#god the platonic pairings strikes again😭
cheemken · 1 year
Thinking abt this new concept of villain au Iris and how she decided to try and become Champion, and like, she already has the gym badges yknow, before that fateful battle two years ago, she went through the gyms to prove herself capable of being a Gym Leader herself
And hey, she never got the chance to actually challenge the E4, so this was good opportunity. She wondered if that old man w wild red hair was still Champion, she forgot his name, but hey, she has to admit, he was a kind man and treated his Pokémon like family. She wishes him well. What was his name.. Al.. Alder! Yes, that's the one, the kind man who would often visit her and Drayden at Opelucid. He was nice, Iris liked him, he had a lot of stories about Drayden and himself when they were younger. It reminds her of the times she and her brother would play around w Pokémon too.
But, this is no time to reminisce of the past, it's time for her to challenge the League and become Unova's Champion. Whether or not Alder will be the one waiting for her, she doesn't care, she will win.
The E4 was no challenge for her. Surprisingly, they still recognize her. Shauntal hugged her, telling her that she missed her, all of them thought smth had happened to her, but she's glad she's okay. Caitlin woke up from her slumber in a hurry, almost couldn't believe that it truly was Iris standing before her. Marshal was left speechless, like Shauntal, he crouched down to hug her, hiding his tears and going on how happy he was she was alive. Grimsley dropped his coin the moment he saw her, but he smiled, wiping his tears as he went on how she got everyone scared thinking she was dead. It was a strange feeling. Drayden, the Elite Four, they all showed concern towards her. They showed how happy they were to see that she's still alive and doing well. It was.. unfamiliar to her. Ghetsis would often show them that he cares, but it never felt as warm as w Drayden and the E4. It was drastically different, and ofc, she knows why, it was still strange for her. She wasn't used to it.
Well hey, no need to dwell on those thoughts, she tells herself, as she walked towards the Champion chambers. It has.. been a while since she last been there. She wonders who'd greet her within the room. She actually prayed it won't be N.
Heading inside the chamber, everything was so different. Sitting on the throne, she saw someone donning blue, those hazel eyes looked at her, a small gasp left his lips as he hurriedly stood from his seat, almost running towards Iris but stopped midway, hand outstretched, wanting to reach out for her, but was terrified at the thought that perhaps.. it was another trick of his mind. Iris felt overwhelmed, it was her friend. He became champion, just as he always dreamt he'd be. She wanted to reach out too, to hold his hand once more, to hear his voice, and Arceus granted her that one thing as she finally hears the voice of her friend again.
"Iris..? Is that.. is that really you..?"
Hilbert.. she missed him so much. Tears brimmed her eyes as it did w him, and she nodded, running straight to his arms, w him holding her close, afraid she's gonna disappear again. They know they're going to battle soon, ofc Iris didn't head to the League just to see him, she probably didn't know he was Champion, but.. right now.. right now they don't have to think abt that. They'll cross that bridge when they get there, rn they're just happy that they're together again.
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eoncafe · 3 years
Hope your having a good day today! Can I request a millennial tree X villain! Reader?
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this one should be interesting!!
pairing(s): millennial tree x villain reader (can be interpreted as romantic or platonic if you want)
type: enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort
warnings: this came out a lot more angsty than i intended it to uh
reader type: gender neutral (they/them
notes: i’m kind of terrible at writing villains without making them sympathetic to some extent 😭 sorry if you wanted something edgier
millennial tree cookie is never one to judge another, regardless of what kind of person they are
he only wishes to help you stray from the dark path you’ve taken
whether you want that help or not
you’ve tasked yourself with poisoning the great tree, weakening it and allowing darkness to touch the land
but He’s there. in your way, watching you with a small smile and gentle eyes
he is simply too powerful for you, your attacks never reach them as they are easily deflected by magic or the thick branches that grow in your path
but you don’t understand why he doesn’t fight back. you almost WANT him to fight back, to finally strike you down. but he never does
millennial tree could easily overpower you if he so chose to, but he doesn’t want for that to happen.
he still sees some good in you and holds onto the hope that you may find the light again
perhaps it’s been awhile since anyone has had that much hope in you
eventually you grow tired of fighting him. you just want to know why. you collapse in front of him beside yourself with frustration and despair
millennial tree simply puts a warm and comforting hand on your head, kneeling before you
you don’t have to fight anymore, if you don’t want to. come with him and let him show you a better way
he lets you lean into him as sobs wrack your body. you can’t remember how you ended up this way, and his offer feels much more alluring and rewarding than your initial mission
the god has extended a forgiving hand to you and wants you to have a second chance. it’s up to you to choose whether to take it
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