#gonna wake up from my nap so confused I'm sure
waterme-stories · 2 years
It's meant to be shaped like an inverted staircase, just to be clear
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cosmal · 2 years
reader falling asleep against remus?? maybe they aren’t dating yet but are oblivious idiots in love with each other and he freaks out !!
summary you fall asleep on remus at a party.
content remus lupin x fem!reader, she/her
"Mate, you've gotta be the worst pillow ever. Relax a bit," Sirius says to Remus who's gone stiff underneath you.
"I should wake her up, right? Like, it was an accident. She's gonna think I'm weird for not waking her up," Remus panics, trying to stay as still as possible.
"Hey, woah," Sirius puts his hands out to calm his friend like he's a spooked animal, "She wouldn't have fallen asleep on you if she didn't trust you, right?"
He takes a breath and looks down at you. He remembers how much he stupidly likes you and relaxes a bit. "Right," he says under his breath.
"Good," Sirius sighs.
He's not entirely sure how you've done it. It's loud at this party and the two seater isn't the most comfortable place to be. He then thinks about how if it were him in your position, he'd do the exact same thing. He trusts you enough to fall alseep on, despite the circumstances. He's sure his are different to yours, though.
He let's you get comfortable where you've got your cheek smooshed against his shoulder and hopes his sweater isn't too scratchy. Your lips are parted in the slightest and your nose keeps twitching. He remembers how tired you'd told him you were and hopes this moment of rest is enough to help until you have to go home.
He really wanted to talk to you tonight, maybe, if he'd found enough courage, he would've asked you on a date. But he's just as content with letting you use him to sleep comfortably. He envies it really, because he could also use a power nap.
He tries his best to keep you alseep, a hand around your shoulder to keep you shielded from rowdy partygoers but knows it's inevitable that you'll wake. The room starts to fill more as the sun falls behind the horizon and he feels you start to stir.
You lift yourself from his side and blink yourself awake. You look around the room confused, the cutest pout on your lips, before you catch Remus to your side. Then, you startle.
"Oh my god," you say, and hold your hands to your cheeks, "Remus, I'm so sorry!" You start to come into yourself and can't stop smiling. You duck your face into your shoulder and try to act unaffected, though you fail.
"It's okay," he says, and because while you were asleep, he'd swelled with courage, he wraps an arm back around your shoulders and encourages you back into his side. He's not forceful with it but you snuggle back into him like it's second nature and he melts. "I kind of liked it."
"Oh," you say under your breath, but because you're so close he can hear you. He treasures this position dearly, because most of the time you're too shy to speak as loudly as you should.
"You're cute when you sleep," he says, pushing it really, he expects to run out of confidence soon. "It's too loud in here, but I think you were snoring."
You groan and cover your face with your hands, bubbling with embarrassed giggles. "Stop it," you say, flustered and airy, "Was I really?"
"No, I'm kidding, sweetheart," he laughs, nudging your shoulder with his own, "It's okay, you were fine."
"Good," you say, looking at him through the parts in your fingers. "At least I didn't drool, I do that at home sometimes." You take your hands from your face but you still seemed flustered.
"Really?" he laughs.
He doesn't stop himself from saying, "Well, I'll have to see that one day." He doesn't regret it when you start to roar with laughter.
"Are you inviting yourself back to my bed, Lupin?" you ask through pretty giggles.
"Is that okay?"
You tuck your head back into his side and try to hold back your laughter. He thinks you're trying to hide your flustered face. "Of course, it is."
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glitterycvm · 7 months
gojo scribbling on ur face when ur asleep
warnings: fluff, nothing tbh
a/n: I'm gonna make a nsfw or sfw alphabets for characters so please send some requests!!!
synopsis: gojo gets his revenge by drawing on ur face :)
divider creds: animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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"baby im not going anywhere, im just going to take a nap." you tell your clingy boyfriend for the millionth time. "don't leave mee! I'll be alone by myself!!" satoru whines as he tugs on your arm. you roll your eyes at him "toru let me sleep!" you wailed while trying to pull his hand off your arm. satoru pouts dramatically "oh so you don't love me anymore?" he exclaims, crossing his arms dramatically. you groan with defeat, "I still love you I just want a nap, goodnight!" you say as you close the bedroom door in his face. Satoru sighs loudly, making sure you could hear him. he wanted to make the situation seem more depressing then it actually was. he was offended, how could you do this to him? he needed a way to get you back. after seconds of thinking he knew exactly how to get you back.
squeeeek! the market drags on your cheek. satoru covers his mouth with his hand, not wanting to wake up because of his laughter. it was all too funny. you see, satoru thought the best way of getting revenge was to draw all over your face with a marker while you were asleep. your face was now decorated with small stars, hearts, and dicks. very mature. poor you, asleep not knowing what was going on, but oh well you shouldn't have left satoru all alone.
satoru pulls his phone out, ready to take a photo and as he clicks the button, a loud SNAPP echoes throughout the room, the flash hitting you right in the eye. his dumbass left his flash and sound on. you wake up confused "w-what is happening? baby why are you here?" you ask very startled and confused, still groggy. satoru begins to answer by saying "so y-" before he busts out laughing loudly. you stare at him, too tired for his bullshit. but then you notice the black sharpie in his hand. then it all clicks to you. "satoru gojo. I swear on my life if you fucking-" you warn while you snatch his phone from his hand and open the camera app. your then greeted with your face. covered in small dick drawings with some hearts and stars. satoru is still dying of laughter, not noticing the way you were tying your hair up, ready to pounce on him. satoru finally stops laughing and looks back at you, only to see you getting ready to beat his ass.
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onim5 · 27 days
The New Student. Part 1
Portgas D. Ace x Fem Reader
This is a modern au.
Warnings: Swearing, like once.
Sabo threw a pencil at Ace to try and wake him up. The teacher had only just settled down at the front, so having Ace asleep would get him in trouble. Throwing another one harder made his brother finally wake up. Ace looked a little pissed at Sabo and then threw the six pencils back.
"Good morning, class. Today, we have a new student." Mr Corazon announced. He signaled with his hand to the door, and a girl walked in. "Please, introduce yourself," Corazon said with a smile. "I'm Y/n. Where do I sit?" Corazon sighed. He had expected a little longer introduction. "You can sit next to Ace." He mumbled, pointing at the seat. I quickly settled down next to the guy. He smiled welcoming, and I looked the other way.
She's probably hiding a blush. Ace thought, knowing how girls reacted around him. The class introduced themselves, and then the lesson began. During the whole class, I sat quietly listening, annoyed with the idiot next to me. He fell asleep not once but seven times. Sure, he woke up after his naps, but then he glanced at my work to see what he had missed. After a long lesson, the break finally began.
I hurriedly took my stuff and ran away. I can't take being questioned.
"And she's gone," Sabo said, walking up to Ace. "Yeah, I think she's an introvert. I tried asking her what she liked. But she didn't answer and just ignored me." Ace explained, amused. "Ah, you think she's playing hard to get?" Sabo asked, knowing Ace got asked out like three or nine times every day. "Most likely." Some girls listened from the other side of the classroom in jealousy.
I grabbed the first prophecy of Warriors, a damn good book series I read a long time ago. When I walked out of the library, a dude began waving a hello. I looked around and realized he was waving at me. I nodded a hi and then kept walking to my locker, wanting to leave the books. "You need any help?" He asked, walking up to me. "Sure." I gave him three of the books, and then we walked to my locker.
"You a bookworm?" He asked as we walked. "Not really, I just read sometimes," I answered, feeling stares from girls in the corridor. What's their problem? I thought, realizing the aura of jealousy thickened. I glanced at the dude holding my other books. F. U. C. K.
I opened my locker and grabbed the books he had carried. "Thanks," I grumbled, grabbing the books for my next lesson. "You're welcome." Ace watched amused, as I left for our next lesson. When Ace walked into the classroom, I had already sat at our bench reading. The other girls stared down at me, but I didn't even realize it. "Hey, Y/n. What are you reading?" Ace asked, leaning on his elbow.
Nothing. Ace asked again and waited for an answer. Nothing again. The lesson began, and he waited nervously for the teacher to realize. "Y/n, what is the answer to this? Y/n? Y/n, are you paying attention?" Mr Diamante asked in a serious tone. Nothing. Diamante walked up and snatched the book from my hands. I looked at him and realized the lesson had begun. "Oh, excuse me, sir." I apologized.
"Y/n, let's make a deal if you go up to the board and show the class how to answer this. And if you answer and show how correctly, you can read in my classes whenever you want. Without trouble." Diamante smirked evilly and waited for me to embarrass myself. I got up and walked to the board. Grabbing the pencil, I quickly solved everything and described how I did it. Diamante sighed in disappointment and threw my book onto me. "Thanks, sir," I whisper, walking back to the bench, feeling scared.
"That was amazing," Ace whispered, holding his thumb up. "Maybe, but soon enough, everyone is gonna ask me to do their homework, and when I decline, some are gonna force me." I begin, hiding my face in my hair. Ace looks confused, surprised, and with empathy as he hears my quiet cry for help. "Eh, hey, it's okay. People aren't like that here." Ace said comfortingly. Putting a hand on my back. "Please don't touch me." I hissed. He retreated his hand quickly, normally when 'he' touched a girl lightly they got in a better mood. Does this girl maybe know? About his father?!
A wave of anxiety hit Ace as he leaned on his bench, putting his hands shakingly in his hair. She's gonna tell everyone. Everyone will know and then hate him.
The days went on, and because of the imbecile following me around, I even learned his name, Portgas D Ace. He doesn't seem to know how to leave someone alone. My class just ended, and I ran out, literally! "See you later, Sabo!" Ace yelled as he ran after. I ran to my locker threw in my books and then locked it, hurrying to the dining hall. "Shit." Ace hissed as he threw in his books, locked and then ran after. "Why are we hurrying so much?!" Ace yelled in the rush. He was luckily faster and caught up soon enough. "Why are you following me?" I asked as I slowed down.
"What do you mean? We've been hanging with each other for three days." Ace said as we walked into the dining hall. "Dude! I'm a loser who doesn't do anything fun. Someone like you wouldn't hang around me unless there's a reason." I hiss, as I served myself food. "Uh, well, I think we have had fun," Ace said as he followed me to a table. I groaned. "Like yesterday when we ran around the school," Ace said, smiling. "Huh, are you kidding me?!" I ask quietly.
"You threw a damn bottle at that gang leader Katakuri and then you! Followed me as I ran away." I whisper while munching on my food. "Well, what about the day before yesterday, at the mall." Ace smiled. "You mean when I was buying new clothes and you yelled my name through the mall?" I asked, irritated. "No, when we went to that thrift shop and found the best stuff ever," Ace said as if the shit he found wasn't a couple of ugly porcelain plates and cups.
"My little brother Luffy breaks everything when he does the dishes." Ace, explain plainly. And then he falls head first into the plate, sleeping. I sigh and begin to listen around me. "I hate Y/n, I don't get why Ace is giving her all the attention. You don't think he like, like her?" A girl sitting at a table grumbled, clearly pissed. "Well, to be honest, it seems that Ace is following Y/n everywhere. It also looks like she doesn't wanna be with him." Another said. "She's just playing hard to get." The first comment.
Ace groaned as he woke up. "Here," I said, giving him a napkin. "Oh, thanks." He smiled and then cleaned up. I stood up and left the dining hall. "Wait!" Ace kind of yelled as he shoved all the food in his mouth and then ran after. I grabbed the second book of my series and then walked to a table in the corridor on the whole way Ace couldn't shut up. "And that is why you should never jump from a roof," Ace explained. "It's common sense not to jump from a roof." I blankly said, opening my book. "So~ what's this series about?" Ace asked, not knowing what else to do. "It's about cats that live in clans," I said, turning the page.
"That sounds interesting," Ace commented. "You said you only read sometimes and that you weren't a bookworm. But you have been reading every break we've had." Ace added. "That's because I hope you leave me alone," I muttered. "Oh," Ace sighed. I also wish I could leave you alone. You're boring. But the moment I do, you tell everyone who my father is. I need to make you understand that I am a nice guy, nothing like Gold Roger. Ace thought.
"If you're interested in the books, you could always read. I have already finished the first, and it's still in my locker. The title is 'Into The Wild'." I said, holding up my key. I hate reading. "Ah, thank you," Ace said, grabbing the key. He walked and glanced every second to make sure you didn't leave. When he got past the corner, he sprinted to get to your locker. "Ace, what are you doing." Ace looked up at Mr Corazon, who most likely thought Ace was doing mischief. "Eh, I'm borrowing a book," Ace said as he looked at the titles. "I didn't know you like reading," Corazon stated. "I do, but I'm not too good, so I rarely do it." Ace half lied.
Oh good, she's still here. Ace thought as he turned the corner. He sat down and then opened the book. Since it was lunch break, it was extra long. So Ace came to the good parts. Fifteen minutes before class started, I grabbed Ace's attention and told him I was going. "I'm just gonna finish the page." He mumbled. I couldn't help smiling. It's always fun when someone likes the same books.
The lesson started, and Senor Pink wrote up the assignment on the board. Then he settled down on his desk. "I expect you to have made-up groups within five minutes. Don't keep me waiting." He said at last. "I guess it's us two, but we need one more," Ace said, looking around. "Oi Sabo wanna work with us?" Ace asked. "Sure. Have you decided on a book yet?" Sabo asked, moving his chair to our bench. A grin on Ace grew as he looked at me. "Warriors, but the books are a little short, so we take the first one Into the Wild, and the second. . . . . Y/n what's the second called?" Ace whispered. "Fire And Ice," I mumbled. "I have never heard about those books. What are they about?" Sabo asked. "Cats," Ace said confidently.
Huh, has Ace a cat interest? Asked Sabo in his head. Senor Pink gruffed to get the class's attention. "Alright, since you're all in groups, go to the library and find what you decided on, then you can spend the the rest of the lesson reading." Senor Pink took up his phone. It was his beloved Russian that called him.
"We're going to have to make a list of all the characters and a good summary of the story, and since we've chosen two books, we're gonna have two summaries. Sabo, I have read this before and am on the second book now." I said as we entered the library, I looked expectedly at Ace. "I started reading the first book on our lunch break, so yeah," Ace mumbled, embarrassed as he knew Sabo would comment. "You read a book on our break?" Sabo asked in disbelief. "Yup."
Time skip
"Who's Y/n?" Luffy asked as he tried to steal some food from the counter. "She's our partner in a group project for literature class," Sabo explained as he smacked Luffy's hand away. "Is she another one of those annoying ladies that tries to hook up with you two?" Luffy asked, holding his hand. "She doesn't seem to have any interest to Ace's disappointment." Sabo grinned. "Aowth." Was heard from the cough. "What is that supposed to mean?" Ace asked, holding his nose due to the impact of the book he dropped. He sat up and looked into the kitchen over the cough's backrest. "You're very obvious Ace, everyone at school knows you like her. Except Luffy." Sabo explained, mumbling the last part.
"What! No, we're just friends. I hope." Ace said, leaning over. "What do you mean hope? Don't you want her as a girlfriend?" Sabo asked. "Of course, I want that, but I don't think she even considers me a friend. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NO WAIT!!!" Ace yelled in realization. "You tricked me!" Ace added. "Don't yell. We might get a voice complaint from the neighbors again," Sabo said calmly. "Shishishi, Grandpa got mad last time." Luffy smiled, then he ran up to his room.
"So~ do you like Y/n or not?" Sabo asked. Ace placed the book on the living room table. "I have never thought about us in such a way," He said as he walked into the kitchen. "Well, the whole school thinks you're in love with her." Sabo continued. "Wait, why am I the one who people think is in love?" Ace asked, confused, as he took a knife to cut up vegetables. "Because you have been following her like she's your life support or something." Sabo scoffed. Ace grumbled, not wanting to answer that.
Luffy came down the stairs and held up a drawing. "Does it look like her?" He asked. "Is that even a human?" Ace asked. Sabo went up to the drawing and checked it out. "Hmm, never show her that." He stated as he walked back to the stove. "Am I that far off?" Luffy asked as he scratched his head a little.
"I hope you liked it. Feel free to comment and ask questions."
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steddieas-shegoes · 7 months
this place is such great motivation for anyone trying to move the fuck away from hibernation
chapter 8: i'm homesick also on ao3 all chapters masterpost rated e
Eddie woke up to drool.
Which should probably be more concerning, but considering he had a teething baby, he was used to a little drool.
The part that was confusing was that his baby was asleep in her crib in the bedroom next to him.
The drool on his chest was Steve’s.
Oh, he would never live this down.
Eddie let his fingers ghost through the strands of Steve’s hair, glancing at the clock to see that it was nearly seven in the morning. They were supposed to call the realtor at eight.
Eddie needed to be on the road by lunch so that Mia would nap for most of the ride back to Hawkins.
The urge to ignore all of that was strong, but they couldn’t ignore their future. Not now that it seemed like they might have a chance.
“Stevie, it appears there’s a leak in the apartment,” Eddie said softly, not wanting to startle him.
Steve’s head shifted, his nose rubbing against the drool on Eddie’s chest followed by a groan.
“Disgusting,” Steve said. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s fine. You sleep okay?” Eddie tightened his arms around Steve, not wanting to lose this moment quite yet.
“Yeah. Loved this,” Steve poked his side and kissed his chest. “Could definitely get used to this.”
“Well, if we don’t get to the showing, we may not have it anytime soon.” Eddie nudged Steve off of him so he could get up. “Mia must still be asleep so I’m gonna take a quick shower before she decides to bless us with her presence.”
“No rush, baby. I got her if she wakes up.”
Eddie kissed Steve’s forehead. “Thanks, sweetheart.”
When Eddie walked into the kitchen, fully dressed and halfway packed already, Robin was sitting at the table holding Mia while Steve cut up fruit at the counter.
“My goodness, Mia, it looks like you’ve made a new best friend,” Eddie said as he kissed the top of her head.
Steve dropped the knife in his hand and turned to them. Robin’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head as she looked between Mia and Eddie.
Eddie was pretty sure his heart was on the floor.
“Did she just-“ Robin started to ask, only to be interrupted by Mia kicking and yelling it again.
“Dadadadadada!” Mia squealed out.
“Yeah, I’m dada,” Eddie said, scooping her into his arms and spinning her around.
“Mama! Dada!” She exclaimed. He could feel Steve come up behind him and watched his hand go to her back, covering his own.
“Someone’s so talkative this morning,” Steve said. “You were so excited to see your dada, weren’t you?”
“Dada! Dada!”
Eddie was crying, Steve was crying, even Robin was trying to hide a tear that slipped out as Mia kept repeating her new word.
Steve kissed his cheek, then Mia’s, before going back to what he was doing.
"So what time are you going to the house?” Robin asked them.
Eddie looked away from Mia to look at the clock. “Hopefully within the next hour. We gotta try to get on the road.”
Robin nodded once. “I’m off to work. I’m glad you came to visit, Eddie. And I’m glad I got to get to know Mia. She’s probably my favorite future roommate.”
“Yeah, right. Until she cries all night from a fever,” Eddie rolled his eyes. “Or until she takes up all of Steve’s attention.”
“Oh, I’ve been begging for someone to take up some of his attention. He’s very needy, ya know.” She gave Eddie a quick side hug and touched Mia’s shoulder. “You guys be safe going back and make sure you call when you get home so I don’t have to watch Steve pace a hole into the carpet.”
“I wouldn’t do that!” Steve said as he moved fruit he’d been cutting up onto the high chair tray.
“Uh huh.” Robin grabbed her small purse from the hook by the doorway out of the kitchen. “See you guys!”
“See ya!” Steve and Eddie called at the same time.
“Buh!” Mia yelled out.
“I cannot believe you finally said it,” Eddie said to Mia in awe as he set her in the high chair. “I’ve been waiting for you to finally say Dada for two months and you decide to do it here.”
Steve set a plate of toast in front of Eddie and kissed the top of his head. “I’m gonna go shower so we can head out. Eat.”
“Sir, yes, sir.” Eddie saluted. Mia let out a laugh as Steve rolled his eyes and walked out of the kitchen. “Alright, princess. We’ve gotta eat up so we can be big and strong and walk around this house that we might move into.”
“Mama?” Mia turned her head to look for Steve, then looked back at Eddie with a frown. “Mama.”
“Mama’s in the bath. He’ll be right back. You eat your bananas and grapes.”
When Steve was done, Eddie went to finish packing up the last of their things, looking around at the place he’d hoped would be their new home. He couldn’t help feeling a sense of loss still, even knowing that they were working on finding a new home for all of them. He’d wanted this to work so badly.
“You ready, baby?” Steve asked from the door, holding Mia in one arm, diaper bag slung over the other shoulder.
“Yeah. Are you?”
“Sure am.”
The house was perfect.
Eddie felt like crying the moment he stepped onto the front porch. Even with the broken parts, even with the chipped paint along one side of the house, even with the slightly overgrown front yard, it was perfect.
The inside was even better, already mostly done in the ways he’d always imagined a house with Mia to be. The bathroom that needed work was still better than the one he currently had in the trailer.
The backyard needed to be fenced in, but he knew they could work on that over the next year before Mia was big enough to outrun them.
He kept sharing looks with Steve, going room to room as the realtor spoke about the natural lighting in the bedrooms and double sink in the master bathroom. They hadn’t made it obvious they were together— they weren’t stupid —but it was pretty clear the realtor caught on to them being together.
“You mentioned another person moving in?” she asked when they got to the last bedroom.
“Yes, my best friend would be moving in for a bit to help with the bills,” Steve offered. “Is that a problem?”
“Not at all. Quite a few homes surrounding the city are mixed family homes just due to the cost of living. My only suggestion is to keep all utilities in your name so that if they move out, it doesn’t become a hassle of removing them from everything.” She opened the door to the final bedroom. “I assume this would probably be their room. It looks out at the backyard and the street behind you, which is still a part of this neighborhood and isn’t a very busy road.”
“Yeah, she’ll like this room.” Steve smiled. “And you mentioned the current owners are already moving out next week?”
“Yes, they’ve already bought another home in the city. As you can imagine, that’s quite a financial strain and they’re very willing to get a deal done as soon as possible, even if it means a lower offer.”
“Could we have a minute?” Steve asked. The realtor nodded and left the room, closing the door behind her. Steve turned to Eddie, who was setting Mia down on the floor to explore. “So?”
“It’s perfect, Stevie.”
Steve closed the distance between them, wrapped his arms around Eddie’s waist, and kissed him softly. “It is, isn’t it?”
Eddie nodded, brushing the hair away from Steve’s face. “I can picture everything here. I see you setting up a sprinkler in the backyard and running through it with Mia. I see us having family game night at the kitchen table. I see us sitting on the porch while Mia draws on the driveway with chalk. I see it all.”
“Me too. I want all that with you. Here. Can we?”
“We should. Do you think we can make an offer today?” Eddie turned to see Mia trying to pull herself up by the window ledge. “Maybe by the time I get back to Hawkins, we’ll have an answer.”
“Yeah, Eds. I’ll go tell her.”
“We’re really doing this?” Eddie was hesitant to truly believe this was happening, especially after how quickly the weekend had turned into an unknown future. “We’re buying a house?”
“We’re buying this house.”
“Wayne’s gonna be insufferable. I’m gonna have to listen to him talk about the foundation’s integrity for the next three months.”
“It’s already been inspected. I promise, it passed.”
“It may have passed with a professional. It has not passed with Wayne.”
Steve snorted. “Well, he can come inspect anytime. He can have a copy of the key, even.”
“Don’t offer that. He has the worst timing in the world.” Eddie glanced over to Mia, who was now standing at the window, banging the ledge as she used it to hold her weight. “Mia seems to like it here.”
Steve looked over and smiled. “Yeah, she looks happy. Do you think you’d be happy here? With me?”
“I know I would be, sweetheart.”
“We’re buying this house?”
“We’re buying this house.”
“Mia, you like your new castle?” Eddie asked Mia, who looked over at them and quickly lost her balance, falling on her butt with a grunt.
“Dada! Mama!” She started to crawl back to them with a big smile.
They both sat down on the carpet and waited for her to get to them. Mia climbed into Steve’s lap, tugging his shirt until she was situated comfortably on his thigh.
“You like this place, little one?” Steve asked her, kissing the top of her forehead.
Eddie watched as Mia clapped her hands together and smiled up at Steve.
“I think that’s a yes,” he said quietly.
“I think so too,” Steve stole a quick kiss from Eddie before lifting Mia into his arms and standing up. “Let’s go buy this house.”
It seemed kind of crazy to Eddie how simple this turned out to be. He half expected them to find flaws in the house, or disagree on the cost, or the realtor deciding she didn’t want to work with queers.
But maybe he finally deserved something simple. Maybe they all did.
The goodbyes weren’t as difficult now, the certainty of this being temporary enough to keep the tears from falling, at least until Mia was in her carseat in the van and Eddie was backing out of the driveway of their future home.
Steve was sticking around to discuss the boring part of it all with the realtor, and hopefully, by the time Eddie and Mia made it back to Hawkins, they’d have an accepted offer and paperwork to sign.
Eddie would have to come back to sign everything once it was drafted up at the bank and with the insurance company, but he would make it work.
Mia babbled a bit in the backseat while Eddie sang along quietly to his Iron Maiden tape. She eventually got quiet, and Eddie glanced at the mirror he had facing her to see that she was asleep.
He let his mind wander to the future, to everything he and Steve would be able to do in their own place. He thought about Mia having her own room, a backyard that she could run around in, easy access to a city that she could be herself in, whatever that may be. He wondered if Robin would live with them for a while or just while they figured everything out.
He even pictured a day where they could have more kids, give Mia a brother or sister or both, and take family pictures to hang up in frames on the walls of their house.
It wasn’t easy for him to picture his life like this before; He’d never had any reason to believe he’d have the picket fence version of life that so many people seemed to have. He’d always been okay with it, at least until Mia came into his life. Even then, he figured as long as she was fed, clothed, and had a roof over her head, he’d be happy.
But now that he had a taste of this kind of life, now that he saw the house he’d get to raise Mia in, he knew this was what he’d always wanted.
“Can’t believe Steve Harrington got to me like this,” he shook his head fondly.
Wayne greeted him at the door, immediately taking Mia’s carseat from his hands and going inside.
“Nice to see you, too,” Eddie grumbled, walking back to the van to grab their bags.
“Oh, hush. You know I’m happy to see ya, too,” Wayne said over his shoulder.
Eddie smiled. “Steve call?”
“He may have.” The screen door closed before he could get more information.
“Dammit,” Eddie rushed to grab the bags and get inside.
“What did he say?” Eddie dropped the bags on the floor unceremoniously, going to the kitchen to call him back.
Mia was babbling in Wayne’s arms as he joined Eddie in the kitchen.
Wayne’s jaw dropped.
“Oh! She learned a new word. Said it this morning and I cried and decided to give her anything she wants for the rest of my life.” Eddie smiled at Mia. “What did Steve say?”
“Well, first of all, he said to call him when you get back.” Wayne reached out for the rice snacks on the counter to hand one to Mia. “And then he said your offer was accepted by the owners.”
Eddie felt tears welling up in his eyes. “Really? Already?”
Wayne walked over to him, tears already gathering up in his eyes, too. “Yeah, son. Looks like you’re gonna be a homeowner.”
“Holy shit.”
“Sh! Sh!” Mia couldn’t quite make the right ‘sh’ noise, but it was close enough for Wayne and Eddie’s eyes to widen.
“Looks like ya might have to start watchin’ your mouth around the princess. Seems she’s reached her mimic stage a bit early,” Wayne laughed. “Your dada’s been sayin’ bad words since he was eight. Don’t let him fool ya.”
“Alright, alright. I’m gonna call Steve back and then it’s time for Mia to have some dinner and a bath and a bedtime story.”
“Mama!” Mia turned her head around at Steve’s name, clearly searching for him.
“Mama’s not here, baby. Sorry. But I’m gonna call him and you can say hi, okay?” Eddie picked up the phone and dialed Steve’s number from memory. He took Mia in his arms and sat down at the table as he waited for Steve to answer.
“Mama! Mama! Dada!” Mia started clapping the moment she heard Steve’s voice through the phone.
Steve laughed. “Hi there princess. I miss you already. Are you being good?”
“Mama. Ma. Mamamamama!”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Steve snorted. “Did Wayne tell you the good news?”
“He did.” Eddie smiled into the phone even though Steve couldn’t see it. “What do we do now?”
“The next part is kinda out of our hands. The realtor has to work with the bank to get the papers done properly and then when they’ve gotten that done, we’ll both have to sign everything.”
“When do they think that’ll be?” Eddie let Mia sit in front of him on the table, one hand holding her side so she wouldn’t fall. “I don’t know if I could get back there before next weekend.”
“Yeah, I mentioned that to them. They said it would probably take at least 14 days to have the closing paperwork done. And they also said we didn’t have to go together, so I could go sign when it’s ready and then you can go sign the first chance you get.”
“I wanna do it with you, though. It’s a big deal. Our first house.” Eddie’s eyes widened. “Holy shit, our first house. We’re buying a house.”
“Sh!” Mia copied, grinning up at her dad.
“No, Mia, not that. God, Mia’s trying to say bad words before she even says Papa or anything. Okay.” He sighed. “So I can just make sure my boss knows in about two weeks I’ll probably have to take a day off to drive there and sign.”
“He won’t fire you or anything, right?” It sounded like Steve was in his kitchen, cooking dinner for him and Robin. “If he finds out you’re moving?”
“No. I already mentioned to him it was a possibility and that I’d be grateful for any recommendation he could give me on a job search.”
“Good. Just don’t want you to be without a job.”
Mia started playing with a strand of Eddie’s hair, tugging on it lightly. He knew it would get rougher if he didn’t distract her, though. He held up the cord of the phone in front of her and showed her how it coiled.
“I won’t be.” Eddie sighed. “I miss you already.”
“Oh for heaven’s sake,” Wayne grumbled before leaving the room.
“I miss you too. You okay?” Steve sounded genuinely concerned, almost like he’d be willing to drive to Hawkins if Eddie’s answer was no.
“I’m alright. I’m actually-“ Eddie laughed. “I think this is maybe the best I’ve ever been. Other than the missing you part, but that’s just for now. Like, within the next month or two, I’ll be with you all the time. And Mia can have us both all the time.”
“Yeah,” he could hear the grin in Steve’s voice. “I can’t wait to share a home with you. Did you tell Wayne about it yet?”
“No, called you almost as soon as I got in the door. He can hear all about it later.” Mia tapped Eddie’s cheek. “Mia’s gonna love having her own kingdom to rule over.”
“I’m sure she will. I already stopped by the store to look at paint samples for her room,” Steve admitted. “I didn’t think pink fit her, but there was a nice lavender that might look nice on one wall.”
“I’ll let you handle that stuff. Maybe she can pick from a few options. Would you like that, Mia?” Eddie poked her nose and smiled when she giggled. “I bet you’d pick something so colorful it hurts our eyes.”
“Dada.” Eddie waited to see if she did anything, but she didn’t.
“Okay, I’m gonna go get some dinner into Mia’s system. You want me to call you when she goes to bed?” Eddie asked.
“How about I call you after I talk to Robin?” Steve offered.
“Sure, just not too late. Wayne’ll be going to bed soon, too.”
“Should be by nine, baby,” Steve’s voice changed to something softer. “You know I love you more than anything, right? I’m so fuckin’ happy I get to do this with you.”
“I know, sweetheart. I love you so much. This is more than I could’ve ever dreamed of for us,” Eddie said quietly, watching as Mia grabbed his hair again. “I’ll talk to you later.”
Eddie hung up the phone and started to get Mia’s dinner ready. Wayne had already been making something for them before they got home, some chicken and green beans that could easily be cut up for Mia. He set her in the high chair and started passing some of the cooled off and cut up green beans.
“Are they yummy, Mia?” He asked as she shoved a piece into her mouth.
“Yummy!” Eddie nodded. “We love when Wayne makes green beans, don’t we?”
“Suckin’ up to your old man, now?” Wayne asked he walked in. He stood next to Eddie and started shredding a piece of chicken for Mia. “I already gave my blessing to move. Not sure why ya feel like bein’ so nice.”
Eddie nudged his shoulder. “Maybe I’m just appreciating you before I don’t have you helpin’ me out all the time.”
Wayne froze for a moment, just enough to make Eddie pause in his movements, too.
“Steve’s gonna make sure you have a key to the house. You’re welcome anytime,” Eddie continued. “And we could definitely use some help fixing up some things if you’re willing to.”
“Always here to help ya, son. You know movin’ away won’t get rid of me.”
Eddie bit back a complicated set of emotions, most of which would result in tears, possibly for both of them.
“We’ll visit you here, too.”
“Well…’bout that.” Wayne walked over to the high chair and put a few of the pieces of chicken down. “I been talkin’ to my buddy in Ohio. You remember Benny?”
“He’s been thinkin’ about movin’ to Illinois to be closer to his sister’s family. Her husband died last year and she could use the help with her kids, but he didn’t wanna move in with them. He’s lookin’ for someone to share rent with and I kinda offered to go.” Wayne rubbed the back of his head. “Be closer to ya at your new place, too. Figured I can probably get a job anywhere with my mechanic skills.”
“Wayne, that’s great. Seriously, can’t believe you’re gonna leave this place!” Eddie got more excited the more he realized this was all working out perfectly.
“Yeah, well. Don’t think this town’s got much more for me in it if you two ain’t here.”
“I’ll drink to that. We are the best parts of this place.”
Two weeks flew by, but the paperwork wasn’t quite finished when they’d hoped.
“It’s normal for delays to happen,” Steve reminded Eddie over the phone when he was starting to worry that something would fall through.
“I just don’t want there to be any problems. Like, what if the bank decides they don’t wanna provide a loan to us? What if they figure out we’re romantically involved and decide they don’t wanna do business with us?”
“Baby, that’s not gonna happen at this point. It’s our house, okay? We just have to be patient.”
Another week passed, and Eddie was starting to worry that the house would never be theirs.
Steve reassured him it was fine, that he’d been in contact with everyone nearly every day and everyone remained positive that this would be closed soon.
Eddie was on edge at work, on edge at home, on edge when he visited with the Hendersons.
He knew it, wanted to be able to brush it off, but couldn’t. The stress was eating away at him until he was barely sleeping.
But finally, on day 26, Steve called him at work.
“Baby.” He could hear the tears in Steve’s voice, instantly making him choke up. “It’s done. You just have to come sign everything.”
“It’s done?” Eddie turned away from the secretary at the desk for even the smallest amount of privacy. “It’s ours?”
“It is.”
Eddie turned and yelled to the entire lobby: “I’m a homeowner!”
He could hear Steve laughing on the other end, giddy with the news.
“Shit, we’re homeowners. Please tell me you know how to clean gutters,” Eddie said into the phone.
“I can figure it out,” Steve snorted. “You think you can come up tomorrow to sign everything?”
“Wayne works tomorrow so he wouldn’t be able to watch Mia,” Eddie groaned.
“Bring Mia. We can do this as a family,” Steve said.
“She might get fussy if she gets bored,” Eddie said. She’d been itching to try to walk for the last week or so, and any time anyone held her for longer than a couple minutes, she would whine and push away from them. “And I don’t think they’d be cool with her crawling around their office and getting into things.”
“We can take turns handling it. That’s why we have each other, baby. I’m here for both of you now.”
“I-“ Eddie was doing his best not to cry in the lobby of his workplace. “I know, Stevie. I can be there tomorrow. We can be there tomorrow.”
“If you can get here before lunch, maybe I can take you both over to see Maryann and Charlie. They’d love to see you again.”
“Oh, I know. They call once a week asking for updates from me because they don’t trust you to tell him if anything bad happens.” Eddie looked over his shoulder at the shop, sighing. “I gotta get back to work. Two cars just pulled in and we’re already running on one less employee this week. I’ll call you tonight to let you know when to expect us tomorrow.”
“Sounds good, love. Love you.”
“Love you.”
He hung up the phone and went back to work.
Tomorrow, he’d officially own a home with Steve.
Tomorrow, he’d get to start living a future he’d only ever dreamed of having.
Tomorrow, he’d make another step in making sure Mia had a family to love her and care for her.
Tomorrow, he’d get to leave the home he never thought he would.
Tomorrow was a fresh start and tomorrow couldn’t come fast enough.
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yn-bishop · 1 year
i really like the emily junk one you did can you do one where the reader suprises hailee on tour and its all cute and
Absolutely! I’m so so sorry for the long wait! I hope you enjoy it!
Tour Visit
Hailee Steinfeld x Fem!Reader
Word count: 659
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"Baby, I miss you"
Hailee tells her wife through the phone.
"I miss you too. You'll be home in a few weeks, though"
Y/n replies with a knowing smile.
"That's a long time to go without seeing you"
Hailee replies with a frown.
"I know. We've gone all these months, though. We'll be fine"
"I guess. I gotta go, baby. I love you"
Hailee tells the girl.
"I love you too"
Y/n replies before hanging up the phone. There's a knock on the door a few hours later and Y/n answers to see her mother in law.
"Cheri, hi!"
Y/n hugs her mother in law as she reciprocates it.
"Hi sweetie! Are you ready?"
"Yeah, of course! I haven't seen her in months"
"Are you gonna tell her about.. you know?"
Cheri points to the girls stomach.
"Um.. I dunno. I don't wanna distract her from her tour and if she found out she would just come back early"
Cheri agrees with the younger woman as they drive to the airport.
"Hailee knows your coming, right?"
Y/n asks her mother in law.
"Yeah, I didn't want to surprise her too much"
The girls talk until they reach the airport and the jet drops them off.
"Okay, so I'm thinking I go in first and then you walk in"
Cheri tells the younger woman as they stand outside Hailee's hotel.
"Yeah, that'll work"
Y/n smiles as Cheri knocks on the hotel room door.
"Mom, hi! I missed you!"
Hailee exclaims when she opens the door and envelopes her mother in a hug.
"I missed you too sweetie! I have a surprise for you"
Hailee raises her eyebrow and gives her mother a confused look before you walk into her line of sight.
"Baby! What are you doing here?! I thought you couldn't come!"
Hailee runs towards her wife and wraps her arms around her waist, pushing their lips together in a passionate kiss.
"I just missed you. You've been gone for months"
Y/n mumbles against her wife's lips.
"Are you okay? You seem different"
Hailee asks with a concerned look, finally pulling away.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired from the flight"
Y/n replies with a worn out look.
"Come to bed, baby. Go have a nap and I'll be there soon"
Y/n agrees and gives her wife one more kiss before going to the bedroom.
"What's really wrong with her?"
Hailee asks her mom when she's sure her wife can hear.
"It's not really my place to tell you. It's not bad news though. I promise"
Cheri replies and gives her daughter a hug and a kiss on the cheek before going to the spare room, giving room for her daughter and daughter in law to talk.
Hailee walks into her room and sees her wife already asleep. She crawls in next to her and wraps her arm around her waist before kissing her shoulder softly and going to sleep.
Hailee wakes to the sound of gagging in the bathroom, causing her to run in in a hurry.
"Y/n? Are you okay? Are you sick?"
She asks with worry evident in her voice as she pulls her wife's hair out of her face.
"I'm okay Haizy. I'm not sick, I promise"
Y/n reassures her wife with a smile.
"Then what's wrong? Please just tell me"
"I-I'm pregnant"
Y/n replies after a few seconds of hesitation. Hailee's face turns excited as she pulls her wife as close as possible as a few years run down her face.
"Are you serious? We're really having a baby?"
Hailee asks as she presses soft, loving kisses against her wife's neck.
"Yeah. We're really having a baby"
Y/n replies, letting out a few tears of her own.
The girls share a loving kiss, both of them oblivious to Cheri watching from the door with a soft, happy smile on her face.
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romanarose · 11 months
No outbreak!Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Join my taglist : Masterlist
Summary: You're sick and Joel won't let you go to work.
Warnings: Being sick. Extra for talking about covid, but reader doesn't have covid.
Immersability: Reader is fem bc this is specifically written for someone. Usually in drabbles I try to make the reader gender non descript just to make them accessible to people of all genders but this is for someone. I toyed around with sick indicators like looking flushed or pale, but I just landed on describing a change in coloring. I'm sorry if that's not vague enough.
A/n: Written for @joelsgreys who I saw was sicky wicky and I just wanted to give a few short paragraphs of comfort.
Support writers and content creaters! Reblog and leave comments!
Joel stands in front of your bed, arms crossed and already dressed for the day. You had been sleeping in, or trying to. How was he not cold? You were freezing.
You try to get out of bed, but Joel walks over, gently but firmly laying you back down. "Joel! I have to go to work!"
"Like hell you do." Joel pulls the covers up over your shaking form. "You were up all night hack'n up a lung, what if you have covid?"
"I don't have covid, I checked last night."
Joel furrows his brow as he looked down at you. "What? When?"
Coughing loudly, you try to convince your husband you were fine. "I took a test around 5 when I thought *cough cough* I was gonna puke."
"Sweetheart..." He kneels down beside you, brushing hair out of your sweaty forehead. "Why didn't you wake me?"
"Because you have to work too! It made no sense for us to be miserable."
Joel sigh, pulling out his phone. "Try and look as sick and sad and possible."
You didn't have to try too hard. Your change in coloring was apparent and your face gleaned with sweat. Your nose was raw and dry and chapped from wiping it and your eyes held deep bags from no sleep. To top it all off, you frowned and pouted, eyes glistening from the sickness.
He couldn't help but chuckle as he snapped a picture. "Good, you look awful." He sent the picture to Tommy. 'You're on your own today.'
"Joooooeeeelll" You whine. "I can't stay home if it's not covid, boss won't have it!"
He snatched your phone off the bedside table and dialed your boss, letting him know that you were running a fever and puking, and he was certain he wouldn't want you spreading that sickness to others knowingly, right? Your boss conceded, Joel tone leaving no room for discussion and his implication promoting your boss to say you can stay home tomorrow too.
Your smile greeted him when he got off the phone. "I love you, you know."
"I do."
*Ding!* Went Joel's phone, loudly. Joel always had it on loud so he could hear. He didn't trust the vibration or flash and his hearing was bad enough he wanted to make sure he always got important phone calls and texts involving you, Sarah, and Tommy. It was annoying, a slight irritant and sometimes made you jump, but it was a small sacrifice for him and his peace of mind. He looked at his phone, opening the text from Tommy. 'Disgusting. *puke emoji* Both of you stay away from me. I got it here.'
Taking out the Vaseline you always kept for your dry lips, he rubs a glob on your dried up nose. "I'm gonna drop Sarah off at school, then run to CVS and get you shit. THEN I'm going to IHOP and getting a breakfast fit for a princess."
"Oh my god I'm starving."
"I know, baby." Joel kissed your gross forehead before shoving a few things in his pocket as Sarah called for him downstairs. "Try and take a nap, I'll be home in an hour and take care of yuh, alright?"
"Okay. Thank you."
"For what?" He looked genuinely confused. That was Joel, alright. Joel Miller always took care of everyone around him. He raised Tommy, he raised Sarah always putting them before any need he had for himself. When you came into his life, he did the same for you. You liked to think you returned it, that you cared for him too, but to Joel, caretaking was second nature to him. He didn't need a thank you, because that's just what he did... but you thanked him anyway. Sarah was a great kid, but she was 14, and 14 year olds are in their own world. Tommy was like a brother to you, and you knew he'd care for you too and has before, but he lived his life knowing Joel would bail him out.
You would never take Joel for granted.
"For everything you do for our family."
Hope you feel better soon Vee! I know we don't really know each others but I know how much a lil fic can perk someone up so I hope you are least feel comforted bc your right, Joel would NEVER let you work under these conditions!
@fandxmslxt69 @runa-falls @k-ra @whatthefishh @campingwiththecharmings @ahookedheroespureheart @mikaelak @littlenosoul @stevenandmarcslove @pikapuff-316 @del-ightfulling @faretheeoscar @harriedandharassed @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @campingwiththecharmings
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dance-on-the-moonlight · 10 months
"do u wanna build a snowman?"
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➵ masterlist
It was snowing for a few days now, and the snow was reaching your mid calf as you stood in the middle of the street, the lamppost illuminating the smile on your face. You twirl with the light wind, catching stray snowflakes woth your tongue.
You always loved snow, so when you woke after your nap and saw that it finally snowed enough to make not one, but dozen snowmans, you rushed to put something warm on and ran outside.
The street was quiet, only sound was your steps cruncing the fresh snow, and your huffs and puffs as you struggled to put a smalle ball of snow on top of the bigger one.
You were almost done with it, you even found a few rocks to use for the eyes and mouth. But you couldn't find anything to use as a nose. And you know you don't have any carrots in your apartment (you delayed going grocery shopping for a nap).
So the only logical (to you) thing was to go to your next door neighbour. You rubbed your hands together as you walked up to his door, knocking once you got to it. Only when you saw your neighbour open his door, shirtless and in pijama pants did you remember it was in the middle of the night.
"Is everything okay?", he's gravelly voice sounded even more rough given he just woke up, but even that didn't get you to stop starring. You knew he was hot. (you shamelessly followed a few fan accounts of his and watched edits on tiktok.) But you never saw him shirtless in person, and your cheeks grew warm form the thoughts swirling in your head.
"Y/N?", you look up at his face, his brows scrunched up in obvious confusion and concern. "Uhh, yeah, yeah.... Sorry, uhh I -I forgot what time it is... I'll just leave now. Sorry, again." You ramble apologising, your face spitting image of your words. But as you take a step back and try to turn around and leave you feel his hand grab your glowed one.
"Don't worry about it. You can tell whatever it is..", he offers as you turn on your heel and step closer. "It's gonna sound stupid." you sigh. "It's not."
"No, it will." You argue. "Why don't you tell me what it is and I'll decided it sounds stupid or not." he offers and you suppress a groan. "It's gonna sound stupid because it is stupid." he patiently waits for you as you squirm and bite your lip thinking of the way to ask him the stupidest question in your life.
"I kind of wanted to ask... you... if you, you know... maybe have a...uhh.." He raises hie eyebrows looking at you expectationatly. "Do you maybe have a carrot.", you finally say, quickly but quietly and you're not even sure if he heard you as you're looking down at your feet and he doesn't answer.
You peek through your eyelashes at him and bitwise your cheek. "A carrot?", he asks you, but he doesn't laugha at you nor does he think it's stupid, he just looks confused. "Yeahh... I - I need for uhh.. my..", you don't finish the sentence, you can't, you're just too embarrassed to admit it. "Oh. You have a date? I have some wine too, if you want?", you look at him completely now, your eyes widened and you watch as he scratches the back of his neck. The muscles in his arm constracting and you suck in a breath.
"Shit, sorry. I'll bri-", you cut him off with a laugh, he stops midsentence. He can't help himself but smile a little at the sound. "It's not. For a date I mean. I'm actually building a snowman.", you push your thumb behind you, and smile, your cheeks burning red. "Oh. Oh! Right now?", you now your head. "I told you it was stupid." - "It's not though. I'll bring it to you."
You wait for a few moments and he's back before you know it. Two perfect carrots are in your hands and you smile sheepishly at him. "Thank you. And uhh, sorry for waking you up." You nod your head averting your gaze from his face and body. "Don't worry about it." he says as you wave at him and he closes the door.
You were halfway through the elevator when you abrutly turned around and raced back to his door. You knock repeatedly and take deep breaths as you wait for him to open them.
As he opens the door he raises his brows in question, but before he could ask you anything you blurt out "Do you wanna build a snowman?"
"Are you serious?" You smile nodding your head. "100% I already made one. But thankfully I've two carrots so two snomans." you smile trasingly and he nods. "Let me just put some clothes on." you grin excitedly as you wait for him.
It didn't take him long and even though the atmosphere was a bit awkward as you stood in the elevator, the moment you stepped out and he saw you run excitedly, sticking one carrot in the head of the snowman, he couldn't help himself but smile. He follows you on the snowcovered street and you both start working on a snowman.
It took you much longer to make it, snowballs, laughs, snowflakes in hair and seceretive looks were delaying the making of a snowman.
It was late and cold, and you were 99% sure you'd get sick in the morning. But you didn't care, it was the happiest you've been in a while.
Part 2?
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acesbelovedwife · 2 years
Can I?
Portgas D Ace x fem reader fluff
It was a calm day on Moby Dick, you docked at an island and you knew most of the crew is gonna be out to explore so you took this as an opportunity to just take it easy and read a book in your room, finally in peace without anyone bothering you. That is until a certain freckled face decided to look for you to join the crew on the beach. He didn't see you today at all so he knew you'd be in your room, but he surely didn't expect to find you laying on your stomach only in your panties and oversized t-shirt reading on your bed "what's up Ace?" You asked him as you saw him turning red trying to look everywhere but at your bottom area "Ace?" You asked again, worried from not getting any answers from him, you closed your book and walked up towards the shirtless man "earth to Ace" you bonked him in the head which brought him to reality looking at your face covered in concern "are you ok?" you asked once more cupping his cheeks "y-yeah I'm ok" he stumbled over his words still embarrassed "good, so why did you barged into my room without even knocking?" "Huh?" you sighed "you came running into my room, I'm guessing it's because you wanted something right?" You softly spoke "O-oh yeah, I wanted to ask do you wanna join us on the beach" he answered still blushing from the image he saw earlier. You thought for a second "I don't know, I kinda wanted to spend some time in quiet and finish reading my book.." you said "I see" he looked sad from your answer "y/n can I ask you something?" He started "of course, what's up freckles?" you teased making him blush all over again from the nickname "would it be ok if I.." he sighed "I mean you don't have to but I was just wondering if I could, like I don't know how to say it-" you cut off his talk as you pulled him close to kiss him, too suprised to even kiss back he just stared at you in disbelief "sorry, you just looked so cute I couldn't stop myself~" you smirked looking at his shocked face "sorry" he said, before you could ask him what did he mean by it, he picked you up walking towards your bed and placed you on it "Ace?" "I wanted to ask you earlier something... I wanted to ask could I perhaps lay on it" he covered his face again "lay on what?" You sat in front of him confused. He pulled you on his lap grabbing your ass "A-ace!" you whisper-yelled at him "can I?" He whispered, then it hit you "you want to.. lay on my ass?" You asked confused as he nodded looking down, you cupped his cheeks making him look at you "you're so adorable, you could've just ask from the start~" you kissed his nose as he blushed even harder than he already was (if it was even possible). You laid down on your stomach again "go on, it's ok" you reassured him as he just stared at it in awe, you kicked him playfully with your leg to get him out of his trance, which worked perfectly as he put his hands on your thighs massaging them as you went back to reading your book. Finally he laid his head on your ass putting his strong arms around your hips "are you comfortable down there?" You asked smiling warmly as he hummed in affirmation. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep, not that you minded that is.
You read your book, enjoying the moment between the both of you, you were flipping the page as you heard a soft knocks as the door opened "Y/n did you see Ace, I can't find him anywhe-" Marco stopped in the middle of his sentence seeing Ace laying on your bottom as he hugged your waist "I won't even ask" he said as he walked out. You started laughing making Ace wake up from his sleep "hmm?" He picked up his head taking few seconds to realize what position he was in "had a good nap Hun?" You asked him "yes, probably the best one in my life" he said as he pulled you into a tight hug, hugging you close to his chest while taking your book away from your hands placing it on your nightstand. You giggled hugging him back nuzzling your head into his chest (his beautiful tiddies) "I love you so much y/n..." He sighed as he kissed you on top of your head "I love you too Ace" you replied as you felt his muscles tense "y-you do?" He pushed himself back a little bit to look at your face "of course I do! If I didn't why would I kiss you or let you lay on my ass dumbass?!" You stared at him in disbelief "good point" he said as he kissed you on your lips deeply trying to savor the moment as long as he can, finally pulling away when he needed air nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck giving you butterfly kisses "I could get used to it" you laughed from all the affection he was giving you "you better get used to it, cause I'm not letting you go anytime soon" he softly spoke.
Sorry for any mistakes, English is my second language! I hope you enjoyed reading ♡
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baronessblixen · 10 months
Family Principles
Day 3 for the Eight Nights of Mulder: celebration and my prompt for the 24 Days of X-Mas Files Challenge: family Christmas with separate beds
Summary: They're spending Christmas at Mrs. Scully's house and Mulder is in for a surprise. (AU, fluffy fluff, William is there; wc: 715)
Tagging @today-in-fic @eightnightsofmulder
She should pinch herself, just to make sure she isn't dreaming. In many ways, this Christmas feels like a fantasy. One she had many, many years ago. But it's real, all of it.
Over there, surrounded by a few of her mother's neighbors, stands Mulder. He's grinning from ear to ear, quickly becoming the star of the party. At least as long as their son is napping.
William is without a doubt the not-so-secret superstar of this holiday get-together. With his dimples and his charming smile, he wraps everyone around his little finger. Including her grinchy brother, who tried his damnest not to be swayed. He lasted all of five seconds before he, too, oohed and awwed at his nephew.
"I saw you staring at me." Mulder's voice is a soft murmur as he puts his arms around her, holding her close. She must have been so lost in thought that she didn't even notice him walk over to her. "Do I have something on my face?" He nuzzles her neck, making her giggle.
"You do," she says, swatting at his hand. They may have been a couple for a while, but here, in front of everyone and her family, their public display of affection is new and she doesn't yet know how she feels about it. "You're grinning."
"I'm happy," he says simply. "Your mother throws great parties."
"She invited you every year," Scully reminds him. The first few times she asked him she wondered whether it was because of Christmas. But he never celebrated Hanukkah either. A fact they're planning to change next year so that William can learn about the festival, too.
"I'm a late bloomer." His lips graze the shell of her ear and she shivers. "Do you think anyone would notice if we snuck away?"
"They might." Though she's not sure she cares. "William will wake up soon, though."
"I can be patient," he promises, kissing her cheek. "We have all night."
"If you're prepared to sneak around." Mulder's confused pout makes her smile. She hasn't had time to speak to him about the sleeping arrangements yet. And he's not going to like what she has to say.
"My mom decided to put us in separate bedrooms." Mulder stares at her as if expecting her to admit she's making a joke. "She said, and I quote, she can't let us share a bedroom in good consciousness." Her mother loves Mulder, and she dotes on her youngest grandchild, but she's a woman with principles. One of which is no shared rooms and beds when unmarried.
"Is it because of what I said earlier?" When her mother and Father McCue talked about baptizing William, Scully intervened, saying they weren't sure yet what to do, with Mulder being half Jewish. And his skepticism towards organized religion, but she kept that tidbit to herself. Both her mother and Father McCue had looked surprised and then Mulder decided to call William a religious remix, which caused a few more shocked gasps from both of them.
"Surprisingly not," Scully says. "It's because we're not married."
"Well, I'm sure we can find someone here to change that. We have a priest, a rabbi, and a pastor. This could also be the beginning of a bad joke. This is a joke, right?" Scully shakes her head, and Mulder pouts fully.
"She knows we live together," Mulder says and she nods. "We have a child together." She nods again. "She knows that we- you know."
"Not in her house." He sighs loudly.
"What if I promise her to marry you as soon as possible? I'm gonna ask. You know what? I'm gonna use Willam to argue. He's my secret weapon." He kisses her mouth, his grin returning. He runs off like she's used to, but for once, she doesn't mind one bit.
She just watches as members of her family pat Mulder's back, or engage him in short conversations. Everyone loves him. And he basks in the attention. She knows one Christmas won't erase the years he suffered, where he was alone - sometimes by choice. But it's a beginning.
She knows that her mother won't change her mind about the sleeping arrangements, but she also knows that no matter what, they will find a way to be together tonight.
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sunnyie-eve · 9 months
23 | You what?
Series: Significant
Paring: Colby Brock x Original female character
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.5k
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It's been a few weeks since Penelope was released from the hospital and was back home. Her mother and sister were still staying nearby till she was completely done with her doctor appointments just to be safe. With Penelope living out here and not home much, Turner has been hanging out at the house with Penelope and the guys.
At that moment, he went downstairs and got sucked into helping with the prank on Colby's car helping Elton, Corey, and Sam only because he caught them.
"Did you take your medicine?" Colby walks into Penelope's room.
"Colby, you are killing me about making sure I take my meds." She groans at her computer.
"You have like four difficult medications you have to take at different times every single day, Penelope." He walks up behind her.
She drops her head down shaking it, "I have alarms set when to take them so don't worry about it." She tilts her head to look back at him.
"Come on, you know I'm gonna worry about it." He gives her a kiss on the forehead.
Since the night at the hospital when he kissed her, they haven't really talked about it but there was a shift in their friendship. It was a lot more flirty when they were alone and even more touching which involved more head kisses and cheek kisses.
"Because you're annoying." She turns around to face him.
"I would hit you but you still have a broken wrist and head trauma." He crosses his arms, "You really don't want to go to the party tonight with me?"
"Not really. I want to stay home." She gets up to sit on her bed turning her TV on, "Not to mention I have a broken arm, Colby. And it's my dominant arm." She gives him a look.
"But I want you to come with." He lays his head on her lap.
"Well, that's not gonna happen." Her left hand plays with his hair which he liked very much.
"Where did Turner go?" Colby asks since he hasn't come back upstairs yet.
"Who knows. He's still here somewhere so I'm not worried. Probably with Sam or Corey. He's taken a liking to Corey since they both like dancing." Penelope says not caring knowing he was okay.
"Should I still go on the trip to Japan?" Colby asks her.
"Why wouldn't you not go?" She asks confused.
"Because I wanna keep an eye on you. I can't do that in another country." He looks up at her.
"I'll be fine alone. Plus there will be other people here because we have roommates if I need help, which I won't." She reassures him, "You are going on your stupid trip." She laughs at his face.
"Why does it gotta be stupid?" He chuckles.
"Because I said so. I don't know."
"I wanna take a little nap so wake me up before 7:30." Colby closes his eyes falling asleep as she plays with his hair.
When it gets closer to 7:30, Penelope wakes Colby up so he goes to his room to get ready. "Turner!" Penelope goes downstairs looking for him and can't find him. Going to the garage she sees it open so she goes out to the front. "You just disappeared, dude." She sees him with Elton, Sam, and Corey then what they did to Colby's car, "Oh, my."
"Wanna sit and wait to see his reaction?" Sam takes a seat.
"I guess." She joins them.
When Colby comes out he was confused to see everything looking at him, "You disappeared on me. And where's my car? There's my car." He finally notices making the guys laugh at him. "Did you know?" Colby asks Penelope.
"No, she didn't but Turner helped." Elton lets him know before telling Colby about his gift in the car.
"Oh my god! This is going to take me so long, Elton. Wait what? Bubble wrap." Colby starts tugging it to get it off. "How long did this take you?"
"About two hours..." Elton tells him.
"Before I continue, I'm gonna tell the person, that I need... Needed to be there at 7:30."
"You needed to be there at 7:30?! Why did you wait so late to run late?" Penelope shouts at how stupid he was.
Colby starts to tug again at the Saran Wrap this time moving the entire car, "How and I gonna get this, NO! NO! No! What is... No! Packing peanuts! Is the present in the packing peanuts or is that the present?" Colby asks.
"The present is inside the packing peanuts. It's in there. It's in the car somewhere." Elton laughs so they all watch Colby struggle.
"So you guys... You do know you're all gonna die in the next week right?" Colby looks at the guys, "That includes you too Turner. You're not safe because you aren't going home just yet." Colby points at him so Turner grabs Penelope's arm.
"My shield."
When they go for a little drive, Penelope and Turner wait for them to get back, "And you choose to live with these idiots?" Turner laughs as they sit alone.
"I oddly do." She laughs as well.
Soon the guys get back and they watch Colby search for his present but they put it in the trunk. Penelope cracks up seeing that the present was dish soap since he never does his dishes. Before they head inside, Riches pulls up to pick up Turner so they say goodbye to him.
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"Where are you off to all dressed up looking adorable?" Colby smiles entering Penelope's bedroom.
"Lunch with my friend. She's picking me up so can you help me with my shoes please." She gives him a pout so he helps her put them on.
"You never talk about this friend much... What's her name?"
"Janelle, we've worked together a few times but she's mostly out of state but she got back last week." She says as Janelle calls her telling her she was there.
Getting in the car, Janelle smiles at her, "I might have left a small detail out about lunch."
"And that would be?"
"We're meeting up with my boyfriend and his friend. He had an opening in his schedule so they're gonna join us. Don't worry it's not like a date thing." She lets her know.
"Oh, okay." Penelope chuckles.
The girls get to the restaurant first and take a seat waiting for the guys to show up. When they did Janelle's boyfriend, Luke, and his friend Justin, introduced themselves to Penelope.
"Sorry if we were intruding on girl time." Luke apologizes.
"It's fine."
They end up spending an hour at the restaurant chatting about what they do and other things. Justin took a liking to Penelope and it was obvious to Janelle and Luke, but Penelope paid no mind.
"How long till you take your cast off? The accident happened about a month ago, right? Your accident. Falling down the stairs because a prank went wrong and was in a small coma for a couple of weeks." Luke talks to Penelope.
"How did you know that? I didn't tell you about that?" Janelle asks her boyfriend confused.
"The video about it... It was uploaded earlier today. The prank going wrong and the updates till you got home." He says confused seeing the look on Penelope's face.
"I need to go home. Like now." She gets up from her seat leaving so Janelle and Luke quickly split the bill.
"Why?" Janelle rushes after her.
"Because Elton fucking posted what happened to me! I was laying unconscious on the floor bleeding from my head while my roommates panicked." Penelope shouts.
"She's not lying." Justin shows Janelle the video when everything goes wrong.
Janelle takes Penelope home and she enters the house pissed off, "ELTON!" She yells out his name.
Everyone downstairs was confused as Elton entered the room, "Why are you screaming my name?"
"Why am I screaming your name? Are you fucking serious right now? Why the hell did you upload the failed prank and updates? You took a picture of me in my hospital bed to show in the video as well!" She was pissed off with him.
"Wait, what? You posted the accident and everything that happened afterward?" Corey looks at him.
"I just wanted to show how not all pranks go the way you want them to go. And I had updates so fans would know she was okay. To also explain why we disappeared for two weeks because we were worried about you." Elton explains.
"Elton, she was unconscious and bleeding on our floor and you posted that?" Sam gets a little loud.
It was taking everything in Colby not to tackle Elton to the ground for posting the video, "I would say delete it but it's too fucking late. People probably already have the video. I can't believe you did that, Elton. Fans already knew an accident happened because we said one happened when it did and that we were focusing on that." Colby walks upstairs not wanting to look at him.
"Would you still have posted it if she died instead of recovering from the fall?" Aaron shakes his head going upstairs too.
"It's gonna be a while before I can forgive you." Penelope heads upstairs going to Colby's room, "Can you untie my shoes so I can kick them off?" She asks him politely so he does what she asks.
"I can't fucking believe him. It wasn't even a prank, it was an accident. You could've died and we were all really panicking. It was acting like we normally do for pranks to scare each other." Colby sits on his couch.
"I know. When Janelle's boyfriend brought up the accident and everything with it we were confused about how he knew then he told us about the video. Maybe one good thing will come out of it."
"What could that be?" Colby looks at her.
"Hopefully fans will feel bad for me and realize how much I mean to my roommates. Or some will wish I die." She thinks.
"Let's hope it's the first one." He holds her hand.
"I'm thinking about filming a Q&A video do you want to join me? Last week I tweeted asking for questions so want to go through some?" Penelope gets off the couch.
"Sure, wanna do it in here?"
"Eww, no. I like my setup." She leaves his room.
"That was rude!" He follows her to her room and sets her camera up for her.
"Hey, hey! Welcome back to my channel! It's been quite some time since I last uploaded a video. But last week I asked y'all to ask me some questions I can answer. As you can see I have the lovely handsome Colby Brock with me." She motions to him with her good arm.
"Oh, you're making me blush, stop." He plays along.
"I asked him if he wanted to join me just because I could. He literally lives down the hall from me. I'll have him pick and read me questions you guys want to know." She hands Colby her phone that was already on Twitter. "Are you ready?" She asks him.
"Are you ready?" He smiles so they both laugh. "I'm gonna pick ones that are wild, funny, and private." Colby moves his eyebrows at her.
"You're so... Our moms just had to be friends." She groans at him.
"Okay, this is from Anna-ha; If you were to switch bodies with Colby for a day what would you do?" He reads, "Tell me, what would you do in my body?" He tilts his head.
"Cry, I would cry and scream. I would refuse to use the bathroom. I'd just pee myself because hell no. But other than that," She thinks, "I would transfer some money to my bank account. You're richer than me so." She laughs as his jaw drops, "What would you do, huh? In my body?" She asks him now.
He thinks making different faces, "You're my best friend but I'm still a guy first so..." He smirks causing her to hit him, "I'm joking, I had to piss some people off. But I would go get a tattoo of my name to put on you."
"No! I will never get a name tattooed on me." Her eyes widened.
"Night Owl asks; How many boyfriends have you had?" He reads.
"Two, just two. When I was 14 and 18/19. My longest relationship was two years and I got cheated on. The second was, not even a full year. I honestly can't tell you how long I think maybe six months because-,"
Colby cuts her off, "Because he was also a piece of shit and they constantly fought about small things that were unnecessary."
"As Colby said but only two. I'm done dating."
"Banana Bread asks; Do you get uncomfortable when people talk about you and any of the guys, especially Sam and Colby, in a nonfriend way?"
"I don't know if I would say it's uncomfortable but it's a similar feeling. I can't really explain it. I don't care that much because there's more hate towards me with the guys. I guess that's why it doesn't make me uncomfortable because there's not a lot of that. But for Sam and Colby, I'm super close to them so the hugs, head kisses, and cuddles don't really mean anything romantically." She explains, "Like I've had people give me crap for how Sam and I are because he's dating Kat, but she completely trusts us."
"On our trip to Utah, Kat asked Penny if was she keeping Sam from turning blue and purple by cuddling him. So like, she trusts Penelope and Sam. Devyn trusts Penny as well as Corey. I don't have a girlfriend but hopefully she would trust her as well and I'm sure she would." Colby adds.
"So yeah, I don't get uncomfortable but I prefer people not to for the respect of the actual couples." Penelope adds to it.
"Oh, this one is, wow. Jade asks; What made you realize you were in love for the first time?"
"Wow!" Penelope was shocked, "That's a big topic, umm." She takes a deep breath in, "I couldn't stand not being able to see them. It was like, if I saw them I knew no matter what, even if I was at my lowest, just seeing them made me feel a little better. Then one day I couldn't stop thinking about them in a certain way. From that moment on everything in me changed and it's so hard to describe that feelings. Love is complicated to explain." Penelope giggles refusing to look at Colby who was looking at her the whole time she talked.
"Colby's wifey... I didn't know I had one, asks; Can you stop being friends with Colby and move far away please?" He gives Penelope a smile.
"Okay, we're done." She looks at Colby, "I'll have the movers come over soon to get my stuff." She stands up walking out of her room before going back in, "Hell no!" She looks at the camera before sitting back down.
"Yeah, as long as I'm alive, Penelope is gonna be here as well so..." Colby nods his head.
"Okay! Thank you guys for watching and giving me questions. If Colby didn't pick yours, I'm sorry blame him not me. Remember to like, comment, and subscribe. I would really appreciate it." Penelope smiles.
"Do it or I'll hunt you down and force you to." Colby glares at the camera before getting up to turn it off.
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
I read your post about Spdier wanting to connect with Eywa and like, HE CAN?????
In the first movie, when performing the ritual of transferring consciousness from the human body into a Na’vi, both Grace and Jake were connected to Eywa through her roots touching their bone marrow/brain area. I’m not sure how that worked but Eywa must have stretched out her roots herself and so, I feel like she could do the same to Spider.
Like imagine Spider falling asleep under the tree of souls and the small roots, like nerves start moving on their own. They embrace him, glowing in the pandorian night and stretch out to the back of his head and BOOM, Spider wakes up in the spiritual world, shocked and confused af.
Que the Sullys/recoms (depending on when it happened) finding their feral child enveloped by Eywa as it pulses like a heartbeat. I feel like the Sullys would be so damn exited and amazed and proud and happy that Eywa recognised him, while recoms (specifically Quaritch) would get a level 100 heart attack thinking the tree is digesting him or smth 😭
ok, sorry this took so long, I'm finally dredging the bottom of my inbox.
but I could see this happening. eywa wishes to hold all her children, and she's gonna do it she doesn't care what it takes. so when the small child falls asleep on her (cause that wild child would never sit still long enough for her to do so before), she takes him into her 'arms' like any mother would. and as gentle as she is about it, it's a rude awakening for her sweet child, and he startles upon realizing he's in the spirit world. first he thinks he's dreaming, then dead, and then he has no idea what he's supposed to think.
he's calmed by the Great Mother, with the skill and delicacy only a mother can have, and he gets to meet her and his ancestors; Grace, Trudy, Tsu'tey, his mother. he finds himself frequently being called to the tree (mostly though the atokirina) and he takes to it as a frequent napping spot (as a child who was never held by his mother, he finds it comforting to sleep in Her embrace)
the sully kids think its amazing, cause once he's done it before, he knows how to do it again and again, so he gets to goes to the communions and talk about the ancestors. jake is proud, he knows what its like to finally connect, to feel right in the way that being one with eywa. neytiri (within the context of canon, for my new followers who are in it for my mama!neytiri content) would be forced to rethink some things; The Great Mother was going out of her way to be with him, he was one with Her just as the rest of her children, no person who could be anything like that Demon would ever be accepted by Eywa. so it definitely does shift some dynamics within the family.
the recom's do infact think he's being eaten by the 'big spooky tree' and spider came to just quick enough to stop them from cutting him from the roots of the tree. he then has to explain that no matter what is happening, for his sake, to not harm the roots, that they can very easily and very gently untangle him with no damage to The Great Mother.
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artlover3659 · 1 year
miles 1016 x reader
⚠️ !warning! ⚠️; not proof read! fluff! maybe a angst? aged up characters is wanted. up to you. put in requests if you want more of this!
i can just imagine that reader and miles are together and gwen is really salty about it. and she hurts y/n.
(y/n can have big dragon wings and a long, strong tail when she wants to, coloured black and baby blue. just so you know that it doesn't confuse you guys when reading)
you were cuddling with your boyfriend miles morales, you ontop of him and him laying front on his back facing the ceiling. you were asleep, not deep asleep just napping.
soon a portal appearers in front of miles face and he opens his eyes to see Gwen visiting him again.
"hey miles!" Gwen says. "hey Gwen." miles replays blankly. mind blank but filled with thoughts of you.
"wow, no 'hey yeah come on in i would love to swing with you'?" she says back to him hands on her hips looking back down at him, not seeing you yet.
"no, i'm good. i'm just chilling with y/n" he says looking down at your sleeping form. patting and stroking your hair.
"wow, ok. well im gonna go swing. you should come with tho." Gwen says getting onto miles bedroom floor.
the portal where Gwen came from closes, and Gwen just stands in the middle of the room staring at you cuddling with miles.
you stirrer at the feeling of being watched. still alseep.
"yeah, you know what? yeah i will come with you Gwen." miles says getting up placing you still on his bed, making sure you stay alseep.
"i don't think y/n will mind" he says stroking your back and holding your hand with his other hand.
"ok! lets go than!" Gwen says loudly clapping her hands.
the both of them go through miles window and start to swing away.
"so! who is she!?" Gwen shouts through the blurring wind passing between her and miles while swinging.
"huh? of her.... she's no body you need to worry about!" miles calls back at Gwen.
"alright! race ya!" Gwen yells back in response.
------time skip-------(with you. y/n)-------
you stirrer awake. reaching for miles's body to cling to, but find nothing but his pillow.
"bebe?" you muffle still waking up.
you rub your eyes while yawning.
"he might just be out for a swing. might as well join him or do some flying on my own." you say to yourself
you stand up in the middle of the room and spread your arms. than, scales black and baby blue cover your body, leaving your clothes untouched.
you strip and put a backpack on your back, filled with clothes and other things. like your phone and water bottle and wallet.
you walk over to the window in miles room, crawling out and hanging out of the window.
you let go of the window sill. and let yourself fall for 5 seconds. you brace your self for flying and wings shoot out of your back, coloured black with baby blue stripes over your wings and over your body, like a tiger's stripes/coat. a long, strong, powerful tail springs out of your butt, connecting to your tailbone. like toothless's tail
you fly around buildings and fly under train platforms above the ground. you keep this up until your flying in front of a brick building.
suddenly your pressed up against the brick wall of the building and some bricks fall out of the wall from the sudden impact. you growl in pain and shock.
you open your eyes to find a spider person coloured with white and black with a hood.
"where did you come from!? why are you here!? what do you want from here!?" the hooded spider person yells at you in your face.
you let out a low growl from the yelling in your sensitive ears and kick her off lightly, but enough to get the person away and off you.
"oww! miles! help me!" the hooded person yells. looking up to the sky
your ears pick up on the name that the hooded person called.
"miles" you say under your breath. "how does she know him?" you whisper to your self as your tilt your head to the right. looking at the person who attacked you earlier, just a few seconds ago.
soon, miles or should I say, spider man swings down to the other spider person.
the spider people talk and the hooded one points at you. your eyes widen as both spider's stare at you.
you get a little too weirded out so you quickly turn and race off flying.
it's not too long after your speed off that both spider people are racing and swinging after you.
"come back here villain! we just want to talk! right spider-man!?" you hear the hooded person yells at you and the other person.
"yeah, sure. Gwen" miles back at her in return.
you stick together that the black and red coloured person, the male sounding spider man is miles. and the white and black person sounding like a female, is Gwen. miles spider friend he talks about here and there.
you start to get worried that miles might start to like Gwen more than you and dump you for her.
while in your mind thinking, you don't notice that Gwen has caught up to you. swinging a string of web onto your left foot or paw you are pulled back out of your thoughts and back to reality.
your swung back and around and stuck to a train surpport beam.
you growl load at the sudden pain and shock and try to get out of the webs.
"so, what should we do to ya?" Gwen says to you.
"let me go maybe!?" you shout back at her in pain and growl as Gwen laughs at your growly and beast like voice.
"maybe we should just let her go Gwen. she hasn't done anything wrong" miles says o Gwen while looking at you with sympathy in his eyes.
"pfft- yeah-not yet!" Gwen scuffs at him.
"well that's rude." you say at her reply.
"oh yeah? what are you gonna do about that? freak!" Gwen yells into your right ear.
"grraaaa! get away from me! my ears!" you growl loudly kicking and getting away from both spider people.
you fly off and get to a roof top, and sit down. cupping and rubbing your ears you growl low from the pain.
"grraaa! such a loud and mean person!" you say loudly to your self. still rubbing your right ear.
you sit peacefully in silence as you watch the birds fly by and watch the last light from the sunset go down.
"hey! come back here beast!" Gwen shouts at you while walking towards you.
"ughh not her again" you swear under your breath
"what do you want from me!? i didn't do anything mean or rude to you or any one else!" you yell back at Gwen turning around to see a couple more spider people. taking you back you stand up.
one with a cool comic looking outline with a guitar hanging around his back. one with brown, wavy hair out of his head and with a Indian ora coming off of him. one with a plain and, is that? a baby carry on? what the? a pregnant lady spider person on a bike.
"hey! we just want to talk!" the spider man with the baby carrier on him calls stepping in front of all the spider people.
your eyes lock onto him. all nerves in your body saying to run or fly away. your out numbered.
"where's miles?" you call.
"and-where's your baby? or do you just keep that on you at all times?" you say at the father looking spider man slowly walking towards you.
"oh-yeah! MAYDAY!" he shouts at the top of his lungs. cupping his mouth.
"graaa! shut up! too loud!" you scream cupping your ears. closing your eyes crouching back down.
"hey! shut up! we are telling you what to do!" Gwen shouts at you stepping towards you.
"wow! not cool Gwen!" the punk looking spider person says to Gwen hands on his hips.
"yeah! not cool Gwen!" the Indian spider man shouts at Gwen.
------- time skip----a couple of minutes of standing your ground, no one moving-----------------------------------------------------------------
"hey guys i'm back! what's happening?" miles finally comes and lands in the middle of both parties.
"what's happening!? she is a villain! miles! take her down!" Gwen yells at him flaying her arms in the air in anger.
"ok, first of all, Gwen. She has done nothing but stand her ground and second-she would have attacked us by now. she seems powerful" the father spider man says turning towards Gwen.
"thanks i guess..." say under your breath to the spider man who defended for you.
"love?" miles calls turning towards you.
your ears pick up and flick in front of your head. standing tall and proud in front of your boyfriend.
"LOVE!? WHAT SO YOUR CHEATING ON ME!? HOW DARE YOU!?" Gwen shouts and yells at miles in anger.
your heart breaks thinking that you were a side chick or a person who was not in place to miles's heart.
"ok, first of all. Gwen. we were never a thing." miles says back at her turning towards her. "second of all, you betrayed me when i liked you." he says to her.
"plus- y/n is the best girlfriend you can ever find and get" miles says turning to you.
your wings disappear and your face becomes readable- more human like. just still with black and baby blue stripes across and around your face.
"thanks bebe" you say to miles as he steps closer to you.
by now Gwen is balling her eyes out. she tries to attack you but you spin around really quickly and smack her with your strong tail. making her fall and crash into the floor/ roof of the building, making a gape or dint in the roof.
"that's for attacking me earlier, and all the shouting in my ears." you say to her crossing your arms across your chest.
miles chuckles while coming closer to you.
he takes off his mask and wraps his arms around your waist. you look up him and he comes in closer to you and you guys kiss.
(all the while Gwen is making chaos and is making a seance. and mayday is back with her dad)
you do become great friends with peter b parker, pav and hobie tho.
and become almost a god mother to mayday, your that close to her😂
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palialaina · 9 months
What is sleep? FOR THE WEAK!
Look, when you have to get up stupidly early to try and catch fish, you generally just tend to say fuckit and stay up all night. At least, you do if you're me! But I have completed the Silvering constellation thing, and I feel... like something got missed.
But you know what, it's done, and dealt with, and I can figure it out later when I'm not so loopy on lack of sleep that Hodari of all people had to put me to bed.
In my defense, I was gonna go, and then Auni delivered a letter from him that said he was going to be at the Wave temple, and he wanted to share lunch! I'm not entirely sure if we're a couple yet, but...
Free food.
So I figured why not, I'll go say hi and see how he's doing with the survey thing, and get some lunch, and hang out for a while, tell him, you know, how wild it was to wake this temple up.
Because it kind of was.
Turns out, Hodari was so excited to see if I'd show up, he forgot the lunch. Which, frankly, is adorable no matter what he thinks. (He claims it's ridiculous, I think it's cute, we're just not gonna agree on that.) It wasn't a total loss though, There's mushrooms and fish, and while I'm honestly not a fan of fish, it was better than nothing, and kind of fun to gather things up and let someone else do the cooking for a change. (Jel burns water, and Hassian eyes my kitchen stuff like it's going to bite him. No, I do not know how Jel burns water, but there's definitely a reason why Reth brings him food every day.)
Honestly, the best part has been the fact that Hodari insisted I come home and nap, saw me home and everything, and then once he'd left, Najuma popped in and asked me if he'd given me a thing yet. Given that I wasn't all sure it was a date, I was a little confused until Naj pointed to the pins I have for Hassian and Jel.
Which, uh... Admittedly, it's probably time to see about making one? Because I do like him, and Jel and Hassian have no problems with him, and clearly Najuma is on my side with the whole utter exasperation she was fielding when I told her that no, I didn't have Hodari's pin. Legit asked what he thought he was doing, and yanno...
When you have the kid's approval for something like this? You're doing all right, I think.
But she said she was going to bug him about it, which is Concerning, but I don't think I can talk her out of it. So I might have a third pin soon.
I have almost decided what to do with my house. I just need to save up a bit more money to get a large room (I'm upgrading my bedroom) and another harvest house (for a guest house), and then I just have to smack some trees.
Dad suggested I could make a workshop, if I was floundering for ideas, and that could be fun too, but most everything I have still fits in the tent that was home for a bit before I had the money for the house. So I'm not entirely sure if I want to do that or not. But no matter what, it's gonna be a big project that'll probably take several days.
Maybe I should ask Tish for ideas. And I'll need help from Einar again, to get stuff down from way up high... Hm...
...oh right. I'm supposed to be sleeping. Time to do that before a certain thiefy palcat runs off with my pen.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
26 - Garage Livin'
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Part 27
Texas Romance
Tags - @supernaturalgirl30 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu
Georgie walked over to his meemaw's house knocking on the front wanting to check on his girls even if Y/n wasn't really talking to him. "What are you doin' here?" Connie asked her grandson in confusion.
"Is Y/n here. I was gonna see if she needed anythin'?" He asked not understanding why she was confused considering last he knew she lived here.
Connie shrugged her shoulders showing him a note that was left on the fridge this morning. "She just left that saying that her parents had called her home to talk about something. I figured she'd be back by now."
Sitting on Georgie's bed I hold little Aurora in my arms cradled asleep hearing the door get pushed opened. Georgie's blinked a few times suprise written all over his face that I'm here. "Y/n, hey this is a suprise." He dropped his jacket at the door noticing the clothes scattered on the floor. "Oh uh sorry the cleaning lady didn't come today." He snatched up the clothes tossing them somewhere.
"Sorry to just come in all of the sudden but something's happened..." I trailed off seeing concern on his that either me or Aurora were hurt in some way. "My dad got offered a new job position in the city. His work wants him to move in a couple weeks. He said I could come with them if I wanted but either way I can't stay at my childhood home...could I - um we can..."
Georgie takes a seat beside me on the bed trying to not wake our little girl up from her nap. "Of course you can stay here. You're my family. You're my wife after all...I mean if you still want to be that is....I thought you were still staying at me Meemaw's?"
"I am only for two days...I think I found an apartment I can afford since Dale has been paying us more now." I replied tucking hair behind my ear after I laid Aurora on his bed underneath the covers so I could stand in front of him. Looking at him I started sniffing out tears.
Georgie jumps up to his feet opening his arms seeing me crying. "What's wrong, darlin'?" He wrapped his arms around my waist gently when I started crying more gripping his shirt in my hands.
"My whole life at the moment. Graduated high school, got pregnant at seventeen and now my parents are wanting me to decide...if I'm staying here or moving my whole life to the city!" Burying my face into his shirt I knew I shouldn't be getting emotional over this but I don't know what to do.
Georgie breaks the hug still holding me close to his chest confused. "What are you saying, Y/n?"
"Georgie, I have two weeks to decide if I live here...it would mean that we would only see each on holidays or something...I just...I'm scared. I don't know what to do." I wiped my sleeve under my nose before he draped an arm around my waist opening the door.
"Let's just get you something to eat first.." He whispered kissing my forehead entering the kitchen seeing Missy eating breakfast.
"Did someone have a sleepover?" She teased making Georgie roll his eyes right before Sheldon enters the kitchen.
I waved to him as he went to make breakfast. "Hi Sheldon...I am staying here for a little bit...again."
"Did you and my brother create another baby?" He asked where Georgie spit out his milk blushing alongside me.
Rubbing the back of my neck I wasn't sure why he would ask that question. Aurora was enough of a handful at the moment. "No Sheldon...no we didn't."
Georgie gently tugged my arm whispering in my ear so we could slip away before they asked more questions. "Let's go check out that apartment you talked about. Before they keep at it." Nodding my head I followed him outside changing into some jeans and a green sweatshirt climbing into his truck. The drive wasn't too far from their house so that was good if he came to see Aurora. Since I wasn't sure if we were okay living together again.
Turning the key I push the door opened having one window in the center of the wall. A bathroom on near the tiny kitchen. Georgie closed the door stepping into the small bedroom since the living room spilt. Running a hand through my hair I sit down on the small bed watching him stand in the doorway. "So what do you think?" I asked tilting my head to the side resting my hands on my knees with a heavy sigh.
"It's good. How much is the rent I can help you out." He asked with a small smile on his face wanting to help me out as much as he possibly could.
Twisting his grandmother's ring inside my jacket sleeve I knew it was one of the things I love about him. Even though I am not sure if I can get back together with him yet...not until I decide if I'm staying or leaving this state. "I'll figure that out later, but thank you. Let's go back to your house I'm kinda tired." He offered me his hands tugging me to my feet so the drive home was pretty quiet. Opening the door to his garage I kicked off my boots climbing under the covers seeing him about to leave so I could sleep. Holding myself up on my elbow I whispered softly. "Georgie...would you stay with me?"
"Absolutely...anything you want." He halted in his tracks immediately kicking off his boots nodding a couple times as he climbed in beside me wrapping his arms around me gently. Laying my head on his chest I instantly fell asleep like this.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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liminalpebble · 1 year
Eddie's Education: Chapter 19
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Chapter 19
The doorbell rang and Leia woke with a start. She raised a hand, feeling the creases in her face from the couch pillow, and realized she must have taken an impromptu nap in the time it took for Eddie to drive here. Why was she so tired? Everything felt like she was moving through syrup as she took the few steps to look through her peephole.
Raising her eye to the fish-eye lens she furrowed her brows in confusion. The hallway showed nothing but the bare Formica floor and the cold cheap overhead lights which occasionally flickered in the chilly night air. As she watched, suddenly all the lights snapped off into total darkness. She strained up on her toes, pressing her eye so close to the tiny window that her lashes brushed it and her breath fogged it. Suddenly, every light flicked on at full force. There was a beat of utter silence, and then a head shot up into her line of sight; a desiccated sinewy corpse of a creature releasing a deep growling laugh as its cloudy roving eye stared back at her. Leia felt like she was screaming but no sound emerged.
The doorbell rang, and Leia started up again, this time panting and shivering into the waking world. She forced herself to take a few deep breaths. Just a dream, Leia. It was just a bad dream, she told herself, over and over, fortifying herself to get up and look through the peephole. Come on, Leia. Don't be a wimp, she repeated until she finally set her eye gingerly to the little window. She sighed with relief to see Eddie smiling and waving on the other side, a loaded plastic carry-out bag in hand. As soon as she unlocked the door she swung her arms around him, pulling him through the threshold, holding on tightly, and saying in a hurried gasp, “God, I'm so glad it's you!”
“Woah...woah!” Eddie exclaimed, teetering a little off balance, “Hey, sweetheart, who else would it be? Glad to see you too. Watch out. I don't wanna drop the food.” As he set the smiling take away bag on the counter, he kept one arm on her back, stroking in a soothing motion even though worry gnawed at his mind; half memory and half foreboding. There was a particular kind of fear in her eyes; a kind he'd seen before.
Returning both arms to encircle her, he repeated, “Who...who else would it be? Jesus, your little heart's gonna beat right through your chest. What happened?”
She waved it away saying, “Oh...sorry...it's stupid. I just nodded off on the couch and had a bad dream. Been having these dreams about monsters. It's so weird. Probably shouldn't watch all these horror movies. That's all. It's okay.” Pressed against his chest she couldn't see the dread in Eddie's eyes. He couldn't be sure if he was piecing a puzzle together or was paranoid from past experiences, but it made him hold on tighter. She smiled up at him and it lit up her sleepy eyes. “Oh Eddie, you even brought me food? Could you be more perfect?”
He smiled, despite the granite block of tension that had taken up residence in his throat. Eddie stroked her cheek like she was something precious, like she was something he was scared to death to lose, like he always did. “I know you didn't eat.”
“I can't hide anything from you, can I?” she asked, as she swept some scattered mail out of the way to unpack the paper boxes of stir fry and rice. She paused, staring at the mess and said, “Please, don't judge me. I know this place is a disaster. It's just been....” she sniffed, “It's been...weird.”
He laughed, “Awww. Honey, come on! You've seen my place. It looks like a tornado went through it all the time. Who am I to judge? It doesn't bother me. Do you judge me for it?”
“Well, no, of course not. To be honest, I think I was too focused on playing detective...getting to know you from your natural habitat to judge anything. Or maybe I was too focused on getting to your bed, or to whatever surface we would be fucking on that day,” she mused with a laugh.
Then her smile faded, and she toyed nervously with her hands, suddenly unable to meet his eyes, “Thank you...for this. For everything.”
“Of course! What are boyfriends for?”
“I don't want to lean on you like this.”
“We lean on each other, Leia. And that's a good thing. I have people I lean on. You're only human...and one of the good kind. You deserve to have people to lean on too.”
She became still and silent with thought for a moment while he studied the circles under her eyes and the shiver running through her body. He tried to soothe her with a kiss, and her skin felt chilly, so he rubbed her shoulders and held her tighter as he whispered, “Talk to me, princess.”
“Yeah, honey?”
“Do you ever feel like you're losing your mind?”
Do you ever feel like you're losing your mind?
In a split second, that boulder of dread tumbled heavily from his throat to the pit of his stomach and took Eddie with it, anchoring him down as he sunk to the bottom of the dark lake of his memory.
It took him back to that splintery picnic table in the middle of the woods, sitting across from Chrissy Cunningham in her cheerleader uniform. She had just asked the same question. Her big Disney-princess eyes were silently pleading for him to reassure her...to let her know she wasn't crazy and that she would be safe. But she wouldn't be safe. She would be dead in hours, crumpled by Vecna who had painstakingly woven his way through her mind to crumple her body while Eddie looked on, helpless and horrified.
“Eddie?!” Leia exclaimed, and he twitched back to the present. Held against him, she could feel his hummingbird heartbeat; the same tempo hers had just been playing at. She met his eyes and commanded, “Breathe, handsome...deep breath, all the way. There you go.”
He obeyed her voice as it tethered him, pulling him back to the surface of the here and now. “How many rings are you wearing today? Count them for me?”
His voice came out shaky as he felt his fingers, “Th...three, today...two on my left...one on my right.”
“Good...good...” she soothed. “Do you remember what band shirt you have on?”
“Yeah...I think...I think it's Anthrax.” He began to breathe easier and laughed a little on a longer exhale. “But I don't remember.”
“Check to see.”
“Oh...” he said, looking down, “Slayer...right.”
“Close enough,” she said with a little grin and a shrug.
They both let out long relieved exhales as they chuckled.
“Okay, I'm gonna pretend you didn't just say Slayer and Anthrax are 'close enough' because they're actually totally different with how they...”
She stopped his mouth with a kiss, pressing deeply into him, sharing long breaths. They clung together like the other was their oxygen mask, lips latched. Finally they released.
“ I uh...I think we have a lot to talk about. Let's sit down and eat. I need you to tell me everything, and I think there's a lot I need to tell you too....and some...some of it's gonna be hard to believe. I uh...I'll help you clean up, okay. And then um...Jesus, this sounds crazy. Then we need to call Steve. I might need him to come over and help me explain.”
She blinked a little, stunned and confused, “Steve? Steve Harrington? What...why? It'll be like 10 by the time we do all that. I don't want to drag him...”
“Will you trust me?” he implored, those big dark chocolate eyes begging her.
She let out a long thoughtful sigh, then nodded vehemently. “Yes...yes, Eddie, always.”
The entire time they ate, packed up the leftovers, and worked together to clean up her apartment, Eddie tried but failed to explain some of his past, but always ended up just stuttering out disjointed sentences and getting visibly frustrated each time he couldn't get his point across.
As she put the very last dish away, Leia exclaimed,“That's enough, Eddie! Just relax...please! We called Steve. He's on his way, okay. It will be easier if we all talk about it together anyway...whatever it is.” She held his face in her hands, making him meet her eyes. “Hey...Hi, handsome” she said as she brushed his bangs out of his eyes to see his lovely face. “I'm right here.”
“I love you,” he choked out suddenly, squinting his eyes shut against tears, because he knew if Vecna came back and got his way, she wouldn't be here anymore. The most exquisitely fortunate thing to ever happen to Eddie “The Freak” Munson in his monumentally unlucky life would be squashed to death in an instant, like an insect in a spider's web. So Eddie held on tighter, desperate to protect her.
She smiled up at him and wiped the tears from his dark lashes with her thumbs. “Thank you for helping me with all this. The place looks amazing, and I got a good meal and you took such good care of me. You astound me, Eddie Munson. Do you hear me? You're astounding”
Eddie gave her a big silly boyish grin, “Astounding! Wow! That's not a word I've ever heard attached to my name.”
“Yeah, you're astounding! And to reward you for being such an incredible boyfriend, as soon as we're alone again, your math tutor is gonna give you head so fucking good you'll...”
The doorbell rang. Eddie bit his lip and rolled his eyes dramatically. “Goddamit Harrington! He's always been a cock block.”
She giggled. “Hey! You're the one who invited him!”
“Yeah. Thanks for reminding me,” he said as he opened the door, surprised to see not only Steve, but Robin and the curly-haired guy she saw at the Hideout. Steve came in and immediately gave Eddie a back-slapping hug, then Leia a much gentler one. Robin proclaimed, by way of greeting, “Hi, we brought groceries! Eddie said you needed groceries. He gave us a list. Hope we got the right stuff.”
Leia was too thunderstruck to speak, and just started blinking with her mouth open for a moment. “You...you did that for me?”
“Yeah! Of course! Good to see you again, by the way. Well...not exactly great in these circumstances...you know...dealing with the upside-down and demon monsters from another realm and all that. That's not fun, but hey, good news, we've actually dealt with this a few times so we can help and...”
“Robin!” the curly-haired guy barked, making both Leia and Robin jump. “Zip it. Jesus Christ.”
Taking on a softer tone, he turned to Leia, grabbing her hand in both of his and said, “Leia, it's a pleasure to meet you more officially. I'm Dustin.”
She blinked a few times, rebooting her brain. “Uh...yeah yeah. I remember you from the Halloween show. You were Weird Al, right?”
He smiled his unique bright grin as he said dramatically, “The very same, dear lady. You made a great Princess Leia, by the way.”
“Thanks...okay,” she said sweetly, then hesitantly asked, “While it's nice to see you all, forgive me for asking...what the hell are you all doing in my apartment tonight? And what the fuck do you mean by demon monsters?”
By three in the morning, the three of them had shared every scrap of information they had about the upside-down and Vecna, Leia shared every bit of information about her dreams, her headaches, her chills and fatigue, and about Ferguson's odd behavior. They all shared several bags of chips and many cups of coffee. Eddie was so proud of Leia, who was taking all of this in stride surprisingly well. He grew increasingly certain that he'd found the perfect girl as he watched her roll with the punches of being told about the atrocities of a murderous psychic wizard monster and his deadly realm and minions.
Steve asked carefully, more tactfully than Eddie would have been able to, “Leia how many times have you had dreams like this? And have you had any waking hallucinations...things like that? And...this is weird but important...have you heard a grandfather clock chiming?”
Eddie mentally thanked Steve profusely that he didn't have to be the one to ask those hard questions.
“Uh...no hallucinations, just dreams about the same monster but not every night, just sometimes over the course of the last few months. Usually when I'm especially stressed or depressed. It...it whispers horrible things in my ear...all of my own insecurities, shows me my past...it's...it's awful. I figured I just watched Nightmare on Elm Street before bed a few too many times.”
Dustin loudly whispered to Eddie, “Your girl's got great taste,” earning a light smack and eye roll from the Eddie, but it made Leia crack a tiny smile and say, “Thank you, Dustin.”
Robin reached out to hold her hand as Steve said, “Well...the good news is that if it is Vecna, he's not using the same mode of operation he did last time. Maybe he's still too weak to attack the way he used to. And it sounds like Ferguson is the one in his sights, not Leia.”
Leia said quietly, a sad but rational flatness to her voice, “Maybe Ferguson's the main course and I'm the dessert. Could he just be playing with his food until...until he's ready for me?”
Eddie sat starting at the floor, wringing his hands, a quiver of anger threading through his voice, “I was so sure he was dead.”
Robin shrugged and said, “Well, we were pretty sure you were too, if you recall. The upside-down is weird that way.” Everyone looked at her pointedly. “What?” she chirped. “I'm not wrong.”
“No. You're just depressing,” Steve huffed.
“As long as I'm not wrong.”
Eddie suddenly snapped, yelling, “Shut up! Henderson, what can we do?”
“Leia, I'm sorry, but it might be best if we...we keep you awake.”
Leia's eyes grew wide, “All night? You can't be serious.”
Dustin put a hand up in protest. “I know. I know it's going to suck but it seems like he's going for your when you sleep, and until we know more, we'll have to keep a watch and keep you awake. Also music helps to keep him out of your mind. Find some headphones and your favorite songs and keep it looping and in your ear as much as possible. We found out last time that music interrupts his power and helps you to wake up from an episode if he...you know...finds you.
“Jesus...okay,” she said with a nod.
Robin chimed it, “Well it's already after 3 am, so...nearly morning anyway.”
“Hmm. I'm gonna be a horrible teacher tomorrow,” she said, rubbing her eyes.
Eddie smiled faintly, “Hey, that's alright, I saw half of your tutoring session at the Hideout tonight, totally wrecked and apparently taking Thanksgiving break a day early, so I don't think they'll notice anything if they even show. Speaking of which, Andy says 'hi'.”
She laughed at that and once she started she couldn't stop; it was amusement, it was terror, it was the total unbelievable absurdity of all of it.
“Oh...kay. Well, Eddie, since you're already here, and I assume you're used to staying over, why don't you take the watch tonight?”
Eddie shrugged, and it had a hint of cocky pride that Steve appreciated. “Sure, Steve,” he came over putting an arm around Leia. “She was kind enough to give me a toothbrush and everything, weren'tcha, sweetheart?” He gave her a big silly kiss on the cheek and she shook her head; annoyed but charmed by his antics, glad beyond measure that he was hers and he was there.
@sunflowerdaydreamer @sweetsigyn
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