#god forbid you would like to stay inside somebody else's lines for longer than 3 months. or work there even
ruxnorville-blog · 7 years
Days of poetry
(DAY #1) The Eighth Of September - Poem By Pablo Neruda
“this day, today, was it brimming glass. This day, today, was an immense wave.”
I really favor how this one day was described as being a full glass and the huge wave.
When I read this line I can imagine almost being swallowed whole by the ocean. That's how every day feels.
Personal connection this is how I feel when I get anxiety or I feel depressed. The whole day, seems to be filled with water and I could stay home, safe or go out and face the day, the brimming glass, the events wave ready to swallow me whole.
In this poem water is highly used as describing how this one day felt.
I highly agree with the Way Pablo Neruda chose to convey this one day that's too many feels the same as every single day.
“ and drowned, without being Unbound.”
When reading this I think of being with someone and drowning under a current so strong but ,has yet to unbound me and that person.
This line, to me, displays the will of not letting go.
Personal connection- when I was younger I owned dolls. I didn't have anyone to play with or talk too so they were my friends. At one point my mother threw them away and I didn't know how much I truly needs and wanted them until the day I saw them go down the garbage shoot. From that day forward she never threw my next set of dolls away and no one touched them. I stayed bounded to them no matter what. I need them and no matter the strength of others, I stayed with my dolls without being unbounded.
“A strange door opened, between us,
and someone, with no face as yet,
waited for us there.”
To me I took this line completely differently then perhaps how it's written or intended to be. To me I imagined the door opening between them as  a rip in their relationship and by the end, this someone with no face as yet that's waiting for them is the representation of their relationship which is slowly fading away.
When reading this, I get a sense of facelessness.
Personal connection- I used to have nightmares a lot when I was younger and nowadays I only have 1, once in a blue moon. In my nightmares I was always put in scary situations and one thing All my nightmares had in common was, on person. It had no face and somehow it was always there, faceless and dressed in black.
This poem makes me feel, weighed down and scared all at once. It's a very overwhelming poem in my opinion.
Color: throughout the poem it speaks about water more than once. When I read this poem, I get the Colors green and blue. Blue because of the imagery or water and the sky and green because the grass and trees surrounding place of water.
(DAYS#2) “Relentless as the tarantula”- poem by Charles Bukowski
“if you do, somebody's going to drive by and spray your guts with a submachine gun.”
When I read this line, the image of someone sitting down, having coffee and suddenly getting shot, came into my head.
The line before this talks about someone not being able to sit down and enjoy life because if they do their guts will be everywhere and that made me sad to think about how someone can't even enjoy the simpleness of life because of the actions of other.
This one line relates back to what seems to be happening currently in america, with the bombing and the shooting.
“they're not going to let you feel good for very long anywhere.”
This like to be flows perfectly with the idea of the last one and that's that these people won't let this person and the other citizens be free basically.
Personal connections: when you make enemies, it hard to have a good day and especially when you have to see them everyday. I got into an issue once that somewhat has dragged itself into the present. These people, in which I do not associate with, still have a way of ruining my day. My mood will change from happy to straight nothing in seconds. It doesn't matter if I'm home or at school, the feelings follow.
“dead, dropped into some hole”
Though there is no mention of color, while reading this line, I thought of pure darkness. I saw nothing but black because of the description of death and hole.
This part of the poem made me think scary things. The idea of being dead and just tossed into a hole bothers me to an extent of no explanations.
“as long as there are humans about there is never going to be any peace”
This one line has to be the realest thing I've ever read in a poem.
This line speaks truth to the human race.
I agree with this line because humans are the true monsters. We create our own wars etc. And no war means peace and since we create 99% of our problems, if we were no longer apart of earth, peace would live and our planet would be extremely healthy.
“all you can do is maybe grab ten lucky minutes here or maybe an hour
This line speaks toward the reality standpoint to me. In reality we are not going to have time and so we must make the most of the minutes or hours we get.
Personal connection: I used to have so much time on my hands where I could write on the side, watch netflix, do my cleaning around my house and go to bed without worry. Now I have homework or things I haven't done and it's all stress, stress, stress. For all the extra things I want to do like writing or netflix, I have to fit that into the luck minute of hour I have.
Color: throughout this whole poem, I got images of the poem in black and white. Through they are issues that happen now, my mind associates this with black and white film type styles because both are old. You have the old films and you have the old ways that people still bring into the present and, god forbid, the future
Theme: I'm not one to usually pick up on  themes but this poem had a theme that is relatable to all people and I think that's lack of freedom and how we, humans, are the monsters. The theme lack of freedom shows throughout the majority of the poem when he speaks about how life can not be enjoyed or else your guts are going to be everywhere and humans being the monsters is showed when Neruda says that there will never be peace as long as humans are here on earth.
(Day #3) “Nothing But Death”-poem By: Pablo Neruda
“the heart moving through a tunnel, in it darkness, darkness, darkness”
This line made me feel something within myself. The idea of a heart moving through a tunnel and all there is, is darkness, almost relates to all people during a certain period in their lives.
Personal connection: I liked a guy once and I gave him a love note that was meant to be taken as a joke. He took it seriously and didn't speak to me. I changed lockers and we don't speak anymore. When the whole situation was new, I had trouble finding words to illustrate my exact feelings. Reading this line now, that's how I felt. It's almost a description that described my broken heart within only 1 sentences.
I could imagine a red heart traveling down a long tunnel looking for light and only stumbling into places of darkness which happens to be everywhere.
“death is inside the bones.”
This line reminds me of the saying, we died the day we were born.
Our bones are something that is within us and we can't escape it, same with death.
I agree with the idea of death being everywhere because death lurks and it can strike at anytime.
“like a barking where there are no dogs”
I like the way death was described here.
It is being described as something that can be sensed but not seen. It's like the air. We can't see air but we know it's there because we breath. We can't see death but we know it's inescapable and its present because we all die someday, somehow.  
“Death arrives among all that sound like a shoe with no foot in it, like a suit with no man in it, comes and knocks, using a ring without stone in it, with no finger in it, comes and shouts with no mouth, with no tongue, with no throat.”
I like the way that here, death is something that is there but is empty, but it carries a huge meaning like a shoe with no foot in it  or a suit with no man in it. You can't see the things that are meant to go along with these things, they are empty but, even without the man and the foot, it still carries a greater meaning, like death carries its own.
Color: the river of dark purple, but it seems to me that it's singing has the color of damp violets,  the face of death is green,
and the look death gives is green,
with the penetrating dampness of a violet leaf and the somber color of embittered winter. All these lines within the poem address color.
Theme: the theme to me seems to be death and how it's always around us but won't attack until the time is right. In this poem, I feel as though death is almost portrayed through humans. We kill each other and that invites death in.
Day#4  poem by: Charles Bukowski “The History Of One Tough Motherfucker”
“white cross-eyed tailless cat I took him in and fed him and he stayed grew to trust me until a friend drove up the driveway and ran him over”
I like the detail the writer uses when he speaks of the cat.
I don't really like cats but I find it cute that the person in the story and the cat ended up trust worthy friends.
That last part that speaks of the trust being there until  of the author's friends rubbed him over reminds me that trust can sometimes be broken when you are hurt by someone or in a place you consider safe.
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