#goooood i'm sososososo happy!! :DDD
mushroomjar · 3 years
holding my hands out ..... please show me ur picrews for em >:3c no reason... im just curious .... (definitely not grabbing my stylus)
Okay okay aaahhh I'll show! But I think the post will get long with all the images so I'll out it under a read more
Aahhh this is literally why I need to learn to draw, most of the time Picrew can't do them justice!! But I do my best and I'm happy with what I can do
ID in alt text
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This is Avery (he/him preferred but any pronouns that aren't she/her are okay), the sleep-deprived punk of the group (it is very hard to make a visible punk on Picrew so you have to trust me on this one, like in my head he cannot wear an outfit that doesn't have at least a couple patches on it). Half-Argentinian, half-USAmerican (you should assume all my OCs are Argentinian unless specifically stated otherwise). Looks like a very unapproachable person but is actually super thoughtful and kind even to strangers... though he does have a very quick temper, so he at least tries his best. His scars are from frequently getting into fights, which doesn't help at all. Most likely to get in trouble for the most insignificant stuff, will fuck things up on purpose. Despite all this, Avril Lavigne is one of his top artists on Spotify
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Nadia (she/her) was one of my first OCs from the ones I'll be talking about in this post, and she's changed a lot but at the same time she's remained exactly the same so whenever I think about her I always get so 🥺 A very sweet and kind girl, but also a meme expert. She's usually the one in charge of making the memes for the friend group, not that she minds. Very easy to get along and make friends with her, but good luck getting to read any of her writing (wants to become a writer, doesn't show her writing to anyone. Perfectionism will do that to you). I did make another Picrew like the first one I showed for Avery since I usually make a Picrew like that for every one of my OCs, but I can never get her to look quite right in it, so I decided to just show this one, since it's extremely accurate to how I picture her in my head
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Luka (he/him) is the social butterfly of the group and the one that lacks all the braincells. Very passionate about his hobbies and interests (all musical interests, mainly, like singing and playing instruments), also very passionate about climbing the most unclimbable trees (yes, he does end up falling off of them a lot). Pretty hyperactive and easily bored, so he's always looking for something to do. Absolutely cannot stay still, except for when the hyperfixation hits. He can be very clueless and sometimes a bit tactless, but at the end of the day he'll be one of your best friends and genuinely cares a lot about you. Oh, also, French. Sorry.
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Felix (he/him) is the opposite of a social butterfly, would much rather stay at home and lie about all day than interact with new people. Which is why people don't believe he's Luka's best friend. A bit quiet at first, but once you get to know him, if you can engage conversation in a topic he likes, he'll talk and talk for hours on end. So if you actually want to know how bees are able to fly, just ask him, and be willing to sit there and listen for an hour, he'll be too excited to stop once he starts. Also really into mushrooms (because I needed to give that interest to an OC too) and Spider-Man, he forced absolutely everyone he knows to watch all the movies because "we can't be friends if you don't like even one of the movies"
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Ximena (pronounced hee-meh-nah) (they/them), aka the funky earrings lesbian of the group. This is another case of the Picrew not being good enough to portray them. I mean, the stickers and hairpins are accurate, but Ximena is the type to wear very bright colors and to dress in mainly rainbows with thousands of accessories at a time (think like a mix of kidcore and rainbow with decora influences, that's them). Absolutely stim machine, which actually makes them a really good companion to Luka. And like Luka, they are incapable of speaking at a low volume. Adores their friends and constantly goes out of their way to do things with/for them. If you're their friend you will end up with at least five friendship bracelets they made for you, and you better save every single one of them. Very optimistic and intelligent, wants to become a scientist in the future
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And this is Claudia! (She/her) It's pretty hard to make alt people in Picrews as I've confirmed multiple times myself ;-; She's actually a goth! Has been dressing as such since very little. She's a very blunt and honest person, which makes a lot of people think she's rude. She's not rude for being completely monotone and never lying, she's rude because insulting people is her passion! Not a single person is safe from her hateful remarks. So, basically, the definition of a mean lesbian. Luka usually ends up being the victim of most of her remarks, and no one knows if it's because she's really fond of him or if she genuinely hates him, and oh my god why have I mentioned Luka so many times in this post, he isn't even my favorite. Anyways, Claudia is also a piercings enthusiast, and though she hates other people touching her, she absolutely loves styling other people's hair. She also dabbles in drawing. She's extremely perceptive, and all her friends are really glad to be her friends
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And because you said you liked her, here's Ciara! (She/they) She's one of my newest OCs so I'm still developing them, but they go back and forth between lovecore outfits and pastel punk outfits, they are incapable of wearing an outfit that doesn't have at least a little pink. Seems like a cinnamon roll but is actually very foul-mouthed and has a bit of a temper. They are nice, they just find it fun to not be nice sometimes. Half-Irish, half-Argentinian. Huge metalhead, it's the genre she listens to the most and she doesn't listen to a lot of music outside of it. And like I said before, Claudia's girlfriend
Okay that's it, I've been at this for an hour. And I've done all of this without talking about Andrea, Felix's dads and their best friend, Avery's neighborhood friends, his sister, Nadia's sister, Ximena's siblings or my fantasy OCs. I think that's the biggest intro I've made for my OCs in one sitting! I decided to only mention the main ones (except for Ciara, I made a special mention for her since you said you liked her tag)
So I hope you enjoyed that! Because I did! And again thank youuu so so so so so much for the ask! I love getting to talk about my OCs, even if I've been getting to do it more often lately it stills always gets me so happy and excited (blorbos from my head I guess). Have a super nice rest of the day and/or week!!
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