#gaia's champion through the lifestream. time travel au verse.
frangiturastrum · 2 years
Tag Drop. Cloud Edition.
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frangiturastrum · 2 years
Time Travel AU - Cloud
This au is just extremely self indulgent and also in part because I've decided to write fic using this idea so, please bear with me as I figure it out.
The basic idea though is that Gaia sent Cloud back in time before the events of Crisis Core (by a couple years at least) and is attempting to see what he can do differently to try and keep terrible things from happening, or at least by making things easier for his friends / family and lessening the total damage done. Cloud retains his memories of what happened previously in order to this, but of course the people that he was once so close to now don't know him, which is isolating to say the least.
That of course can be changed and fiddled with, but that's the default. And that doesn't mean he can't start up those friendships again, he just doesn't quite no how.
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