beautifulviolent · 5 years
I Need to Make Tags: A Rare RP To-Do List
Kate & Sariyah ( this is heaven in hiding )
Castor & Sariyah ( I’ll never leave you alone )
Blake & Ellie ( taking on the world together )
Parker & Ronnie ( you're by my side until my dying days )
Zander & Jasper ( we’re in this together )
Felix & Willow ( you keep me safe )
Felix & Jasper ( captivated by you baby )
Kate & Simon ( wasn't in love then and I'm still not now )
Zander & Kaylee ( sparks fly whenever you smile )
Nova & Carmen ( bring on all the pretenders )
Kate & Carmen ( long live the walls we crashed through )
Matteo & Milo ( we've made quite a mess )
Talia & Gemma ( I’ll look after you )
Amaia & Tyson ( I guess I’m going down like this )
OT3 tag for Gemmax + Spence ( I’d fall anywhere with you: The OT3)
Amaia & Spence ( won't let no one break your heart )
Zander & Spence ( hearts so pure in this broken place )
Talia & Willow ( I will shield you from the waves )
Talia & Jasper ( we make the rules )
New Male OC for Tyson friendship
New Field Agent OC
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adriarps · 5 years
❅ Gemmax
send me ❅ for my muse to cuddle up next to yours while asleep on the couch    
Now that Jax was in his second semester of med school, the two of them had fallen into a bit of a routine. Once he’d gotten home from classes for the day, the two would eat whatever she made or had picked up for dinner that night and then snuggle on the couch while he unwound from the day and she watched whatever show it was she was currently invested in. She had been making little comments here and there throughout the episode, but it wasn’t until something scandalous was revealed and her wild reaction garnered no response that she realized Jax had fallen asleep with his head in her lap. Letting out a laugh, Gemma shook her head and ran her fingers through his hair, leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead. “Alright, mister, get up. It’s bedtime. Don’t want your neck to be sore in the morning.”
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beautifulviolent · 6 years
For the ship meme: Gemmax~
Who asks the other on dates: Jax tbh he’s always wanting to do stuff and thingsWho is the bigger cuddler: They’re both big cuddlers, but Gemma literally thrives on cuddling.Who initiates holding hands more often: Probably Gemma, but not by much???Who remembers anniversaries: Gemma lmfao Jax definitely forgets things like thatWho is more possessive: Neither of them really???Who gets more jealous: Gemma lolWho is more protective: Maybe Jax???Who is more likely to cheat: Neither of them lbr they’re obsessed w each otherWho initiates sexy times the most: They are BUNNIESWho dislikes PDA the most: Neither of themWho kills the spider: They both just leave the room and hope for the best lolWho asks the other to marry them: They are BABIESWho buys the other flowers or gifts: Jax ://Who would bring up possibly having kids: STILL BABIESWho is more nervous to meet the parents: Gemma yupWho sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: They don’t go to bed angry :/Who tries to make up first after arguments: No idea but probably Jax???Who tells the other they love them more often: Gemma definitely peppers it in as much as she can.
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