#god i was glad she was in the kg just because she didn't end up in her qg
jessjustplay · 2 years
Princess Maker 3 - Game Archive 2
October 9, 2022
Lily Lynn
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I played this at my parent's house, while we were hunkering down for Hurricane Ian. I started the game with N but finished on my own the next day, which would have been the 27th or 28th.
I did so much better this time around. I initially thought she was going to be a warrior princess, but she ended up becoming a nun! I guess that's what you get when you take her to church so much lol
I'm not upset about it, I think it's a cute ending!
Father, thanks to your impressive guidance, I was able to show my gratitude to God. As I just recently joined the faith, I am beginning to understand that to have faith is to be on path to truly becoming a human. I am so completely satisfied with my life. I want to share this feeling with everyone around the world. And those who reject, I want to save their souls.
Something that I did this time around that I missed out during my first gameplay was meeting the prince!!! My daughter didn't marry him, but I wonder if I had met him earlier on in the game if it would have led to marriage. I forget how or where Lily was approached, but someone came up to her and said the palace needed a maid. The dude was secretly the prince. I knew the game was going to do something like that because they did the same thing in PM2.
It makes me excited to play again. Hopefully I can get a princess ending next time! Tbh, I'm glad the default ending hasn't been housewife. Nothing wrong with being a housewife, but in PM2 it is so easy to get housewife if you get a high Housekeeping reputation, no matter what classes you take or how good your stats get, as long as the Housekeeping rep is higher than everything else, you get the housewife ending.
In this game it seems like whatever class you take the most often is what your career ends up in. That makes so much more sense!
Here are my finishing stats!
Name: Lily Lynn Birthday: July 14 Blood type: A Father's Occupation: Traveler
Height: 150 cm Weight: 44 kg Bust: 93 cm Waist: 56 cm Hip: 93 cm
Elegance: 553 Attitude: 395 Stamina: 602 Sense: 969 Intelligence: 489 Charm: 553 Vitality: 589 Stress: 212 Pride: 361 Prowess: 643 Morality: 852 Trust: 79
Most attended part-time job: Mines 35x Most attended class: Church 27x
Ending: Nun
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janiedean · 5 years
weren't there also all these posts about how the botb was only won because of sans/a SO she should be kween instead of j/on and so he's a sexist cuz he STOLE it from her blah blah and then they'll throw in book quotes for no reason like if you're analyzing the book then there's a huge hance s won't be anywhere near the north when the battle for winterfell happens, not to mention that the current northern lords who are planning on rebelling against boltons are doing it for "ned's little girl" 1/3
~ which is ARYA. well jeyne actually, but they think it's arya, so does jon. the show made it look like it's SANS/A who convinces j/on to fight boltons for winterfell and then her plan which wins it back but j/on took off when ramsay sent him the letter. BEFORE he even died. the show took liberties to take pretty much everyone's plot and make it about S and when it DIDN'T end up being about her they blamed jon for it?? it was NEVER about S dnd just changed parts of the story and ofc the whole san/sa is running wfell she is the Tru Kween when they were v clearly dumbing down EVERY OTHER CHARACTER PRESENT to make her look smart. OBVIOUSLY jon who was managing the nw,tyrion who was a v good hand in acok to kl;bran who was managing wfell in robb's absence know NOTHING of ruling. only S learnt it -- from littlefinger and cers/ei the Greatest Rulers Ever (they should learn the diff between politics and ruling). sorry for the long rant im tired of S stans demonizing EVERYONE as it suits them. robb was Evil in s2-3/book 2-3 because he wanted to legitimize jon which meant sa/nsa can't inherit, he was Evil because he didn't trade jaime for a and s, when even arya, a 9 yr old knows why he couldnt. theon in s5. jon in s6. arya in s7 was the ugly girl jealous of her sister. ofc when s8 reduced her to san/sa's sword they didn't mind since it was in service to her. ugh.
haha no need to apologize anon I mean it’s not like you’re wrong XDDD that said yes there was the whole ‘jon needed to cede to s/nsa bc she obviously was smarter than him and she had the title he didn’t’ when kitn is AN ELECTIVE ROLE BUT OKAY, and don’t you tell me how much I hated the jeynep swap and the fact that they erased the fact that jon pseudo broke his vows for arya sdlkjglks and believe me I’ll hate them forever for having turned s/nsa into ‘better version of cersei and lf’s lovechild’ WHEN THAT’S NOT WHAT SHE’S ABOUT IN THE BOOKS AT ALL because they had to do the fake feminist empowering storyline by giving her theon’s storyline and fucking him over fdlkgjksdlj but yeah like as much as I do love s/nsa to pieces in the book this fandom attitude of making it as if everything revolves around s/nsa is just... I mean, there’s a reason why I’m sticking to the san/san content and ignoring everything else X°D that said don’t worry your rant is pretty much how things went no one is faulting you for it XDD
also sorry but nothing is ever more ooc than sansa shutting edmure up god
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faithtales · 4 years
My Struggle with Depression (& Believing He's still on time)
I first made a thread of this on Twitter last month, and decided to make it into a blog post, especially cause I clock 27 tomorrow, and the anxiety of 'time is running out, what have I even achieved?' came back. I was going through some old videos and stumbled upon a song a sung last year, titled "Four Days Late" which was a comfort to me. It reminded me God is not blind to our suffering, and He will always come through ON TIME. I'll keep it short.
OK, here goes:
Last year, I hit a low. It all started with a "we regret to inform you" email that crushed me. You know those opportunities you apply for and in your heart, you convince yourself you got it... I didn't get any of them.
So I didn't take it very well. I spent my days in bed. Getting up was such a struggle. When I did get up, I would end up breaking down wherever I was. In church, at the market... I cried a lot! I was a mess.
It seemed like everyone's life was going smoothly, and I was stuck. Everyone looked happy, going on trips, having great jobs. Boo'd up lol. I felt like I had nothing going for me.
It was such a dark time. I was jobless, broke, and felt there was nothing to look forward to in my life. The future seemed so bleak. I lost all hope.
It felt like no one even saw how low I was sinking. Then 2 of my closest friends noticed that something was off with me. The rest didn't pick it up. I won't lie, it hurt. Maybe I hid it well, or they just didn't notice. I don't know.
It got so bad that I started to contemplate suicide. It wouldn't be the first time I would attempt suicide (story for another day). It was such a terrible time. I managed to open up to one friend and I think I am still alive because of them.
They reminded me of what I've accomplished and told me that there is so much to look forward to. They stayed up with me on the phone till I fell asleep just so I wouldn't spend time alone. Every. Single. Day.
Lucky enough, my mum also picked it up. She understood me & encouraged me to start a diet (something I had wanted for a while) because I lost weight. So I started a fattening diet. It was the only thing that kept me going. I have gained 10+ kgs since, a journey I'll blog about soon.
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Then vs Now
Slowly, I dug myself out of that pit. When I did tell some friends what I had gone through, they were shocked, asked me why I didn't tell them what I was going through etc
When I did experience a slump again, I opened up to one of my friends and honestly, I regretted it. Few minutes into me telling them what I was going through, THEY FELL ASLEEP!
Do y'all know how hurt I was. My problems are boring enough to make someone fall asleep. Lol I learnt my lesson from there. I open up to the people that truly care
Fast forward to now, I'm still jobless, but I started my own business. I got over my heartbreak but I haven't resumed applying for opportunities yet. But I am in a better place and I'm glad that storm is over.
The story is long, and I've really cut it short, but in summary: if you are feeling depressed, please seek professional help. Talk to someone THAT CARES and always remember that the storm will end and you will feel the sun shine again.
You are strong and you will get through this. There are so many places you still have to go, awesome people you have to meet, and goals you have to accomplish.
I have been there and I want to tell you that it will be over. Hold on. If you're a Christian like me, keep praying. God is not deaf. He hears and you may not feel it, but He's right there with you.
Lastly, it is not easy for someone to open up, especially about depression. Please check on your friends and be SINCERE. If they do come to you, sometimes, just your listening ear and a prayer is enough. Trust me. It goes a long way.
You are precious.
You are loved.
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Follow me on Instagram and Twitter. Oh and my Facebook music page.
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