#god this movie is so layered i'm gonna stare at every detail now for hours and point out every one of them
homeofjonicles ยท 2 years
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The Jonicles - Entry 7
Note: This is the seventh entry of The Jonicles, hence why the date does not match when this is being posted. This was written back in June of this year before I started this blog, and there will be errors or developments in how this series was being written. Please enjoy (or don't enjoy) the seventh entry of The Jonicles!
(^^ dayum jon looks HAWT) It is currently 11:00 pm on the 7th of June, 2022 on a Tuesday. We are past the day of reckoning, and I find it funny how so far I've never made an entry on a Monday (bad timing, i suppose). It's also day #20 of my Jon Arbuckle hyperfixation! A definite sign of my descent into madness.
Two image entry as the first one ('Jon Snaps') is the primary focus, yet the drawing of Jon being tackled by an officer was too good not to include. What crime did he even commit, anyway? My bets are on vehicular homicide for sure.
Anyway, Garfield Gets Real is a weird movie. A really, really weird, bizarre and odd movie that I had the fortune of watching as a really young kid. The old, outdated CGI, the mismatch in style with characters like Eli and the director contrasting Garfield and Jon, Bonita and her weird sythe head that still haunts me to this very day, it's wack.
But what if I told you, the hypothetical reader of this journal, that within this very movie lies a peculiar detail that at first, is very hard to spot on your first viewing, but if you do notice it, is incredibly vulgar and may even ruin (or enhance) your childhood just a smidge?
That comic I attached is a reference to something the character Samuel L. Jackson says in the movie 'Pulp Fiction', which I haven't watched but have heard is pretty good. It's a fan edit of another Garfield comic with the added punchline of Jon snapping and threatening to fuck his own cat while also dropping the motherfucker bomb. It's pretty funny, but what does this have to do with Garfield Gets Real, you might've asked?
Well, what if I told you that this very comic in it's pure, completely uncensored vulgarity ended up in this movie? And no, it's not anywhere super obvious. You gotta look for it.
In the scene where the Garfield and Odie try to win the hearts of executives to prevent their comic from being cancelled, there's this part where the two GIANT HUNKY PETS roll in and start SHOWIN' THEIR MOVES as Garfield and Odie hide behind a sign with them on it.
But there's something else on that sign too. And it's this comic. The camera is juuuust close enough for a viewer with a very sharp eye to make out, but not too close for this movie to end up with an MA15+ rating.
I'm telling the complete truth. This comic seriously did end up in this movie. Go check for yourself. Look up a clip that scene I mentioned and go to 1:19 and 4:25 and pause. You'll see it clearly near Garfield's horrifying human foot on the board.
Still in disbelief? Jaw dropped? Hyperventilating? In shock? Good! That's how I felt when I found this out too. In fact, I was in so much shock that it didn't wear off for a good 20 or so minutes. I still can't fucking believe that actually slipped through. No one noticed it - they wouldn't have. It would be near-impossible unless they were paying an inhuman amount of attention to every little detail in every scene when reviewing the film for a rating. And don't forget that because of the film's canon in having comics be "filmed" and published for the real world to see, that means Jon saying motherfucker is canon in Garfield Gets Real, which could in theory also make Garfield Minus Garfield canon as well. Bonkers.
But it gets deeper. There are so many unanswered questions. Who did this? Seriously, who the fuck put this in? Was it a random person working on the film? A disgruntled animator? Could it have been Jim Davis himself? Why was it put there? Did he mean for it to be there? Was it put there as a joke? Did Davis specifically state for that one to be put in? Did someone just look up "Garfield comic" on a late night working on the film and pick it without reading it and put it there? But they would've had to have seen it, right? I'm guessing the word motherfucker wouldn't be too hard to miss if you're up close and personal working on the film yourself, correct? If it wasn't Davis, how it'd slip by him? Did he look at the comic and go "Huh, which one is this?"? Does he know? What does he think of the idea of Jon threatening to fuck Garfield? Will we ever get a statement from the man himself? So many questions...
In short, this scene broke me, and added another layer of weirdness and hilarity to this movie that I didn't even think was possible. I just think it's really funny that I lived out my whole childhood having no idea about this little detail, I swear, Garfield is so surreal sometimes...
Last edited at 11:34 pm. Jon Arbuckle could easily Jon Arfuckle you up if he wanted to, mark his word.
Note: That last bit isn't an innuendo, I meant that Jon could beat someone, that someone possibly being you reading this, up, hence the wording. Though now that I mention it, the readers probably didn't think that was a dirty joke and now see it that way and wont be able to unsee it... Welp... (Also, the entry says "two image entry", but I only included the most important one in this post, which made the "dayum jon looks HAWT" comment make no sense. However, I may exclude extra images for later entries that are being posted from now on as there's no need to repeat posting the same image for certain entries. You're gonna love the image I use for the next one, trust me. He looks "hawt".)
So yeah, this is the scene I mentioned in the last entry that broke me. This entry's pretty short, don't have much else to say here other than the fact that 'Jon Snaps' will never not be funny to me after this discovery I made back in June.
UPDATE: EMERGENCY DISCOVERY REGARDING THIS MOVIE! In this video of the first scene in the movie at 3:11, a comment pointed out that there is a shot where when the books are being tilted off the shelf like dominos, there is a very quick sighting of a Death Note to the right of the shelf. This is very awesome and cool for the producers to slip in and it adds yet another layer to this movie I never knew about before. It's not 'Jon Snaps' levels of bizarre, but it's still a weird, unfitting yet very cool easter egg.
Your Local Jonnoisseur
Posted on the 21st of July, 2022 at 8:30 pm.
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