#ghoul is the easy out but i don't particularly want him to be that used to the day and age. we'll see.
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nuclearspring-a · 11 months ago
today/tomorrow is the deadline for the rough cut of something i'm working on so i'll be splitting time between that and writing, and i'll be trying not to let writing consume me too dramatically, but hi, i'm awake, and i'm diving for the caffeine
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everybodyshusband · 7 months ago
Husbanddddd, can we get your thoughts on when Dew discovered how sensitive his gills are :))
anon if i give you some alpha/dew gill smut do you promise not to tell everyone how old this ask is ? it's been six months and i am INCREDIBLY sorry
exactly what it says on the tin, it's (ftm) water dew gill smut !!! the semi-virginity kink crept up on me without warning, you can blame dew for that one sdkfjnsd
divider by @wrathofrats !!
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"Mmm, fuuuck yes. Right there, shiiiit."
Alpha chuckles lowly from his position behind the new water ghoul. "Easy there, water lily. These walls are thin, people will get the wrong idea..."
"Satan, if your dick game turns out to be even half as good as your massage game then I don't know what the hell I'm going to do," Dew jokes, leaning further back into the fire ghoul's touch. "How are you so good at this?"
Alpha lifts up a hand off of Dew's shoulder—much to the water ghoul's chagrin—and wiggles his fingers in front of Dewdrop's eyes. "Heated fingers," he sing-songs, thankfully settling his hand back on Dew's shoulder once more, resuming the gentle massage.
The water ghoul moans, properly this time, as Alpha's hands dig into a particularly sore spot at the base of his neck. The warm pressure against his aching muscles is blissful enough that Dew doesn't even care that Alpha is laughing at him again. He can only focus on the deliciously precise nature of the fire ghoul's fingers.
"Sure you're not a massage ghoul?" Dew teases, if only to hear the rant he knows Alpha is about to hit him with.
"This again? Sathanas, you're as bad as 'Meg used to be," he chastises teasingly. "Is that a book ghoul? Is that a pumpkin pie ghoul?" He mimics, opting to impersonate Omega with a falsetto that Dew is sure the quintessence ghoul would be thrilled by. "No, dumbass, it's Brother Copia eating a bit of pie leftover from Halloween, still dressed up as a ghoul because he didn't want to take the costume off. Should've been obvious, he completely botched the skin tone shade. Idiot."
Dewdrop tilts his head back and laughs, loudly and openly. He knows the siblings are scared of the fire ghoul—he doesn't blame them, he was too when he was first summoned—but fucking hell, if Alpha isn't one of the dorkiest people Dew's ever met. Their eyes meet and the fire ghoul leans down to press a kiss to the top of Dew's head before promptly pushing his head back forward and accusing him of interrupting the massage by trying to seduce the him.
"So what if I am?" Dew teases, swallowing back a sinful groan as the fire ghoul works at another knot in his shoulder. He knows that was on purpose.
"Just... Shut up and let me help you, water lily," Alpha smiles.
Dew huffs out an over-exaggerated sigh and settles back against the fire ghoul properly. "Alright, alright. You do your thing, I'll be good. Promise." He extends his pinky back behind him, sighing gently as he feels Alpha's warm hand envelope his.
Instead of placing the hand back on Dewdrop's shoulder however, Alpha elects to place it up against his neck, thumb brushing along the sot slits of his gills. Dew exhales shakily at that, although he's not entirely sure why. The warmth of Alpha's hands against his gills is nice but it's not... Well, it's not enough to have him attempting to squeeze his thighs together with some degree of subtlety. Or at least, it shouldn't be enough, and yet somehow, it is. Dew doesn't understand it. Each new wave of arousal coincides with a brush of Alpha's fingers against his gills and while unexpected and much more sudden than he's become accustomed to, he can't find himself to be upset about it. If anything, he's intrigued. There's so much of this new body left to explore, so many new triggers to find and fuck, if they're all as good as then then Dewdrop can't even think about waiting a second longer.
Predictably though, he's drawn out of his thoughts by the concerned voice of the fire ghoul sitting behind him. "Dewy? You feeling okay?"
There are too many ways to answer that question. Dewdrop settles with the one requiring the least words—he's not entirely sure he can trust his voice not to shake embarrassingly the second he opens his mouth—and with much regret, lifts one of Alpha's hands away from his fluttering gills. The regret is soon quelled however, as he guides the fire ghoul's hand down, down, down to the front of his sleep shorts, encouraging Alpha to feel the effect he's had on him. He lets out a quiet groan as Alpha circles two fingers over his swollen clit through the fabric and he doesn't need to look behind him to know that the fire ghoul is grinning.
"'S weird," he starts, pointedly ignoring how his words have already started slurring from the pleasure of it all. He's barely even been touched. "Dunno why it's happening like this."
"Your gills," Alpha explains, leaning his head closer so that his hot breath fans against them. The sensation travels straight to Dew's cunt and he shudders, holding in a whine. "You've never had 'em played with before?"
Dew shakes his head. "Mist offered once but I wasn't in the mood," he explains, feeling entirely out of his depth. Logically it makes sense that Alpha knows about what's going on even if Dewdrop doesn't. The fire ghoul has been in this pack for years and has lived, worked and bonded with many a water ghoul in his time Topside. Still, the metaphorical blind over Dew's eyes is making his head spin. Sex up here is so much stranger than in the Pit. There are rules, arousal triggers, feelings. It's not a bad kind of strange, it's just... different, and the fact that he knows nothing and Alpha knows everything is making him throb. He doesn't wholly understand that part either, but he's not complaining.
"Are you in the mood now?" And, oh, Alpha's voice sounds so different like this. Husky, rough and hungry in a way that Dewdrop has never heard it before. He likes it.
He nods. "Help me?"
Before the words are fully out of his mouth, Alpha pounces. His fingers—still unnaturally warm in a way that's more than welcome—slip under Dew's shorts and start rubbing. At the same time, his mouth latches onto the side of Dew's throat, licking and sucking the delicate flesh of his gills.
Dew makes it two whole seconds without making a sound. In those two seconds, Alpha manages to both get a finger inside of the water ghoul as well as lathe his tongue on, around and inside of his gills. Dewdrop screams, a harsh, guttural thing that's wrenched out of him with no warning. He pants harshly and writhes around in the sheets as much as their position will let him—not much, given that Alpha's free arm is holding him firmly against his torso and the occupied arm is still more than strong enough to hold him down despite the forearm strength it's currently exhibiting.
"Ffuck, I– Haahh, Al–" Dew knows his words are incomprehensible, but that doesn't stop him from trying. Alpha knows what he means anyway, if the chuckles that seem to vibrate along the entire length of Dew's body are anything to go by. "More, fuck. Please, more," Dew pleads breathlessly, every other word interrupted by groan or whine.
Alpha obliges him, sucking harder around the gills in his mouth and sliding another finger inside along the one already pumping harshly inside of the water ghoul.
"You gonna cum soon, water lily?" Alpha mumbles against his gills, sounding almost as out of breath as Dew feels.
Dew can't do anything by moan in response, vocalisations reaching a fever pitch and desperately cresting over as the fire ghoul curls his fingers just so inside him.
"I'm gonna– You're making me– Oh, fuck!" Dew cries, desperately rutting his hips up against Alpha's fingers as he moans and shakes through his orgasm.
He pants shakily as he comes down from it, Alpha's—clean—hand gently stroking up and down his side. "You alright?"
Dew nods, smiles. "More than alright," he assures the fire ghoul. "But you didn't–"
"It's alright," Alpha cuts him off. "I don't have to, that was about you."
"Bullshit," Dew scoffs.
Alpha huffs dramatically, hot breath ruffling Dew's hair. "Fine," he concedes. "I came in my pants like a goddamn fucking teenager. Happy?"
Dew grins and shuffles himself further back against the fire ghoul, unable to hold his chuckle as he feels a wet patch gently wicking onto the back of his t-shirt. "Very," he says.
"Mmm, thought you would be," Alpha grimaces, but Dew can tell there's no malice behind it. "Now, I believe I owe you the second half of a massage?"
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miasmaghoul · 1 year ago
Nun forced fem on either SwissDew or Raindrop
yeah sure here
(idk what this is its barely nsfw lmao uhhh warnings for forcedfem, religious fuckery, mention of safewords without use of them, mostly implied corruption kink)
"It suits you."
"Does it?" Rain smooths nervous hands over the front of his habit, flattening imaginary wrinkles. "It feels so..."
Rain gives a hum - it's not the word he had in mind, but it isn't wrong. Rain adjusts his veil as he takes in his reflection, turning to take in every angle in his floor length mirror.
It's odd how bare he feels considering how little skin he can see. His face and hands stand out beautifully, pale and sharp against rich black wool. That's all the uniform reveals, though. Nothing about this ensemble could be called flattering, and yet Rain can't stop looking. Can't stop tracing the shape of his sleeves and frowning at the one stubborn curl poking out behind his ear. The rosary hanging from his belt clinks when he moves to tuck it away, silver and red beads glinting in the firelight.
"I was going to say severe," Rain murmurs, fingering the inverted silver cross hanging around his neck. "But...I suppose that works too."
He feels the need to speak softly like this, to keep his voice low and his words gentle. He isn't a particularly loud ghoul as it is, at least not often, but something about seeing himself look so...reserved demands it.
Rain licks his lips, and finds the sight of it in the mirror to be borderline obscene.
"And how does it make you feel?"
The words are followed by the creak of a chair and steady footsteps on hardwood, a confident but easy stride, and Rain's heart skips against his ribs. The footsteps stop beside him, in what should be his periphery, but their owner remains hidden by the starched edge of Rain's wimple. He can't make himself turn to look, occupied instead by watching splotches of pink bloom on his cheeks.
"I...I don't know," he admits, and it's the truth. There's an odd stew of feelings swirling around in his skull, a bizarre blend of shame, discomfort and the most blasphemous sort of pride. His fingers tremble as he tugs at the knot binding his belt, a mindless distraction.
"Take your time," flows into his ear, velvety smooth, "but I want an answer."
Rain nods, sighing as he lets his eyes slip shut. Just for a moment. Maybe two.
He really didn't think this would be so hard. He knew it would be different - how could it not be? - but the heaviness in his gut is so much more than he was prepared for. He's been dressed up a thousand ways from Sunday; lingerie, pretty dresses, elegant gowns and the sluttiest costumes Swiss could get his greedy hands on. He's worn makeup and press-ons, learned to walk in the highest heels and had his waist cinched by corsets until he was ready to faint.
It all pales in comparison to the simple garments he wears now.
"...small, I think," Rain practically whispers, once the words find his tongue. It's the closest thing he can think of to describe the tightness in his chest. "It's like..." Rain wrings his hands together, the motion obscured by his oversized sleeves. "It's like I don't belong in this."
"That's because you don't," comes his very amused reply, and a gentle weight settles against his forearm. Rain stares at that elegant hand in the mirror, wide eyes caught on the place skin turns to fitted sleeve. "That's part of the fun," that hand thightens, a rough thumb arching over the inside of his wrist, and that voice feels like a red hot poker when it adds, "Sister."
The word makes him gasp, makes his stomach flip, and Rain wobbles in place. Has to reach out to catch himself on the body beside him, and he earns a soft chuckle in response.
"Easy, easy."
Rain feels the words as much as he hears them, radiating through the palm he's planted in the center of a lightly muscled chest. He shivers when a warm hand rubs over his spine, a familiar motion that has completely different connotations right now.
"You're safe," he's promised, quiet and serious. "I've got you."
Rain nods, takes a deep breath as he pushes himself upright, but he can't make himself open his eyes. He knows what's waiting for him when he does, and some part of him doesn't want to see it. If he sees it, it's real. A fantasy made real - not his own, but one he's been eager to help fulfill for ages now. Ever since the night he wrung this desire out of the ghoul supporting him, had pulled the words from his throat with precise rolls of his hips and a perfectly placed hand on a long throat.
"I've got you," he's assured again, and it's so genuine that Rain can't hold back his whimper.
"Sorry," he huffs, shaking his head. "It's...it's a lot."
A hum answers him, a warm palm cups his cheek, and Rain leans into it easily. Soothed by familiar skin and spiced cologne that settles flayed nerves.
"Rain," he says, and it's so gentle that he almost cracks an eye open. Almost. "We don't have to do this. You know that."
He does. Of course he does. One word and he's out, done, able strip himself of fabric that feels far heavier than it truly is. It would be easy, and there's a first time for everything. The word sits on the tip of his tongue, just behind sharp teeth.
"I know," Rain breathes instead, finally straightening up and crossing his arms over his stomach, "I know."
The hand on his spine remains, grounding, and Rain focuses on the feel of it. Breathes in through his nose and out through his mouth until the tangled mess in his belly unravels, until the pressure in his head subsides. Until he can face the body beside him and brace himself for what he's about to see. One hand fiddles with his rosary, nervous energy poured into a silent prayer he says at every midnight mass.
He can do this.
He can do this.
When Rain opens his eyes, it's as devastating as he thought it would be.
"Oh," he sighs, hot from his scalp to the soles of his feet, and the soft smile it earns him makes Rain's chest hurt.
He doesn't know where to look, too many details for his already frazzled brain to absorb; the shiny tips of polished loafers, a perfectly fitted black cassock, a blood red stole embroidered with goat heads and a sharp collar. Rain's eyes stick there, glued to that simple white square, and every inch of him tingles in a way he can't explain.
"Satanas," he says without really meaning to, and Rain is immediately rewarded with the warmest chuckle.
"Blessed be," Dew replies, and Rain feels more of the tension drain from his shoulders. He tears his eyes from that little white square with great effort and finds the other ghoul's face lined with mirth. His copper eyes sparkle in the glow of the fire, and something about it makes Rain shiver.
"I'm sorry," he repeats, taking in every inch of that handsome face. Dew's pulled his hair back, tied it into a tight knot at the base of his skull, and all it does is make him look more authoritative. "I didn't -"
"Stop," Dew orders, one palm raised, and Rain has never fallen silent so quickly. That one little moment makes something familiar start to bloom at the back of his mind, and suddenly it's just a little easier to deal with the invisible weight on his shoulders. His eyelids feel just a little heavier.
"Sorry," Rain mumbles once more, but it's only out of habit. Dew ignores it, tips his head, and then that warm palm is back on his cheek and Rain has a fleeting thought about what his habit will look like once he's inevitably tenting it.
"Tell me you want this," Dew says, voice even. He strokes Rain's cheekbone with the tip of his thumb, and Rain wishes he would push it between his lips instead. "Tell me you want it," he says again, fingertips tracing the edge of his coif, "or we'll change and -"
"No," Rain interjects, more sudden than even he expects, grabbing at Dew's outstretched arm. The cassock feels so soft, somehow plush and warm against his fingers. "No, I - I do," Rain promises, too flustered to keep his voice from shaking, "for you, I - I want to -"
He's silenced by the pressure of one long finger against his parted lips, by a soft shushing noise, and then Dew's close enough that Rain can feel his warmth. He tilts his head up, gives Rain a hungry look, and Rain can't describe how miniscule it makes him feel.
"You'll tell me if that changes?"
"Yes," Rain promises, breathless, and he nods so urgently it nearly dislodges his wimple. "Yes, I promise."
As soon as the words escape him, as soon as Dew nods his acknowledgement, Rain swears he feels the air shift. That warm hand leaves his face as Dew backs away two steps, head held high. Rain feels unbearably cold in his absence, but he knows Dew will have him hotter than he can handle soon enough.
"Look at yourself," he instructs, nodding towards the mirror. "Tell me what you see."
Rain turns on autopilot. Swivels on his heels until he's facing himself once more, all harsh lines and dark fabric. He straightens his cross, his veil, and wonders how much redder his cheeks will be by the end of this.
"I see..." Rain licks his lips again, but he can't watch it this time. "I see...purity," he supplies at length, the word syrupy thick on his tongue. "I...I see innocence."
Rain wonders if Dew will make him look at himself like this afterwards too. Once he's been used up and drained dry, left woozy and weak and with nothing in him to argue. The thought makes him queasy as much as it makes him throb, and Rain stares at the spot on his habit that he knows his cock is starting swell behind.
"Do you?"
Footsteps again, intentional. Slow. Stalking up behind him, teasing fingers trailing along the edge of his veil just enough to feel. Dew appears in the mirror beside him, and the sight of the two of them together makes Rain's knees weak.
He's starting to get why Dew wanted this.
"Yes," Rain huffs, nodding once. There's a tingle caught in his spine, between his shoulder blades, a shudder he can't quite shake out.
"Yes what?" Dew asks.
"Yes, Father," he replies, a swift exhale, and Dew looks so very pleased at the way he sways.
"Well I've heard otherwise, dear Sister," he lilts, and then he's moving. Stalking slow circles around Rain a fox ready to tear into a particularly fat hen. "In fact," he adds, coming to a stop right in front of Rain. Reaching out to slip two fingers under his chin. Lifting his gaze so all he can see is Dew's neutral expression, wild eyes and that fucking collar. "There's a rumor going around that you're a regular Jezebel." Rain winces, and Dew gives him a falsely sympathetic smile. "A common whore masquerading as a lost little lamb in need of guidance."
"N-no," Rain whispers, giving his head the tiniest shake. "I - I promise, Father," he manages, already starting to get a little fuzzy around the edges. "I'm - I'm pure, I'm -"
Dew shushes him, and then he's gone. Floating away on sure feet and gliding back to his chair. Rain watches the way his cassock billows around his legs, catches glimpses of tight-fitted black slacks beneath it, and when Dew snaps his fingers Rain follows with silent obedience.
Dew looks positively regal in the oversized armchair he's pulled in front of the fireplace. He sits with his back straight and both hands folded on his lap. Rain doesn't think he's ever seen him look so powerful, so commanding of attention, not even on stage.
"Kneel, Sister," Dew commands. "Kneel and confess your sins." He tips his head and Rain's breath catches in his throat. "Kneel," he says, "and let me decide if you deserve forgiveness."
Rain drops so hard the floor shakes.
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golden-rats · 2 years ago
oooohhh you wanna write more of sub swiss praise kink~ ooohhh you want aether using that against him in the sweetest way so bad~~
Damn, y'all are needy
I have absolutely not proofread this and I am severely sleep deprived so take what you get
2k of Swiss getting teased by Aether. It gets steamy so MDNI
It was a quiet night in the ghouls common room. Most of them retreated to their own rooms. While Aether was still seated on the sofa, having a drink by himself after a particularly stressful week. His ears twitch as someone entered. He notices Swiss and flashes him a warm smile. Beckoning him over, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Swiss! Come join me. It's terrible here without your captivating presence." Grinning at the ghoul he patted the seat next to him. Swiss arched an eyebrow, his usual guarded expression cracking ever so slightly. Noticing the alcohol and look he gave him.
"Oh, Aether, flattery will get you everywhere. But don't think you can charm your way into my pants so easily." The multi ghoul smirked as he stopped midway in the room, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Sure of himself.
Aether chuckles, his voice like velvet. "You wound me with your accusations. But let me assure you, I just really want some company right now."
Swiss leans against the backrest of the sofa, unable to resist the allure of Aethers words completely. Grinning teasingly. "Is that so? What is in it for me if I agree to waste my time here talking to you, dear Aether?"
The quintessence ghoul leaned closer, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "You've been dying to spend some time alone with me. Don't think I wouldn't notice. Your scent betrays you." He finished his sentence with a wink, extending his hand out to him. "Your confidence, like a shield, hides the depth of your emotions. Your wants and desires. But I see through it all…"
Swiss's stoicism wavers, his eyes briefly betraying a flicker of vulnerability. "I've spent years perfecting that. It's not so easily pierced, you know." He huffed. Ignoring the hand stretched towards him.
Aether reaches out some more and gently places his hand on Swiss' arm. "I know, my dear ghoul. But sometimes, it's okay to let someone in, to lower those walls just for a moment. And when you do, I promise you, the world becomes a more beautiful place."
Swiss icy facade melts a little, his guarded demeanor crumbling before the ghouls words. His voice merely a whisper. "You have a way with words, Aether. A dangerous talent indeed…"
Aethers smile widens, his eyes gleaming with triumph. "Danger and temptation often go hand in hand. And I have a feeling you're not one to shy away from a little risk… My little troublemaker."
Swiss' lips curl into a genuine smile, his usual playfulness resurfacing. "You wanna dance with danger? But be warned, I'm not an easy conquest. You sure you're ready to handle me big boy?" In this moment already, he had to fight hard to hold back a blush. It was unusual for him to get flirted at, especially by Aether. Swiss was the type to make the first moves and get what he wants.
The taller ghoul snickered. His eyes resting on Swiss. "Where's the fun if everything is easy? It's the challenge that excites me. And I have a feeling you're the most exhilarating challenge of all~" A flicker of mischief shone in his gaze.
Their eyes lock, the room fading away as the allure between them intensifies. Swiss swallowed. Trying to uphold a smirk and rounding the sofa, sitting next to Aether. His attitude making it seem like he did it out of free will and not because he indeed, got lured in by the ghouls words.
Aether placed his drink on the table, shifting in his seat to face him. Reaching out to trace his fingers along his jawline, his touch featherlight yet filled with an intensity that stirred the depths of Swiss' soul. Feeling his defenses crumble under the weight of Aether's adoration. His heart, so often guarded, opened like a delicate blossom in the presence of his touch.
“Let me take care of you. You deserve it. You’ve been so, so good.” The multi ghouls eyes, usually brimming with mischief, now shimmered with raw vulnerability. His breath caught in his throat. That was when Aether knew, he pushed the right buttons. A playful grin curling his lips. His hand went from caressing Swiss’ jawline to wander along his throat, to the back of his neck. Claws grazing through his hair. “My darling ghoul… You just look so sweet when you give up the fight. It suits you, pretty boy.”
Swiss’ thoughts began to rapidly wander. His eyes flicked over the other ghouls face, nervously. His lips parted in a silent protest, but the words wouldn’t come out. He was completely taken aback by how much those simple sentences affected him.
“Don’t-” He was cut off by the quintessence ghoul, shaking his head. “Shhh… Your mouth can do so much nicer things than talk right now. Let me feel those soft sweet lips of yours…” Aether cradled Swiss' face in his hands, his gaze filled with tenderness and admiration. As he leaned forward to seal their lips, the multi ghoul could sense the faint taste of whiskey. Feeling it sting slightly. He still wasn’t so sure about this. His body reacted on his own though. Letting himself fall into that soft display of affection. Returning the kiss instead of shying away.
The taller ghoul smiled against his lips. One hand stroking through his hair once more. Breaking away before it got too intense. He needed to see the blush on Swiss’ cheeks. Needed to have him flustered before he could make him breathless.
“That’s my good boy… So good for me…” The multi ghoul grit his teeth. It embarrassed him a little to show just how much he loved hearing those words. But the tips of his ears were tinted pink, as were his cheeks. His breath got slightly quicker. When he closed his eyes, he was sure the other could hear his heart pound against his chest.
“Mhm, you’ve been driving me crazy lately, you know that?” Aethers voice was low, only for his ghoul to hear. His lips brushing against the others ear, breath ghosting over the skin. “How badly I wanted to grab that small waist of yours… Wipe that cocky grin off your face.” Swiss shuddered at the sensation. “O-Oh yeah?” It was adorable how much he still tried to uphold the teasing and playful personality. It was clear in his voice that he was struggling.
“Be a darling and moan for me, yeah?” Swiss brows raised in confusion for a second, then immediately feeling lips on his neck. He jolted back but didn’t get far, Aether was holding him near. His arm wrapping around the middle of the smaller ghouls body. Drawing him close. And indeed, it brought a reaction from him. A needy whimper. Involuntary pressing himself closer into the embrace. “Look at you. You want me so bad it makes you look silly…” Smirking, he continued to plant kisses along the soft neck. Teeth grazing the skin.
“Oh fuck…” Swiss, overcome by the weight of the words, surrendered completely. He let go of his reservations and allowed himself to be enveloped in Aethers love, finding solace and acceptance in the shelter of their embrace. Starting to hold onto him. His claws gripping the fabric of the ghouls shirt. Tilting his head to give him better access.
With that, Aether couldn’t help himself. Decorating the exposed area with lovebites and amethyst bruises. Purring as he did so. The body of his lover shivered. Breathing seemed to get difficult. “My perfect ghoul… Your sounds delight me, you have no idea…” It was rare to not have Swiss bicker and talk. Reducing him to only pathetic pants and poorly held back moans brought great satisfaction to the bigger ghoul. Arousing him.
Swiss felt heat rolling through his body. His face glowing, flushed red. Eyes taking on a hazy look. “I’m… I want to be good.” He whispered. “Let me be good…” At this point he couldn’t even stop himself from softly grinding against the man that held him close. He buried his face in the crook of Aethers neck, their hearts beating in unison.
“That’s what I like to hear~” The quintessence ghoul brought his face to the same level again. Their lips colliding, teeth clashing. Tongues wrapped around each other like their tails intertwined. They fueled each other. Aethers hands roaming over every part he could reach. Leaning in so he almost laid on top of the multi ghoul. Shoving his clawed hand under the loose shirt, feeling for the most sensitive parts. Circling and pinching.
“Mmhm!” Their kiss was filled with moans. Stifling them. Aether swallowed the sounds Swiss made. While not stopping to draw them out of him. His leg was placed between the ones below. He used this position to slightly press against the very obvious bulge. A wet spot already formed through the fabric. He barely had the chance to speak between devouring kisses. “You’re just so needy… Already leaking... You respond so well to me…”
Swiss squirmed under the touch. And finally he was able to breathe again. The bigger ghoul sat up, looking down at the mess he created. Golden eyes looking slightly teary. The reddened mouth hanging open, trying to catch his breath. Making his chest rise and fall. And what was that? No eye contact and not a single snarky remark. "Oh sweet prince…" Another gasp filled the air. Aethers big hand placed directly on the smaller ghouls lap. Palming him through his sweatpants.
Swiss squeezed his eyes shut, his head falling back onto the sofa. Heat struck his core as he felt what was going on. Shakily groaning. Gripping at anything he could reach. "P-Please… Aeth…" The voice that came out of him sounded nothing like his own. Dripping with desire. Embarrassment. Longing. It was almost soft. Bucking up his hips and directly into the hand.
"It's okay darling. Give in. You can come, love." Aether leaned closer once more. Focused on stroking and massaging the painfully hard cock. Whispering words of affection into flushed ears.
He tried to hold back. He really did. Coming this early was even more humiliating than the fact that this little game turned him on in the first place. He had a reputation to uphold. And yet, he wished for nothing more than to hear praise.
"Aeth… Ae-" A particularly forceful grip let his words change into moans. On top of it he could feel the big ghouls lips over his body again. Licking and leaving wet trails. "I love how you say my name. I love the sound of your voice." Aether just couldn't stop. The words spilling as he worked his lover through his climax. Accompanying every pant and groan, the little screams with a token of affection.
It was a delight to observe. How small he looked beneath him. The blushing cheeks tinted even darker. Drooling.
"Oh my… Are you alright baby?"
The voice faintly reached Swiss ears. He was fully in bliss. His mind not able to grasp a single thought. Let alone comprehend the moment. A shudder and wave of pleasure washing over him. It was a first that anyone could bring him to the point where he came in his pants. Merely by teasing touches.
"It's alright. You deserve that high." Aether spoke again. A gentle smile playing around his lips as he did. Stroking some hair out of Swiss' face. Caressing his cheek. "You made my night so much more exciting."
He liked this side of Swiss. It was a welcomed change from his usual aggressiveness. And Aether meant what he said. He did deserve to feel good. Praise was important. And if it riled the troublemaker up, even better. So he made sure to take a mental note, remembering what he could say to make Swiss melt.
But for now, all his good boy needed was some cuddles as he came back to earth. And the quintessence ghoul would be there. Always.
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thornfield13713 · 8 months ago
Crossover plans? Tell me more?
The one that's really got me thinking is the one that puts Maris and Charon coming to Dr Amari at roughly the halfway point between 3 and 4 - so, around 2282. So, the Minutemen are fragmenting after the death of General Becker, and in Diamond City, the new mayor just kicked out the town's ghoul residents and John McDonough has left with them. It'd be a fun vantage for Hancock's canonical coup, and might lead to some very interesting character interactions.
The way I think of it, Maris and Charon leave the Capital Wasteland around the time Arthur Maxson is consolidating his power, and probably with the Brotherhood taking potshots at them all the way. I'll have to refine this a bit once I've played more of the game, but so far I think that holds together. They end up in Goodneighbour because they're looking for Doctor Amari specifically - not sure how they heard of her, but they have heard that there's a neurologist in Goodneighbour who can show you your memories, and that sounds like a pretty good start for puzzling out what was done to Charon and how to reverse it. Unfortunately, they get into Goodneighbour under Vic's rule, which...is not a good time, for anyone.
They manage a bit better than most, because Charon is a terrifyingly tall badass and Maris is a doctor, or as close to one as you're ever going to find in the wastes. They do better than most drifters, and get set up with a standing series of appointments at the Memory Den to see what can be done about Charon's brainwashing situation. They definitely do better than John McDonough, who ends up a regular patient because...well, first, constant chem use isn't great for one's health. Particularly when one does not yet have a ghoul's tolerance. Second, he's Mayor McDonough's brother, and at this point that's probably widely known, and even if he helped some ghouls, you can bet there'll be others who are going to want to get what revenge they can, and probably a fair few smoothskins who want to take out their grievances on the Mayor of Diamond City's brother. Probably the only thing stopping some of the town's dodgier elements from trying to hold him for ransom is a) even at this stage, John's a scrappy little fucker and b) Mayor McDonough does not give enough of a shit to pay a ransom. And also, third, he's at least trying to help - bringing food to ghoul families and such - which is going to mark him out to a lot of people as an easy target, too soft to make it in Goodneighbour.
I'll need to figure out the rest of the plot from there, including characterisation for Vic, but I do like the idea that Hancock's emergence is a big part of this one, and also that Maris and Charon do not know and never learn that John-the-clinic-regular and Hancock-the-leader-of-the-coup are one and the same. Ghoulification...seems to be slower in most cases than it was for Hancock? I mean, there's mixed sources on this, but that's what I've mostly gleaned. So, he goes from fully human to fully ghoul very quickly indeed, far more quickly than is usual or even possible if one hasn't actually just had an A-bomb dropped on one's head. Might even be fun to play with very different opinions of the two. And as Mayor McDonough doesn't even recognise Hancock if you bring him along to the mayor's office, I feel like other people probably don't really know either.
And that's the rough premise. Maybe I'll even write it.
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