#god tho kirishima... u know sometimes u see men who like... are rubbing their wife's hip with their thumb
ihatebnha · 3 years
hi catie, i hope you’re doing well ☺️ no obligation to answer this, but which of the boys do you think have a particular liking for simple intimacy (intertwining your fingers together, long hugs, gentle kisses, etc.)? my bet goes to shouto bb (who needs a hug real bad ☹️) and to shinsou (who is very huggable)…! wdyt?
pthtptpththtpjejh you're so sweet!!!!!!!! i'm actually having an issue with my foot rn that's been really painful, but other than that, i'm good! Same to you, ofc<333
also tho, thank u for asking me this!!! i'm just gonna dive right in before i start crying LOL, hope u don't mind hehe...
(warning: none but this is a little weirdly written, idk???)
But I think you're right!!! Shoto is so delicate, a real simple guy... and out of everyone, the most... prone to just being gentle and sweet in his affections. I can see him being attached to hand holding in any form, including just linking single fingers together and swinging them back and fourth... as well as those kisses where he like, holds your face, looks into your eyes, and just barely presses his lips to yours.
I also agree with Shinso, tho! He 100% gives the best hugs, and for some reason, I think, is really great to lean on. I imagine he does that thing, where, if you're standing around looking at something, he'll just come up beside you and wrap his arms around you so he can look, too. You know those couples you sometimes see, who aren't even gross but they'll just be standing really close together and/or holding each other? Like that!!! He really likes it when your faces are close together, too, so cheek/nose kisses type stuff is included, as well.
Weirdly though, I think... Dabi also belongs on this list, too. Obviously, it's less inherent than some other characters, but I think this is really how his intimacy manifests. He won't like, grab you or anything... but I think he'll put an arm behind you if you're sitting together, and/or his hand on the small of your back or wast if you're doing something close by to him. I mostly just see him as being someone who likes to keep a hand on you at all times... as well as likes when you wrap your arms around his neck. Gives temple/hair kisses :(
And similarly, even though this is less about intimacy, Bakugo... because I think a lot about how he probably really enjoys doing really mundane stuff with you, like laying in bed together, or watching a show/the computer with you. Little things that can be separate, but are just better with someone🥺
(...I also think he does the hand-on-you-thigh-squeeze in the car skldufjasjd)
Some honorable mentions, though: Kiri, who I think is a back rubber and a cheek kisser... and idk, Twice, too... because he just can't think of being anything other but gentle with you. Crying.
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