#girlfriend in question didnt really care about the tattoo after he got it to stick the 2nd time he got it redone
jedi-superman ยท 7 years
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psa : sorry for the delayed response , after i posted it my life got super crazy1.are looks important in a relationship? no so long ss you take care of yourself2. are relationships ever worth it? yes3.are you a virign ? nope4. are you in a relaionship? yes5. are you in love? yes6. are you single this year? nope7.can you commit to one person ? yes8.describe your crush? gingerhaired spectacle wearing lumberjack9.describe your perfect mate? beard10. do you believe in love at first sight? i believe in love at first hello11. do you ever want to get married yes12. do you forgive betrayal? i forgive them for myself to lay it at rest but i dont forget that shit and i dont forgive them 13. do you get jealous easily ? no14. do you have a crush on anyone? my boyfriend15. do you have any piercings? yes16.do you have any tattoos? yes17. do you like kissing in public? yes18.-19. someone cant count ๐Ÿ˜‚20.do you shower everyday? almost21. do you think someone has feelings for you ? i hope so22. do you think someone is thinking of your right now? probably not23.do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 mnths and not cheat? yes , is this really a question? cheating is awful24.do you think youll be married in 5 years? i hope so or like in the next 2 thatd be cool too25. do you want to be in a relationship this year? obvi26. has anyone ever told you they dont want to ever lose you? not that i remember27. has someone ever written a song or poem for you? not that iknow of28. have you ever been cheated on? so much29. have you ever cheated on someone? no30. have you ever considers plasic surgery ? not unless i need it for medical reasons31. have you ever cried over a girl? no 32. have you ever experienced unrequited love? not on my end33. have you ever had sex with a man? i dont kiss and tell34.have you ever had sex with a women?i dont kiss and tell35.have you ever kissed someone older than you?yes36. have you ever liked one of your best friends? yea37. have you ever liked someone your friends hated?yes and no38. have you ever liked someone you didnt expect to? yes but i was right in not liking them to begin with trust your gut people39.have you ever wanted someone you couldnt have?yes n no 40. have you ever written song or a poem for someone? no41. have you had sex so far this year? yes42. how long can you kiss till your hands start to wander? 10-30 mins43. how long was your longest relationship? 1.5-2 years on and off44. how many boyfriend/girlfriends have you had? depends on what the duration you count as a dating is45. how many people did you kiss in 2012/2013? haha i have no idea46. how many times did you have sex last year? not enough47. how old are you?2448. if the person you like liked someone else what would you say? i i have no idea49. if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend whats your favorite thing about them? his eyes50. if your first true love knocked on your door with an apology and presents would accept? i wouldnt answer the door51. is there a boy/girl youd do absolutely anything for?if they asked yes52. is there anyone youve given up on? why? eh53. is there someone mad because youre dating/talking to the person you are? if there is i dont know54. is there someone you will never forget? i mean yes but not in a great way55. share a relationship story? my boyfriend and i went hiking in the snow and he didnt believe me how warm it go when you hiked i was hikig in a sports bra and shorts56. state 8 facts about your body? i can roll around in posion oak and ivy and be okay, my scapula and tibs are connected thru scar tissue, i have exercise induced asthma, im deatthly allergic to tide, ive sliced my achilles, and every muscle in both legs, i broke my clavicle so cleanly it didnt even bruise , i grew 2 inches my senior yr of high school 57. things you want to say to an ex? the same thing ive asked for many years give me my penny back! 58. what are five ways to win your heart? name the proper 5 things to travel the universe with59. what do you look like? insta: thephoenix1660. what is the biggest age difference of you and any of your partners ? 8 years61. what is the first thing you notice in someone? personality62. what is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? so many things63. what is your definition of having sex? something that takes away your virginity64.what is your definition of cheating? if you feel guilty doing it youre probably cheating65. what is your favorite foreplay routine? if its become a routine its not fun66. what is your favorite roleplay? good question67. what is your idea of a perfect date? hiking, yoga, maybe some passing with lax sticks, or blanket fort 68. what is your sexual orientation? down for a good time69.what turns you off? close mindedness70. what turns you on? hehe lots of things , but the sound of a belt being pulled through the loops as its being taken off71. what was your kinkiest wet dream? you tell me yours i'll tell you mine72. what words do you like to hear during sex? cum for me73. whats something sweet youd like someone to do for you? gift me something random because it made you think of me74. whats the most superficial characteristic you look for? proportion75. whats the sweetest thig anyones ever done for you? go to the hospital with me to see my brother who almost died76. whats the sweetest thing youve ever done for someone? watched movies i dont enjoy because they enjoy them77.whats your opinion on age in a relationship? as long as its legal and consensual its chill78. whats your dirtiest secret? tell me yours first79. when was the last time you were jealous? why? i dont like sharing my friend with other ppl shes my bestie80. when was the last time you told someone you loved them? like an hr ago81. who are five people you find attractive ? famous people or nonfamous people?82.who is the last person you hugged? my mom83. who was your first kiss with? it was so long ago i couldnt tell you84. why did your last relationship fail? multiple reasons85. would you ever date someone off the internet? i am
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