#gonna go rinse out the dye now it's been in for like (checks clock) OH NEARLY 4 HOURS BYE
chibubird · 6 months
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I booted up Persona 2 for 5 seconds and I already love him SO MUCH
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bad-exo-imagines · 7 years
The Best of Both Worlds
The Daily Lives of a High School Koreaboo  - part 2
Background: I wrote a joke fic for my friend for her birthday and it got out of control. Then i thought, it’d be perfect for this blog. I had to change a few things to make it a more universal fic, so the main character is “you”. Just like any other classis self-insert fic Y/N means your name.
Part 1
Y/N shut of their alarm clock and sprung out of bed. They were so excited for today since it was their first day going to a Korean high school. They had set their alarm so they’d have an hour and a half to get ready. Y/N went to her personal bathroom off of there room to get ready. Minhyuk on the other hand only gave himself 30 minutes to get ready. After going to the bathroom he went downstairs to get himself some food.
“Good morning!” Y/N said sliding him a plate of food
“Oh, uh, thanks.” He responded surprised to see their so chipper, especially since it was 6:30 in the morning.
The foreigner washed their plate since they was already done eating before heading back upstairs to finish getting ready. Minhyuk watched as they walked by. They was already dressed in their uniform. It was a grey jacket, a navy blue button up with a white collar, and (navy blue skirt with two white stripes/grey pants). Minhyuk realized he had been staring with his mouth open so he quickly turned back around and started eating.
After finishing styling their hair, Y/N hurried out into the hall. Minhyuk waited patiently at the top of the stairs for them. He smiled beamed at them, heart skipping a beat when he saw them smile back.
“You ready?” Y/N asked excitedly.
“Yeah. Are you gonna be okay? You’re not gonna explode on me are you?”
“Ha ha. Very funny.”
The two grabbed their school backpacks, Minhyuk’s black and Y/N’s a light blue. They both slipped on sneakers and grabbed the keys off the counter. He opened the door leading to the garage and held it for Y/N, letting them go out first. As they drove Minhyuk excitedly told Y/N about all the friends he was going to introduce to them.
“Jimin. Why are you doing this?” V said pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I can’t be seen with you if you’re hair looks like that. Hold still okay?” Jimin responded.
“He did this to me too,” Jungkook piped in smirking, leaning against the doorframe of V’s bathroom, watching the small boy fuss with the green dye “even made me put on makeup”
V looked over at the youngest’s hair, seeing that his soft jet black hair was styled nicely, and that he indeed had light eye makeup on that shaped his face well, simple eyeliner and some eyeshadow dark brown on the bottom outer corner.
“Ooo~ V can I put some on y-”
Jimin let out a whine as he grabbed a comb and gel. He unceremoniously dragged V to the bathtub and stuck his head under the faucet.
“Make sure you rinse it out well,” Jungkook commented. “When you dyed RM’s hair last week he was sweating pink.”
“It’s only a few streaks, it won’t be hard.” Jimin replied. After a bit of rinsing he turned the water off and dragged V back to the chair he had been sitting in. “Kookie hand me the blow dryer.”
the  freshmen plugged in said dryer and handed it to Jimin who turned it on the highest heat and full blast. V sheilded his face. “Ya! You’re gonna melt my skin off!”
Jimin ignored it and kept going until V’s hair was completely dry. He put very minimal gel in to style it. “There, now I can associated with you two.”  
The sophomore checked out the green tint added to his bangs. “Was this really necessary?”
“Yes of course!” Jimin said. He grabbed both V and Jungkook’s wrists and ran out of V’s room “Come on, we gotta go meet up with Daeil!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Y/N let out an excited exhale as they stepped out of the car. Minhyuk smiled as he walked around the car to walk with them.
“IS THAT MINHYUK?” An unfamiliar, deep voice called as the two started walking.
Three guys ran up and pulled Minhyuk into a hug, the four of them all laughing. “Where’ve you been for the past month dude?” The blonde asked
“I told you, Y/N,” Minhyuk turned and gestured at the student, making the three just notice they were even there “was going to be living with me for the year.”
“Oh, you were serious.” The purple haired boy said looking surprised.
“Uh, Annyeong Haseyo.” Y/N bowed shyly
The three boys bowed back, each saying hello.
“I’m Kim Jongin, everyone calls me Kai.” The blonde was the first to say his name.
“Lee Taemin. Nice to meet you” The purple haired boy spoke next.
“Kim Wonshik, but you can call me Ravi.” The deep voiced, bluenette said last.
Y/N looked at Minhyuk, realizing that these were the Terror Triplets he talked about in the car. Minhyuk had said that the three of them had been best friends since kindergarden and always got into trouble. Not over things like thievery or fist fights, but just for never knowing when to stop talking in class, when to stop cracking jokes, when to stop eating, when to stay awake. Lee Taemin, went from being the awkward, quiet kid that was ignored by most of the school to the awkward, slightly less quite heartthrob of the class of 2018. Kim “Kai” Jongin, currently holding the record for most expensive school lunch at $45. Kim “Ravi” Wonshik, the only kid in the history of Incheon Nonhyeon High School to fall asleep in the middle of finals, and managed to do it 3 times.
“I gotta get Y/N to the main office, I’ll see you guys in a bit during homeroom alright?” Minhyuk said waving to them.
“Bye bye Minnie~” Ravi said jokingly blowing a kiss at him as he lead Y/N to the front door.
Meanwhile Jimin, V, and Jungkook climbed out of Jimin’s car and made their way into the school. “Alrighty now… He said he’d meet us in the usual spot.” Jimin said entering the building.
“Woah,” Jungkook whispered, “I’m gonna get so lost.”
V laughed and patted Jungkook on the back “Don’t worry, you got us.”
“Come on guys let’s go!” The orange haired turned and grabbed their wrists again.
The three bobbed and weaved through the halls and stopped in the main lobby. Jimin scanned the faces, looking for a familiar face. V suddenly felt a tap  on his shoulder and turned to see a boy with hair resembling freshly fallen snow smirking at him.
“Took you guys long enough,” The guy said
Jimin gasped and turned around to see the man and nearly tackled him when he saw him “DAEIL~!”
Daeil laughed and picked up the small man into a hug. V smiled, but his smile flattened when he saw Jungkook clench his jaw. V elbowed the youngest and whispered to him “You have nothing to worry about. Jimin’s more likely to date me than Daeil.” The younger gave V a small smile
“Thank god you got rid of that stupid middle part” Jimin said looking up at Daeil’s hair after he was placed back on the ground. “Although now you kind of look like an emo kid”
“And you finally stopped having the flat bowlcut. You looked like you went to some boarding school.” Daeil ruffled the orange haired boy’s hair. “Nice to see you again V”
Jimin laughed as he swatted away the other’s hand. “Oh Daeil! This is Jungkook, the one I told you about!” Jimin grabbed the freshmen’s hand and brought him closer.
“Hello.” Jungkook said bowing slightly.
“Hi, hey wait aren’t the freshmen supposed to be in the cafe?”
“OH MY GOD!” Jimin exclaimed before running down the hall, dragging Jungkook behind him.
Daeil laughed as the two ran “They seem cute together.”
“Yeah, Jimin-hyung never shuts up about him.” V said trying to sound annoyed, but a smile still on his face.
“What about Jungkook?” Daeil asked raising an eyebrow.
“He’s not one to talk about that stuff, which makes Jimin-hyung freak out, but he likes him just as much, if not more honestly.”
Daeil smiled widely and put his arm around V’s shoulder. “That’s good, after what happened with,” Daeil stopped and sighed.
“Kim Daeil!” A voice called from the left of them.
“Speak of the devil,” Daeil said quietly to V before yelling back “Yoo Sungoh, you just get here? What happened to the goody-two shoes getting here 30 minutes early?”
V turned to see Juniors Yoo Sungoh and Kim Jeonguk, and Seniors Choi Kisu and Cory Hong. Daeil smiled and ran over to hug the four.
“Oh man is that V?” Cory asked with a wide smile, pulling V into a hug two.
Y/N and Minhyuk walked out of the office and collided into the group standing right outside the door. Sungoh turned to yell at what he thought were freshmen acting out but froze with fear when he saw Minhyuk.
“Oh hello Yoo Sungoh.” Minhyuk said dryly. Sungoh swallowed nervously and bowed deeply. The rest of the boys looked away awkwardly, unsure what to do. Minhyuk smiled at the group “Good to see you guys haven’t ‘dropped out’ too.” The boys’ eyes widen, in disbelief of what Minhyuk had said. Minhyuk’s eye bore into Sungoh, and the taller boy shrank under his stare.
Kisu was the first to notice the student behind Minhyuk. “Who’s this?” He asked trying his best to change the subject.
“Y/N. They’re living with me..” Minhyuk responded curtly, eyes never leaving Sungoh.
“Uh, Hi.” Y/N said softly. “Nice to meet you.”
Minhyuk turned to Y/N with a genuine smile “Come on Y/N, I’ll show you where you’re homeroom is.” He turned back to Sungoh and whispered in his ear still smiling “Try to stay out of trouble this year alright?”
Minhyuk put his arm around Y/N’s shoulder and walked her down the hall. “What was that?” They asked glancing back at the group. Minhyuk stopped pulled Y/N off to the side into an empty club room.
“That was Gold Gang, 24K. They used to be my best friends. They started of as a nice group of guys that started to get mixed up in bad things. It’s a mess. There’s Cory Hong, the one with that stupid sweatband around his forehead about to record an aerobic exercise video. Don’t let him fool you, he’s the leader and secretly the toughest one. Choi Kisu, the auburn haired one, is the second in command. Kim Jeonguk is the strong silent type you know? Since he doesn’t talk much he flies under the school’s radar and many teachers don’t even realize he’s Golden. Then, there’s Yoo Sungoh. He’s the reason I can’t keep being friends with them. He found out that one of the teachers was getting suspicious of them and he quickly got someone who would be an alibi. That teacher’s favorite student: Jimin. Jimin of course was unaware of all the things that the Golden Gang did, and still is. He’s so innocent and naive that I can’t tell him he was used. Sungoh pretended to date Jimin, taking him on ‘dates’, but he’d really be doing gang work. Jimin though started to fall for Sungoh. Hard. I put together what Sungoh was doing and threatened 24k. I told Sungoh that if Jimin ever found out he was being used I’d send all of the evidence to the police, and I told him to break up with Jimin. He did it in such an awful way, Juan’s still pretty broken up about it honestly. There was two others but they… don’t go to school here any more.”
Y/N blinked a couple of times, jaw hung open. They definitely weren’t expecting school gangs when they flew over to Korea. They were silent for a couple of seconds before saying “Are- are there any other gangs?”
Minhyuk smiled before the warning bell went off. “Come on, Let’s get to homeroom okay?”
In homeroom, Ravi sat on his desk facing Taemin and Kai who sat on the windowsill. Taemin looked up to see a group of girls quickly turn away blushing. Ravi looked over his shoulder to see what Taemin looked at, turning back with a frown.
Taemin leaned forward a little. “Don’t worry about them babe” He whispered softly to the bluenette.
“This was a lot easier when you had all your baby fat still.” Ravi responded pouting.
Taemin laughed blushing ever so slightly. The taller two smiled at the sound, loving every note. Kai held back the urge to lean forward and kiss Taemin’s cheek. It was gonna be another long school year. The three decided it was best to keep their relationship from everyone, but it was so hard from them to keep their hands of each other. Kai looked away to try to repress his urges, just in time to see Minhyuk and the foreigner from earlier walk in.
“Ya Minhyuk!” The blonde yelled out, startling his two boyfriends.
Minhyuk smiled at the three and sat down in the desk in front of them. Y/N stood awkwardly, unsure what seat to sit in. Minhyuk pointed at the seat in front of him. The Terror Triplets all took their seats, Ravi in the back corner behind Minhyuk, Kai to the right of him, and Taemin in front of Kai, next to Minhyuk.
“Don’t worry, no one sits in this seat anymore.” Minhyuk smiled
“Anymore? I thought homerooms were by grade?” Y/N asked raising her eyebrows
Taemin laughed and spoke up, “They are, but 24k’s Hong Seokjun dropped. That was his seat.”
“Dropped, got expelled, same thing.” Ravi commented making his boyfriends laugh.
“Expelled?” Y/N questioned surprised
Minhyuk winked before discreetly pointing at the boys who were coming up behind them. They turned around pretending to get a pencil out of their bag and looked to see the Golden Gang’s Cory and Kisu sit down, Cory in front of them, Kisu to the right of him. they turned back with a confused look on their face but Minhyuk just put his finger up to his mouth as a way to show not to question anything right now.
Ravi got up and sat on top of the empty desk in between Taemin and Kisu that was right beside Y/N. “How’s it hanging Goldilocks?” Taemin, Kai and Minhyuk smiled cheekily as Kisu turned around and shot Ravi a death glare.  
“What do you want Wonshik?” Kisu asked dryly.
“Aren’t you excited?” Ravi said with clearly fake enthusiasm “It’s the first day of the new school year! And better yet, our last one! A new year, a blank slate.”
Cory turned too to look at Ravi, getting that Ravi was hinting at the 24k to end their work, but instead of glaring he put on a fake smile. “Yeah, you never know what could happen in a year.” Cory’s eyes shifted to Minhyuk.
Someone cleared their throat behind Ravi and the whole group froze. The bluenette turned to see a black haired man looking at him slightly annoyed. Ravi quickly jumped off the desk and muttered an apology before heading to his desk. The atmosphere in the corner turned icy cold. The man sat down in the desk Ravi had been on top of and readjusted the black earbuds in his ear.
Cory turned around in his seat and leaned on Y/N’s desk “So what brings you to Incheon Nonhyeon High School darling?”
Minhyuk’s body tensed in disgust. He went to yell Cory to turn around but Y/N spoke first.
“I’m an exchange student.” they said flatly.
“Sounds exciting darling. Where from?” Cory said, trying to get more of a response.
Taemin leaned over to Minhyuk and whispered “Are you okay, your knuckles are white, which is really surprising considering you’re even tanner than Kai.”
Minhyuk looked down to see his hands were balled into fists on his desk. He also noticed his jaw was clenched. Minhyuk took a deep breath in to relax and turned to Taemin with a smile “Don’t worry about me, I’m fine.” Taemin looked at him questioningly before turning back into the blue and blonde haired boys.
The teacher walked in and everyone quieted down and turned to face the right way. Y/N was, surprised to say the least, at the appearance of the teacher. He had vibrant red hair, the color of the rising sun at six in the morning.  It made him look like a fire god almost. His makeup was dark, a heavy black and grey smokey eye, and burgundy lips. The most shocking thing to Y/N was the golden glitter scattered on his face. They glanced around and saw girls on the other side fangirling much to Y/N’s disbelief.
“Hello. Welcome back to Incheon Nonhyeon, you finally made it to your senior year. If you look around you’ll actually notice we have a foreign exchange student in our homeroom this year. Will you come up and introduce yourself?”
Y/N slowly got up and made her way to the front.
“Annyeong haseyo. I’m Y/N.” Y/N said bowing to the class
“If I’m not mistaken, Y/N you’re living with Lee Minhyuk’s family correct?”
“Yes sir”
The teacher let out a sigh “Good luck.”
Alyss gave the teacher a confused look but Minhyuk piped in. “Could be worse, they could have been stuck with J Hope.”
“Come on Minhyuk! I’m not that bad!” A light brown haired boy shouted from the other side of the room.
“Oh please,” Taemin said with a smile turning to face the brunette “J Hope, that time you pants the senior class president last year was pretty bad.”
J Hope let out a loud laugh “SUGA NEARLY KILLED ME!”
The teacher tried to hide his laughter by bringing his hand to his mouth and coughed. “Anyway. I am Kwon Jiyong, though you may here fellow student call me G Dragon.” The teacher motioned for Y/N to sit back down, and then himself sat at the desk in the front of the room. “You all have your schedules, correct?”
“Yes” responded the class.
“Well, since right now the freshmen are getting everything sorted, we have 45 minute homeroom all week. You can socialize but you aren’t allowed to leave the classroom. You hear that Jung Hoseok?”
“Yeah yeah~” J Hope said laughing.
Minhyuk stood up and sat on top of Y/N’s desk, placing himself between her and Cory to ensure he wouldn’t try to talk to her again. He had his body facing the rest of class, eyes scanning around. The desks were arranged in rows of 5, and being 6 rows, bringing the total to 30 desks. No one sat in the front seats in homeroom, and they all had sat in the same seats since freshmen year, minus 4 kids who dropped out or were expelled, and now adding the foreign exchange student.  There was now 21 students in Mr. Kwon’s homeroom. But how many will make it through the year?
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