#gmail's junk inbox is called spam!!
nancywheeeler · 2 years
do you ever think about how a ‘60s monty python sketch where a bunch of vikings chant “spam spam spam spam spam spam spam” is the reason we call junk emails and phone calls spam? because i think about it all the time.
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lasclexcel · 2 years
How to block emails on gmail iphone
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Therefore, marking unsolicited emails as junk and deleting them is the most effective method for addressing the issue. Once spammers know they've identified a responsive individual, they may opt to bombard you with more messages from other unblocked addresses. Headlines conveying a sense of urgency and danger in exchange for money (“You are in danger! Give money now!”) also scream “scam!”Ĭlicking unsubscribe on spam emails tells senders that your account is active and that someone is receiving their material. So how do you know if it’s a legitimate marketing emailer or a spammy, dangerous email? There are tell-tale signs to spot phishing emails, including an unclear or unprofessional-looking subject line. The Safe Browsing feature will safeguard you from malicious websites containing fraud, phishing links, spam, and malware. When all is done, your device will be enjoying Clario’s all-round protection.
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Get a cybersecurity software able to proactively send you alerts and protect all aspects of your digital life.ġ.If you still want to post your email address on social media, you may want to limit who can see it to select contacts. Don’t reveal your private email address on public domain websites or social media groups.īots, spammers, and scanners are always on the lookout for email addresses readily available online.When its security is compromised, you can simply abandon this email address and it doesn’t pose a risk to your other online accounts. This is called a disposable email and unconnected to your personal accounts. It would be better not to agitate them.Īnother technique tech-savvy individuals do is use another email address when they sign up to new websites. Maybe you will be tempted to reply to these spammers to stop sending you messages. Reputable companies do not spam their subscribers and are less likely to be involved in a data breach. If you do willingly want to get newsletters and other promotional messages, make sure these are from trustworthy brands. Only subscribe to trusted companies or websites.Maybe you’re checking on the auto-subscribe option of these tricky text boxes. Read the fine print of apps and websites’ Terms and Conditions.Here are some handy tips to prevent getting unwanted emails in the first place… You have clicked on a malicious email before.A company with details of your email was a victim of data breach.You have posted your email on a public forum or website.You accidentally subscribed to a company’s newsletter.Why does anyone get spammed? Good question. Either way, they’re cluttering up your inbox. Maybe it’s an acquaintance asking for a loan or a past lover still trying to reach out. Unwanted personal communication: These are messages sent to you by someone you personally know, of which you have no intention of replying to.Emails with no sender: Known to iOs users as ghost emails, these “no sender” and “no subject” emails may actually be a result of a system glitch.This can later be used for crimes such as identity theft. The malicious software can then spy on your activities and even gather personal information about you. Phishing emails : These malicious messages pretend to be marketing emails but contain software capable of installing themselves on your device stealthily.Forced or accidental subscriptions: When using a new app or website, the service may use certain tactics to confuse you into agreeing to receive messages from them.Spam emails: Also known as junk mail, most spam emails are sent in bulk to a list of subscribers, usually for promotional purposes.Before we try to remove them from our inbox, let’s learn more about the most common types of unwanted emails:
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david-akintunde · 3 years
10 Tips To Boost Your Email Open Rates
Here is a simple talisman for success if you’re an email marketer — higher email open rates mean more conversions. Sounds obvious? Even then, many organizations don’t end up writing emails that subscribers want to open. A study by MailChimp found that email open rates are just at 21.33% across all industries.
In a quick glance, this figure looks ok. But is it really? Suppose you have an email list comprising a whopping 15,000 subscribers. With a 21.33% conversion rate, only a mere 3199 leads are ever going to see your emails, and fewer will take any action.
Remember, there comes a point, when it doesn’t matter how extensive your email list is, but how many prospects within that list open your emails. If within the same list of 15,000 subscribers, your open rates go up to 50%, you end up with 7500 leads engaging with your pitch.
So, how do you get here? By following these 10 hacks that are sure to improve your email open rates:
1. Don’t Forget to Segment your Email List
Without email list segmentation, you cannot personalize your emails. While you can categorize your email list under parameters most relevant to you, try these three segments for starters.
Segment based on:
Challenges and pain points
Like and dislikes
2. Get your Subject Line Right
Your subject line alone is what encourages prospects to open your email. It also helps form your brand’s first impression. So, craft it well! How?
Personalize it for your target audience. Write more than one subject sentence for, say, different age groups, even if the product you’re pitching is the same.
Hold back on using too many punctuations like exclamation marks. You’d be surprised how commonly marketers use more than one exclamation point in subject lines for emphasis. Choose to emphasize with your words instead.
Keep it concise and avoid vagueness.
Draft it in the form of a question, if you can.
Use powerful words and phrases. These stir emotion and arouse curiosity. For example, the image below uses a power word like “sanity-saving.”
Source: Smart Blogger
3. Get your Email Timing Right
Remember, leads will read your emails at different times in different parts of the world. Some will read them late at night, while others will do so in the morning. Leverage whichever email automation tool you use to track the time most of your prospects read your emails.
Once you have an optimal time, send emails accordingly to boost open as well as click-through rates. Also, as a general rule of thumb, avoid sending marketing emails over weekends. Several studies have now revealed that weekends are the most inopportune time to send promotional communication.
4. Get your Email Frequency Right
Nobody, and that even includes you wants their inbox to be bombarded with too many promotional emails from one brand. Not only does this single-handedly bring down your open rates, but the prospect can blacklist you or mark you as spam.
Simply put, strike the right balance with your audience. Generally, sending emails twice or thrice and no more makes for a healthy frequency that doesn’t annoy prospects.
5. Re-engage with the Dormant Prospects
All email lists have prospects who haven’t opened promotional emails from certain brands in months. Your list is likely no different. Weed them out! And scout for new prospects.
But, before identifying and deleting them from your email list, make sure to draft and deploy a re-engagement campaign. Maybe, this campaign contains time-limited offers or personalized deals to re-engage passive leads.
6. Send Emails using an Official Email ID
No matter how small your business is at this point, don’t use your Gmail or Hotmail ids to send out marketing communication. Such a practice will likely land you in the prospect’s junk pile. Use a domain email address that carries your brand name to stay out of spam filters and boost your open rates.
7. Ensure a High Deliverability Rate
Unfortunately, over 20% of marketing emails don’t land up in your prospects’ inboxes. These emails bounce because of:
Temporary server issues on both ends
Sending emails to abandoned or obsolete email ids
Prospects who accidentally blacklist you
Upping your deliverability rate will automatically boost open rates. You can do this by:
Sending reminder emails requesting your subscribers to whitelist you.
Confirm if a prospect has willingly subscribed to your list by asking them to click on a link sent to their inbox.
8. Avoid using Certain Words in Email Subject Line and Body
Stay away from phrases and words that make your email seem less authentic. For instance, “Urgent,” “free stuff for you,” “you have won,” and several others. Think of these phrases similar to swear words in email marketing.
9. Send the Same Email Once More
Sometimes your prospects want to open your email, but they simply forget or get distracted. And, once they do, they won’t revisit your email. To avoid this situation, resend the same email to subscribers who didn’t open your first email.
Don’t worry about being too intrusive here. You’d be happy to know that this is not an uncommon practice used by marketers to boost their open rates.
10. Don’t only Send Promotional Content
Sure, the ultimate goal for your brand is to sell its wares, but this doesn’t mean all your emails must carry a sales pitch. Share informational or educational content to make your email campaigns more engaging. Help them gain light on their challenges through blogs, case studies, etc. When you send a mixed bag of email content, you are more likely to increase your open rates.
With these 10 tips, you can undoubtedly experience higher open rates, eventually translating into more conversions. As for subscribers who, even after all the attempts, don’t open your emails, it’s best to let them go! After all, not all subscribers turn into qualified leads, and that’s ok.
Three Tips For Writing Marketing Email Subject Lines People Actually Want To Open
Sales, marketing and branding expert. CEO of GoPromotional, distributor of promotional products with a focus on online business development.
When was the last time you sent an email? Did you know that, according to Statista, roughly 306 billion emails were estimated to have been sent and received every single day in 2020? There are only about 7.7 billion people on Earth. Let that sink in. Now, ask yourself this: How many of the emails you receive every day do you actually read? More specifically, how many of the promotional emails you receive do you open at all?
With all the benefits of the information age, it’s important to remember that we’re utterly swamped with information to an extent we’ve never experienced before. So if you want to get through to people — if you’re an e-marketer whose goal is to reach as many targets as possible via mass emails — you’ll have to put in some thought and get creative. This is a game of subject lines, and your job is to master it by crafting engaging, inviting, tempting and even daring email subject lines that will grab attention — even if it’s just long enough for a click.
The fear of missing out is your ally.
FOMO is real, and it’s powerful. For the uninitiated, “FOMO” stands for “fear of missing out,” and while it may be a behavioral trend brought about by our rapidly developing internet infrastructure, it is a valuable marketing tool. No matter what you’re missing — a new blow dryer, a different kind of juice or a wedding — the point is that you’re missing something. Maybe you just don’t know about it yet.
FOMO will be of great use to you as you draft up effective subject lines. Don’t just stop with basic additions such as “act fast,” “for a limited time” or “while supplies last.” Go all the way and use numbers. What makes you want to move faster: “while supplies last” or “three hours left?” The fewer details, the better. This is all about getting your target to open the email. Don’t worry about telling them what ends in three hours. Let them find out for themselves.
Less is sometimes more.
We’re all busy. Nobody has time to read your spiel. Yes, that even includes your 10-word subject line. How many of the hundred emails you received today had 10 words in their subject lines? It adds up, and, at some point, it just looks like alphabet soup. Crafting an email subject line is all about visuals. In my experience, a short, quippy subject line can catch the eye of someone looking at their email inbox because it helps break up the sea of text.
Consider shortening a subject line such as “New jeans from Lucky Brand, Calvin Klein, Collection by Michael Strahan and more” to something more like, “Lucky. Calvin. Strahan.” You can call it a laconic method if you want, but when you treat every word like it’s a scarce commodity, they instantly appear more important.
Laugh it up.
I think we can all agree that email is no longer the stuffy, daunting, formal affair it may have once been. Email is something we do without even thinking. It’s on our phones. It’s how we confirm toothpaste orders. It’s like socks: totally ubiquitous. And consider this: More and more, your target audience is made up of people who weren’t even born before email was invented. These consumers grew up in the beginnings of a post-advertising era, when I believe traditional advertising began to lose its grip. They know a promotional email when they see one.
The solution? Laugh it up. Be a little self-aware. I’ve found that millennials and Generation Z pick up on self-awareness, and they appreciate it. Make fun of yourself a little; it can’t hurt. Switch out your stock enthusiasm for deadpan humor. Be honest. Instead of, “This week’s top picks just for you,” for example, you could try, “We want your money.” The content matters, but what matters more is getting your target interested.
Remember, the meat and potatoes are in the body of your email, but the subject is your alluring dessert. You can have dessert before dinner — as long as you eat.
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Your Email Marketing Is Destined To Fail Without These 3 Essentials
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
Think email marketing is all spam? Think again! In a world where marketing pitches come at us from all angles and on every device, email marketing has held steady as the favored channel for consumers. When used well, this platform can help you attract, convert, close and delight your buyers. Don’t underestimate it — your company’s email strategy can make or break you.
When it comes to building a successful email-marketing strategy, there are three specific elements that will help you achieve your business goals or move you further away from them, depending on how well you use them.
Let’s take a closer look at each of them.
1. Frequency
Nobody wants to get ten emails a day from a subscription. It doesn’t matter if the content is brilliant, useful or undeniably accurate. Your leads will get annoyed if you send them too much information. Even though they might read it (with some luck), at some point, they’ll feel bothered and eventually click the unsubscribe button.
Avoid losing contacts by not only asking their desired frequency to get your emails, but also by relying on your metrics. Don’t pay too much attention to your open rate alone — look closely at your click-through rate too. This will indicate how interested your leads are and how often they take action to prove it.
While every industry and situation is different, a good place to start with email-marketing cadence is about once per week. This establishes a relationship with your subscribers that can turn into a habit-forming routine. Being too timid about frequency can lead to a sporadic cadence that will end up irritating recipients. If you wait too long between emails, even opt-in subscribers may report you for spam — simply because you’ve let them forget all about you!
2. Relevance
While subscribers may certainly become frustrated by the frequency of your emails, they are more likely to become annoyed if your content is not relevant to their interests and needs.
Relevance is a tricky concept because it depends on many factors like the consumer’s knowledge level, his or her stage in the buyer’s journey and good timing. You must know your audience in order to understand what type of content they want.
Specifically, you need to know what they want from you, which is often dictated by where they are in the buyer’s journey. Are they ready to buy? Are they trying to get valuable information? Are they looking to solve a problem? Are you able to solve that problem?
In every industry, there are two types of buyers: “now” buyers, who are progressing down the purchase funnel, and future buyers, who have no interest in or need for your product currently, but may down the road. For future buyers, the relevance of your content is what’s most important to them; it’s what builds the brand trust that will bring them back to you when they are ready to buy.
Finally, timing is everything. Relevance is about getting the right content to the right person at the right time.
3. Action
We receive emails basically everywhere — at home, work and while on the go. When receiving an email, we may take a look at it immediately, but sometimes it requires further action like submitting a form, watching a video or visiting a website. Try to reduce or streamline required actions in order to make it easy for contacts to follow through at any time of day.
First and foremost, make your offers simple. Your buyers don’t like to be given too many choices; when they are, they often won’t buy anything at all. Even in the physical world, this is the case. In the famous “jam study” by Columbia Business School Professor Sheena Iyengar, for example, she set out two tasting booths for a brand of jam. One table offered six flavors to choose from; the other offered 24.
While the tasting booth with 24 flavors attracted more people, the booth with six flavors sold much more jam — 30% of those who stopped at the booth bought a jar, compared to just 3% of those who stopped at the table with 24 varieties. These visitors were too confused and overwhelmed to make a purchase decision.
The difference between stopping at a booth and buying from a booth is similar to the difference between opening an email and clicking through to an offer. Your email campaigns must be able to achieve both to be successful. The more personalized and concise you can be in your offers, the simpler the choice will be for your email subscribers.
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tiwarihimanshu123 · 3 years
How to Make Your Email Whitelist?
Adding an email address to the address book, whitelist, or safe list in the email application is the most popular technique to whitelist it. However, there is no standard approach, and it may vary depending on the application. If you can't find such an option, you should contact the support team for your email application, who will almost certainly be able to assist you. Enroll in cyber security certifications to increase your knowledge. Unsolicited emails or restricted emails are becoming more of a concern as they flood inboxes. As a result, email providers tightened their spam filtering. Brainstorm Force applauds these tactics for preventing spam and assisting users in keeping their inboxes clean and focused. Nothing, however, is truly flawless. Without our knowledge, essential and instructive emails are frequently routed to the spam folder. This typically occurs when the service provider's database of acceptable IDs does not contain a specific email address or when you have not added it to your contact list. Whitelisting emails ensures that you receive emails from the essential email IDs while blocking spam from the rest. To learn more, enroll in cyber-crime courses online.
Gmail Whitelisting Instructions
If you use Gmail as your email provider, it's simple to configure so that a specific sender gets whitelisted for all future communications. The Gmail whitelisting process can be completed quickly using the web client:
Click the settings button (located in the upper-right corner of the screen), then choose "Settings" from the resulting drop-down menu.
 To retrieve information about your existing filters, click the "Filtered and Blocked Addresses" tab.
Select "Create a new filter" and input the emails or domains to be whitelisted.
Type the whole address to whitelist a single email address, for example. However, if you want to whitelist all senders from a specific domain, just write the domain, such as "@yahoo.com." This instructs Gmail to approve all messages sent by Yahoo.
Click "Create filter" to confirm the new filter, then check the box next to "Never send to Spam" to whitelist all emails in the filter. You can also flag these emails as significant by staring at them, labeling them, or staring at them.
A Non-Commercial Whitelist
Non-commercial whitelists are managed by a variety of non-profit organizations, ISPs, and others engaged in spam prevention to stop data exploitation. Rather than paying costs, the sender must satisfy several criteria, such as having an email server that is not an open relay and has a static IP address. If a server receives a complaint, the operator of the whitelist may remove it from the list. Enroll in a cyber security course to have deeper knowledge.
A Commercial Whitelist
Commercial whitelists are a mechanism in which an Internet service provider allows someone to escape spam filters or to exploit data when sending email messages to its customers in exchange for a prepaid fee, which can be either annual or per message. A sender can then be confident that their communications have reached their intended recipients without being blacklisted, restricted, or having links or photos removed by spam filters. The goal of commercial whitelists is to enable businesses to reach out to their customers via email in a consistent manner. Register for cyber security certifications to advance your career. 
Launch the Gmail application.
Navigate to the Spam or Junk Folder.
Select the message you want to read by clicking on it.
Select "Report not spam."
You will now receive messages from this sender as usual.
Whitelist an Email in Outlook
Whitelisting a domain or individual email address is Outlook.com is just as simple, and it works by adding the address or domain in question to a group called "safe senders." An address that has been added to your safe sender’s list will be delivered to your inbox regardless of your spam filters. To advance your profession, enroll in a cyber security course. To add an address or domain to the list of safe senders, follow these steps:
Select "Settings" and then "View all Outlook settings."
Navigate to "Junk email," then pick "Safe senders and domains" or "Safe mailing lists" to whitelist the domain or email address.
Enter the domain name or email address to be added to the Safe sender’s list. To ensure that only emails with the precise string of characters you supplied are whitelisted, make sure to include the @ character in domain names (and nothing more).
You can also add an individual email address that has sent you a message to your Outlook Contacts. Even though they achieve the same outcome, this method is faster and more efficient than manually entering information. To learn more about the email whitelist, take cyber-crime courses online.
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kartikrai · 3 years
How to get rid of spam emails
Spam mails, also called garbage mail, are excluded from mass sent email messages conveyed to an inbox. You likely get email spam and showcasing messages routinely. In any case, there's one contrast between a spam message and promoting message: authorization. 
For the most part, real advertising messages are sent by organizations once you pick in to get them. They permit you to buy into a pamphlet, pursue administrations, read individuals just substance or offer messages using email and online media. 
Spam messages frequently come from ill-conceived email addresses and may contain the express or unlawful substance. These messages frequently use alarm strategies, contain mistakes and misdirecting data, and are sent in mass from an unknown sender. They only sometimes contain a withdrawal interface, and if it does, that connection might be implanted with malware. This could prompt cybercriminals to access your PC, cell phone, and different gadgets. 
There are approaches to assist with easing back the tide of undesirable messages. Thus, here are the five basic ways you can take to assist with disposing of spam messages.
1. Imprint as spam 
Most email administrations, for example, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Microsoft Outlook, and Apple Mail have calculations that channel out spam and garbage mail by hiding them in an envelope. 
However, on the off chance that you discover a spam email in your customary inbox, don't erase the message — mark it as spam. Denoting a dubious email as spam will send it to the spam organizer. Pushing ahead, if you get additional messages from this location, the spam channel will know not to give it access to your inbox. 
Step by step instructions to stamp spam in Gmail 
Snap-on the square close to the email → Click the stop sign symbol 
Step by step instructions to stamp spam in Yahoo! Mail 
Snap the crate close to the email or on numerous messages → Click on the safeguard symbol 
Step by step instructions to stamp spam in Microsoft Outlook 
Snap-on the crate close to the email → Click on Junk Email Options in the menu → Click on the Block button 
Step by step instructions to stamp spam in Apple Mail 
Snap the email message → Click on the "X" checked garbage bin (Junk Mail) symbol 
A prepared email channel can track and banner tends that have been boycotted or contain dubious expressions like "modest," "Viagra," or "free."
2. Erase spam messages 
There is a brilliant principle to managing spam messages: on the off chance that it seems as though a spam message, it most likely is — so erase it without clicking or downloading anything. Such messages might contain programming that tells the sender you've opened the email, affirming you have a functioning record, which might prompt much more spam messages. 
Some malware projects can take your email address and use it to resend spam messages supposedly an authentic location. For instance, frauds could act like somebody you know, similar to a companion, relative, or associate. 
If the message is referred to seems to come from somebody you know, reach them outside of your email. 
The following are not many choices for erasing spam messages for great. 
Instructions to erase spam from Gmail 
Snap on the vacant box to look at the message. 
In the top menu click on the stop sign. 
In the dropdown menu, click Report Spam. 
Snap-on the Delete All Spam Messages Now choice. 
Definite guidelines are accessible on Google's help page. 
Instructions to erase spam from Yahoo! Mail 
Look at the container close to the email. 
Snap-on the safeguard in the above menu. 
Snap the Report Spam choice. 
Explore the spam envelope. 
Snap the Delete Emails choice. 
Definite directions are accessible on the Yahoo! help page. 
Instructions to erase spam from Microsoft Outlook 
In the inbox region, click the email. 
In the top menu, click on the Junk Mail choice. 
Snap-on the Junk Email tab in the side menu. 
Snap the metal garbage bin to purge the organizer. 
Itemized directions are accessible on the Microsoft Office support page. 
Instructions to erase spam from Apple Mail 
Select the Junk Mail alternative in the left side menu. 
Feature the ideal messages. 
Snap-on the metal garbage bin (Delete chosen messages) symbol. 
Nitty-gritty directions are accessible on the Apple support page. 
At the point when you block spam messages, they're shipped off a spam organizer. Over the long haul, this organizer develops with the hailed messages. In this way, you'll need to once in a while void. 
While not idiot-proof, the following are five critical components to search for in a dubious email. 
Mentioning individual data 
The sender demands your data like location, Social Security number, or banking data. 
Sporadic email address 
The email has a dubious area name or uses unprecedented characters in the location. 
Obscure and new senders 
Counterfeit messages from individuals acting like powerhouses, high-positioning authorities, or authentic organizations. These organizations might guarantee you've made buys when you haven't. 
Messages that require prompt activity 
These messages contain activity words like, "Prompt," "Restricted Time," and "Critical" in the title box or headline. 
3. Keep your email address hidden 
Email contains mistakes 
Many phony messages will contain fundamental grammatical mistakes and blunders like the incorrect spelling of your name or have helpless syntax utilization. 
Giving out your email address can build the measure of spam email you get. So in case, it's not vital to share, keep it hidden. Additionally, consider changing your email protection settings. Here's the ticket: 
Google Privacy Settings 
Sign in to your Google account. 
Go to the Security Checkup alternative to see the gadgets, security occasions, and other email locations and gadgets associated with your Gmail account. 
Change the flip changes to turn includes on or off. 
Play out similar interaction for the Personal Information and Privacy settings. 
Yahoo Mail security settings 
Sign in to your Yahoo! Mail Account. 
Snap-on the stuff symbol. 
Snap the Account Information choice. 
In the Account Security segment, click on the Generate application secret phrase choice. 
Microsoft Outlook security settings 
Snap for your symbol in the upper-right corner of the screen. 
In the menu list, click My Account. 
Snap-on the Privacy and Security choices to change the settings. 
Apple Mail security settings 
Snap the apple symbol in the upper left corner of the screen. 
Snap-on System Preferences. 
Snap-on the Security and Privacy alternative. 
If you post via web-based media or leave online remarks, don't post your email. If you must choose between limited options, it may assist with making a different email address to be utilized exclusively for web-based media purposes, in this manner assisting with guaranteeing your primary email address stays private.
4. Utilize an outsider spam channel 
Your email specialist co-op may have its channel however matching it with an outsider spam channel can give an extra layer of network protection. The messages will go through two spam channels to come to your inbox. So if it gets past one spam channel, the other should get it. 
Compelling spam channels can ensure your gadgets are against malware dangers, assaults, and bothersome substances. Search for an enemy of spam channel that works with your email supplier and addresses your requirements. 
5. Change your email address 
If the spam continues to come in, it could mean your email address was uncovered in an information break. It very well may be difficult to forestall spam when cybercriminals have your data. One choice for this situation is to change your email address. 
With free email administrations like Gmail, it's not difficult to make different records so you can restrict the spam that shows up in your essential inbox. Here's the secret: 
Start by enrolling for another record with your present email administration. 
Then, advise your contacts from your new record that you've changed email addresses. 
At long last, explore the Settings area and add the new email address to advance approaching messages from your old record. 
Instructions to add a sending address 
After making another location, you might need to set it up so you get messages from your old location. You can do this by changing the sending settings. 
Sending your email address permits you to refresh your contact data on all records attached to your unique email account. You can do it in four simple tasks: 
In the old email account, go to the Settings alternative. 
Snap the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab. 
In the Add a sending address box, enter the new email address. 
Snap "Next" to confirm the cycle. 
Make certain to keep the two records open for a couple of months, so you can divert any leftover messages to the new record. 
6. Withdraw from email records 
Withdrawing from email records is an optimal method to stay under the radar. Advertisers frequently get your email address from online structures, web-based media, and scratching apparatuses, and buy your data from different organizations. In this way, the less you buy in it, the less these advertisers and spammers can discover your location. 
The Federal Trade Commission requires organizations that send business or mass messages to agree with the CAN-SPAM Act. Started in 2003, the law helps set standards and necessities for messages sent; one of the principles is that organizations should consistently give data on how to quit their messages. Resistance with these guidelines can cost up to $43,280 in punishments from the FTC. 
While the law doesn't keep advertisers from sending spam messages, it gives an approach to prevent them from filling your inbox. The following are two different ways to withdraw from individual and mass messages. 
Instructions to withdraw from individual messages 
Most showcasing messages will have withdrawal buttons at the lower part of the email. Some email customers, like Gmail, will likewise show a withdraw button up at the top close to the To: and From: 
Instructions to withdraw from numerous messages 
In the inbox search bar, type "Withdraw." 
Snap the down bolt close to the container and snap on the Create Filter button. 
Snap the Delete and Apply Filter to Matching Conversations boxes. 
Spam mails also called garbage mail are excluded from Mass send email messages conveyed to an inbox. For the most part, real advertising messages are sent by organizations once you pick in to get them. Spam messages frequently come from ill-conceived mail addresses and may contain express or unlawful substance. Most email administration for example Gmail, Yahoo mail, Microsoft Outlook, and Apple mail have calculations that channel out spam and garbage made by hiding them in an envelope. There is a brilliant principle to managing spam messages on the off chance that it seems as though a spam message. 
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strangehoot · 4 years
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How To Unarchive Gmail Emails - Archive/Unarchive Email
How to unarchive Gmail Emails is necessary to know. You think your mails have disappeared from your inbox, but you might have archived those emails. You need to unarchive emails that are historic and you are in need of it to get the reference of them today. In Gmail, unarchive emails is an easy-to-perform step and we will see the steps in the later part of this article.
Email communication today 
Email is a service provided for sending out mails from any device or computer. For this email service, one needs an email account and email address. One can send emails to other persons if he/she has the other person’s email ID. 
Emails have become the most suitable source of corresponding especially among professional relations to convey the intent to the other party. As far as earlier times goes, communication between individuals was done in person but due to the  technology advancements, it has become much simpler to connect to individuals online. Emails are a good way to communicate with persons who are strenuous to reach through phone calls, physical presence as a result of geographical barriers. It allows an individual to attach files within the emails like photographs, videos, documents to enhance the communication. 
This service allows users to send, forward, receive and even reply to emails.This service has made it extremely easy to spread or distribute information among a large number of people. The audience for emails have different outlooks on how this service is used. 
For some, this platform is a quick and personal form of communication whereas some people consider this platform strictly professional. It can be used free of cost and it is quite easy to learn. The routes between two individuals through email are encrypted making it easier for them to share sensitive information. Some mail attachments from certain addresses are a great problem of this service  because they might contain viruses that can either erase or gain all your data which can be used negatively.
As email communication has become quick and essential in daily routine, your inbox gets full with tons of emails. As a result, you need some filtering of your emails. One of them works as “done”. We call these emails “Archived”. The emails on which you do not have to act upon is termed as “archive email”. 
In case you need reference of the emails that are archived, you need to unarchive emails. 
How Gmail is different from other email clients 
Gmail is the most popular and also the more comfortable platform for sending emails to institutions, companies and professionals. There are many other email services provided by rediff, yahoo and outlook. They all provide the same services but gmail gets an upper hand due to its user interface. Yahoo  has poor availability and it does not show how many unread messages are sent in the spam folder which makes you open the folder to see if there are any unread messages.
Yahoo and Hotmail’s spam strainer works poorly which makes it more tedious and time consuming to go through each email. 
Services like hotmail and yahoo do not work well with Apple mail and often show errors when you discard emails. Other services also lack features like automatic forwarding. Individuals who use multiple accounts to maintain their personal and professional chores might find it extremely time consuming and tedious as they cannot have more than one account signed in as a result when they need to switch accounts they have to sign in and sign out each time.
Hence in terms of:
Business purposes, gmail is preferable over hotmail and yahoo. 
Service unification gmail and hotmail are preferable over yahoo
Personal privacy there is not much difference between the three.
Company timeline gmail and hotmail are preferable over yahoo.
What is archive and unarchive emails in Gmail 
Talking about emails, it is important to know it’s basic features that makes it easier to sort out junk and important mails that can be assessed very easily. It is a key element for individuals who have a very organised and transparent business method.
Archiving emails is basically to remove emails from your inbox to a more accessible place where your emails can be stored. Archiving emails on Gmail can be done manually or by setting the options to automatic which in turn depends on an individual’s preferences. 
This feature makes it very easy for an individual to find certain historic emails with specifications like email address, date, contact. Archiving emails assures an inbox that is clean and it also ensures that your attached files are kept safe. 
Some use this feature for more solid reasons like legal obedience, safety and also for the assurance that the sensitive data might not be deleted by accident. It is also helpful when a person is running out of space in the gmail account. Some also consider archiving mails as a black hole where things are made to disappear forever when it’s primary purpose was to be used! 
Sometimes when the interface gets very cluttered and unorganised with unwanted and non-active chats, one can use this archiving feature for that as well. For instance, when an individual is talking to two or three people simultaneously, that individual doesn’t want to get lost in the huge sea of conversation threads.
“Unarchive emails” is simply the opposite of archiving mails where emails that were once placed in a specific location and away from the Inbox are put back into the Inbox for when a person sees it fit. Usually, you unarchive mails when you need reference to the historic emails for the purposes such as sharing communication which was agreed upon or reminding some people about the information you are looking for or anything related to the past communication you want to give reference now.
How To Unarchive Gmail Emails – Archive/Unarchive Emails 
Let us see how to archive specific emails on your gmail account from your PC.
On your desktop web browser, sign into your gmail account.
Point to the email you want to archive.
Check the box on the email of choice.
Press on the Archive icon on the menu bar on top.
Your email has been archived.
How to unarchive specific emails on your gmail account
Sign into your gmail account.
Press on the More option from the left menu list.
Locate your archived emails from the “All Mail” option.
The archived mail will not be labeled as Inbox. In the screen below, the first two emails are Archived and the third one is labeled as Inbox.
Click checkboxes and move to Inbox.
The Archived mails will reappear into the inbox.
This process is called “Unarchive Gmail Emails”.
Gmail has proved to be a boon in tough times like these. Gmail  helps us organise conversations into threads, it has a very strict malware which scans for viruses. It offers a single platform where an individual can use this service for file storage, managing tasks and notes, calendaring and more.
It’s many other features that make Gmail a very user friendly services are as below:
Good text formatting features
Organised storing of emails
Spam email management 
User interface 
“Unarchive emails” is a simple and quick method of filtering your email. The UI to perform this action is a click job and you are done. Click and move to Inbox. Your “unarchive emails” job is done. Only in Gmail, you can achieve this.
The features of gmail are evidently superior as compared to other platforms. Gmail is a very good webmail in all but an aging one.
Read: How to Forward Multiple Emails in Gmail
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charlieharry1 · 4 years
Our checklist to growing an e-mail e-newsletter
Beginning an e mail publication can feel overwhelming while you first get started out. A lot goes into developing an e-newsletter while you don't forget developing, proofreading, designing call  Digital Marketing Agencies in Bournemouth to actions (ctas) and constructing the email to work for a number of specific structures/gadgets and inboxes. You need to keep away from spam triggers, create topics that are enticing and click on-worthy. And then once it’s despatched? There’s no going back. That’s plenty of strain, we know! The way to create an e-mail publication
here are 10 steps to create the quality email e-newsletter viable to your enterprise or personal dreams. Step 1: parent out the purpose of your newsletter
before you start any form of writing, parent out exactly what the purpose of your newsletter can be. Are you the usage of it to help generate leads? Benefit more e mail contacts? Maybe send site visitors to your internet site? Your purpose ought to be your first choice and let the relaxation simply flow from there. Also, we’re now not speaking about goals like ‘opens’ of the actual e-mail. We’re speaking about goals tied carefully to the dreams of your basic business plan. While ‘opens’ can come up with an indication of the performance of your publication, it shouldn’t be what you’re surely interested in. Take a look at out this hubspot weblog on a few e-mail advertising and marketing metrics to consider. Step 2: get your content collectively
now which you have a intention, you're capable of start constructing content material around that purpose. There are two sorts of searches when studying for brand spanking new and exciting content. Lively method you’re going on a specific hunt to locate the content. Passive means you is probably searching at something else or simply browsing and then you definitely randomly stumble upon content material that might paintings well. You may think that lively is greater effective and even as it could be effective while you’re below the crunch, passive searches are without a doubt honestly beneficial while you’re in among e mail newsletters and don’t want to be finding a subject superb speedy. You could be searching out just preferred content material and stumble throughout some thing perfect! But, the way you prefer to search for your content is as much as you. Take into account looking at your corporation blog, social media and different inner content material for your thoughts. Step 3: create your template
you need an idea of what your e mail newsletter will seem like before you get began. You need them to be regular in design so developing a template you may keep and reuse makes this splendid smooth. By developing a template earlier than you begin creating the replica of the email publication will help you see how tons area you need to sell the content without making all of it regarded extremely good squeezed in. This template doesn’t want to be anything flash, minimal textual content and color can absolutely work well in terms of e mail newsletters. You just want to ensure that your layout is simple to examine, experiment and click for your meant target market. Don’t neglect to make it cellular friendly as nicely! Mobile is so regularly used these days which you want to ensure that your e-mail e-newsletter is as cellular pleasant as viable to simply maximise fulfillment. When you’ve created your template you can begin to upload your content! Step four: upload in clever content and some personalisation tokens
some of the satisfactory electronic mail newsletters are those that sense like they were written at once to you, aren’t they. They’re non-public and designated and you sense just like the sender is speakme handiest to you. In case you need your email newsletters to feel that personal, you have to do those three matters:
 segment your email newsletters into companies to make sure they all are becoming the content material most desirable to their interests and desires. Add in some personalisation tokens. If you want extra know-how of what these are check out this hubspot weblog all approximately them: personalisation tokens. In case your advertising software supports adding in personalisation, then this is a wonderful smooth upload in in your email which could have dramatic results on conversion prices. However don’t go crazy, you don’t need to scare the recipient away with an excessive amount of personalisation. Smart content is also important. This is the content material that shows one factor to at least one a part of your target market and something else to every other. For example, you could use a smart cta. A smart cta could show a cta for sales to the leads and one to customers approximately perhaps a clients best occasion. This guarantees the proper content is being seen with the aid of the right humans and removes content material being delivered that isn’t relevant to the audience. 4
step five: deciding on the problem line and sender
audiences all like various things from an email e-newsletter, but regularly they do prefer receiving e mail newsletters from a actual individual. This could boom your opens and clickthroughs. Again although, this isn’t genuine for everyone and running an a/b test can make sure which you find precisely what works pleasant for you. Regardless of what you choose, make sure your recipient could comprehend the sender to avoid confusion or a lack of opens. Then you want to figure out your problem line. This will be a little greater intricate. You may check to see what forms of situation traces paintings great together with your target audience. A few as simple as ‘howdy’ have been found to be powerful so it in reality is just what works for you and what your target market prefers. Step 6: use undeniable text and alt textual content to guide your email publication content
this step may seem less important to you, however believe us, alt text and undeniable textual content are crucially important for e-mail publication effectiveness. Alt textual content is the textual content that indicates whilst a photograph doesn’t load. This is because no longer all e-mail carriers load pics nicely. The alt textual content allows viewers to recognise what they’re looking at. This works for ctas as nicely, when you have a cta that doesn’t display up well and don’t have alt text, your clickthrough and conversions are going to go through. For email customers that received’t show html well, you want to make sure that your email e-newsletter looks great in simple text as properly. Have easy to click links and make certain that the e-mail is obvious even without the photographs included. Step 7: ensure you’re legally compliant
before you get too ahead of yourself, you want to make sure that your e mail publication is legally compliant. The two largest laws you need to fear approximately are can-spam and gdpr. Can-junk mail calls for that there be a footer in your email with your deal with and a simple way for recipients to unsubscribe out of your emails if they decide they don’t need to acquire them anymore. Gdpr is a similar however more complete privateness regulation that was exceeded in 2018 in europe, requiring (together with different matters) that e-mail newsletters despatched by means of email marketers are simplest sent to those who have manually chosen to get hold of them. Which means anyplace your website collects it’s email subscribers, you can't have the ‘choose in’ box robotically ticked for recipients that live in europe. They need to choose this selection themselves. Step 8: test extraordinary browsers and e mail companies
it’s vital to remember the fact that e mail providers don’t all study email code the identical way. So at the same time as your e mail may additionally look amazing on outlook, it could look horrible on gmail chrome. You need to check out the most famous browsers and e-mail vendors to make certain your e-mail is as effective on special electronic mail providers as feasible. When you have hubspot, you may test emails for different providers within the tool. In any other case, you can take a look at the whole thing manually or use a exclusive device, it’s up to you. Step 9: ship your emaiL
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it’s time to ship your e-mail newsletter! Now which you have made sure that all of your newsletter recipients have subscribed to get hold of this e mail publication and your email publication is felony and well branded, send it off! Step 10: examine and iterate
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so it’s been some days since you had been sooner or later capable of click send. The records is in! How did your email newsletter do? And what is next? Take a look at and notice how your e mail e-newsletter carried out at the goals set all the manner again at step one. What elements worked and what elements didn’t? Wherein did you see the most clicks? Which elements carried out the intention you set? To measure all of this quite simply, use some thing like closed-loop analytics. Now which you have that information you've got route on where to go together with your subsequent electronic mail newsletter. But frequently you send them, you now realize what works and what doesn’t. Ensure to accumulate this information whenever you  Digital Marketing Company Bournemouth create a brand new email publication to be able to stay on pinnacle of what is working and what isn’t. So there you've got it, our 10 step tick list to developing an e-mail newsletter. We hope you found this helpful and cross directly to create many effective e mail newsletters.
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Don’t become spam
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Even quality emails can end up in junk folders
It’s inevitable – if it hasn’t already happened – that either an important email you’re sending or one you’re waiting to receive will end up in a spam or junk folder.
It can be frustrating and confusing when you get a phone call from a client or colleague who is agitated and feeling ignored. On the flip side, it could be you who is making a phone call wondering why your client hasn’t replied to your emails.
The first thing to do before getting to the point of a phone call is to check your spam or junk folder. Often the email will have erringly found its way into that place.
And if you’re calling someone because they didn’t reply to you yet, gently suggesting they look in their spam folder is often the best way to start.
If you’re in business, it’s a good idea to check your spam folder regularly. I recommend every second day at the minimum. It will ensure important communications are received and sent.
It’s astounding how many times even presumably safe contacts have their emails mistakenly filtered into the spam/junk category by various servers and email providers.
So why is your email going into someone’s spam?
There are various reasons. It could be that you have the wrong buzz words in the subject line or body of the email, you have previously used your email address to send mass marketing promotions, or your server requires maintenance.
Here are some tips which can be helpful in preventing important communications from being filtered as junk.
Make sure clients and colleagues “whitelist” or mark your emails as “safe.” And you should do the same for them. This means when either email is coming through, it will go into the appropriate location.
Gmail users should check their promotions or social tabs/folders as well. If you find an email from someone who is a client or colleague hiding there, drag it into your inbox and you will see their future emails in the right spot.
Always ensure your outgoing emails have a proper subject line. Subject line messages can end up getting filtered because they are used in scam/spam emails. Whatever the subject matter may be, make sure it’s clear: Season’s Greetings or Welcome to the Club are good as long as the message in the email is a match. And don’t use the word “Urgent” in the subject line – unless of course the subject matter is truly urgent.
Whenever your email is used as the main contact in a campaign, there is a risk it could end up in spam folders in the future. Sending too many bulk emails yourself can get your email address tagged as spam. By using a reputable email marketing service such as Mail Chimp to send email campaigns – one which follows strict rules – you’ll be reducing the chances of it happening.
If possible, avoid spam trigger words. Extensive lists are available online – or ask your IT person – and try not to use them in the subject line or body of your email messages. Some typical spam words and phrases to avoid include click here, congratulations, dear friend, free or toll-free, great offer, guarantee, order now, winner and – of course – this is not spam.
If you find that using these techniques have not helped avoid important messages from ending up in spam or junk folders, it’s best to call in your IT expert as it could be a server issue.
And hopefully, this newsletter piece didn’t end up in your spam folder.
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kimklaneusa · 6 years
The Dangers of Email Filters and One That Really Works
Yesterday I was sent an invitation to join a conference call for "training" on a news distribution service along with a client. Given I'm attending ClueCon and that I need to get ready to be at the conference (i.e. shave, shower, dress, reply to morning emails, crank out The Comunicano newsletter, etc.) all before the "training" call would end, I politely replied with a decline, and also pointed out that my for my west coast client, the 730 AM start time would be a bit too early.
Of course, I'm not in the senders address book, so this morning I was sent a "are you joining." It didn't matter that the calendar item that had been sent didn't have a reply from me, my reply was missed as it likely went into the recipient's spam or junk mail folder. This malady of filtering, or in reality, the lack of it, when the filter is based upon your address book vs. more reliable methods, led to this. 
Fortunately, a few years ago I discovered a wonderful service that works perfectly with GMail. It's called SaneBox, and it really does what its name implies. It delivers sanity in a digital world full of spammers, unknown people from real businesses and even less, but not unimportant items like hotel reservations. If you're going to say Google's priority inbox does this already, you're hand grenade close, but SaneBox is rifle shot accurate, as their filtering and SaneLater approach moves the less important emails into a secondary inbox (really it tags them) and more.
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Sanebox works by looking at who you send mail to, and based on the frequency, assigns a ranking, and that ranking determines which folder the inbound message goes into. In all the years I've been using SaneBox, I've watched it improve, and get smarter. Rarely, and I mean, very, very rarely, does it put someone's email in the SaneLater folder who I really know, and it's even more rare to find something in SPAM inside GMail.
While email remains a broken model, at least there's SaneBox to help patch it up, and be the traffic cop of the inbox.
Authors note: I'm a paid subscriber to SaneBox and was not solicited to write this.
  from News & Updates http://andyabramson.blogs.com/voipwatch/2018/07/the-dangers-of-email-filters-and-one-that-really-works.html
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ultrathewild-blog · 4 years
Tempemail: How to Stop Spam Emails
Tempemail: Tired of seeing junk mail? Here’s the way to stop getting them
No matter how hard you are trying, you’ll never be ready to completely avoid junk or spam email. you’ll hide most spam emails during a Spam folder using filters, but some spam will still take up space or avoid being filtered out. there is no guaranteed thanks to eliminate all spam from your inboxes, but here are a couple of ways to a minimum of reduce the quantity of spam you’re receiving.
Tempemail: Common Causes of Junk Email
To really understand the way to reduce junk email, you’ve got consider the source of those emails, usually spammers, and therefore the methods they use to flood you with spam emails.
One of the foremost common sorts of spam you’ve probably experienced are commercial ad emails from legitimate retailers and other companies. likelihood is that, while signing up for a service or account with one among these companies, you’ll have also signed up for his or her weekly newsletters/circulars/or emailed coupons. Spam caused by you providing your email address to a legitimate company could also be annoying, but it’s always harmless.
However, harmful spam emails do exist. They’re usually sent by spammers and not by reputable companies. There are several ways spammers can get your email address, including purchasing (illegal) lists of email addresses stolen from internet service providers.
If you cannot avoid publishing your email address where spammers can easily grab them, you’ll attempt to mask your email address by posting it as a picture rather than text or use a disposable email address service.
Tempemail: How to Stop Spam Email
As we mentioned earlier, commercial ad spam from reputable retailers or other companies are generally harmless. If you’re already receiving commercial ad spam from a reputable company and you would like it to prevent, here’s the way to unsubscribe from them.
To avoid getting more of those within the future, look out for an opt-out option for that company’s marketing emails or newsletter when signing up for an internet site or service. it’s always a checkbox you’ll select to either opt-in or out of promotional emails.
Log in to your email account.
Open one among the commercial ad emails you want to unsubscribe from.
Scroll to rock bottom of the message and choose the link to unsubscribe from further promotional emails. However, if you didn’t subscribed to the present promo email, delete the message instead. Selecting the link won’t actually unsubscribe you from anything, and it’s going to let a spammer know your email address is valid and ripe for receiving spam emails.
That’s it!
Harmful spam can pose a threat to the safety of your personal data and therefore the health of your computer, as they’re usually wont to either steal personal information from you and/or infect your computer with malware.
Tempemail: The most common sorts of harmful spam are:
Money scams: Spam emails meant to swindle unsuspecting email users into either sending money to the spammer or sending personal financial information in hopes of receiving money from the spammer.
Sweepstakes winner spam: Emails that “notify” you about winning a sweepstakes or prize during a contest you presumably never entered to start with. To “claim” your prize, you’ll usually need to select a sketchy link or provide personal information.
Email spoofing/phishing scams: Emails created to seem like official emails from companies you trust. These emails imitate things like company logos to trick unsuspecting recipients into sending sensitive, personal information.
Antivirus warning spam: Spam emails that “warn” you about malware infections and conveniently offer to scan your computer (or another antivirus assistance) to assist “fix” your computer. When users attempt to access the help offered via a sketchy link, their computers are either infected with malware or the spammer gains access to the recipients’ system.
When it involves harmful spam, your email provider’s in-house spam filter is basically the foremost effective defense against these more malicious junk emails. Sometimes, those spam filters need a touch help, though, because some spam emails are ready to make it past the filters.
You can teach those filters to be less permissive of those sorts of spam by blocking their senders and ensuring to mark or report junk emails as spam once you notice them trickling into your main inbox.
Here’s the way to report such messages as spam and block certain senders so your email provider knows to filter those messages call at the longer term.
Log in to your email account.
Open the message you would like to report as spam and/or block the sender.
Either right-click the message from your inbox or select the three dots icon within the e-mail.
This step will vary supported your email provider. In Outlook, for instance, you’ll right-click the email; in Gmail and Hotmail, select the three dots icon.
To mark a message as spam, select Report spam, Mark as spam, or maybe Mark as junk. The names for these options may vary among email providers.
to dam a sender of spam (or the other one that sends unwanted emails), you decide on Block sender. The name may vary among email providers.
You’re done!
Temp Mails (Tempemail.co) is a new free temporary email addresses service. This service provide you random 10 minutes emails addresses. It is also known by names like: temporary mail, disposable mail, throwaway email, one time mail, anonymous email address… All emails received by Tempmail servers are displayed automatically in your online browser inbox.
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fortuneserveservice · 4 years
Outlook not receiving emails - The Best Way to Resolve
If you are eagerly awaiting your emails and not able to receive them, then it is quite normal for you to get into the panic mode. But now you need not come into the panic mode as there are some methods available if Outlook not receiving emails from which you can easily receive your emails. Here, the basic question is how come you are getting the problem that your Outlook is not receiving emails and why this kind of error occurs.
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Reasons Why Outlook Is Not Receiving Emails?
In this blog, we will get into all the queries why people find difficulties in receiving emails and how can we fix it. Tried and Trusted by many users below are the mentioned steps.
Sometimes, the main cause of the outlook not receiving errors is the internet connection problem. Maybe your internet connection is not up to date. Your computer is not properly connected to the internet due to which you are not able to receive or send your emails. You should ensure that your internet connection is working properly in a smooth and efficient manner.
Your required email may be in the junk folder. So in that scenario, it is preferable to look out the junk folder and spam folder where you can get your email.
Guided Steps to fix the outlook not receiving emails in online mode?
Method 1: Empty your inbox
Most of the times, our inbox is full of emails due to which error in receiving and sending emails occurs. So, delete all the unwanted emails from your account and do right click on the junk Mail and press Empty.
Method 2: Check “other tab”
There are two tags which are divided by Outlook.com, that is focused and the Other. Some of your important emails could get filtered in “other tab”. You have to click on the tab to check if is there any messages present on that tab or not.
These are the few steps which can help you receive your emails. However, if you are not receiving emails from Gmail, then you have to take some measures like turn on IMAP or POP. You can also contact customer support number for professional assistance and even you will get Hotmail account recovery knowledge also to get rid of such related issues.
Avail Microsoft Customer Service Professional Team For Online Help
To get more help regarding the issues related to not receiving emails in outlook or if any other query is there, the technical support of Microsoft can be contacted. The technical person is well-trained to assist the users with the best solutions. All the contact info to reach out the executives is mentioned on the Microsoft website or you can contact to them via live chat or through an official phone number or email support service or you can call +1-855-925-7088 for more help.
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theinfozerauniverse · 5 years
How to Gmail account block in easy manner?
User need to block Gmail account of recipient to get rid of spam and junk mail as some time they still get delivered in inbox in spite of filter setting. This task is quite tough to do. User can get assistance from Gmail Customer Service to get effective solution. Here are few instructions which user need to follow to block Gmail account.
1.      Launch internet explorer browser.
2.      User needs to visit Google webpage
3.      Now login to Gmail account with username and password.
4.      User need to search the recipient whose email address need to block from inbox messages
5.      User needs to place cursor of mouse and hit on down arrow available at right corner of sender name.
6.      User needs to hit cursor on block from list of sender name.
7.      Now finally press on block option to confirm the procedure.
Another procedure is to setup some setting in Gmail account that all the messages will be delivered to trash folder. Steps are as described below:-
·         User need to hit cursor on show search option triangle in Gmail search field available on screen.
·         User need to enter email address which user wants to block in from field available in inbox.
·         User need to hit cursor of mouse on create filter with this search
·         User will be redirected to next page where user have to check mark delete option which will allow no future message from email and will delete the messages simultaneously.
·         User can even select canned response message to allow system to send response in future messages from that individual.
User can seek help and guidance from Gmail Customer Support if the issue persist and become tedious to handle by customer themselves.
Benefits of Gmail support and service
·         Say goodbye to error by seeking 24/7 assistance from toll free number
·         Assistance can be provided through send email, make phone call or avail remote assistance.
·         Team of dedicated experts are here to provide splendid solutions.
·         Rapid answer and 100% customer satisfaction and that too at reasonable price.
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ncmagroup · 5 years
You probably realize your newsletter ain’t the beans. You can’t sprout the open rate overnight. However, if you lay the groundwork with targeted and well-researched strategies, your newsletter will grow uncannily fast just like bamboo shoots.
Let me ask – how do you measure the success of your newsletter? There are two easy ways:
See how many people open it (and therefore, hopefully, read it).
See how many people click the links within.
Of course, the second way depends on the first. Before you even begin to strategize about increasing your open rates, you need to know what your current open rate is. To calculate it, follow this formula:
Email open rate = # of people who open the email / # of emails sent that didn’t bounce
You also need to know the industry standard for your vertical or sector to see how well you are doing and to help you tweak tactics to match consumer behavior in your niche.
Here are the benchmark email open rates for 2019 from email marketing platform Sign-Up.to:
Once you have an idea of where your newsletter stands, you can set reasonable and achievable goals for open rates. (Remember, the above figures are for all emails.)
With that groundwork laid, let’s look at tactics that entice your subscribers to open and read your newsletter.
1. Give a personality to the “from” field
The first step in creating an awesome newsletter that connects with and engages your subscribers is to use an email ID that resonates with them. You don’t want them to see your email as an impersonal marketing message.
Lend a face to your brand and, wherever possible, use a name that is recognizable by your audience. Here’s how Noah Kagan of OkDork does it:
Subscribers may remember him from his smiling face on the sign-up page:
Quick pointers
If you’re a well-known brand or in a consumer-facing or retail sector, say Coca-Cola or the Banana Republic, use your brand name in the from the field.
If you’re a B2B or SaaS company, set your newsletter to come from your community manager or even your CEO (if you’re a startup) so that users find a closer connection with your company.
Pay attention to the email ID itself. You don’t want a [email protected] or worse, an auto-generated ID from your email service provider. Set an option that says “brand name via serviceprovider.com”.
Remember to set the reply email to an alias of the same person in the from the field.
If you’re a well-known brand, use your brand name in the from the field, says @brennermichael.
2. Segment your list
To deliver real value to your subscribers, you first need to know them. When you make your newsletter relevant to your readers (your subject line will tell them), they will want to receive more of the same content every time.
A study by Lyris found higher open rates were the biggest advantage of email list segmentation. That makes it a no-brainer for you.
  Quick pointers
Don’t assume your newsletter must be sent to all subscribers. Segment your newsletter based on the content preferences of your readers and send them versions of the newsletter accordingly.
Some audience segments include:
Stage in buyer’s funnel.
Order value.
How long they’ve been on your email list.
Time since last purchase/renewal.
Buyer persona.
Past interactions.
3. Pay extra attention to your subject line
The subject line is the deciding factor on whether your email will be opened. Almost everything depends on whether your subject line entices enough curiosity from the readers that they access your content.
There are dozens of free and paid tools dedicated to analyzing your email subject lines. A few good ones are SubjectLine.com, Mizy, TestSubject from Zurb, and CoSchedule.
Quick pointers
Use a word or phrase in the subject line that identifies your brand or your newsletter.
Come up with teasers that pique readers’ interest in your email content.
Add commands like “Open this today!”
Ask questions to form a connection.
Include numbers and lists to give the impression of clear and concise information to follow.
If you want to announce a product launch, sale, or event, be straightforward.
If you’re running a major promotion on another marketing channel, use it in the subject line for better brand recall.
If you want to announce a product launch, sale, or event, be straightforward. @brennermichael #emailmarketing
The spam folder is the worst place your newsletter could end up. However, this occurs with alarming frequency. (Although looking at the content of some newsletters, I think it happens less often than it should.)
Add to that Gmail’s promotions tab, which almost acts like a second-level spam filter. While this is useful for your subscribers, it only helps your newsletter stand out from the scores of mediocre emails if you fall into the spam or promotions folders.
You can bypass these dangers by confirming with users after they’ve signed up.
Quick pointers
Add instructions on how to whitelist your email address as part of the thank-you message after someone has signed up. Also, ask the recipients to add your email to their contacts.
Use a double opt-in to make sure their interest in connecting wasn’t a one-time thing.
Understand hard and soft bounces, take note of fake and inactive accounts, and keep your list fresh, clean, and updated.
Be persistent. If they didn’t confirm or open your email the first time, change the subject line and send it to them again after a week. This tactic works.
5. Optimize for mobile
According to a gated study by Fluent, mobile devices are now used to check emails more than desktops and tablets put together.
Further, 68% of users delete an email that doesn’t display correctly on their mobile devices, a study by Adestra found. If you don’t optimize your newsletter for smartphones, it might already be on its way to oblivion.
68% delete an #email that doesn’t display correctly on their mobile device via @UplandAdestra study.
Quick pointers
Write succinct subject lines.
Keep formatting simple, with large fonts in a single column, and not many different colors.
Assume images are not being displayed and make sure it doesn’t affect the message.
Test videos and GIFs on multiple mobile email clients.
Make sure your calls to action are buttons (rather than links), prominent, and easy to tap.
6. Send consistently at the same time
When it comes to brand voice, your newsletter is the email equivalent of your website. At the very least, it needs to be in your subscribers’ inbox when they expect it to be.
When it comes to brand voice, your newsletter is the #email equivalent of your website. @brennermichael #CMWorld
  Decide the day, date, and time when you send your newsletter (to each of your segments) and stick to the schedule. Start with the benchmarks for your industry.
Quick pointers
Send your newsletter on a day and time that suits the bulk of the subscribers in each segment, by analyzing their age, location, and occupation.
Keep testing the sending date/time with a small percentage of your audience. This will keep you aware of changes in their browsing behavior.
7. Re-engage your subscribers
Email fatigue is a real phenomenon. Eventually, a section of your audience grows tired of your brand messaging and unsubscribes. Worse, they relegate it to the junk folder.
Make proactive efforts to engage subscribers with your brand and content at varying intervals and occasions like I do at Marketing Insiders Group:
Quick pointers
Keep your newsletter relevant at all times.
Offer extra value at the time of holidays when your subscribers’ inboxes are likely to be jammed with marketing messages.
Prune your list frequently and brutally.
Always make a last-ditch request to retain the subscriber who is ready to opt-out. Your message might just touch their hearts (or get you critical feedback on your content).
Over to you
Understanding your audience and managing their expectations consistently is the key to keeping them engaged via your brand newsletter. At any given time, your subscribers should be fully aware of the value they receive from your newsletter.
What strategies do you use to make your emails personal and direct? How do you maintain a connection with your audience? How much does your newsletter contribute toward the success of your overall email marketing and content marketing endeavors? Care to share in the comments?
  7 Easy Ways to Super Boost Your Newsletter Open Rate By MICHAEL BRENNER You probably realize your newsletter ain’t the beans. You can’t sprout the open rate overnight.
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techbotic · 5 years
Microsoft is Getting Rid of Clutter in Outlook, and That’s Worrying
At the tail-end of 2018, Microsoft announced that it would remove the Clutter feature from Outlook, leaving Focused Inbox to sieve out your less-important mail. We think that’s a potentially worrying change of direction for Microsoft.
Yes, on the one hand, you could argue that Focused Inbox competes directly with similar features offered by Gmail and that those only work in the Gmail client, so why not do it. But, you could also argue that, since Outlook has had both the Focused Inbox and Clutter features for a while (and they both have their advantages), there was no really good reason to ditch Clutter. So, let’s get into it.
What is the Clutter Feature?
We’ve covered the difference between Clutter and Focused Inbox before, but here’s a quick recap. Both Clutter and Focused Inbox are ways of splitting your incoming mail into “important” and “unimportant” mail. Important mail is anything from people in your company, your contacts, and anything else Microsoft’s algorithm deems valuable to you. Unimportant mail is not spam (that goes into the Junk folder) but is mail that is deemed less valuable or urgent—like regular emails from apps or websites.
Clutter and Focused Inbox use the same algorithm to determine if a mail is important or unimportant, but here’s the important part: Clutter is an entirely separate folder, whereas Focused Inbox is just a filtered view of your Inbox.
What this means is that Clutter physically moves an unimportant mail from your Inbox into a folder called “Clutter.”
Focused Inbox—which you can toggle on and off using a switch in the View tab—just changes your Inbox to show “Focused” and “Other” tabs.
Read the remaining 12 paragraphs
Microsoft is Getting Rid of Clutter in Outlook, and That’s Worrying published first on https://medium.com/@CPUCHamp
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technteacher · 5 years
Microsoft is Getting Rid of Clutter in Outlook, and That’s Worrying
At the tail-end of 2018, Microsoft announced that it would remove the Clutter feature from Outlook, leaving Focused Inbox to sieve out your less-important mail. We think that’s a potentially worrying change of direction for Microsoft.
Yes, on the one hand, you could argue that Focused Inbox competes directly with similar features offered by Gmail and that those only work in the Gmail client, so why not do it. But, you could also argue that, since Outlook has had both the Focused Inbox and Clutter features for a while (and they both have their advantages), there was no really good reason to ditch Clutter. So, let’s get into it.
What is the Clutter Feature?
We’ve covered the difference between Clutter and Focused Inbox before, but here’s a quick recap. Both Clutter and Focused Inbox are ways of splitting your incoming mail into “important” and “unimportant” mail. Important mail is anything from people in your company, your contacts, and anything else Microsoft’s algorithm deems valuable to you. Unimportant mail is not spam (that goes into the Junk folder) but is mail that is deemed less valuable or urgent—like regular emails from apps or websites.
Clutter and Focused Inbox use the same algorithm to determine if a mail is important or unimportant, but here’s the important part: Clutter is an entirely separate folder, whereas Focused Inbox is just a filtered view of your Inbox.
What this means is that Clutter physically moves an unimportant mail from your Inbox into a folder called “Clutter.”
Focused Inbox—which you can toggle on and off using a switch in the View tab—just changes your Inbox to show “Focused” and “Other” tabs.
Read the remaining 12 paragraphs
from How-To Geek http://bit.ly/2IwP22V from Blogger http://bit.ly/2XePzul
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blakcmambaa · 5 years
At the tail-end of 2018, Microsoft announced that it would remove the Clutter feature from Outlook, leaving Focused Inbox to sieve out your less-important mail. We think that’s a potentially worrying change of direction for Microsoft.
Yes, on the one hand, you could argue that Focused Inbox competes directly with similar features offered by Gmail and that those only work in the Gmail client, so why not do it. But, you could also argue that, since Outlook has had both the Focused Inbox and Clutter features for a while (and they both have their advantages), there was no really good reason to ditch Clutter. So, let’s get into it.
What is the Clutter Feature?
We’ve covered the difference between Clutter and Focused Inbox before, but here’s a quick recap. Both Clutter and Focused Inbox are ways of splitting your incoming mail into “important” and “unimportant” mail. Important mail is anything from people in your company, your contacts, and anything else Microsoft’s algorithm deems valuable to you. Unimportant mail is not spam (that goes into the Junk folder) but is mail that is deemed less valuable or urgent—like regular emails from apps or websites.
Clutter and Focused Inbox use the same algorithm to determine if a mail is important or unimportant, but here’s the important part: Clutter is an entirely separate folder, whereas Focused Inbox is just a filtered view of your Inbox.
What this means is that Clutter physically moves an unimportant mail from your Inbox into a folder called “Clutter.”
Focused Inbox—which you can toggle on and off using a switch in the View tab—just changes your Inbox to show “Focused” and “Other��� tabs.
Read the remaining 12 paragraphs
via How-To Geek
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