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444namesplus · 1 month ago
Ahatt Jubbeth, Andincur Ressa, Azad Stendir, Bitod Prehi, Chud Endaspit, Gen Ondardre, Getran Storscraemmag, Gins Bilbabog, Incrisos Iblivo, Oin Hastir, Ook Foolafot, Phic Biblaogri, Riphac Cillag, Sul Anevir
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444names · 7 months ago
Names generated from Roman emperor forenames
Aela Aemian Aeminus Aemitus Aemius Alba Albasios Albinius Albius Alenes Alentius Aletian Alexan Alian Alius Alla Allibius Allice Alucius Alus Anas Anasius Ander Anderac Anderius Andrius Anian Anius Anne Annerius Antheo Anthera Antinian Antius Anus Aracarus Aracrius Arcartan Arcian Arcius Arcus Arianne Arinus Arius Arta Artilius Artinus Arus Audian Audidius Audios Audius Augus Augustan Auracius Aurajoan Aurakios Aurel Aurian Aurius Avian Avitel Avitian Avitinus...
Balene Balenus Baleodus Baler Baletian Balexios Balus Basdos Basian Basilius Basio Basios Basius Cadian Cadidios Cadios Cadius Cadrian Cadro Calbinus Calbius Caletros Calus Caratius Carcas Carcian Carcitus Carcius Carcus Carian Carice Casdos Casios Casius Claurian Cleo Clerius Comac Comarcus Cominus Comius Commodos Comula Comulius Comulus Conas Conasios Conian Conikos Coninus Conio Conius Cono Conos Cons Constios Constius Contian Continus Dian Didianus Didio Dios Diostan Dius Dorian Dorobus Dosius Elaugus Elian Eliberus Elisaac Elius Ellus Flonsta Flordius Florobus Floros Flos Gaba Gabas Galbas Galbinus Galbius Galene Galenus Galeo Galeodos Galeodus Galexan Galian Gallian Galus Getian Getillus Getius Getran Glybrian Glybrius Glyce Gora Goratius Gordius Goricius Gorius Goros Grac Grajoan Grakios Graklos Gratios Hadio Hadius Hadrius Hael Haela Haellian Haemius Heminus Hemitel Heodoman Heodos Heodus Heonius Heonos Heophos Hera Herajoan Herian Hericius Herinus Hocallus Hocarcus Honos Honstus Horan Irel Ireligus Irentius Irenus Iscus Joan Joanian Joano Joantius Jordian Jordius Jorian Jorinius Jorius Joronos Joros Jovitela Jovitius Jovitus Jula Julianus Julibius Julienus Juliscus Julucian Julucius Julus Leno Lenoro Lenos Lenus Lerakios Lerius Lertius Lervalus Lexan Lexans Leximian Leximius Lexios Lian Lianas Lianian Libero Lice Lienes Ligulus Lippikos Liscus Lius Lucian Luciusta Macinus Macius Macrian Macrius Magalus Majan Majantil Majanus Majohn Majorius Majoros Manthos Mantian Mantimil Mantons Manus Maraklos Marcine Marcitus Marcius Marianne Marus Maudian Maudius Maurela Maurenus Maxeno Maxens Maxentin Maxenus Maximice Maximil Maximius Maxio Maxios Mian Miliano Minus Mitus Mius Nerac Nerian Nerinius Nerinus Nerius Nerus Nian Niantian Nikos Ninios Ninus Nios Nius Nuela Olybrian Olyce Olycera Olyceran Othemius Otheo Otheodos Othonian Othono Perakios Peran Perian Pericius Perius Perus Petinus Petius Petro Petros Phil Philian Philiber Philicer Phillus Philos Phocla Phons Phonstan Phorian Phorius Phoro Promius Promulus Prontian Prostus Quin Quinian Quinus Robus Romius Rommodos Romulius Ronine Roninus Ronios Rons Sephil Sepho Septil Severian Severva Seves Sevespas Sevetrel Stacalus Staugus Stus Tabalian Tabas Tacartan Tanas Tanorius Tasian Tasilius Tasios Themitel Themitus Themius Theo Theodos Theodus Theons Theophil Thera Theriano Therice Therius Thero Therobus Thertian Thordios Thorius Tian Tianax Tiantian Tianus Tiligus Timitus Tinus Tios Titustus Tius Trac Tracius Traclius Tracrius Trajohn Trakios Tran Tratian Trebono Trebons Trel Treno Trenstus Trobus Tromius Trono Tros Valba Valbinus Valbius Valene Valeo Valeono Valerus Valexio Valexios Vallius Vallus Valucius Valus Verajoan Verus Vespas Vetibius Vetilius Vetine Vetro Vian Vitus Zenstian Zentian Zentios Zentius Zentonax Zenuel Zenus
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ofoconoticias · 1 year ago
GETRAN-BA promove palestra educativa em Eunápolis
Aequipe do Grupo de Educação para o Trânsito (GETRAN-BA), realizou nesta quarta-feira (16), uma palestra educativa para funcionários e colaboradores da empresa Equilíbrio Florestal, em Eunápolis, no extremo sul baiano. Na palestra foram mostrados os causadores de acidente no trânsito como, por exemplo, a imprudência, negligência e distração, condutas essas que potencializam o fator morte. Também…
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years ago
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Hey, as someone who’s still going through the slow process of conceptualizing a bunch of Pride trolls, I can vibe with this guy! I’m going to put a big ol’ trigger warning up top here since I openly discuss issues of homophobia and transphobia in the review below. Please stay safe!
(tw: mentions of homophobia and transphobia)
Hmmmm. If he’s Beforan, I might even say that his outfit is too conservative! While a sample size of 12 isn’t that big, what we’ve seen of Beforus is that trolls will take the aesthetic of a subculture and hit it HARD.
Name:Gaeiiy Ryggtz
Hah. Okay so this is obviously a fun name. If you wanna go a little bit more subtle, I would suggest Getran (gay/trans) Ynemak (backward surname of Frank Kameny, who was one of the first folks to file a claim against orientational discrimination in a U.S. court)
Age: 6.5 Sweeps
Theme: Colors and everything related to it,like rainbows or prisms
Got it! As I said before, Beforan trolls tend to have a specific subculture around which they’re based rather than a more nebulous theme, and based on the original name you gave him it’s pretty clear what that would be. That said, since the rainbow is for the entire LGBT community, I would consider possibly making your troll trans/nonbinary!
Goal and story: He is a mutant who likes being a mutant and would fight against the hemospectrum hierarchy and make every caste to be equal in power,for this, he must spread the love to make Beforus a beautiful place.
Quick note: the goal is for what you want us to do in our review! Since you haven’t specified, I am assuming that this is a general review of everything you’ve submitted.
Before I dig into the meat of the rest of your bio, I want to address this part, because based on what we’ve seen of Beforus, it does not broadcast its oppression as clearly as Alternia does. Where Alternia is an out-and-out fascist dictatorship, Beforus’s Condesce (if she is indeed called that) is an adult Feferi Peixes, whose views on the hemospectrum have more to do with coddling those who sit below you on the hemospectrum. How might your troll fight against that system?
If we want an example of how such a society might look in regards to gay and trans rights, let’s look at common criticisms of liberal politics with regards to the LGBT community, which includes support for trans people if(f) they “pass” completely as the “opposite” gender to their assigned one (a standard which is much stricter than for cis people), and support for same-gender attraction so long as it’s tucked away and isolated from straight society (a standard which can be further evidenced in biphobia towards multi-gender attracted people for “muddying” what should be clear-cut waters). All of this tied up with a biiiiig heaping of disdain for gender non-conforming people.
So how might we translate these norms to Beforus? Perhaps trans people are, once again, only accepted if they “pass” completely as the “opposite” gender to their assigned one, such that nonbinary people and trans people with a more complex understanding of their presentation are pushes either to stop identifying as trans/nb or to allow a better-versed highblood to “help” them fit into such gender norms.
Sexuality tends to be trickier since it’s stated (though not implied 🙄) that trolls are largely bisexual and preference for only one gender (though lbr it’s mostly for one’s own gender) is considered odd. I will get to that a little bit later in this review!
Strife Specibus: Flag Specibus,he uses a flag to fight.
Love it. 🏳️‍🌈
Fetch modus: Help, I have no ideas.
If he’s rainbow themed, how about a Colorblock Modus that captchalogues based on predominant color? Only problem is that whenever he wants to retrieve something the modus ejects *everything* of that color. I can also see it being weaponized in a fun way!
Blood Color: Rainbow =D
I still don’t really know how to *do* rainbow, since I feel like it would show up as sludge in his veins? What would it mean in terms of psychic abilities or resistances or strength or even his place in society? We assume that he wouldn’t be killed for being a mutant, but being a rainbowblood stretches the bounds of Beforan rules that if find difficult to incorporate into this review.
Based on the sign you gave him below, it looks like you wanted him to be a mutant limeblood, basically. Which works, but I also feel that that is a common choice when people want to justify their mutantbloods to us, if only because Karkat and Kankri are our obvious examples.
So here’s where I wanted to get back to the same-gender attraction thing, because I think it plays well into how to make this choice.
You say you want a mutant, you say you want someone who works toward justice, and you say you want a gay man.
We can do all of that if you’d allow me to make him a jade/teal cuspblood.
Teals are very strongly about justice, and it fits well for his theme as someone who is working to make Beforus a more inclusive place across the spectrum.
Jades are also a good pick since they’re associated with rainbowdrinkers, which gets you a stone’s throw from this blood color. THey are also heavily heavily coded as gay-equivalent, especially when we consider the Friendsim info that jadebloods are forbidden from pailing by tradition on Alternia, which is pretty obviously a direct parallel to gay marriage. Given that we’re on Beforus, it’s likely that such pailing is accepted, but even in today’s society we can see that the right to marry is often brandished as a sign that we’ve “won” and no longer need to fight for our rights.
As a cuspblood, where does that leave your troll? Where does he fit within the codified hierarchy of Beforus?
Symbol and meaning: Canpio, sign of the effervescent.
…This is a first, but I’m not sure I agree with any of the three things you combined to get your sign! Firstly, I did change his blood color, so that’s on me. Secondly, as someone who’s trying to change the hemospectral hierarchy, he’d be a Dersite for sure. Finally, I don’t know that he’s a Light player? I think I see where you’re coming from since his theme was rainbows and prisms, but you haven’t built a character particularly hellbent on collecting information.
That said, I don’t particularly want him to be a Blood player, lest he become dangerously Karkaty. So how about we invert the difference and see how he fits as a Breath player? Someone who pursues his own individual freedom, but incidentally gives others the strength to move forward as a consequence?
If we go with that, he’d fall somewhere between Libun, Sign of the Escapist, and Virun, Sign of the Eager. Vlibrun, Sign of the Eagcapier no wait that doesn’t sound great.
Trolltag: chromaticJusticer
Tips the hand a little too readily, in my personal onion. May I suggest prismBreak [PB], like prison break, both in terms of destroying the hemospectrum and it terms of freedom from the unjust?
Quirk: wr1te2 1n ^ll 12 c^2te2 ^nd u2e2 pr12m2, ^l2o nub2 (=B.
That is a lot! But then again TEREZ1 PYROPE SUR3 4S H3LL EXISTS so who am I to judge. That said I’m finding the quirk a little bit hard to read, so if I may suggest it be A Lot in a different way:
The introduction of caps and the change of the carat to a triangle makes it harder for the eye to skip over the quirk when it appears.
Special Abilities: I was thinking of him having the abilities of all castes while still looking like a canon mutant (Karkat or Kankri) but I don’t know if this would be a lot.
I think it would indeed be a lot, and you would have to figure out how such a being would change things in Beforus! Beforus is still based on a fairly rigid caste system, and they wouldn’t see a rainbowblood and think “oh shit let’s just let this dude be in charge of everything!” He would be coddled by his “superiors!” How do you think your supposedly peaceful troll would get out from under that thumb while maintaining his pacifist leanings?
Lusus: I don’t know what kind of Lusus would fit him,but it’s also rare for mutants to get chosen by one,so I can stick with him being Lususless.
Sure! I will say that if he’s a jadeblood cusp he could possibly just like. Grow up in the caverns with some lusii that haven’t picked grubs.
Interests: Gaeiiy likes to experiment with lights while he isn’t fighting highbloods,he collects prisms and has a big collection of LEDs,lasers, flashlights and other things that emit lights.
Personality: He is the center of the universe and others find him interesting and kind,he is full of joy and cheerfulness,he is also peaceful and it’s hard to make him cry or make him mad.
So why, then, is he fighting for anything? His soul is not at unrest. Perhaps this speaks to a personal failing, but I find it deeply difficult to fight for things that don’t upset me on some level. I also don’t quite understand the “center of the universe” thing – are other trolls content to let him do as he please? Again, why is he fighting if he faces no opposition?
If you wanted to swing this in one direction, it could be that he’s so unplugged from the real-world oppressions thrust upon other jadebloods (thanks in part to his tealblood status) that he is complacent. This would definitely make him likable! He’s like, a jade, but not one of those jade jades. He’s actually cool about it and stuff. And while such an attitude may cost him the friendship of fellow jadebloods, who needs ‘em? Look at all the friends he has! He’s colorblind, he doesn’t see blood, he doesn’t understand why people want to rock the boat. (Note: if you take this tack then you may need to change a whole lot more about the character because this is no longer someone who is interested in fighting the status quo! That version of your troll would be a Prospitan for sure.)
On the other hand, how can we take someone joyful and likable and give them reason to fight highbloods? Well, they could be someone who joyfully fights highbloods when they try to stomp them down! There are some revolutionaries who might like that very, very much! And while it’s true that he’d need to feel very strongly about the cause to fight someone, it doesn’t have to be the driving force behind his actions! He can fight highbloods because he loves having his own independence, away from coddling bluebloods who think they know what’s best for him! And this makes him likable because people are inspired by his gumption and his brazenness in flaunting the rules!
Lunar Sway: Prospit.
Like I said above, I have reasons to believe he’s Derse unless you think he’s okay with the current system.
Title: ??????? Of Light?,but I also get some heart vibes from him.
And as above, I think he’s actually a Breath player! If I had to guess, he might be a Knight of Breath, fi you want to write an arc for him where he initially *doesn’t* want to rock the boat to take his freedom, but eventually grows into it.
Land: Land of LEDs and Storms.
A land full of Christmas like decorations and full of clouds that are telling you to give up on your quest,but Gaeiiy knows that even being stroke by a ray won’t stop him from ascending.
This one doesn’t need to change the name even if your Aspect does, since Storms can absolutely be a Breath thing. I do wonder what his quest would be, though…maybe he needs to part the clouds just enough that Skaia can reflect a rainbow against the torrent? It doesn’t necessarily mean your troll needs to *do* the quest; it just needs to be there.
Let’s get to this young man’s redesign. As always, we’re going top to bottom!
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The most important design note I went into this redesign with was “LGBT solidarity,” which meant trying to hit that very fun “plausible deniability” look where strangers can ascertain that you’re *some* type of LGBT but have no real way of telling exactly which of those letters apply?
Horns - I edited these from Equius’s robot horns because there are some headcanons that these represent the “ideal” troll horns. I added a hook at the end of the rear horn for that signature jadeblood flavor! Also I added a piercing to the right horn similar to how gay men in the 90s/00s had one in the right ear to signify their gayness. (Which was fun because I was googling “which ear is the gay ear” like I was in 7th grade again lol).
Baseball cap - This one is adapted from @emspritesblog, which is unfortunately kind of dead now. I liked the fact that you had a rainbow on his shirt and I wanted to pay tribute to it somehow, so I added it to the back of the baseball cap using the blood colors closest to those of the original Pride flag!
Hair - I used a template from @fantrollartroom and made it curlier, because the asymmetrical undercut is like *the* look as far as I know.
Eyes - I wanted to nod back to the fact that you wanted a Karkat-adjacent design, so I edited his eyes for your troll.
Mouth - …and the mouth. But I added some fangs for that jadebloodyness
Binder/tank and symbol - I took the jade and teal symbols I suggested and tried to smoosh ‘em together a little bit! 
Flannel - ahhhh the flannel of plausible deniability. I made is a jade/teal gradient to emphasize the cuspiness. It’s Vriska’s jacket but with all the colors swapped out.
Overall outfit - I use @fan-troll sprites quite liberally to make coherent outfits, and cannot recommend the sprite sheet enough! Since the clothing doesn’t *quite* fit a standard sprite it kind of forces you to learn some spriting as you go, which is a pretty good way to get incrementally better over time.
That concludes my review of young Gay Rights [sic]! I hope my suggestions were helpful, and thank you very much for sharing him!
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snap221me · 5 years ago
Toute la vérité sur les appartements de Getran à Diamniadio
Toute la vérité sur les appartements de Getran à Diamniadio
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Le groupe Getran a terminé depuis plus de deux ans, les appartements de la phase 1 de son programme de Diamniadio.
L’entreprise sénégalaise qui a été la première société à répondre à l��appel du Président Sall en 2014 pour faire de la ville nouvelle de Diamniadio une réalité a terminé plus de 200 appartements.
Cependant, la cité ne peut ouverte aux propriétaires pour une raison simple :…
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dakaractu · 5 years ago
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La vérité sur les appartements de Getran à Diamniadio. https://www.dakaractu.com/La-verite-sur-les-appartements-de-Getran-a-Diamniadio_a190439.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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50shadesofrecovery · 5 years ago
Senapan Angin Harga 1 Jutaan
Senapan angin sendiri dari sisi harga berbeda beda. Dan tentu saja dengan harga 1 jutaan ini anda sudah bisa mendapatkan spek senapan yang lumayan bagus digunakan untuk berburu baik buruan kecil atau sekala menengah.
Berikut kami berikan ulasan singkat kepada anda jenis dan type senapan baik PCP, senapan pompa angin biasa dan gejluk misalkan yang tentu saja berada di range harga 1 jutaan saja lengkap beserta spesifikasi singkatnya.
Senapan angin harga 1 jutaan
Sharp Tiger Long Truglo
Ini sudah kami ulas juga pada artikel yang lain. Dimana sharp tiger sendiri sampai sekarang menjadi salah satu senapan yang paling banyak digunakan dalam dunia berburu.
Selain harganya yang terjangkau senapan ini juga hadir dengan spek yang bisa dikatakan memuaskan. Anda bisa menggunakan senapan ini untuk kegiatan berburu anda baik dalam membasmi hama di sawah, di rumah seperti tikus atau hanya bahkan untuk hoby saja.
Secara ringkas senapan ini memiliki panjang tidak lebih dari 1 meter hanya 6o cm saja. Kemudian pada bagian body juga sangat kuat tebuat dari besi dengan fliser sendiri bisa anda geser dengan mudah.
Dari sisi jarak akurasi terbaik senapan ini maksimal bisa anda gunakan menembak dengan jarak maksimal hanya 30 meter saja selebihnya bisa dipastikan akurasinya kurang bagus.
Anda tertarik mencoba senapan buatan asli orang indonesia ini, harganya murah kok hanya Rp 1.200.000 saja.
Senapan Angin Sharp Innova
Masalah harga hampir sama dengan diatas. Masih kisaran satu jutaan saja. Kita bisa cek dari beberapa komponen dasar senapan ini mulai dari larasnya misalkan. Laras senapan sharp innova ini sangatlah kuat karena terbuat dari bahan dasar paling tinggi yakni baja.
Dari sisi akurasi bisa dipastikan sangat baik, saya sarankan anda memilih bahan baja ya untuk masalah laras sendiri karena akan sangat tahan lama tidak mudah aus jika anda gunakan bertahun tahun.
Senapan ini juga sudah dilengkapi dengan visir, diman sangat membantu sekali anda dalam mensting target bidikan menjadi lebih akurat dibandingkan yang manual. Dari sisi kekuatan tabung juga lumayan bagus. Keunggulan senapan ini anda tidak butuh banyak waktu untuk memompa dan mendapatkan tekanan angin yang maksimal.
Tapi sangat disayangkan memang senapan ini memiliki bobot lumayan berat, kemudian getran juga masih jelas terasa ketika digunakan berburu.
Senapan Angin Goppul – Night Furry
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Meskipun harga satuanya tidak sampai 1 juta tapi dengan bajed 1 jutaan anda sudah mendapatkan paket komplit ketika memilih senapan produkan dari indosniper ini.
Ya, dengan bajed dibawah 1,5 juta sudah anda sudah siap langsung menggunakanya untuk berburu, ada mimis, kemudian perlengkapan lainya.
Jika kamu ingin memiliki senapan ini, bisa langsung order ke bapak dodik di nomer 081233333339.
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Sebagai bahan pertimbangan juga sahabat bisa cek banyak sekali testimonial para pengguna goppul ini bahkan pejabat tinggi seperti Abu Rizal, Andi Malaranggeng juga menggunakan senapan ini. 
Kalian bisa langsung menuju fanspagenya atau website resminya di Indosniper.com
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inovaniteroi · 5 years ago
Operação de combate a venda ilegal de passeios e flanelinhas detém 26 em Arraial
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Nesta sexta-feira (10), 26 pessoas foram detidas e conduzidas à Delegacia de Arraial do Cabo (132ª DP), após uma operação conjunta que visou combater a cobrança ilegal e abusiva de estacionamento em vias públicas por parte dos flanelinhas em Arraial do Cabo, coibindo também a venda irregular de passeios náuticos. Entre os detidos estavam flanelinhas e vendedores de passeios, conhecidos como atravessadores.  
Ao todo, 16 agentes da Secretaria de Segurança Pública participaram da ação montada em esquema especial, com o apoio do GAOP, GETRAN, Posturas e Polícia Militar. As equipes percorreram as ruas da Prainha, Praia Grande, Praia dos Anjos, Praia do Pontal, Pontal do Atalaia e as principais vias públicas.  
De acordo com o Secretário de Segurança Pública, Bruno Monteiro, a venda de passeios marítimos devem ser efetuadas somente dentro das agências e nos locais determinados no decreto 3.011 de 20 de dezembro de 2019, chancelado juntamente com o Ministério Público, para que não haja tumulto nas ruas, evitando com que os turistas se sintam incomodados e coagidos quando abordados, na maioria das vezes, de forma inconveniente pelos atravessadores. 
“As embarcações serão identificadas, como estão em desacordo, podem receber multa, além de 24h de suspensão, não podendo realizar a saída para o mar” – afirmou o secretário Bruno Monteiro. 
from Plantão Enfoco https://ift.tt/2Rjkq83
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2R4AHNL
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pedalaitapema · 5 years ago
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aassitisa-blog · 6 years ago
Kamis, al lathief
Membahas tentang Ali bin abu thalib, laki2 sejati. Yg ketika dalam perjalanannya melihat wanita cantik melewatinya, lalu ali berbalik badan seraya berdoa meminta perlindungan Allah.
Semulia ali yg memuliakan para perempuan.
Dan tiba2, flashback
Rindu dgn sosok laki2 yg bersikap acuh, jutek, singkat padaku. Dibalik itu dia mengkhawatirkan ketika tau kabarku sakit, dia yg dalam diamnya memperhatikanki, mendo'akanku dan memutuskan untuk melaksanakan itikad baiknya = memberikan cv ta'aruf
Rindu dgn sosok laki2 yg jutek, yg selalu menundukan pandangannya ketika berhadapan dgnku atau perempuan lain. Namun dalam hatinya selalu melantunkan istigfar karna hadirnya getran yg ntah tak dimengertinya lalu diam2 mendatangi rumahku
Rindu ketika tiba2 Allah hadapkan kami, lantas kami langsung menundukan pandangan lalu pergi menjauh.
Rindu dgn sosok laki2 yg begitu kokoh dalam penjagaan dirinya pd lawan jenis ataupun pd hal2 yg tdk disukaiNya
(hanya merindu sifat "malu" nya, bukan orangnya ya)
Karna, Letak kemuliaan seorang laki2 terdapat pada rasa "Malu" nya, begitupun seorang perempuan
Letak kemuliaan seorang laki2 terdapat pada "penjagaan" dirinya, begitupun seorang perempuan
Letak kemuliaan seorang laki2 terdapat pada bagaimana ia "Mengamalkan adab berteman serta komunikasi lawan jenis", Begitupun seorang perempuan
Letak kemuliaan seorang laki2 terdapat pada bagaimana ia "bersikap" dihadapan yg bukan mukhrimnya, begitupun perempuan.
Layaknya nabi musa, yg menyingkatkan pembicaraannya terhadap wanita yg bukan mukhrimnya, namun memanjangkan pembicaraannya terhadap ayahnya
Seperti, Rasulullah yg selalu menundukan matanya dihadapan ibunda khadijah ketika sebelum meminangnya
Seperti, Ali bin abu thalib yg begitu kokoh menjaga hati, mata, prilaku terhadap wanita lain yg bukan mukhrimnya termasuk fatimah, wanita yg dicintainya.
Lantas, Allah berhakkah diriku yg penuh dosa, diriku yg hina, diriki yg kotor ini. Disandingkan dgn seseorang yg sama2 kokoh dalam penjagaan dirinya? Yg mempunyi rasa malu yg tinggi? Mengamalkan adab komunikasi serta bergaul lawan jenis?
Jika tidak, kuatkah aku jika ternyata disandingkan dgn seseorang yg belum bisa menjaga kemuliaan dirinya?
Sanggupkah aku?
Jika benar, ya itu karna terdapat dosa dalam diriku hingga Kau sandingkan aku dengannya
Maka Allah, sendiri bagiku mungkin lebih baik untuk membenahi, memperbaiki diri dulu hingga dpt Kau sandingkan dgn yg tepat.
An Nur 30 (READ)
Kamis, Al lathief Bandung
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Polícia Civil reordena distribuição de gasolina e gera economia de mais de R$ 700 mil para o Governo do Amazonas
Polícia Civil reordena distribuição de gasolina e gera economia de mais de R$ 700 mil para o Governo do Amazonas
De acordo com a delegada-geral Emília Ferraz, o valor engloba as mudanças implementadas tanto no interior do estado quanto na capital
De fevereiro a junho deste ano, a Polícia Civil do Amazonas (PC-AM) gerou uma economia de mais de R$ 700 mil aos cofres do Governo do Estado, conforme levantamento realizado neste mês pela Gerência de Transportes (Getran), após reordenar a distribuição de gasolina…
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444names · 2 years ago
brythonic deities + atomic and subatomic particles + roman emperor forenames BUT excluding "i"
Abark Abasguns Abnos Abuxonno Acamajan Adron Adsta Adyon Agneutron Agnon Alaton Alaus Alectron Alekton Alentano Alenus Aleodos Algraklos Algrus Alloton Amapos Ancadyons Ancande Andamna Andamp Andommon Andos Andosons Andrachark Andron Andros Angetas Ankos Annera Annus Antark Anucleon Arastus Arauan Arcamo Arcus Arnus Arvallos Atabuxon Atanus Atono Atonstau Auark Auaron Aunnoton Aunstus Axener Balba Balenotou Baleptona Bankos Barcamna Baron Bartau Barus Basmos Bastommon Bastrebark Belektona Beleon Belernus Bello Bellos Bellus Beron Beronus Berus Borrus Botomagno Botonnan Brajan Braklor Buxon Cadrana Cadros Cadsus Cadyon Caleon Caluxova Camanyon Camnan Camon Camos Camuon Cartaus Carvo Castark Chadrobus Chadyon Chaemark Chamarus Chamon Champ Charau Chardyon Chark Charta Charus Chyon Chyonos Claton Clatus Cleodos Cleon Clernus Cloton Colark Comaguns Comar Comarnus Common Comon Conna Connodon Connus Conus Covaleron Covano Damans Damullus Damuon Darus Datus Duark Duarus Elagus Elark Elekton Elenta Elenus Eleodus Eleron Elerta Ellorrus Ellos Estau Estaus Exanafera Exano Fagratusus Fancamagan Fanus Floneutron Flons Floson Flota Floton Gabelatus Gabno Gabus Galeon Gallon Galugus Gandampe Genum Genus Geopquanus Gequark Gequaros Getan Getran Getron Glucanus Gluetepton Glugus Gluxenus Gluxon Glyce Golagrus Golaton Golatus Goldston Gollus Golyce Golycel Gomaxenus Gomerus Gommoron Gorobos Gorrus Grabasdos Gracfernus Grajor Grankos Granne Gratonne Grobaleo Gromagnos Gromark Grona Hampe Hemerus Heodos Heonne Heonnus Heopquarta Horon Horrus Hothos Hotomuon Hoton Hotus Hotutark Huebos Huetanus Huetros Hypenus Hypertan Hypes Hypesula Joabanton Joabus Joron Jorrus Joverta Jularnuns Jullos Jullus Julugus Julus Lagaleon Lektondos Lektono Lenoano Lenon Lenor Leodeno Leodomoran Leodos Lepon Lernemesta Leron Lerta Lervo Lucla Luguns Luonus Luxenos Luxova Magalus Magano Magno Magnoaba Magnon Magnos Magra Magrau Magrus Majan Majano Majoaba Majoros Majorrus Majova Majovan Mancalaton Mandosegus Manespas Manos Manthonnos Mapolaus Mapomauark Mapomquark Mapon Mapona Maponton Mapos Maran Maraquarus Marduark Mardyon Martron Marus Maugus Merta Modoson Mogus Morrus Mulla Mulugus Muons Nebasdos Nebos Neboton Nemagan Nemaponano Nerus Neson Nestano Netauns Netro Neuce Neutaquark Neutra Neutran Neutreodos Neutro Neutronos Nexan Nexana Nunus Olatellos Oldsus Ollon Otona Otopquark Penther Pertaus Pestau Pesus Phocarnus Phocleon Phonan Phoraklon Phordyon Phoro Photus Plark Plarus Plasmernus Platon Plenus Polark Polaton Polauraus Poldstabus Poldstau Poldstauns Poldsuclos Polycel Pommon Pomon Pomuon Ponon Poson Preono Proba Prons Pronus Pupquanos Purenus Pures Quarvo Robus Robuxens Rommon Rommos Ronus Rotton Saachyon Sagno Samelaus Samogus Sanos Sedamp Sedamuon Sedark Sedaton Segunnus Seguns Segus Sephotom Sepos Seveson Sevesus Skyrmquar Slotus Snemapola Snemernus Snesson Spupquan Spupquark Stanastou Stano Streba Stutreo Sucambras Sulaton Sulus Tabark Tabus Tacadyon Taclartan Taqualeon Tarus Taston Taton Taunus Ternum Ternus Tetel Themeromo Theodon Theodos Theodus Theon Theona Theraufan Thernus Thetan Thetron Thoton Thotus Thuetaus Tonuebos Tonus Trajoanus Trellar Tresson Trons Troson Troton Upquar Valark Valekton Valeona Valeono Valetron Valexan Valgron Vallaus Vallos Valluon Valus Valuxon Venus Venuston Veran Veron Verva Vetel Vetraton Vheon Vherus Weylfero Weylferons Weylferus Zenton Zenus
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valedoitajainoticias · 6 years ago
via Vale do Itajaí Notícias
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jornaldehumaita · 8 years ago
PRF realiza ciclo de palestras de Educação de Trânsito em Humaitá/AM
PRF realiza ciclo de palestras de Educação de Trânsito em Humaitá/AM
Abrindo as atividades da Semana Santa a Polícia Rodoviária Federal(PRF, em parceria com a Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Amazonas, esteve presente em escolas estaduais na cidade de Humaitá(AM), realizando o trabalho de sensibilização de mais de 400 jovens estudantes por meio de palestras sobre educação para o trânsito do GETRAN/RO. (more…)
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fred-van-der-wal-world · 8 years ago
In 1998 kijkt niemand vreemd op als een gehuwd kunstschilder als Fred van der Wal uit Oldeboorn een boekwerk aanschaft als “The Male Nude”
In 1998 kijkt niemand vreemd op als een gehuwd kunstschilder als Fred van der Wal uit Oldeboorn een boekwerk aanschaft als “The Male Nude”
Tijdens de Italiaanse renaissance werd het manlijk naakt in de beeldende kunst getrans for meerd door bekende homosexuele kunstenaars als Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Michelangelo en Raphael.
U kunt de benadering van het menselijk naakt vergelijken met trends in de beeldende kunst van de laatste dertig jaar. Manlijke torsos met vrouwen borsten om van te smullen, kuise madonnas met de ogen van…
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