#god it's like sky cotl all over again
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Horrorboros (ft. Agent 4 and Agent 8)
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sleepygenie-o · 1 year
You Guys Rest?
Sky Cotl x SAGAU again :>
Let's hop straight in!
Chrs Mentioned: The Archons (Venti, Ei, Zhongli, and Nahida), You (2nd person), unspecified Moth Skid (sky kid)
You are your usual Sky kid, with the new Season of AURORA out, (Where through the grapevine, heard that you get to literally meet GOD.) you've been hard at work farming for candles.
Especially Eden candles for height spells! .. Yeah you used them up trying to get taller.
On your way to the current known location of a Red Shard Event, which is in the Village of Dreams, you encounter a Moth, well, not really. They seem to understand the world enough and are apparently still getting used to seasons.
As you both converse, you're waiting for the eruption with the Sky kid as you give them advice on how to purify it since as stated, they're still getting used to it.
Once the eruptions roll in, you notice 4 gold stars rolling in too. You would assume that it's more sky kids that either are born or being re-born but..
They crash land right near you. The eruption happening at the same time. In a panic you tell the Sky Kid to move the weird dressed sky kids to a safe zone while you purified the darkness.
Venti is the first to wake up, instantly waking the others.
The sight was beautiful, but the situation wasn't. There were some sky kids sheltered in the stage with them, a blue person (one of the Performance Spirits) seemed to be healing a few.
A majority of them had one similar trait, simply done hair and a brown cape with 1 star at the back. Asking the spirit what's going on prompts the response of:
"Some advanced Sky kids brought a bunch of moths here to prepare for the purification of the eruption"
Excuse them as they remain confused the wHAT?!
After a good hour of finding the way out and to the village of Dreams it's.. a bit chaotic.
Among the yelling children is another yelling child, you. You were flying up to get the flying dark plants, activating pre-prepared and placed shared memories to signal the mutated crabs. Even using yourself as bait while the rest continued to burn the darkness away.
What are you doing there, your grace?! You could get hurt!!
Venti and Ei were about to march over there if it weren't for Zhongli and Nahida holding them back. Don't worry Zhongli activated his shield, they're safe.
As the final act ensues (collecting the fragments of light), they watch you maneuver through the floating red crystals to get the.. glowing.. mantas??
As the final memory if collected, they all condense into one and bless the sky children.
As much as they want to approach you, it seems you're a bit occupied..
"Aiya..!! That was harder than I thought!"
"Really? It was actually kinda easy.. you all are so loud-"
"I still have to head to the stadium to see some of the spirits. Are you guys excited for the concert?"
"Pfft-! Obviously! Who wouldn't wanna meet someone who is probably our God?" Wait wHAT?!
"That IS still speculation.. we're still unsure if AURORA is Megabird and-"
"Okay okay theorists of the future we get it, let's enjoy the fun while it lasts. We have like..2 days to prepare for the concert." (psst! You can imagine yourself saying any of these dialogues)
..Congrats! You broke them.
There is a God above you?! Higher than you?! That can't be possible!!
...Well.. you do look like a child.. maybe your mother..?
They'll take this info with a grain of salt. And hopefully not freak out.
Taglist: (It's been so long- ;-;)
@karmawonders , @chocogi , @bk-4-trash-fire
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vxredemption · 5 months
The First Tear (2/3) by vxredmption(Warmund)
A COTL AU fanfic writing for @gorjee-art COTL AU (All properties, AUs, concepts, imagery, etc. go their respective owners.)
Narinder tapped their chest with a open palm as he talked, then gripping a tight fist across it as he looks down with a deep frown at the end of his tangent, the silent lamb god still not noticing them. "Your own followers try to call back to when you were not like this: a Elder God who has not taken even a whisper for consideration... to forfeit their mortal emotions as to achieve their purpose that they truly do not understand.... not in this forsaken realm or any other!" His voice echoed in the stillness of the forest, the sun fully now setting across the deep foliage of the ancient land. Very soon, a few stars across the darkened skies would show, fireflies would emerge distant yet visible around the smallest of flowers to the tallest wild grass, the moon cresting over the great sky and providing light to a loud white shade of a follower and a darkened god whose red eyes upon their massive horns stared upwards... unblinking and still.
"You, of all beings, have fallen so far from own principles that you became the very thing you have sworn to kill and usurp, renewing promises for a better life and death! Well... I say these same words again to you from the very first year of my indocteration to your so called 'promises': Hypocrite! Manipulator! False God!... YOU. DAMMNED. LAMB!" The voice of Narinder has never reached such tones of anger before, only doing so once when the Lamb themselves have resisted in giving the Red Crown to him at their Realm of Death. For the likes of the Preacher of the New Faith, this feeling of betrayal, anger, and anguish matched with the Lamb in that singular event, so close that it was a mirror to a past the two sought not recrate upon some years of reconciliation and being reaffirmed to the "The New Faith". The matter of it being Narinder's side didn't seem to be ironic... as no one else but a still god could judge and hold him accountable for it.
Centuries of waiting was still left to be undone by Narinder, all of his red eyes glowed behind his mask as he calls out to his still silent God, his face at the verge of splitting itself apart along with the hood he wears from the sheer anger he is experiencing, tensing every muscle he has in the moment. "Why was this not enough for you?! I had brought you back from the dead to undo a prophecy that saw your entire kind killed, their blood leading up to my siblings! You had a chance to do the same suffering to me when I betrayed you! Why show me and my siblings any compassion and patience, knowing well what the cost of godhood truly is?! We have tried to follow your ways! We have followed you with this mortal flesh you once had... and we get NOTHING FOR IT IN THE END! NOTHING! ONLY SILENCE!"
It was in this deep boiling anger did Narinder tried to do one more act to try to make the Lamb God turn to him... a act so heinous for even the likes of the preacher could possibly imagine within that moment. He raised his gifted shepherd staff high with both hands, arm raised and baring his teeth as he soon starts to bend the ends apart to themselves with all he could. The staff was made of strong ancient oak... but even it was starting to bend from the strength the mortal feline has within that moment. The bells on the top of curve shook from his efforts, the middle curving slowly upwards to the sky as with any rate, a gift that had once been a sign of true devotion and appointed leadership for the the Lamb's cult, would soon be broken. Narinder breathed hard from his teeth... inching the breaking point of the staff closer and closer... cracking from within... and then... he freezes. His red eyes stopped to see the reflection on the bells, still so pristine from a time in where the Lamb was once a farmer in his homeland... still the same bells used and polished throughout all these years without seeing any signs of wear from its use... and he was going to break what was the only thing that reminded himself that the Lamb's true self was still with him for all those years. He quickly relaxes his arms, soon placing the staff on the ground to his side as he leans to it, breathing hastily with shivering fingers. His lower supporting hand slides down a little on the staff... and notes a slight imperfect quality now within the staff's strong median core... damage that was not easily fixable due to it being too small to be done by artisanal hands, but ever noticeable by the ones who have used it for their lifetime. Or for this case, several lifetimes of use. Narinder’s eyes widened on damage he would have caused, silent with his rasping breath... then... he stifled a shivering sigh... followed by sombering mewling whimper from the top mouth. "I... I... I am... sorry, Lamb... The one who showed me compassion again... the one who made care for my siblings from troubling times and times of rest... the one who has entrusted me to not only watch their flock... but to care for them as if they... were my own. To think, if I were a lesser follower... I would've broken your greatest gift upon me before your final ascension... I... just wish you to know, if you’re still there, on behalf of the cult under your name, on my very heart: We miss you... I miss you, my Lamb..." From there... silence... then sniffling sounds are heard from Narinder... tears soon streaming down his face as he could no longer hold in his sorrows for his once living Lamb that stood before him, shadowing over him like a great pillar against a pebble. All he could muster was a whisper as to avoid bawling full strength from his eyes with each syllable, so deep was his sadness for the closest being he could call a friend... and never did he get the chance to admit it to them before their ascension. "I-I... just want to s-see you smile... just once more... m-my… Lamb….” . . . . Slowly, the great eyes of Great Lamb's horns shifted a little and looked towards the crying figure behind them... the incense from the Lamb God's holy censer slowly stopped flowing... a slight shift of their head turning towards the sound of crying that is now being noticed to them... a slow, gentle step is heard beneath the large cloak as their body shifted a foot from where they stand. Narinder didn’t notice this as his head hung low, his crying breath being the only thing he hears upon this night. The Lamb... heard a voice... The Lamb... felt their heart heavier through their cold, ichor black ribs... skipping beats like crackling ice through sunlight... making them feel... like the mortal Narinder.
End of Part 2 (Attached the first page to this one... will need to figure out how to stylize it better... ahh well. Here you go!)
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retro-memo · 2 years
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#if they aren't dating by the 3rd movie i'm gonna call sonic to be that one friend that pushes these two idiots together so they can kiss
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i know your url is probably pronounced memo as in memory but i keep reading it as mee-mo and i can't stop help
Omg, now that's stuck in my head 😭 I'll never look at my url the same ever again
14 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
All of your prompts seem so cool 🥺 the "oops ? What do you mean oops ?" seems super fun if you feel up to writing it 😁
Well, I'm finally answering this... almost a year later. I'm so sorry for that, I didn't ignore any of the asks in my inbox, I just forgot about 'em. Sorta. Anyways, the good news is that I plan to finally start emptying my inbox. Honestly, these prompts have been sitting there for way too long.
While this doesn't exactly start with the sentence that was given, it does use it. Kinda. Let's just get started.
Also, special thanks to @winter-turtle for giving me inspiration for this fic!!💜 💜
“Kid, what are you doing here?” It wasn't the first time Tony had caught Peter sneaking into the Compound. In fact, on more than several occasions he’d woken up in the mornings to find the kid raiding his kitchen and being a fire hazard to society by trying to bake a dish that vaguely resembled something out of a mad scientist horror film.
Tony refused to call anything Peter cooked food. The kid was worse than his aunt when he was near a stove.
Said kid who had his back turned to Tony, jumped, spinning around to stare at Tony with eyes blown so wide they almost seemed to swallow his entire face. He looked like the exact definition of a child being caught red-handed with their grubby fingers halfway into the cookie jar.
Not only that but for the first time since the kid got here, Tony noticed that he was, in fact, not wearing one of his infamous nerdy science pun t-shirts that were part of his usual civilian attire but instead, was in his Spider-Man suit.
That wasn’t even the weirdest part.
Tony felt his eyebrows shoot up well past his hairline as he took in the kid. More specifically, what was sitting snugly in Peter's arms as if it had every right to be and not sending him through another stage of existential crisis. “What the fuck is that?”
His death was going to be caused by his disaster-on-two-legs kid. Tony knew it. He was going to keel over from the stress one of these days. It was the only way to go out.
“A turtle?” If it was any other time, Tony would’ve probably asked the kid if that was a question or statement but instead, couldn’t help the borderline hysterical laugh that escaped him.
Gods, aliens, genocidal maniacs, hydra soldiers - he thought it would always be one of the former or some fucked up ‘sacrifice himself for the greater good of the universe’ bullshit that was going to get him killed him but nope.
“Uh, yeah, I can see that, kiddo.” Tony waved his arm out, probably trying to gesture to the sheer ridiculousness of the situation “I mean, why the fuck did you bring it here?”
“Oops?” The kid’s shoulder’s bunched up to his ears in what Tony had to guess was some sort of half-shrug.
“Oops?” Tony tried not to sound like less of a madman but that was a feat in itself, especially whenever Peter was involved. The kid was trouble walking around with ’kick me’ written on the back of his shirt with disaster not too far behind him. Sure, Tony kinda knew that things weren’t ever going to be the same again after the whole Vulture and plane crashing incident. He expected a few supervillains here and there, maybe a stab wound but still.
He never planned for a whole goddamn turtle. “What do you mean oops? This isn’t an ‘oops’, Parker! Start talking!”
The kid’s lips thinned as he pressed them together, obviously not planning on spilling the beans on why he brought a turtle into the Compound. Okay, that was fine, it was fine. Two could play it that game and if Peter wasn’t going to come clean, Tony was just going to have to use the ace up his sleeve. “Alright, fine, if you won’t talk to me, I’m just going to call May.”
Tony already had his phone out in the open when it happened. Maybe later, a part of him would’ve wondered why he didn’t expect the kid to put up some sort of rebellion. Still, it’s not everyday when one’s phone suddenly disappeared from their hand.
“Did you just web my phone from me?!” Tony looked up from his now empty hand to where the kid was standing, whose eyes had somehow blown even wider than they were before while said stolen device sat perfectly in his free hand while the other was still holding up the turtle in what was clearly a feat against all known human possibilities.
Right. Sticky powers. Gotta love ‘em.
“No, uh, yes, I mean-” On any other day, Tony would’ve found the kid’s ability to stumble over his own words adorable, endearing even. “I can explain!”
Today, however, wasn’t one of those days.
It wasn’t that he minded the kid’s company, in fact, on a good day he enjoyed having the bubbling ball of energy to bounce science off of in the lab or when they binged any sci-fi movie they could get their hands on until they both passed out on the couch.
Except, after being forced to sit through a couple dozen meetings courtesy of one scary-and-should-definitely-not-be-teaming-up-with-May-Parker and soon-to-be-wife, Pepper Potts, Tony was not in the mood to deal with the kid’s babbling.
“Then please, explain.”
“I mean, it wasn’t my fault!” Ah yes, the sinner’s plea. “Well, it is. Sorta but I couldn’t just leave him there!” There we go.
“You know what?” Tony raised his hands, shaking his head. “I don’t actually want to know. Just please, tell me why you bring it here to all places?”
“Donatello isn’t an it.”
Tony did a double-take at that. “You’ve named it?”
See the full post
48 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
Three people who I don't want to see in the irondad tags here on Tumblr:
Anti-irondad: This speaks for itself, you don't like irondad or Tony Stark? Fine, but don't tag your crap as irondad then, tag it as anti-irondad or anti-tony stark. I don't want to see your shit when I'm looking for wholesome content of my comfort characters.
St*rkers: I think this speaks for itself.
Anti-Ned Leeds: No. You don't go hating on my baby. Especially in one of my favorite tags. You can take your edgy reddit ass out of there and go bitch somewhere else. YOU DON'T PUT IT IN THE IRONDAD TAG SECTION. FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING THAT IS HOLY.
I don't appreciate hate on Ned, of any kind. You don't like him? I don't care, keep it to yourself and out of my favorite tags.
Rant over.
122 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
So, you remember this picture of Tony and Peter in Endgame?
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And we know thanks to the latest extra scene of No Way Home, all pictures of Peter are altered or changed. Which also would include this picture and now no one can see Peter with Tony anymore :)
150 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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1,001 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
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