#good interview that doesn't play into either the hype or hysteria
cacodaemonia · 2 months
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wearevillaneve · 2 years
Thank you for your contributions to the KE fandom. Are you leaving it for good?
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Not really. Just taking an extended break from Killing Eve as I've run out of things to say about it. Seriously. I'm all talked out, and so is most of the fandom. There are still new Killing Eve posts, fics, photosets, art, and GIFs being made on a daily basis, but there's nothing new about the content. With the end of the show, there is no fresh content to spark discussion and inspire creativity. A perfect example of this was earlier this week was an interview with Jodie Comer in Vogue UK. She discussed Prima Facie and her beauty and yoga routines, but did she say anything about Killing Eve? Nope. Not a word. Either she wasn't asked about the show or she doesn't want to talk about it anymore. That much is obvious. Yesterday the author of Big Swiss discussed how Comer got the rights to the book and added she'd like to see Aubrey Plaza play the key role of Greta. Of course, the Jodie Comer stans melted down on Twitter, but why? This was the author throwing out names for possible casting, but not Jodie herself. Did it matter? Nah. Not even a little bit. Let the hype and hysteria immediately begin on Twitter.
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The struggle is real. The thirst is more real. While I'm interested in what Jodie and Sandra Oh do next, it's not going to have anything to do with the show that raised that interest in the first place. Look, I get it. A lot of blogs and podcasts that were devoted to KE have closed up and moved on. You can only replay the hits for so long and then you become an oldies station. Thanks to everyone who visited, followed and supported WeAreVillanelle across Tumblr and Instagram over the years. The pages will remain up and I may even dip in from time to time if sufficiently motivated to write and post something. Special thank you to @anevolutionarynecessity. She knows why.
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I enjoyed the ride.
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