#good gyms in dubai
derricksch040 · 2 years
Flex what I got 😊🥰
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alienpossession · 13 days
Another continuation of the Dubai alien series
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The model-bodybuilder Sander woke up from his proper sleep feeling refreshed. He opened the curtain to let the sunshine in as he walked around his apartment with no clothes whatsoever. After quick stretching session and several minutes of posing in the mirror, he walked past his sleeping bodyguard. He got the bodyguard as part of the scheme he worked on with the Prince as the alien that is now residing inside Sander has too close of an attachment with this particular bodyguard back when he was still a Prince, so he asked the new Prince to allow the bodyguard to be working for him still.
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Sander wakes the bodyguard up, and with no hesitation, the fresh-from-slumber bodyguard quickly kneel and started kissing Sander's pubes. His tongue quickly explored the bushy and musky hair of his beloved Master before gently gliding across the veinous shaft of the bodybuilding powerhouse. Sander grunted in approval as his half-chubbed up cock started to snake into its full length, the tip emerged from the foreskin as it revealed its massive mushroom-head form that the bodyguard quickly serviced with his slick tongue. When he eventually made the move to let the 7.5 inches girthy monstrosity entered his mouth, Sander lost in euphoria as he grabbed the head of the bodyguard and jackhammered his cock deep into his throat. The majestic payload quickly released in the matter of minutes, making the devout bodyguard's throat slick with cum and his face looking like he's some kind of cum-guzzling twink when he is in fact a highly-trained martial artist and marksman that would never kneel to anyone, let alone allowing his face painted with sticky, salty cum. Satisfied, Sander gently tapped the bodyguard's face and then give him one big kiss before heading to the shower to clean himself
Sander of course didn't shower and instead basked in his glorious reflection and musky body odour.
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He's going to the gym anyway so he can just shower later after his workout, so with no effort to clean himself thoroughly, he just wiped away some of the drying cum all over his body before donning his workout clothes
When he arrived at the gym, he started to put on the work, putting his muscle under so much stress, the veins started to pop and his grunts become increasingly louder as he racked up more weights and intensity to all his routine. As he just finished with hitting his personal best deadlift and decided to call it a day, he returned the massive weights to the rack and that's when his eyes caught on the two young studs he has not yet converted.
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Newcomer? Tourist? Yeah, seemed like a fine looking pair of fit tourists. Based on the language spoken, these tourists came from Turkey but the way they talked, there's that unmistakably Germanic tonality to it, so....Turkish diaspora living in Germany then? Well, no need to guess, he will find out by himself when he shoves the slugs later to takeover their young brain.
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So, what is the Prince really up to while his operatives worked to convert people left and right?
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Prince Rashid, the eldest son of the local mid-level nobility, is looking at the alien as its tail-end finally slithered inside and left no traces behind. Then, he gently closed his tanktop back and smirked
"It's good to be back,"
The younger prince, who was practically responsible for the mass takeover of his own family, hugged his older brother as he then handed him his thobe to cover him more in-line with what an Emirati nobility should wear
"Good to have you with me here. Thanks for the fun night, it's been a while since we bonded, don't you think?"
"Will do anything for my younger bro. So, you will take care of them and all the clean-up?"
"Yeah, watch,"
The 9 Insta-hotties the young Prince called for the night suddenly wake up from their sleep and started to stand up as if they were some military recruits or something with their posture all straight and stiff. All this happened despite the fact that they were asleep soundly just mere seconds ago.
"Go clean up the apartment, whores. After that, get the fuck off from here and maybe start being useful and start marking all the men you all deemed worthy of my attention, understand?"
"Yes, my prince," all of them said in unison, their brain already fried by the slug and turned into bunch of bimbo puppets. Prince Rashid just laughed out loud
"Amazing, my Prince. Very amazing. I wish you would be generous enough one day to use my body to give such command, you know I'm more brutal than my younger brother. I'm quite the abusive jerk, even to my harem, let alone European whores like them,"
"Well, respectfully, I'm not really into all that. Besides, what's the point of you being all mighty and aggressive when you cannot even defend yourself by the end and turned into mere puppets anyway? Go get back home to your wife and kids before I humiliate you further, I don't want to see you anymore tonight," the tone of the young Prince quickly turned sharp with anger as he felt like his own subject dared to question his power and how far he could take things
The possessed Prince Rashid tried to be playful as he lightly punched the young prince on his shoulder while saying
"That's not how a younger brother addre---"
"Just get the fuck out before I make you soil your clothes with gallons of cum till your balls dry, I'm not in the mood for jokes," threatened the main alien using its real, coarsed voice. The older prince quickly retreated himself out from the penthouse in fear of triggering his progenitor's anger, while the younger prince sighed, feeling like in need of a new learning adventure and a form that will be more respected or provided him with excitement and thrilling life choices. That's when he remembered about the intel he already asked for Steven Barnett and all the preparation in regards to his takeover. Yup, that sounds hella tasty, slipping inside the son-in-law of an active General with strategic position in the United States? Maybe it's about time he executed the transference, it's been almost 2 weeks that Steven and his wife spent their time here, it wouldn't be too long before his return to the states. Looking at his phone, 5:44 AM, there's definitely still enough time for him to make the move right around this morning. But, it means he should really share the directives to the puppets all at once, the Prince cannot risk Steven to be able to get away from this. As the Prince stretched his body, he then sits down and decided to concentrate and pulling all the available memories from all the puppets that could be useful for the plan to succeed
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As expected, Steven walked into the trap set-up by the aliens as he went to the gym recommended by them, not knowing it's basically a hub for puppets
The gym is surprisingly quiet despite the fact that it's morning in the weekend, but Steven is definitely not complaining. In fact, it makes the whole thing so much easier for him as he spent all his time to workout and not wasting time with some small talks with his friends. Yes he can comfortably called them friends, but it's not always fun to always have this sense of obligation to talk to them or mingle with them when the focus is supposedly the workout, so the quietness is a welcome change, especially noting the fact that he's about to go back home to the States very early in the morning
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8.50 AM and the gym is still hella empty, except a few people that he never met previously. Probably some infrequent gymgoer judging from their body shapes, but hey, it's not like he needed to judge them. After putting all the weights back to its rack, he strutted to the locker room and started stripping. He kicked off his rank, size 15 shoes away to reveal a very sweaty socked feet, which he also quickly took off and tossed to the corner of the locker room. He scrunched up his nose, he should grab that foot spray he saw yesterday in the supermarket later before heading back to the hotel. Then, he stuffed his drenched tanktop that clung to his massive body and the sweat-soaked sweatpants to his duffel bag, only leaving his sweaty underwear on as he decided to cool down a bit while doing some posing practices
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Enamored by the ripple of his own muscles and the music he blasted, Steven didn't realize the swarm of men that carefully entered the locker room, led by Craig and Olly. Steven practically posed in the far-end corner of the massive gym locker room and the rows of lockers blocked his view and hearing until it's too late.
Olly was the first that made the move as his sudden appearance slightly surprised Steven. The young blondie quickly apologized and acted normally as if he just arrived for a workout while complimenting Steven's pumped physique. Then, things take a wild turn when Olly decided to say that he wanted to get a taste of Steven's sweaty ass. That surprised Steven even more as he chuckled it off trying to pass it as some crude jokes, but when Olly literally stared at him like he's some kind of prey, Steven quickly reacted with anger on how he would never swing that way and he's not gonna let any man get close to his ass or dick! To his surprise, Craig, Olly's stepbrother, grabbed Steven's ass from behind which caused the much-bigger Steven to yelp in surprise. That's when Olly marched on as his stepbrother tried to held Steven's hand. Steven fought off the two brothers and even managed to slam Olly to one of the locker before trying to make his escape. But the severity of the situation and the dawning realization that he wouldn't be able to get away from here quickly engulfed him when he's faced with the reality as swarm of fit bodybuilders and gymgoers blocking his way from both ends. He tried to reason with them, asking them to let him go and start thinking rationally, but all effort went futile as their mission were clear, to convert him per the direction of the Prince.
"Convert me to what? Islam? Fuck, are you kidding me? All this just because of some religious fanaticism?"
One of them then said
"Oh no, Steven, it's better than that,"
Alarm bells quickly rang inside Steven's mind when all the men that surrounded him smirked devilishly as they opened their mouth and then spit out some gooey black slug from their mouth to their hands. As Steven's started screaming for help, all the men tried to muffle his mouth as they thrown and even shoved the slimy black slug down Steven's throat. His scream quickly drowned by the loud cheers of men that witnessed all the slug entered Steven's body from his mouth, nose and ears and quickly trembled as the alien seized control of his brain. But, the men quickly moved over as the Prince tried to approach the convulsing Steven. He already arrived at the gym and simply cannot wait to transfer. As the Prince retched out copious amount of black slug, the one that entered Steven's whole system earlier also moved out from his body as it did its purpose already to paralyze Steven temporarily. The slugs returned back to their respective bodies while the Prince slug slithered through Steven's gaped mouth and flared nostrils. After another seizure as the slug established control over his brain, Steven opened his eyes a brand new man
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Add: I think this sort of act as a closure for this particular story. But if there's anything you wanted me to whip out, like more stories on Mike, or any of the characters, hit me up and maybe I can make some spin-off or something, but only if anyone is interested
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octuscle · 1 month
Gabriel was quite a freeloader. Of course he didn't come to Dubai as an expat because he was stupid or lazy. But he also knew pretty well that he would have had a much harder time in France affording the life he could afford here. Life in Dubai was luxury, pure luxury. He had a cool house with a pool, a gardener, a housekeeper and a chauffeur, and he earned a huge amount of money. He didn't necessarily work nine to five, but he didn't necessarily work himself to death either. In short, for him, life here was pure paradise!
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Gabriel had heard the news that the climate had turned a little against the privileges of expats. But he wasn't interested in it. He would do his job here, he was saving a lot of money, which was safely invested in Switzerland, if necessary, he would be on the plane back to Paris tomorrow and look for a job in Riyadh or Kuwait. The United Arab Emirates were not the only place on this planet where he could make money. And besides, he didn't really care about it today. It was Saturday. Tomorrow he would have to sit in the office again, today he wanted to work out at the gym and then hang out with a few friends at the beach club for the rest of the day. A few cocktails, lobster for dinner and then to bed. The only problem was: his driver had the day off. And even though Gabriel had been living in Dubai for several years, he couldn't drive a car himself! He had forgotten how. That's why there were drivers. So he ordered a taxi.
The porter at his community had announced the driver. Gabriel took his sports bag. A quick check in the mirror: yes, he looked good. He opened the door. The brand new Toyota taxi was parked in front of the door. The driver got out and asked in English if Gabriel wanted to put the sports bag in the boot. Gabriel barely looked up from his phone and just shook his head. He didn't feel like having any more contact with the driver than absolutely necessary. The driver opened the back door for him, Gabriel got in, repeated his destination once more and continued playing with his cell phone. The driver remained quiet at first. But then he started talking. First in English. About the weather, about football, where Gabriel came from, whether he liked Dubai. Gabriel simply didn't react. The driver just kept talking. That he had fled from Syria. That he had been in Dubai for four years. That he had two children. He showed Gabriel pictures in his wallet. His English became more and more incomprehensible. A mixture of English and Arabic. Gabriel continued to pretend to be deaf. The driver kept talking. In Arabic. He was ranting about the expats. About the arrogance of the infidels, who thought they were better than everyone else, even though they were dependent on the mercy of Allah, who had given the Muslims oil.
Gabriel was annoyed. He wanted to work on a few e-mails and not talk about politics. What did he care about politics? So he snapped at the driver, "Rakkiz 'ala al-siyaqa, ana mashghul!" The driver smiled. He looked in the rear-view mirror. God's plan was working.
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The taxi driver's language began to change again. Arabic with a French accent. Gabriel sat in the back on the worn imitation leather seats of the old taxi. In the front, Ayoub couldn't stop getting worked up about the last few games of Olympic Marseille. Djibril grinned. He knew the feeling. When Ayoub was in a rage, he was in a rage. Fortunately, they were almost at the wholesale market, then his brother would let him out. Ayoub would drive his shift to an end. And Djibril would see what kind of job he could get. He and his pals ironically called themselves the expats. It was true in a way… His brother and he had immigrated from Morocco ten years ago. They had family in Marseille. Djibril had really tried hard at school, but at some point he stopped going and started working as a day laborer at the wholesale market. He was doing well. By now, Djibril had his network, he knew his way around. And he was strong and fast. He saved what he earned. He was proud of his brother Ayoub, who made it to get a taxi license and his own taxi, which was also Djibril's goal.
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He checked his messages. It was still dawn. Ayoub was on his way to the banlieue to sleep. It was good when he drove the night shift, then he and Djibril didn't have to share the small bedroom. So far, no one had contacted him to request Djibril's services. If necessary, he could help out in his aunt's café in the kitchen. There was no money for that, though. But a café and a lunch. Life as an expat wasn't so bad.
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thetarttfuldickhead · 4 months
A week or two after the Dubai Air protest Sam happens upon Jamie lounging listlessly on a bench in the otherwise deserted gym. He’s not doing any exercise, just sitting there and staring out into nothingness with a curiously vacant look on his face.
Sam hesitates, hovering in the doorway. He’s come for a little bit of extra weights before heading home, and he hadn’t expected anyone to be here this late, least of all Jamie. It’s been a long day and Sam’s not sure if he’s up for dealing with the (possibly) reformed bully right now. Even if they are edging towards friendly, and even if that’s no small thing given what’s come between them before, there’s still an undercurrent of charged uncertainty to their interactions, a stilted hesitancy to their cautious politeness and careful attempts at casual camaraderie.
Jamie hasn’t explicitly told Sam that he’s sorry for the things he’s put him through. Sam has decided that he will not let his decision to give Jamie another chance be contingent upon this. It’s very tiring, being angry and resentful of the other’s presence: so much easier to accept the taped up logo for the peace offering it was, and let that be Jamie’s apology.
(If it rankles, it only rankles a little.)
Reminding himself of his decision to let bygones be bygones, and that they won’t ever get anywhere if they don’t actually learn to talk, Sam steps into the gym. Asks as he would any other glum-looking team mate he’d unexpectedly happened upon, “Are you all right, Jamie?”
Holds himself ready, holds himself steady, if Jamie should bare his teeth and bite, now that there’s no one around to see it.
But Jamie only starts a little, like he hadn’t noticed Sam or he’s surprised to be voluntarily addressed. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, I’m good, man. Great, you know. It’s just… I’m a bit tired, I guess.“ He pauses, then his face suddenly collapses and he gives Sam the most plaintive of looks. “It’s just so fucking exhausting being nice all the time. I don’t know how you do it, mate.”
Ah. Sam tactfully doesn’t say that it’s usually no effort for him and that he doesn’t really understand how it could possible come that hard for anyone.
He also doesn’t point out that not actively being mean to people isn’t quite the same as being nice.
Because Jamie is trying, isn’t he, even if it’s painfully evident that he still needs to try, that it doesn’t come quite naturally.  
“Bit like when Spike had that chip in his head and had no choice but to team up with the good guys, isn’t it?” Colin had muttered a few days after their wayward striker had re-joined them, and yes, Sam had had to agree: it is a bit like that.
But there’s no chip in Jamie’s head (Sam is pretty sure). He’s here of his own free will, trying to be a good team mate and a better person because he wants to be. That has to count for something, doesn’t it?
Sam is pretty sure his dad would say it does. Sam wants to be the sort of person that lets it count.
And Jamie is looking genuinely dejected, in a way that has Sam feel a small surge of something that isn’t affection but isn’t too unlike it either. A little bit of pity mingling with amusement; enough that he’s moved to brave sitting down next to Jamie.
“Well, I have had more practise,” he says lightly. “I bet you will be really good at it if you give it a bit more time.”
“Yeah?” It’s offered casually, but there’s no disguising the faint hope in it. Sam can feel Jamie watching him out of the corner of his eye.
“Of course,” he says, and then, feeling bold, “You are Jamie Tartt. Aren’t you good at everything?”
A pause, and Sam holds his breath, praying that Jamie will understand that he’s being teased rather than mocked—
Then Jamie snorts, a sound halfway to a chuckle. “Yeah, man,” he retorts, bumping his shoulder against Sam’s, very carefully. “I’ll be the fucking best at being nice. Swear down, I’ll be so good I make you look like Geezer Scrooge.”
“That, I’d like to see,” Sam says drily; says sincerely. Standing, he nods towards the weight bench. “Do you think you can be good enough not to let me be crushed to death while you spot me?”
For a moment, Jamie looks taken aback, and Sam braces himself for a snide retort to his presumption – but it doesn’t come. Instead Jaime’s face clears, and he gives a sharp nod.
“Course, mate,” he says, and rises to follow Sam.
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yoshirage · 2 years
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Body Swap Diaries: Tristyn
My sweaty body glisten under the Dubai sun after a hard workout session with my brother Tyler. “Hey bro, I’m gonna go back to the room, are you almost done?”
“You go on ahead, i have some more sets to do.” I said
“Ok Bro! Sounds good” Tyler leaves.
I looked at the mirror and pleased to see the amount of work i have put in this body coming together from my huge social following which i learned from from my past life as a CEO of an advertisement company to my strict workout and diet regiment i learned while winning multiple Olympia as Ronnie Coleman; further pushing away his dreams of being a soccer player ever since i accidentally swapped bodies with him when he was thirteen.
I picked up a barbell to do some curls when i hear a text coming in from Blue. He told me he was coaching this guy named Ryan and was ready to switch to a new body.
Hey shortie, how do you like my new body? the text said with a picture attached
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I feel myself hardening. Damn Blue! You really outdid yourself this time!
How about you Cyan? You ready to switch bodies? Now that the body your in is at least 18 years old, you should be able to?
Nah i’ll stay! It was great reliving my high school days and being a kid though experiencing puberty again was a little weird, but now ive been enjoying my large social following and im taking this kid to the top!
Ok Man! Sure! Lets meet up again once you come back to the States.
Ok bro! Nice talking to you!
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Standing alone at the hotel’s outside gym, I looked at Blues new body and my 7 inch cock fully hardened as I remembered the times ive fucked him when I was Ronnie and he he was still Jay, and now imagining him moaning like a little bitch in his new body as my hard cock rams his hole and finally cum all over that new pretty boy face of his. The suns ray heating up my body even more as sweat formed as I stroke my cock. I couldn’t hold it much longer as i came all over my phones’s screen covering Blue’s picture with my cum. I breath deeply wiping the cum of my phone and cleaning my self up. I looked at the clock to see that its almost 12:45 pm, and finally leaving the gym to meet up with Tyler and continuing our dubai vacation.
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formula-fun · 8 months
so yuki is in dubai posting slutty gym photos
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This is the same gym where Pierre magically “coincidentally” appeared last year while Yuki was in Dubai to train and take photos frolicking shirtless in the Arabian Desert with a hawk
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Also last year Pierre went to the Dubai Kartdrome and we all debated whether his mustache is good or horrible. Unclear if Yuki was with him but this year they’re there together
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⬆️last year ⬆️ this year
In conclusion we can now reliably call this Pierre And Yuki's Annual Boy's Trip wherein Pierre and Yuki go to Dubai every January to race karts, do fashion photo shoots, and behave like sluts in this specific gym, thank you for coming to my ted talk
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derricksch040 · 2 years
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5 posts!
A step ahead lols
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alienpossession · 4 months
Another take from my end on the continuation of this much-beloved story, this time solely focusing on Andrei & Mike as they meet the ill-fated Steven from the original series by @apushforfolly
Bodybuilding is a rather tight-knit global community. The people you competed back in Las Vegas would be your competitor again in Dubai, in London, yeah, you get the gist of it. So while the Prince is busy consolidating domestic power, what the Prince directed the rest of us to do is to basically get our grip within the bodybuilding community and the ever-growing and increasingly cocky finance bros as stealthy as possible. Sander handled the finance and all those podcast bros flocking to Dubai. Meanwhile, me and Mike are quite influential within the UK bodybuilding circles, and with us based in Dubai, we did leverage that to our benefit as we lured some of the aspiring talent and even several of our old friends for a free Dubai trip which would lead to the end of their life as freedom human entity. Take Rory over here, quite a rather close friend of Andrei before the Prince and then I took this British-Romanian hunk for a spin
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Rory eagerly took the offer to rekindle the friendship that just severed out of a sudden as he based himself in Bali while Andrei got his mind fucked by me as I hyper-focused myself to serve the Master and enlarge his influence. I didn't like to waste my time so within the first day he landed, right after I showed him and his girlfriend around their apartment I said to be free of charge as it was still in the market anyway, I simply bitchslapped him until he passed out and then proceeded to infect his girl first, taking the delight of Andrei's fucked up mind that held grudges to Rory for stealing his first crush, her. She cried, obviously, and even harder when she could feel that something terrible is coming with my cock that somehow enlarged beyond her comprehension, because it almost doubled in length and clearly that's not normal and she knows that. As my contained sludgebros released like a damn broken faucet into her throat, her eyes rolled to the back as black sludge overflown her mouth. But she's quick to regain her consciousness and with her mind set to infect her passed out boyfriend, I simply put my sweatpants back on and left the two lovebirds to settle their business.
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That's basically one example of our MO, but it's the most effective because these bodybuilders really trust each other, especially when they came from the same country. And when we reached more bodies, it means we have more field operatives to take care off potential puppets. For example, Nico, like Andrei, is Romanian, and he's been out from the spotlight for a while. But, his physique is still great and he's considered a legend among the younger bodybuilders. So, of course I utilized his eagerness to learn a thing or two to become relevant from Andrei as my entry into his tight straight cunt and basically turned him into a puppet.
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The legend status he holds gives him easier access to reach the coaches and the more senior bodybuilders, not even a week and he's already turning Jerome Weeks into a puppet too, just look at that wide, slightly off-putting smile the two of them did, if people paid attention a bit more, clearly they can tell that something is a bit not right there
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There's also this easily leveraged dynamic of leeching off each other or trying to be in the more influential person's good light, and Mike really milked the shit out of it. He's charismatic, he's also probably the most well-off among the others and you just don't want to mess with him as he can legitimately messed with your influencer career if you crossed him.
Olly and his older stepbrother Craig bumped to Rory and Mike in the middle of a gym, and of course they asked Mike and Rory for a quick pic. The two brothers already planned to utilize the picture for some clout but they are also legitimately looked up to Mike especially, hence the slightly tense pictures despite multiple takes.
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What the two humans failed to realize was the fact that both Rory and Mike licked their lips as they watched the siblings walked giddily to the locker room after the pic sesh. They grinned to each other and decided to join the two brothers in the locker room to have some "pep talk". While Rory handled Craig, Mike sauntered the impressionable 20 years old blondie. At first excited to see his idol and tried to respectfully stand up, Olly found himself taken aback as Mike instead pressed Olly back to the seat and then smirked
"I see the potential from you, dude. You can be a jacked piece of shit in no time and fucking popular too. All you neeed to do is open up that mouth, I know you blondie want a piece of this meat,"
Bewildered, Olly tried to fight back but Mike asserted his dominance in a split second as Olly found himself unable to even stand up as Mike held his shoulder and forced him to stay seated
"Don't force me to use my strength, noob. Now, as I said before, you have the potential, just open up that pretty mouth and let me show you how to get big," Mike said with a shit-eating grin so uncharacteristic of him. His crotch just inches away from Olly's quivering lips, and from Olly's POV, he meant every single words he said. Olly still resisted, he tried to scream for help but Mike's hand quickly muffled his mouth, blocking him to even let out a sound. He simply wished that anyone will walk in and caught Mike red-handed, but it seems like it's not goint to happen anytime soon. Unfortunately for him, as his eyes wandered looking for any good samaritan that can help him out of this predicament, his eyes caught a bizarre sight as his married stepbrother bobbed his head up and down Rory's dick like a cum whore! Mike gleefuly said with sinister undertone
"Yeah, even your older brother knows it's the right thing to do. Heck, it's the only way to get big nowadays. It's time for you to also start accepting that as the truth. Now, I won't repeat myself again, open,"
Seeing the tight-lipped Olly, Mike then take the liberty to simply fish out his cock out from his workout shorts, revealing a mean-looking 7.5 incher semi-hard uncut meat throbbing with excitement. He's been going commando since this morning, and the tough workout regiment clearly caused him to accumulate quite some sweat in his crotch. Mike just grazed the tip of his meat right to Olly's pink lips before the young sophomore jock relented to the pressure. His throat felt sticky and sore from all the thrusting, but he found out that he got no gag reflex whatsoever which caused Mike to grin in the first few seconds after the entirety of his cock lodged into Olly's throat
"Ohhh fffuuuckkk you really meant to be a cocksucker bro!"
The whole facefucking lasted for about 6 minutes before Mike started to get tight and exasperated. When Rory and Craig circled around Olly, that's when Olly realized that something is not right when his stepbrother's eyes looking a bit empty and glazed. But not long from both Rory and Craig sauntered the both of them, Mike shot his copious load into the trembling Olly, his body went on a full seizure as the slug takes over his bodily system. Olly eventually regained his consciousness and the first thing he do is to cough out the sticky mess that filled his mouth when he passed out and replaced by an alien slug. He then smiled a very wicked smile
"Now, can I infect other human on my own?"
"Hahahahahah, love the spirit, but not so quick bro, not so quick,"
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So when Steven Barnett, a bodybuilder with Mining Engineering degree, arrived in Dubai for an all-inclusive honeymoon after marrying his girlfriend for 3 years which also happened to be the daughter of a US Army General, the gym junkie decided to squeeze in several workout session since he knows some of his favorite bodybuilders are based in Dubai. Unfortunately for him, the Prince intel already put a target behind his back the moment he booked a flight to Dubai with his now-wife.
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The penthouse arranged by Andrei, the tour around town with Rory, the workout sesh with Mike and Olly, everything is simply part of the plan to ensure that Steven is well-monitored 24/7 throughout his stay. The Prince believed that it's time for him to make another move after consolidating the power in Dubai, and America sounded like a solid plan. So, when Steven walked into one of the last gym that has been recommended by a lot of his online followers, it's already a trap ready to capture him to become yet another puppet in the growing collection of the Master. He's just simply oblivious to the fact that he posed with puppets controlled by mere black slug that looked like a pitch black oil he found in his day job.
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octuscle · 10 months
It’s so bitterly cold here in the Midwest USA, I wish I could be hanging with hunky guys in Dubai or something for Christmas. You think you could help me with that man?
You should have landed at Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport by now. But because of a snowstorm, you were diverted to Chicago O'Hare International Airport. This cursed journey to the holidays is getting worse by the minute. And if you drink another beer to drown your frustration, you're going to puke. But right now you need to take a piss. You find it a little difficult to get up. Firstly, because of the alcohol in your blood. On the other hand, because you've become a real heavyweight since last Christmas. A bit more exercise and less eating and drinking would also do you a lot of good…
The toilet is empty. It's amazing that so many people are stranded here so close to the holidays… And there's a sports bag by the washbasin. And it's still there when you come back from the urinals. Not a soul in sight… Could there be a bomb in there? A normal and sober person would now inform the security service. But you are definitely not sober. So you grab the bag. And in a reasonably quiet corner, you check the contents. Jackpot! Not much special. Sportswear, a white nightgown… And a wallet with quite a lot of cash, a passport from the UAE and above all: a flight ticket to SHJ. No idea what and where that is. But you have to change planes at JFK and DOH. That sounds exotic. It certainly sounds better than Kansas. Boarding starts in 20 minutes. As best you can with your beer belly, you walk towards the gate.
When you arrive at the gate, boarding is almost complete. The ground crew member asks you for your boarding pass and passport. Shit, you didn't even think about the fact that you don't look like your passport photo. The guy looks at your passport, looks at you, grins and wishes you a good flight. As you pass him, you hear him say to his colleague that you've really become a fat pig since the photo was taken. Well, that's probably your luck in this case.
You have a layover of over five hours at JFK. You heard in the in-flight program that the TWA Hotel & Fitness Center at JFK is supposed to be the largest hotel gym in the world. You really need a gym. And you have time too. So you set off. Not much sporting activity is to be expected from you. But after an hour of power walking on the treadmill and half an hour on the cross trainer, your new sports clothes from the bag you found are soaked with sweat. But you feel fit. Really fit. As you stand in front of the mirror after your shower, you run your hands over your stomach. Flat and hard. When you tense your muscles. That's how it should be. And you get rid of the rest of the fat too. It sucks with the beard. You shaved your beard for Thanksgiving. Because you were invited to a friend's parents' house. You didn't want to scare them off with your beard. But now the beard hasn't grown back the way you'd hoped. Your mother will scold you terribly.
You grab a salad and a protein shake at the bar in the gym. You want to sleep on the plane. The food on board is delicious and plentiful, but not good for your body. To make sleeping on board quicker, you put on just a tank top and jogging suit for the flight. It takes you a good twelve hours to reach Doha. You want to use this time to arrive home well-rested.
At boarding, the ground staff greet you in Arabic. Of course. As usual. It's nice to study in the USA. But you don't have to stay with the infidels in winter. You're now looking forward to the warm sun in the Gulf. The person sitting next to you is a non-believer. And obviously not familiar with Qatar Airways' in-flight catering. She has brought a large portion of chicken wings with fries from KFC on board. You almost feel sick. She offers you something. You flex your biceps and say in English with a heavy Arabic accent that you can't get these babies at KFC.
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The flight was quiet, apart from the brief interruption during which you fucked the infidel chick in the airplane toilet. You'll have to do without a wet pussy for the next few weeks. Hehehe, but your cousins and your bruhs have tight asses. That works at least as well. You only have just under two hours in Doha before the last flight segment. You quickly go to the airport mosque, do your ablutions and sunset prayers, change into your spotless white dishdasha and board the plane to Sharjah. Over the next few weeks, you are the perfect son again. You will enjoy it. And as soon as the crazy holidays of the infidels are over, you'll be looking forward to fucking, drinking and partying again!
I found the last picture of you before you change to immaculate white at @alphaincar
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maxverstepponme · 5 months
Even though no one asked for it here's my 2 cents on Kelly and max.
Number one: Pushing Penelope more into the spotlight is all on Kelly, she's been called out multiple times for leaving her kid alone while she's runs after Max. So to now prove she's a good mother she's showing she takes P with them.
Number Two: Using P to make people, especially Max fans like her. To begin with and up until Nelson Piquet scandal, fans liked her or at least liked that she gave them Max content. That disliked then again increased when her Vogue cover was revealed and the interview, people didn't like her cosplaying as a driver and making no mention of how hard it is for women to be F1 drivers; her 'magical night' with a fresh faced 18 year old max and her 27; and how it became clear that she was with max for the career opportunities he could bring her, like how cover was for Vogue NEDERLANDS. So once people starting cropping her out of photos with Max, she tried the whole get as close to him as possible so they couldn't (she does this weird sniffing him pose)
seen here https://www.instagram.com/p/C1KPMeOseVw/?img_index=9
and here https://www.instagram.com/p/C0M6M_rMlbX/?img_index=1
Once that failed she started posting just pictures or videos of him and P. Fans fawned over this shouting girl dad from the rooftops, so her ig engagement went up and people started to like her again cause if the P content.
Number Three: She needs P for her ig engagement, most if not all her comments say 'here before max' 'can't believed I liked before max' or something along the lines cause Max (or whoever) likes all her posts. So by pushing P onto her feed the comments turn to 'awwww look at P' or 'so cute'
Number Four: She changing her career direction, instead of being this 'baddie' model she tries to portray herself as she's turning to the 'mommy' influencer route. Exposing and posting P is part of that, an almost 'look at me I'm a mom who's so good and I also model'.
and finally Number Five: Her and Max are falling apart behind the screens of social media and cameras, and this is her last ditch effort to push P to Max so they don't split. Everywhere they've been this year P has been with them, they honestly don't seemed to have been alone since Qatar last year. Which is normal for a couple with a child, you normally go places as a family but this isn't the norm for them. Kelly has no problem leaving P and she still doesn't she went to LA, PFW and probably the Nederlands to shoot that video (as it looks like the hairdresser NL studio) so why does it seem she now can't leave her to be with Max alone?
And with Kelly chronically capturing every moment on her camera and then posting it, it seems Max didn't spend that much time with them in the 2 weeks they were there and went into the city like 4 times.
She also is doing the same thing she did last year where she'll go to a GP but somehow its magically aligned with some 'work' she has there
e.g. before the Barhain GP she had to go to the gym and promote Alo and do a papz walk
Then Australia GP she went to LA before hand so it was like 'oh I had a job in LA and then I've flown to Australia to see my kid'
Japan GP she did a Replay ad in Tokyo and apparently go 'invited' to the Tiffany and Co exhibition, but really it was a 3 week holiday 1 week skiing, then the GP and then the 2 weeks after in Tokyo.
And now for the Miami GP she's got a Patbo dinner that she's 'co-hosting' and so other event she went to.
I can't help but laugh at her caption 'our annual lunch' like girl be for real what do you do for either of those brands, like they do so much for you.
“You won’t crop me out” 😭😭
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Your Guide to Securing Luxury Properties for Sale in Dubai
Securing luxury properties for sale in Dubai requires careful planning and a thorough understanding of the market. This blog provides a comprehensive guide to help you secure the best luxury properties in Dubai.
For more information on real estate, visit Dubai Real Estate.
Why Invest in Luxury Properties in Dubai?
High ROI: Dubai's luxury real estate market offers high returns on investment due to its desirability and robust demand.
Tax Benefits: Dubai offers a tax-free environment, making it an attractive destination for real estate investment.
World-Class Amenities: Luxury properties in Dubai come with world-class amenities, including private pools, gyms, and concierge services.
Prime Locations: Many luxury properties are located in prime areas, offering stunning views and easy access to key attractions.
Security: Dubai is known for its safety and security, providing peace of mind for property owners.
For property purchase options, explore Buy Residential Properties in Dubai.
Steps to Securing Luxury Properties in Dubai
Determine Your Budget: Establishing a clear budget is the first step. Consider all costs, including property price, taxes, maintenance, and any additional fees.
Research the Market: Understand the current market trends, prices, and types of luxury properties available. This will help you make informed decisions.
Choose the Right Location: Prime locations for luxury properties in Dubai include Palm Jumeirah, Downtown Dubai, Emirates Hills, Dubai Marina, and Jumeirah Beach Residence.
Hire a Real Estate Agent: A reputable real estate agent can provide valuable insights, show you suitable properties, and handle negotiations.
Visit Properties: Schedule visits to potential properties to assess their condition, amenities, and overall appeal.
Legal Considerations: Ensure all legal aspects are covered, including property registration, contracts, and compliance with local regulations.
Financing Options: Explore mortgage financing options to determine the best way to finance your purchase.
Make an Offer: Once you find the perfect property, make a competitive offer. Your agent can help negotiate the best terms.
Finalize the Purchase: Complete the necessary paperwork, pay the required fees, and finalize the purchase.
For mortgage financing options, visit Commercial Mortgage Loan in Dubai.
Popular Areas for Luxury Properties
Palm Jumeirah: Known for its iconic palm-shaped island, Palm Jumeirah offers luxurious villas and apartments with stunning views.
Downtown Dubai: Home to the Burj Khalifa and Dubai Mall, Downtown Dubai offers upscale living in the city's heart.
Emirates Hills: Often referred to as the "Beverly Hills of Dubai," Emirates Hills features luxurious villas with golf course views.
Dubai Marina: Known for its vibrant nightlife and waterfront properties, Dubai Marina is a popular choice for luxury living.
Jumeirah Beach Residence (JBR): This beachfront community offers a mix of luxury apartments and penthouses with stunning sea views.
For rental property management services, visit Rent Your Property in Dubai.
Tips for Securing Luxury Properties
Set a Budget: Determine your budget before you start looking at properties. This will help narrow down your options and prevent overspending.
Research the Market: Understand the current market trends and property values in the areas you're interested in.
Work with a Realtor: A reputable realtor with experience in the luxury market can help you find the best properties and negotiate the best deals.
Inspect the Property: Ensure the property is in good condition and meets your standards. Consider hiring a professional inspector.
Consider Future Value: Think about the property's potential for appreciation and its resale value.
For property sales, visit Sell Your Apartments in Dubai.
Real-Life Success Story
Consider the case of Sophia, an investor from the UK who decided to invest in a luxury penthouse in Downtown Dubai. With the help of a local realtor, Sophia found a stunning property that met all her requirements. The realtor guided her through the buying process, ensuring all legalities were handled smoothly. Today, Sophia enjoys a high return on her investment, with the penthouse's value appreciating significantly.
Future Trends in Dubai's Luxury Real Estate Market
Sustainable Living: There is a growing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable luxury properties.
Smart Homes: Properties equipped with smart home technology are becoming increasingly popular.
Wellness Amenities: Luxury properties are now offering wellness-focused amenities such as spas, gyms, and yoga studios.
Flexible Spaces: There is a trend towards properties with flexible living spaces that can be adapted to different needs.
Branded Residences: Collaborations with luxury brands to create branded residences are on the rise.
Securing luxury properties for sale in Dubai requires careful planning and a thorough understanding of the market. By following the steps outlined in this guide and working with a reputable realtor, you can find and secure the perfect luxury property in Dubai. For more resources and expert advice, visit Dubai Real Estate.
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How to Find the Best Luxury Properties for Sale in Dubai
Finding the best luxury properties for sale in Dubai requires a thorough understanding of the market and access to reliable resources. This blog provides tips and strategies to help you find the best luxury properties in Dubai.
For more information on home loans, visit Home Loans in Dubai.
Why Invest in Luxury Properties in Dubai?
High ROI: Dubai's luxury real estate market offers high returns on investment due to its desirability and robust demand.
Tax Benefits: Dubai offers a tax-free environment, making it an attractive destination for real estate investment.
World-Class Amenities: Luxury properties in Dubai come with world-class amenities, including private pools, gyms, and concierge services.
Prime Locations: Many luxury properties are located in prime areas, offering stunning views and easy access to key attractions.
Security: Dubai is known for its safety and security, providing peace of mind for property owners.
For property purchase options, explore Buy Apartments in Dubai.
Types of Luxury Properties in Dubai
Penthouses: Located in high-rise buildings, penthouses offer panoramic views of the city and luxurious living spaces.
Villas: Spacious villas with private gardens, pools, and state-of-the-art facilities are available in exclusive communities.
Townhouses: Luxury townhouses offer a blend of privacy and community living, with high-end finishes and amenities.
Beachfront Properties: Properties along the coastline provide direct beach access and breathtaking ocean views.
Golf Course Properties: These properties offer views of lush golf courses and access to exclusive golf clubs.
For mortgage financing options, consider Mortgage Broker Dubai.
Popular Areas for Luxury Properties
Palm Jumeirah: Known for its iconic palm-shaped island, this area offers some of the most luxurious villas and apartments in Dubai.
Downtown Dubai: Home to the Burj Khalifa and Dubai Mall, this area offers upscale living in the heart of the city.
Emirates Hills: Often referred to as the "Beverly Hills of Dubai," this gated community offers luxurious villas with golf course views.
Dubai Marina: Known for its vibrant nightlife and stunning waterfront properties, Dubai Marina is a popular choice for luxury living.
Jumeirah Beach Residence (JBR): This beachfront community offers a mix of luxury apartments and penthouses with stunning sea views.
For rental property management services, visit Rent Your Property in Dubai.
Tips for Finding Luxury Properties
Set a Budget: Determine your budget before you start looking at properties. This will help narrow down your options and prevent overspending.
Research the Market: Understand the current market trends and property values in the areas you're interested in.
Work with a Realtor: A reputable realtor with experience in the luxury market can help you find the best properties and negotiate the best deals.
Inspect the Property: Ensure the property is in good condition and meets your standards. Consider hiring a professional inspector.
Consider Future Value: Think about the property's potential for appreciation and its resale value.
For property sales, visit Villas For Sale in Dubai.
Real-Life Success Story
Consider the case of Sarah, an investor from the UK who decided to invest in a luxury penthouse in Downtown Dubai. With the help of a local realtor, Sarah found a stunning property that met all her requirements. The realtor guided her through the buying process, ensuring all legalities were handled smoothly. Today, Sarah enjoys a high return on her investment, with the penthouse's value appreciating significantly.
Future Trends in Dubai's Luxury Real Estate Market
Sustainable Living: There is a growing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable luxury properties.
Smart Homes: Properties equipped with smart home technology are becoming increasingly popular.
Wellness Amenities: Luxury properties are now offering wellness-focused amenities such as spas, gyms, and yoga studios.
Flexible Spaces: There is a trend towards properties with flexible living spaces that can be adapted to different needs.
Branded Residences: Collaborations with luxury brands to create branded residences are on the rise.
Finding the best luxury properties for sale in Dubai requires a thorough understanding of the market and access to reliable resources. By setting a budget, researching the market, and working with a reputable realtor, you can find the perfect luxury property in Dubai. For more resources and expert advice, visit Home Loans in Dubai.
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dubairealestate24 · 3 months
A Guide to the Most Luxurious Properties for Sale in Dubai
Dubai is synonymous with luxury, and its real estate market offers some of the most opulent properties in the world. From stunning penthouses to sprawling villas, the options are endless. This guide will help you navigate the market for the most luxurious properties for sale in Dubai.
For more information on home loans, visit Home Loan UAE.
Why Invest in Luxury Properties in Dubai?
High ROI: Dubai's luxury real estate market offers high returns on investment due to its desirability and robust demand.
Tax Benefits: Dubai offers a tax-free environment, making it an attractive destination for real estate investment.
World-Class Amenities: Luxury properties in Dubai come with world-class amenities, including private pools, gyms, and concierge services.
Prime Locations: Many luxury properties are located in prime areas, offering stunning views and easy access to key attractions.
Security: Dubai is known for its safety and security, providing peace of mind for property owners.
For commercial property investment options, explore Buy Commercial Properties in Dubai.
Types of Luxury Properties in Dubai
Penthouses: Located in high-rise buildings, penthouses offer panoramic views of the city and luxurious living spaces.
Villas: Spacious villas with private gardens, pools, and state-of-the-art facilities are available in exclusive communities.
Townhouses: Luxury townhouses offer a blend of privacy and community living, with high-end finishes and amenities.
Beachfront Properties: Properties along the coastline provide direct beach access and breathtaking ocean views.
Golf Course Properties: These properties offer views of lush golf courses and access to exclusive golf clubs.
For mortgage financing options, consider Mortgage Financing in Dubai.
Popular Areas for Luxury Properties
Palm Jumeirah: Known for its iconic palm-shaped island, this area offers some of the most luxurious villas and apartments in Dubai.
Downtown Dubai: Home to the Burj Khalifa and Dubai Mall, this area offers upscale living in the heart of the city.
Emirates Hills: Often referred to as the "Beverly Hills of Dubai," this gated community offers luxurious villas with golf course views.
Dubai Marina: Known for its vibrant nightlife and stunning waterfront properties, Dubai Marina is a popular choice for luxury living.
Jumeirah Beach Residence (JBR): This beachfront community offers a mix of luxury apartments and penthouses with stunning sea views.
For rental property management services, visit Apartments For Rent in Dubai.
Tips for Buying Luxury Properties in Dubai
Set a Budget: Determine your budget before you start looking at properties. This will help narrow down your options and prevent overspending.
Research the Market: Understand the current market trends and property values in the areas you're interested in.
Work with a Realtor: A reputable realtor with experience in the luxury market can help you find the best properties and negotiate the best deals.
Inspect the Property: Ensure the property is in good condition and meets your standards. Consider hiring a professional inspector.
Consider Future Value: Think about the property's potential for appreciation and its resale value.
For property sales, visit Sell Your Property.
Real-Life Success Story
Consider the case of James, an investor from the UK who decided to invest in a luxury villa in Palm Jumeirah. With the help of a local realtor, James found a stunning property that met all his requirements. The realtor guided him through the buying process, ensuring all legalities were handled smoothly. Today, James enjoys a high return on his investment, with the villa's value appreciating significantly.
Future Trends in Dubai's Luxury Real Estate Market
Sustainable Living: There is a growing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable luxury properties.
Smart Homes: Properties equipped with smart home technology are becoming increasingly popular.
Wellness Amenities: Luxury properties are now offering wellness-focused amenities such as spas, gyms, and yoga studios.
Flexible Spaces: There is a trend towards properties with flexible living spaces that can be adapted to different needs.
Branded Residences: Collaborations with luxury brands to create branded residences are on the rise.
Investing in luxury properties in Dubai offers numerous benefits, from high ROI to world-class amenities. By understanding the market, working with a reputable realtor, and considering future trends, you can make a sound investment in Dubai's luxury real estate market. For more resources and expert advice, visit Home Loan UAE.
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jamiesfootball · 8 months
How about heart, friend, noise and/or coffee (or tea) for the word WIP thing.
Jamie wasn’t stupid. He knew Zava was in his head. And he knew that Zava knew he was in his head. He could read it in the other man’s face. it blipped through his whole distant football messiah thing whenever he threw an arm around Jamie, trying to startle him. Or when he patted Jamie on the shoulder after lifting weights and gave him a condescending, ‘That was good for you.’ Then he'd just- leave. Wouldn’t ask Jamie to spot him in return; he'd just left him sitting there, sweating and shaking with exertion and a cold, cold burning in his heart as Zava made his way around the gym, singling out one of his teammates to ask if they'd like their turn for an opportunity to work with Zava.
At some point he'd thought maybe he was friends with some of them. Sam seemed pretty receptive to him after the Dubai Air fiasco, when Jamie thought he was hitting his stride with his new pro-team behavior. But for Sam, the team would protest a multi-billion dollar corporation and lose the club's major donor. Jamie didn't warrant that much. Probably 'cause Sam didn't go around hitting his dad in the locker rooms after losing the match for them at Wembley. The begging, aching thing in his chest was hammering at him again. He still had so much work to do.
"Thank you for agreeing to meet me on such short notice," he began. As far as starts went, it was a safe one and genuinely warranted. He hadn't expected her to be available before the season started. Dr. Fieldstone made an affirmative noise in the back of her throat. "It's what I'm here for." Again they lapsed into silence. Fucking Christ, was she the anti-Ted?
Coffee or Tea
Like that morning of that first year, before they played that final match against Man City, when Roy had opened the door to find Jamie-fucking-Tartt standing with takeaway coffee and a scowl. That used to been a touchstone moment for him -- his go-to, when he was with Keeley and Jamie's name would come up. Something that allowed him to sit secure in the knowledge that he'd won. Jamie might come sniffing around Keeley's door, but he wasn't welcome there like Roy was. He was an uninvited visitor in the life of Keeley Jones. The best man won.
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laraactive · 1 year
Modest sportswear hoodie in Dubai: Staying Active and Stylish
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Dubai is a bustling metropolis known for its modernity and diversity. As the city embraces various cultures and traditions, it's important to have sportswear options that cater to the needs of the local community. For those seeking modesty in their workout attire, there is a growing market for hijab-friendly sportswear and Islamic-inspired activewear. In this blog post, we'll explore some great options for modest sportswear hoodie in Dubai that allow you to stay active and stylish while respecting your cultural and religious beliefs.
Modest Sportswear Hoodies:
Modest sportswear hoodies are a versatile addition to any workout wardrobe. These hoodies offer coverage and comfort while allowing you to engage in various physical activities. Look for brands that design hoodies with longer lengths and relaxed fits to ensure modesty. They often come with features like thumbholes and adjustable hoods, providing both functionality and style. Don't forget to choose moisture-wicking materials to stay comfortable during intense workouts in Dubai's warm climate.
Hijab-Friendly Long Tops:
For hijab-wearing individuals, long tops are a great choice for workouts. Look for tops with extended lengths that provide coverage for the hips and thighs. Many sportswear brands now design tops with built-in hijab caps or hoods to ensure that your headscarf stays in place while you exercise. These tops are typically made from breathable and sweat-wicking fabrics, making them ideal for Dubai's weather.
Islamic Sportswear:
Islamic sportswear is a category that caters specifically to individuals who want to combine their faith with their active lifestyle. These garments are designed with modesty in mind, often featuring longer lengths, loose-fitting designs, and hijab-friendly features. You can find a variety of options, including full-length athletic abayas, modest swimsuits, and workout pants, all tailored to your specific needs.
Layering and Mix-Matching:
One of the keys to creating a hijab-friendly workout outfit in Dubai is to embrace layering and mix-matching. Layer a long, modest top with leggings or workout pants for extra coverage. For added comfort during cooler weather, it's a good idea to consider including a lightweight jacket or cardigan in your workout attire.. Mixing and matching different pieces can help you create a variety of workout outfits that meet your modesty requirements and suit the season.
Accessorize Thoughtfully:
Complete your modest sportswear look with accessories that enhance your comfort and style. Consider moisture-wicking headbands or sports caps to keep sweat at bay. Invest in breathable, moisture-absorbing socks and comfortable sports shoes designed for various workout activities.
Staying active in Dubai while adhering to modest dress codes is entirely achievable with the wide range of modest sportswear hoodies and Islamic-inspired activewear available today. Embrace your faith, style, and fitness goals by choosing the right clothing that caters to your needs. Whether you're hitting the gym, practicing yoga, or enjoying outdoor activities, modest sportswear ensures you can stay active, comfortable, and stylish in Dubai's vibrant fitness scene with Lara Active LLC- Modest women’s workout clothing UAE. 
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hurricanewindattack · 2 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (feel free to delete this if you want)
Thanks for this ask so much! I like that:
I take a very thoughtful approach to things I learn, like cooking, making coffee, swimming etc this means I tend to get very good at it!
The shape of my body: I get a lot of shit for being thin, anorexic, etc etc but I like the overall shape of my body. I would rather die than go to a gym or bulk up any other way.
I'm no boy genius or wonder, but I'm exactly sufficiently smart? I've been making decent progress with my studies without any major setbacks!
(new feature!) I'm not sure if it's any good, but I try my best to check in on friends and take care of them. I used to be much more self-centred and aloof I think.
If nothing else, I'm resilient. Surviving a horrifying 24+ hour journey from delhi -> dubai -> frankfurt -> venlo -> delft that took 24+ hrs of travel, all with luggage is one of my proudest achievements. The last leg had to be by bus and took 8+hrs instead of the usual 2hrs because of rail strikes.
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