#gn ya'll happy friday
Isat Chatfic
*Siffrin has added Isabeau, MIRABELLE PLUMS, Odile, Bonnie and Petronille*
Siffrin: Hi.
Bonnie: Wtc
MIRABELLE: What is this?
Siffrin: Groupchat.
Petronille: Why?
Siffrin: Because. I’m lonely and it’s 2 am
Bonnie: go bother za
Siffrin: No
And plus he’s on here
Isabeau: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Petronille: Good change why are ther so many is
Isabeau: idk bc its fun
Siffrin: So this is the groupchat
Bonnie: Weres Dile
Odile: *Where’s
Isabeau: Ther you are Madame
Odile: Rejoyce.
Petronille: ok these names are boring hold on
*Petronille changed their name to Nille*
*Nille changed MIRABELLE’s name to Mira*
*Nille changed Siffrin’s name to Star*
*Nille changed Bonnie’s name to Bonbon*
*Nille changed Isabeau’s name to Za*
*Nille changed Odile’s name to Hardcover Book To The Head*
Nille: That’s better
Hardcover Book To The Head: Why is this my name.
Nille: Remember when you hit Siffrin in the head with a book
Threatened to but still
Hardcover Book To The Head: …Fair point.
Star: omg tysm Nille
Nille: Why
Star: My name i like it
Nille: ur welcome
Bonbon: Why do they get a cool name
Nille: It fits with how much he talks about stars
Mira: with that logic, Petronille’s name should be having a lot of hair.
*Isa changed Nille’s name to Long hair enthusiast*
Long hair enthusiast: I know where you sleep Isabeau
Isa: Oh change I’m so scared
Star: Yes ok we get it, you think you’re edgy
Long hair enthusiast: AFTER I GAVE YOU THAT NAME
Long hair enthusiast: THAT’S IT 
*Long hair enthusiast changed Star’s name to wannabe edgelord*
wannabe edgelord: BLIND YOU WOMAN
Hardcover Book To The Head: Siffrin, with all due respect, leave cursing people out in other languages for when we’re actually awake. I want to partake, I can’t if I’m half asleep
 wannabe edgelord: Fine
Gn ya’ll
Isa: gn sif
Mira: Goodnight!
Long hair enthusiast: night
Bonbon: gud night
Hardcover Book To The Head: Goodnight.
*Isa and five others went offline.*
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