#gavi x Reader smut
gavisuntiedboot · 2 months
Cherry on Top
Gavi X Physiotherapist! reader (birthday special!)
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Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: suggestive content!
A/N: I am back once again with more self indulgent fics for my baby boo thang's birthday !!!
"Doctoraaa! When are you coming home? I'm withering away from boredom and loneliness."
You could practically hear his pout through the phone, imagining him sprawled out on the couch with his feet in the air.
"Gaviraaa I am studying so that I can graduate on time! Or do you want me to keep making a student salary forever?" You held the phone between your ear and your shoulder, still furiously typing away at your sample notes for your advisor.
"What are you even studying? You basically run our whole club's rehab program by yourself. What else do they need to test you on?"
That was actually an excellent question. It was coming up on the two year anniversary since you had become a Barca employee, and you had almost fully taken the reigns. Dr. Gonzalez had checked out, waiting for you to get your degree so that he could finally retire. Nicolas was a good assistant, but was still heavily lacking in his ability to make quick decisions, so he was stuck doing basic PT most of the time. The show was essentially yours to run.
"This last year is testing my leadership ability and teaching skills. When I graduate, I will start running the intern program at the club, and so they have to make sure I can correct staff mistakes."
Your typing was getting progressively louder as you continued angrily editing the note in front of you.
"Take this idiot Aaron. He has not written a single coherent note since he got assigned as my mentoring project. If he were an employee he would have been fired weeks ago. But since this is a "training and learning" opportunity or whatever, I have to fix all his notes and send him the edits so he can learn."
You heard shifting on the other end of the line, and then a soft thud followed by some whispered profanity.
"Pablo please don't injure yourself."
"Maybe it will bring you home faster. Oh no my other ACL!"
Despite his giggle, you went quite on the other side of the line. The day of Pablo's injury had been one of the worst of your life. He had been playing for the national team, so you had no choice but to stare at your TV through glassy eyes, utterly and completely helpless. One of your friends literally had to prevent you from collapsing (though to this day you maintain that it was dehydration, not hysteria). He had called you from the sideline, and the pain in his voice just made you break further.
"I need you."
You had been waiting at the airport to receive him, official team gear on in an attempt to distract fans from the fact that you were fully embracing him and crying into his shoulder. You had almost gone insane in the lead up to his surgery, triple checking the credentials of everyone involved. You stayed by his bed for his entire stay, spending most days and night making sure he wore his brace and didn't make any stupid decisions. It was on one of these nights, when you were once again complaining about not having your favorite undereye cream at his house, that he once again asked you his favorite question.
"Why don't you just move in?"
As usual, you brushed the comment off. Gavi had been asking you to move in weekly for over a year now, always unfortunately dead serious. There was an innocence and simplicity in the way Pablo say the world that you wished you could emulate. He liked you, he was comfortable around you, and he wanted you to live with him. Simple, right?
But it terrified you. You loved Gavi, probably more than anything else in your life. But long withstanding trauma lives up to its name of being long withstanding. That feeling that the expiration date of your perfect relationship was approaching? That never went away. It was like the more time you spent with Gavi, the more you were terrified that he was going to figure out what was wrong with you, why no one could love you until this point in time, and run for the hills. Your apartment was the one space you still had to be irate and disgusting and genuinely yourself without being afraid of scaring him. And it would make it much easier when he eventually broke up with you to date a pop star or a model or Pedri.
"I'm being serious, princesa. You're here every night. You spend more time here than at your own place. You barely sleep in your own bed because you're just obsessed with me and want to take care of me all the time."
"Pablo, we've talked about this..."
"Yes," he said, sitting up and opening his arms in a gesture for you to come cuddle with him. "We have. Back when we had only been together for only three months and we didn't know if you would be able to put up with me."
"Let me finish." He hugged you closer to his chest, resting his chin on your head and rubbing slow circles into your skin. It was hard to maintain your composure when you were like this, feeling the warmth radiating off his skin and the pressure of his lips kissing your crown every so often.
"We've been together for a year and a half now. I've seen you in bad moods, heard your yelling, plucked your chin hairs-"
He restrained you from getting up, giggling at your embarrassment. He really was the most adorable little thing on the planet.
"I've seen you at your lowest points. Which, admittedly mi amor, were not that low. I saw a tiktok of this guy who had to pull out his girlfriend's tampon. This could be much worse. Hey, look at me."
You turned over, your chest pressed to Pablo's as he brought his hands up to cup your cheeks. You had learned how to do this in the last year, how to steel yourself under his intense gaze. Pablo Gavi looked at you like he was in the presence of a divine being, eyes big and soft and filled to the brim with adoration. He looked at you like just your image was all he needed to keep breathing.
"I love you. So much that sometimes I don't know what to do with it. I want you to move in so I can take care of you, and so that it's easier to let you take care of me. I want to annoy you with my morning training alarm and make you coffee and maybe mess up your laundry when I try to do the washing."
"This is not a convincing argument so far, baby."
"I just want to live with you. And be around you. And hold you like a weighted teddy bear while I sleep."
"What if you get tired of me being around all the time?" You asked between smooshed cheeks, finally losing your ability to maintain his stare.
Gavi refused to even dignify the question with a verbal response, instead letting go of your face to lift the hem of his t-shirt, pulling it over your head. Your cheek was practically burning up pressed against his abs, still defined and solid despite days of immobility.
"Doctora, this is how close I want you to be. At all times. I am about to sew you to my torso. So will you please move in?"
And it was then that you agreed to it. Now the house was littered with so much merch on the walls and shelves it looked like a sports store, but it was yours. A home. You spent months taking care of Gavi, from driving him to appointments to at-home physiotherapy sessions. You took every opportunity to place a gentle kiss on the scar on his knee (ya know, when you were down there ;) ) and avoided all clips that showed him in pain.
"Come on, Doctora. I'm okay."
"I know, I know... it's just not a memory I can bring myself to joke about. Not while you're still in recovery."
"I'm sorry, amor. Can you come home and scold me about it?"
You groaned again, resisting the urge to slam your head into your keyboard. The progress notes were really terrible.
"And besides, you need to finish packing."
This was true. In about 6 hours, you and Gavi would be on a plane for his birthday trip to Ibiza. He had been buzzing with excitement about his birthday trip for months now, eager to take you someplace where there would be nothing to distract the two of you. Just perfect sand and perfect sea for a perfect weekend. He had talked about going farther than Spain this year, maybe Italy or at least Portugal, but injuries have a great way of canceling travel plans.
You reluctantly agreed, telling Pablo you would be home in about 30 minutes, before you began to tidy your workspace. You sent a polite yet pointed email to Aaron (with the head of department CC'ed) explaining that the work was too terrible to be corrected, and he should clear up some time in September to train with you before the season began in earnest and you would be too busy to teach him how to spell "bradycardia".
It was always a humbling experience to pull into the driveway and park your beat up little car next to Gavi's team-sponsored beauty. You were dreading the day he upgraded to something nicer - the neighbors would start thinking that someone was there to rob him. He was already standing at the door smiling wide when you pulled in. He walked up to your door, grabbing all your bags and ushering you inside away from the heat. This had become a regular for Gavi - tracking your location to greet you the second you arrived - so there was really no need to question it anymore. You leaned over and kissed his cheek, eternally grateful for the gentleness he showed you. After a quick yet heated rant about the incompetence of some of the students in your program, you headed upstairs to continue packing.
"Pablo, you think I need to pack more than two dresses?" You asked, looking over the satins and crocheted pieces that your friend ensured you was "totally in".
"I don't think you need to pack any dresses. Or even clothes for that matter."
You raised an eyebrow at your boyfriend, who was leaning casually against the doorframe.
"Am I supposed to be naked for the whole trip?"
"Not the whole trip. Just pack some bikinis for during the day and some cute underwear for the night. The outfit you wear to the airport should be more than enough incase we ever need to leave." He walked over to where you stood in contemplation, arms wrapping tightly around your waist, and his head resting on your shoulder in the perfect position to kiss your neck.
"Be serious, Pablo. What if we want to go for a nice dinner for your birthday? I can't go in a thong or in my plane sweats."
He didn't stop his attack on your neck for an instant, addicted to the warmth and taste of your skin on his tongue.
"Mi amor, mi sol, mi vida - at the risk of being vulgar, I have to say that you will be the nice dinner on my birthday."
Your eyes went wide at this statement, and suddenly you were glad for his arms there to keep you upright.
"I don't even think I have more than one bikini that still fits."
At this, Gavi released you, running to the closet with your yells to slow down behind him (if you had a euro for every time you told him not to run in socks, you could pay off the club's debt). He came shuffling back out with a large black bag, which he promptly dumped out onto the comforter. There were at least ten swimwear sets in various colors and prints, ranging from polka dots to stripes to... was that cheetah print?
"I picked these out the other day. Well, actually, that's a lie. I sent your size to Aurora, and she placed the order online and I just picked up the bag at the store. Can you imagine what Instagram would do with pictures of me buying lingerie?"
"But there's no lingerie here?"
"Fuck." He scampered off once again, returning with another bag to repeat his previous actions. This time the contents were much more sultry, with dark silks and satins staring back up at you. Mainly reds and blacks littered the pale covers.
"Pablo, you shouldn't have. This is too sweet! But we are only going for three days. There's like a month worth of stuff here."
"Are you planning on never going out again after this trip? Just pick your favorites for this weekend. The rest will be waiting for you when you get back, just in case we ever go to the pool or you want to surprise your football star boyfriend by wearing these to work."
You couldn't even be mad at his words when your heart was so full from his gesture. Pablo was always buying you things - that was nothing new. But you had been worrying for days about not looking good on this trip, not having anything new to wear, and he took that burden off your shoulders.
"So I can pick any of these? They look expensive."
"Ay Doctora, don't upset me. Nothing is worth more than your happiness. I do have one request though."
"Yes, mi amor?"
"You have to wear this one on my birthday," he said while reaching past you to pick up a white bikini with red cherries printed all over.
"Why is that?"
"Because you're like the cherry on top of my birthday cake. You always look good, but I want you to look irresistible."
"Okay, let's relax that's a lot of talk for a- oh my God." Your eyes widened, and you grabbed Pablo's face with a dropped jaw.
"Are you okay?"
"Oh my God."
"You said that already."
"Yes, princesa?"
"An adult. You're going to be an adult tomorrow. As in not a teenager."
"We arrive at like 11pm so it's more like I won't be a teenager anymore tonig- are you crying?"
"I'm not going to have a teenage boyfriend anymore!" You threw your arms around him, hugging him so tightly there was a fear of his ribs cracking.
"I feel like I should be offended by this statement."
"3...2...1... Happy 20th birthday Pablito!" You said softly, a single cupcake with a lit candle on the top held before the birthday boy. It was the same as the previous year (iykyk), but this time with a red and yellow swirl to match the Spanish national team.
"Thank you, mi vida." He closed his eyes, deep in thought regarding his wish, and blew out the candle. He scooped up a dollop of frosting, placing it on your lips before kissing it gently away.
"I can't believe I get to spend another birthday with you," he whispered out, scared that anything louder would destroy the gentle atmosphere around the two of you.
After sharing more sugary kisses, you fell asleep on Pablo's chest, soothed to sleep by his slow heart beat and rhythmic breathing. You woke before him, placing a kiss on his forehead before getting up to dress, snickering quietly at his snoring. The poor boy was so exhausted. You put on the swimsuit he had picked for you, the material fitting you stunningly. You looked at yourself in the mirror and couldn't help but smile. The white and red complemented your skin, your hair framing your face still bare and slightly puffed with the remnants of sleep. Gavi's necklace dangled between your collar bones, the metal cool on your skin. Everything on your body was an expression of love.
Stepping out of the bathroom in your bikini and wrap around skirt, you found the bed suspiciously empty. There was a light breeze coming from the terrace, where you found your boyfriend leaning shirtless on the railing. As if sensing your stare, he turned over his shoulder and wave you to join him. The sun was starting to shine in earnest, the smell of the ocean filling your senses. There was no place you would rather be.
"Good morning, beautiful. I know I asked you to wear that, but I almost want you to take it off. You look too good - I'm scared I'll have to beat every other man away with a stick."
He took a seat on one of the deck chairs, and you took your rightful place on his lap, arms around his neck.
"Good thing this strip of beach is private then."
Your lips found his in a deep kiss, fingers traveling to play with the short strands at the nape of his neck. It was an intoxicating thing to kiss Pablo Gavi. His plush lips molded perfectly to yours, bringing you in impossibly closer. He was always so eager, gently nibbling on your bottom lip whenever he could catch it, soft breaths and little whines spurring you on. Neither of you could bring yourselves to stop, tongues tangled like high schoolers as you made out in the early August sun. His hands were firm on your hips, more for his benefit than yours. He was eager to drag you to the sand, but knew neither of you would leave the room if he allowed your hips to act on their own accord. He relaxed back, allowing you to take the lead, and whimpered a little louder when you bit his lip. It was your giggling that broke the kiss, and you rested your forehead against his, breathless and chest heaving.
"Big Bad Gavi likes having his lip bit. Who would've thought?"
He whined again, finding the column of your neck and to town, nipping and sucking, unwilling to not have his lips and tongue occupied by you just yet. When you started digging into his biceps, he released you, admiring his handy work.
"Pablo people are going to see." You said, pout on your lips and big eyes trained on your boyfriend. He kissed your jutting bottom lip and lifted you off him.
"Like you said - good thing this beach is private."
Pablo had so many moments with you where he thought "she could never be more beautiful than this". The first was the first night you fell asleep on his couch, face peaceful with sleep. The next was under the stadium lights, as he thrust a trophy in your hands and lifted you above his shoulders. Then it was in some French hallway, in a ballgown with no heels as he kissed you senseless, finally brave enough to take what he wanted. In coffee shops and grocery store aisles and on his mattress, he always thought there was no possibility for you to be more stunning. But as you lay stretched out on the sand, eyes closed and muscles relaxed, he had the thought again. The sun tinted your skin slightly, making you gleam like a goddess that had just emerged from the sea. The bright white against your skin had Gavi tingling, wanting to remove the pure material and access what it was protecting.
Your hair was soaked, and you laid on your stomach in the sand to gain some color and dry off after the exertion of swimming with Gavi. The sun was phenomenal on your damp skin, and you had never been more at piece. You felt a hand creep up your back, and suddenly your chest wasn't as supported as it should have been.
"Pablo! Did you just undo my top?"
"I'm just unwrapping my present."
He brought you to sit on his lap once again, your loose top fighting to remain around your neck.
"How private is this beach?"
"You think I would let you go topless if there was a chance another soul would see?"
You felt like a teenager again, embarrassed and looking around frantically for someone who would catch you in such an act with your boyfriend.
"I heard beach sex sucks and I'm not eager to get sand in my vagina."
"We're not going to have sex on the beach. I may be more grown up, but I still like seeing boobs every once in a while."
"So you just want to look at them?"
"Among other things. You want to see my checklist?"
You wrapped your arms around his neck once again, kissing him deeply as he fully removed the fabric from your chest. He brought a hand to your back, pressing you against him, your breasts flush against his chest. It was a thrilling sensation, being topless and against your boyfriend with the sun beating down against you both.
Gavi laid back on the sound with you atop him, unclipping you hair to allow it to fall down your back. In your current situation, you were still covered enough to not face public indecency charges. He played with the strands of hair, weaving his fingers into the locks as his teeth caught your bottom lip and sucked on it like his favorite hard candy.
"I'm going to have sand in my hair."
"Guess we'll just have to take a bath together so I can wash it for you."
You kissed him again, his fingers trailing up your torso and brushing the sides of your boobs, sparking electricity in their path. It was so high school: topless on a beach, making out with your boyfriend. But made you stir low in your stomach, a mix of desire and the deepest form of love. You loved Pablo Gavi. You loved his little antics, you loved the pleasure he brought to every aspect of your life.
"Enjoying your birthday so far?" You asked, reluctantly pulling away from his lips, chest heaving against his. Gavi took the opportunity to grab your breasts and squeeze lightly, playing with them like it was his favorite activity in the world.
"More than I can even express."
He brought you against him, arms around you and bodied pressed together, and laid back down.
"So you just wanted to feel me up while we make out?"
"I want to feel you against me, mi amor. I want you to feel how hard my heart beats when I'm around you. I want to do everything that comes to my mind with you. Being topless on the beach. Ordering everything on the hotel menu. Skinny dipping at midnight. Every experience in my life is better when you're in it. I want to make every memory with you, so that when we're old and hold hands in our matching wheelchairs, I can say "Hey remember when we were hot and young and topless making out in Ibiza?" I want to do everything in the world with you."
You pressed your lips to his again, a deep kiss that winded the both of you.
"I love you, Pablo. Happy birthday."
"I love you more, Doctora."
Okay here it is!! Happy birthday to the love of my life, the light of my soul, Pablo Gavi. I love this boy more than I can express, and he represents so much good in my life. I hope his 20th year is filled with every happiness in the world.
As usual, please like, comment, reblog - all the good stuff. If you like this dynamic, I have a full 10 part series of these two idiots in my masterlist. I also have an ongoing Pedri series! Check that out if it's more your speed.
Please also take a moment to check out the links on my pinned post to help families in Palestine. If you don't have the money to donate but still want to help, every comment with a watermelon emoji under my pedri posts = $1 I donate on your behalf. I think that's all I have to say. Love y'all <3
xoxo, GUB
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not-magdi · 1 year
Pairing: Pablo Gavi x fem!reader
Summary: Y/N the wonderful person she is cares for her sore boyfriend.
Warnings: None, just a little spice at the end;)
Words: 1.1k
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Pablo's training was longer than usual today since they had a new fitness trainer who wanted to make himself a picture of all the players and what they need to improve their physical strength.
Over the course of the day, Y/N received multiple texts from Pablo complaining about how awful and exhausting training is and if Y/N could fake an emergency so he could leave. To quote him, 'It doesn't matter what, tell them you need help to give your goldfish a bath'. 
Laughing at his text Y/N decides to surprise him at his house, cooking dinner for him and setting the couch up for a movie night. 
Standing in the kitchen and stirring some vegetables in a pan she hears keys jiggling, announcing that Pablo is home. 
Opening the door Pablo limps into the hallway, confused why the light was turned on. Stepping deeper into the house the smell of food confuses him even more. Making a B-line to the kitchen the sight before him makes a smile grow on his face. 
Having her back facing him Pablo limps over to her wrapping his arms around her waist and laying his chin on her shoulder. 
Shreaking Y/N nearly punches Pablo in the face while turning around barely missing his face. Catching her hand Pablo kisses her nose. 
"Slow there Rocky ... I'm already damaged enough," he tells her laughing.
"Jesus Pablo ... don't scare me like that again or I'll punch you with joy, the next time" Y/N exclaims while wrapping her arms around his neck. 
"I'd like to see you try," Pablo tells her with a teasing tone nuzzling his nose into her neck. 
"Yeah yeah I'll do it when you least expect it" Loosening her arms around him again Y/N turns around to grab the two plates with their dinner giving them to Pablo. 
"Could you please take them to the table I'll grab us our drinks and follow you in a moment", Pablo nods making his way to the dining room and setting the plates down. 
A few seconds later Y/N comes out of the kitchen with two full glasses of water.  Sitting down with him she sees Pablo's face twist in pain as he sits down slowly. 
"Are you alright cariño?" she decides to ask him, concern lacing her voice.
"Yeah ... I'm alright. My joints are just hurting again today" Pablo tries to assure Y/N by grabbing her hand. 
Y/N knows that because of his bow legs, his joints tend to get sore quite easily. So after trainings sessions like today, he normally has a physio session afterward to massage the pain out so he can walk normally and without any pain. 
But his physio is currently on vacation and he doesn't trust his substitute so he just accepts the pain and tries to ignore it as much as possible. 
Y/n couldn't let go of her worry for Pablo, especially after hearing him hiss while he tried to stand up to carry their plates back to the kitchen. 
After Pablo insisted to do the dishes he limped back to the living room, pain decorating his expression. 
"Do you want me to massage your legs a bit?" Y/N decides to ask him, not being able to see her boy in pain any longer.  
"Amor you don't have to," Pablo tells her, not wanting to be a burden for her. 
"I know that I don't have to ... I want to" She assures him with a soft tone.
"O-ok then ...  yes please,"  Pablo says shyly, not used to someone caring so much for him. 
"Perfect, lay down on your back amor ... I'll go grab some oil" 
Standing up Y/N goes to grab some oil as Pablo makes himself comfortable on the couch.
Returning Y/N sees him laying flat on the couch like a starfish, smiling to herself she goes around the couch to stand before him. 
"Uhm ... Pablito you will need to loose your pants otherwise it's not going to work", she tells him, smirking down at him. 
"Oh ... uh yeah ... give me a second", blushing Pablo undresses himself clumsily and lays down again, looking everywhere but Y/N's eyes.
"You don't have to go shy on me now ... nothing I haven't seen yet Pablito." She teases him, laughing as his face got even more red. 
"Would you stop teasing your poor and damaged boyfriend ... I'm already suffering enough," Pablo exclaims pouting. 
"Awww my poor baby" Y/N coos kissing his nose before applying some oil to her hands. 
Warming the oil up in her hands she starts to gently massage his joints gradually adding pressure as she hears Pablo sigh in pleasure. 
Coming to a very sore spot Pablo hisses in pain as she massages over it, starting to add pressure he groans in pain. 
"I know cariño ... a few seconds and I'm done here." Y/N coos seeing his face twist in pain as she presses her thumb on a certain spot. 
Slowly feeling the pressure and pain release he sighs in relief, relaxing his tense muscles again. 
Y/N continuous to massage his legs for the next two hours,  carefully massaging every bit that was hurting, devoting extra time to his joints. Trying to ease the tension in his legs as much as she can. 
"So ... amor I'm done how are you feeling?" standing up to wash her hands Y/N asks Pablo who is laying looking up at her with the most relaxed expression she has ever seen. 
"Bebé please be my personal physio after you finish school ... whatever you did with me it worked. I feel nothing anymore, nothing!"  Pablo wiggles his legs around, happy about being pain-free again.  
Laughing Y/N sits beside him cuddling herself into him after he dragged her down to him again. 
"I'm happy I could help ... couldn't stand seeing you in so much pain," Y/N tells him hiding her face in his neck as she pulls her on top of him. 
"Thank you Amor... you have no idea how much I appreciate that. Can I do anything in return?" Pablo asks wanting to do something for her too. 
Smirking Y/N looks up from his neck, already having something in her mind. 
"Yeah, I have an idea ... luckily you won't need your pants for that" Rolling on top of him she kisses him passionately. 
"Mhm ... I like your idea," Pablo tells her breathlessly, flipping them around so he's on top. 
Placing his hands under her sweatshirt he continues to make out with her, removing their clothes and throwing them all around the living room, making a mess no one cares about right now. 
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gav1whore9 · 2 years
Trying out something new
Pablo gavi x Reader smut
Warning: smut
Author’s note : hey guys this took me kind of long and this wasn’t I request actually I saw an top less pic of gavi and I mean have you seen his abs 😫. Also thank you so much for 100 followers I am sooo thankful for all the support ♥️♥️
Any way I hope you like this one Enjoy 💕🧚🏼‍♂️
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,,babe?" i shout out to my boyfriend, waiting for him to come out of the shower. i would've joined him but i was too lazy to get up and in the shower. Gavi walks out of the bathroom. a white towel is wrapped around his waist, making me look at his trained abs. this man is fucking hot. i think i wanna try something new. "Harmosa?" Gavi asks, catching me zoning out.
"sorry, i was just having an idea.." "what is it?" "i wanna try something new." "so?" "yeah, it's something sexually." "i'm down." "I hate you" i laugh, falling back onto the bed. "mhh no you don't. so, tell me. what do me. what do you wanna do?" "abs riding." "uhh, that's something different." he smirks, still standing right in front of the bed. "yeah, but if you don't want to we can-' "shut up and take your clothes off." "ohh, someone's a bad boy."
i tease, while taking off my hoodie plus sweatpants. the tension between us gets heated. i lay on the bed naked, watching gavi coming on top of me. he is looking down at me, just staring for a minute. i dig my hands into his fluffy brown hair and pull him down. a kiss connects us. we use our tongues to make the pleasure bigger, and hell yes, it's working. Gavi turns us around, now i am on top. i pull away to sit down on his abs.
i open my legs over them and place my pussy here and there to find the right position. i finally feel the perfect spot to rub my clit on. light moans leave my mouth as i begin to move. Gavi digs his fingers into my hips, making my moans louder. "fuck gavi" i mutter while placing my hands on his chest for support.
"mhh.. you look so beautiful when you moan my name." he says, licking his lips. He moves me back and forth, faster and faster. his abs get more tense, and i can feel my climax coming.,,gavi- i'm- i'm close" i whimper under my breath.
his hands move up to my breasts and begin to squeeze them. my eyes close, after i let my head fall back into my neck. the knot in my stomach lets loose and i release all of my cum.,,wow, you dirty slut making a mess on me, huh?" Gavi groans, slowing down.
,,mhmm.." all of sudden, gavi grabs me by my hips again and turns us over. he's on top again, looking into my eyes. he begins to kiss my neck, leaving marks.,,gavi.." i let out a deep breath. his wet kisses move down to my collarbone, making me shiver. he sucks on one of my nipples, while massaging the other one.
i bite my under lip, watching him as He leaves kisses all over my body, to make me more secure, he knows that i'm really insecure about my body, especially about my belly.,,you're so beautiful, y'know that, right?" Gavi whispers, placing more kisses further down my stomach.
i blush at his words. but the smile disappears as i feel him opening my legs. the cold air hits my soaked pussy again. i shiver, looking down at gavi. he moves in between my tights. i can feel his tongue licking up my folds, holding the eye contact. i moan again. "Gavi i-" "sh, be quiet." "b-but what are you doing this for?" i mutter, digging my nails into his hair"i just wanna pleasure my girlfriend, okay?" he hums against my skin. ,,okay?" he hums against my skin. the vibration sends chills all over my body. i grab onto his hair tighter, while opening my mouth.
no moan comes out of it, i can just focus on him right now. everything else is leaving my mind. his tongue flicks my clit aggressively. "shit gavi" i almost scream. two of his his fingers slide into me. my moans get louder, until i feel the knot in my stomach again. i close my legs out of a reflex. Gavi's strong hands open them, making me arch my back. he curls his fingers inside of me, getting me closer to my climax. i release, once again
Gavi pulls out his fingers and licks them clean, falling onto the bed beside me. i'm still breathing heavily, my legs shake. "holy shit." i mumble, looking into his eyes. "that was amazing." i continue. "glad you liked it" gavi says, facing me too. "nahh you were terrible." i tease. "ouch, that hurt." Gavi whines dramatic, with his hand on his chest. i let out a loud laugh, cuddling into his chest
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httpsseli · 3 months
niña ✿; pablo gavira
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;plot. in which you’re the innocent bookworm accomplishing tons of tasks and he’s the jock athlete. until one day you two bump into each other, allowing him to explore all kinds of things.
;warnings: vaping, quite a few spanish sentences, a mix of arguing, smut minors dni!! dom!gavi, sub!reader, sort of protected sex but then unprotected sex, (you’ll see later on.. *wink wink*), virginity loss, oral sex (m and f), few sex rounds, multiple orgasms, and squirting.
authors note// oh boy prepare yourselfs for a much longer gavi fic because yes, duhhh🤭 (i dont think this is proofread…)
here you were in the library, editing for the school newspaper through the computer and writing down notes on to your journal. upcoming events, games, updates and somewhat the weather as what was having to be the very new exciting thing. you pushed your glasses up just a tad bit, looking and roaming through the notes of your journal.
“it’s a friday night.. why are you even-“
-hush!" you said, typing as quickly as you could, feeling rushed immediately from your friend's complaining. "come on,y/n. we can just watch a movie and eat a bunch of junk!" your friend tatiana spoke, and sighing, you looked at her and then at diana, your other roommate. "how about this: you two can head to the dorms and catch up with camila. i’ll get home later.”
both girls looked at each other, “fine then, no later than twelve,” tatiana spoke, both girls getting up from the table. 'be safe, hermosa!' diana spoke. you laughed at the nickname as they both left.
after spending an extra 30 minutes editing and submitting the copies, you sighed and closed your laptop. you then carefully placed it in your bag. as you had no other option, you decided to walk down to the lockers and placed your laptop in diana's locker, for reasons that seemed appropriate.
you stride away purposefully, clutching your tote as you brave the cold weather. despite the challenging conditions, you maintain your composure while donning a white sundress adorned with tiny charming blue flower prints. the small cardigan you wear provides a little bit of warmth as you navigate the bustling streets of the college, which you humorously refer to as the "streets of sex, alcohol, and drunks."
as you strolled through the chilly wind, a heavy force collided with me. "watch it!" you exclaimed, forcefully shoving him away. clearly, one of the jocks, not surprising. they were always out to irritate you. "my my, never seen you like this," the boy remarked, but you tried to push him off, yet he already had a grip on your wrist.
"let go of me, what the fuck!" you exclaimed as you tried to break free from his grip. half of the group was watching as a phone light caught your attention. you looked at the guy, hardly kicking his crotch before giving him a firm slap on the back of his neck. "don't you ever touch me again," you said boldly as you walked off quickly. you could hear a voice calling out to you.
gavi, who was a witness to the little fight you caused, now another guy is approaching you. gavi is well-known in the school for his looks, the people he dates, and his skills. almost everybody has his name on their lips. he recognized you just by the way your bag is decorated and the way you dress. sometimes, he'd make slight eye contact with you during the football matches while he'd be warming up, and you would be taking notes, writing everything down in a blue journal with a blue pen topped with a fluffy heart.
him and his friends were all wearing their varsity jackets, very typical of them. luckily he wasn’t far from you, he was standing next to his friend who was particularly, holding onto a vape hitting off it. his friend watched and chuckled watching their other friend get beaten up. “ay adónde vàs, ya basta tu.” where are you going, stop it. gavi spoke.
“ay güapa, you’re looking stunning..” one of the boys spoke, and you scoffed. “not interested.” you said attempting to walk off, “you have a nice pair of balls.” he spoke, you looked at him. “what’d you say?” looking up at him. “i said-“
"fermín, you heard her. she’s not interested," gavi said, gently holding your hands together. "areyou alright?" he asked, noticing your shock. You found yourself unexpectedly face-to-face with the one guy you never thought you'd interact with, admiring his facial features, especially the birthmarks on his face. "y-yeah, i’m fine," you said, trying to compose yourself. gavi turned around, and fermín and his friend started snickering. you looked at both boys, making eye contact with fermín only. as you watched him inhale the vapor and puff out the smoke, you looked away feeling uncomfortable and dismayed.
"a donde vas?” where are you headed? He asked, and as you looked up at him, you felt the chill in the air make your nose and cheeks red. "um, i-i'm heading home," you replied softly. he gently caressed your shoulder and asked, “are you cold?" you nodded in response. "where’s your home?" he inquired. "it’s by the courtyard," you whispered. he nodded, then offered, "i can walk you home if you'd like.
he was different than you thought. you’ve heard him talk about you quite often, saying how weird you are, how you dress like a kid most of the time, and how you've probably never slept with anybody. the last one was a rumor started by him. now you're face to face with him.
you were freezing, your nipples hardening under the lace of your bra, and you swallowed thick. “la vas a llevar para que la folles o que.” you gonna take her to fuck or what Fermín's shout made you and Gavi turn your heads. You shot Fermín a look of disgust before turning to the boy who was still standing in front of you. “i’m supposed to be out on a party right now.. you don’t mind if i take you out somewhere instead, right?” you shook your head, “que la folles.” just fuck her you heard his other friend shout. “excuse me for a moment..” he said, you watched gavi walk over to his friends.
another interaction, there was more arguing. when you heard him speak spanish, it stirred something inside you. "just delete the video and all of you apologize. pobre niña," poor girl he said. the friend group was shocked into silence. you watched gavi as you made your way towards him. "i really have to g-" you started, but was quickly cut off by apologies from his friend, pablo. you remained silent, not saying anything back. when he was done, you nodded your head.
gavi gently placed his hand on your waist and whispered, "let’s head home, sweet girl." you felt a flutter in your stomach at the endearing nickname as the two of you strolled away from the street. "would you mind stopping by the small cafe instead? it’s my treat if you'd like," he suggested, causing your heart to sink a little. you managed to reply, "yeah, that's fine with me." he smiled warmly as you both made your way to the cafe. "but what about your friends?" you asked, looking at him. He chuckled softly. "they’re going to tina’s party. i don’t drink much, and they usually play that bottle game, so i’m not too bothered," he explained. you nodded, crossing your arms for some comfort against the cold.
"oh, spin the bottle... that game is weird," you said. he slightly chuckled, looking at you. "you've played it?" he asked. you shook your head no. "never have. i've heard a bit of experiences from my roommates about it," you said. he smiled. "you're cold, y/n. are you sure you don't want my sweater?" he asked, stopping in his tracks. you turned to look at him. "i-i'm fine," you said. he cupped your cheek, and your eyes looked up at him, your breathing hitched. "takeoff your sweater and hand me your bag," he said. you nodded, handing him your tote, then taking off the small cardigan. he folded the sweater and put it in your bag, then took off his varsity jacket and put it on you.
it was just like you had pictured it, as if it leaped straight out of the pages of a book. a warm smile spread across his face as he tenderly rested his hand on your head. “oh, come on!” you whined, your frustration evident. he chuckled softly and said, “let's go now,' gently holding your bag.
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as you and gavi arrived at the cafe, you realized how much shorter you were standing next to him. “here, let’s go over there..” he suggested sitting down, and as you sat across from each other, you felt your cheeks growing warm. you tried to hide your feelings by clearing your throat and sipping your boba drink. “what the hell is that..” he questioned your drink choice, you snickered, “a strawberry lemonade with boba..” you explained it to him. despite his initial comment, you offered him a sip, “want to try it!” you said which he nodded to, taking a sip. “weird ass drink..” despite his comment, you rolled your eyes playfully.
“but, it’s good tho..” he said, you snickered again. you swung your legs around. “what made you take me out?..” you said looking at him, he looked at you. “well, fermín couldn’t stop harassing you, neither did pablo himself..and well, you’re truly a very sweet girl..” he said, his cheeks turning pink. you slightly choked in your drink, nodding your head quickly. “they were mentioning something tho.. something with the letter starting with a f..” you said, this time gavi choked on his drink. “oh yeah.. they’re sexually active geeks, that illustrates the rumors happening..” he said, you giggled.
"my sweater looks very big on you," he said. "really?" you rolled your eyes playfully. "oh, god," you sighed, looking at your phone. "something wrong?" he asked. you sighed, shaking your head, "it’s almost twelve and i’m supposed to be home." he bit his lip as you were distracted texting your friends.
your hair was put in a clawclip ponytail, but he wanted to see you with your hair down. he always thought you were innocent, but maybe you were, maybe you weren’t. he wanted to know. he didn't care if you were weird; he just cared about how you cared about others. "we can leave now if you want," he said. you looked up. "huh? oh, please, if you don’t mind," you said. he nodded, and you got up and grabbed your drink, the two of you walking out.
"let me make sure i understand this: your friends didn't attend the party, but you were supposed to go and you chose to stay with me instead. why?" you asked, to which he replied, "because someone usually ends up wanting to have sex with me, and i absolutely detest that." you furrowed your brows and asked, "do you mean sex itself or just the idea of girls throwing themselves at you?" he hummed in response, "just the idea. it’s ridiculous, and there are always rumors about it. sex is... enjoyable, you could say." you gulped and questioned, "enjoyable?" gavi quickly glanced at you
“yeah..” he spoke, you avoided his look for this time.
“are you not a virgin or?” he said, you looked at him. “um, i-i’ve never.. t-touched someone..” you spoke, “i-i’m still a uh.. v-virgin..” you mumbled. he slightly laughed, “wow you have a long way to go.. you should try it with me.” he mumbled the last part, you frowned.
you exclaimed, “what was that?” he just shrugged. when you looked up, you realized you were home. you sprinted to the door, with him chuckling behind you. as you turned around, he was suddenly face to face with you. you felt your stomach drop as he held your chin and kissed you. you kissed back, feeling his soft, passionate lips. you put your hand on his shoulder as he bit your bottom lip, slipping his tongue in. you squeaked, pulling away.
you indeed did have a long way to go to, his dick hardening slowly in his jeans. “can you.. um.. uh..” you bit your lip, “come inside..” you said, he nodded his head, caressing your cheek. “que niña tan inocente..” such a innocent girl he spoke, you unlocked the door, took his hand, and gestured for silence by placing a finger on his lips. he nodded in agreement as he closed the door behind him. leading the way to your room, with gavi following closely, you entered first and then switched on the lights after closing the door. finally, you placed your drink on the desk.
gavi pressed you against the wall, engaging in a deep, passionate kiss while his hand gently caressed your cheek. you responded eagerly, wrapping your hands around his neck. "i don't know anything," you whined. he stopped moving his lips. "first, take this off," he commanded, tugging on the varsity jacket. you discarded it on the top of your chair in the room., “come here..” he motioned with his fingers, you walked towards him. “volteate..” turn around he whispered softly, his warm hands sending shivers down your back, causing your legs to tremble. as you turned around, he reached for your claw clip and gently unclasped it, letting your hair fall loose. "are you sure about this?" he asked, and you nodded in response.
"are you sure?" you asked, and he turned you around gently. you slipped out of your white flats, caressing his cheeks. "Lie down and trust me, okay?" he said. You nodded and laid down on the bed. he crouched down infront of your panties, a whimper slipping out. he lifted your dress to your stomach, then kissed your thighs. you breathed shakily, running your fingers across the sheets. his lips crossing your clothed area, he pecked around the area. he pulled your shapewear down, the material pooling around your ankles. he kissed your inner thighs.
he tenderly kissed your soft skin, causing your breath to become shaky, and a flutter of butterflies swarmed in your tummy. moving up to you, he kissed your forehead and then your lips. you kissed back, with your hand gently resting on the back of his head. "are you ready?" he whispered against your lips, still kissing you. "y-yes," you whispered in response. he pulled away, planting a kiss on your cheek, and you giggled. "tap my head if you want me to stop," he said, and you nodded, still giggling. he smiled before he positioned himself infront of your clit, he bit your thigh slightly, teeth gazing against your skin, causing you to moan softly.
his tongue slowly slid against your sensitive bud, his mouth slowly widing sucking against your clit. you moaned loudly, he covered your mouth quickly. a whimper coming out of your mouth, gavi chuckled sending a vibration across your body, you moaned into his hand. he pulled his mouth away, “use my fingers if you think you’re noisy..” he said, you nodded. he kissed your abdomen, lips marking down. he kissed your clit, letting his tongue swirl against the knob.
you arched your back, he rolled his tongue around sucking onto your clit. you moaned softly again, his tongue making its way down in between your opening, he licked around as his tongue nearly entered against your hole. your eyes closing, enjoying the pleasure. you looked down, the sight of gavi bobbing his head up and down.
he continued licking around your folds, picking up every inch of your dewiness. "you taste amazing, so sweet, baby," he hummed against you. you whimpered at his praise, and he looked up, finding you moaning uncontrollably, he held onto your hands softly, fearing you might wake someone up with any noise. you fingers brush against mine, and you treasure the gentle touch as you both hold onto each other.
he continued, this time you felt his tongue everywhere. causing you to moan uncontrollably, you held onto his head. your orgasm coming closer, you breathed heavily. “g-gavi.. i-i think i-i’m about to.. c-cu..m..” you said, he firmly gripped your thigh, pressing both of your thighs against his face, while your ankles dangled off his shoulder blades. “cum mi niña..” he mumbled, your arrival was marked by a gasp, and your back arched as you tightly held onto his head. he continued licking around your folds. tapping on his head, he pulled himself back up. he took his shirt off in front of you, eyes narrowing down to his pants.
he unbuttoned them, now undressed but his boxers. he stood infront of your sat up figure. your eyes narrowing down to his boner, “u-um..” you stuttered, he chuckled. “hm?” he said, caressing your head. your hands touched the waistband of his boxers, they slowly moved down to his boner. “y-you’re.. b-big..” you spoke, “let’s be fair on this..”, “o-on what?” you said looking up at him, he felt his cock twitch. your eyes were glossy and big, he groaned. “i’ll lead you through..” he spoke.
“take this off first..” he gently fidgeted with the strap of your dress as you stood in front of him while he sat on your bed. you pulled the straps of your dress down, letting the apparel get loose and roll down to your ankles, within a few seconds later, his cock was free from the material. your eyes widened, he caressed your waist. “how perfect you are, you’re so beautiful..” he said, you blushed.
your hands reached under the back of your bra, you unclipped it, straps slowly falling off. the material falling off your chest, he sat back looking at your naked self, he stroked himself, precum oozing out as you bit your bottom lip. he groaned, “sit on your knees infront of me baby..” he said, you did what you were told. “spit on the head.” he looked down at you.
“t-the h-head?”
“the tip amor..” he said chuckling, you spat down on the top, “good.. now work your way up, y’know.. stroke your hand against the skin, use both of your hands if you want to as well..” he said, you nodded your head, hand wrapping around his dick, stroking it slowly. the hand gesture causing him to moan, “fuuck.. so good already..” he said, you watched more of the liquid goo out, you looked up at him, with a small nod for you to take him in, you did so. you swaddled your mouth around the head, kitty licking the tip. your hand still pumping him slowly, without hesitation, you bobbled your head further down, taking up as much as you can from the top.
your tongue worked its way around, swirling around the base, he held onto your head, letting his head fall back while a groan slipped out. “so so good..” he moaned, you felt your stomach and breathing hitch, “t-try going faster.. use both hands if you want to..” he groaned, you nodded your head, “mhm..” within seconds later, you began bobbing your head, before your other hand wrapped around the skin. slowly and tightly, you tugged up and down, he closed his eyes gripping onto your hair. “fuuck.. such a good girl..” he moaned, your bottom hand stroking the bottom of his base as the top stroked him quickly.
he groaned uncontrollably, your mouth doing incredible things you or he himself never knew about, you were now on your fours, he stood up limped. leaning down to slap your ass, causing you to whimper and gag around him, his length pushing deeply into your mouth. the two of you looked at each other at the same time, he groaned seeing your face expressions before he pulled himself away from your mouth. you catched your breath, he picked you up placing you on his lap.
you cupped his cheeks, “we’re not done yet r-right?” you spoke, he shook his head. “shh don’t worry.. i’ll take care of you..” he spoke, his lips resting on yours. you kissed back, your hands tangling in his hair. he turned you around, moving you against the pillows. he caressed your waist, your cheeks warm and red. “y-you have a-a.. c-condom.. right?” as you gazed up at him, he let out a chuckle. retrieving his wallet from your nightstand, you couldn't help but giggle as you watched him unwrap the package. gently caressing your forehead with his thumb, he asked, “are you absolutely sure about this?" you nodded in response.
“m-mhm..” you said, hand resting on his shoulder. he rolled the rubber on him before putting the wrapper on your nightstand, “it’s going to hurt for a bit, okay? scratch or bite me all you want..” he said, you giggled. he smiled and tenderly kissed your forehead as you looked up at him. he then positioned himself in front of you before gently entering you. you arched your back crying out, "shh... shh..." he whispered as he gently held your hand, allowing your hands to intertwine and find comfort against the softness of the sheets.
he completely slid in, your thighs shaking already as your other hand rested on his bicep. he groaned and rested his forehead on top of yours, and tears started to fill up your eyes. “you’re so warm..” he whispered, you breathed shakily. “do you want me to stay like this?" he asked, caressing your cheek. you nodded in agreement, but when he kissed you gently, you didn't quite match the rhythm. you kissed back deeply, lost in your thoughts. your hands cupping his cheeks, he slipped his tongue in, your cheeks blushing while your insides were clenching and drenching with your sliminess.
“y-you can.. m-move..” you hitched out, he penetrated into you slowly, you gasped holding onto his biceps. “spread your legs a little more amor..” he said, you nodded your head, doing what he told you to. your legs parting, he slipped out a few seconds, slamming himself in again. you covered your mouth with the back of your hand, moaning softly. he thrusted slowly again, looking down at you. he leaned closer, caging you in between his hands. all of gavis's words of encouragement felt and sounded muffled. you felt full, your brain couldn't comprehend anything.
as he grasped your waist, he asked, “want me to go faster?” you nodded. “yes... please...” you moaned. he thrust at an increasingly fast pace, causing you to feel louder. “too quick?” he asked, you shook your head. “n-not at all, keep going...” you held his shoulder, he leaned closer shifting his hips at a similar pace.
you cupped his cheeks, he groaned going deep. you moaned loudly, he covered your mouth, “shh.. c..ant wake your friends up.” he said, you nodded moaning uncontrollably into his hand. he slipped his fingers into your mouth, you closed your lips around his digit, sucking against it to prevent your noises from going any louder.
you cried out, the feeling of your stomach tightening like a firework nearly about to explode. you gripped onto his arm, he felt you clamping around him. “close again?” he said, you nodded quickly. tears forming, he halfway pulled out, spitting down onto your clit, he rubbed onto your sensitive pearl. you moaned louder, your other hand gripping onto the sheets nearly about to cum.
“i-i’m going to..” you gasped loudly, and with a moan your orgasm came crashing down, he nearly slipped out, holding onto your waist. you laid on your bed, breathing heavily. he giggled, resting his forehead on yours. “a-are we d-done..” you whispered, he shook his head. your eyes slightly widening, “there’s a few more to go mi niña..” you giggled, arms pulling him closer to you a few inches away from your lips, kissing him. he smiled against your lips, one hand coming up to cup his cheek.
little did you both know the kiss went from a cute moment to another heated minute.
his lips traveled down south to your neck, you leaned your head back, holding onto his head. his lips kissing and leaving love bites and even marks, he began to paint your neck as if you were his own canvas. he groaned when your fingers touched down to his abs and to his pelvis. you whimpered once his free hand gropped your breast. he pulled away chuckling, “how pretty..”
he grabbed one of your pillows, you looked at him confused, “okay lift your back off the bed..” he said, you did what you were told. he ruffled it, placing it under your back. "what are you doing.." you whispered. he gently lifted both of your legs, placing them on each of his shoulders. as you looked up at him, he reassured you, "trust me on this, you won't regret it at all." you furrowed your brows in uncertainty before nodding your head in agreement.
he placed a small kiss on your temple, he pushed himself in. you looked at him, he kissed you deeply. your lips responding back, he slowly thrusted into you. you felt him everywhere in your walls at the deepest angles, he thrusted at a rapid speed out of the blue causing you to moan loudly. he smirked, “g-gavi!” you cried out between your pleasured noises. he looked down at you, before thrusting deeper. you were on the verge of screaming when he discovered that spot. you gripped onto the sheets, moaning loudly.
your noises increasing everytime he thrusted at a tremendous speed. you struggled to keep your eyes open, they slightly rolled back at the delicious pace. “doing so good mi niña..” he leaned down to you, kissing your forehead, being pushed deeper he thrusted crazily into your g-spot. your calves now on his shoulders, “o-oh my g-gosh!” you cried out, gripping onto the sheets. he wrapped his arm under your lower back, throwing the pillow across your bed.
picking you up, he thrusted harshly and sloppily into you, you gripped onto his biceps, screaming already in pleasure. “f-feels good, huh?” he groaned loudly, breathing heavily in between his words. your arms wrapped tightly around his neck, he gripped onto your ass tightly and harsh. for sure leaving a mark, you cried out. “y-yes! s-so g-good!” you teared up. he felt closer everytime you would clench and nearly fell, “holy shit i’m about t-¡joder!” he came inside the condom, you cupped his cheek, caressing the back of his neck.
he softly smiled, you giggled breathlessly. your legs coming down, wrapping around his waist. “surprised at your flexibility..” he said, you giggled. “that’s a secret mister..” you spoke giggling. “hmmm..one more round?” he spoke, you looked at him biting your lip while smiling cheekily, head nodding yes. he held onto your back, walking to the bed. he laid on the bed, sitting up. you slowly got off him, sitting on your knees infront of him.
before even sliding yourself in, you slowly pulled the condom off him carefully, tieing a knot. “wait y/n!” you got up quickly tossing it in your trash-can, “what are you doing..” he said, you crawled on to your bed, giggling your hand wrapped around his member. “wanting to feel you even better..” you spoke, “a-are you even sure about this?” he stuttered in shock, hearing those unexpected words from you. your head nodded, “mhm.. i’ll just go to the store later and get plan b pills..” you said, your hand moving away.
you climbed on his lap, leaning yourself closer. sinking down, your back arching slightly shivering. he groaned feeling you tighten, you immediately burried your face onto his neck blushing. he chuckled, “want me to help you out on this?” he said, “mhm..” you muffled out, he caressed your shoulder. “rock your hips back and forth..don’t bounce yet.” he said, you nodded your head as you started to grind slowly against him. he groaned, “just exactly like that..” he said, you wrapped your arms around him levering yourself up, he smiled.
you rested your forehead on his, blinking tiredly. you kissed him, his lips responding back to the kiss as the two of you made out passionately, while you were perfectly busy stuffing yourself in for more. both of your lips glued on each other, breathlessly panting not wanting to let go, love.. you thought.
you cupped his cheeks, your chest sweaty and sticking against his. gavi held your waist guiding you through, slipping his tongue yet again into your mouth, were you and him happened to tongue fight. you whimpered in his mouth, he pulled away from your lips. “fuck, you’re doing so amazing.. try going a bit faster now..” he said, you nodded your head. your hips began to move on themselves quickly, causing you to moan increasingly. he groaned loudly, squeezing your ass. you gripped onto his shoulder, attempting to move quicker than you were.
“fuck!” you cried out, he held onto your breast, kneading with it. “i-i feel t-tingly..!” you said, starting to bounce on him. he groaned loudly, slapping your ass. tears prickling in the corner of your eyes. he laid his back against the pillows, you leaned closer holding onto the bassinet. you were so fucked and enjoying every single little thing, his stomach slowly tightening feeling himself close yet again. lips wrapping around your nipple, sucking gently onto your nipple. your hands fidgeting anywhere on his skin.
“i-i cant a-anymore!” you said, your vision going white. a scream leaving your throat. your movement’s stopped, gavi came inside you, walls clamping down. “you squirted everywhere for your first time..” he laughed breathlessly, you fell on his chest, nearly about to pass out from exhaustion.
he stood up, you looked at him, “y-you’re leaving?” he spoke, he shook his head. “where are your blankets?” he spoke, you pointed at the closet. he opened the closet, placing the blanket in your basket for your unwashed clothes. he found another blanket, attempting to stand up, you limped. he fixed your bed, he turned around, looking down at you.
“hm?” he said, you shook your head. “can’t really walk..” you mumbled, he chuckled. “come, sit on the bed.” you limped, holding onto the bed before sitting down. he found his boxers, placing them back on. you laid on the bed, eyes nearly closing. “hey.. sit up..” he said, you sat up. “alright, hands up..” he spoke, you raised your hands up, placing the shirt above you. he fixed it, you crawled to your bed. laying back down, falling asleep. gavi chuckled, turning your lights off as he walked over to the other side, laying down.
he pulled you closer to him, your head snuggling onto his chest. sleeping deeply.
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the sun shined through the white curtains, deep asleep. gavi was already up, looking at your sleeping state. you breathed shakily, gavi pulling you closer. you woke up, “hey..” he whispered, you smiled lazily. “hi..” you mumbled, “you’re still here?” you whispered, he nodded. “i didn’t want to leave you at all.. you’re too sweet y/n..” he spoke, you nodded your head, fighting back the sleep. “have my roomates woke up?” you said, he nodded. “yeah, we haven’t been caught yet..” he spoke, you giggled. he kissed your lips, you kissed back, your thigh rested on his hipbone. fingers gazing across your skin, causing you to giggle. he bit your bottom lip, a small whimper slipping out, “be my girlfriend..” he whispered.
you looked up at him, “really?..” you said quietly, he nodded his head, you saw the pink flush spreading through his cheeks. “yes, i want to be your girlfriend..” you said, he kissed you again. you kissed back, your hand resting on his chest. lost in the kiss, you levitated yourself onto his lap. he held onto your waist, still kissing you. you pulled away, giggling, “i still need my pills by the way.”
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spidybaby · 3 months
Summary: Gavi noticed how suddenly you became quiet and shy around him. Thinking he did something bad, he confronted you about it.
Warnings: cursing.
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Gavi and you are opposites. Everybody knows it.
You are an extrovert, you love to be around people, you love talking, you love attention.
Gavi is an introvert, he's shy, he's quiet, he prefers when people talk and when the attention is not on him.
You say that's what makes you perfect for each other. Because you motivate him to be more open and he calms you down when you need.
It's like having the best of both worlds, that's what his parents would say.
"Y/n, you are here!" Aurora runs to hug you. "I thought you were in Sevilla."
"I was, but I wasn't going to let you spend your birthday without me." You hug her tightly. "Open your gift."
She pulls you to the couch, opening the gift as soon as you hit the cushion. "No way!" She smiles. "You didn't."
"It was hard to get, I'll admit." You say. "But I know how much you wanted it." You hug her again.
"Thank you, you are the best." She kisses your cheek. "By the way, Pablo is with dad and mom. He's pouting, so I think you can fix that."
You laugh with her. Walking over to the garden where family and friends are. You walk slowly to Pablo, he was watching something on tik tok.
You sit next to him, his parents smiling at how distracted he is. "Hola, preciosa. It's so good to see you." His father says.
"Pablo, serve some water to Aurora's friend." His mom says, trying to get him to notice you.
He left the phone on the table, grabbing a cup and serving some water. He hands you the cup with his eyes still on the screen.
"Gracias, Pablo." You say, about to laugh at how cute he looks all focused.
He lifts his eyes, looking at you. "Guapa!" He smiles. The table laughed at how his eyes got shinny and his mood got better.
The rest of the evening, he didn't separate. He didn't look at his phone. He was focused on hearing you talk about your vacation trip and your last days at sevilla.
He loves hearing you talk, he finds all your stories very interesting. He loves how your eyes shine when you talk about the memories you made.
"Hola, Pablo." A elderly woman says. Touching his shoulders.
"Hola," he says in a serious tone. "This is my girlfriend, Y/n." He introduced you. You wave to her, smiling. "Y/n, this is my aunt Paloma."
"Nice to meet you, ma'am."
She sat in the chair in front of you two, talking with Pablo senior. You two keep talking, well you keep doing it.
"I got that recipe of those cookies you liked." You smile at him. Telling her all your plans. "I think I can make it for you, I just need some ingredients. And I saw this tik tok of a very healthy and non sugary glaze for cookies that you will love. Now that you are back on your diet, I think I can make the cookies more healthy with some organic ingredients." He smiles, knowing that you supported all his restrictions.
"I'm going to go get some juice. Do you want some?" He asks. Getting up from his seat. You nod, thanking him. "Be right back."
You check your phone, you answer some texts from your family, and answer some dms you got after posting a story with Pablo.
"You are such a sweetheart." His aunt says. Making you pay attention. "Isn't she one Pablo?"
"She is." His father smiles. "She's such a nice girl to our Gavi."
"But my oh my, sweetie." She laughs. "You like to talk, I don't know how you do it. I feel lightheaded just by hearing you ramble."
You shily smile, knowing you do talk a lot, and that can be stressful for some people. "Sorry." You say.
"Maybe that's why Gavi likes her." She says to his father. "He gets to be the quiet one like he always was."
They laugh, making you blush. You know you sometimes do talk about a lot of things in one moment, but Pablo never complained.
"Don't get me wrong, cupcake." She says, still laughing. "He totally likes it."
You smile. Pablo has no problem hearing you rambling all night if that's what you wanted to do.
"Here's your juice, Princesa." He says, taking a seat next to you again. You thank him, and he got closer to kissing your shoulder. "Now, why don't you tell me again about that museum you visited in Paris?"
You smile, turning fully to him to tell him again about your adventure at the Louvre museum.
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"Fermin, can you get me a bottle of water too?"
Pablo and his friends from La Masia were at his house, they were visiting Pablo and having a little goodbye party for Marc.
You weren't there to bother, but Pablo invited you to go out with him and his sister and you were a little early, so they asked you to joined them.
"Hola, sorry about crushing the party. I was a few blocks away, and it made sense to just come by."
They all say hi back and tell you to enjoy with them the rest of the time they'll be there.
"Hi Marc, sorry to intrude your goodbye party."
"Hola, no biggie, sit and enjoy some cake." Marc smiles. "Gavi, get her some cake."
Gavi walks over to the table where the cake is placed, cutting a piece for you. You loved chocolate cake, so he gets you a big piece.
"How are you, Y/n?" Fermin asks.
"I'm good, been busy lately, college pre courses and things like that. How are you feeling after the Euros?"
"It was amazing, winning and being able to share my first tournament." He smiles. "Gavi wasn't there, but I know he will come back, and we will play together."
You love the relationship Fermin and Pablo have. They all have an amazing brotherhood. La masia really made them a family.
"What courses are you taking?" Fermin asks.
You began telling him about the pre courses you were taking to be able to graduate early.
If someone loves hearing other people talk apart from Gavi, was Fermin. He enjoys a good talk, being able to have long conversations.
So, to him, it was nice that you extended the conversation as long as you wanted.
You tell him everything, literally everything, and he asked things here and there for you to explain.
Hector is seated next to Marc, who is in front of Fermin and you. He was paying attention to the conversation.
"Hey, Guapa." Gavi says, getting your attention. "I forgot your drink." He smiles, handing you a soda can.
"Thank you, I'm thirsty." You joke with him. Making him chuckle, walking back to Ansu.
Hector is someone who's brutally honest. He had no filter when he wanted to say something. Not that it's bad, but sometimes he just says what he thinks without processing the words.
"You must be." He laughs. Making you turn to him. "After everything you told Fermin. You've been talking for a good ten minutes without stopping."
You look down to your untouched cake. Feeling shy about being called out for talking too much by two people close to Gavi.
"God, maybe that's why Pablo never talks." He jokes, not sensing that you don't understand he's joking. "Because he must be tired for you."
That makes Marc and Fermin laugh, they did understand the joke. But they don't notice how you don't laugh or smile.
"Sorry, I sometimes get carried away with conversations." You say, eating the cake and not lifting your sight to hide the fact that your eyes got glossy.
They talk with each other for a little bit. You excuse yourself to move upstairs. You don't feel like talking anymore.
You always got told to shut up by people around you when you were little. Always sensing the discomfort of people when you joined a party or a new group.
That changed when you met your friends from college, they encouraged you to talk and to be as open as you want with the stories you wanted to share.
And when Pablo and you met, at first you were careful, trying not to show how "crazy" you were by literally throwing words up.
But once you were in full trust mode, you started with the talking. Pablo then confessed that he loved how much you talked.
But lately, you were getting the comments you used to get. Feeling like you needed to be quiet and just say a minimum of ten words or less.
Thing you forced yourself to do, only ten words every time someone asked you something you made yourself answers with few words.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Pablo asks. Closing the door behind him.
"I was -" You stopped. You know he's very quick to get angry, and if you tell what happened, he was going to shout at Hector. "I just gave you space to be with your friends." You fake smile. "Go back, I'll have you tonight."
You kissed his lips and then pushed him out of the room. "I'll make them leave so we can spend some time alone."
"Don't" you point at him. "Go enjoy your friends."
But Pablo didn't mind hurrying the party to an end. Letting the others pick the mess while he watches.
"Thank you for everything, bro." Marc says, hugging him. "I'm going to miss you."
"I'll miss you too." He says, smiling. "Have fun in Chelsea."
"Will send you a jersey." They laugh. "Tell Y/n goodbye for me."
"For us too. See you at training." Fermin and Hector say. Giving Gavi a high five.
He hurries upstairs carefully because he doesn't want to trip on the stairs and hurt himself. He opens the door, finding you watching something on the tv.
You smile at the sight of him, opening your arms. He smiles, throwing himself at you, settling between your legs and pressing you down the mattress.
"Dios mio, Pablo." You laugh, feeling his weight.
"Te amo." He smiles, kissing your neck and cleavage. "Let's call my parents and tell them we are not going."
You humm at the way his lips feel on your warm skin. How his hands are now on your ass, lifting you.
"Don't stop." You beg, moaning.
His hips move, creating a static feeling between your clothed body. A warm feeling that is making your roll your eyes.
Your hands pull his shirt off. His hands unbutton your pants, hand making its way down your most needed part.
He loves the way you moan his name, the way your eyes roll with every trust his hips make. He's intoxicated by you. The same way you feel intoxicated by him.
"Don't you think it is rude to leave your parents and sister alone at the restaurant?" You ask, seating on top of him.
"No, I don't." He laughs. "Arms up." He commands.
You pull your arms up, and he dresses you with his shirt. "Mmm." You exaggerate. "Smells like you." You laugh, kissing him.
He smirks, proud of himself. The look of you is worth like a work of art. Your messed-up hair and your dilated pupils, and the way you are bitting your lips while tracing his muscles with your fingertips.
"Te ves tan preciosa." He kisses your shoulders. Hugging your body and caressing your ass. Making you moan at the feeling of relaxation.
The moment is broken by his phone ringing. The ID caller showing the name of his sister. He groans, moving one of his hands to answer the phone.
"Hola." He says, putting the call on speaker. Leaving it in the night stand and focusing on hugging you again.
"Pablo, did you get my text?"
"No, what is it about?"
You kiss his cheeks. Drunk in love and still into the effects of the orgasms he gave you. Your hands comb his hair while you kiss his temple.
"We picked food and are about to get to your home. The restaurant had an emergency and closed the dining room, but they had takeout.
"Qué?" He asks, checking the text. She asked multiple times what he wanted from the restaurant, then what she was picking, she mentioned she texted you and also picked for you and that they were leaving the restaurant.
"We are like fifteen minutes away. Can you order something for dessert?"
"Si, I'll do it. Bye." He hangs up. "Preciosa, let's get dressed."
"No," you say, extending the o. "I want to stay like this with you."
"Mee too, preciosa. But my parents and sister are coming any moment now, so let's change and when they leave we can cuddle. Deal?" He asks, kissing your forehead.
"Deal." You bump your nose with his. "But I want to stay in your shirt. Please."
He kiss you. "Let's go get ready."
He helps you with your clothes. Sharing some kisses here and there. He tries to get the room to not look like the mess you two make. In case his mom or dad needed to get inside.
He goes downstairs, finding you putting the table together. "Guapa, what kind of dessert do you want?"
"Oh, maybe that pina colada cheesecake we tried the other day." You smile, feeling hungry for it.
He orders it. Just in time because his family git a few minutes later. They greet the two of you.
"I texted you guys." Aurora says.
"It was my fault, I asked Pablo to explain this NBA game, and the phone was silent."
"The Lakers one?" His father asks.
"Yes, they won." Pablo smiles. Kissing your shoulder.
They all ask Pablo how his trainings were, if he was has difficulty with how he's exercising. You stayed quiet, still feeling a little sensitive about the comment Hector did.
Aurora looks at you. She finds how weird it is for you to be quiet. She thinks that maybe something happened with her brother and that's why you are so quiet.
You received the cheesecake, telling them that you would cut it and serve it for them. Aurora took this as an opportunity to talk with you in private.
"Hey, are you okay?" She asks, noticing that you are quiet even with only her.
"Just tired." You half lie.
You were tired after yours and Pablos activities, but also not in the mood to bore people or to make them dizzy with your conversation.
"You know you can talk to me."
"Thank you, I'm fine." You hug her. "I promise I'm just tired."
Pablo noticed it too, you were silent.
You weren't as smiley as you were with his family around. You were more serious. He wanted to ask.
"Are you okay?" He asks, kissing your head.
You two were laying down in his bed, his fingers combing your hair, and his other hand was rumming up and down your back.
You humm, trying to drizz to sleep. He let it go. Blaming your mood on being tired and wanting to sleep.
"I can take you to class tomorrow, is that okay?"
"Si, I'd really appreciate it." You snuggle closer.
He knows you would tell him if something was wrong, if you were hurt, or if he did something. You were honest with him.
But you really weren't honest with him. You chose to retake what you used to do back in the day when people asked you to stop talking.
You fully controlled whatever came out of your mouth. When you were with Pablo or with his family, you were into this new mode.
That made them worry. You told them that you were just stressed with homework and with projects.
Pablo on the other hand didn't fully bought that story. He thought it was something else, but he was way too afraid to ask.
He felt guilty because he thought that maybe something he did was the cause of this behavior.
Aurora told him off, believing that you were just overwhelmed with college things. Maybe because she was, and she chose to believe you.
But when he picked you to go get lunch, he saw you with your friend, you were laughing and talking with such naturality that it makes him feel worse.
"Hola!" You say to him from outside the vehicle. "Bye, I'll call you later."
"Bye, have fun, please do call me. I need you to keep telling me more about the story." She smiles. "Hi and goodbye, Pablo."
"Hi and goodbye to you." Pablo says, smiling at her. "Let's go, Guapa."
The first part of the drive was very quiet. You don't think there's any tension. You just stayed a little too quiet, but it was not like you were mad at him.
To him, it was hell. Why weren't you talking? Why weren't you telling him about your day? He wanted to hear you.
"How was college?" He asks.
"Good." You smile, bringing his hand to your mouth and kissing it.
"What story was your friend talking about?" He asks, trying to get you to talk.
"Oh, nothing." You scuff. "How was your day?"
"C'mon, you know I'm a chismoso."
"It was just about my trip to Valencia."
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"Venga! What the fuck is that yellow for?" Pablo says, angry at the referee on tv.
You two were watching a game, he was invited to go with the team but he wanted to spend some time with you.
He was getting busy and close to his comeback date. So for him, it was about spending all the time he could with you and his family.
"That was wrong." You say.
It's been almost six weeks since the incident at his house. You were very good at controlling how much you were talking.
But him, he was losing his mind.
He tried asking questions. Nothing.
He tried asking if something was wrong, not directly, but he did asked.
He tried making Aurora ask. Nothing.
He tried everything, but talking to you.
"Hey, do you remember that one trip we took to Ibiza?"
You smile at the memory, you loved remembering things you two did together.
"Yes, we need to find some time to do that again."
"We do." He smiles. "But I was asking because I tried to remember this story about that painting we saw at the museum tour."
"The one about the princess?"
"Yes, do you remember what it was about?"
"It was about an Aztec princess who -"
You got interrupted by the commentator screaming at a goal Raphinha just scored.
"Jo'er, that was good, and we lost it."
You got quiet again, thinking that maybe he got mad about missing that.
"You were saying, preciosa?"
You shake your head, hugging his waist. "I forgot what I was saying. That was an amazing goal. I can't wait to see you back on the field."
He forgot for a moment what he was trying to do, hugging you back and combing your hair while the fame continued.
"Aurora and I are going to a bonfire tomorrow." You tell him. You were happy about it because you missed your friends and Aurora.
"That's so cool, why for?"
"Just a nice after tests reunion." You smile at him.
"Don't burn yourself, but do eat marshmallows." He jokes, making you laugh.
You two continue to watch the game, enjoying each other's company. You love times like this because Pablo has such little free time that when you do get the time to just be on the couch in each other's arms. You can't complain about anything, just enjoy.
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"Hola!" Aurora shouts to all your friends. "We are here, and we got the drinks." You lift the bottle and the package of red cups. "Ready to party?"
Your friends yell in happiness. Making you two laugh. "Hey, I have someone I want to introduce you to."
You followed her inside the beach house, leaving the bottles and cups in the snacks table where everyone dumped what they brought.
"Mikayla, come here." She calls someone in the kitchen. "Y/n, this is Mikayla. She's new in the faculty, Mikayla, this is Y/n."
"The girlfriend." She says.
"Yes, she's Pablo's girlfriend."
You smile at her, weird comment to make about how you are "the girlfriend" as if Aurora haven't told her your name just a second ago.
"Nice to meet you." You fake smile. "I'm going to go help outside with the fire and everything. Can you bring the things to make the smores?" You ask Aurora, not really paying attention to the girl.
You helped your friends with the fire, with mixing the drinks. You were having a lot of fun. You were talking with one of your class friends about how this project you two are doing.
The day was going great, you had so much fun talking and spending time with all your close friends.
You were sat on a beach blanket, drinking a piña colada and texting Pablo how the evening was going.
"Can I sit?" You hear someone saying. Making you look up.
"Sure." You say to Mikayla, going back to your phone. Pablo sent you a photo of him on the physio.
She takes a seat in front of you, "Aurora told me a lot about you."
You smile, knowing Aurora always talks about you with love and care.
"When she told me about you talking a lot, I never thought you were a word dumpster." She laughs.
You got serious, smile disappearing from your face. You want to smack that horrible grind and quiet down that laugh.
"You talk what everybody here doesn't talk." She keeps going.
"What are you talking about?" Aurora joined.
"For once, I think I'm the one talking because your friend right here was doing all the talking all day."
You didn't laughed, you didn't smile. You just looked at them laughing.
"But we love her very much, mom and dad love having her over and how much she loves Pablo."
"Oh, I'm sure she's a pleasure to be around." She says in this sarcastic tone. "I'm sure you love always hearing her talk."
"We do! Even tho sometimes I hear her more than I ever hear Pablo." Aurora jokes.
You got up, getting away from them. You went inside the house, picking your things and ordering an Uber. You don't want to be around people anymore.
"Hey, are you leaving?" Aurora asks, noticing you are walking away. Following you, trying to stop you.
"Go back to your friend Mikayla." You say, stern tone. "I'm leaving."
"Y/n, why are you mad?"
"Nothing Aurora, go back to your fucking friend. I'm sure you can tell her how fucking much I talk and both of you can have a laugh out of me."
You left angry, trying not to cry in the Uber. You felt like a nine year old after your family asked you to be quiet because you were giving them a headache.
You take a long hot and hot shower. Leaving the sand and the worries away. You eat something and watch your favorite movie.
Halfway through the movie, you heard a knock on the door. You roll your eyes, you are not in the mood for visitors.
You find a frowny Pablo on the other side of the door. You know Aurora told him about you leaving, he asked you what happened over text.
"We need to talk."
You walk back to the couch, not feeling like talking with him. "Please, not today." You whine.
"What's going on?" He asks, sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch. "Is something wrong?"
"I don't want to talk."
"But why?" Hes worried, he holds your hands, caressing them with his thumbs. "Amor, I don't understand why you don't want to talk."
You feel your eyes watering, you hate feeling that way around him. He was your safe space, he was the person you feel more comfortable with.
"Because everyone makes fun of me for it." You confess.
He hugs you, letting you cry into his arms. He doesn't understand how people can do that to you when you are a sweetheart.
"Who is doing this?"
"Everyone, Pablo." You pout. "You friends, your aunt, and even your sister."
"My sister?" He asks, confused on why Aurora would do that.
You explained everything, how the comments of his aunt, Hector, how Fermin and Marc laughed, how this new girl made fun of you, and what Aurora said.
"And I just didn't want you to feel tired of me, I don't know."
He softens his expression, noticing how you are really concerned about him growing tired of you and leaving you.
You told him how you used to get these comments when you were little. How your mom and dad always asked you to shut up and to go away.
"Guapa, mirame." He sits next to you. "I love hearing you talk. I love how you tell me about your day, how you tell me about what you are doing in college, how you planned things, how was your trips, you hangings with your friend. I love you for you."
You smile, crying again while hugging you. It was the band-aid your heart needed.
"Te amo, and you would never bored me."
"Te amo, Pablo."
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"Are you ready to yell at the referee in live?" You ask him, squishing his hand while laughing.
"I hope I don't have to." He jokes. "Menudo hijo de puta el anterior." (The last one was a son of a bitch)
You were with him on the corridor, the players getting ready for the game. You have the privilege to be able to go with him to all areas of the stadium.
"Wait for me here, I just have to go to the bathroom."
You sit on a bench that was in the corridor. Texting with your friends and updating them on what was happening at the stadium.
"Hey, Y/n."
You lift your head, finding Fermin and Hector there. They have their uniform on.
"Hey guys, good luck today!"
"Gracias, we wanted to talk to you before the game."
"Si, tell me." You smile, standing to talk with them. "Are you okay?"
"He are." Hector says. "I just wanted to say sorry about that one time when I joke about you talking too much, I didn't think it was that bad but now I know it was. Lo siento."
"And I'm sorry about laughing, it was mean of us yo do that, please forgive us."
You smile at them, knowing that Pablo was behind all of this. You can't help but feel thankful with him.
"It okay, no bad feelings." You hug them both. "Now go finish getting ready, you need to go out and score so much goals."
They say goodbye, and magically, Gavi appeared from a few seconds later from the same direction they left.
"You are such a sweetheart." You laugh, hugging him and kissing his lips. "Let's go to our seats, we need to cheer extra hard for your friends."
"Let's go, Guapa." He kisses your head. "Remember, after the game, we are going to my place. You still need to tell me about that presentation you have."
🏷: @gadriezmannsgirl hi 😝💕
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mehrsdigitaldiary · 4 months
Pablo Gavi BF Headcannons
warnings: a lil suggestive towards the end
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⋆.˚ bf! Gavi who is an angry bird on the field but is a clingy little baby with you at home
⋆.˚ bf! Gavi who isn't big on PDA but always links your pinky fingers together when y'all are out
⋆.˚ bf! Gavi who always gives you his hoodies and crewnecks bcs the sight of you in his clothes makes him weak
⋆.˚ bf! Gavi who thought skincare was a waste of time but now uses all of your skincare products
⋆.˚ bf! Gavi who sees you walking around with a homemade face pack and starts pestering you until you make one for him and apply it on his face
⋆.˚ bf! Gavi who takes you out on the best dates. No I'm not talking abt dinner dates. I'm talking abt go karting, snorkelling, arcade, laser tag dates
⋆.˚ bf! Gavi who literally cannot stop talking abt you to his friends
'oh my girlfriend would love this place'
'did I tell you what my girlfriend did yesterday'
⋆.˚ bf! Gavi who loves buying you expensive gifts even though you've told him a billion times you can get it yourself but he just doesn't listen
⋆.˚ bf! Gavi who can't stop kissing you. Like he's obsessed with your kisses
⋆.˚ bf! Gavi who buys you lingerie only for it to be ripped off your body the second you put it on
⋆.˚ bf! Gavi who loves marking you with hickeys
⋆.˚ bf! Gavi who loves getting marked by you. scratches on his back, hickeys on his chest, bite marks on his biceps; it turns him on so much
⋆.˚ bf! Gavi who takes his game anger off on you in bed but gives you amazing aftercare. you're in for a long night if Barcelona had a bad match
⋆.˚ bf! Gavi who sometimes wakes you up with his head in between your thighs
⋆.˚ bf! Gavi who is obliged to recreate all the smut scenes from your favourite books
⋆.˚ bf! Gavi who takes away your ability to walk the next day if you tease him
⋆.˚ bf! Gavi who is a top but secretly loves it when you take charge in the bedroom
⋆.˚ bf! Gavi who can't imagine a future without you
▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• 0:10
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luvgavii · 2 months
mi campeón - (pg6)
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summary (and request): sex with gavi after spain won the euros ;)
It had been a long night of celebration for the entire Spanish national team after defeating England in the Euros, the team was celebrating hard, with Gavi by their side even if he had to miss playing in the euros because of his injury. Gavi was feeling the mix of adrenaline, excitement and exhaustion that comes with winning such a major tournament.
As the late hours of the night blended into the early morning, Gavi and the team began to make their way back to their hotel, ready to get some well earned sleep, or not.
When he finally reached the hotel room, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation as he shut the door behind him and saw her sitting on the edge of bed, waiting for him. Gavi locked the door, his eyes never leaving hers as he stopped in front of her, towering over her as she looked up with her big, innocent eyes. His expression was a mix of exhaustion and desire as he spoke in a low, weary tone.
"Finally alone, nena," he murmured, his hands moving to run through her hair, gently tucking a strand behind her ear.
"How did the celebrations go?" she asked softly, her eyes closing when his fingers touched her hair before looking up at him again.
"Its been a long night, but I've been thinking about you all night long," he said lowly, slowly pushing her onto the bed, climbing on top of her as he leaned in, his lips finding hers in a gentle kiss.
His hand moved to her waist, slipping under her shirt to feel her soft skin, his fingers rubbing circles on the sensitive skin, causing her to whimper against his lips. His body was tired, but his desire for her was stronger than anything, he smiled as she whimpered, his hand moving to caress her thigh that instantly wrapped around his side. He pulled back from the kiss, watching her flushed cheeks.
"Eres tan hermosa, mi chica perfecta," he whispered, watching her eyes soften, the hint of need and desperation still there, "Can I take this off?" he asked softly, his fingers fondling the hem of her shirt, making her nod almost too eagerly.
Gavi smirked at how desperate she looked under him, pulling her shirt over her head and throwing it somewhere on the floor, ready to lean in to kiss her again when he felt her fingers tugging at the hem of his red and yellow jersey. He smirked again, pulling it over his head in one swift movement before diving in to kiss her, his muscles flexing as he held himself up, his arms on either side of her head. His hand moved to roam her body, touching her everywhere he could reach, making her arch her back and push her body against him, his hand gripping her hip and pinning it to the bed.
"You move when I tell you to," he murmured, his lips kissing her jawline, moving to her neck and collarbone, leaving wet, open mouthed kisses on her sensitive skin.
She squirmed and whimpered, his wet kisses sending a jolt of pleasure straight to her core, her panties dampening more and more with each passing second, "bebé, por favor.." she pleaded, making him smirk against her skin. His hand moved from her hip to her thighs, tracing the hem of her shorts as his mouth moved lower, his tongue running over her hardened nipple, a gasp escaping her parted lips and making her look down at him as their eyes met. His other hand moved to her cheek, his thumb caressing her skin before running over her bottom lip.
"Más," she whispered, making him groan as he kissed the valley between her breast, moving further down her body, settling between her legs as he held her hips down, his lips leaving wet kisses on her stomach, teasing and tasting her soft skin with his tongue.
His fingers ran along the waist band of her shorts, looking up at her flushed expression. She looked down at him between her eyelashes, her cheeks flushed, her lips plump from the intense kissing, and her hair messy against the pillow. The sight was enough to make his pants feel tight against his groin, groaning as he fought so hard to stay in control and not take her then and there. His fingers moved to pull her shorts down, making them slide down her legs and fall somewhere on the floor. Looking at her dampening panties in front of him, his hands spreading her legs further as he stroked her thighs.
"You're so beautiful, mi amor," he hummed, looking up at her as he kissed her thigh, making her moan softly, her hips rocking and making him chuckle.
"Dios, can you stop being such a tease?" she chuckled, though it sounded more desperate than amused. He smirked, leaning forward and licking her through the fabric of her panties.
This action caused her to clench around nothing, her eyes closing for a brief moment as she moaned.
"You like that, nena?" he asked, repeating the action again, tasting her through the thin fabric, his finger tracing the edge of her panties.
She hummed, her hand moving to tangle in his hair, massaging his scalp as he discarded her panties, eyeing her pussy hungrily before leaning forward, his tongue darting out to lick her folds and making her lips escape a moan, her fingers pulling on his hair, only adding to his pleasure as he groaned against her, the vibration sending another wave of pleasure through her body. His mouth and tongue continued to lick and tease her, her moans and sounds being music to his ears, he was drunk on her euphoria and he couldn't stop even if he wanted to.
"You taste so good, mi cielo," Gavi murmured, his tongue and mouth licking and sucking on her clit as his finger slid between her folds and inside of her, moving in and out slowly. He looked up at her, their eyes locking as she watched his tongue move against her. He loved seeing her like this. Her pupils dilated, her mouth forming an almost perfect 'o' and her whimpers and moans echoing around the room.
He added another finger, their pace increasing as he continued to pleasure her bundle of nerves, her moans getting more and more high pitched, whispering soft words of praise to him as the knot in her stomach tightened.
"Bebé, I'm so close," she breathed out, her pussy clenching around his fingers. He pulled out his fingers, his tongue moving to her opening, as his thumb drew figures of 8 on her clit. His tongue pushing in and out of her was enough to make her eyes roll back, her thighs trembling and her body spasming as her orgasm washed over her.
Gavi watched her, his tongue slowing down its movements but still licking on her folds, helping her ride out her high. When she was done, he pulled away with a smile, wiping his chin with the back of his hand. He crawled up her body, leaning in to capture her lips between his, his tongue sliding inside her mouth as her chest rose and fell with every deep breath she took, his tongue against her making her taste herself. She moaned into his mouth, his strong hand moving to cup her jawline as he pulled away to look at her.
"Open," he ordered and she obliged instantly, her mouth opening and her tongue sticking out. Gavi leaned in, his mouth hovering just above hers as his lips parted, his tongue pushing his saliva out and making it fall onto her tongue, "good girl," he murmured.
She smiled, her hands on his chest as she pushed him over, making him lay on his back on the bed, straddling him. Gavi smirked, his hands coming up to stroke her thighs, stopping on her waist, her skin soft against the palm of his hands.
"I'm the one supposed to be making you feel good, mi campeón," she chuckled, pushing her hair to the side as she looked down at him.
"Hey, eating you out is your pleasure as much as it is mine," he smiled, his hand moving up to touch her hair, "we might have won a trophy, but you're my actual prize."
His words made her smile, leaning down to kiss him, her hands resting on his chiseled abs as their lips moved together, his hands roaming her body desperately as she pulled away to pull his pants off, needing him too badly to waste any time. Once his remaining clothes hit the floor, their lips crashed together in yet another hungry kiss, making him groan into her mouth and making his muscles flex under her touch.
"Get on your stomach, now," he murmured into her mouth, pushing her lips away from his by holding her jaw. She nodded, laying onto her stomach as he moved behind her, his hands pulling her hips up as he looked down at her glistening pussy, smirking. He could help but run a finger along her pussy before bringing it to his mouth. She watched him over her shoulder, a small moan escaping her lips at the sight.
Gavi stroked his dick a few times, his eyebrows knit together in pleasure as he aligned himself to her, running the tip of his dick between her folds, a groan escaping his lips at the feeling and wet sound. He pushed into her slowly, a whimper mixed with a moan leaving her lips as she felt herself stretch around him.
"Mierda," she mumbled, her face falling into the pillow in pleasure.
He started moving slowly, pushing into her more and more, his hands gripping onto her hips tightly as he praised her.
"You feel so good, nena," he murmured, picking up the pace, the room echoing with the sound of their skin slapping together and her moans.
Her mind was blank, the only thing she could focus on was how his dick seemed to hit every single one of her sweet spots, the way he gripped her hips and pulled her against him as her forehead rested in her hands. He groaned and bit down on his lip as one of his hands moved to her hair, tangling into it and pulling on it gently while his hips moved harder and faster, his dick slamming into her with every move. He felt her clench around him, and the way she moaned his name were enough to let him know she was close, pulling him over the edge with her.
"That's it, let go. Let go for me, nena, let me hear you," he said as he leaned over her, whispering in her ear as she cried out in pleasure, her eyes shut tight while her juices soaked his dick.
He groaned, moving inside of her a few more times before pulling out quickly and finishing.
She plopped down on the bed, breathing heavily as he cleaned her up with a wipe, chuckling at her exhausted state. He got into bed next to her, pulling her close and kissing her temple.
"So, how does it feel to be the Champions of Europe?" she chuckled, looking up at him.
"Feels pretty damn good, nena."
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meazalykov · 5 months
Joao Felix is in love
joao felix x reader
headcannons and how you guys came to be <3
warnings: a few mentions of 18+ endeavors but nothing detailed.
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❀⋆ The first time Joao met you, he didn’t care about you. That is harsh, considering most relationships have a good start, but he was under the spell of his ex-girlfriend. The Atletico player didn’t want to let her go after many scandalous events. You found the Portuguese boy attractive plus he had a shy and confident aura. After a few months, accepting that he might not like you as much as he loves Magui, you left him alone entirely.
❀⋆ A year later in summer 2023, Joäo was at his lowest. He left Chelsea after a six month loan to go back to Atletico. Meanwhile, you finished your Bachelors degree in Humanities at the University of Madrid. When the Portuguese arrived in the Spanish capital, Atletico’s coach made him train with youth teams. In a careless response, Joao received tons of hate in the media for expressing how Barcelona, a rival club, was his childhood dream club. Atletico fans didn’t appreciate this at all and harassed him until he was aware. Magui left him in the dark for Lando Norris at the same time. You had no idea this was happening, since you forgot about Joäo to focus on your last year of college. One day, a mutual friend of yours and Joaos told you how bad he was doing mentally. The care and kindness in your heart felt torn as you searched Joao's name on twitter and saw the flood of hate tweets about him. You couldn’t handle it, so you reached out to Joäo offering support. You still cared about him after a year of cutting contact from him.
❀⋆ Joäo didn’t realize how much he missed you until you started talking to him again. In return, he talked to you constantly afterwards. He always listened and smiled at what you had to say. At first, he was scared to admit that he had feelings for you. The Portuguese got cheated on by his ex and didn’t want to regret opening up his heart again. Don't worry, it didn’t take long to admit to himself that he grew feelings for you.
❀⋆ As I said before, he is a great listener when he isn’t distracted by his airpods. He will constantly pay attention to what you've talked about to him and what you repost on social media. He saw you had a folder dedicated to Blue Hydrangeas on Pinterest. A few days later, he bought you a ton of flowers (Blue Hydrangeas) along with other expensive things that you appreciated.
❀⋆ When you visited his house in Madrid for the first time, you met his dog that you’ve seen on social media, Floki. If you’re a dog person, you gladly took the boy into your arms as he ran to you at the front door. If you’re afraid of dogs, you’re hesitant to engage with the boy as he licked your ankle once for attention. Eventually, Joäo got you to hold Floki and your fear drifted away. Floki loves you so much and the Portuguese boy noticed this. Every time you went to Joäo’s house, the brown boy always laid on your lap and followed you like a personal guard dog around Joao’s house. Joao took note of this, realizing that Floki isn’t that clingy with him.
❀⋆ Barcelona accepted Joäo on a loan contract and you were excited for him. After he moved to Barcelona from Madrid, you were nervous. You were in love with him and didn’t want it to go to waste by his absence. He didn’t forget about you, once he settled into his new house he asked if you would come live with him. Some people might have hesitated in this position but you said yes. After graduating college in Madrid you wanted to move and experience living in a new city. Joäo asks you to officially be his girlfriend once you settle into his home. He mentioned that he couldn’t have a long distance relationship with you since he can’t imagine going days without seeing you. He makes you comfortable in your shared home.
❀⋆ The boy will always cater to anything you want since he moved you away from your old home. If you’re a cat person, you talked to Joäo about wanting to get a cat. Joäo supported your decision since he wanted Floki to have a friend when he had to travel for away games. At the adoption center, a young brown cat walked up to you and sat in your lap. The one year old cat was named “Brownie” by the shelter. Joäo and you loved Brownie and noted how her color matched Floki’s. Both of you adopted the cat and Floki loved her as soon as she stepped out of her cat carrier. This warmed your heart as you nearly cried in Joäo's arms.
❀⋆ Joäo has a set time for going to bed before training in the mornings or game days, which is midnight. You were nervous when you first moved in, considering that your sleep schedule isn't consistent. There are times where you're asleep before he gets to bed after playing FIFA and there are times where he's in a deep sleep by the time you get unready from the day and go to bed. Floki and Brownie are on the bed asleep every night beside you and the four of you sleep peacefully.
❀⋆ Love Language? It's physical touch for Joäo. He loves touching you. Sometimes his hand will be on your lower back when you're standing beside him. Every time he gives you a hug, he will ALWAYS kiss your forehead, neck, cheeks, or lips in the process. When you're sitting on your shared couch in the living room, he will lay his body on top of you and sometimes falls asleep on you. When you both have sex together, which is every night because you guys cannot keep your hands off of each other, he gives you so much praise and makes you melt.
❀⋆ One thing Joäo will accomplish doing is scaring you with small pranks. One day, you were recording a video in the living room for your job and Joäo was standing in the background with a creepy mask on. When you looked at the corner of your screen as you recorded yourself, you jumped as your heart was close to ripping out of your chest from seeing the figure in the background. Joäo started laughing loudly as he took off the mask to see your reaction. "Stop it Felix, that's not funny!" you say as he continues to laugh until he is begging for air.
❀⋆ When Joäo scores goals with Barcelona, he will make a symbol with his hands that point out the letter of your name. If you think that he can’t make a hand symbol with your first letter, he will do sign language that points out your letter. He is thinking about you always and always dedicates his goals to you, something he never really did with Magui. Fans noticed this after awhile and loved how much you made him happy.
❀⋆ One day, you had to leave Joäo for a few days since one of your siblings was expecting a child in Lisbon. After the successful delivery and getting to meet your niece/nephew, you decided to go to a Benfica game by yourself to occupy your time. After watching Benfica win, you meet Hugo Felix for the first time. He liked you for his older brother and noticed how easy it was to talk to you. Surprising Joäo, Hugo facetimed him and your face appeared on the screen as Joäo played FIFA in the living room in your Barcelona home. The boy blushed and was happy that Hugo met you. A few months before, Joao told Hugo how he feels about you and Hugo appreciates how much you’ve supported his big brother during his dark moments in summer 2023.
❀⋆ The Portuguese boy loves listening to music. He will blast music in the house, listen to music on his AirPods before big games, attends concerts with you, and more. He will listen to music genres that you love and usually enjoys it, even if it's music he hasn't listened to. Joäo wants to enjoy what you've enjoyed with music.
❀⋆ The public didn’t get a hold on your relationship with the Barcelona left-winger until Joao posted a story with you in it. This is seven months after you guys were official. Some fans didn’t know who you were so people dug through Joäo’s instagram following and saw your page with about 41k followers. Joäo’s fans were happy and started supporting you since they’re confident that you won’t cheat on him and he had a chance to move on from his ex.
❀⋆ Joäo is down bad for you and is happy that he can open up his heart for someone like you.
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strawberryblue-blog · 2 months
if you are taking requests can u write one where since gavi as been bulking up recently and his arms are literally huge reader is obsessed with his new physique and complements him and he gets all shy and complements her too just loads of fluff basically
So strong —Pablo Gavi.
summary: request.
warnings: none. cute, soft, fluff, jokes.
words count: +1.2k
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Your eyes glide over the letters of the paragraphs of the book you were holding in your hands while listening to the shower in the background, your boyfriend had just arrived from his dinner with his teammates and had gone to take a shower before coming to bed.
Tonight you had decided to stay home in bed all day while you caught up on your reading, which you had abandoned a few weeks ago. You listened as Gavi came out of the bathroom, as you felt the shower stop and came all the way back into the room, moving around.
You were reading quietly when your gaze lifted from the sheets and focused on your boyfriend's bare back. You froze for a few seconds as you noticed his tense, tight muscles and marked muscles on his pale skin, feeling an electric current run through your body. Your eyes were slyly darting around the room following your boyfriend as he rearranged his workout bag and folded his clothes, looking for room in his closet. You bit your lip as you watched his muscles ripple with every movement he made. As he raised his hands, his strong muscles were perfectly in view and made you sigh in love.
Gavi had been training hard since his injury, he spent day and night in the gym trying to build up his muscles and killing the time he was off the court, now his work was showing and he had been truly admiring. He had become much stronger, his back wider and more muscular, his arms had increased in mass, his neck wider and harder and also his abdomen had taken on more shape.
He really did look fucking sexy.
"What's wrong?" he asked when he turned and saw you lost in him.
You finally blinked shaking your head. You smiled slightly at him and he approached the bed with a smile. You shyly put your head back down to the book and tried to resume your reading but it was impossible when you felt him take your attention. He climbed up the front of the bed, starting to crawl over the mattress until he was close to you.
"Hi" he murmured flirtatiously when his face was close to you.
Your hands let go of the book, resting it on your chest and you cupped his face in your hands.
"Hi handsome" you greeted.
His lips kissed yours softly for a few seconds, quiet, soft and warm. It was like a greeting kiss, you hadn't seen him so much this day and you had missed your boyfriend while he was out.
His body lay on top of your legs, lying between them and making room on your belly covered by the sheets. He smiled as you broke apart from your kiss and you bit your lip as you saw his back on you, his naked torso pressed against your body and you could see from above his muscular back.
The urge to feel his skin took over and you sighed as you admired your boyfriend's work.
Your hands slide down his neck gently caressing his whitish skin, to start moving down his broad back, feeling under your fingers his beefy muscles warm from the shower he had just taken.
"Your muscles have gotten stronger" you whisper as you feel her hard skin. Gavi looks up and smirks.
"Was that what you were seeing when I asked you?" he asked laughing.
"Yes, I was shocked" you laughed with him.
"You were drooling" he mocked again. And you opened your mouth in offense.
Of course you were. Your boyfriend was perfectly sensual and his body was a work of art, like any good person you would admire his work and die for it.
Gavi long a giggle at the sight of you and hugged your belly again, while your fingers kept leaving little touches along his skin. Intertwining his moles as if they were stars, joining them as if you were drawing patterns on his skin. Pablo sighed in relief as he felt your fingers gently caressing him, he was relaxed on you, calm and expectant. His eyes relaxed, enjoying the path of your warm touches on his skin as his arms wrapped tighter around your body, pulling you in.
"I was actually imagining something..." you whisper after a while caressing him, pretending to be flirtatious. Gavi opens his eyes curiously and lifts his head back up to you.
A small smile appeared on your lips and his confused gaze watched you constantly, waiting for your answer.
"I was thinking about... what it would feel like to be strangled by those arms" you murmured bringing your hands to his arms.
Gavi opened his eyes hiding a mischievous smile but he was a bit surprised to say.
"So strong, so muscular... so hot" With each word you were squeezing his arms a little tighter and speaking with a certain hint of sweetness.
Her gaze becomes a little more shy as you notice his processing your words, with a little redness in his cheeks. It was probably the craziest thing you've ever said and it also embarrasses you. A nervous little laugh leaves your lips and Gavi shakes his head laughing.
"You naughty little girl" he says playfully with an amused look. "What things have you been reading lately baby?" he teases again, trying to take the book to your chest but you held it tightly with a laugh.
His laughter gets a little louder as you raise your eyebrow with a grimace and laugh too. Your hands continue to wrap around his skin as his hands take the book from your chest and he closes it, pushing it aside.
"So you really want me to hang you?" he asks when your eyes look up at him.
You smile shaking your head but you didn't say yes or no.
"Just a thought" you joke with a grimace.
Your cheeks are turning redder but you are no longer embarrassed. It was clearly a joke to take advantage of the moment but you were really enjoying your views.
He lets out a laugh again and your stomach churns with joy. Hearing his laughter is like your favorite song and seeing him so happy makes you proud. Your hands return to his face and you admire it in detail, his relaxed face is a work of art.
"I knew you'd like to see me like this but I didn't think you'd fantasize about me hanging you" he says teasingly again and you squint, pretending to be offended.
But then you smile proudly.
"I'm proud of you" you murmur sincerely. "You've gotten so strong, honey"
All kidding aside, you were proud of her work. Gavi had been preparing for his return to the court and you were really glad he was finally able to overcome his injury, he was destined to be a great player. His mentality, his body, his heart. Watching him deal with an injury as complex as the one he had was like watching him grow and you're so proud that Gavi was able to pull through and become even stronger. He is ready to come back and show the world who he is.
"Thanks to you, baby" Gavi whispers as his nose gently makes contact with yours. "I'm stronger because of you"
A huge smile appears on your lips and spreads it to your boyfriend. His eyes take off little bright sparkles that make you feel butterflies in your stomach.
"Show me how strong you are?" you ask somewhat amused, wrinkling your nose.
"Delighted" he replies also laughing again and giving you an accomplice look that makes you shiver.
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gavisfanta · 5 months
gavi with a breeding kink aftet seeing you playing with his nieces and nephews (for the sake of this just pretend like he has some) 😮‍💨
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summary: gavi and you are babysitting and after you put the kids to bed gavi tells you about his desire
a/n: changed it a bit, hope you dont mind anon
warning: smut, not proofread
"I think it's slowly time to go to bed." You mumbled while you stared at the small boy infront of you.
You and Gavi had to babysit some family friend's kids. Because they didn't want you to be alone and lonely while the kids sleep they asked you to invite Gavi too.
So now you were done playing with them and it had turned 8pm.
"Okay." The younger boy nodded his head. He was around the age of 5, but the girl who was 8 and very distracted by the tv didn't wanna go.
"Can I stay here?" She asked and looked at you.
"No, come on it's time for bed." You stood up while Gavi remained sitting on the sofa. She looked at the spanish midfielder and then stood up.
"Can you come with me?" Maria asked and then Gavi flashed you a quick smile.
"I'll put them both to sleep, don't worry." Gavi winked at you and you still followed him upstairs. The younger boy whose name was Ale ran to his room which was right next to Marias, the girls.
Maria was obsessed with Gavi the second she saw him. She literally played with him all day and when the two of you sat down outside in the garden she even kissed his cheek.
You knew that she had that one little girl crush on your boyfriend like the one you always had on the lifeguards at the beach.
Trying to impress them when you had no chance due to them being 3 times your age. But you rather considered it cute, you also thought about it that a long time ago, you used to be like that too.
Ale also loved Gavi, but he liked you a bit more, however when it came to playing football he of course chose Gavi.
And after Gavi managed to put the kids to sleep he made his way downstairs again.
So sitting on the couch, complete silence in the house, Gavi turned to you.
"That was awesome of you, I didn't know you were that good with kids." Gavi smiled at you and your cheeks started to color themselves red.
"I don't know" You shrugged your shoulders, Gavi then got closer to you and leaned to your neck.
"Imagine if those were our children. Imagine you with a baby inside your belly," He paused for a second." my baby." Gavi whispered against your neck. His hot breath sent shivers down your spine and his hands started roaming your body.
"Fuck." You muttered under your breath as you threw back your head and Gavi started planting sloppy kisses along your vein on your neck.
He then pulled away after some time snd you two made eye contact. Without a thought your lips collided into eachother and started moving at a fast pace.
Eventually you sat into his lap, feeling the tent in his joggers. Then he pulled away.
"You really wanna do it in here?" Gavi raised his brows while he pushed a strand of hair behind your ear.
"You turn me on, I can't wait for them to get home with my dick hard." Gavi whispered aggressively and you shook your head while smiling a little.
"You're an idiot." You stood up for a second so that he could take off his boxers and sweatpants.
"Take off your pants, if so, we won't have much time to get changed." Gavi nudged his head towards you and you also took off your pants, leaving you only in your red thong and him with nothing covering his lower body.
"You wanna have my babies amor?" Gavi teased. You felt your arousal getting hotter when he looked up at you, walking over to him and sitting down on his lap, a thin and wet piece of fabric separating you two.
However, you didn't wait long until you lifted up your hips and then Gavi pulled down his shorts to his knees. His hard dick basically jumping out of his boxers, standing tall below your core. Gavi then grabbed it and with his other hand he rubbed his fingers along your folds. You whimpered at the touch and you slowly slid down his dick, Gavi holding it at the bottom to stabilize it.
"I'm gonna give you so many children, you'd look so hot pregnant." Gavi whispered into your ear. You whimpered quietly as he then grabbed your hips and moved you up and down carefully, slow at first and then his pace speeding up.
A light and silent sound of skin clapping against eachother lingered around in the room. The only thing you prayed for was that the children wouldn't wake up.
You accidentally moaned loudly to which Gavi responded with sticking two of his fingers into your mouth. Your tongue swirled around them, wetting them in your Salvia. His hand then slipped down to your clit and started rubbing it in figures of eight.
You moaned against his skin as you lowered your head into the crook of his shoulder.
He kept thrusting up into you until your legs began to shake and the warm knot in your abdominal kept growing. Gavi noticed the way you clenched around him and only fastened his pace.
Eventually you both came, his dick shooting ropes of his cum into your pussy as you sunk down on him, moaning and whining.
Hs threw his head back as he tried to catch his breath. "You gonna have my children hm?" He asked, he was so drunk from the orgasm that he forgot that you're on birth control. But maybe he just ignored it.
"Now let's get you cleaned up without waking up the children." Gavi said after a few minutes.
As you two cleaned up a bit and got dressed you sat down on the couch again and only 15 minutes later your family's friends came home.
"Thank you so much for paying attention to the kids." The mother thanked you two as you stood at the door.
"Oh no worries at all." You smiled and the both of you then went to the car.
"I just hope the kids wont tell her about the noise the monster under her bed made." Gavi joked and you gave him a weird look.
"What noise?" You knitted your eyebrows together and the next second Gavi started to intimidate you moaning. You immediately smaked his chest with your hand and looked the other way while he kept laughing.
"You're my favorite monster, if that makes you feel better."
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littlebeluu · 7 months
needy for him
marc guiu × female reader
warnings: smut
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He looked so hot. He looked so hot laying in that couch wearing only a pair of boxers that you couldn't help but clench your thighs. He was used to doing that, walking around the house in underwear, pretending he didn't know it provoked you. You've never been so attracted to anyone like you were towards Marc. His back and arms were huge although his sport didn't involve having a big upper body. But he trained hard, he was probably the most disciplined person you knew. His abs weren't that marked but his v-line was what made you go feral. It made such a good contrast with his small waist that you couldn't help but constantly imagine wrapping your legs around him. But the cherry on top for you was his happy trail. You find it so sexy that you'd actually get mad whenever he shaved it. Your face dropping when you noticed, and him laughing at you for being so dramatic.
And there he sat, on the couch of your apartment where he would sleep at almost every day. His legs spread and his arms outstretched while he watched some old game that he missed due to training. You walked towards him and looked him in the eyes trying to catch his attention. All you ever wanted was his attention. He kept his eyes on the TV as if he didn't know what you wanted. So you softly caressed his huge thighs and proceeded to sit on his lap. God you loved snuggling on top of him, it would make you feel so tiny.
"Love, you know I'm trying to watch the game" he said barely making eye contact with you. You didn't answer. Instead you began to leave wet kisses on his neck while slowly caressing the back of his hair. You felt him sigh and move a little under you. You knew you had him wrapped around your finger. Marc put his hands on your waist and slowly lifted his big hand under your shirt, lovingly brushing your shoulders with his finger tips. He unclasped your bra and then took your shirt and the bra off, leaving you wearing only your blue undies. You started to grind against him, so horny that all you wanted was to soothe all that desire that has been building in your lower tummy. Marc loved when you dry humped him. He knew that it meant you needed him and he loved to feel needed. The whimpers that he left out were making that funny feeling in your pussy even stronger. The wetness on your panties were staining his boxers. You could see the outline of his cock. His tip was out, and his happy trail was glistening due to his pre-cum and your juices. Sexiest sight ever.
"You're going to kill me one of these days baby"
You looked at him lovingly, there was nothing hotter than the words and sounds he left out whenever he was aroused. You pulled his underwear down and grabbed his shaft, slowly stroking him. He was wet from your mixed juices. You bit your lip looking at it and Marc swears he could have cum just from that look. While lifting your hips you drag his tip in between your folds and whine when it brushes your swollen clit. Marc impatiently thrusts his hips and pushes his cock inside you and you both can't help but moan loudly. It feels like you were made for each other. He grabs your hips with the kind of pressure that you know is going to leave marks tomorrow, but you don't care because it hurts so good. He guides your movements while he sucks your tits, sometimes licking and sometimes biting gently. Your clit would constantly brush over his trimmed pubic hair and you knew you were getting closer and closer.
"I can feel you clenching around me, so needy for me. F-fucking gorgeous"
And he was right, you needed him all the time, at all hours, one right move and he'll have you clenching your thighs while looking at him. You could tell he was about to cum too, he would sometimes shut his eyes and his grip on your hips would be even harder while he quietly cussed. You move your hips faster, with one hand holding onto his shoulder and the other resting on his thigh. The pleasure was so intense that you moved forward, pressing your chest against him and screaming loudly, your orgasm always being better than the previous one, your legs shaking while you feel his spurts of cum fill you up so deep. He groans loudly as his hips uncontrollably thrust into you. You loved that he was so vocal while fucking, never saved a sound to himself.
"I love you Marc" You said while looking into his eyes. His eyes were so beautiful. They were sometimes brown and sometimes amber, and they would wrinkle when he smiled. And right now he was smirking while holding eye contact, his forehead and chest sweaty and his breath heavy.
"I love you even more baby"
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lolagonzalez · 2 months
pedri x reader when he’s literally whipped for reader? some fluff
notes: this is so bad, best idea i could come up with. first fic ever chat. pls be honest.
ew its so cringe
“Pedri, I’m gonna be late.” you say as he snakes his arm around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest.
“Mmmh,” he whines, pouting subconsciously. “don’t go.”
Pedro opens his eyes begrudgingly, frowning. “What? Why can’t you take a break just this once? It’s my day off too.” You try to squirm out of his grip but he doesn’t budge, you sigh.
“Amor, I get that you’re tired but I can’t miss class even if I wanted too.”
“Why not?”
And that’s when you really look at him, look in his eyes, the deep frown in his brows, the pout on his lips. He is never like this, the boy who is usually so understanding, refusing to let you go, the boy whose eyes are squeezed shut, as if you’d disappear once they open.
“Maybe I just had a terrible fever.” You say, heart clenching when you see those beautiful brown eyes flutter open, a smile playing on his lips. “Really?” He whispers, thumbs running over your knuckles.
You nod. “Mhm, and maybe to make me feel better we go to the beach for lunch.”
Pedri snuggles closer towards you, all the tension in his face diffused. “I love you amor, thank you for staying with me.”
“Anytime, Pedro.”
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gav1whore9 · 2 years
You’ve probably been wondering what happened if I will continue writing or not but here I am with good news I will continue writing. I just had to take some alone time and think about everything and I get people saying stuff like I’m disrespectful towards gavi and I just wanna say my writing is not meant to disrespect people but most of the people on tumbler are writing smut and there’s also a lot pedri and Jude smut and those writers don’t get hate.
So if you’re not comfortable with my writing or don’t like it just scroll and don’t read it and don’t report it since I put a lot of my time and work in it and there also other people that like it
So this is a gavi smut for all my supporters and also all my aDuLt hater’s 🫶🏻. Enjoy 💕🧚🏼‍♂️
Me and Gavi were invited to a dinner party made by the headquaters of FC Barcelona. It was in a vast building covered in windows. He held my hand tightly as we stepped into the party. Pedri leads us through the crowds until we find the room for our dinner. It's beautiful. Golden embroids printed onto the ceilings and old pictures of fc barcelona from when Xavi used to Play.
Me and Gavi sit next to each other as the food sets on to the table. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Gavi asks me as he tucks a hair behind my ear. "I'm okay." I respond back with a smile. The servers place strips of the chicken, potatoes and veggies on to my plate as they do the same to others. I start to eat the food as I feel a hand linger across my thighs, it's from my right. Gavi.
A smirk grows on his face as he starts to travel inside my dress around my clit. I gasp when he circles his fingers lightly and continues to eat his food. Pedri glances at me confused and asks me if I'm okay, I nod and keep a smile on my face. Fuck. Gavi was slowly plunging one finger at a time into me.
My core was becoming weak as each thrust was rough. Sweat follows acorss my forehead head on to the rest of my face, my whole body was heating up. He was teasing me. "Do you like this?" he says whispering into my ear as he begins to open my clit wider. I whimper. "Y-yes." his breath heatens up my ear. "Good, I want you to scream." I breath heavily as his fingers circle on to my thighs.
"Theirs people around, we can't," I say, "it'll be embarrassing." he squeezes my thighs and takes a deep breath. “ since when do you care about what other people think," Gavi groans, "I want you to scream." his fingers are deep into my skin, my throat getting dry from all my heavy breathing.
"Come on, be a good girl." he says as he plunges into me again even harder than before. I gasp loudly and hold a hand over my mouth. Faces stare at me in confusion and disgust. "Shit- Sorry, I accidentally bit my tongue," I cough up, "carry on, please." Gavi chuckles
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httpsseli · 3 months
cautious ✿; pablo gavira
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;plot. a dinner night leaves off with a special tip.
;warnings. smut!! minors shoo! use of spanish language, the word papi does get used on this fanfic! oral sex(male receiving), squirting, sexting, car sex and a possible of public sex.
authors note// hiii! this is my first ever fanfic on this app, decided to move my work here, i do apologize if this is long.
tonight was team dinner, the whole team would show up with their girlfriends. now heading to the restaurant with your boyfriend, gavi, you were in the passenger seat watching over him like a baby. chatting and being touchy over small things, the two of you in love like teenagers. “i’m pretty sure things will be okay amorcito, nothing wrong at dinner.” you spoke, looking at him. “we always get teased! it’s not fair at all!” he said, gripping on the wheel. the gps now speaking about 10 minutes away from the restaurant.
after parking the car and a few make outs, you and gavi arrived at the restaurant. you both got out of the car, he held your lower back as the two of you walked inside, from a distance away you saw the team already chatting and laughing, you were glad to see mikky, frenkies girlfriend. you heard a “follow me” from the waitress, gavi held onto your waist both you and him walking to the dining area. “y/n and gavi..aren’t we surprised you two are late..” pedri joked as he chuckled, “haha very funny gonzález.” gavi rolled his eyes, you looked down slightly snickering. you walked over to take your seat in front of gavi, you smiled at him.
“aren’t just the two of you full of love..” frenkie said, you blushed heavily. you looked up at gavi, whose adam apple was bobbing out, leaning back against the chair in his white shirt. you bit your bottom lip, mikky shook your shoulder as your senses returned. “hm? what’s wrong?” you said, and she slightly laughed. “they were asking questions, that’s it..” she said, you smiled. you slightly stood up, holding onto your dress from your thighs.
“so y/n, how has gavi been..” alejandro spoke, you choked on your whine, “f-fine..he’s very lovely and just an amazing boyfriend.” you spoke, gavi smiled at you, the team letting out a few “aw’s”. fermín chuckling, “he has to be amazing at something else..” your face gets red, and gavi glares at fermín causing the table to laugh.
“i’ll be back..” you said, gavi looked at you, and you smiled before you excused yourself. you walked to the bathroom, you sighed in relief at being stuck with a horny you. you went into a stall, closed yourself inside, and being the sneakiest girl..you took pictures of your thighs. even took a video of you playing with your tits, you smiled like a kid that just stole candy. you pulled the top of your dress, opening gavis messages between you and him.
you sent a small message.
you: surprise ;)
gavi: you’re so wrong for this y/n. my god you look so fucking breathtaking..
you: i need you papi..
gavi: later.
you quickly got up, flushing the toilet and washing your hands. drying them, you opened the door walking back to the dining area, where now you’re in front of gavi. he looked at you, his eyes darker under the mix of yellow and orange aura, the two of you making eye contact. you winked at him, as he bit the inside of his cheek shaking his head, you watched a smirk form in his face.
the night was just getting started..
after dinner, chats and chuckles. “gavi, can i order something..” you said teasingly, you cupped your cheeks, letting your elbows rest on the table leaning in closely. you looked at him with doe eyes, he bit his lip. “anything for you amor..” he said, you smiled before sitting back properly. gavi looked at you while he was talking with balde. the boy’s eyes got darker. you waited for your dessert, still talking to mikky. “oh thank you!” you said, once your plate was in front of you. “you could share..” she said, you laughed. “girl your plate is right in front of you!” you said, she widened her eyes. “oh right sorry!” she said laughing.
you had gotten a small chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream on top, a small chocolate shell covering the top. with your spoon you went straight in, gavi watched you for a few moments, and you picked up the ice cream on your spoon from the small cake, you licked the ice cream placing it in your mouth, the coldness hitting the insides of your mouth. you swirled your tongue around the spoon, swallowing the ice cream. gavi bit his bottom lip, you smirked slightly as your foot dragged up to his calf, gavi turned quiet not saying a single thing.
you quietly giggled, your leg rising upward now this being your one shot, your foot rubbed on his crotch. he groaned quietly, and you continued eating the small pastry pretending as if nothing was going on under the table. the two of you making eye contact, he watched your lips wrap around the spoon, the use of your tongue onto the silverware. his dick hardening under the fabric of his shapewear, you bit down on the utensil.
you winked at him, leg rubbing up and down against his boner. he bit down on his lip, glaring at you. you smiled one last time, setting your foot down after the minutes of crotch rubbing and teasing.
after long conversations and a few portions of pastries, dinner with the team was over. you were currently talking with mikky and sara, about a few plans or gossip that was interesting to you. “well, i have to get going! i’m not sure who is driving and stuff..” you said, mikky and sara both smiled at you. “well, it was nice catching up with you y/n! i’ll see you later!” mikky waved. sara hugged you, “well, good luck driving with him! i heard from the others that he drives pretty intense..” she said, and you giggled. “thank you for the warning, i’ll see you soon!” you said, she waved at you before you turned around.
gavi held your waist, “let’s go now.” he said, and you nodded.
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the drive is quiet, the sound of the ac being slightly high, the cold air hitting your chest as the cardigan was doing as much. you were watching the road, hoping to stay awake for as long as you could, gavis hand slowly traced to your inner thigh. you cleared your throat, holding in any explicit sounds. his fingers crossed over to your core, still driving. “no panties? my, my, my..what a sneaky ‘lil girl..” he said beginning to rub his fingers in between your wet folds, you quickly responded with a whimper.
“gavi…” you gasped out, a finger gathering up your dewiness oozing out, he spread your stickiness around your clit.
within seconds, he slipped his finger inside of your opening. just as you grew wetter, he began to finger you slowly. his fingers dragging out of you haltingly, lucid and erotic noises coming from your vocal chord. you leaned your head back against the seat, leaning your body closer to his fingers into a deeper position. he continued thrusting his fingers into your slickness, your vocals increasing. turning into small begs and moans of gavis name.
“more?” he spoke, gripping onto the wheel.
“yes, please.” you cried out, another finger being added to your filth.
you gripped onto the seat, he gripped onto the wheel tighter parking the car into an underground garage. his fingers slipping out, a whine coming out of your throat. “what! why’d you stop!” your hands in the air.
“backseat. now.” he spoke, you quickly undid your seatbelt, getting on your fours. “hey!” you yelled, his hands gripping the delight sensitive skin from your hips. his other hand coming in contact with your skin, giving it a small slap. you chewed down on your lip with the top of your teeth, another smack came in the meeting. only this time, harder.
you slapped his hand off, finally crawling to the back. your bottom sitting on the side of the passenger seat, gavi then made his way to the back. instantaneously, you crawled over to your boyfriend's lap, your dewiness damping the material of his jeans. gavi pulled you closer, throwing yourself on him. the two of you’s lips crashed down, kissing each other lustfully and desperately, a small whine leaving his lips. your hands cupping his cheeks, meanwhile your fingers in his hair curling against his scalp, his hands tightly holding your waist, fingertips scrunching your dress.
as the two of you made out, your hands carried themselves away down to the hem of his white tee. his lips parted from yours, he took his shirt off.
the sight making you bite your lip, your mouth slightly watering. gavi’s hands tightly running up your chest, eyes looking up with you, the parking lot light making his brown eyes shine with a small sparkle. “my pretty girl..take this off for me? hm?” he said, you took the white cardigan, exposing your shoulders. you pulled the straps down, letting the straps fall slowly.
your boyfriend watched the top fall off your chest, your perky tits on display. you tugged it off, with how short your height was you managed to strip the rest in front of him. slowly getting on your knees, hand rubbing his noticeable bulge, you unbuttoned his jeans pulling his bottoms down, your hands finding the waistband. Letting his cock rest against his tummy. “not just going to suck itself pretty especially with those eyes.” he said, you nodded.
your hand jerking up to his veiny length, you spat down. letting your wet coat around his heat, you wrapped your mouth around the head, he groaned loudly letting his head fall back onto the seat. you slightly snickered at how quick the contact was for him to react, within minutes you began to bobble your head slowly. he held onto the top of your head, grunting and whimpering. your tongue wandering its way around, inhaling the smell and the sweet taste of him, your eyes turning red, swelling up with tears from the base.
he pulled on your hair, pulling you away from his cock. gavi knew you couldn’t pretty much deep throat him, even after time after time of trying, you were never able to, he looked down at you. wiping off your salivation, you immediately crawled onto his lap. holding onto his shoulders for leverage, you sunk yourself down. “god,” he groaned, and you began to leap yourself onto him. your pussy dripping, slowly onto him.
his hands gripping your hips tightly, groaning and grunting. your hand holding onto his jaw, moaning uncontrollably, whimpering by the stretch of him. yours and gavis heavy breathing and panting causing the two of you to sweat after he had turned the car off.
moments later, you kissed him sloppily, whiny moaning into his mouth. the two of you sharing a desperate, sexual kiss. your fingers curling onto his jaw, immediately picking up your pace hopping onto him faster. “always riding me so good, pretty girl.” , “oh..you feel so good papi..” you moaned out, he cupped your ass cheek, guiding you through it.
you began getting tired, pushing you down. he thrusted his hips up, causing you to cry out, holding onto his shoulder. your right hand, slamming onto the window. your fingertips slightly twitching and sliding down against the glass that was slowly evaporating. you continued bouncing up most times, your hair was nearly wet, “si..si amor..” you moaned louder, the praising causing gavi to twitch inside you.
he thrusted up quicker hitting the sweet spot, causing you to gasp, you saw white in your vision. you leaned closer to him, your chest just inches away from his face. “i’m close..” you whined, your other hand gripping onto the back of his neck. he chuckled, taking his free hand, tracing it down to your clit. his fingers began rubbing above your folds, and you gasped again, mouth hanging open.
you gripped tighter onto his neck, hand smacking onto the window, leaving a print as you let yourself go.
he grabbed your waist, throwing you down onto the seat. throwing your legs onto his shoulder, your chest heaving rapidly. “god!” you cried out, his pace going quicker than he was. the car was filled with skin slapping, heavy breathing, cries, and grunts. most lastly, the following sounds of your pussy gushing.
“fuck!” you cried out, squirting out, your fluids jumping around like a waterfall. gavi pulled out, stroking himself, he moaned and grunted, before he fell down onto you. “that was..”, “amazing and.. definitely.. needed.” he said, between heavy breathing, you breathlessly laughed. you caressed his back.
“now what..” he said, and you looked down, kissing his lips. “now we share a sweaty cuddle moment!” you said. he giggled laying his head on your sticky chest.
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spidybaby · 7 months
Valentine's Day through the years
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A little late valentine's day gift from me to you 😋❤️
February 2020
"Can you open the door? Is Aurora." You sister asks, brush in one hand and hairspray on the other.
She was throwing a valentine's day party and you were helping her with opening the door since she said "only friends" are allowed.
"Isn't it a little early for her to be here?" You ask, confused. Getting up from your bed. "Like two hours early."
"just open the door." she yells from her bathroom.
You walked downstairs, mad that you weren't allowed to be at the party but you were opening everybody's knock.
"Hola guapa." Aurora says, hugging you. "Pablo had the cupcakes, help him please."
Behind her it was Pablo, he was carrying two cupcake plates, they look amazing you had to admit.
You grab one of the plates, walking to the garden and leaving it on the very pink and red table.
"Y/n, Pablo's staying, maybe you guys can watch a movie or something." Aurora says, she was putting some decorations on the garden. "and don't worry I'll take care of the door."
You turn to Pablo, he has this mad face. You and him are civil but he never cross words with you.
"we can see something in my room." You offer, he nods. You both walk to your room. He sits on the chair you have there. "You can sit on the bed."
He does that, sitting next to you. You open netflix and pass him the remote, you let him pick whatever he likes.
"I like comedies and I like action movies. But you can pick any movie you want." You smile at him.
You can't deny your little crush on him. Aurora and your sister are like glue, always together, meaning whenever they have the chance they force you to go out with them.
The thing here is, Pablo was shy, he was very introverted and he didn't even answer you with more than a yes or no.
"Do you want some pop corn and soda?" You get up from bed and walk to your door. "I know you're a footballer but a cheat day won't hurt"
The little smile he gives you is making your stomach go crazy. He nods excited. "do you have that red soda?"
"si, do you want a cupcake? I can steal two."
"por favor." he smiles big, you love the way he was smiling.
You hurry downstairs, grabbing a package of popcorn and throwing them in the microwave.
"Aurora, I think the bathroom is not working, is that going to be a problem?"
"What? No, that can't be I just went." she leaves what she's doing. "let me check, maybe it's not."
When she left the table you grab two of the pink cupcakes. Hurrying to the kitchen to hide them.
"False alarm, is working." she says happy. "sorry I left you with my brother, mom asked me to bring him and well you guys are the same age. Just ask him about football or something."
"Yeah, no problem."
When the popcorn is ready you grab everything in a little tray and carefully take it to your room.
"I have that red soda and the cupcake."
His eyes light up, it was like seeing a child excited for candy even when mom said no.
"I picked a comedy, since you say you like them."
Your smile grow, you leave the tray on your bed, taking a sit next to him you both watch the comedy.
After three movies, two comedies and one action. The night was coming to an end, sadly, you think to yourself.
The music from the party recently gone as your sister's friends say goodbye to her.
You turn the TV off, moving the empty popcorn bowl. The two cupcakes seating on top of the tray.
You remembered what Aurora told you. "cómo van los partidos?" (how are the matches?)
He scuff, he knows you don't know anything about football. "good, I scored a goal in my last one." he smiles proud.
You nod, not sure what else to ask. "that's good, so you're a forward?"
"No, I'm a midfielder."
"Oh, okay." You say low. "and do you like being a midfielder?"
He laughs, you smile a little at that, at least one of you is having fun with the talk. "I do, I love playing. When I play I feel so good."
"You play really good, the other day Aurora showed us a video."
He blush at the confession. He loves when people ask about football but with you he feels more shy than usual.
"I have a game in a few days, maybe you can come." he asks, very low voice. Grabbing the cupcake and biting it to make the things less awkward.
"Pablo." You laugh, the frosting from the cupcake on his nose. "come here."
You grab a napkin, cleaning carefully his nose. His eyes are on you the whole time, he love the way your eyes shine, maybe too much to ever say it.
"Done." You smile, getting up from bed and throwing the napkin on the little trashcan in your room.
Aurora knocks on the door, announcing that their mom was waiting for them and to pick his things.
"Thank you for the movie and for the food, I really enjoy it."
Your smile grow, he loved that. "Thank you for not leaving me alone, it would have been so much worse without you here."
Aurora screaming at Pablo to go interrupt your chat. He waves goodbye and walk out of your room.
"Pablo." You call, hand on the door and only half body out of the door. "Hope you score a goal for this match, so I can say I have a good memory of my first match."
The last thing you see is his smile, closing the door and trying to remain calm. You feel like in one of those romantic movies.
February 2021
"That was amazing. You did it amazing, Pablo. " You jump in his arms, excited about the victory.
"Did you see that assist?" He asks happily, arms hugging you tightly. "Thank you for coming."
Pablo and you became closer after the last 14th of February. You two became what your sisters are.
Aurora and your sister keep telling you that Pablo likes you as more than a friend. You prefer to let him tell you that and don't make yourself the fool.
"Of course I was coming. My boy is in the first team. I can't lose this."
My boy
Pablo loves it when you call him that. You're very special. The way you take care of him, motivate him to be better. In less than a year, you became his number one supporter.
"I think I'm allowed to eat something I shouldn't just tonight. Want to do that with me?" He grabs your hand and walks with you back to Pedri.
"Hola, long time no see," Pedri jokes with you. He knows about Pablo's crush on you and takes every opportunity to make it notice. "Did you enjoy the game?"
"I did, I'm happy you guys got assists today." You high-five Pedri. Pablo can't help the big smile he has.
To all the people around you it was obvious the connection you two have. They just need to look at Pablo's eyed when he's talking about you or talking to you.
"The eyes never lie." That's what his mother says.
Pedri drop the two of you to a restaurant. Asking Pablo to be careful and to enjoy the night.
You walk in front of him, that's when he notices that you're wearing the shirt he gave you. The one he used to play for the first time with the first team.
That number 30 and his name sitting on your back are doing things to him.
"Hello, how many in your party?" The host asks you.
"Two, please."
"You're so lucky. We have a table ready for you."
She guides you to the table. You love the decorations of the place, it was all so cute yet not exorbitant and tacky.
"We have a special Valentine's Day menu for all our couples. I'll leave it here and I'll leave two normal menus in case you want something else."
You can't help but blush at her words. You two aren't a couple, not because you don't want to, but you like the way that sounds.
"So, since you're my valentine's today," Pablo jokes, the smile he has is a teasing one. "Two valentine's day meals?"
"You didn't ask me to be your valentine" you pout, making him laugh.
"Y/n, pretty girl, will you be my valentine?"
He grabs a rose from the little bouquet that's making decoration in the wall next to him. He offers the rose to you with a big smile.
"I'll have to think about it, Mister Gavi." You take the rose, smelling it.
"What about now?" He steals another two roses, giving them to your now small bouquet. "Will you be now?"
"Yes." You grab his hand and intertwine your fingers with him. "That means you're buying me dessert."
He laughs, not letting your hand go. He nods at you, noticing how you're looking at your hands. He brings your hand closer to his mouth, giving it a kiss.
"I'll get you anything you want."
The little interaction was interrupted by the waitress. You both order the valentine's day meal.
Dinner was good. You both laughed with stories from the dressing room. He was spilling all the things that happened today.
"There's a park like a block away. Would you like to walk for a little while before I drop you home?"
"That would be nice. Maybe my pants will fit me again." You both laugh at that.
Once you're out of the restaurant and near the park, your hands find his again. You smile at the thought of him wanting more than just friendship.
After all, Aurora and your sister were sure of it. But what if it wasn't like that? What if he's just a very affectionate friend?
Friends held hands? Yes, they do.
Friends support each other? Yes.
Friends take each other out to eat on valentine's day? ... maybe?
The park has these rose tunnels. They were beautiful and very romantic. The way the little light was enough and gave this romantic vibe to the people walking in.
"What's on your mind? Pretty girl." He stops, noticing how you're lost in your thoughts.
Do you want to ruin the night with the question that's burning your brain? Do you want to ruin the friendship by letting your mind run crazy?
You look at him, worried frown on his face. "Tell me, maybe I can help you?" The way his hands are now on your waist, bringing you closer to him.
You're not sure if you should tell him. You're not ready for his answer. You don't want to end the day crying in your room.
"I'm just thinking." You whisper.
"Us." You confess.
His grip is stronger, not hurting you, but enough for you to notice the sudden change.
"What about us?" He whispers. He's scared, scared of you telling him that you only like him as a friend. Scared of losing you.
"Pablo, I like you." You say. Lips quivering.
He's internally screaming, making the best work of his life by keeping that famous frown.
You wait for him to say something, eyes glued to each other. As the seconds pass, you feel your heart breaking. He doesn't like you that way.
But how wrong you're, his mind is working a thousand miles per hour. Not sure how to tell you that he likes you too without sounding too crazy.
Your hands move from his shoulders to his hands, moving them away from you. You want to go home and cry yourself to sleep.
That action makes him go back to reality. He notices your tearful eyes. "Wait, no."
"No, it's okay. I can take a cab home. Don't worry."
You decided to leave, not wanting for him to see you cry. But the grip on your arm stops you. "Wait, Y/n."
"No, Pablo. It's okay, I just want to go home." You remove his hand from your arm, walking away from him.
"Can you let me say what I have to say?" He grabs your arm again. He needs to say it.
"You don't have to say anything, I know."
"No, you don't, shit you don't." His hands go back to your waist. "You don't know because I've been a stupid kid who doesn't know any better, I like you too, maybe too much for me to feel comfortable saying it."
You want to say something, but he keeps rambling.
"And you have no idea, joder. The way you look at me with those beautiful shiny eyes and the way you smile or laugh even at my bad jokes." He laughs, making you laugh. "The way my name looks on your back is making me think things I shouldn't but things I only think about you. And the way you know my sister and she loves you and my mom. Gosh, my mom. "
"What about your mom?" You ask confused.
"She told me to confess because a girl like you won't come twice in a lifetime." He hugs you, bringing you closer to him. You lock your arms behind his neck. "I like you more than you think. I was just too scare to say it before."
"I'm head over heels with everything you just said, but can you please shut up and kiss me?" You smile, making him chuckle.
His hand goes to the back of your neck, bringing you closer. The kiss is everything you ever dreamed of. All those nights dreaming about it now coming true.
He smiles into the kiss. Happy that the girl he always had a crush on, the sister of his sister's best friend, the one Aurora always tried to bring closer because they were the same age.
"Se mi novia." (Be my girlfriend) He let's out, not thinking much about it. "I can't let another day pass without making you my girlfriend." You nod, kissing him again.
"Te prometo que voy a hacer algo mejor que esto, pero hoy quiero volver a casa y que todos sepan que eres mía." (I promise that I'm doing something better than this, but tonight I just want to go back home and let all my family know you're mine.)
You press your forehead to his, enjoying the moment. He was yours, and you were his. That's all you need to know.
February 2022
"Pablo, stop it." You say, morning voice making Pablo chuckle. He continue with the kisses on your neck and back. "Amor, five minutes more."
"You asked me for five minutes like twenty minutes ago."
You open your eyes, room kinda dark thanks to the curtains. The big mirror he has reflecting you with his arms around you.
"Feliz aniversario, preciosa mía." (happy anniversary) he kiss your earlobe. "if you weren't such a sleepy head I would have given you a good morning gift but now I'm thinking of breakfasts." he tease you. Making you blush at the thought of your last night actions.
You turn to face him, smirk on his face. "Feliz aniversario, ojitos lindos." You kiss his lips, your hands caressing his chest. "I'm hungry too."
He laughs, kissing you again. He push you lightly, getting on top of you while he deepens the kiss.
He loves the way you whimper every time he touch you. Every sound, every little jump your body gives. You are his.
"Pablo, I have class in an hour." You remind him. His head buried between you neck. "and I am hungry, amor."
You both get up from bed, quickly running to the bathroom to do your routine and to force Pablo to do the one you taught him to keep his skin clean.
"Oye, I forgot my bag in the truck of my car, can you please help me and bring it? I'll make us some pancakes."
"Yes sir." You laugh, walking to the garage to open the truck. "Oh my god." You find five designer bags. All of them with red bows. "Pablo!"
He smiles when he heards you calling his name. He knows you've been stressing about classes, having barely any sleep.
He also knows you don't like when he spoils you, you're shy about it, telling him that you're more than spoiled with him letting you live with him and not allowing you to pay any bill or anything.
"Amor, what is all this?" You walk inside with the five bags. He smirk, serving the first pancake on the plate.
"A little something for my reina."
"Pablo, I can't. Amor this is too much." You check the first bag. It's a beautiful Hermes blanket you save on Pinterest. "Amor, this cost more than my tuition."
"Not at all." he laughs, the way you look at the blanket with such eyes. The shiny eyes he loves. "Keep looking."
"Dios mio, how?"
He smirks, he had to get your friends help to pick some things like colors or sizes. Like the bag you have in your hands, he knew you wanted it, but you never decided in a color of your preference.
Your eyes land on the red and gold bag. Cartier. You told him once a few months back that you wanted to match with him on something.
You gifted him a bracelet, he wears it everywhere he goes, is his favorite piece of jewelry.
But you wanted something else to match him. You remember that you wanted a P inicial.
His hands on your waist make you go back to reality, it was two necklaces, one with your initial and one with his and a little six.
"We can match now." he whispers in your ear, kissing your neck. "want me to put it in you?"
You nod, happy that he remembered something so small. You feel the tears in your eyes and he lock the necklace in place.
"Pablo." You turn to him, hugging his torso and crying in his chest. "te amo, you're so special."
He caress your back, kissing your head. "You're my baby, my reina, and I'm always going to give you everything you want."
"But I can't give you the same. And that make me feel bad for you, you're so special and I want to spoil you too."
"shhhh. You're special too, you spoil me a lot. You take care of me, you cook for me, you help me when I'm sick, when I'm tired, you're my biggest fan."
You nod, knowing that even when what you give him is not much. For him it was more than enough.
"Now give me a kiss and let's eat, you have to go to class." he dry your tears and kiss your cheeks and then your lips.
"I don't want to go." You whine. Hugging him again.
"Preciosa, see it this way, our kids will need help with the homework, and the one who will help them is you." he jokes. "that's your motivations".
You laugh, he always knew the right thing to say to make you feel better.
February 2023
"Can you serve me some more juice?" he smiles, kissing your shoulder. "pretty please."
"Pablo, venga hombre que tu te puedes levantar. Deja a la niña comer." (c'mon son. You can get up, let her eat in peace) his dad say. Smacking him in the back of the head.
You laugh at that, but you grab his cup and get up to serve him more juice. You know how crazy he gets for orange juice.
"Listo, now eat." You pass him the juice after taking a sip of it.
"Hey. That's mine." he frowns. Joking with you. "Thank you, preciosa."
You were eating with his parents, they were visiting from Sevilla and wanted to spend time with you two.
Aurora and her boyfriend are with you two. You love spending time with them. Going on double dates with them.
"You want to know what's funny?" Aurora giggles. "your sister and I always talked about going on double dates and now that's she's in Paris. You're the one I'm going on double dates with."
You giggle with her. Your sister moved to Paris to study design. She and Aurora always video chat and text but now that you're with Pablo, Aurora and you were closer. Thing that makes your sister extra happy. Knowing that you're taking care of each other.
"We're going on a hiking adventure today, if you guys want to join we will leave after lunch."
You thank him, explaining that Gavi and you were going on a little museum visit.
Gavi's plan was to take you to a museum, you love art. So to him it was a good idea to have a more calm anniversary and to do something you love and enjoy.
"Y/n, cariño. Can you help me later with the cooking, you're the only one that can get the sauce to its point." Belén asks you, you nod excited. "Thank you, mija."
You love cooking with Belen, she always gave you advice and you improved your cooking with her recepies.
After lunch you all chat for a little, you love his family and the love you as their own. If you ask Belen or Pablo's father, they would tell you that they can see you two going for the long ride.
Belén often asks Pablo about the future. If he ever sees you two in his plans. Pablo would say yes without hesitation. You're the most important person in his life. He knows that.
If someone asks you, you would say the same, you can picture yourself with a family. You can picture yourself walking down the aisle to him.
But you two are young. Too young to think about marriage and a family. You want to live a lot of things with him. Not rush into adulthood.
"Let's go, preciosa." he extends his hand out to you, you take it, thumb caressing his skin.
The drive was calm, he was singing this new song he has on replay. You love when he drives, it suits him so much the driver look.
He like the idea of going to a museum date, he's interested in things people don't know about, this being one of them.
"Look, this one is call El Beso" he says. Teasing tone as he elbow your arm.
"Wow, you know how to read names, babe. Good job." You joke. Making him pout.
Your hands intertwine as you walk around. There was this specific painting that Pablo liked. He was reading about it.
"I want a copy of this at home."
"Yes, it's very pretty."
"Pretty like you." he kiss your cheek. Hugging you while he finish reading about the painting.
You love how easy it is to enjoy things with him, how easy is to love him, to talk with him.
"Te amo, Pablito." You kiss his cheek. Hugging him tight.
"I know. I love you so much too." he kiss your lips. Smiling into the kiss.
February 2024
"Careful big boy." You say, helping him walk upstairs of your home. "Let's slow down, you're running."
He was tired. Tired of always needing help, tired of always looking like a kid who needs to be taken care of, tired of not being able to be the old him.
"Joder, I can't do this anymore." he fall in the bed. He feel like crying. "just leave without me."
You sit next to him. Caressing his hair and letting him cry, you help him with his shoes, taking off his Jordan's.
You grab the glass of water you always have next to you in bed. Bringing it to him, "Amor, drink this."
He does as you told him. Drinking the whole glass, you sit behind him, careful with his legs.
"Come here, amor." You push him down to you. His back stick to your chest. Your hands on his hair, nails caressing his scalp. "I'm not going anywhere, not without you." He sobs again, he's not in his best days and you know it. "shhh, I'm here. You're okay."
You treat him like a baby, you're aware of that, but you don't mind it. He was your baby, your Pablito, he was yours and you love taking care of him.
"Today my friend Jessica made cookies." You began telling him about your day to distract him. "and they're so good, I saved you one."
His sobs are more calm now. His breathing still very accelerated and that worries you.
"Also, today on this class, remember the one you convince me to take?" You kiss his hair. Hands caressing his arms up and down. He nods at your question. "Well they asked us today to describe something about our partner or someone we love, like when we knew we loved them."
He's calming down, paying attention to your words. You know how to calm him down, how to take his mind out of his worried state.
"And I talked about that nigh in the park. When you asked me to be your girlfriend." You giggle, remembering how happy you were that night. "I can't forget the words you told me. How your mom told you to confess your feeling for me, because a girl like me happens once in a lifetime."
"That's true." he whispers.
"I knew I loved you because you were so honest with me, you were so straight with your words. How you told me you will give me anything I want. And you do."
"Even when you told me that I spoil you too much." he chuckle.
"And I want you to know how in love I am with you, Pablo. You're my love." You kiss his earlobe, then his head. "do you know that?"
"I know, and I love you so much too. I'm in love with you too."
"So don't ever think just because of your ACL or any other injury I'll leave you behind. Pablo I'm with you for the long ride." You hug him, his hands find yours and intertwine them. "Now, what if we both stay home and I prepare some nice dinner or better, we can order McDonald's."
You see his reflection, he's smiling like crazy, even with red eyes and tearful cheeks he looks like an angel.
"Te amo. You're the love of my life."
"And you're the love of my life." You kiss his head again. "and I know that in every life time we will be together."
"Even as worms?" he tease you.
"Even as worms, mi amor."
You enjoy a night at home with him, telling stories and watching movies that you both later comment.
That's what you enjoy the most, how every moment is a special moment, even the smallest ones.
"Oye, kiddo." You call.
He lift his eyes from his ice-cream. Attention all on you.
"Te amo." You get closer to kiss him. "and I always will."
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judebelle · 10 months
gavi having intense back pain after all the matches he has to play and trying to hide how exhausted he is from reader and trying his best to put efforts in the relationship so he doesn’t hurt reader but reader realising and trying to comfort him both physically and mentally just a lot of fluff thank youuuu
you’re right - p.g. x reader
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a/n : you guys are rlly sending in hella gavi reqs! 😭 but dw i will try to do as many as i can but i write for more players so pls don’t be shy to send a request! all the players i write for are in my pinned post or masterlist!
cw : miscommunication, fluffy asffff
pairing : pablo gavi x reader
wc : 1.1k
the front door creaked open and your head perked up from the sofa. your boyfriend was home from his latest match. it wasn’t an important one so you stayed home and watched it on the tv.
barcelona won, and you had been waiting for him to come home. a smile spread across your face upon pablo’s return, but it fell when you saw his hunch and eyebrows knitted together in discomfort.
“hey baby.” he grunted out as he dropped his bag on the ground, kicked off his shoes, and tossed his keys onto the table near the door.
he walked slowly to you, trying to straighten his apparent hunch.
“what’s wrong, pablo? are you feeling okay?”
he finally made eye contact with you, his eyebrows softening at your concerned expression. “i’m feeling better than ever.” he smiled at you softly before approaching you on the couch.
you were genuinely concerned about his well-being since he was starting so many matches recently, but you let it go. if pablo was anything, he was dramatic. if he was hurt you would definitely know.
he shifted to sit next to your legs on the couch. he lowered himself with a pained grunt. that’s what concerned you. he sounded like he was fifty-six and had serious arthritis.
“oh my god- pablo..”
he sat himself down on the couch with a sigh, turning to you with a smile. “i missed you, y/n.”
he leaned forward to kiss you on the forehead.
“are you certain you’re okay? you look like you’re in pai-“
“don’t worry about me, okay, darling?” ignoring the question, he stretched his arm across your shoulders and diverted his attention to the tv in front of you.
you let it go again. he’s smart enough to know when something is wrong with him and not leave it in the air.
you thought.
you both fell asleep on the couch watching whatever was on.
you woke up to the smell of popcorn and some bottles opening. squinting, you looked over into the bright kitchen. he had made a bowl of popcorn and was carrying drinks with him. he only had two hands, of course, but had wedged the drinks in the crease of his elbows, holding them to his side.
his tongue was stuck out slightly as he focused on not dropping anything. you giggled at his effort to not take two trips.
“what? work smarter, not harder” he joked as you made room for him on the couch.
he sat next to you and placed the food on the table in front of the couch. “why are you doing this, pablo? we need to eat dinner! and what about your diet? what- mmm!-“
he shut you up with a kiss.
“just wanted to spoil my favourite girl..”
he smiled and kissed you again, his hands raking into your hair. “i feel like there’s a catch.. you’re gonna do something ba- STOP”
pablo had completely switched up and started tickling you. he knelt and trapped you between his legs. he started tickling and pinching your sides. you couldn’t help but laugh, of course.
you were laughing so hard that it hurt. “pablo stop! serious- seriously stop it- ah!-“
he was also laughing as he continued annoying you, pinning you down with the weight of his body alone. you opened your eyes and saw him looking down at your waist, his hands still attacking your sides.
you twisted to the side in discomfort as he proceeded to tickle you. when you twisted, his body froze. he let out a groan and hissed as his back was caught in a weird position.
he stopped tickling you to fix his posture.
you took that opportunity to catch your breath before sitting up.
“pablo, what’s wrong? you look like you’ve been in pain all day! i’m seriously getting concerned.”
he looked up at you sheepishly. “nothings wrong, mi amor. i promise i’m fine, argh-“
he grunted as he tried to sit down, his hand flying to his back. he pressed down and gritted his teeth.
“okay, that’s enough. lay down.”
you got up from the couch and pointed to it, your expression stern.
“y/n, i’m fi-“
“lay. down.”
he bit his lip in defeat and lowered his body slowly onto the couch, stomach down. he rested his head on his hands and turned his head to the side to look at you.
“what happened, pablo?” you straddled his lower back and pulled up his thin shirt so you could see his back.
there were no visible injuries, but you could tell that he was tense and in pain.
“just… just tired. there’s so many matches and- ohh..”
pablo let out a long moan as you pushed your hands gently down onto his sore back. you moved your hands up and down the middle of his back, applying some pressure.
“my god! you’re so tense, baby..” you continued rubbing his back, listening to his groans and hisses. “this isn’t healthy. you need to talk to your coach.”
“i’m fine.. it’s just, a lot right now. once i get back into the groove of things- mmpgh, oh god-“
every time you pressed into one specific part of his mid back, he wouldn’t shut up. “does it hurt here?” you whispered, and he nodded against the fabric of the couch.
you smiled softly and continued kneading at his muscles. he hummed softly, his hums gradually getting less and less frequent as you continued massaging him. “does that feel better?”
he grinned into the couch and turned his head back to look at you. “so much better. thank you, mi amor.” he placed a grateful kiss on your lips and you giggled against his.
after pulling his shirt back down, you laid down on his back and wrapped your arms around him from under his armpits. “glad i could make you feel better, but you need to take a rest day, pablo.”
you reminded him sternly, and he looked down at the couch in defeat. “i think so too. i just don’t want to let the team down.”
your eyes widened at his words. this stubborn man was agreeing to what you were saying? pigs must be flying. and let the team down? he’s done everything but that.
“pablo, if you think you’re going to let the team down, you’re stupid. you’ve done nothing but help barcelona excel and you’re a huge asset to the squad. don’t beat yourself up over this.”
he sighed under you before turning to kiss your hand that was near his face. he smiled softly against your hand before whispering out.
“you’re right.”
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