#goredev look away i'm not good at writing for gore yet lmao
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quicksilverdrabbles · 2 years ago
In the Dead of Night...
Azazel: *gasps, sitting upright in her bedroll*
Gore: *snoring quietly, still tucked into his*
Azazel: ...
Thalmor Justiciar: Over here, this way.
Azazel: ...? Elven.. Altmeri?
Thalmor Wizard: You're sure? This looks like an average vagrant camp.
Thalmor Justiciar: Positive. Our tip seemed very insistent that these were Talos worshippers.
Azazel: Talos worshippers..?
Thalmor Wizard: Summon the others, then. Leave no survivors.
Azazel: *gasps* Gore! *backs away from the tent opening, feeling around for where he is on the ground and shaking him frantically* Gore! Get up!
Gore: Hmn- Nn- Wha-
Azazel: Get up, you oaf! We need to get out of here!
Gore: Az-? Wha-What's going- OW! Mmf! *gets slapped in the face by Azazel's hand, a quiet 'sorry!', and then silenced by the same hand covering his mouth*
Azazel: Shh!! *points behind her towards the rising sounds of the Thalmor*
Thalmor Wizard: What was that?
Thalmor Justiciar: Probably a pair of lovers. It is that time of night.
Thalmor Wizard: Ill-fated lovers.
Justiciar/Wizard: *snickers*
Gore: *eyes widen, grabbing Azazel's wrist and pulling her hand away from him* We need to go.
Azazel: Where??
Gore: Across the border. We're close enough to slip through into Falkreath if we can avoid them here.
Thalmor Justiciar: Ugh, but I don't want to have to kill half-naked humans. Phynaster forbid they are fully undressed.
Thalmor Wizard: Leave that tent for last then, you prude.
Azazel: ...! Wait, I might have some invisibility potion-
Gore: You just had those the whole time??
Azazel: Lass like me kind of needs multiple options, just take the stupid potion!
Gore: Wait hang on- *grabs his sword, tearing a hole in the back of the tent and peeking out to make sure no one was around* We go out here. Come on. *takes the potion from Azazel and drinks it, disappearing*
Azazel: I have no idea what you just did, I hope you know. *drinks her potion and disappears*
Gore: Just- Come on! *grabs her hand and pulls her out of the tent. Cries rise up all around the camp, and smoke begins to rise from the tents closest to the edge*
Azazel: Oh Gods, I smell smoke-
Gore: Keep going. We gotta head north.
Azazel: Right.
Gore: *takes the lead, pulling her through the forest thicket towards Skyrim*
Azazel: *trips, stepping on a branch, the invisibility potion wearing off just as the loud crack echoes through the forest*
Thalmor: Hm? Did you hear something?
Gore: Shit. *grabs Azazel by the shoulders and redirects her in a certain direction* Keep running this way and you'll get across the border to Falkreath. Keep going, and don't stop until you feel the sun rise. I'll find you.
Azazel: Wait what are you doing-
Gore: I'm gonna buy you some time.
Azazel: That's ridiculous! Gore, you can't-
Gore: I can, and will. Hurry and go!
Azazel: Wait-
Gore: *shoves her forward, pivoting on his heel and drawing his sword at the three Thalmor that step out from the shadows* Go!
Azazel: *gasps, hearing the Thalmor's laughter*
Thalmor Wizard: Found the lovers.
Thalmor Justiciar: Gross. Just kill them and be done with it.
Azazel: Gods- just don't die! *turns and runs in the direction Gore pointed her towards*
Gore: Hah. What do you take me for?
Azazel: *hunched over with her hands on her knees, panting. Feels the warmth of the sun on her face* Sun's up... *swallows, wiping her forehead and standing straight* ... And I have no idea where I am. Lovely.
Azazel: I hope I'm at least in Skyrim. Don't think I went the wrong way, at least... *sighs, trying to listen for anything unusual* ... Why is it so quiet? Where are the birds?
Thalmor Justiciar: *from afar* Come on now, that mutt couldn't have gotten far!
Azazel: !? How the hell do they keep doing that??? *turns and runs, her feet catching against roots and branches against the ground* Son of a- I've got to find Gore.. *lifts her hands in front of her, conjuring a small blue orb between them, casting Detect Life in one hand and Clairvoyance in the other* If he's alive, lead me to him.
Gore: *laying on the ground with his leg caught in a bear trap* ... Y'know, I can't honestly say I'm surprised anymore.
Gore: ...! Who's there? *raises his head and glares into the woods* ... Whoever you are, better come out now, s'wit, or else I'll-
Azazel: S'wit? That's rich coming from the man I presume to be laying on the floor.
Gore: Azazel!
Azazel: What are you doing down there? You weren't sleeping, were you?
Gore: ... I'm stuck.
Azazel: Stuck?
Gore: Stuck.
Azazel: .. On what, exactly?
Gore: A bear trap.
Azazel: So.. you tripped over it?
Gore: No you idiot, it caught my leg!
Azazel: ...
Gore: ...
Azazel: *snorts* And you call me the idiot?? How did that even happen?
Gore: Would you just shut up and help me-
Azazel: Fine, fine. Bite down on something, this is gonna hurt. *kneels down and feels for his leg, her touch light as she skirts over the metal and takes a hold of it* Ready? One.. Two..
Gore: Three. *grunts, wincing when Azazel pries the trap open* Ow.
Azazel: Quit being such a baby. Here. *helps him stand up, leaning him against a fallen log* Take a rest for a sec while I heal this.
Thalmor Wizard: This way, hurry!
Azazel: ... *sighs* Or not. Guess we gotta do this the hard way. Stay here.
Gore: Are you crazy?! I can fight, just-
Azazel: Sit. *a streak of magic forces him to the ground* I'll handle it.
Thalmor Wizard: I found them!
Azazel: *turns towards the sound of the three Thalmor, dark green scales bloom across her face and neck as she activates Dragonskin and flames gather at her fingers* You'll really wish you hadn't in a moment.
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quicksilverdrabbles · 2 years ago
Advance trigger warning for mentions of r*pe
Azazel: *born blind, wandering the roads of Cyrodiil alone*
Raven: *standing in the middle of the road with another Raven, and Gore* ... Tst. 'Ey. Check her out.
Raven (2): Mm? *leans forward to stare past his companion*
Gore: Gods, here we go.. Can't you just leave her?
Raven (2): Hah. Good joke, lad. Looks a bit dirty though, eh? 'Ow we know she ain't got anything?
Raven: You'd fuck a sheep with rabies if ye' could, be real now.
Raven (2): Ah, stuff it.
Azazel: *coming to a stop some feet in front of them* Are you gentlemen going to stand there and gawk all day, or would you kindly move?
Raven: Hah, er- 'pardon us', little miss. Couldn't help but notice ye' all by ya'self in the middle of these 'ere woods. Dangerous game you play.
Azazel: *her neutral expression falls into a glare* Is that a threat?
Gore: Oh.
Raven: Oh hardly, lass. In fact, we wanted to offer our services to ya'. We're bodyguards.
Raven (2): Eh? The hell're you on about, mate?
Raven: *grabs his friend by the ear and pulls him in close* Shut the hell up and follow along.
Azazel: ...
Raven (2): Aaaaah. I getcha. Yeah, bodyguards.
Azazel: I'm afraid I have no money to give you gentlemen. I can't pay for any services.
Raven: Ah, no need to worry about tha'. No payment required.
Raven (2): Although, if you'd like to pay in other ways-
Gore: *shoves him to the side with a glare* Enough out of you.
Raven (2): Oi! Mind your business, you runt!
Gore: Sorry about my brothers, miss. They're idiots.
Azazel: Brothers? You three sound nothing alike. *tilts her head* Unless it's more of a namesake for clan members.
Gore: Sound? We don't really look alike either, don't you think?
Azazel: I wouldn't know.
Gore: What?
Raven: Actually, yeah, what the hell's wrong with you anyway, eh lass? *leans in close, noting how she doesn't flinch or look away* Somethin's up with you.
Azazel: Aside from the fact your breath reeks and I would like for you to step away from me?
Raven: Aye? Careful there, lass. Hate for somethin' bad to happen to ye' cuz you decided to piss off the wrong person, yeah? *grabs her by the wrist* C'mon now. All we want is to help.
Azazel: Let go of me. *yanks her hand away, a spurt of fire spewing from her fingers*
Raven (2): Ah c'mon now, miss, don't be like that. We're only trying to help. 'Ere, whatsay we take ye' back to our camp? Yeah?
Azazel: ...
Gore: So much for trying to be kind.. Jo-Lee will have your head if you bring her back. You know his law.
Raven (2): To hell with Jo-Lee.
Azazel: Fine. Only because I know you lot wouldn't let me go even if I said no.
Raven: Hah! Smart lass. Come on, then.
Azazel: *walking next to Gore with the other two Ravens farther ahead* So, what are you planning to do to me?
Gore: I'm not planning on doing anything.
Azazel: Your band, then. Your 'brothers'. I don't think they noticed I could hear them whispering among themselves.
Gore: You heard them? Sharp hearing.
Azazel: My senses are sharper than most. Most of my senses, anyway.
Gore: You are blind, then.
Azazel: Blind. Not helpless. I burn everyone that tries to touch me.
Gore: Oh... I'm sure they intend to, um..
Azazel: Enslave me? Sell me? Rape me?
Gore: Gods- Our leader wouldn't let anything like that happen.. I don't think. If anything, he'll probably turn you away.
Azazel: I see.
Gore: ... You were expecting something like that to happen? You seemed.. oddly desensitized to it.
Azazel: I've had many people over the years try. Some even succeeded before I taught myself better.
Gore: ... Succeeded at what, exactly?
Azazel: Eh. Everything.
Gore: Oh. I'm.. I'm sorry.
Azazel: I don't think you have any right to apologize when you're willing to stand beside the people that want to hurt me.
Gore: I really don't want too, though. I would have felt better just letting you wander aimlessly like you were.
Azazel: How kind of you.
Gore: *sighs, looking around and realizing they were getting close to camp* Alright, look. I really do want to help you out of this.
Azazel: Why on earth would you want to do that? Surely you've killed lots of innocent people.
Gore: I don't know, a change of heart? I'd feel worse standing around and doing nothing.
Azazel: So you want to feel better.
Gore: Not necessarily. I just want to help. But you kind of have to trust me here, alright? At the very least, I can keep them away from you, but you have to stay close to me. If you start to feel like I'm not where you thought I was, or I'm getting too far away from you, call out to me, and I'll come back. My name is Gore.
Azazel: Gore? That doesn't sound like a name.
Gore: Ha. It isn't, really.
Azazel: .. My name is Azazel.
Gore: That doesn't sound like a name, either.
Azazel: *laughs* .. It isn't. Not really.
Gore: Haha. Sounds like an interesting story.
Raven: Oi, what are you two blabbering on about? Shove it, we're almost back.
Gore: ... Remember, stay close. When Jo-Lee turns you away, I'll bring you to the closest town, alright?
Azazel: .. Fine. Try anything and I burn you.
Gore: Fair enough. Wouldn't be the first time.
Raven (2): Aye, boss! We're back!
Jo-Lee: Hm? And who on earth have you brought with you?
Gore: Her name is Azazel. These two dragged her back to camp.
Raven: Lad's taken a liking to 'er. Bet he wants first dibs, haha!
Azazel: ...
Gore: I tried to remind these two about your rule with women, Jo-Lee, but they insisted-
Jo-Lee: Hmph. *turns away and focuses on his food* The hour grows late. Keep an eye on her for the night and then take her away from camp in the morning.
Gore: ...? But Jo-Lee-
Jo-Lee: You will be the one keeping an eye on her, Gore. If anything happens, it's on you.
Gore: ... Fine. Come on, you'll stay in my tent.
Azazel: Okay.
Jo-Lee: *watches as the group disperses, focusing on Gore and Azazel* Hmph. Just had to be today, huh. *stands and walks away*
Azazel: ...
Gore: *setting out an extra bed roll in his tent* So what're you doing wandering around here by yourself? Surely you have some family worried about you somewhere.
Azazel: I doubt it.
Gore: Hm?
Azazel: *sighs, kneeling and sitting on the ground* My father named me Azazel. It means 'scapegoat'. When I was born, and they realized I was blind, they found an excuse to pin every bad thing that happened in our family on me. Not enough food for the winter? It was because I couldn't do any work to gather any.
Gore: ...
Azazel: Although, in reality, they never let me try to help even when I offered. I thought for years I was actually a bad omen on my family. Turns out, they pissed off a daedric prince. Blinded me upon my birth, and cursed my family to hard times forever.
Gore: That's horrible.
Azazel: I hardly want pity. Spent the last couple years of my life just.. walking. Fighting. Surviving. Nowhere I went was safe enough for me to stay. Even in the Imperial City, there would be people trying to use me to their benefit just because they thought I couldn't defend myself. Jokes on them, now the capital of the Empire is minus one brothel.
Gore: Ha! At least you've got good fire in you. But how come you didn't just try to kill us when they stopped you?
Azazel: Plan was to just burn the whole camp down, to be honest. Until you offered your help.
Gore: Ah. Nice to know I've avoided death by hellfire.
Azazel: Among other things.
Gore/Azazel: *laughs, leaning close to each other with teasing grins*
Gore: Hah, ah..
Azazel: *sighs, falling back onto the bedroll and rubbing at the material with her fingers* This is soft.
Gore: Yeah? It's not a very good bedroll, I'm afraid.
Azazel: Better than sleeping on the ground. Or in a tree.
Gore: You can climb trees?
Azazel: Of course I can, I'm not a kit.
Gore: Right, right.
Gore: A-Actually, that gives me more questions than answers. Suppose I should leave that for another time, though.
Azazel: Yes, perhaps.
Gore: Mm. Anyways, Jo-Lee's leading us to Skyrim tomorrow. There's good coin over there. *flops against his bedroll with a yawn* Can't believe he actually let you stay. It's weird. But maybe he'd let you come with us as far as the border. You could find a living in Skyrim too, I bet.
Azazel: Mm. Maybe.
Gore: Could always earn a bit of extra coin as a temporary healer for us. Had a bad raid last week.
Azazel: Is your band superstitious against Restoration magic?
Gore: I think if someone's got an arrow through their gut, they shouldn't worry how they get healed.
Azazel: Personal experience?
Gore: I have a lot of personal experiences.
Azazel: Har har.
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