henryrussell63 · 1 month
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That’s the last time Toto lets me use the radio!
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imiteeshon · 1 year
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genries · 16 days
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Lynn Mayes’ publication (FB)🌻🪷🌵
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⭐💜🖤The Star and heart Sisters 🤍🩷💖
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im-goofball · 4 months
The Jay Garcia Family
All sketches made by my lore co-creator @genri-o
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Full portrait
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Saturn and Rhea
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Tethys and Dione
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Tethys, Saturn and baby Dione
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coaadra · 3 months
Oh yes, I'm here again and I have something to say.
To say that the finale of season 4 was not easy for me, it's nothing to say. I am so devastated and at the same time filled with different feelings that it is difficult to put it into words...
I think we'll talk about the good stuff first.
Episodes 20 and 21 are definitely good and the two moments that clearly won my heart were the farewell conversation between Killian and Emma before going to New York, and of course the kiss (episode 20) and their conversation near the water (episode 21).
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Killian: You have parents, Henry… Emma: You. I have you. Killian: Yes, you have me. And I have you.
This dialogue made my feelings skyrocket. I just melt from their interactions and nothing will make me change my mind..
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My love for Hook only grows with each passing season. I don’t remember that at any point in the series I was really DISAPPOINTED in him. And this says a lot...
I'll miss these moments in the next two episodes, but enough is enough.
episode 22-23 My nightmare began from the beginning of episode 22 and, unexpectedly, it was not hysterics from grief, it was a clear indicator of hysterical laughter. WHAT ABOUT SNOW WHITE? SHE blatantly DOESN'T LOOK LIKE REGINA. THE DARK QUEEN'S STYLE ABSOLUTELY DID NOT LIKE HER AND I WAS READY TO DIE ONLY FROM LAUGHTER, BUT NOT FROM FEAR. AND OH MY GOD WE CAN'T FORGET ABOUT RUMPELSTILTSKEN. ALSO A CHARACTER 100% FOR SIT AND LAUGH.. This couple clearly broke all my records regarding “the strangest and most unimaginable couples in the entire series”
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Freaks of season 4 - they are the winners.
Well, now the time has come for real suffering. And not only mе, but also the characters in general.
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How painful it was to watch Emma, ​​who literally got reacquainted with the person she loves so much, and he doesn’t even know her… And in general, my surprise knew no bounds when SUCH Killian was shown on the screen. Not at all brave, sober without his rum and so indecisive… Of course, I (naive, terminally stupid.) was waiting for an adequate continuation and development of their relationship in a new way, yes, I really love how Hook flirts with Emma, ​​BUT WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT EXPECTED ME
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Which smart guy came up with this and why?... I admit honestly, I assured myself at the very beginning and said to myself: “This series will not make you cry, dear. No amount of love for a character will make you shed a tear.” BUT DAMMIT, who knew that there would be such a charming Killian, whom I love with all my heart..
I, of course, suspect that this is not his last death. (Thanks to spoilers on tiktok and here) And this only makes me feel worse. I'm afraid that the more I see him die, the more painful it will be for me every time. The only one the writers made fun of was Hook. How much he has already suffered in 4 seasons and how many more trials await him in the future.
And yet my tears did not end there, although it would have been very nice. The second wave of hysterics and sobs came when Emma came to Regina and mentioned Killian's death there. I, like her, couldn’t restrain myself and sat crying, hugging napkins..
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And even now, while I’m writing this post, I want to cry (knowing that this raiding is alive)..My Emma... ​​she managed to feel so much during this time. Although, to be honest, I was really angry at her the next time she and Hook met.
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I think that at that moment I, like any reasonable person, was waiting for the cherished words "I. LOVE. YOU" from Emma. "Sod's Law!" This didn't happen, of course. What else was I waiting for...
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“But why not say this at such a dangerous moment?!” Emma thought, and then she said that she loved Hook, even though she ABSOLUTELY DIDN’T KNOW WHAT COULD HAPPEN TO HER. And everyone is fine. And nothing bothers anyone...
I think I'm done...
It’s difficult to sum it up. In some places, I’m clearly tired of this series, probably because there are so many events and I simply don’t have time to consume all the information.
I know for sure that I am not tired of the Killian and Emma couple. I also know that I want to see more of the Regina and Robin couple, and I am completely disappointed in Gold.
It seems that I forgot to mention another important character this season, especially in the last episodes. It's definitely Henry. Firstly, I like that he has matured; it makes him seem even cuter and smarter. Secondly, I really enjoyed the moments where he tried to explain to all the characters that they live in Storybrooke and that he is, in fact, Regina’s son.
The ending evokes many emotions, yet they are more positive than negative. I am going to watch season 5 with renewed strength and expectations. If Emma becomes a dark magician, I REALLY want to see it.
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barnbridges · 11 months
sometimes i want to write to yall what the names of tsh characters sound with a russian accent, and others im sane.
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carcinocommander · 10 months
gonna be honest im upset we were spoilered and that makes the bait and switch more upsetting somehow
the hypomanic episode doesn't help
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itzymidzy · 2 years
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instagram: itzy.all.in.us
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henryrussell63 · 25 days
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Alex will you marry me?
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cinemaocd · 1 year
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Erwin Schrödinger and Fritz London in Berlin, 1928
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genries · 22 days
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        𖦹 ( ꈍ◡ꈍ ) 𓂃
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genryswisdoms · 2 years
Genry Phrase of the Day
Check tis out! Just foond it
are yu??
it’s soon!!
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Before into After
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im-goofball · 4 months
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Saturn's coronation
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Saturn and his Royal Court
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Saturn was and always will be a hyperactive little shit. But he's cute here so I'll let it pass
sketches belong to my lore co-creator @genri-o
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