#google pay gas booking
sherlock-is-ace · 4 months
#i'm done i'm so fucking tired#i want to burn the internet to the ground#i want to destroy my computer chuck my phone into a river and go live in the middle of nowhere#no wifi no 4g no nothing#i want to die because we cannot fucking escape this shit#meta using my art to train ai and refusing my request to stop#my computer not being able to run glaze or nightshade or any of those ai poisoning thingies#spam emails and text messages and whatsapp messages and bots in the comments#and just EVERYTHING TRYING TO SELL ME THINGS WHILE ALSO STEALING WHAT'S ALREADY MINE#i hate it i hate it i can't fucking stand it anymore#and you'll be like ''then why don't you go offline then... nobody's making you have an instagram account''#and you'd be right... if it weren't for the fact that i chose the one fucking career that DEMANDS online presence#i already struggle to find work as an illustrator WITH social media and POSTING MY ART ONLINE#how the fuck would I do it if people don't see my art?!#and sure people have illustrated books way before the internet existed... sure... BUT IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT ANYMORE#i'm so fucking angry and tired and frustrated that there's no way out of this#the internet is becoming unusable yet life demands it#my only option right now it to fuck myself and my beliefs and let companies steal my hardwork for the benefit of..?#having no notes in my posts except for the bots commenting ''see 👀my hole 🍑 daddy 💦 kitten 😻 ready 4 u 🤤 subscribe🔥 pay 💲 me''#i'm sick of this#i don't want to delete everything i ever posted online because A. at this point that's useless and B. again. how the fuck would i get work?#also even then... emailing my clients their finished illustrations goes through google drive or gmail...#do we think google is nice and doesn't steal images to train generative AI?#''talk to your representatives they need to make laws about this'' my fucking president is currently chumming it up with elon fucking musk#while people here are starving to death#we're literally going to freeze this winter because the genius goverment has fucked up our gas supply and that's used not only for heating#but for ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION#so we won't have a wat to heat our houses cook or even fucking SEE AT NIGHT#and you want me to ask them to make copyright laws?!#i want to die
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chlix · 11 months
skz as patrons at the library where i work
Genre: crack Synoposis: literally what it says on the tin lmao Members: OT8!! maknae line below the cut :)
Disclaimer in case my boss sees this that I love my job and almost all of our patrons <3 also none of these statements describe a specific person they’re just amalgamations of things we do and see every day
Mostly comes in to use our wifi/study rooms
Once asked us if we had a spare ethernet cable+hookup and we were all like ummmm we don’t really do that here?
Accumulated a $0.50 fine on his account and was extremely apologetic while paying it off like dude it’s okay it’s not that serious
Needs to print like 150 pages off of his laptop every single week and we feel bad for being annoyed because he’s really very nice about it*
Leaves ten minutes before closing <333
*this is annoying because printing off your own laptop means we have to leave our desk and go get your papers from the wireless printer the back office, whereas if you printed from the library computers you could get it yourself from the public printers
Runs a whole-ass business out of our meeting rooms
Like seriously shouldn’t you have an office space or a building for this….but no he checks out the same room key almost every day like clockwork
Actually doesn’t even live in our township but pays the PLAC fee because he likes our facilities better
Every time he tries to speak to us at the desk and it echoes he goes, “Wow sound really travels in here doesn’t it?”
When you ask him for his name for the financial records he jokingly refuses to tell you because “You should know who I am by now”
Constantly forgets that he has to check out items that are on the holds shelf before leaving
It's such an issue like we've marked more than ten books as missing/lost but it turns out he just took them and left
Regularly attends the adult programming, like book clubs and mental health information sessions, always thanks the presenter for their time <3
Uses the library as Google, will call us and ask “Where’s the cheapest gas station close to where I am?” like sir where are you????
Has a punch card for the coffee machine and will stand around and make small talk while the coffee brews
Gets so unbelievably embarrassed to come up to the desk for any reason as we’re going to verbally berate him for asking us a question
Bitches about every fine no matter how small, will ask for a manager over $0.75.
Seriously he does not like owing money. He got a book wet one time on vacation and paid for it as passive-aggressively as possible
“I’m telling you that the person before me must have done that because I would never treat a book that way, I treat all my books well and I’m one of the most frequent users of the library” like ok sir that'll be $27.99
One of those people that finds weeding atrocious and hates when he sees damaged books in the trash
Constantly complains about how the classics section lacks diversity (he’s right but us circ assistants can’t do anything about it)
Has about a hundred books checked out on his account and can never remember which ones are next
He has a phone plan with a weird provider so we can’t text him notices and even though we explain this several times he constantly complains that he doesn’t get notices by text
Tries to pay his fines off with Apple Pay and can’t understand why we, a library using a cash register from 2007, do not take Apple Pay
Once used a website that made the computer set off a LOUD ASS ALARM for being a “forbidden or unsafe network” and we were all like what the hell did you do like even porn doesn’t set off an alarm????
Always asks to “use the bathroom really quick” after we’ve officially closed and forces us to stay an extra 20 minutes because we can’t shut anything down until the building is empty
Never actually reserves a meeting room but will always come to the front desk and ask if there’s one available and will be SHOCKED if we’re booked straight through for the day
Regularly brings in books for donation and when he pays fines in cash he always hands us a $20 and says to keep the change <3
Notices every minute change to the layout like “Why are the atlases no longer at the front of nonfiction?” and we’re like when was the last time you even checked out an atlas
Gets embarrassed if a book he wants is in the teen or children’s section and asks us to go get it for him
Can never connect to Libby because he keeps forgetting his PIN number so he calls us to reset it like once a month
Checks out a TON of DVDs. Treats this place like Netflix fr
Will request we get a movie that’s currently in theaters and we’re like “It’s not even out on disc yet so we literally can’t buy it”
Prefers to hand all his returns to a desk person and watch us check them in while he’s there instead of putting them in the return so he can "make sure" he doesn't get any fines
Asks us why mysteries are shelved separately from all the other books because it’s confusing as to what is and isn’t a mystery (we have no clue either)
Likes picking books off the cart while you’re shelving because they're "peer reviewed" and "probably better than what's on the shelves"
Constantly forgets his library card and is forced to come up to the desk so we can check his books out
Does not understand the difference between librarians and circulation assistants and so is always asking circ assistants do work that only librarians can do
“What do you mean you’re not a librarian? Isn’t everyone who works in a library a librarian?”
Thinks literally everything is going to get him banned from the library as if you'd get banned from the library for...using the services we offer?
Got anxious when we entered the room with a giant mallet after he reported one of the tables was stuck and we had to explain we were not going to attack him and we use the mallet to fix stuck tables
Walks away with room keys sometimes and returns them like 30 minutes before we close in an absolute PANIC
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 2 months
Nine People I Want to Get to Know Better
I was tagged by @thisonelikesaliens @byemambo and @twig-tea 🥰 Thank you so much! 🤍
Last song: J'ai Cru Entendre - Louis Garrel, Gregoire Leprince-ringuet
This song is on repeat right now. I stumbled upon a gif set from this movie and I remembered it had a really good soundtrack and now I am obsessing over it. And I love french! Such a beautiful language, but it was hell for me to learn it in school. I was never really good in learning languages and french was just difficult. But I love listening to it.
Favourite Colour: Petrol
Currently Watching: 😂😂😂😂 Sometimes I think too much, but I got on terms with my self and I just watch things I really want to watch. There was a time I was watching everything that aired, if I liked it or not. That is over! But this is my list:
4 Minutes
Bad Guy
Century of Love
Gyeongseong Creature
Hidamari ga Kikoeru
His Man Season 3
My Love Mix-Up!
Takara no Vidro
The Boyfriend
The Spirealm
The Trainee
World of Honor
Some of them I just watch when I am in the mood for it. And why are most of the series airing wednesdays and thursdays? I have a life and have to go to work and earn money to pay for this hobby!
Last movie: Pitch Perfect 2 - I was on a small summer vacation with friends and as we were listening to the soundtrack we decided not to play our Pen & Paper games, but watch the Pitch Perfect Franchise instead in the evenings. Well, we ditched the last one, because it is not good, but it was fun watching the first two with friends.
Currently Reading: The Bones Beneath My Skin - TJ Klune (I am happy it didn't ask what my last read was, because it was such a bad book, I can't believe I finished it...)
Sweet, Spicy, or Savoury?: Savoury... with a little bit of spice and after that something sweet
Relationship: A very happy, long-term relationship with myself 🤍
Current Obsession: The Boyfriend? This show on Netflix, which is really just so good! And I watch it with my best friend which is something special. And of course the soundtrack from "Les Chansons D'Amour".
Last googled: How to shuffle all of my songs on Spotify... I learned that it is not possible so I used a third party website...
Currently working on: An photobook for a good friend who is getting married next month.
That was fun! I am tagging @troubled-mind @aprilblossomgirl @firstkanaphans @nieves-de-sugui @wen-kexing-apologist @djeterg19 @bengiyo @pose4photoml @respectthepetty (Just as always: no pressure, just ignore me, if you don't want to play or if you already did)
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sleepyhead-poll · 9 months
Under the cut is a list of characters who, so far, have been rejected. I am also listing the reason on why they are being rejected:
The following list of 5 characters have been rejected for falling more under the category of characters who have been comatose / hibernated / been in a deep slumber:
Aurora from Disney's Sleeping Beauty [NOTE: While Aurora from Disney's Sleeping Beauty herself is not accepted, other variations from the Sleeping Beauty story HAVE been accepted such as Shrek's Sleeping Beauty and Silver from Twisted Wonderland. The reason why this specific version of Sleeping Beauty isn't accepted is because her sleeping was not a part of her characterization- she basically just fell into a magical coma- but the accepted versions DO have sleeping as part of their characterization.]
Cthulhu from The Call of Cthulhu by H.P. Lovecraft
Flayn from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
He Xuan from Tian Guan Ci Fu / Heaven Official's Blessing
Robin from Fire Emblem: Awakening
The following list of 2 characters have been rejected for falling under the category of "one-off joke", i.e., their sleepy trait was a joke in part chapter or episode and not a consistent part of their character: (If I am incorrect and there are multiple instances throughout the work they appear in that alludes to them being a sleepyhead, feel free to send it to me and I will un-reject them)
Crowley from Good Omens, specifically the book by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Pavel Iwaszkiewicz from Community
The following list of 2 characters have been rejected for being from real life:
Every cat [NOTE: Dude I literally said not to submit yourself or pets from real life. I know not every cat is a pet, but come on.]
The country of Montenegro [NOTE: Okay this was a funny submission but sorry. Not counting real people... or countries.]
The following list of 3 characters have powers that have to do with sleep, but don't seem to be a sleepyhead themselves:
Enmu from Demon Slayer
Faruzan from Genshin Impact
Sumireko Usami from Touhou Project
And finally, the following list of 4 characters are the rest of the rejected characters. I will list the reason why under their name:
Blathers from Animal Crossing. I haven't played Animal Crossing, but from what I can tell this character isn't actually sleepy, they're just nocturnal so have an opposite sleep schedule as the player.
Greece / Heracles Karpusi from Hetalia Invoking my "right to reject any submission". You could not pay me to accept a Hetalia / country personification into this poll.
Jack Townsend from Tales from the Gas Station Seems like an interesting book! But he seems to be an insomniac, which is the opposite of a sleepy character.
Sleepy Dwarf Character from Once Upon a Time (in Space) by the Mechanisms The submitter said they didn't remember their name which is why I said "sleepy dwarf character" instead of Sleepy or whatever their name is because I'm not sure if that is their name. I would appreciate it if you know the name of a character you are submitting. If they don't have a name, chances are that they are such a minor character that I don't think they should count. Not always, but usually. Supported by the fact that when I tried to Google the character I could barely find any information on them except that they sang on verse in one song in this entire album.
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ivan-fyodorovich-k · 2 years
Please explain how to write out a personal ledger like I’m 5 (my budget is getting tighter and I always pay my bills before any other spending but I’m tired of passively spending and wondering where 50 bucks went at the end of the month)
I have a five year old and if I explained this to you like you were five it would not be useful to you in your mid twenties
I do mine on the computer, I have a file in Microsoft Excel because I have Excel, but any spreadsheet program would work I'm sure, you could probably use Google sheets or whatever it’s called
warning: if you follow this method you will know how you spend your money
So what I do is this
I have a sheet set up as follows:
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Column A is "Date," which is the date I spent the money
Column B is "Date Posted," which is the date the transaction actually clears my bank
Column C is "Amount," or the amount spent/moved/deposited. This will be a positive or negative number depending on whether you are adding or subtracting money from the account
Column D is "Category," which is very important for making this data useful for a budget. Categories will probably be subjective but the ones that I mainly use are:
Bill - this is for a regular monthly expense necessary to live, like car insurance, electricity, the mortgage, phone, etc.
Debt - this is for money I flush down the toilet. I used to have a separate category for "Medical Debt" but now it's all just Debt. Credit card payments and student loans. And medical debt.
Gas - when I buy gasoline it gets its own category
Groceries - as the name implies this is when I buy food from a grocery store, as distinct from:
Takeout - this is when I eat out, have delivery, fast food, etc., unhealthy sodium-saturated food prepared by someone else for immediate consumption
Misc - this is the useless category in which all other spending is absorbed, including my irresponsible purchases.
I also have the following categories:
Deposit - for when money goes in
Transfer - for when money is moved to or from another account
Withdrawal - for when I remove cash
Obviously you could have other categories for expenses you want to track more closely. Clothing might warrant its own category, or books, or snacks, which are sort of between takeout and groceries, or whatever.
Column E is "Location," which is where I spent the money. I usually try to write this how it appears on my ledger, which is not always where I remember physically spending it. For example, my wife's Old Navy card shows up as Barclay Card on the ledger, which has been the object of much confusion, leading to
Column F is "Notes," where I elaborate when Column E doesn't make very much sense. What is Barclay Card? Oh, the Old Navy card.
One place in which Columns E and F work together most regularly is on paydays, when E gives the name of the employer and F gives whose payday it is.
Column G just says "Balance," which I leave in cell G1 permanently, and then Column H / cell H1 is a running balance, which you can see above I let Excel calculate using a simple formula that takes the sum of all additions and subtractions in column C
Now, these features might be exclusive to Excel but I'm sure you could find equivalents in other spreadsheet programs. I have Row 1 / Top Row "Frozen" so that I can always see the column names and the balance as I scroll down. I also have columns A through F set to "filter," which is why they have the little drop-down arrow on the right-hand side, and this, as the name implies, lets me filter. So if you want to look at a specific category, or specific place, or something. I most often use this to filter out all but the current month in Column A, and to keep my transactions in the right chronological order.
Once its set up, and this is the painful part, you need to keep track of every single penny you spend. You can do this in the old-school way by keeping receipts or if you have online banking and they're pretty on top of things you can look at your bank ledger at the end of the day and add the day's transactions then. But if you let it sit more than a day or two you will have unpleasantness and it will only get worse the longer it sits. This is where having a Date and Date Posted column comes into play. There are some bills I have that take several days to post. My mortgage for example, which is my largest single bill, takes about four days to clear. My wife's student loans, the second largest bill, take about a week to go through. So I put those on my ledger the day I submit the payment and then they show up in the bank ledger a few days later and I note that as well. PayPal transactions also tend to take several days to go through. The other reason having a Date and a Date Posted column is nice is when you have to self-audit because there's a discrepancy between your balance and the bank’s, you can use the sort/filter function to sort your transactions by the date posted which makes it easier to compare your ledger to your bank.
The other thing I do is I have a little portion of the spreadsheet off to the side where I keep all of my fixed bills and their due dates and keep track of when I pay them in a month. The Unpaid / Paid cells at the top are so I can copy and paste the format of those cells as the month goes on. As the months go on I have to cut and paste this to keep it close to the end of the ledger. You don't really need to have this but I do, it helps me decide which paycheck pays which bills and when every month.
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The other thing is I have a different sheet for every year, because I don't want a spreadsheet with 10,000+ rows. You could have a different sheet for every month or whatever, I don't know. I did it by year.
If you keep on top of this you will know better than your bank how much money you have at all times.
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televinita · 2 months
Expectation: I'm gonna map out an efficient route to hit up a bunch of Little Free Libraries in my area and have a fun post-work reward seeing what's in a whole bunch at once!
wtf do you mean Google Maps now limits you to 8 stops per route; ugh, fine, can't fix that right now so 8 it is
first stop: open the door, reach for the first book, don't pay attention to the fact that it's right next to a flower garden and SHIT WASPS SHIT SHIT SHIT FUCK! okay fuck this I am out of here.
(PSA: please do not plant flowers next to your Little Free Library. The nice appearance is not worth the nuisance.)
next stop: I passed this yesterday because it's on a really awkward part of the road with a curve, driveways and fire hydrants everywhere so you have to walk back the length of about four houses to find a good parking spot. Fuck it, I'm only gonna be here for three minutes max and we're three blocks off any main roads, so I park on the curve. Of COURSE in that time, two fuckoff-huge pickup trucks come down said road and have to veer wide around it. (I did, at least, get to look at this one, but didn't feel like I could take the time to really examine it.)
knew I was taking a risk by planning to visit some in the village with roads so narrow two cars can barely pass, but GOD; did not expect to a) be met by a giant Amazon van turning left out of the mouth, insistently waving me forward because technically I had the right of way, so I didn't have a chance to stop and think maybe I could park in the suburbs and WALK into the sucky area;
b) almost immediately have to squeeze between a giant utility truck parked on one side of the road and a giant pickup ignoring the no-parking signs parked on the other
c) be crowded by THREE other vehicles soon following behind me so I was 3 miles away before I could even think about trying to double back to where I was originally thinking about parking. anyway.
went off to another one that was a little out of my way but still worth it before I was going to turn around and do 4 in the other direction, but whoops, car on my right at the 4-way stop threw off my sense of distance and I turned a street too early
now I'm on a 2-3 mile road with no shoulder and only one T intersection where I can turn around, but that's okay, I'll just WHAT THE FUCK why is there pothole or similar construction work being done at said interaction, not enough to close the road but just enough to require very slow and cautious driving/necessity of crossing the yellow line to pass, and because of all the activity I can't tell if it's safe to turn right into the subdivision, so I go past. Looping ALL the way around to get to my next 4 stops will take forever, but I am also NOT going to turn around at the end and go through that gauntlet again.
So I just go home, having thoroughly wasted some gas and forty minutes of my evening. Couldn't even enjoy my audiobook because half of the driving was so stressful I couldn't focus on the story and lost track of what was happening.
EDIT: Oh, and then I dropped a glass in the kitchen after dinner, shattering it and also getting one of my toes nicked by a flying shard. 🙃🙃🙃
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shamelessrabbithole · 7 months
Same anon regarding Layla not following Cam.
I honestly do think that Layla plays a role in what Noel does and doesn’t do.
I am willing to bet she allowed him to go back to shameless because they were both not booking jobs to live the lifestyle that SHE wanted, plastic surgery isn’t cheap. I mean the woman wasn’t allowed on set for season 11 but managed to snag a role as an extra just to get there. There are many instances of her showing controlling, stalking, and toxic behaviour.
Regardless of Noel and Cam or whatever the situation was or is with them.. she has shown contempt.
Just my thoughts and my two cents and like any theorist I could be wrong, but when it comes to Laylas attitude and behaviours, I really don’t think I am.
I know it may seem like I've stepped into the role of Layla's defender, or advocate or something. I'm really not. My feelings about her are actually quite neutral. However, when I get asks like this, I'm at a loss on how I can possibly respond without appearing like that's exactly what I am.
What you view as controlling, stalking, and toxic, I don't. In the past few weeks, I've been seeing Amanda Hearst not only visiting the Tron: Ares set constantly, but also bringing her kids and having personalized set chairs made for them. I don't know if that ought to be interpreted as a similar kind of toxicity or nepotistic privilege or what in people's eyes, but because nobody on this blog gives a crap about Joachim Ronning and Amanda Hearst, it's not seen as anything. Why should it be?
And, I agree that plastic surgery is not cheap. But neither are mortgage payments, car payments, health insurance, life insurance, food, gas, utilities, or anything else people need to fulfill their basic life needs. (I'm not calling botox and facelifts a life need. Just speaking to the fact that money is required for everything.) This idea that she allows Noel to work so that he can provide for her means what exactly? That she'd rather pay their bills than default on them?
Yes, she did get a small role on Shameless in season 11, but so did Sophia Macy, Bill's daughter. Prior to that, Brielle Barbusca appeared on season 6 of Shameless. (She's Emma's best friend and Ethan's ex-girlfriend, and if you google it, you will find that they met on set in 2015. But this isn't true. Receipts below the break.)
Anyway, my point is that I am not defending what kind of person Layla is or what her marital agenda might be. I don't know her, nor do I feel the need to sing her praises—for exactly that reason. I am not qualified to. But, some of these arguments made for why she's a human roadblock to the happiness of two men yearning to be together, I just can't simply smile and nod through. Sorry if that isn't what you guys want to hear, but I'm giving you my honest point of view.
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afpwestcoast · 1 year
The Social, Orlando, FL, 6/18/23
Before the show I ran into Brian on the street and asked him what the new song (which had been dubbed Tom’s New Favorite Song at last night’s show) was actually called. He said it’s called ‘Boyfriend in a Coma’ and was actually written about 19 years ago but had only recently been arranged as a Dresden Dolls song. It’s based on her then-boyfriend Brendon suddenly collapsing during a load-out after a show, developing Guillain–Barré syndrome, and going into a coma for like 6 months, during which time Amanda hardly left his bedside. You can hear a demo of it here. It will always be Tom’s New Favorite Song to me.
When my nephew was 12 or 13 years old he googled Amanda Palmer to find out why his uncle kept jetting around all over the place to see her. Afterwards, due to the number of pictures that came up of Amanda in various stages of undress, he asked, “Is she a porn star?”
When I told Amanda this story she inscribed a copy of ‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance’ for him: “To Dylan - I am not a porn star. No really. Love, -Amanda.” I gave him the book for his 18th birthday.
He’s now 26, and he lives in Orlando, so I brought him to the show. When I planted him in the front row against the stage I said, “Just so you understand: there are thousands of people all over the world who would kill to be standing where you are right now.” At the time I’m sure there was some eye rolling, but by the end of the evening I think he understood.
Unfortunately, guest bassist Tilley Komorny had come down with COVID in the past 24 hours, so we were not able to fight for our right (to party!). Despite this the band torched through another stellar set, with only minimal property damage.
Annotated Set List:
Good Day (featuring Brian on guitar to start)
Sex Changes
Backstabber - Due to a “band miscommunication” they actually started playing different songs. I kinda think they shoulda just gone with it, but they restarted and both played Backstabber.
Modern Moonlight - Once again Brian led the crowd in the backing-vocal part before diving into the song.
My Alcoholic Friends
There was a pause in the set to introduce the band, tape down the piano pedal, and, of course, say GAY!
Rock and Roll Part 2 (aka The Hey Song - Gary Glitter cover) - Brief excerpt with the shout of “Hey!” replaced with “GAY!”
“If you’re looking for a gay band, look no further!”
Boyfriend in a Coma - By way of introduction Amanda said, “I’ve been sitting here for the last few nights thinking ‘I wouldn’t want to break up with me.’ Just warning you: I’m like the goth Taylor Swift. If you go out with me, and we break up in a bad way, you’re fucked. You’re SO fucked! This song is not quite really like that, but it lives in that dimension.”
Merch commercial
Welcome to the Internet (Bo Burnham cover)
Bad Habit
Missed Me
Amsterdam (Jacques Brel cover) - During her rampage up and down the bar tonight Amanda actually broke one of the lighting fixtures. “We broke that light, which means we’re gonna have to pay for that light. Buy more merch!”
Delilah (featuring Veronica Swift)
After taking a huge swig of wine straight from the bottle, Amanda said, “The truth is I stopped being as much of a lush when I had a child cause it just didn’t work. I don’t know if anybody has ever tried to have a small child and be hungover, but it’s fucking impossible.”
Whakanewha (pronounced Fuckin-A-Fa)
Mrs. O
Twenty Years Ago, Part 2 - Another impromptu composition about a song about climate denialism being more true now than when it was written 20 years ago. Conclusion: That’s fucked up.
They then welcomed to the stage Father Nathan Monk, who told the story of why he left the priesthood. Bottom line: The conservative (read: ignorant, bigoted, and, frankly, unchristian) dictates of his church were incompatible with his progressive world view.
Mandy Goes to Med School
Coin-Operated Boy - At the start of the song instead of singing the lyrics Amanda just sang, “Gay, gaygaygaygaygay” to the tune. Then at the end she changed the line to “Gay and to the point.”
Half Jack
War Pigs (Black Sabbath cover)
Girl Anachronism - At this point, at the end of the third night in a row, I was exhausted and could barely stand. In a fit of wishful thinking, I actually thought they were going to close with “Sing,” and I would have a nice, calm denouement - I even took out my earplugs. Instead, I got a face full of Girl A. I managed to power through … and then collapsed on the stage.
Photo Gallery:
Dylan’s final few moments of pre-Dresden Dolls innocence (photo by Laurie Steiger)
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Merch commercial; I was too enthralled through the first part of the set to take pix
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Welcome to the Internet!
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One of those light fixtures will not survive
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Let’s see how fast this thing can go!
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Brian: You know what you did. Amanda: I know tee-hee!
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Father Nathan Monk
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The many faces of Brian Viglione
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Really dude?
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I remain convinced that Amanda’s stare can shatter glass
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The end!
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I’m not the only one who collapsed on the stage afterwards
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Info for Love on Tour residency shows in LA Oct 23 - Nov 15 2022
COVID-19 protocol:
Face masks are strongly recommended.
General admission (pit tickets):
NO CAMPING POLICY: NO overnight camping allowed on Kia Forum property.
9:00AM – Early GA line begins & numbered wristbands distributed 3:00PM – Queuing for GA begins 4:00PM – From 3:00PM – 4:00PM, the venue will honor guests with early GA wristbands. After 4:00PM, all GA ticketed guests will queue as normal (first come, first served).
GA ticket holders may begin lining up at 9:00AM on the day of the show only. Queuing will begin on Kareem Court, south of Manchester.
No lines for future date shows will be permitted.
Upon arrival, each Guest who indicates they have a GA floor ticket will have a sequentially numbered wristband placed on their wrist.
Wristband distribution will begin at 9:00AM on day of show (subject to change).
GA ticket holders will be relocated by Kia Forum Management and Security Staff at 9:00AM on the day of the show to receive their early queue GA wristband.
At 3:00PM, the official GA line will be formed in the Northeast quadrant of the Kia Forum Parking Lot, near Parking Lot C.
Entering the Kia Forum parking lot and GA line indicates the Guest’s agreement to abide by all Kia Forum policies and procedures.
Guests must have a valid ticket for that day’s event in order to receive a GA wristband.
All Guests in a party must be present at the same time to enter the GA line and receive a GA wristband.
GA wristbands are provided on a first come first serve basis.
The Kia Forum encourages Guests to remain in line. Restrooms will be open for Guests that wish to remain in the queue all day.
Guests are not permitted to hold places in line for other Guests.
Loss, removal or tampering of the GA wristband will result in loss of place in the GA line. Guests may also be asked to surrender their ticket and leave Kia Forum property.
Please be respectful to other Guests in line.
Guests are not permitted to leave behind lounging items (umbrellas, chairs, tents, etc.) on Kia Forum property.
The Kia Forum is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items. Personal items left behind may be removed.
Sealed water bottles are approved to enter
The following actions and items are prohibited, and any person who violates these policies may be subject to ejection without refund:
No running, pushing or line jumping
No smoking, alcoholic beverages, drugs or glass containers
No horseplay, unsafe behavior or foul language
No camping, tailgating, open flames or barbecues
No vending
No weapons, laser pens, banners, backpacks, oversized bags, video cameras, laptops, computers, tablets, professional cameras, monopods, tripods and audio recording devices.
Management reserves the right to amend or make additions to these policies at any time.
Subject to Change
Details here.
Parking: 9AM
Doors open at 6:30PM.
Opener: 8PM.
Harry: 9PM.
Here are important policies:
You may bring in non-professional or disposable cameras. Video cameras, monopods, tripods, audio recording devices and cameras with professional telephoto or zoom lenses are NOT permitted.
Laptops or tablets are not allowed.
Outside food and beverage are not allowed.
Coolers, beverages (in any type of container) are not allowed.
Sealed water bottles are approved to enter
Weapons (guns, knives, pepper spray, mace, chains, spiked bracelets, brass knuckles, etc.) are not allowed.
No face paint.
The arena is CASHLESS. Credit/debit card and Google/Apple Pay transactions only. Cash will not be accepted.
There is no reentry
Accessibility info here.
Carpooling, ride-sharing and public transportation are highly encouraged.
Parking is available onsite ($51), cash and card accepted. enter the Kia Forum parking lot via the Prairie Ave. or Kareem Ct. gates. Book in advance at your show event page here.
Parking & venue map here.
Seat map here
Costumes are permitted with some exceptions. For the safety and experience of all guests:
NO full-face coverings permitted
NO large costumes or headpieces
NO full-face paint
NO fake weapons
Please note: any hazardous or distracting item/costume determined at the sole discretion of our security personnel are NOT permitted. For the safety and experience of all guests, costumes, face coverings, etc. must be removed if requested by our security personnel.
For a complete list of policies and more details, as well as prohibited items click here and here and here.
Bag Policy
Allowed to bring: • Clear Bags that are equal to or smaller than 12 x 6 x 12 • Clear plastic freezer bags that are 1 gallon size or smaller • Small clutches / wristlets that are 9 x 6 are permitted and do not need to be clear • Diaper and medical bags accompanied by the Guest using them
All bags are subject to search.
For more details click here
Banners, signs and flag policy:
Signs, banners must be smaller than 11” x 17”
For more details about signs click here.
For additional questions please call the arena at 310-862-6200.  Email them here. You can also access their website. Check their twitter here and IG here for updates.
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icouldntfindquiet · 11 months
Hi! I hope you had a good trip. I've always wanted to do a roadtrip but I haven't yet. How did you find it? Would you recommend? Any tips? 🩷
Hi, it was great. Thank you! I can’t take credit for driving as it was my cousin’s husband who drove and he’s a fantastic driver. 😁 I don’t have the details of your road trip so what I wrote is generalized and covers a lot that might not apply to you. Don’t let the essay I wrote scare you off!
If you’re driving, you’ll have to be quite comfortable and skilled, especially with a car you’re not used to if you’re renting. In Europe, roads are more compact than the US. They’ve got roundabouts (which we’re not used to) and you have to be comfortable with parallel parking, tight parking spots, narrow streets (road is too small for a two-way but is a two-way anyway), etc.
Having some sort of navigation or GPS is highly recommended as you’re driving on an unfamiliar road and this would require good cell service which can be difficult if you’re in a foreign country. But don’t follow the GPS blindly! Sometimes they’re not accurate. I remember the GPS telling my cousin’s husband to turn down a one-way street which would’ve ended badly but we saw the signs and told him not to enter. 😳
If you’re renting a car, just be aware of the rules of the country you’re driving in. You might need an international driving permit (depending on the country) and you’ll need car rental insurance too which might be provided by your credit card. Before leaving the car rental facility, take photos/videos of previous damage on the car bc some companies will say you scratched the car when you didn’t so it’s best to protect yourself! And this adds to the cost but if you’re visiting multiple countries, it’s best to let them know as they will tell you what to do when crossing the border. And tolls can be a thing too so ask about that. The guy at the car rental told us Slovenia needed an e-vignette (modern toll payment method) which we previously didn’t know about. The other countries (Croatia and Italy) had normal toll booths where you could pay with cash or card. Also think about where you’ll return the car. Are you driving it back or are you dropping it off at a different location? Let them know!
Be careful of what gas and grade your car takes! The car rental place will tell you this. Putting in the wrong gas can damage the car. You’ll have to fill up the tank before returning the car.
Road trips can be long. Even though Google Maps tells you it will take this long, add more time because of traffic and to account for taking wrong turns/exits. You might get bored and your butt and legs might get numb. 😆 Feel free to take breaks and walk around. Playing music in the car is always fun. Make sure you have drinks and snacks along the way. But also account for bathroom breaks! You can use the bathrooms at gas stations but sometimes they’re porta pottys and not very glamorous. Especially when it’s night out, you’ll have to bring a flashlight to use them. 😩 Also, sometimes gas stations aren’t around and the guys would have to pee in the woods. 😂 Just be aware of the need to go is what I’m saying!
Having a car is convenient but you also have to think of parking. If possible, stay in hotels or Airbnbs with parking provided. If not, be prepared to pay to park your car. Even driving to national parks or in the city, you’ll have to pay to park your car so you can walk around. Having cash/coins handy is nice for those things.
That’s all I can think of at the moment. If I’m missing something, let me know! Overall, road trips can be fun! You have more freedom and it’s more convenient. Please don’t let all this info scare you off! You’ll be fine. And let me know how your road trip goes! ☺️
P.S. I forgot to talk about automatic and manual cars. Manual cars are more prevalent in Europe so they’re cheaper to rent. You’ll have to check availability if you need an automatic. Also, during peak season (summer), you might have to book your car in advance because it would be awful planning a trip and realizing there’s no car available or that you have to pay steep prices.
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suchi05 · 2 days
RX Dental - Top Digital Marketing Strategies
In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, digital marketing has become indispensable for dental hospitals striving to reach and engage with their target audience effectively. As the demand for online healthcare information continues to rise, dental hospitals must adapt and embrace innovative digital marketing strategies to stand out amidst competition and drive practice growth. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the top digital marketing strategies tailored specifically for dental hospitals, empowering them to elevate their online presence and attract new patients
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Elevating Visibility
With the majority of patients turning to search engines like Google to find dental services, prioritizing search engine optimization (SEO) is paramount for dental hospitals. By optimizing website content, leveraging local SEO techniques, and obtaining high-quality backlinks, dental hospitals can improve their search engine rankings and increase visibility among potential patients searching for dental services in their area
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Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Targeted Reach
PPC advertising offers dental hospitals a powerful tool to target specific demographics and geographic regions, ensuring their ads are displayed to the most relevant audience. By carefully crafting ad copy, selecting relevant keywords, and optimizing landing pages, dental hospitals can maximize the effectiveness of their PPC campaigns and drive qualified traffic to their website
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Social Media Marketing: Building Community
Social media platforms provide dental hospitals with an invaluable opportunity to connect with their audience, showcase their expertise, and foster meaningful relationships. By maintaining active profiles on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, dental hospitals can engage with patients, share educational content, and promote their services in a personalized and engaging manner
Content Marketing: Educating and Engaging
Content marketing plays a crucial role in establishing dental hospitals as trusted authorities in their field. By creating informative blog posts, engaging videos, and visually appealing infographics, dental hospitals can educate patients on oral health topics, address common concerns, and showcase their expertise, ultimately building trust and credibility with their audience
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Email Marketing: Nurturing Relationships
Email marketing allows dental hospitals to stay top-of-mind with their audience by delivering relevant and valuable content directly to their inbox. By segmenting their email list, personalizing email content, and sending targeted campaigns, dental hospitals can nurture relationships with current and prospective patients, promote special offers, and encourage appointment bookings
Online Reputation Management: Building Trust
A positive online reputation is crucial for dental hospitals looking to attract new patients and retain existing ones. By actively managing online reviews, responding to patient feedback promptly, and showcasing testimonials and success stories, dental hospitals can build trust and credibility with potential patients and differentiate themselves from competitors
Mobile Optimization: Enhancing Accessibility
With an increasing number of patients accessing healthcare information on mobile devices, dental hospitals must prioritize mobile optimization to ensure a seamless user experience. By optimizing their website for mobile devices, implementing click-to-call buttons, and creating mobile-friendly content, dental hospitals can enhance accessibility and engagement for mobile users
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Analytics and Data Insights: Driving Strategy
Data-driven insights are essential for dental hospitals to evaluate the effectiveness of their digital marketing efforts and make informed decisions. By tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), analyzing website traffic and user behavior, and leveraging analytics tools, dental hospitals can gain valuable insights into their audience preferences and refine their digital marketing strategy for optimal results
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In conclusion, digital marketing presents a myriad of opportunities for dental hospitals to elevate their online presence, attract new patients, and foster long-term growth. By implementing these top digital marketing strategies tailored specifically for dental hospitals, practitioners can position themselves for success in today’s competitive healthcare landscape. Embrace innovation, engage with your audience, and leverage the power of digital marketing to unlock success for your dental hospital.
Read more: https://rxdentalmarketing.com/top-digital-marketing-strategies-for-dental-hospitals/
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scottguy · 1 month
Article: Kirk Cameron rages at schools turning kids into “drag queens, strippers, drug dealers” - LGBTQ Nation
Kirk Cameron rages at schools turning kids into “drag queens, strippers, drug dealers” - LGBTQ Nation
Children have been struggling with issues since families began.
Often, it's the fault of parents who inadequately prepare their kids from reality and have low expectations. (You'd be surprised how many parents try to blame a teacher for their own child's utter lack of effort.)
Or it's hard financial conditions in society which right-wingers perpetuate by calling fair wages, low cost housing, and singlepayer state healthcare "socialism" as if those are bad things. ( Why are they bad? Really, explain. I'd love to know.)
Schools set high expectations. They are about structure. Every school I've ever worked in is squeaky clean with regard to sex and politics. (Right-wing teachers get away with saying a lot of pure political bullshit in right-wing communities. Members of my own family have suffered through it)
Yes, there's talk now of accepting ALL people. Just like in the 1960s with the end of segregation. If Kirk Cameron were younger, he'd say that black people aren't fully human.
He's just a bigot.
Kids all have cell phones now and can find porn with a simple Google search. But, most parents just trust their kids who are not being turned into degenerates.
But Cameron thinks Scholastic Books is evil? 🙄 Book banners like this are PROUD of their firmly closed minds. Worse, book banners want YOUR mind closed for you.
Kids are doing fine. Crime rates are low. More kids are going to college. (Mostly because a high paying trade job is hard to find now.)
There aren't MORE gays or trans people. They just stopped hiding from HATEFUL, FRIGHTENED, CLOSE-MINDED people like Kirk Cameron who REFUSE to acknowledge the SHARED HUMANITY of all human beings. This is what terrifies cowardly men like Kirk Cameron. Most adults have the strength and maturity to accept people who are a little different.
Kirk thinks only white straight cis-gendered people are real human beings.
Kirk Cameron is the type who would gleefully send LGBTQ+ people to a gas chamber.
If anyone is less than human, it's people like Kirk Cameron.
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nickgerlich · 3 months
Last Time
They say you never forget your first time. But what about the last time?
It’s Sunday, and as I like to do, I’m veering outside of my normal lane to ponder something that’s not in the news, yet as much a part of everyone’s life as anything. Put on your thinking caps, kick back, and stroll with me down Memory Lane.
The longer you live, the longer the list becomes of the things you have done for the last time. But in all likelihood, you did not know at the time that it would be your last time. I know. There are somber instances in which we might be with loved ones on death’s doorstep. There are those occasions when we vacate a residence and say farewell to it. For the most part, though, we do things unknowing that it is indeed the last time.
For example, have any of you even used a payphone? Maybe you will never have a first time, much less a last time. But I am old enough to have dropped many a dime, and then later a quarter, into the slot to make a phone call, basically a mobile call without a truly mobile device. Finding an operating payphone these days is exceedingly difficult.
Or how about the last time you used a VHS cassette? Audio cassette? And for people of my age, 8-track tape? I won’t add vinyl, because they have enjoyed a resurgence, a rarity these days, but little different from the surge in film photography as well. My records and old cameras have new life, but those are few and far between.
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And what about those plastic cards in your billfold? I remember when a retailer or gas station attendant had to use one of those clunky card swipers that made a loud “ka-chunk” sound when you ran the swiper over it, effectively making an imprint of your raised-letter card. Oh, but that was after they looked through a frequently published book of bad credit card numbers to make sure yours did not appear there.
Then we graduated to cards with magnetic stripes on the back. How many of you had some of these? And do you remember the last time you actually swiped a card through a mag reader? That’s not that long ago, because it has only been a few years since the arrival of chip cards, which we insert and wait for the prompt.Even that’s old, though. I was reminded of that now-dying technology at the gas pump in Winslow Arizona, where I found myself looking for the tap symbol somewhere, only to discover they had not upgraded their pumps yet. We tap for everything these days, right?
Do any of you have a checkbook? I still do, but I often go three months between writing any. Between online bill pays, Venmo, Zelle, and other options, I just don’t have much need to write a check. And I will be honest in saying that I am happy those days are more or less over, because there was nothing worse than having to wait at the grocery for some little old lady with shaky hands to write out her check. You could watch Oppenheimer and she still wouldn’t be done.
I could go on. Air Fryer instead of a convection oven. Streaming over cable. Automatic transmission over manual (oooh, that’s an old one!). PDFs and scans over faxing. Hotel reservations on an app versus on the computer, or—shudder—by phone. Googling over card catalog. Smart home versus dumb home. Smart TV over dumb TV. Renting music on Spotify instead of buying CDs (it has been more than a decade for me). AI instead of writing it yourself. The list could go on for days, and were my father alive, he could tell you about the last time he punched a hole in the lid of a beer can with a church key, because pop tops had not been invented yet.
My point is simple: Technology continues its maddening rush to the future, constantly upsetting the apple cart, kind of like Apple just did last week when it announced Apple Intelligence, effectively rebranding everything we had learned in the last 19 months. Name it, claim it. Sorry, Siri, there’s a new kid in town. And that’s a blog for another time.
Have some fun with this. Take stock of where you are now, and how your life has changed as new innovations and technologies have been introduced. Think about the things that somehow faded into the rear view without you even realizing it at the time. I bet your list is long, even if you are only a third of my age. And it is just going to get longer.
Yes, you really do never forget the first time you did something, but I am betting that as you age, the nostalgia gene will take over and you will spend more time reminiscing about the old days. You might not recall the actual “last” time, but you’ll recall how life was for all the times.
It’s a great time to be alive. Make the most of it, and savor both the firsts and the lasts alike.
Dr “Reeling In The Years” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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tom1bombadil · 4 months
Dog Ba-Ight my god damn leg in Nam Dihn
Well, in the VNVC in Nam Dihn is the last place I expected to by sitting this afternoon. I was meant to be in Nim Binh! I’m finally registered into Vietnams medical system. I’m honestly thankful it hasn’t happened sooner!
I started riding from Cat Ba to Ninh Binh at around 11am this morning. Everything was going swell. I had survived merging on the 5 lane highways, nailed the free for all roundabouts, dodged the oncoming carts/ tractors and otherworldly traffic with style/ease and only had about an hour left to ride… through lush green fields and dusty back roads all the way to the promised lands. I even made friends with a pair of service station employees who offered me cups of tea and tobacco cones while a rested my weary back after filling up with gas. Linh and Tonh were absolute legends. When asked by Linh through google translate, “if I had brought any western treasures,” I produced a $2 coin from my top pocket and gifted it to him. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a man happier :)
Feeling chuffed and refreshed I continued FORWARDS for about 50km and 1 hour, the average speed of highway travel. I THOUGHT it would be a good idea to stop on the outskirts of Nam Dihn to grab a bottle of water and a snack. It was here, I was blindsided by a snarling, growling, chained up with good reason, mangey mutt of a canine. I was non bothered, chilling (well accustomed to dogs everywhere by now) paying for my goods and practicing my Vietnamise, “thank you, good bye” “cam on, bat tiem,” when the cheeky rascal used every last length of chain to jump, stretch its neck and clamp its what I presumed to be festered jaws into the back of my right quadriceps. The little bastard got me good too.
I’m not sure who yelped more, me of the dog. No sooner than it had let me go, it too received a blow from its owner. One sharp kick to the ribs, wrangled in and dragged to the back of the shop and locked away. I never saw the young lad you served me/ half saved me again. However, that damn dog’s snout was poking out from under the door of its make shift jail. I know it could smell the blood dripping from my leg to the concrete as I hastily cleaned and bound it. It liked the taste and wanted more.
I didn’t want to seek medical attention but I knew it was the right thing to do. After a visit to the nearest hospital in google maps I was directed by a kind doctor to a clinic that administers rabies vaccinations. Another 20 minute ride I was at the VNCN. It has its own theme song and motorbike valet. Quite catchy actually, and phenomenal service. I was not only the sole westerner in the clinic, but I was also by far the oldest one there to get a shot. It seemed to be a facility where children receive their measles, rubella, flu, hepatitis and all sorts of other injections. I got more funny looks than usual. I laughed because the circumstances were mildly hilarious and the tension was far too high. This seemed to put everyone at ease, and nearly 50 parents and encouraged infants laughed along too. I was only there for about an hour. I got 1 shot complete and have been told I must return in three days time for the second. Piece of cake.
What wasn’t quite so easy, was finding a place to stay the night. I pre-booked a hotel and couldn’t find it. I pre- booked another hotel and couldn’t find it. When google maps failed, I asked the locals for directions. I received apologetic slumps and shrugs after their initial enthusiasm to help. Seems like a lot of buildings around this city have disappeared.
Quizzical, but not yet defeated I continued further into the city with my iPhone on a dangerously low 5%, darkness looming and a light rain pitter pattering on my helmet. I ended up finding a place called the Ruby Rose. Thank fuck. My bike is parked inside. My wound is washed and wrapped. The bed feels comfy and best of all there is an ashtray inside my room. I presume you can smoke inside. If you know me well, you’d know how stoked I am about that. It’s up there with quite possibly the best $14, or 300000 dongles I’ve spent in Vietnam so far.
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bokafix · 7 months
How To Find Qualified Tradespeople In Your Area
In the past three years, 64% of people in the UK needed to call a tradesperson and 37% of them struggled to find someone to complete the job. It's a problem that many of us face and a frustration that none of us need. 'There must be a better way!', we hear you scream out loud (sometimes with a FFS thrown in there for good measure).
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There are a number of ways to find qualified tradespeople in your area. One way is to ask family and friends for recommendations. Another way is to search online directories that list tradespeople by region and category of trade. Of course, there is also the old reliable Google, but what if you haven't got time to sit trawling through hundreds of tradesmen comparison sites or Google results? That's where Bokafix comes in but we'll get to that in a minute!
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Once you have a few names, it's important to research each one to make sure they are trustworthy and reliable. Over 13% of homeowners have been the victim of botched jobs in the UK so it's important to do your homework! Check online reviews and see if there are any complaints lodged against them with your national or regional consumer watchdog, or local authority. You can also find the relevant trade association and check credentials for regulated skilled trades such as plumbers or electricians for example. It's also a good idea to ask for references from past clients. When you've found a few tradespeople you feel comfortable with, get quotes from each one for the job you need doing. Be sure to compare apples to apples - that is, make sure each quote is for the same scope of work. Once you have the quotes, you can decide which tradesperson to hire based on price, reviews, and your own gut feeling.
Once the job is complete, be sure to inspect it carefully. Make sure the work meets your expectations and is up to regulation standards. If you have any concerns or uncertainty, be sure to raise them with the tradesperson right away, any legit company should be happy to provide documentation or information on the required standards. More often than not, you'll find that most reputable tradespeople will want to make things right if there are any problems with their work, but if you do find yourself in a situation where the work is not up to par, you may need to file a complaint with trading standards or take legal action. You can get advice on rouge tradesman and how to proceed at government bodies like Citizens advice in the UK who received reports of over 234,825 cases related to home improvement in the last five years. In most cases, however, a simple conversation with the tradesperson will suffice.
With 52% of people having had someone claiming to be a trader call out of the blue or turn up unannounced at their door, it's important to know your stuff and get it right!
In summary:
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If you are looking for quality local tradespeople including skilled trades like electricians, plumbers, carpenters and gas technicians, Bokafix has created a solution that cuts out the hard work and makes booking quick and simple. Download the Bokafix app to book qualified, vetted tradespeople instantly. The app shows Fixer customer reviews and also provides in-app payment. By Now Pay Later options are available for those jobs that just can't wait.
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Booking through Bokafix means that you have an added guarantee that if something goes wrong, we have your back!
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When it comes to finding qualified tradespeople in your area, doing your research is key. By using Bokafix you can quickly find someone you can trust and can rest assured knowing that your home improvement project will be in good hands.
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televinita · 4 months
Things I did last night (after working til 6): library pickup, grocery shopping, get cash & gas
Things I am doing tonight (after working til 6): cook dinner, wash hair (time-consuming enough that I have to list it as A Task), lay out clothes & create route for tomorrow in Google Maps. Also make sure I have plenty of water & snacks packed so as not to be consumed by The Headache.
Saturday: wake up by 8, and then COMMUNITY-WIDE GARAGE SALE RUN YEE-HAW! (I haven't been to many garage sales in the past year or two, but this particular town has it sponsored as a fundraiser for a nonprofit -- people can pay to get a sign & advertise their sale in a map which you can buy for $5 -- and even if they don't list it in the official map, a lot more people are motivated to participate due to increased traffic, in a positive feedback loop).
It's one of the highest sales-to-drive-time ratios I know, and the only flaw is it takes ~20 minutes to get within city limits. The other bummer is it technically runs Th-Sat, like most sales around here, so by Saturday I am going to have to Book It because not only will plenty have been bought already, people are likely to start closing up by early afternoon, even though the suggested end time is 4pm. Hence the up-by-8 plan. (8 is also the suggested start time, which most adhere to, so ideally I would leave by 7:40...)
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