ljreflet · 3 years
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Cordelia!Yarne + Panne!Severa (Guide/Analysis)
(This will be a dual analysis, as Yarne and Severa as siblings have the same class sets and mods)
Growths (Yarne || Severa)
HP: 60% || 51.67%
STR: 46.67% || 43.33%
MAG: 13.33% || 13.33%
SKL: 43.33% || 43.33%
SPD: 43.33% || 41.67%
LCK: 48.33% || 40%
DEF: 41.67% || 40%
RES: 16.67% || 23.33%
Modifiers (- is 0)
HP: -
STR: +4
MAG: -1
SKL: +5
SPD: +6
LCK: -1
DEF: +2
RES: -1
Class Set
Pegasus Knight
Dark Mage
Wyvern Rider**
(** See first note in “My Personal Experience”)
No matter what you do, Severa will always be a good unit. With Cordelia's mods and class set, Severa has +2 STR and +3 SPD and access to Sol, Galeforce, and Vengeance all at base. The only thing Severa really needs to refine her performance is a proper weaponfaire skill to use with her endgame class.
Yarne is a unit that is often slept on. Panne's innate mods give him a whopping +3 STR, +3 SKL, +4 SPD, and +2 DEF with no negative mods. He is a physical powerhouse, but his biggest and most glaring flaw is that, in the vanilla game, he has no way to access Galeforce, which effectively throws him down a few tiers compared to the likes of the privileged Galeboys. This problem is thankfully easily solved with the Gay Awakening mod, and with the removal of the gender-lock included, Yarne can finally see a well-deserved, higher potential.
Now when both Panne and Cordelia come together, their family becomes a family of blazing speedsters that hit like like bulldozers and can take the hits too. Their mods and growth rates hit each other in all the right spots, and their class sets combined aren't too shabby either.
If you look at the kids' growths, none of them have growths under 40% except for MAG and RES--which matters very little for physical units like Severa and Yarne. Yarne in particular doesn't have any growths under 41%.
And just look at those mods. +4 STR, +5 SKL, and +6 SPD? That's scary. Their only flaw is that that -1 LCK mod means they'll only have a max 88% proc rate for Armsthrift, but DLC Limit Breaker can fix that.
Now looking at their class set, Cordelia passes down the superior classes compared to Panne, since she gives them Dark Mage for Vengeance, Pegasus Knight for Galeforce and Lancefaire, and Mercenary for Sol and Armsthrift. Panne on the other hand, passes down Axefaire through Barbarian which can be used in several of the kids' finishing classes. Severa and Yarne can use Axefaire with Hero, Wyvern Lord, Griffon Rider, Warrior, and Berserker. With Cordelia's Falcon Knight, they have both of the relevant weaponfaires for Wyvern Lord should you use this class as their finishing class.
Being aggressively physical units, Severa and Yarne of course want to finish in a physical class that allows for them to take advantage of their insane strength and speed. Hero is a popular choice for Severa, and thankfully with Panne's Axefaire, both she and Yarne can make the class work.
Since the gender-lock is removed, Severa can access Berserker/Warrior and Yarne can access Falcon Knight/Dark Flier. Between these classes, Berserker and Warrior work a little better for them. Despite Berserker's naturally low SKL cap, their +5 SKL patches it up pretty well and allows for them to become some of the craziest damage-dealers in your team. Either Berserker or Warrior works well for them since it utilizes everything Severa and Yarne are already strong in.
Falcon Knight and Dark Flier, however, are a little awkward for the two. Their high STR cap patches up Falcon Knight's below average strength, but their near non-existent magic makes the staff access a waste since they won't be able to do much with it. Plus, with their offensive stats, you want them to be fighting, not staffing. If Cordelia didn't learn and pass down Galeforce already, then Dark Flier should only be used to obtain Galeforce since their MAG growth is pitifully low (both have 13.33%) and Dark Flier's STR cap is too low to even work with for lances. Regardless, Yarne highly appreciates having Pegasus Knight in his class set, since he will be able to learn both Galeforce and Lancefaire without the gender-lock (with the gender-lock, he could only inherit one skill from Cordelia)
It's also worth mentioning that pairing Cordelia and Panne without the gender-lock makes Griffon Rider quite an effective class (despite not being a gender-locked class). Griffon Rider's biggest problem (in the vanilla game) was that Galeforcers couldn't get Wyvern Rider and Axefaire at the same time, and Axefairers couldn't get Galeforce at the same time. The only one who could pull this build off is Frederick!Inigo, but even he has better options. But a Cordelia and Panne pairing gives Severa and Yarne everything they need to make to patch up Griffon Rider's problems with Axefaire, a proc skill, and Galeforce.
Some people don't like to use Vengeance as their main proc since it requires set up (not to mention, the grind to achieve the skill with their 13.33% base growth in MAG will be a massive pain), but both Severa and Yarne have good defense so they can take enough hits to manage their HP. Even if Vengeance isn't your cup of tea, they have Sol to fall back on. Sol may not be effective for Apotheosis, but it works great for the main story.
Overall, Panne!Severa and Cordelia!Yarne will be some of the strongest physical units in your team and it is a highly recommended pairing--if Cordelia isn't considered Yarne's best 2nd parent (NOT “second best parent” lol). Severa is already a good unit at base even in the vanilla game, but the gender-lock gives her the option to utilize her physical prowess in axe-wielding classes. Yarne in particular sees a significant improvement in his performance with the combination of same-sex marriage and gender-lock removal. These two are quite the dynamic duo, flexible in their class options and effective on the battlefield.
My Personal Experience
** So in my mod, you may notice that I removed Thief from Panne's class set and replaced it with Barbarian, where in the vanilla game, Panne's Wyvern Rider is the class that gets translated to Yarne's Barbarian. I only did this because Panne will be able to carry her axe rank between her class options, and she already has problems with E-rank weapons after reclassing out Taguel. So, removing Thief gives Yarne (+Panne’s other children) both Wyvern Rider and Barbarian.
In my Apotheosis challenge, I made Severa a Warrior and she had the highest strength in my whole team. I made Yarne a Griffon Rider, so his strength cap was lower because of the class caps.
I only made Yarne a Griffon Rider since I find that it suits his character well (even though he's probably afraid of heights tbh LOL), and with the combination of his stats, stable proc, and Galeforce, I wanted to give the class a chance. The class was really fun to use since I never really used it before, and with his mods, he of course performed really well. Same-sex marriage affected his performance more than gender-lock removal, since I only needed Axefaire and Galeforce on him.
Unfortunately, he was my odd unit out and I didn't give him an S-Support and instead paired him up with his mom for Apotheosis.
On the other hand, I made Severa a Warrior only for the sake of having a female Warrior. I'm honestly not the biggest fan of Berserkers/Warriors in any game, but I'm really glad I made her one. Despite not having Bowfaire, her bow access really came in handy for Apotheosis. To be 100% honest, I think I used bows more than axes with her on Apotheosis since bows are so handy there LOL. In the main story, it was mainly axes for her.
I definitely recommend pairing Panne and Cordelia. The resulting kids are insane and on top of that, they're one of the few pairings that have a fully implemented full-family support chain. Definitely give this pairing a shot!
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knightingaleforce · 7 years
what happened to your boyband AU
i was confused at first...but you’re talking about Galeboys, or...? with Owain and the gang? that was a fun thought, huh. lmao
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