#gintama references in 2023! HOW 'BOUT THEM APPLES!
gentleoverdrive · 2 years
[6/300] The path of a cloudy sky.
OK I watched the first two episodes of the Velma show with my wife and...
... it was mediocre? Make no mistake, there's nothing wrong with using a legacy series/formula while taking it for a spin as you go into uncharted waters with it. This is not that so far. The first two episodes basically felt so boilerplate and lacking in any pizzazz whatsoever that it just made me think everyone was on autopilot while writing this. ---- Which I know for a fact it's not true! Most writers' rooms go through insane amounts of re-writes for a single episode before a final script is ready to be taken into actual production, especially for cartoon shows! And let's not even get into the post-production process! ---- And you can absolutely tell, because some of the timing for dialogue and such seem properly punched-up and provided with some good flow! It's just that the actual contents is just not netting actual results. As some stand-up comedian has said: "The topic might seem weird but some of these jokes are strong structurally speaking!" ---- Which again, kind of a shame because Glenn Howerton and Constance Wu do have some genuine moments when I found myself chuckling somewhat and hell, even Mindy Kaling as Velma felt like she was genuinely trying... but the final result just feels so lacking. I want to give the show another shot, and I heard episodes 3 and 4 are coming out next week as a pair as well, so here's hoping the going gets good sooner rather than later. Read ya' later, alligator!
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