#gemini flanagan x woc
peacefulwriter88 · 5 years
One Man Show
A Gemini Flanagan One Shot 
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Nick “Gemini” Flangan x Reader 
Warnings: Angst (fun banter), sexual innuedos, stripping, nothing crazy
Banner made by @peacefulwriter88​
You didn’t want to be here. 
The townhome that you and your roommate had decided to crash for what you thought was going to be drinks with a few close friends had turned into a full blown house party and it was burning up. You automatically regret wearing the leather clad leggings you had squirmed your ass into, the low and loose v-neck white lace and silk tank top that you had paired with heels. It was hot as hell with all the extra body heat and it causes sweat beads to build up across your arm and roll down into the intimate crevices of your body. 
Your best friend Gen was pushing her way through the crowded room, two red solo cups she had picked up the minute you had both walked in still full and balanced as you both elbowed your way out to the balcony. 
There are less people out here, practically abandoned and it allows you both to drink in the scenery of your small college town. Chris and his roommate lived on the third floor of the townhome complex, which provided a great view of the busy street below them, of the night stars and other shenanigans that happened on a college campus. 
“Geezus I thought Beck was throwing a ‘small, intimate affair’” you breathe out, grabbing your cup of ale and taking a large sip out of it. Gen shakes her head as she takes a large gulp of her beer. 
“You know Beck. He tells one person, who tells another, who tells another ....” 
You roll your eyes. Gen and your childhood best friend Chris Beck had discovered their male and female attraction towards each other and the whole exchange had become them ickily defending the other. 
“Right. Despite his annoying sense of inviting everyone to everything all the got damn time.” 
“You’re just jealous.” Gen teases, taking a sip of her drink and you roll your eyes. 
“Puhlease. Of you and Beck? I’d sooner get blasted into space then be the envy of his affections.” 
Gen starts to say something before she pauses and she turns out towards College Ave, taking one last sip before letting out, “Speaking of affections- you’re little fuck friend spotted you.” 
Your eyes snap out through the glass balcony doors, surveying the group of co-eds who were dancing in the jammed space of the apartment. It doesn’t take long for you to find the lean frame of Nick Flanigan. 
Nick was the kind of guy who felt like an enigma because of his boy next door personality that mingled deeply with a bro like deposition. It couldn’t be helped - not with his genetics. He had a tall frame that was lean and muscular that you knew up close and personal - ocean blue eyes that were kind and playful and paired with dark, sandy hair it was easy to pick him out from the crowded room. 
He was also one of the kindest people you knew. Despite being known for his playboy tendencies (he was hyper focused on his education but was a notorious flirt) he was kind to every girl he hooked up with; the kind of guy who listened to girls cry to him drunkenly at 3 am and gave nothing but comfort & apologies. 
Which is why you didn’t believe Gen or Chris that Nick had a big, fat crush on you that was amplified after hooking up drunk three weeks ago. 
It was also the same reason why you had avoided him during that time.
Except you couldn’t avoid his eyes as they duplicated yours in surveying the room and drinking in the crowd, half bored - half amused. 
When they land on yours he pauses, a small smile forming on his plump lips as he raises his drink and waves. 
You try to fight the urge to wave back but you feel your stupid fucking hand lifting, giving a semi similar awkward wave back. 
“You talk to him since you randomly hooked up a few weeks back.” Gen has turned around, taking another large sip of her beer and smirking as she watches the exchange and you shake your head as you turn away, moving to the balcony rails and looking out into the distance. It was a warm spring night, the kind where young college shenanigans brewed deep in the night. 
“Nooooooppppppeee.” you pop the p, loud and clear and Gen giggles into her cup as she murmurs, 
“Well pony up because your dude is coming our way.” 
You snap your head around, drinking in the way Nick awkwardly dances through the crowd with two large solo cups in hand. Chris, his roommate and good friend notices the shift in Nick’s deposition as he tries to quickly cross the room and he smiles to himself, shaking his head.  
To be a prisoner to love was to be a prisoner to self. 
He had been stuck hearing his roommate bitch and moan about you for three weeks - how could one guy who had literally been voted the hottest guy on campus who had every girl falling at his feet be such a pussy willow when it came to one of his closest childhood friends? 
He’d never know and he blamed it all on the imputable equation that was the heart. 
Nick makes its there in expert time, a smug smile on his face as he crosses the threshold, slightly out of breath, 
“Hey Y/N. When did you get here?” 
You shrug, tipping back the rest of your drink and shrugging, 
“Just a few minutes ago.” 
“Ah. Glad you could make it…..and sorry it's turned into this huge thing. Chris really wanted it to be small but you know how it goes when your the party guy on campus - one person finds out and it all goes up in flames.” he hands over the extra red solo cup to you and you take it graciously, surprised to find that instead of the cheap ale that you had just been sipping on its filled with Corona. 
“It's from my special stash.” he winks at you and Gen punches his arm, shaking her head, 
“What am I - chopped liver? Hello Nicholas.”
Nick rolls his eyes but still smiles down at Gen as he leans over and gives her a quick squeeze, eyes flitting back to you, 
“Hey Gen. How are you?” 
“Great. Wish you’d bought me a beer like you did my roomie.” 
You roll your eyes, Gen was always fishing for attention if it wasn’t given to her and you lift the red solo cup, 
“Thanks for this. Might’ve ditched if I would've been forced to drink more keystone.” 
“You are such a debbie downer.” 
You all shift your eyes to the door that Chris is leaning and smiling ruefully against. 
“You invite the whole damn campus Beck?” Gen walks toward him, not ashamed to place a kiss on his lips. Despite knowing their attraction to each other you still couldn’t move past it…...you still didn’t understand how one idiot could handle being with another idiot. 
Love - the quadratic equation that had no founding answer. 
“Nooooooo I invited twenty people and they invited people  who invited people.  I can’t help it that I’m popular.” 
You roll your eyes as you lean on the balcony and Chris moves past Gen, bringing out the blunt that he had been working on inside and lifting it, the same rue smile on his lips,  
“Want to share?” 
“Gawd Beck really? Already?” Nick chuckles lowly, shifting next to you. 
Nick wasn’t necessarily against puffing up, but when he was trying to impress the girl he had a crush on getting high and making a fool of himself was at the bottom of his list. 
“C’mon don’t be a downer.” Chris says, pulling out a lighter and moving towards where you stand, Gen hot on his heels. 
“We would love to get high Beck. You always have the best weed.” Gen is eager, falls easily into his side as he wraps an arm around her hips, dragging her closer as he takes a deep drag of the joint. He releases it in the air, falling easily into Gen’s side.
“Agreed. It's been a helluva week.” you snatch the weed from Chris hands, taking a deep puff and allowing the smoke to fill your lungs. 
“How come?” you had forgotten about Nick, about how close he had been standing next to you as he laces his hand through yours as he takes the joint from your fingers. 
“Lots of fucking quizzes and fucking biochemistry.” you mutter and Chris laughs, his eyes averting to the loud yelling coming from inside. 
“Aww shit, someone found the beer pong table.” He mutters and Gens eyes light up. 
“Oooo, lets gooo.” Gen pulls away from Chris, attention already averted and Chris sighs because he already foresees the night he is going to have. 
“Guess we’re going in. You kids care to join?” 
You roll your eyes - Chris could be so fucking annoying sometimes - and you shake your head as you flicker your eyes over at Nick. 
“No, that's a hard pass for me.” 
Chris looks over at Nick, already knowing the answer. 
“Yeah - me too.” 
“All right…” Chris says, shutting the balcony doors and leaving the two of you alone. 
You both drink in the silence of the night; of cars driving by and the other patrons on the street laughing as they allow the semi early night to set in for themselves. It was darker out here, minus the small balcony light and it made you feel safe standing alongside nick. 
“.....you wanna get away from all of this?” 
The thought comes from Nick as he leans on the rail like you had earlier, his eyes focused ahead. You watch him thoughtfully, how his trained eyes glimmer a dark indigo in this light, half hooded from the cannabis and you bite your lip, looking back at the party. 
The only real reason you had come was for him - he was sure to know that as much as you did even though parts of you kept denying it and you nod as you take one last drag of the joint. 
Chris Beck could be annoying as fuck but he did roll the best joints. 
“Yeah,” you huff out into the cool spring air. “Yeah I do.” 
The escape comes in the form of Nick’s room. You hadn’t ever been inside the four walls - he had hooked up at your place and done the walk of shame the next morning so you’re both equal parts intrigued and anxious to be caged in a room with him. 
Nick locks the door behind him - he had really hoped that he could get you to go somewhere else alone but he also knew that it was a miracle you had showed up at the party in the first place. You had done an effective three weeks of avoiding him - he had to give you that - and he wanted to bank on any time he could get with you one on one. 
He watches as you walk around the room, drinking in the space. The walls were framed with professional photos of space engines and ships - you knew he wanted to become an engineer for NASA but you didn’t take him seriously, not with his jock like demeanor - a poster of a British theatrical production of Othello, another one of Apollo 13. 
He has pictures of his family - there is one in particular with him and what looks like another brother and sister all smiling goofily into the camera from Disneyworld that makes you smile to yourself. There are more pictures of him with family, friends and you smile as you turn to him as he looks at you from the safety of his bed. 
“You’re room…..isn’t what I was expecting.” 
“What were you expecting? He asks and you shrug as you turn back at his desk, neat and organized - a tall bookshelf full of both school books and those of pleasure. You capture a few fantasy books and make a mental note to ask him about that as you answer, 
“I don't know. Pictures of hot girls and a bong and just a big mess I guess.” 
You move over toward his stereo - correction record player and start shifting through his vinyl. Yeah - definitely not what you were expecting. Between the Red Hot Chili Peppers and 2Pac albums he also had Phantogram and Lana del Rey and a fresh vinyl of Ginune’s Pony was currently in the player.
Did you ever know who Nick was? 
“I hate messes. Makes me anxious.” he says, moving off his bed to open a window. He still has the joint, finds a lighter off his desk and lights it - takes a deep drag. He doesn’t know why he’s so nervous - perhaps because he wanted more than just a one night stand. Perhaps because he couldn’t get you out of his head for weeks - wanted to get to know more of you - and he didn't know what to make of that. 
Nick was known for not settling. 
With you, though, he felt butterflies. 
“Oh. my. God.” your voice is low and incredulous - its sexy - and he turns around in time to see you pulling out the 4x6 he had sworn to himself was hidden under piles of books. 
Instead, a nice thick stack was staring at him. On the card was him, in boxers dragged real low, an exposed torso as he looks seductively into the camera lens. At the bottom of the card read “Gemini Flanigan”. 
You pick up the card, eyebrows raised as you ask, 
“Gemini Flanigan?” 
Oh fuck. Oh fuck, oh fuck - this was the last thing he wanted to explain tonight. But here he was in a pickle because he couldn’t deny that it was him - couldn’t deny that it was his eyes staring back at him and he shakes his head. 
What does one say when the girl they like finds their deepest secret - that only their roommate knew about. 
“Geminin Flanigan to join our Magic Hour lineup, exclusively this Saturday ……” your voice fades as you clear your throat. He knows what you’re going to ask next so he blurts it out, 
“I’m a male dancer. It's my job….you know…..helps pay for things.” 
“You’re a male dancer?” you repeat and he nods, grabbing the cards - and stacks - and ditching them into a drawer in his desk. 
“Yeah. I…...well like I dance for ladies. Usually old cougars who tip well on the weekends. It's a good gig - I make good money and it helps to pay off my tuition, other bills. Helps my parents out you know - they couldn't afford to send me to college. I have three other siblings…..” he’s rambling, he knows, but he can’t help it - he’s so fucking embarassed. 
How, how did he mistake where those fucking cards were. 
He’s so distracted he misses the way that you walk up to him, placing a tender hand on his lips as you whisper, 
“Hey, it's okay. I get it. We all are trying to make it.” 
He looks down at you, looks down at the way your hand has softly rested on his left pectoral, the other still lightly pressing on his lips and you clear your throat, pull away as you walk toward the bed. You bite your lip, dip your head to the side as you whisper, 
“But I require a small fee if you expect me not to share your dirty little secret.” 
Nick takes a deep breath swallowing as he watches you cross your legs, right eyebrow raised in expectancy. 
Somehow he knew this small fee would be nothing but. 
You don’t know how you get yourself into these messes. You don’t even understand why you boldly whispered out the words but they had slipped out
‘I won’t tell your dirty little secret if you give me a show. Tell me - what does Geminin Flanigan have in store for his 40 year old ladies.’
 Perhaps it was because you didn’t know when to shut up. Or perhaps the universe hated you. 
Yeah that was it. The universe was getting back to you. 
You didn’t care. In fact, you were grateful for the universe. And for Chris Beck. Stupid Chris Beck has finally come through to make up for all of the bullshit he’s put you through.
Nick “Gemini” Flanagan, your best friends roommate and the keeper of your heart had two pairs of jean clad thighs on each side of your body, his six packed torso disguised by a wife beater he had right in your face as his hands planted themselves on each side of your body. 
You try to focus on your senses - on the way the smell of his cologne tickled your nostrils - ignited with the crisp smell of bergamot and musk, basil and something clean that caused your skin to outbreak in goosebumps. 
He’s watching you with the same intense look he had weeks ago - ocean blue eyes blown now to a dangerous shade of indigo just on the precipice of black in the small light as his legs widen, his hands gripping your sides. He slides lower until his face is between your legs and he widens them, causing you to gasp suddenly before he takes a large sniff before pulling away from you. 
He’s moving faster now, controlled and rhythmic and you’re bought into the spell - when did Nick know how to dance? - before he’s doing an acrobatic black flip in the tight space perfectly falling on top of your crotch, causing your laughter to mingle with the sounds of R&B from the 90’s vinyl record he had put on, a sharp contrast to the house music that was playing right outside your door. 
He grinds into your center, you try not to focus on how his erection bites into - the taut muscles of his ass that was dancing before your eyes before he moves up onto your lap with a final two grinds. 
He kicks off you easily, turning and giving you dark, sultry eyes as he takes off the remains of his shirt, throwing it over his head walking to you slowly. 
Panther like. 
Before you can blink he’s grabbed your hips and you fall forward as he falls backwards perfectly, your hips falling perfectly on top of his manhood and he grinds hard into you before he's rolling you onto your stomach, his hands coming around your neck as he moves his hips rhythmically into your ass and you can’t help the groan that escapes on a particular thrust. 
He smacks your ass as he pulls you back - at this point you’ve just embraced the knowledge that you are going to be a ragdoll in this man’s arms. 
Never too old to experience firsts. 
He's pulled you both into his lap where he takes slow thrusts, his hands finding your breast and kneading them slowly, causing your head to fall back onto his shoulder, an unabashed groan escaping as his hips continue to slowly thrust into your back side. Your leather clad legs are soaked, the silk white shirt sweated through at this point as his lips find your pulse point and whisper, 
“That's premium material I just gave you…..how do you expect to pay me back?” 
Nick Flanagan - the guy who was built like a Hollywood model being dominate was not what you were used to. You were used to shy, humble Nick who could barely look in your eye despite his playboy reputation, a small blush always hitting his cheeks and you moan as you grind into him, turning your head. 
“I can think of some ways.” 
Tag List: @jalapenobarnes​ @younghades​  @Sad-af1121, @whichwayisthebeach-Sebass, @theplumbclub79, @4theluvofall, @tatathekissypatato, @baezen, @lostinthoughtsandfeelings-blog, @plumbfondler, @pegasusdragontiger, @prettybubblesintheair, @docharleythegeekqueen, @brieannakeogh, @palaiasaurus64, @emotchalla, @thejenniferincident, @shayla-markele, @jalapenobarnes​,  @toastmaster94, @brandybucky, @papi-chulo-seb, @jaamesbbarnes, @paulxrudd, @badassbaker, @letsalltakeanap @papi-chulo-bucky, @moonbeambucky, @jaceyfade, @samingtonwilson, @violentlybarnes, @wehaveathor, @buckfics, @frostbitebakery,  @killmongerdreams, @plussizeappreciationfics, @softlybarnes, @prettyyoungtragedy, @angryschnauzer,  @221bshrlocked,  @yslbucky @zohoffman @ssweet-empowerment @capsofwinchesters @tacohead13 @harleycativy @pietrotheavenger @francezka10 @papichulosebastian @obsessionsofmynerdheart @melaninmarvel @avengedqueen26 @nasteaxluvgal @winterbuttmunch @nys30 @buckyslongasshair @ohlumi @wellthirsted @geminimoonbeamx @jetaimeamore​ @younghades​ @chrisevansdaddycap​ @harleycativy​ @ohlumi​ @wellthirsted​ @awinterloveuniverse​ @gifsbysimplysonia​ @gand1215 @mississippifangirl​ @misskenni @microgirl8225
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