#ghiralink fan fic
casiavium · 9 months
ghiralink fans. we should start tagging ao3 fics by which dungeon they take place in. I want to be able to filter by skyview temple/fire sanctuary
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Do I dare ask why someone would be eager to kill Skyward Sword Zelda (and Hylia for the matter even though I have a good guess why)...?
BOTW fans who don't have media literacy and act like it's the only game ever (but still want all the games connected despite the fact that skyward sword came out after 70% of the rest of the series and did a lot of retconning) don't seem to like Hylia and fail to realize an important part of reincarnation to become mortal requires. Death. Twice at least
Sorry that was mean.
Anyway some ghiralink fans are pretty shitty and I have read a few fics that kill her off to get her "out of the way" so to say. Hopefully that's moreso the 2011 era fandom and it's all in the past but I'm. Wary
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OHH MY GOD THE "BEYOND..." OPTION I FORGOT AB THAT ONE!!! sksw link is such a rascal i love him so...
and donot fucking worry i know EXACTLY what ur talking abt with how it permeates the tags and ao3. finding good ao3 fics is impossible and ESPECIALLY for sksw and oot. im surprised ive found what good ones i can man. also i could talk for hours alone about how L/U has impacted malons character bc i adore her to the point of devoting a major part of my post-oot aus to what happens to her and seeing how shes interpreted nowadays is so. hhhhh !!!!!!! :((( stop making her a scolding mother figure stop making her Links Wife and nothing else she can be so much more than just that!!!!!!!!!!!! aauauausbaa. actually i could talk forever and ever abt how fanon link and malon and zelda tends to make them the worst possible versions of themselves and how l/u kinda perpetuates that but its 1 am and i have a fic to write so fffff
and the names man the names. its such a small thing (and im no stranger to sometimes using those abbreviations in some of my posts when i get especially verbose or have to talk abt multiple links all at once) but i try to go outta my way to refer to the chars as [game] [name] just to make it as clear as possible that im not talking abt the l/u counterparts. theyre practically their own chars to me at this point which sucks when im looking for content of my favs sksw link or oot link and i get Sleepy Soft Boy and Responsible Serious Soldier like no! no!!!!! thats my purse i dont know you /ref!!!!!!!
anyways. maybe i am just old and not with it since ive been a loz fan almost my entire life but it is nice to see someone who feels the same 👍 ty for lettin me complain for a moment there.
on a lighter note tell me about the "sksw link is not actually sleepy" thing bc im curious. its a thing thats mentioned abt pre-destiny link but after zelda falls it does kinda go away aside from the eyebags in his character model and i wanna kno what u hafta say ab it.........
You and I, we can be haters together
The one SMALL mercy I've found while looking up loz fics is that there's no lu fics in the ghiralink tag. For obvious reasons I think. Everywhere else seems to be a fucking HELLHOLE (the first thing I search when I first start looking for fics in a fandom is time travel and uh-- you can imagine what I found (BARELY FUCKING ANYTHING (and also lu)))
Also I haven't gotten around to watching an oot playthrough yet-- is it really that bad with Malon? (For the record I much prefer zelink and like-- I don't even really like zelink all that much beyond ss. And also I hc oot as siblings sometimes. So yeah.)
Honestly I would love to play oot but I can't :( and alas, watching playthroughs is just dreadfully dull (I got a decent way through an mm one though but gave up eventually). Regarding oot link's character though-- I admit I myself have not yet written a fic where it's not lu (or adjacent) so I don't really get the intricacies of his character (see also aforementioned playthrough dullness) so like. If you ever want to talk to someone about it all I would be interested
I also do the name thing, with game then character (on one hand the "hero titles" is just lazy and i really hate how it's become common and they would never give each other names like that but on the other the reason I haven't written much for MY links meet au is because I can't come up with 12 names that don't sound stupid and are also names they would give each other, so. And also apparently those names aren't official to lu (in comic jojo will use things like the old man (time) the smithy (four) the rancher (twilight) and full hero titles on posts (hero of the skies, hero of the four sword, etc)). So as you can see all bad things come from fandom, in this essay I will,
Ok so. It's been a while since I've fully played ss (like two months but my memory is just shit). So I might be wrong. But Link simply does not seem very sleepy to me? Especially not to the extent he is in lu.
For one-- our first introduction to him is him sleeping, yes, and we get told by many npcs and Zelda herself that he oversleeps, but there's a VAST difference between oversleeping and being sleepy. I myself am bad at alarms and such and beyond Premium Loftwing Mail (letter spat in your face) there's really nothing to wake him up, so he'd probably just sleep too long
Also he's been having dreams about the Imprisoned for who knows how long. Dude probably ain't sleeping that well (fi I love you but I think that might have been a mistake)
(Side note he's still in school and there's an open book on his desk-- he COULD be staying up late studying. Unlikely but I think that would be interesting)
Honestly it all just seems like teasing to me-- there's no indication that he's ACTUALLY constantly sleeping too long, just that it's happened enough times that some people have noticed (and it's not like everyone says it). Honestly the only thing pointing to a constant sleepiness is his "sit too long on a stool and start nodding off" animation (which is still like, really funny imo. how are you even DOING that you are SITTING STRAIGHT UP)
Now, delving into my own hcs and such-- he did not sleep. After Impa calls him lazy and too late at the earth temple, something I think would distinctly Fuck Him Up (he SAW the chains Zelda was held by), he would simply-- forgo sleep until it was necessary. I've seen estimates that sksw took place over about 11 months, and that's what I generally use in my fics, so-- my dude really said "I wont rest until I find Zelda" and then took a knife to his sleep schedule
(Side note-- do you think they held a funeral (or Skyloft equivalent) for Zelda? Like it seems that after a week or so of searching, the reasonable conclusion of her being dead would be reached (especially if her bird came back, which-- what's up with that? There must be some nesting area for loftwings, so either it would be seen there or it would also be presumed alongside Zelda if it got sucked down to the surface))
So anyway. His tiredness is self imposed, not something he's always had. (One of my febuwhump fics was that he was literally so exhausted he got hurt and passed out midfight. It was fun.)
Also like I don't know if it's just me but sleepy and tired have different meanings-- sleepy is, idk, cuter? Softer? And tired is. I haven't slept in 17 hours and before that I slept for three hours. (Maybe THAT'S just why it bugs me so much)
And also! Like you said! Beyond the eyebags (which are always there, lending credit to my theory of oversleeping because he simply didn't sleep well/enough) he's really... not tired OR sleepy for the majority of the game
Ha. He's the one who bugs me the most because ss is my favorite game (not just Zelda game, favorite out of anything) and I've put literal hundred of hours into it. There's honestly more I could say but i fear I've already descended into "wildly incomprehensible"
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maiz-of-light · 2 years
Tagged by @just-another-tokyo-ghoul-fan (baby you take your time with that hellfire fic I’ve written, lordy am I told is it stressful to read): share the last line of your most recent wip and tag as many people as there are words. SO, here’s a lil snippet of something I chalked up for Ghiralink week that I may or may not actually finish, 👀😘
“I need you to get dressed.” It’s almost an order, a regretful authority lacing her tone. “We have a bit of a problem.”
I would tag but Hylia help me, I just don’t care that much 🤟😏 thanks for the tag ❤️🖤❤️🖤
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casiavium · 7 months
Love Ghirahim(& or /)Zelda(& or/)Link where Link sees Zelda as just Zelda, just his friend who did nothing wrong ever, but he still blames Hylia for putting them through hell and manipulating his friend opposite Ghirahim who only sees Hylia, who cannot forgive her, who knows he was wrong but thinks Hylia is worse and places all the blame on the girl that is now Zelda.
But a lot of fanon forgets the part where they're both right and wrong. It needs Zelda who is both and neither, who is "still your Zelda" but now has memories that aren't her own and has magic she doesn't know how to use outside of throwing a harp across a pit and sealing herself in a crystal. Who feels guilty that she used Link and maybe? towards how Ghirahim ended up depending on his backstory, but also she's Zelda and she didn't do anything he says she did, and she was innocent too and doesn't deserve to die like he wants her to.
So much ghiralink hinges on the two of their opinions and emotions surrounding Zelda/Hylia, who becomes nothing more than an idea or symbol. Her personhood is taken away and she gets no say in the narrative she's supposedly pulling the strings for. And I'm not saying it's always a bad thing in fic, but I wish more fan content incorporated her into the story. But then a lot could be solved if they would just talk to her
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casiavium · 1 year
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
uhh. there's a lot I like but I don't have a favorite I'd say, also I write. a lot. and forget I write things. I know I had a really good one that was a double meaning with foil (narrative opposites) and foil (sword) but I don't have a clue which fic it's in FOUND IT and it's a fic I don't even like
his foil's blade pierced where no beating heart lies
"Foil's blade" meaning both his enemy's sword as well as his own, "pierced where no beating heart lies" meaning he missed a fatal blow and also that the one who is getting stabbed isn't human. Purposefully ambiguous so you can read it either way (the full sentence is "[Link] claims he is not the parallel of another, his foil's blade pierced where no beating heart lies", in which "his foil's blade" can be possessive for Link or "another". the one pro of English is in its poetic ambiguity; you couldn't do this quite the same way in a language with cases (but also ask me about Sappho frag. 22 and how many many translations of it are WRONG because it uses this same grammar principle))
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
Skyward Sword Link :) he's just like me frfr
I'm going insane. There is no dolphin yet I see one in the ask. this 🦈 is the closest it gets? So. I'm going with that one.
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🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
I hate writing Demise 😭
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
I don't remember her name. But to the girl who commented on my fanfiction I wrote in middle school as her OC who was one of the character's daughters (but from the future), I love you and I miss you and I hope you're doing okay
There was also a reader who left long comments on every chapter of my ghiralink fanfictions in 2020 and just stopped one day 😔 they left a really nice comment that inspired me to continue, I updated a few days later, and never heard from them again. I'm happy for u tho or sorry that happened
There are some really good ones but those commentors rather than comments stick out to me. rest in peace kings hope you're still alive
💎 Do you often write about a relationship or focus on an individual?
ngl the only thing I write at this point is some flavor of ghiralink. hyperfixation go brr
but in writing that I focus more on SwS Link. I'm outnumbered in the subfandom that I care more about Link than Ghirahim, sorry not sorry. You know how a lot of multishipping Ghirahim stems from just wanting any Ghirahim content, so he's fair game for anyone? That's me with SwS Link. Love some Peatrice/Link, Zelda/Link, Pipit/Link. not so big on Groose/Link because lately it's come with Groose/Zelda and I'm not a fan of them. On their own they're fine. Also slightly against Fi/Link because I'm petty and prefer Fi/Zelda. However. If you take two ships I hate, Ghirahim/Fi and Fi/Link, and put them together in Ghirahim/Link/Fi for crack purposes only. I think that could be funny. I'm rambling. That's not the question.
I don't really care about Ghirahim outside of his relationship with this particular Link (just enemies, romantic, platonic, idc). Controversial, I know.
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