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444names · 1 year ago
irish forenames + norwegian fjords + cornish names BUT excluding "j"
Adhubhla Agord Aiske Aislick Aithgha Aithy Amabhana Amhewanán Anchan Andra Andrebriú Anislás Aodhal Aollict Aorsaodh Arbhán Arbhóg Arkdardey Athal Atnait Audder Aureirgay Baois Barkeris Bascaonán Beamuil Bearne Beirr Belle Berne Bleid Blian Blitéas Bodhbhago Bradabh Brevat Brick Brilen Broch Broibhar Broillys Bréagor Burth Bømlac Caigilís Caith Caodh Caoince Caoinche Caoiresid Caord Carmal Carno Carnán Carrevi Carthe Carya Casengen Cathe Cathery Cathghadh Cathow Cearás Ceenachla Cingen Ciobber Ciodagord Clainn Clewenn Clodh Cobhrán Coifersan Colconna Coldsed Colin Colugne Comha Coniargo Conid Conmch Conwaher Cosaoim Crevian Cuilianep Cunna Cúchlín Darra Dentán Dernes Diamonn Dicksey Dinnín Donchla Donny Dordene Dordlen Drandren Drebrón Drerse Drevelmha Dreven Dubhicoth Dubhilín Duveden Déadh Eabaken Eabhóg Eachráin Ebaistad Eballes Ebarr Ebast Edewyn Edick Eidighan Eighuse Eighín Eimhewyn Eimhne Eimín Eineack Einéas Eiridal Eirnse Elwyn Enailín Eogenán Ermla Estasvit Everinny Facht Fangeek Faodh Faoirna Feachy Feibh Feifen Fenán Feock Feregen Fetha Fiamhna Fiamso Fianán Fintán Fiobhice Fiobna Fiodha Fiodhn Fiomres Fiona Fiondan Fithnac Fitreago Fordhbhgh Fothorden Frissin Fusek Fétais Féthidh Førnait Garbhick Garlan Geach Gellyn Germain Gerray Gleál Gloamhan Gonach Gonian Goolmh Gorde Goveth Gréan Hadbhach Hadhagwyn Haibhillo Haine Hallyan Hannla Harneoch Hawlyn Heack Hearnsist Hemelen Hillawne Hoodh Hostan Howest Howeth Hydrick Iobnan Iunden Iósarne Kelbhch Kenber Kenwit Kergy Kerna Kezona Kinsiock Korden Kverrden Laidin Laillan Laitt Langaina Laold Laween Leamhn Liaden Lilinmhgh Lirstal Loaskit Locaoir Loclís Lordey Lowen Lyorden Maelace Maeven Maineery Mainn Manal Mance Maoill Maoimhón Maravitto Meaccaig Meaken Meastra Meibhine Melmórden Merne Mestall Miasse Midan Miodh Motnaoine Muaira Muaith Muibhín Muine Muiney Muiravy Muirrear Muirín Munnier Mygha Máilaksen Móilín Naingroin Nesiacher Nigwen Niobhick Niona Norde Nórle Odgelza Odhbhe Oighan Ollib Orden Ordenowan Orvin Peabhic Peden Pedict Pedin Peighna Peiliar Peimorden Peirise Pelan Penic Penán Perego Pernewan Persel Petheach Petle Poola Porden Predden Prosakse Póirepa Rafotn Ragonnang Reach Reack Reathen Reger Regule Rethamhón Righallas Rigna Rochean Rockseock Roibh��inn Rolruas Ronchán Rosaolle Roseanis Rosseál Rowel Ruadh Ruadháick Ruaighse Ruainn Rualaithe Ruallan Ruariasen Ruatho Réabal Réamh Réary Saccas Saeva Saodhel Sartdan Searthy Sefran Sewar Sianden Sianlus Silick Skawn Skindre Skåne Slowny Snianian Snick Solday Splach Sprole Sundrelen Séabhion Séadhna Séals Séangee Séargur Séartúr Séasaelen Sílembean Síonán Síthch Sørdena Sørna Sørnán Talewen Tangvord Tanán Tealbha Terna Ternán Tiamhóg Tiangh Tighrick Timely Tinncas Tippas Toinstan Tomfhín Tomhal Tomhus Torden Torman Trann Treabbán Treabh Treabhlal Treach Treakso Trealk Treall Tream Trean Treann Trearbhla Treari Trearig Trearnín Trearthow Treartin Trebar Trebilín Trebriam Treden Tredinne Tregi Tregidhón Treglán Trego Tregolán Tregule Treheagh Treheimey Trele Trembo Trenroir Tresinn Tress Treth Tretn Trett Trevath Trevetlís Trevila Trevis Trewald Trewen Trezza Tromrena Trouch Trowenza Téodh Uadhrás Uaighagh Uarth Uimhait Vassalk Vennach Voskur Vostan Warbhic Warnow Weeven Wenhach Woolmán Ytreven Ágann Åkros Éadhna Éadho Éamhad Éamhín Éaríose Éibhen Éighdín Éighuse Éighín Órley Øksolm
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momtaku · 4 years ago
Mom, any idea who’s the guy/girl in the last panel of snk 132 — the one on the far right who’s bending over? The curiosity is killing me!
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Yep. that’s Lynn, one of the soldiers on Mike’s squad along with Gelgar, Henning and Nanaba. I know this because I once upon a time I had a huge weakness for Gelgar x Lynn fic and rp blogs  so seeing her there with Gelgar brought back ALL THE FEELS 😂😂😂
The ship name was Gellyn which is a lot of fun to say :)
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whoooooman · 6 years ago
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I know that our friends thought, "Just when Harby arrived from Manila, Gellyn didn't care to come with us," not reflecting that they were the ones to forget.
You were the one who was able to be by my side all those nights. I don't give a fck to what people say. I am just beyond blessed to have you.
As for my question the other night when we had a terrible argument, "Why are you still staying if I'm so difficult to handle?", you answered me while you are still not in the mood, "...because I love you."
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omppuleila · 5 years ago
Aloe Vera Gellyä voi käyttää ihan kaikkeen!
Olen arabianrantalainen yrittäjä, ja teen töitä kotikonttoristani käsin. Edustan yrittäjänä Forever Living Productsin tuotteita. Forever on maailman suurin aloe veran viljelijä ja aloe vera -tuotteiden valmistaja. Se sai alkunsa 41 vuotta sitten Aloe Vera -juomasta. Sekä juoma että ihonhoitosarjat ovat kahden viime vuoden aikana uusiutuneet. Varaa aika näiden uusimpien tuotteiden esittelyyn. Yhteystietoni ovat: Leila Hampaala, p. 050 528 6465, leila(a)hampaala.fi, kotisivuni ovat osoitteessa aloehelsinki.fi. Videolla esittelen tuoteklassikon, joka on ollut markkinoilla ihan alusta alkaen, ja toimii edelleen, Aloe Vera Gellyn. Mukavaa päivää kaikille!
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elyhang25-blog · 11 years ago
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It's really amazing when two strangers become the best of friends, but it's really sad when the best of friends become two strangers. Good luck to your last day of work #GELLYN. I hope you won't regret on your decision. Ajah! (at Secret Place)
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chresenjoy · 12 years ago
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@theycallmegino @klingkoling @missaireggie #gellyn (Taken with Instagram)
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momtaku · 10 years ago
hey there i was just looking through your blog and reading your fantastic meta when i found that ships ask. what's the gellyn ship? am i missing out?
Aha ha ha hmm…. yes… Gellyn. The craziest non-crack ship in snk world.
Gellyn is Gelgar and Lynn, two members of Squad Mike who died at Castle Utgard. The ship is based on this panel:
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See the guy with the speech bubble? That’s Gelgar. The face he’s touching is Lynn’s. They are also sometimes referred to in the fandom as Gerger and Rene.
Normally it would take more than a single panel to suck me into a ship. But throw in a talented writer (//side eyes julystorms) and artist (//side eyes glitch) and I’m sunk.
Julystorms combed the canon work for every instance of Gelgar and wrote a convincing and lovable character around them. In addition to fanfics (x, x), she rps him as notdrinkingonthejob along with hoplismena (René) and parisayophiel (Lynn).
The threads with hoplismena are a long sprawling multi-arc drama worthy of a BBC miniseries. The threads with parisayophiel are typically more playful. This week they rebooted a single parent au that I’m very excited about.
And if this long love letter to my crazy ship isn’t enough, I wrote about my decent into madness in the post SnK Guidebook Scans: Gelgar
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elyhang25-blog · 11 years ago
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Hello to my new #RooMiee #gellyn #CollegeFriend #CloseFriend #Bestbuddy (at Apartment)
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