some people tell me they've laughed from my works and some scenes, so I'm hoping to throw some more giggles in for everyone without forcing it and ruining a scene. Plus we need something to counter all this damn angst.
10) Imagery. Again, back on my anime bullshit, but I've had a lot of people, both close friends and readers, tell me through the years that they can visibly see some of the scenes so visually. From the fighting, to the love making, a lot of people have complimented me on my visuals and descriptive imagery so I'm kinda confident in it c:
11) I know its early, but I'd love to see Against the Tide illustrated. My dream has always been to have something I've written, whether a scene or just my characters, drawn out. Its a little easier since the boys (almost) all have their halloween stages for their demon forms and such. I wish I were a better artist tbh. I'd love to draw some scenes from future chapters I have in my head.
12) I'm gonna pull from my BTS side for this and say Still Standing. Its already based off of a show (sense8) and it would be so neat to see sense8 but with a superpower twist to it~
13) I'd probably cameo in any given fic as that one person in the bg that disses some antagonist to the main charas in passing just bc they're assholes and they aint shit.
14) Hmm...i had an old wrestling fic eons ago that was a hybrid fic. I'd love to revamp it and clean up the wild storyline and make it a kpop fic tbh. It had potential and it incorporated a lot of mythology and I used it as a way to show people about some mythos they may not have been familiar with but I got too ambitious and it went all over the place. I'd like to make it over now that I'm more focused and mature in following my plot.
15) I honestly don't have one off the top :o I never thought about remixing someone else's fic or anything like that.
16) I don't often write about things I'm not comfortable writing with, but I'll probably say my casually unnamed wrestling fic comes close since I was in a very bad headspace at the time and poured a lot of my trauma into the story. It's… graphic. And I probably won't feel comfortable writing that type of content so vividly anymore. So hooray growth? 
17) I've never written an incubus fic to to completion, but @fantastic-bby makes me wanna try 👀
18) Honestly I adore the concept of sensates so much (from the show Sense8, and my BTS fic, Still Standing) and I'd love to revisit it but I'm not quite sure how to do it without making it too similar 😔
19) Both of them are BTS fics, but I've reread @haylokitteh We Need You and @readbeneaththelines Professor's Pet 🥵🥵
20) Hm..that's a hard one because I like to branch out to a lot of genres so it depends on what I'm trying to describe. But since I have to choose, I'll say Against the Tide, since I'm pouring a lot of love and care into this and I intend on showing you all full spectrum of what I can do with it.
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Obake’s Origins Part 2
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Big Hero 7 Special
Part 2
(T.D: Blood, murder, mentions of fun times, emotional/psychological abuse, insanity, and escort service. Heed with caution.)
Course there were problems that did stifle their time together, such as high school and college hours conflicting each other; and Kage at times returning home before Nozako got suspicious. But they managed due to Kage's determination to make time together. They both learned about each other and enjoying each other's interest. With Chara, he saw that he is a well meaning, intelligent, and somewhat charismatic guy despite their first (and awkward) meeting, and the few days afterward she learned of his naivety- seeing him blush at every other compliment about him or the snarks about High school. If there was one complaint she had about Kage, though she didn't tell him, it was the fact that he had been a little...clingy. It wasn't something too serious, he just asked about her life and her family and her day... and hold her hand tightly in a vice grip. When she tried to ask about his own life the only people he would talk about was his brother, his father and his teacher, Professor Grandville; but when she asked about his mother though he would go quiet and be visibly uncomfortable. When she saw that expression whenever she asked about her, she realized that his mother isn't exactly someone he is comfortable with and couldn't bear to talk about. So she stopped asking questions alltogether about his mother.
With Kage he learned that despite her occasional snark or when she made cynical remarks about her school; she was a caring, sweet, and thoughtful person. He knew this when there was one time when he forgot to bring money to buy lunch for himself, to which Chara responded by sharing her own lunch with him. He was touched and amazed by this thoughtful act; not to mention that he liked the fact that Chara cooked her own meals and enjoyed it. As of now they are heading to SFIT to hangout, which to say is something as Chara is excited since this is her first time going there.
"So are we any closer now?" asked Chara, giving a slight chuckle as he excitedly leads the way.
"Yep, in fact we're here right now!"
With that they arrived at SFIT, just as lively and colorful as Kage remembered. He wore a big grin and a twinge of pride rise as he saw Chara look around amazed at the scenery.
"Wow! You weren't kidding when you said SFIT is something else!" She then turned her head to meet Kage's eyes, to which he lightly blushed.
"Think you can show me around Kage?"
"Oh umm...Y-yeah!"
He walked ahead a little so that Chara would be close and wouldn't get lost. They had just entered the quad when a classmate spotted them.
"Oh hey Kage!"
When he heard his name he looked up and recognized the student.
"Hey Wendy." Replied Kage, his voice rather luke warm.
"So how's it going buddy?" Asked Wendy. She was a classmate of his that he shares with another student named Trevor Trengrove. While Wendy was OK on his terms, he never really saw her as anything then a classmate to talk to once in a while. Trevor was a different story... and sometimes he wished that Wendy would knock some sense to that sell out at times. While he was lost in his thought Wendy noticed that he was not alone.
"Oh! Hello there! I'm Wendy Wower! What's yours?"
"Chara Bonete. Nice to meet you. Are you a friend of Kage's?"
"Classmates really, but we're cool."
Kage gave a small cough to get Chara's attention, wanting her to enjoy their time.
"Oh!" When Wendy saw Kage's expression she caught on immediately on what he wants and what he's feeling.. a feeling he wasn't aware of.
"I see you two are busy so I better take my leave! I gotta get my robotics thesis complete! Wish me luck!"
With that Wendy left, slightly smiling at the two teens.
With that over and done with Kage and Chara continued exploring around the campus, Kage explaining some of the buildings and projects that the students are developing. They had arrived at the robotics lab where Kage proudly showed his projects to Chara, happy to see her stare in awe of them.
"You really are something Kage. The most advanced project I've made was just exploring electricity with salt water."
"Its still amazing either way,'' responded Kage, " You're special in ways I'm not."
Chara slightly blushed at Kage's compliment, to which Kage blushed in return. They leave the lab where Kage spotted another professor of his going over papers.
"Hi Professor Callaghan!"
"Hello Kage, nice to see you too."
Chara looked back and forth at the two as she immediately recognizes the man.
"Callaghan... As in Callaghan's laws of Robotics? I'm Chara Bonete! Its nice to meet you sir!" Blurted out Chara, holding out her hand to shake his. Callaghan blinked before he chuckled lightly.
"She's a lot more excitedly then you mentioned Kage. Its nice to meet you Chara." When he shook her hand she was stuck between excitement and curiosity.
"Wait...Kage talked about me?"
This causes Kage's heart to pause as he realized that Callaghan revealed that he talked about her.
"Kage told me and Professor Grandville about you from time to time. He certainly values your companionship and says you're very smart."
"T-thank you." Chara's eyes looked down, still smiling but blushing as she was flattered that Kage talked to them about her and enjoyed her company. Callaghan's eyes directed to Kage to which he is blushing madly and using his black jacket to actually cover his face.
"Well, I hope you enjoy your visit here. Have a good day you two."
And so he walked away, a smile on his lips as he looked back and saw Kage flustered to which Chara calmed him down and held his hand. With that Kage led Chara to head out and walk around the city when he looked down and realized that they are still holding hands. Now both teens are blushing as they stood in awkward silence, finally Chara spoke up.
"T-thanks for showing me around SFIT. It's certainly an experience here."
"I-If you want you could apply here.." said Kage, his other hand twisting the hem of his jacket.
"I'll think about it." said Chara, rubbing her neck as she turned her head as Kage tried to calm his beating heart as he looked at the blushed face of his friend.
"I better get home now... See ya later Kage?" Asked Chara.
"Definitely...'' replied Kage.
They both waited for the other to let go of their hand only to find that they hadn't. After a few moments, Kage finally let go of Chara's hand, to which she gave a small smile before she went back home, with Kage smiling to himself as he remembered how her hand felt on his... A feeling he'll definitely remember later that day, his face turning pink.
Kage was sitting with Chara in the Quad after his classes had been done with for the day as did hers. He was enjoying the lunch she made for him on a clear sunny day, a day he was happy to share with her. It is now his 15th birthday, and the first one he's spending outside. He had already received his birthday present from his brother before he left, which was a set of tools for his schoolwork, and money to buy Ube cake for him and Chara. When he finally revealed Mizuchi his feelings about Chara, Mizuchi ultimately pulled out what he had been feeling for her for the passing months: He had fallen in love with her. At first he wanted to deny such a feeling, certain that it was just a deep friendship. But as he focused more on the feeling and pieced together what it truly is...he finally admitted to himself that he had fallen in love... which is simultaneously exciting and terrifying. Mother had always told him that no one, not even the most insane lunatics, would ever consider him boyfriend material. Which was why that part of him wanted to deny his love so badly, because he's afraid that if he admitted his emotions to Chara, she would reject him and therefore prove his mother that she had been right all along... that no one would love him...
"So you were saying something that happened at school earlier about Wendy Wower and her friends?"
Kage shook out of his thoughts and slightly chuckled at himself as he recalled the memory.
"Oh yeah! As I was saying, Ren tried to warn Trevor not to lean too close to the crustacean tank but it was too late, his nose was pinched by a crab and he went running in circles before Ren ripped it off his nose."
Chara chuckled at the story, smiling mischievously. Finally she calmed down as she looked at Kage again.
"So... Whatcha got for your birthday Kage?"
"I got a tool set by my brother, a birthday card from Wendy and Ren...and a hair comb from Trevor." replied Kage, slightly chuckling at the thought of Trevor.
"Oh cool. So then..."
Chara slowly pulled out a package wrapped in blue wrapping paper with the words Happy Birthday! on it.
"Y-You got me a present Chara?" Asked Kage, his heart fluttering in the highest setting.
"Y-Yeah...Are ya gonna open it or not?" Asked Chara, leaning forward to give it to Kage. He grabbed the package and soon ripped off the paper to reveal a red, hand knitted scarf just for him. He held up the scarf to look closer, noting every stitch that wove perfectly and the softness of the yarn before he wrapped it around his neck.
"It took me a while to learn how to knit but I kept going till I got it right...do you like it?" Asked Chara, rubbing the back of her head shyly. Kage looked up and gave a heartwarming smile to which had Chara's own heart fluttering.
"I love it Chara...as much as I love you."
When those words flew out of his mouth both teens froze and could not believe what had just happened. To Kage his mind is going into panic mode as he realized what he just said to her, scolding himself for even saying the L word to her, especially with his mother's words ringing at the back of his mind. Finally Chara broke the silence.
"You like me? Really? Are you serious?"
So far her tone isn't mocking thankfully, just sounding genuinely confused, but he was still unsure about it.
"Yeah... It just feels so right...You know that I'm not usually those spiritual types but this feeling I have...about you just feels right..."
A few moment pass before he heard giggling. Fearing the worst he tried looking down only to see Chara's hand on his.
"Huh...I'd figured you would like someone else instead of me. After all, from what you told me so far...there's lots of pretty girls where you live. But I guess...what I mean is..I-I thought you would just see me as a friend. So much for being smart kids huh?"
When he heard her answer, her response to his confession...his entire world gained new light.
She loves him...She genuinely loves him...
Before either was aware he had already leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. Their hearts pounded loudly in sync as at this new action happening between them. It is after the kiss ended that Kage realized what he had done and began to blush immensely.
"I-I'm so Sorry! I d-Didn't-What I mean is-"
Chara quieted him by giving him a quick kiss on the lips, to which he gave a very lovesick smile. She blushed as she twisted the hem of her jean skirt in a blushy mess.
"Its OK Kage. Sides...Glad you're my first and second kiss."
"...Mine too."
While they had their moment two certain students were watching this happen in front of them.
"Yes! They did it!" Whispered shouted Wendy.
"Yeah! Now Trevor owes us twenty bucks!" replied Ren.
Just then Professor Grandville came walking by, seeing one of her students and her friend giggling happily over something.
"Professor Grandville! Guess what! It happened!" Smiled Wendy.
"What happened?" Asked Grandville, genuinely confused. Finally Ren pointed to the scene in front of them. Now the two teens are kissing each other for the third time, now fully allowing them to relax and enjoy this blissful, peaceful moment. Needless to say Grandville was surprised. She did know about Kage's relationship with Chara and had chatted with her a few times, but it seems that their feelings are far more deeper than she originally thought. Nonetheless, she says nothings and waves good bye to her students, slightly smiling to herself, wondering just how these two teens would affect those around them now that they went from friends to being a couple.
Kage and Mizuchi are now at the elder's room chatting together as he hears his little brother describe his latest date with his girlfriend Chara.
"After Grandville took our photo a squirrel literally jumped on Chara's head then landed on my lap. She was so freaked out that she slammed her text book on my lap!...Except the squirrel had already left my lap by then." Giggle Kage.
"Oof! That must've hurt!" said Mizuchi, wincing at the thought.
"No, it was fine. She made up for it later at our date." Said Kage, who is now beginning to blush.
"What did she do? Did she make you dinner or?..." Asked Mizuchi, not getting the picture. And when Kage hears his brother's confusion he realized what he almost spilled out. But before either could respond they hear a knock on the door. Soon a robotic servant entered.
"Madame Mizichio requests you two join her at the main hall for a discussion."
"Of course." Nodded Mizuchi, bowing his head respectfully. After the robot left both brothers stood up and Mizuchi immediately set to work on his brother's appearance, making sure his clothes were not ruffled and quickly hid away Kage's precious scarf. Finally the two brothers leave the room and meet their mother, sitting down respectfully as they await for her to speak first. But from what they could catch a glimpse of, her expression showed that whatever they had done greatly displeased her which confused the boys. But they held back their tongue.
"Boys... I know that we all have our hobbies, and our 'interests' tend to develop as we age."
'Yes mother." Replied Mizuchi, neutral faced as his brother.
"I pride myself as an understanding woman,'' spoke Nozako, though Kage thought of rather venomous snarks at her when she described herself as that, " And there are situations I can be accepting. But I do not want to be left in the dark when it comes to you two..now could either of you tell me..what exactly is this?"
From her sleeve pocket she pulled out a ripped wrapper. At first Mizuchi thought it was a candy wrapper which made him furrow his eyebrows a little as he thought it was his mother nitpicking over a childish act they clearly didn't do. But then he noticed his brother's eyes which were frozen at the wrapper. Now focusing his new eyes he saw what kind of wrapper it truly is. 
An opened condom wrapper.
" You two can be excused if you answer me this question: Did either of you have intercourse with someone?"
Both boys sat in fear as they pieced together was its going on. Nozako pressed further.
"If its you Mizuchi, its understandable. Afterall you are the heir, and you are aware that impregnating someone of lesser value would damage our legacy. If its you Kage… well at least you are responsible enough to know that no one would want the burden of carrying your child. But one of you should tell me what are their names...I would like to talk to them personally."
Their hearts froze as they tried to think of an answer. Just then one of their guards walked through the door, surprising the two boys.
"What do you think you are doing? I'm having a conversation with my sons." replied Nozako.
"Madame Mizichio, there's trouble by the docks. One of our servants fighting one of our suppliers and they're threatening to do harm to the village."
Nozako stood up and soon starts walking out of the room. She waves her hand to let them know that they are excused. But the look in her eyes showed that this was far from over. When the boys returned to Mizuchi's room Kage immediately went to get his scarf only for Mizuchi to block him.
"Kage… I want you to answer me truthfully.." When Mizuchi asked this his voice is calm, but the feeling of dread is as palpable as the fog at the docks.
"When did you and Chara… you know..." It seemed that Mizuchi couldn't bring himself to spit it out, but the look of Kage's face confirmed his suspicion. Kage's mind immediately went to one night where they had been dating for a month; it was a rainy night and they were at Kage's apartment(One chosen by his guardians), they were drying out their clothes to wait the storm. They had a kiss here and there, where it soon grows heated until it eventually lead them to his bedroom...
"Kage… as much as I'm relieved that you are taking steps to protect yourself and Chara...are you out of your mind?!"
Kage snapped out his memory of his first time to look at his brother's face, now exposing the feeling of dread. This confused Kage. Shouldn't Mizuchi be having that he was having all that he wanted now that he is attending SFIT? That he has someone that he could consider having a family with?!
"What do you mean by that?"
" Don't get me wrong Kage, I'm happy you have someone like Chara in your life. But did you see how Mother looked like when she asked us about what you've done!"
"Well lets be glad that we didn't have to answer her."
"Yes! Right now we're safe, but she will come back and make us answer...Kage. I think you should stop attending SFIT and not see Chara anymore."
When he heard those words uttered, something in Kage's mind went...dark.
"A-at least for about a month or two-"
This time Mizuchi is the one to look shocked.
"I am not going to stop going to SFIT or stop seeing my Chara. I need to be there, I almost have everything ready!"
" Before this we had plenty of time in the world! But At this point only a miracle could get us out of here! You need to slow down and think about what to do next! Actually think with that big brain of yours!"
" I thought you trusted me!"
"I do trust you! But I'm trying to tell you that you're not thinking clearly! Its like what Father said, If you don't watch where you run you'll fall off the edge and-"
"You're not my father Mizuchi!"
Mizuchi's eyes widened as he heard that hateful shout directed at him by his little brother, now glaring at him heatedly before he grabbed his scarf and stormed back to his room, slamming the door behind him. He flopped to his bed as he held his scarf close. He could do this! He has to!...But Mizuchi had a point. Now Nozako is getting suspicious, which meant that now he has to create something that could get them away from her and live in peace. And Chara….his heart pounded at the thought of his love. Now he wanted nothing more than to hold her close and hear her heartbeat. He began to fantasize a future where they were far away from Nozako, living in a simple house. Chara would greet him every morning as they wake up, having a kiss or two before their children woke up.
It seemed he became a hopeless romantic as time passed by. But now Nozako is threatening his future and his Chara. He mind went to overdrive mode, brainstorming ideas to see what could get them out of there. Then he thought of one...
Perhaps he will succeed...where Lenore Shimamoto had failed.
Despite their fight Mizuchi still let Kage go to school and see Chara despite his worries, hoping that kage would slow down and watch where he is going. If he doesn't realize how fast he is running he would be too late to do anything as with too slow. With Kage his mind was sent to work. He gathered what plans his great grandfather wrote about Shimamoto's experiment and reviewed it over, checking over calculations and designing it to be more portable. When the time came for the finals at SFIT Kage informed Grandville that he is building a machine that would change the world and would need extra hours to perfect it, to which she agreed despite him not telling what it is. As he built it he realized something...when his invention become global news Nozako would hound him down. But by then he would be protected by business men and government officials to interfere...but that meant that Chara would be exposed to Nozako's wrath. And so with his heart pounding, he told her his plans...and asked her to runaway with him to elope.
"I-I know its a really big question but once I complete the project and sell it I could provide for both of us!"
"Kage...this is really fast..."
Kage looked deep into Chara's eyes.
"You are the most important person in my whole life...would you be mine to hold?"
With that he revealed in his hand a necklace, a silver custom made necklace with a heart. When Chara looked at Kage her mind is caught between immense love or heart tearing dread of the unknown... but she also knew that when Kage had his mind in a goal he would do anything to achieve it, including making each other happy.
"...So..when do we elope?"
When he hear her say that he kissed her passionately, to which she returned in kind. Despite their fears and uncertainties they knew that with each other they will face hell and back and grow from their experience...
"Ka...Where are...Kage!"
a voice... there was a voice calling out to him...it sounded familiar.
"There you are! Hold on!"
There was pain allover his body, excruciating to the point where even moving a finger would send massive shocks of pain all throughout. Once his eyes cleared enough to focus he realized that the voice belonged to Grandville, whose appearance is covered in smoke and soot.
"The ambulance will arrive soon!"
When he heard that he mustered out what strength he had to tell Grandville.
"P-Please...don't let M-Mother know...she'll kill me...Please!"
He lost consciousness afterwards, his world fading to black. A part of his mind begged him to stay strong, to stay alive for his promised future. When he opened his eyes again there were doctors and nurses wrapping his body in bandages, assessing his damage as Grandville stayed by his side until they delivered him to the van, where he saw her face for the last time..
"Hold on... this boy is Kage Mizichio!" said one nurse.
"Nozako's son? What is he doing here?!"
"Never mind! We must take him back to Madame Mizichio!"
The next time he woke up he saw the bright lights of a hospital, the same nurses that spoke carrying him to the operating table, keeping him stable. Then when they were about to lay him at the operating table he saw her... She walked slowly and calmly...after she had received his book bag containing his journals, textbooks...and letters from Chara that he had exchanged... She walked over and whispered to his ear, which was the last thing he heard before the anesthesia finally injected in his system.
"Shhh...it will be alright Kage... I. Will .Put. You. Back. Together ."
When he woke up he heard the sound of people muttering as well as the beeps of a hospital monitor. He moved his arm only to find himself able to move. Just the he sees a nurse walk inside...one of the nurses that often made check ups on him and Mizuchi.
"Good Morning Young Master. You've slept for quiet a while."
His eyes widened.
"For about three days to be exact. They spent a long time making sure you are healthy and well, even replacing your bones with metal like with the Young Lord."
Three days? Was that how long he was unconscious? Then his memories came crashing through his mind like a tsunami. He was working at the energy amplifier, pride swelling up as he saw spark glow brightly, signaling that his work is nearly complete...then it exploded. Then Grandville found him and made sure to stay by his side till the ambulance came...but the nurses were workers for Mother...which meant-
"Hello Kage."
His eyes froze as he saw his mother enter the room, a small smile gracing her lips as she walked closer to him despite wanting to back away from her. She then pulled out from her pocket sleeve which revealed a journal containing his plans and thoughts, flipping through the pages with an amused glint in her eyes.
"You certainly have been very busy, keeping up with your schoolwork and projects at SFIT...without my permission."
Her nails dug into the book cover, scratching through the surface. She then pulled out a photo...of him and Chara.
"You've also made a new friend too... one you have gotten very intimate with."
She pulled out papers that clearly stated that he had dropped out.
"I took the liberty to cut you off the school, explaining to your Professor Grandville that you will not be attending there anymore after her reckless behavior lead you to your injuries, thus allowing this to happen. She was a pleasant woman...pity that she took on a charity case. There's also a fact about this?"
She flipped to a page where it explained how and where are Chara and him going to meet to elope.
"She's certainly a pretty little thing, and quiet clever in her own way. I sent a letter on your behalf to meet at the place you had planned. On the bright side..."
She pulled out one more item from her sleeve... a sliver necklace with a heart hanging in the middle...soaked in blood.
Nurses had rushed in to restrain Kage as he screamed, cursed, yelled, wailing and sobbed as Nozako's smile turned cruel. Dangling Chara's necklace as a trophy, explaining that now Chara would never learn what had happened to him. His hopes and dreams, his future, his Chara were destroyed. He lost consciousness after one of the nurses injected him with a sleeping medicine to finally shush his tears.
After he had woken up he was thrown in the dark room, slumped like a doll. When he was thrown in his brother looked on with sadness and guilt, helpless as Nozako locked the door before she continued her day as if nothing happened. He felt around to find a corner when he felt something familiar... it was one of his possession and a letter. Using his new robotic eyes the read the letter from Mizuchi which had explained that he managed to place his favorite possessions and food so he would have something to keep him company while Nozako wasn't looking.
Did Mizuchi pity him? Did he dare have the nerve to send his possessions and food like he was a child? Why would he do this unless?...
Kage’s eyes suddenly turned red with rage...
Two weeks finally passed and now Nozako was with Mizuchi, standing by the dark room with an African American servant nearby. The door opened and they were hit with a horrid stench of rotten food. When Mizuchi looked inside he gasped in horror. Kage sat quietly like a doll, but his surroundings were as if it were inhabited by an animal. There were finger nail scratches on the walls, bits of blood from what he presumed were his head banging against it. The food was left untouched, rotten with mold. And his possessions were mangled and ravaged. When he looked up he saw Nozako, Mizuchi and...
His eyes widened as he lunged forward and began attacking the poor maid. Mizuchi stared in shock as he saw Kage punch the woman as she cried out, begging Nozako to restrain him as he shouted obscenities.
The guards immediately removed Kage from the woman, her form shaking as she was covered in bruises and cuts. When he was restrained he saw his brother and began growling like an animal.
Nozako whispered as she had summoned her doctors to help Kage calm down, dragging him like a rabid dog. When she turned her attention to her son, his eyes went hollow, silent tears flowing down as he stared at his brother's deranged form. She sighed as she begins to walk away.
"This is what happens when you allow your self to grow soft. Now Kage is broken...and its your fault. If you had obeyed none of this would be happening. I better not see you make this mistake again."
Kage sat quietly as he saw the Bethrotal ceremony happen. Mizuchi's betrothal to a woman named Momakase, the daughter of wealthy merchants that had moved in the island and a rising sushi chef and skilled ninja. When he met her for the first time he immediately disliked her, finding her to be uninteresting and too cocksure of her skills. The feeling was mutual as Momakase thought of him as a creep and disturbed. It took months of his "therapy' to make him stop behaving as a savage and calm him down to at least bein civilized. His physical recovery had been a success, with doctors reassuring that despite the metallic bones and new robotic eyes he could still process his organs normally and had increased his fertility. Not that it mattered, the one girl who had given him affection and intimacy is gone and with it, his desire to start a family. Over the year Mizuchi had changed as well...his smile was absent everyday, his eyes emotionless and did what his mother told. She had groomed him to be a weapon more than a leader, his height increasing ten fold, his strength rising to the point that he could bench press a truck, and his arms can shift to canons when desired. She had turned Mizuchi to a mindless slave designed to obey, to carry out her orders. This what benefitted them. All of them: To Nozako she could use him to continue her twisted rule on the island now fearing for their lives, Momakase is now the fiancée of a poweful heir with immense riches for her desires.. and Kage would use him to personally insult without his complaint, taking out his anger and blame onto his brother.
His heart tightened as he saw Mizuchi present a betrothal necklace to Momakase; a royal blue chocker with gold threads stitched beautifully, with a gold medallion hanging with their symbol as status of her future role as the Madame. His father told them as young boys that a betrothal necklace should be handmade to their chosen bride/or groom, to show that they will make the effort to support and work with them for long as they lived.
Now his Chara's betrothal necklace, one that he had crafted when he planned their elopement, hangs in Nozako's jewelry pile.
He gave a small smirk when he saw Momakase's eyes have a slight twinge of fear as it made contact with her future mother in law. At least it showed that she could not boast so loudly or else she would displease Nozako.
A week later Nozako announced that she will be gone in a long period of time.
"There are some matters I will have to deal with in York town. When I return we will commence Mizuchi's and Momakase's wedding date. Till then..." She turned her eyes to Mizuchi and Kage, her eyes glaring.
"Don't try to mess it up."
With that she left, no goodbyes. Nothing. Kage grinned as he saw the emotionless glaze continue to stay. Perhaps now he could have the power to do what he wanted...a power that would better be used in his hands.
"Lord Mizichio, we have discovered some particular news during our business trade."
Mizuchi looked up to show that he was listening while Kage stood beside him, placing his hand on his shoulder like a guard dog.
" When were on route we came across a small provincial town just outside of Muirahara woods, we heard the townspeople talk about an old woman and her daughter living in the woods. She works as an herbal medicine doctor with her daughter as an apprentice."
"'And your point is?" Asked Kage.
"They spoke that they have a very powerful herbal medicine that could all wounds and sicknesses...even saving those in the brink of death itself."
Kage wasn't sure if this was meant to take seriously or laugh it off as worthless rumors...but if it were true...It would be very useful.
"You are dismissed."
"Of course Lord Mizuchi."
Kage's fist twitched as he heard the guard address his brother instead of himself.
"A-And you too Kage...have a nice day."
With that the guard left, with Kage looking at Mizuchi as he awaited any orders.
"Brother..." Kage's tone being bitter with slight envy, "Tomorrow I will send you off to Muirahara woods and search for the old woman and her child, learn all you can about the' medicine'... or perhaps send its recipe to me. After wards...to hide suspicion... you will kill them."
Mizuchi flinched when he heard the word kill slip so easily from Kage's lips. So the Demonic Titan has yet to take a life...
"Is that understood you brainless oaf?"
"...Yes Kage… I will carry out your order."
"Good... you are dismissed."
Mizuchi's thoughts ran as he saw his beloved brother's smile slowly grow into the same perverted smile as their mother. Despite handling their people with the respect and care that was remotely close to their father... it was only a matter of time until he became another Nozako…
Kage looked over the papers that had been sent to his brother, to which he groaned in envy and annoyance, requesting for a potential partnership. One was from a small rising gang lead by Yama, wanting money and protection from the police. And another being an aging supervillain who wants to control Mizuchi as a guard dog to defeat Boss Awesome. He threw the old man's letter to the shredder but kept Yama's, already devising a plan to set out protection fees and how to exploit them.
Kage turned around and saw Momakase, dressed in the finest kimonos and her hair style beautifully. He scoffed as he went back to looking over the papers.
"Hello Sister in law... Is there anything you want from me?...or are you gonna be a nuisance?"
Momakase growled silently.
"Where is Mizuchi? It has been months since you sent him on a scouting mission! And She will be arriving home next week!"
Kage groaned internally at her complaint. He did not like to be reminded that his time in power is cutting short now that Nozako is returning back. He turned his swivel chair around to look at Momakase clearly.
"And the point is?..."
"I want him back here in time for our wedding!"
"Hmmph. Didn't know you're that desperate. Guess you want to get it over and done with at your wedding night."
Momakase blushed red as she glared at Kage, who gave a taunting smirk. She turns around to leave with a handmaiden in tow.
"Good luck raising my brother's brat...Mommy dearest."
She gave out an exasperated screech as she stomped her way out the office. But she did have a point...what was Mizuchi doing there? This is a simple mission, he should have given the go ahead sign and be transported back home. He shrugs it off as Mizuchi being lost in the forest and immediately crawl back home and wait for Mother to come home and fulfill his duties.
That very night a servant came running through the halls; their face showing shock, disbelief, and horror as their heart pounded. they finally burst to Kage's room, who was just preparing to rest when he saw the panting, exhausted servant.
"K-Kage! I-I couldn't believ it!...You-your...he's-"
"Spit it out you moron!" shouted Kage, impatient at the servant's prattle.
"... The lord of the house...your brother...Mizuchi has been slain by the village!"
Time froze as Kage processed what he just heard. Mizuchi... the demonic titan designed by Nozako, who can destroy cities at her command...had been slayed?
His older brother, who had did his best to protect him despite failing him...is dead.
"Lord Mizuchi is dead?"
They turned around as they saw another servant, who had overheard the news and soon ran out, shouting at the top of their lungs about the news. The shouting woke the rest of the servants as they went to alert the rest of the staff, and eventually to two more people. The first was Momakase, who was annoyed at being woken up only to be stuck in shocked silence at her fiancé's demise...
It was approximately five hours later when Nozako arrived to the island, the residents staring in fear as they saw the Madame run in inhumane speed towards the castle… her rage making her look like a possessed demon as she shouts at the top of her lungs, freezing the hearts of everyone who heard it, especially his.
Kage was shoved to the docks, landing painfully as he saw Nozako's furious scowl on the ship. When she stormed in the castle she ordered the guards to bring Kage to her. Soon he was subjected to her wrath, shouting how he had lead his own brother to his demise, how all her process to make Mizuchi into the perfect leader had been wasted to Kage's carelessness. That is when Kage tried to protest that he could take over the clan and lead them in memory of his brother. Nozako gave a cruel laugh in return.
"You seemed to have forgotten boy, but only one with Mizichio blood can lead this clan. And you are no true Mizichio. The only was you could ever hope to be even my equal is to wed the Mizichio Heir! And guess what? Now that he is dead there is no heir for you to even fornicate!”
Then she had dragged him to the docks and pushed him to the ship she had arrived him and sailed towards San Fransokyo where they are now.
"The only reason you managed to stay with us after your father died is because of your brother. How he had allowed himself to let you latch onto him like a parasite. Now you have nothing in this world! You will die alone and forgotten like the rat you've always been! A shadow in a world that will damn you for the rest of your miserable existence! I hope you're happy."
Kage looked at the sailing boat, with nothing but the clothes he's wearing and money he managed to grab. Finally, like a ticking alarm, the reality of this finally struck him. His mind racing with memories of his life. He had lost everything he ever had: First his father, his school, his teachers, his Chara, His dreams...and now his brother...
Oh god... his brother! Memories of his brother crashed through, now breaking the emotional wall as he cried. His older brother, who did everything to make him happy, his first friend is no more...
He did try to start over, to try living an honest life. But he was soon exposed to the grittier side of San Fransokyo. And while it was the criminals and thugs that had inhabited the smaller parts of the city, it was also the corrupt loan sharks that made surviving nearly impossible. He lost count on how many jobs he lost due to his weak frame and his 'ego' driving others into jealous rage. He shuddered at the times where he had gotten so desperate for money that he had allowed others to...have fun with him. It wasn't like his experiences with Chara, where it was filled with soft words and warmth and love. This was dirty, cold, and harsh...and just for loose cash to feed himself. 
He resumed his habit of scratching himself till he bled when it started.
What had he done in a past life to deserve such cruelty? To loose everything that he had and wanted so much? No...
It wasn't him that's the problem... it was the city.
He recalled the stories of San Fransokyo, where before the great catastrophe Lenore Shimamoto lived in a city of San Francisco. Where people like her and others not possessing white skin were disregarded, tossed aside and ignored. His father told him that's why the Mizichio Clan originated from: when the founder had been an outcast by society along with others...and decided to take fate to their own hands and create their own world. Where they finally stood up to their oppressors and claimed their place.
Lenore Shimamoto's experiment led to the birth of San Fransokyo, where it had progressed the minorities stand on living and given more power.
At that moment, he smiled to himself as he realized what he can do. What actions he would make to gain all the love and praise that should rightfully be his instead of his brother's. He just needed to find the actual blue prints and rebuilt the amplifier, adjust it to his liking.
And recreate this city to his values, his morals. Where people can venture into science without limits, where they do not have to wonder when their next meal is.
He would create the perfect city from its ashes, become their leader and guide them to a prosperous future...
He will go back and slay the monster he had to call his mother and claim back his home.
He finally found his purpose.
And the World will finally know the name..
of Obake.
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