#going on absolute rant in tags sorry aha ^^;
anothermonikan · 8 months
Hate when I find myself getting genuinely irritated over something that really does not matter in the slightest like,,,,Andy you're ruining your self-image of being non-judgemental and not having pet peeves because you believe it's unfair to be mean to people being harmless. Andy. :((((((((
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Bar Fries (and Other Drunk Blessings)
(A/N) aha im alive. i’ve made several bad choices this week. the least of which is my sudden obsession w darcy lewis. idk where it came from idk where it’s going but here’s a darcy fic OF WHICH THERE ARE NOT NEARLY ENOUGH. im stealing this tag and making it my bitch. part 2 of wanda is coming up shortly. welcome to me time, and this very very self-indulgent fic. 
Rating: M for Mature Language bc i am a POTTY MOUTH
Warnings: Hella Gay Tropes! Darcy is my wife goodbye. Literally nothing is bad abt this it’s basically fluff with very light pining. this is the comfort fic i fuckin need lmao
Pairing: Darcy Lewis x Fem!Asgardian!Reader
Word Count: 4,878
Synopsis: You get a drunk phone call at 4am from a very pissed off astrophysicist who loves to rant about lost bar fries and stolen iPods. Your brother tries to set you up with a girl who tased him.
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You’ve never slept well, ever since you were a kid. Being an Asgardian fallen to Earth when you were just a small child, you always assumed it had something to do with that. When you became an Avenger though, and later reunited with your brothers, your restless nights came more and more frequently.
Tonight, though, your spiralling mind is honed into focus when your phone starts to vibrate aggressively on your nightstand. You reach for it blindly, answering without looking at the Caller ID. Being a literal superhero kind of means you’re on call, like, all of the time.
“Hell-” you start but you’re immediately interrupted by a very loud and very drunk woman.
“I am so sorry for how I reacted at Cheeky Joe’s,” she slurs. “That was so not cool of me dude. It’s just that your fries looked so good and I thought you loved me because we’re best friends, right? All I wanted was one little fry! But I orc- over- o-” 
“Overreacted?” You finish, a smile pulling at your lips for some reason. Whoever this chick was, she sounded absolutely adorable. Or maybe it’s the early morning hours getting to your head.
There’s a sharp inhale. “Aw, shit, did SHIELD get my number again? Don’t you government cronies have something better to do than harass a-”
“Nope, no government cronies here,” you certainly aren’t telling her you’re an Avenger. That’s how you get doxxed, dammit. “And you called me about your french fry problems.”
“That’s such a relief,” she sighs. “Those bastards stole my iPod!” 
You snort. “Did they? Why would they do that?” 
“S’long story,” you distinctly hear her stumble, then she’s cackling at herself. 
“Are you okay?” You ask worriedly.
“Peachy keen, jelly bean,” she responds not so smoothly. “Talkin’ to a stranger on my walk home. My parents would be so disappointed.” She laughs again, a bit dramatically, and you can’t help joining in. 
“Better talking to a stranger on the phone than on the street.” You offer, to which she hums. You sit up, fighting the urge to yawn.
“Am I keepin’ ��ya up?” 
“Nope, I was already awake.” 
“What are you, a vampire?” 
You wheeze out a laugh. “If I was, I wouldn’t tell you.”
“Heartless. I like you.” 
“So, what’s your name, stranger?”
“Darcy. Doctor Darcy. I’m a doctor.” 
You roll your eyes, biting your lip to fight the grin that’s already breaking out across your face. “Well, doctor, I’m (Y/N). Not a doctor, but kind of close, I suppose.”
“School nurse? Girlscout leader?”
“I’m afraid that’s a third date topic,” you divert easily, earning a delighted laugh from the other woman.
Darcy goes on a few long-winded rants about how shady government agencies are, and rapidly changes topics to things like shows she likes or movies she watches over and over. It’s weirdly easy to talk to her, as if you’d known each other all your lives. Which is odd in and of itself - you really are practically strangers. She has no idea who she’s talking to, and for all you know, she very well may be a serial killer or something.
But you still talk to her, and you can’t deny how much you enjoy doing so. You’re honestly disappointed when there’s the distinct jingling of keys, the gentle twick of a lock turning. “Well, made it home alive, stranger!”
“Congratulations, Doctor!” You hope you don’t sound so pathetically sad about it. 
“Thanks for toler-tating me, tolerating-” Darcy yelps, but doesn’t fall. She’s definitely taking off the heels she’s been complaining about. “For walking me home.”
“Glad to be of service,” you chuckle. “All in a day’s work.”
“You should sleep, too, for whatever secret job you’re hiding.” 
“We should- I mean, if y’wanted to, I dunno, talk again…” Are those the sounds of clothes being removed? She sounds distant, so it’s hard to tell. “Y’know, I’m down.”
“Noted.” You bite your lip. “Goodnight, stranger.” 
“Night,” she sighs. You’re pretty sure she’s just flopped down onto her bed. You wait just a moment before hanging up, your stomach turning pleasantly. 
You’ll blame it on the five-in-the-morning spur-of-the-moment vibes, but you send Darcy a text:
Outgoing: Good morning, stranger! I hope you aren’t feeling too sick when you wake up. Even though it was a drunk phone call, I did enjoy talking to you :) -(Y/N)
When you lay your head back down, sleep comes surprisingly easy.
- - - -
Darcy Lewis wakes up half-dressed and face down in her bed. It’s a familiar position, but it’s especially pathetic when she’d gone to sleep like this alone and, of course, woke up like this alone. She groans at the spinning sensation that immediately hits her brain, turning it to fuzzy cotton.
Her mouth tastes like actual garbage. Her makeup is still on. Her glasses are on her pillow, which means they’re going to be fucking dirty, and she can smell the stale beer on herself. 
Yup. Darcy Lewis is, in fact, hungover.
Hungover and alone, she reminds herself. Fuck yeah, astrophysics. 
She checks her phone, winces at the brightness. Five missed calls and eight missed texts from the number she’s pretty sure are Jane’s - but what’s that other message from a number that looks almost exactly like her best friend’s?
Then, the memories - and the nausea - hit her like a goddamn train going down a fucking mountain. She almost trips on her way to the bathroom, just making it to the toilet in time to throw up. 
After a much needed vom-session, an aggressive brush of her teeth, a hot shower, another aggressive brush of her teeth, Darcy is ready to face the consequences of her actions. That, and she was going to order a disgusting greasy breakfast from that diner around the corner. 
Jane, of course, is pissed but incredibly merciful. Darcy had texted her multiple times to apologize for being upset about the bar fries, and Jane is used to Black Out Darcy’s shit. After another apology and a promise to buy her lunch tomorrow, Darcy is off the hook and onto the next text.
She reads it once, then twice, then a third time before she realizes she’s rereading it and actually smiling. She mulls over her response for longer than she will ever admit to anybody even under extreme methods of torture.
Outgoing: I am so so sorry for keeping you up so late. I promise I’m not like an alcoholic or anything. I liked talking to you too, but I think I’ll like it more when I can actually remember all of the stupid things I say
Darcy keeps that stupid dorky dumb smile on her face when her food arrives, which she’s pretty sure scares the delivery boy who has only seen her hungover and monstrous. She keeps looking at her phone, despite herself, and sometimes swears she hears it vibrate only to find an empty lockscreen.
By four, she’s getting a little depressed. Maybe she’d hallucinated this mysterious stranger who liked talking to her? Or maybe it was just a customary text, like maybe this happens to you all the time and-
Okay, she certainly heard it vibrate this time.
She grabs it immediately. Like a basic bitch.
Incoming:  I was already up, don’t worry about it :) but you can always make it up to me by introducing me to Sober Darcy.  Sorry for the late reply. Work is a bit hectic rn
God, she knows she’s smiling again. She’s never reacted like THIS to strangers who get her number. Darcy has never, ever in her life felt like this. It’s so fucking dorky and weird she has to second-guess herself. I am not a basic bitch. I am not about to simp for some rando I don’t even know. 
Still, even as she thinks this, she types out:
Outgoing: Sober Darcy. Nice to meet you. Allow me to be your distraction from work? I have cat videos.
And thus, a beautiful friendship is formed.
- - - -
“Are you finally texting that cute temp in statistics?” Natasha asks, noticing not for the first time in the past two weeks that you’re glued to your phone with a dazed sort of expression. A dumbstruck kind of look.
You scoff. “No.”
The redhead frowns to herself when you don’t even spare her a glance. “Well, who’re you texting?”
“Nobody,” you respond, putting your phone down suspiciously. “Why?”
Natasha rolls her eyes. “Do I really have to remind you that I’m an expert on body language?”
“Human body language.”
“Oh, shut up, you’re not some weird humanoid freak. Who are you texting and why are they making you look all sappy?”
You blush. “Uh- well, it’s… a long story.”
Ever since you started texting, you and Darcy rarely go longer than a few hours without talking to each other. Occasionally, you’ll talk on the phone, and you easily drown yourself in the way she speaks about her work. She sounds so passionate, so alive - it’s endearing, even if you don’t understand a lot of the technical terms. You know stars well enough, at least.
And, okay, as dumb as it sounds… you might have developed a crush on her. Is it even possible to be attracted to a voice?
“C’mon,” Natasha snaps her fingers expectantly. “I’m waiting. Who is it?”
“We, uh, met by accident. She called me instead of her friend when she was drunk a few weeks ago. We’ve kinda been texting ever since?” You explain in a rush.
Natasha fucking lights up like it’s Christmas morning. She might not seem like the type to enjoy gossip, but she and Tony Stark are the biggest goddamn drama queens you’ve ever met. They live and thrive on gossip.
But she’s your best friend, so you have to tolerate it.
“That’s actually so cute. What’s she like? Have you seen her? Is she hot?” She asks in succession. 
You blush even harder. “Well- no, we haven’t like, done a video call or anything. Just- just regular ones. And texting.”
“So that’s why you’re always up so late.”
“She’s doing some work in Arizona right now. She’s, uh, an astrophysicist.”
“And does she know what you are?”
“Of course not.”
Natasha groans, throwing her head back against the cushions of the couch. “You’re kidding me.”
“What? How do I even- how would I bring that up? ‘Hey, you like space, right? Well, guess what? You’re talking to a genuine alien!’”
The redhead scoffs incredulously. “Well, the longer you keep it from her, the weirder it’s going to be when you finally fess up. If you really like her, she should know what she’s getting into. She doesn’t even know that you’re an Avenger, does she?”
“Well, she’s apparently had her iPod stolen by SHIELD.” 
Natasha sits up, then, a look of blatant confusion on her face. “What?”
You shrug. “Apparently they’re on her shitlist for that.”
“How does she know about SHIELD?”
You shrug. “She won’t tell me, but either way, telling her I literally work as a government-sanctioned super-freak isn’t gonna do me any favors.”
“Oh, shut up. If she’s as nerdy as she sounds I think she’d be into it.”
“You’re insufferable, you know that?”
“Aw, but you love me.” Natasha winks. “So, you don’t even have an instagram? Twitter? Somewhere to find her picture?”
You shake your head shyly. “N-no.”
“You’re hopeless.”
- - - -
Outgoing: can i ask u something kinda weird?
Incoming: if it’s feet pics, i charge extra
Outgoing: ha ha. ur hilarious. if i asked u to facetime…. Would u?
Incoming: you’ve listened to me drunk rant about bar fries of course I’d ft with u
It takes you longer than you’d like to admit to get ready to facetime Darcy. You want to look nice, but not too nice. Casual, but not like, lazy slop casual. You’re nervous as fuck, and you really can’t even explain WHY. It’s so fucking dorky, you want to throw up.
But eventually, you muster up the courage and totally aren’t considering jumping out of a window by the time the screen lights up.
Of course she’s hot.
Darcy’s wearing a huge grin on her face the moment she sees you, her plump lips painted red and her blue eyes shining with excitement. “So you really aren’t a creepy old man!”
You snort. “When did I ever seem like a creepy old man?”
She shrugs. “Most things in my life take a weird turn that involve creepy older men. Besides, you just seemed too cool to be real.” 
“You only say that because you’re a nerd,” you roll your eyes, earning a scoff from the brunette. Weirdly, you’d sort of known she was a brunette. “You’re prettier than I imagined.”
“Last guy who said that to me got tased.” 
“You’re awfully attached to that taser.”
She grins maliciously. “Dude, if you knew who and what this taser has tased, you’d be attached to it, too.”
“My brother was tased once,” you mention off-handedly, grinning at the story Thor had told you. “When he first came to M-uh,” you stop yourself cold. “My place, I mean. Here.” Not a complete lie, right? 
“You’ve got a brother?” Darcy asks, surprised. You find that her expressions give away her true emotions; she’s so expressive, so alive with whatever she’s feeling in the moment. It’s unbelievably adorable. “You never mentioned that!” 
“He’s…” You hesitate nervously. “Well, he’s hard to describe.”
“Just like your job? I’m starting to think you’re either a serial killer or a famous pornstar because I swear I’ve seen your face before.” 
Dread pools in your gut. “I’ve just got that kind of face, I guess.” 
Her eyes narrow thoughtfully. “You’re definitely in porn, aren’t you?” 
“You’re saying that like you want me to be,” you retort, earning a blush and a laugh.
“I wouldn’t judge! Money’s money. Shake what your mama gave ‘ya!” 
You stay up way, way later than you’d intended. So late that the next morning, you wake up next to your phone and are met with a sleeping lump with a mass of dark hair. It brings a dumb smile to your lips, inevitable and impossible to fight. You end the call, wincing at how hot it’s made your phone, and sit up groggily. 
You’re still smiling when you make it to the kitchen, your slippered feet seemingly skimming the ground with how much your whole body is buzzing.
“Why is she smiling like that?” Bucky whispers to Steve, who just shakes his head.
“Your guess is as good as mine.”
“Maybe she got laid?” Tony suggests, butting into the conversation. 
“Nobody came into the Tower last night. You’d be the first to know.” Steve points out.
Tony nods, humming as he strokes his facial hair. You’re putting together a bowl of cereal, looking absolutely mindless with glee. It isn’t that you’re always depressed or something. It’s just strange seeing you like… this. They haven’t seen you this happy since you reunited with Thor.
Natasha, though, is unusually quiet. Actually, she’s grinning too. Like the cat who caught the canary. She sips her coffee with a content sigh, looking disproportionately pleased with herself.
“Do you think they-” Bucky begins, but shuts up the second Natasha’s green eyes land on him. “Maybe she’s just having a good day.”
“Yeah, a good day,” Natasha smiles, sending a cold chill down the men’s spines. 
Whatever the fuck is going on, it might be in their better interest to just leave it alone.
- - - -
It was a very rare and especially good occasion when you and Thor got to work together. His missions always involved space or Asgard, and when he wasn’t off on his missions, he was with his girlfriend out of state. You kept in close contact, but it was always thrilling to fight alongside him.
Thor inherited much of your father’s abilities, but you were bestowed with your mother’s own abilities and a few… unique to yourself. You could see glimpses of the future, though not far enough ahead to win any lottery tickets; just enough that you can dodge certain death. You’re also an extremely gifted healer, with a knack for controlling the plant life on Earth. (Not on Asgard, though. It seems like a power that only works here, but you don’t mind it so much. You like gardening, and yours is the most beautiful in New York, you’re certain of it.)
Unfortunately, both of you share a lot of that hardheadedness that drove Loki nuts when you were children. While your brother distracts the blood-thirsty alien that’s been trying to assassinate you, you had to duck down to take care of a wretched gash in your side. Your hands are glowing with the energy of your abilities, the wound slowly closing when your phone rings unexpectedly.
You answer it in a rush, taking a wincing breath now that you’re down to one healing hand. “Hello?”
“Hey, it’s me.” Darcy. Shit. “Am I interrupting something?” 
“N-no,” you lie. “But I can’t talk long. I’m, uh, at work.”
“Shit, sorry- are you okay? You sound like you’re hurt?”
“I’m-” there’s a very distinctly not human roar just outside of the warehouse you’ve hidden in. “Motherfucking- I’ll call you in a bit, okay? Promise.”
“Wait, what was-” 
You end the call and stand up, the wound half-healed and still oozing blood all over your armor. You raise your hands and roots burst from the ground, grabbing the creature by the ankles and yanking it downwards. Two more legs push out from its sides, scrabbling hard against the force of your powers.
It’s a damn miracle that you make it out alive. But, the alien threat is terminated, and being sent to SHIELD for an intense examination. Thor supports you as you enter the tower, looking proud but worried as you limp alongside him.
“I want you to meet Jane,” he says, making you nearly stumble on your next step. He catches you, though, a frown on his face. “And I want you to finish healing that.”
“Since when do I listen to you?” You tease, letting him ease you into a chair in the dining area. You move aside your chainmail and return to healing yourself.
“She has a friend you might enjoy?” He grins, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Ever since you’d come out to him, Thor has tried his very damn best to figure out the best girlfriend for you. His standards are higher than yours - which is saying something - and it isn’t often that he presents a candidate directly to you. Normally, he uses Natasha or Tony for that. 
You snort, giving him a disbelieving smile. “You’re trying to set me up with your girlfriend’s friend?”
“The one who tased me.” 
“Oh, now you have my attention. Should have led with that.”
“I apologize. I want you to meet my girlfriend and her best friend that tased me that I believe you will have a wonderful relationship with.”
“Now you’re just kissing my ass,” you roll your eyes, sighing with relief as the pain finally eases on your side. It’ll be tender for a while, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. “What did you have in mind?”
“Dinner. I’ve asked Tony to make arrangements-”
“Oh, man,” you groan, “I don’t have blacktie attire!”
“I’m sure Natasha will be happy to help you.”
You want to protest, but he just looks so damn hopeful and you’ve never been able to say no to your favorite big brother. You sigh and nod. “Okay, alright. I’ll go.”
When you get back to your room, you call Darcy back and begin the slow process of removing the armor you’d been given by your brother when you reunited. She picks up surprisingly quick.
“Dude, what the hell?” 
“Sorry,” you apologize. “My job’s… intense.”
“What was that?” 
“Machinery,” you lie. You’re a filthy, filthy liar. Such a coward. 
“Liar,” Darcy accuses. “Seriously? I’ve been sitting here thinking you were dying for like, two hours!” 
“Sorry,” you apologize again. “I didn’t-” you pause, then sigh. “I didn’t want to scare you off, is all.”
“I’m a little difficult to scare off.”
“Okay, it was an alien.”
She actually laughs. When you don’t join in, she stops herself. “Wait, seriously?” 
“I sort of work for SHIELD.”
“SHIELD as in stole-my-iPod-SHIELD?”
“Uh, yeah…?”
Darcy exhales sharply. “And you didn’t tell me because I talk shit on them all the time.” 
“No! I didn’t want to tell you because it’s a weird job, Darcy. I’m weird.”
“Okay, edgelord, don’t get ahead of yourself.” 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” 
“I was starting to think you were an Avenger or something,” she scoffs off-handedly. Your chestplate slips from your hands clumsily, landing on the carpeted floor with a heavy thud. “What the hell was that?” 
“I dropped something.”
“So, what was the alien?” 
You stare at the piece of armor on the floor for a moment. “I’m not sure. It was spider-like, though. Lots of arms.”
Maybe you should tell her the truth.
(But what if that changes everything?)
Eventually, once you’re finished showering and getting ready for bed, you text the brunette.
Outgoing:  I’ve got dinner w my brother and his gf tomorrow he’s trying to set me up w the chick that tasered him
Incoming: gross. im going out w my best friend and her bf to meet his sister or something? idk her bf is hot so im hoping his sister is too
Outgoing: and here I thought I was the only woman in your life
Incoming: i will always have a place for u in my heart 
You roll your eyes and smile to yourself. You don’t want to ruin things by telling her who you are - what you are. You like this friendly flirting, the banter - you like talking with her, and sleeping on FaceTime together. There’s so much about this that you like, you can’t imagine altering it as much as you would if you were to reveal your true identity.
Incoming: But that DOES mean ill be in nyc so… I mean, if u want to meet up or something Maybe grab dinner the day after tomorrow? If things don’t go well with your brother-tasering date, i mean
Your smile widens painfully, a blush spreading across your cheeks just as quickly.
Outgoing: are u asking me on a date Dr Lewis?
Incoming: If i said yes, would u still wanna do it?
Outgoing: Absolutely
Incoming: Then it’s a date ;)
Your smile remains on your lips long after your eyes shut.
- - - -
“Holy shit, you look great,” Darcy’s jaw actually drops when she sees you. You’re leaving with Thor in ten minutes, and Darcy is just about to leave. Still, you’d decided to talk before your respective ‘dates’ to plan the date you were going to go on together. 
“So do you,” you note shyly. You’d both chosen to wear black dresses, though hers has a low-cut neckline that makes your eyes drift where they absolutely should not. Her lips are still red, but a darker shade than usual. 
Your own dress was strapless, and had a long slit up the side. Natasha says you’ve got great legs, and to show ‘em off. You told her about your date with Darcy, and she was beyond excited to provide two dresses. This one was the less-revealing one, because she apparently thinks you and Darcy aren’t going to be able to keep your hands off of each other.
After some quick small-talk, someone calls Darcy’s name and the brunette is off to go and you’re finishing up working your hair into something presentable. Finally, Thor comes to your room and you’re off to meet Jane.
You’re the first ones to arrive, the restaurant as bullshit fancy as you’d expect from someone like Tony Stark. You feel terribly out of place, stumbling alongside your brother as people eye you both with wide-eyed wonder.
That was also an issue to tackle when you go out with Darcy. The staring. It was complete blind luck that she hadn’t recognized you before, but once she starts seeing how everyone stares at you, it won’t be long before she questions your real job.
“There she is,” Thor exhales softly, that dumb lovey look on his face as he drags you obliviously through the staring public.
At least you get a section somewhat separated from the rest. Being an upscale New York restaurant frequented by the rich and snotty, you shouldn’t be surprised that they’ve got a whole section for ‘VIPs’. 
“Thor,” Jane stands, giving your brother a loving kiss before turning to you with a wide grin. “And you must be (Y/N).”
“Yeah, that’s me,” you return her smile. “I’ve heard a lot about you!”
“And this,” she steps aside, revealing her companion for the first time, and your entire body goes still with shock. “Is Darcy, my best friend.”
Darcy, who had been looking at the menu, looks up and then drops it the second your eyes lock. Her lips part in surprise, a heavy silence filling the space between you. You feel incredibly warm all of a sudden, and weirdly exposed. 
“Igottapee!” You blurt, practically running to the restroom.
Oh, nice going. Real smooth. You find out the possible love of your life is your brother’s girlfriend’s best friend that he’s trying to set you up with so you RUN AWAY AND HIDE IN A BATHROOM. 
You’re double-checking your reflection, wiping away any possible flaws in your makeup like a fucking maniac, when the door swings open and Darcy herself steps in. 
“When you said you worked for SHIELD I didn’t think you meant as a freaking superhero!” She exclaims in a very terrible whisper-shout. “I thought you were gonna be more honest with me?”
You take a deep breath. “I was gonna tell you tomorrow, on our date. This isn’t something I can just spring on somebody.”
Darcy looks ready to argue, but seems to think better of it. Her shoulders sink, and she takes a long moment to look over you. “You’re right. But still, holy shit… this is so weird.”
“You tased my brother,” you realize with a giggle. Darcy’s eyes widen, and then she laughs hard. 
“I tased your brother!”
You’re both laughing like absolute idiots, now. Absolutely hysterical, clutching your sides and bending over with the force of it. When her hand reaches out to balance herself against your shoulder, a sharp static shock runs through your system.
“Holy shit, they set us up on a date with each other,” you gasp, finally able to take in her appearance in full. She’s fucking gorgeous. Not that she isn’t on the phone, but there’s something else about seeing it in person.
Darcy seems to realize this, too, her eyes raking over you and drinking in the sight of you. “Yeah, they did.”
You bite your lip. “Damn, I had a really nice dress for tomorrow.”
“This isn’t a ‘really nice’ dress?” She asks, eyeing the slit up your leg. “I’m pretty sure that costs more than my apartment.”
“It’s Natasha’s,” you explain.
“Holy shit this entire time you’ve been talking about the Black Widow-”
“Are you going to start freaking out about me being an Avenger?”
She pouts. “Aw, hey, I took this in stride! Can’t I freak out just a little bit?”
You sigh dramatically, pulling yourself up onto the marbled counter and crossing your legs primly. “Fine. Go ahead.”
“I can’t believe I’m on a date with an Asgardian,” it’s definitely not what you’d expected, but it makes you smile stupidly anyway. “Like, wow, I thought Thor was hot but you-” she stops herself, then blushes. “Wow, I must seem pretty underwhelming.”
“Not at all,” you admit, still smiling. “I think you’re overwhelmingly you, but in a good way.”
Darcy takes a nervous step towards you, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. “That was corny.”
“But it was true.” You hold a hand out, slipping off the counter. “C’mon, before they think we’re doing anything but talking in here.”
“Pfft, I wish.” She sighs, a bit dreamily, and you pause in your next step, quirking an eyebrow at her questioningly. “What?” She asks sheepishly. “I’ve been thinking of kissing you for like, a month now.”
You laugh a little at that, your free hand moving to her waist. “You should’ve said something sooner.”
“What, are we gonna makeout in the bath-” you cut her off by pressing your lips gently against hers. It’s short, leaving her enough time to react before she’s kissing you hard. She’s stronger than she looks, somehow pulling you in close by your waist and pushing you against the counter again. You hum, drinking in the warmth and ease of her mouth against your own.
When she pulls away, you’re both wearing the same wide smile. 
“No more secrets,” you promise softly. “As long as I get to keep kissing you like that.”
Darcy’s eyes meet yours. “I’m so glad Jane didn’t let me eat those bar fries.”
- - - -
Tags! @nobody13​ @fireflyglass @swords-are-cool​ @artapdarkstr @pasta-bandit​ @multi-images​ @women-am-i-right​
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dev-fiction · 6 years
Rules: Answer 22 questions, then tag 22 people.
Tagged By: @h4harts  Thank you for tagging me!
Nicknames: My name can be mashed into a number of different nicknames, although the only ones to really use these are my parents. Rosie, Rolleycoaster, Ro-Ro, and simply ‘Dev’. My papa calls me an assortment of Italian pet-names, but I don’t know how to spell them, so...
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 4′9
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff - I get Hufflepuff in every quiz I take. I guess it’s just meant to be.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Last Thing Googled: “Mr. Beans Daughter” (my friend asked me if I knew what she looked like aha).
Favorite Musician(s): Eve, Kikuo, Starbomb, Ninja Sex Party, Mother Mother, Mystery Skulls, and Caravan Palace. Please check them out, they’re all worth a listen! Especially Eve...
Earworm: The song that the Other Mother in Coraline hums during the kitchen scene near the end. I find myself humming it all the time; it soothes me out.
Following now: Primarily humor and fandom blogs. I also follow quite a few art blogs!
Followers: 87
Do I get asks: Occasionally! Thank you to everyone who has sent me an ask in the past <3
Sleep: I usually sleep between 10-15 hours - even occasionally upwards of 20. I’m trying to cut back and force myself into a more healthy schedule, but it’s a bit rough. Hopefully seeing a doctor about it soon! :D
Lucky Number: I’m not really sure :sweats:
What I’m wearing: My favorite pajama’s! A short sleeved top and shorts; they’re very soft and loose. They’re black with white spots and a little bow where the hem meets.
Dream Job: I’m not really too sure on this one. I suppose I’d like nothing more than to work on something from home. Due to physical and mental limitations, I don’t think I could ever have an office job aha. Maybe something art or writing related!
Dream Trip: Yakushima. I had to do a report on Yakushima when I was in high school and everything about it enthralled me. While I’d love to visit Japan in general, Yakushima is by far my favorite location. 
Favorite Food: Ever since I was a little kid my favorite food has been green bean casserole. My mom would make it every year for Christmas and it has such fond memories attached to it; plus it tastes pretty good too! Other than that I would have to say Silver Noodle Soup.
Instrument(s): I never really played any instruments growing up.
Language(s): English and Sign Language! My ASL is incredibly rusty and I still have a lot to learn, but my mom was an interpreter for the deaf before going deaf herself, so it holds a lot of meaning to me. My mom is trying her best to teach me and I can’t wait to learn! I took Japanese in high school, but the lessons never really stuck.
Favorite Song(s): All of the Kagerou Project songs, Additional Memory, Tokyo Ghetto, Say It, Ghosting, Sleep Awake, the Entire Starbomb Album, Green, and Sister
Random Fact: I am absurdly fascinated with the art of animation. Everything about it makes me extremely excited and sitting down to watch a beautifully animated film/short/video is the absolute highlight of my day. I get so excited/passionate about it that I usually have to take a break to rant or exercise the adrenaline out of me. So far the best film I’ve seen, that’s made me the most excited, was Spider-Man Into the Spider-verse
Aesthetic: Autumn. I love everything about the Autumn aesthetic; my room is even Autumn themed. The smell of pumpkin spice, chilly weather, and Halloween on the horizon...it makes me want to curl up with a book in an over-sized sweater and watch the changing leaves fall away. I also really like pastel pink.
Pass to: I don’t really have anyone to tag, sorry aha.
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noxianhand-archive · 7 years
SHIPPING INFO!    answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.  repost, don’t reblog.
i don’t quite have an one-true-pairing for darius as it stands, even outside of the context of roleplay. it’s actually been dreadfully long since i’ve sought out fanwork for him outside the context of roleplay actually, darn.
most of my partners know i’m an Angst Lover(TM), but that generally goes more for hurt / comfort. but really, i’m a multiflavored shipper, pfffffft. i love writing fluff, angst, smut (though i certainly barely indulge the latter on this muse for muse-specific reasons), slice-of-life, and by gods, everyone and their mothers that ship with me know how much of an au aficcionado i am. poor @the-virtuoso​ knows from her adventures with my jayce, i go hard on alternative universes for one single ship.
with darius, in specific? not... overly large, i assume. ten years of gap below his age is a stretch already, given the idea of indulging into relationships with those younger than his brother makes him slightly uncomfortable (---keep in mind his mainverse draven is eight to seven years younger than him); keep in mind he’s a man in his forties. his tolerance to relationships with those older than him is apparently more lenient, and indeed it is a double standard of his own.
well... yes. yes, i am. as much as i say i am extremely into shipping, there’s a degree of chemistry i need to see between my muse and yours before i indulge into actually shipping something. besides, in the context of this muse in itself --- he’s not a man that easily gives himself to relationships, so i’d be doing his character a great disservice if i shipped him left and right, i believe. he’s got too many trust issues, man, so even if i’d like to see him with more people in whatever sense, platonic or romantic or whatever, it’s... not as easily done as it is said. 
anything involving touching skin that’s usually concealed by clothing or a lot of neck kissing is tagged as nsfw??? i guess. i don’t know, man, i just go with what the vibe dictates me. if i feel this is too steamy not to be under a readmore / tagged as nsfw, i slap that tag because gods know it’s better to be safe than sorry.
@miighted​ and @omendus​, my dearest indulgers. fingerguns ‘em. 
uhm, yes! at least to clarify interactions and make things sail smoother on both ends, yes, aha. but be aware that even though i say this, i do reserve the right to refuse shipping with someone if i just don’t see it happening. 
despite what it does sound when i talk about darius in himself, i do like to ship! his muse just, uh, doesn’t lend himself much to it unless specific circumstances are met and besides, let’s be honest, he’s... not really the most fun person to ship with. 
as i like to put it often, he’s a bundle of unhealthy coping mechanisms tightly coiled together made into a human man at times, does anyone really want to have a relationship with that?
it depends on what you mean by ship obsessed. do i get extra hyped about established ships and can be an absolute nightmare as a partner to put up with (ask @omendus​, i spend hours ranting about swarius with him, bless his heart for putting up with that) and come off as a little obsessed in particular instances? ... yes. am i usually more focused as a whole in characterization rather than shipping when it comes to the blog itself, usually, so on the greater picture fall for teh ‘ship more-or-less category likely? also yes.
hell yeah, i am. have always been, as far as i remember it in my six-seven year tumblr rpc ride. don’t really plan to change it!
me, holding all my ships in my tiny gay arms: ... a r e you seriously gonna do this to me, homie????
i don’t think i have one, aside you know, the obvious statements about ships that are toxic by nature such as pedophilic ships, incestuous ships and the sort. not that i don’t ship toxic stuff, no, but... there’s a degree of toxicity in those dynamics that mimics real life abuse that certainly is far too distasteful to me.
interact with me some then drop me a concept and work on it with me, i suppose! gods know most of my ships have legitimately hours of discord / im discussion built on, from silly aus to long ass metas.
tagged by: stole it from @hedonisthemomancer​ tagging: anyone who wants to do this, ayyyy.
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