#god i miss writing :')
gunthermunch · 3 months
hmmmhmhmh munch coming up either very late today or tomorrow. had to deal w some family stuff first !
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hcdragonwrites · 9 months
Or - at the very least- as over as it is going to be. There will still be stress and such but i think the storm has passed. I can poke my little nose out of my burrow and start taking a collective look about and branch back into creating.
I have some very exciting news- well. Exciting for me personally. I bought a computer !
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For about a year or more now ive been computer-less and writing everything and anything on my phone(like the hobgoblin I am). So formatting and beauty was not something i could see or do for any of my Computer based peeps. I just wrote. I used to write on my old computer- but when it began to get buggy too I migrated to my phone. Then that computer - well…
It kinda imploded.
SO! I made the big decision to invest and bought the little laptop of my dreams. Ive wanted a Mac computer since I was 12 (those old blue desktop ones were SO COOL!)
Im learning the ropes still with it (i legit just got it out of the box two days ago) and feeling it out. I have to get all my apps onto it that I use for writing and then
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THEN I CAN LET LOOSE THE FLOOD GATES. I HAVE THINGS RATTLING IN MY SKULL. IDEAS FOR LITTLE FICS, CONTINUING MY FIC, BRANCHING INTO OTHER CONTENT AND FANBASES AND FINALLY. F I N A L L Y. Getting the hardcore draft of my first novel set up. Big plans for 2024. Im ready and excited and i cant wait. This year imma grab it and make it mine!
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non-un-topo · 1 year
Tagged by @lazaefair. Thank you!!
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll roughly to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
I picked some favourites, but also some lesser known/read ones (all TOG, in order of most recent upload)
Jericho, My Moon
A black stallion is joined by his red twin. They bracket Nicolò, circle him. Their proud riders wear helmets of silver moonlight.
all things pass into the night
They’d found Joe and Andy under a white strobe light, facing each other this time and tossing their heads and hair as they danced. Joe reeled Nicky in by his belt loop and without even having to think, Booker used his tall body as a blockade between the two nose-rubbing, hip-grinding men and some of the crowd, downing his beer. Then again, wouldn’t have it been fun to have had to beat someone up that night? Booker hadn’t been presented with the opportunity, and before long he’d flown to the full toilets and dumped his guts onto the floor.
The spectre does not move. The fur does not even seem to breathe. It is as if the wind can’t touch it, there in its hiding place. It is fur, Nicolò can see that clearly now. Though of what animal, he cannot discern. A thought occurs to him, then. Perhaps this creature is a guardian of the forest. Perhaps he has angered it.
The Falconer
“You cannot startle me like that, with her here,” he said, and realized how impressively he was failing at sounding authoritative. “In fairness, Nico,” began Andromache, tipping far enough back in the chair Nicolò could already picture her falling and pretending she hadn’t, “how were we supposed to know you’d adopted a feral bird?”
Heard a Joke Once
De Marchi was flattered at the praise, exactly what Sébastien had counted on. Flattery was one thing an artist could simply never resist, no matter their false modesty. Sébastien would know.
Young Man's Game
His mother hummed flatly, which raised the hairs on Yusuf’s head, but she thankfully let him be. For a moment. “Have you put any more thought into Gamila?” she then asked, which was honestly worse.
My brother spits blood.
But before Booker can say anything, Nicky pulls out a key and says, “Come in and get cleaned up. I’ll make you some tea. When Joe comes home, we will see if we can reach Andy.” Wordlessly, and suddenly feeling the weight of the previous night on his shoulders, Booker steps in after him and breathes in the familiar scents of spices and herbs, gun oil and linen.
“Can I come with you,” Nicolò asks without preamble. He grips his seat on either side of his thighs as he leans closer to the table. His uncle dazzles him with a fond smile, a proud smile. “Perhaps when you are older. If you go now, who will protect the goats from hungry giants?”
la mer a bercé mon coeur pour la vie
“If you die, I’m gonna kill you,” Joe jokes. Andy laughs to lighten the mood, but she squeezes his arm in reassurance.
Tangerine and Roc
The nightmare returned to Yusuf that night. He stayed awake as long as his body willed it, but inevitably gave into exhaustion at some point deep in the night. He gasped awake, sweaty and shaken by visions of the gnarled beak, his family jumping in. His hand instinctively sought out Nicolò beside him, who remained in his deep, unmoving sleep.
Probably double-tagging a lot of people buuuut I'm tagging @maddielle @captainshakespear @babygirlyusuf @nicolos @the73rdpostscript and @knoepfchen
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jedi-bird · 7 months
I swear I'll get back into writing soon.
I'll update my bad batch fic. And the Clint/Coulson one that I never meant to abandon for so long. And the rogue one pirate fic, which I've slowly been adding to after I fixed some issues that cropped up.
I swear I'll start writing my original stuff again. I'll actually finish one of them too. I swear.
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velociwrangler · 8 months
in case you were wondering
(you likely WEREN'T - how did I do that weird typo - since I've been comatose so long I doubt anyone remembers I exist)
I'm still alive and i'm back on my meds. trying to get the slow crawl back into personhood going
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aelyosos · 2 years
i miss writing
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thegreatbigfourmain · 2 years
“Let’s see… what do you think Pascal?” asked a certain blonde as she held her arm up to show her reptile her latest masterpiece. It was a drawing of her latest obsession; a sun surrounding by whorls of purples and pinks. Markers were sprawled about her coffee table from the night before as the images of snowflakes and the moon flooded her mind. She went to bed smiling of what new beautiful inklings she would draw up in the morning. And just as it rose, she dreamt of the sun.
Her chameleon friend squeaked in response to his human’s creation. Her emerald eyes brightened at how her intricate designs were able to work well on her forearm. As she snuggled up into her couch with her knees to her chest, an idea worked its way to her mind. Grabbing a brown marker, she drew a pirate ship on her thigh where it meets the knee. She used a black marker to outline the sails and shade in anything that needed it. After half an hour, a boastful ship looked back at her with waves accompanying the bottom.
“Oh! I forgot I have to go to the store after work! Let’s see, I need eggs, hazelnut, milk…” Rapunzel listed off her list of groceries while she wrote it down on her left hand. When she finished, she glanced over to her clock that yelled how late she would be if she didn’t start getting ready that very second.
Scrabbling around her apartment to ready for her work at her bakery, she settled on purple pants and a pastel pink sweater suitable for the winter that’s crept into the city of Burgess. She blew a kiss to Pascal before heading out the door. The crisp air hit her the moment she stepped outside, causing her button nose to turn a slight pink tint. Rapunzel always loved the walk from her apartment to her bakery, passing by her fellow business partners and friends. The flower shop displayed new bouquets for the holidays, bookstores straightened out Christmas romance books out on the window, and coffee shops smelling of new peppermint drinks filled the air as she past by.
She always loved this time of year due to how the city is blanketed by snow and lights on the trees in the streets. It all looked so magically, as if miracles were meant to happen during this time. It always filled her heart knowing that this is that season of giving and new beginnings. It gave her hope of there being something around the corner waiting for her discover. She just couldn’t put her finger on what it could be.
Rapunzel made her way into her bakery with a bright smile on her lips to start another day. Nothing too out of the ordinary.
A white haired male was next to come up to the register, placing a chocolate muffin on the counter. As he did so, Rapunzel could have sworn she saw a grocery list on his left hand at the exact spot she had hers. But it all happened so fast, she wasn’t sure.
“Umm, just this for today sir?” Rapunzel smiled as she brushed off the strange consequence to focus on the job at hand. He wore a navy blue jacket with ripped jeans and a plain white t-shirt. His black rimmed glasses didn’t hide the brow piercing he had that she couldn’t stop admiring on him. It seemed to match so well with his personality.
“I’d buy the whole store if I could, it all looks so good,” he chuckled a bit, his pearly whites shinning through his dashing smile that Rapunzel couldn’t help but notice. His baby blue eyes sparkled as he smiled, causing her stomach to do an astoundingly amount of flips.
“Oh well if that’s the case, please come back to try it all. It’s made fresh every morning by our staff and I,” the blonde responded with a bright smile of her own. If she didn’t know any better, she recognized a faint blush flushing his cheeks no doubt mirroring hers.
“Hard to pass that up. Thank you,” the beautiful stranger said with head tilt towards her and went on his way after paying. Even as she knew he was long gone, that didn’t calm down her nerves at how charming he was. Nor did the desire to have more of a compelling conversation leave her sense.
With a wistful sigh, she called for the next guest to ring them up.
“Oh! I forgot to write down fruit for Pascal,” remembered Rapunzel, grabbing a pen from her purse to write it down on her left hand. Once the work day was over, she hurried out to get everything on her grocery list and get back home to her friend.
She stopped in front of the coffee shop as she did so, hearing the bell atop of the door every time someone opened it. The smell of peppermint nearly made her float towards it on such a beautiful winter day. Perhaps some other time, she thought.
A soft gasp left her lips as her eyes widen at the writing that magically appeared on her hand.
‘I finally found you’ it read.
Confused, Rapunzel looked around to find a crowd waiting their turn to cross the street. It wasn’t until her emerald eyes met those icy blue irises that flooded her thoughts the moment they met.
The man from her bakery.
He stood there watching her, a warm smile tugging at the corner of his lips. She looked down to see that he held a pen in his hand.
As if being pulled by a magnetic force, she was drawn to him through the crowd, the male doing the same. Once they stood in front of each other, it was as if they were the only 2 people in the entire world.
“Did, did you write that? Just now?” she questioned.
He let out a low chuckle, raising his left hand where her grocery list was and the words he wrote himself where.
“I’ve always wondered who would be so creative enough to draw suns and moons in the middle of the night or the crack of dawn. I especially enjoyed your pirate ship this morning,” he grinned at his blonde soulmate.
Rapunzel blushed at the statement, questions waiting to be asked over dinner or coffee to this man who could very much be the miracle she’s been waiting for this season.
He held out his hand, which she took eagerly.
“So, you’re an artist huh?”
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capseycartwright · 1 year
love to write. would love to write something again one day.
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thegreatestsandwich · 2 years
I'm Back
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hereforh · 2 years
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squidcreature · 3 months
i miss writing tumblr fics ... like literally writing a fic as a reply to an ask
like sometimes the words just flow so much better when typing into this text box y'know
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hcdragonwrites · 9 months
I have so many ideas that have been drumming in my skull but, Alas, the Holiday Season takes all the time from me ans i just have to look at all the prompts I have and go—
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days-of-storm · 1 year
My current WIPs, in the order I last looked at them and for which I have actually written something
I've been tagged by @kinnbig. Thank you <3
The Wedding: My Engineer/RamKing. Part of my The Words Not Spoken series. The title pretty much says it all: It's Ram and King's wedding. Set about 4 years after they get to know each other.
Underneath it all (working title Pits and Perverts): Sherlock BBC, John/Sherlock, 1980s Welsh Miners AU. John is injured in a mining accident and Sherlock is sent for to investigate the incident. Started writing this almost a decade ago and have been posting semi-regularly for a year now. I just need to write the last one or two chapters before it's finished, but I still have a few chapters ready to post. I really hope I can find the time to work on this soon.
Working Title: The Halloween Party. My Engineer/RamKing. Set after The Wedding, featuring King who is invited to a costume party while Ram wants to stay at home - and then he sees King in his costume and suddenly he'd not at all excited for King to leave the house. It'll be a one shot and I just looked at it and was surprised how much I had already written of it (in December last year, that is. I really haven't been able to write for long or often after catching Covid last year - it's VERY slow going).
The last one isn't fanfic but original m/m fiction, but based roughly on Talay and Perth in the sense that I'm writing characters for them that I wish they could play in a series. It's a crime/police story in which Detective Panit (Talay) is trying to solve a complex serial murder case and because his department is having trouble getting anywhere, his superiors send in a detective from another district to help. Decha (Perth) is cocky, flirty and seems to be fond of bending the rules and seemingly the exact opposite of Panit. Panit is a stickler for rules, socially awkward and very, very good at his job - so he's frustrated when he can't solve the case of five seemingly unrelated but identical murders. I've written a rough outline and a few bits and peaces, but I wish I could take time off and actually write (and also get a functional brain back that can focus for longer than half an hour - Covid seriously fucked something up with my brain).
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toruro · 1 year
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plumadesatada · 2 years
just remembered a fic on AO3 (or more likely LJ because it had that distinct late 00's experimental vibe) that appeared double-spaced oddly, in that some paragraphs would be spaced normally and others would have double or even triple spaces in between. it was about one half of the otp getting over the other's death (or coma, can't remember which), so all the comments were about how poignant the use of visual spacing was as a means to convey all the emotional holes in the character's life.
and then the author replied like... *giggle* guys it's NOT double spaced. try selecting the whole text
and we were all like "no WAY"
but we selected the text, and yes!!!
the "holes" in the story? they were actually lines and actions from the dead/coma character's ghost, rendered invisible to the eye by the simple trick of coloring the text the exact same as the background, revealed by nothing more than a click and a drag of the mouse
a story about the profound loneliness of losing your the partner of your life and having to make do without them, without anything to fill the holes they'd left behind, suddenly became a story about the profound helplessness of seeing someone you love suffer from your absence while you are right there, unable to do anything about it, unable to communicate that you love them enough to suffer unseen and unheard with them, just to keep them company they'll never know about
it was then that I truly realized how *superior* the digital medium is to plain printed paper, how the medium and the format can add to a story.
I think about that fic about once a year. I wish I could find it again
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lotus-pear · 2 months
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saw the labru trend and IMMEDIATELY thought of them
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