#god carmilla's cute in s1
laura in s1 saying "are you really so damaged that youre incapable of caring about anything" and carmilla taking that as an invitation
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unhingedreviews · 2 years
Carmilla the Youtube show
The sun is shining, it is 5:52pm and I have decided that nothing will happen this evening except the completion of this show so I have pot noodles and a fiery desire to forget reality so let's goooo
1 E20 "Sock Puppets and European History"
Flashback material with sock puppets jesus
Carmella's sock puppet is like the Potter Puppet Pals Voldemort
Ma'am I'm fairly sure that in the original text you do definitely eat those girls but I get that you can't be the bad guy in this Canonically Queer Vampires Are Great retelling
Carmilla became a Hozier song yo
Her mother is the dean, right
S1 E21 "Strategic Planning"
Carmilla slurping blood and watching Twilight is a mood
Carmilla | S1 E22 "Afterbite"
Tbh the mother in the book is a huge Question Mark and maybe I missed it because I read most of the book in sub zero temperatures but she orchestrated Carmilla's friendships, right? So she was either also a vampire or a very dedicated servant
Oh god just kiss already
S1 E23 "We Need To Talk About Carmilla"
I'm with her as ethics as an attempt to impose order
Carmilla | S1 E24 "Breaking Up (With An Amazon) Is Hard To Do"
It really bugs me that you can't tell what season it is from the clothes they're wearing
This is nearing Carry On Film levels but caring about someone =/= it's your job to keep them safe is in fact a salient observation
S1 E25 "Basic Parasitology"
'Nobody likes theatre students' ahahah
I take back the comments about the good lines, 'holy crapsticks' should be an illegal phrase
S1 E26 "The Standard Issue"
'I don't want to be Susan anymore' okay why do the good emotional lines always follow the shit ones
'I've been marked for death by a vampire cabal and you are fighting with your best friend.' Potato tomato
S1 E27 "Required Reading"
The library ATE someone that is the way to go
Okay what if people are watching these videos are they just assuming it's a prank
Carmilla. Wear pyjamas. Those jeans are not comfortable for sleeping. also. Carmilla in pyjamas
S1 E28 "Blame Enough For All"
and seriously why are you live broadcasting this shit
Did Laura just fall asleep flat on her face
S1 E29 "PTSD & Brownies"
I too clean when anxious, although you would not know this to survey the current state of my living quarters
The curly haired girl vacuumed AROUND Carmilla who didn't wake up what
Sidenote: either someone in the next door house is putting up a shelf or having sex I'll update you
Oh it's stopped almost straight away
So presumably...
S1 E30 "Monsters, Lies & Videotapes"
LaFontaine is pragmatic in a crisis, I appreciate that
S1 E31 "Of Hearts And Holy Hand Grenades"
So Laura got bit and still nothing's happened except cat dreams? I had a cat dream the other day. Do I have cute goth roommates? No.
I'm with the redhead, even I do my homework when the world is ending
Laura you put on a random necklace you'd never seen before having spent half a semester badly battling the forces of evil COME ON
S1 E31 "Of Hearts And Holy Hand Grenades"
I'm with the redhead, even I do my homework when the world is ending
Laura you put on a random necklace you'd never seen before having spent half a semester badly battling the forces of evil COME ON
S1 E31 "Of Hearts And Holy Hand Grenades"
Got distracted by some weather idk Carmilla's mother is around?
S1 E33 "Pep Rally"
'There is a whole campus full of people out there' and none of them want to get involved mate have you met students
Oh I was right
S1 E33 Do Not Go Into The Light
I don't know what flunking out is but it sounds American for 'was shit at uni and the uni told me to fuck off'
S1 E35 "Heroic Vampire Bull****"
Are these people being cute gross
Why does my university have a heel dancing club but not an alchemy club
'When the chips are down you're kinda like a bro' that is friendship right there
S1 E36 "Life Goes On"
Betty is me. entirely.
LaFontaine is dating a computer ghost of course they are
If Carmilla is vampire why'd Laura hold up her head when feeding her blood if she doesn't breathe can she choke??
okay yeah that was cute
'I was using the ancient book as a bathmat' fair
I'd rather flatshare with Carmilla than most of my current household because at least she's pleasant to look at when she doesn't clean up after herself. and also is a goth lesbian I GUESS. also top stuff making a TV show using one camera angle and an extremely old Sapphic vampire story as your source material, that was a gamble and I appreciate it
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somerpmemes · 4 years
Carmilla S1 Starters
Change as needed
“We’re gonna get you in something cute… ooh, this is bad.”
“No, you can stop yelling!”
“Boom! Revenge is mine!”
“I mean, this is like a death threat, or a health code violation.”
“Are you really gonna try and pretend this isn’t a total freak show?”
“Oh, see, surviving. Yes, I like that plan.”
“A lot of problems can be solved by good communication.”
“That bunched-up little face you make when you’re angry is hilarious, buttercup.”
“Devastating interrogation technique there.”
“Well, there’s the scoop of the century.”
“Feel free to stuff it.”
“I really hope that it passes over you and I hope it doesn’t touch your face.”
“Are you really so damaged that you’re incapable of caring about anything?”
“And do you really think you’re doing a lick or actual good?”
“Hell, even you deserve better.”
“So, that was harrowing.”
“Sometimes a girl’s gotta manufacture her own excitement, y’know?”
“Sounds chivalrous.”
“What the frilly hell is this?!”
“Babes shouldn’t fight.”
“It’s only a matter of time before you get caught.”
“I think my brain has melted.”
“Huh. You do look like crap.”
“Try not to get all sweaty and delirious before I get back.”
“This is so childish. You’d think we were still six.”
“Schadenfreude isn’t very attractive, ___.”
“God, this age doesn’t understand obligation. It’s like an undersea anchor; impossible to escape.”
“You are entirely too sweet.”
“Well, that is gonna be incredibly boring.”
“Why are you wearing war paint?”
“Not that my excruciating awkwardness should even be a blip right now.”
“You’re jumpy.”
“Well, dreams are supposed to be strange.”
“How creepily specific.”
“That’s uncharacteristically considerate of you.”
“The devil you know, you know?”
“What contaminated your control samples?”
“You should have never gone out that late!”
“Everything in your fridge is made of glucose and palm oil. I’m surprised you don’t have scurvy.”
“Well, the fact that a terrible plan is our only plan is not really a selling point.”
“How do we feel about bear spray?”
“You look like you’re about to flee your brooding lover across the moors.”
“Don’t you look like a virgin sacrifice.”
“Parties should be a shimmering moment of possibility, not a collection of brutes around a piece of flaming driftwood.”
“Look, if you didn’t like it, you could’ve just said something.”
“Maybe I don’t feel like sharing you right now.”
“That would be more flattering if it didn’t make me sound like a canapé.”
“Such a cliche. I ought to know better.”
“Bumps and bruises, and the dubious legality of holding someone hostage in their own room aside, I think this is cause for a little celebration.”
“You know, at times like these a dude needs to be with his bros.”
“You cannot seriously think that we’re dumb enough to believe you’re innocent just because you say so.”
“Do I strike you as the type of person who plays well with others?”
“I hear they have a great collection of straight jackets and tranquilizers.”
“Buckle up, cream puff. We’re gonna be in for a long night. Or, you know, Wednesday afternoon.”
“This need of yours to document everything borders the pathological.”
“Posterity doesn’t care. I should know, I live in it.”
“This is dangerous, this is exciting… this is flashback material!”
“You don’t think perhaps this makes light of my tragic backstory?”
“Now I’m a creature of the night! I can sleep until noon every day!”
“There can be great satisfaction in small revenges.”
“All too tragic for sock puppets.”
“Sorry, ___, not on board with untying someone who may eat me.”
“Cute. Not gonna save you.”
“Yeah, victims who fight back are so inconvenient.”
“Fine. But only because I have nothing resembling a better plan.”
“That’s unethical. Considerate, but unethical.”
“Ethics are a ridiculous game played by children who think they can impose order on an arbitrary universe.”
“Well, if you were smart you’d take any advantage you can get.”
“Would you stop playing to the cheap seats for all of five seconds!?”
“I care about you, of course it’s my job to keep you safe!”
“Okay, you can stop pretending to be all callous and indifferent.”
“Like it or not, ___, weird is the way it is.”
“I’d like to find something to experiment on now.”
“Awesome. I didn’t need to sleep again ever.”
“Thirteen year old boys have so much more subtlety.”
“This morning, after a long night of fruitless research, it is more fruitless research!”
“None of you are safe, we’ll take anyone we want.”
“Alright, just stop all of this before I get queasy.”
“I get it, you guys are trying to help me because you think I’m dumb.”
“You can send a dude to college, but you can’t make him think.”
“Did you vacuum around me?”
“She might be traumatized but she isn’t wrong.”
“God, this just gets creepier and creepier.”
“It really doesn’t seem to be that scary. It’s probably a bad sign, right?”
“That silly little creature couldn’t have loved you.”
“Stone cannot love flesh.”
“If either of you get in the way again, all bets are off.”
“I will feel a lot better when we are all together and heavily armed.”
“Don’t you have a sword to go get?”
“After everything, you didn’t even try.”
“I won’t try and force you. There’s no way that we can win, we might not even be able to make a dent.”
“Some things are more important than whether you can win.”
“Yeah, I think we’re supposed to be filming our soppy, heartfelt goodbyes or something.”
“See you at the violence.”
“So, a completely unexpected thing just happened: we won.”
“I still cannot believe you used me as a human homing beacon.”
“That was hardcore. We do not apologize for the hardcore.”
“I’m going to need all of the bleach.”
“So, something happened and, um, I just wanted to come prepare you so you wouldn’t freak out.”
“Are you hurt? It looks like maybe you’re hurt.”
“We didn’t kill it?”
“I have an idea: we just go.”
“A holiday where you can’t kill people is a stupid holiday.”
“Alright, I’m going to regret this but, what’s wrong?”
“Murder her for Christmas! Murder her for Christmas!”
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reshopraccoon · 5 years
LGBT rep mini rant
There’s been an insurgence of LGBT content on tv the last couple of years, which is great. But it’s also a great way to shut fans up because “xyz is already gay” or “why does every new show have a gay character” and my favorite “the gay agenda”.
Look sorry, I don’t ship Wayhaught (have to watch this show on fastforward it’s so awful) or Avalance (Sara/Nyssa 4eva or even Sara/Rip sorry not sorry) or Dansen (don’t mind it, but they’re just there). Don’t get what the big deal is with Killing Eve. Think Thundergrace lost their spark after S1. Never watched whatever Carmilla was on. Don’t speak Spanish so haven’t been able to watch Juliantina. Am not caught up with Jane the Virgin and The Bold Type or Charmed. Tuned out of Riverdale during the pilot episode and never went back. Etc. etc. Basically, I don’t have a ton of time, am picky with my shows and even if I think a couple is cute (Nico/Karolina or the sister and that girl in Atypical…see, can’t even remember their names), it doesn’t necessarily pull me in deep enough to join the deep dark web of fanfiction, headcanons, fanart, youtube vids (okay, I may have watched a more than healthy amount of Nico/Karolina vids after S1) etc. etc. A ship needs to be more than 2 women to pull me in. Just because a character is gay doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll identify with that character. And just because a show has a gay character, doesn’t mean I’ll like it or tolerate it for the gay character. There’s only been a handful of times that a ship was magical enough to suck me into the swirly depths of misery and euphoria that is the shipping world because I loved both the show AND the characters deeply.
1. Callie/Arizona aka Calzona: one got pregnant during a break up, the father became a permanent third wheel literally in their bed, the other lost a leg, cheated, they broke up and had other partners and eventually moved away and off the show. Happy ending in the form of a text implying they’ll reconcile off screen. Yay…! This is the happiest ending of the 5 LOL
2. Clarke/Lexa aka Clexa: shot dead 5 minutes after sex. ‘Nuff said.
3. Root/Shaw aka Shoot: Shot dead 5 seconds after first kiss oh but wait not dead sike! Oh but wait the other one is shot dead in the finale.
4. Emily/Alison aka Emison: After 7 years of misery and crumbs get divorced in the spin off show
5. Kara/Lena aka Supercorp: Queerbait
There’s been so little REAL progress that the actors of the L word felt it necessary to reboot the show after ten years for God’s sake.
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ariabauer · 7 years
100 Carmilla Stories - RunWithWolves Masterpost
Missing Hollstein? Already re-watched the series dozens of times? Need some Carmilla in your life? Then I have the fics for you. Seriously. I’ve written 100 Carmilla stories and categorized them here for your convenience (some stories fit into multiple but i did my best)
If you want...
Fake Dating/Marriage - i just really love this trope
Politician Carmilla has to get engaged to someone for her campaign and ends up with her long time best friend Laura. Marriage of Convenience
When Laura hears that actress Carmilla is fake dating her ex, she has some words for her best friend. A Rational Irrationality
Princesses Laura and Carmilla told the world they were dating to get out of arranged marriages. It’s easy til they fall in love. Not Really a Royal Romance
Laura wakes up in the hospital to find ex Carmilla at her side after they apparently got married a decade before. The Girl Who Got Away
As far as anyone knows, pHd candidates Laura and Carmilla hate each other. Lab Manager Laf is onto them. Worst Lab Partner Ever
General Fantasy - Supernatural beyond just vampires
Hollstein are dragon riders and Carmilla is not taking the responsibility seriously enough for Laura. Just A Girl and Her Dragon
Vampire Carmilla never expected to find old roomate Laura working a magical flower store in Diagon Ally. Lophii’s Blooms
Carmilla never wanted magic and Laura can’t unlock her own, they’re stuck together until they figure it out. circle of magic au Magic of My Own
Movies at Silas come to life and drag Carmilla into the role of Prince Charming while Laura gets sleeping beauty. Silas Movie Night
Werewolf Laura and Vampire Carmilla don’t get along and Carmilla doesn’t understand why Laura doesn’t turn her over tot he hunters. Like Cats and Dogs
Carmilla’s the best surgeon in the hospital but she swallows her pride and asks Dr Hollis for help when she gets an unusual sickness. Paging Doctor’s Hollis and Karnstein
Laura is angry because Carmilla thinks her blood tastes gross and spits it out instead of killing her. False Advertising 
Clockwork Au: Laura and Carmilla to each have creatures made of clockwork (dragon and cat respectively) that represent their souls.  Silver and Gold 
Myths and Fairytales - sometimes you need a Hollstein happily ever after
Sassy Laura barges into Carmilla’s castle with a rose and demands a curse be lifted from her father.  Beauty in A Beast ft Catmilla
Cupid Laura is determined to find vampire Carmilla’s soulmate even if Carmilla doesn’t want her too. Stalked By Cupid
Totally-in-love Laura and a tiny kitten Catmilla. Princess and the Frog twist, The Princess and the Kitten
Goddess of Spring Laura is accidentally kidnapped by Lord of the Dead Carmilla. Hades/Persephone AU. Queen of the Underworld 
Carmilla goes overboard into the ocean during a storm and never expected a mermaid to pluck her from the sea. Kissed a Mermaid
War is over and shepherd god Carmilla can’t wait to go home to her wife. Sumerian god au. The Shepherd God
Orphan Laura falls in love with witch!Carmilla and chases after Carmilla when she runs. King Arthur au. Sword In My Stone Heart
The gods disappeared and Greek demigod Laura demands Sumerian demigod Carmilla help her save them. Daughter of Love and War
Science Fiction Fun - time travel and space and oh my!
Carmilla’s time machine keeps taking her to a small human child. When Carmilla stops coming back, grown up Laura stows away. Time Travel Malfunction
After graduation, bffs Carmilla and Laura take their spaceship on a roadtrip with definitely no pining. Roadtrip To the Stars
Captain Hollis is forced to let cocky co-pilot Carmilla join her starship crew as she tries to stop black holes from devouring the universe. Star Filled Memories
Cops or Superheroes Au - nothing like a good bout of crime fighting and a mystery to get flirty Hollstein roaring to life
Laura as a detective and Carmilla as the flirty annoying writer following her around as they try to solve murders.  Write Me A Murder
Laura who doesn’t have superpowers trying to navigate a school for the superpowered featuring asshat with superstrength Carmilla. Powerless
FBI agent Carmilla trapped in a bank/bomb heist and sending flirty notes to the hostage negotiator Laura. Don’t Let Go
Supervillain Carmilla and superhero Laura being arch-enemies and yet their alter egos are roommates. Beneath the Boots and Leather
Special Agent Hollis would have an easier time getting through the laser field if her annoying partners wasn’t so flirty. Mission Flirtable
Vampires know there’s no such thing as superheros. Laura didn’t get the memo and she’s now Carmilla’s problem. Not a Superhero
Fire Princess Carmilla has flames at her fingertips and still isn’t ready for her air-powered roommate. atla au Fire In My Veins and Air in My Lungs
Star Reporter Laura is determined to get an interview with Superwoman if only her incompetent partner Carmilla stopped getting in the way. At The Daily Planet
Batwoman doesn’t have time for dating even if Wonder Woman ‘call me Laura' makes her heart flutter. No Dating For Batwoman
Could Be During Canon? - Trying to fit stories inside the world we love
Reincarnation AU where Carmilla's vampirism allows her to die and then come back to life 9 times. Nine Lives to Die
Carmilla plans a date after Laura asked her to the Zeta party. s1 Date Like it’s 1698
Each episode written in an extremely snarky tone in Carmilla’s diary.  Dear Creampuff 
Countess Karnstein is looking for the partner who dances in step with her.  The Right Partner
Laura is the girl who cares and Carmilla doesn’t know what to do when she stops. s2 story. A Question of Caring
8 times Laura uses a Bandaid and 2 times she doesn’t.  Stick an Apatosaurus to My Heart
Even though Laura’s dead, alt-Carm keeps hearing her heartbeat everywhere she goes. Floating Through A Stone Wall
Laura breathes until she doesn’t. Carmilla doesn’t breathe until she does. With Human Breath
Hollstein gets trapped in the s2 cellar with a magical snowstorm raging upstairs. Cuddling for warmth. Colder Than Our Hearts
Hollstein says hey a lot. It’s kind of their thing. A look at all seasons and the movie and what that word means. Hey
Canon Alternatives - twists on the way it went
Carmilla dies from the Dean’s sword and Laura brings her back, binding them together forever. The Golden Heart of Paris
Laura gets her heart back but doesn’t wake up so Mattie comes to her with a deal. Hold Her Hand
Danny is dead and the the campus is gone and Laura Hollis has had enough of people dying in her name. An Explanation for Deification
Laura saved them all from Vordenberg but paid a price Carmilla wish she hadn’t to channel a god’s power. Behind Your Ancient Eyes
Laura had meant to do romantic things for Carmilla, she’d just thought they’d have more time. I Meant To Do That
LaFerry fic where Laf is a ghost and keeps stealing substance from Carmilla so that Perry can touch them. Define Death
Saving Laura to be the only reason Carmilla would ever willingly get back inside the coffin. Coffin of Starlight
Barely friends Carmilla and Laura literally glued together including obligatory shower scene. The Sticking Incident 
Mircalla’s doesn’t remember her past but her next client looks familar and, instead of taking her ‘services’, just wants to talk. Find You In the Dark
One Carmilla was bad, Laura has no idea how to handle 2 version of her ex girlfriend when they’re stuck in the library. Split Personality, Literally
Laura has amnesia but is thrilled to find out the hot vampire by her bed is her wife. Absolute jackpot Wake Up With a Hot Wife
Carmilla’s soul is trapped in the pit and Laura and the scooby gang have to figure out how to put her back together. Colours of A Soul
After Canon Ends - what could happen next
Post Movie Hollstein and their daughter go looking for the fountain of youth. Retcon the retcon. Family Trip to the Fountain
Papa Hollis gives a speech at a Hollstein wedding that gives all the feels as he tells Laura’s life story. That’s My Daughter
Vamp Laura going through a photo album and telling stories about her adventures with Carmilla. A Live Well Lived 
Laura, her father, and eventually Carmilla leave letters on Laura’s mother’s tombstone. Until We Meet Again
Mortal Laura and immortal Carmilla trying to figure out their lives and how to handle forever. Dandelion Promises
Vampires can’t go inside churches but Carmilla still likes to listen to the bells. Laura follows her. post movie. Monstrous Grace
Laura leaves a letter for Carmilla to give to all of Laura’s reincarnations over the centuries. The One Who Loves Her Next
Pregnant Laura has weird 2am cravings for Carmilla to try and fill. 9 Months of Mustard
Musical Hollstein - Trying to write melody with words
Tired world class musician Carmilla gives beginner Laura lessons and falls a little bit in love with her and the music. Teach Me to Play
Carmilla’s sent to interview her ex, pop star Laura. It’s been years and Carmilla can still see the brokenness her mother put on Laura’s face. To Hope Beyond an Unfinished Melody
Coffee Shop and Cooking Hollstein
Laura moves in with the hot coffee barista she has a crush on it’s both the best and the worst. Coffee Cupcake Crush
Laura can’t make coffee but she can set up all her customers with each other, the only person she can’t find a match for is fellow barista and ‘cupid-in-crime’ Carmilla. The Ultimate Coffee Shop Au
Angsty chefs Hollstein run a cooking show but when things get hot in the kitchen, they become secret exes with benefits. Cooking With Hollstein
Human Hollstein - Nothing supernatural. Just our girls being cute.
Billionaire playgirl Carmilla can’t bring herself to be a playboy when it’s Laura she’s taking as her date. Read The Carmilla Karnstein Special
Laura sees a girl on the subway but couldn’t speak to her so writes a ‘missing person’ ad instead. Missed Connections
Aggressive salesman Laura sells girl scout cookies with tiny Laf and knocks on Carmilla’s door. Just Buy the Cookies
Adorable sticky note conversations between broody Carmilla and the girl on the day shift who stole her mug. The Mug Thief 
Drunk Carmilla comes into Laura’s tattoo shop and demands a tattoo on her butt.  Tattoos and Bikinis
Laura literally falls into Carmilla’s lap on the bus and a spunky older gentleman gives love advice. Strangers on a Bus
Laura’s not very good a camping and the night’s cold when your tent collapses, might have to share sleeping bags. To Build A Tent
Librarian Karnstein  enjoys annoying Professor Hollis by rearranging the books to see her scrunched nose. Librarian Hottie
Laura signs up to be a toymaking Christmas elf but gets a grumpy partner who hates making toys. Christmas Trains
Hockey player Laura is determined to get concessions booth worker Carmilla to love the skating rink. Cookies Cupcakes and Hockey Captains.
High School Hollstein Stories
Nerd Laura becomes the quarterback and only reluctant cheerleader Carmilla doesn’t change around her. A Classic High School Love Story 
Laura is desperate for cookies and Carmilla ate them all after high school home ec. How to Avoid Kale
Hollstein neighbours shoot nerf guns and marshmallow guns and water guns at each other. War of the Windows
Hollstein becoming friend in kindergarten and then grow up together while getting into all kinds of trouble. Loving Trouble
Hollstein with Animals - Fluffier than fluff because animals are fluffy
Reluctant dog walker Carmilla can’t say no to vet Laura’s requests to walk various animals so they get exercise. Puppy Dog Eyes
Pet Store worker Carmilla saves Laura after she kills Laf’s fish. Again and again. One Fish Two Fish
Carmilla’s cat to keep bringing home some mysterious girl’s underwear. Drawer of Lingerie
Carmilla’s cat gets Laura’s cat pregnant and Laura demands Carmilla co-parent the kittens. Bonus unexpected canoe. Kitten Kisses 
Carmilla rescuing Laura from evil spiders in the laundry room. For Fear of Spiders
 Playing With Words - Hollstein examined in a story
The story on campus before Carmilla reached room 307 told like Welcome to the Nightvale. Welcome To Silas
Writing the movie plot before the movie came out with Hollstein engagement and Ell closure. It’s Not About the Plot
Laura’s a baker, Carmilla’s a firefighter. An examination of what a Hollstein story really is. A Generic Carmilla Story
Detailing the 100 little ways Hollstein fell in love over the seasons. 100 Ways They Fell in Love
Soulmates - because who doesn’t love some soulmate Aus. Usually twisted from the typical soulmate version or an original idea
Tiny literal hearts to pop up every time Carmilla looks at Laura and all Carmilla wants is for Laura to NEVER SEE THEM.Love is Orange
The scars from one person to show up only on the body of their soulmate featuring a Carmilla who is scarless for centuries and a Laura who will only wear long sleeves.  Scars Inside
Timer soulmate au where Carmilla meets a tiny five year old Laura on her first day of school and suddenly finds her timer has started counting down to the moment they fall in love. A Broken Pocketwatch
A mirror will let you see your soulmate every year on your birthday but everyone is convinced there’s been a mistake when 21th century Laura sees 17th century Carmilla in the mirror. The Mirror Between Us 
Fairy Laura follows her soulmate compass through a jungle only to find a panther. Carmilla’s not interested in soulmates. Follow Your Arrow
Everyone is born with a soulmate marker to write the name of their chosen soulmate on their skin. Vampires don’t have ink. s1-3 We Chose Each Other
Child countess Carmilla wished on stars for a best friend and got an imaginary lion. Centuries later, child Laura makes the same wish and finds a panther on her doorstep. Wishing On Imaginary Stars
Carmilla has never seen color until the world starts flickering when a kid can’t find their mom. A Hint of Colour
You can hear the music of your own soul and your soulmate but vampire Carmilla can’t hear the music. After Ell separates them, can Laura find her again and again? In Every Universe You Are My Symphony
This has been a 3 year labour of love. The stories vary in length from about 2k to over 100,000k for a total of more than half a million words. Have suggested stories? Let people know! It’s a big list!
Hope you enjoy them and thank you for all of your support creampuffs! <3 Aria
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