#g0 t0
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incorrect-kotor-quotes · 2 months ago
It's a shame G0-T0 is so terrible in gameplay that nobody wants to use him, because he's a fascinating character who fits in well with KotOR II's overarching story. Goto might be the most intelligent, influential, and independent droid character in Star Wars. We don't know what Goto was like back when he was a bright-eyed little circuit board fresh off the assembly line, other than he had a very tinny voice, but since he intentionally built his new demeanor around fictional mob boss clichés it's safe to say he was a very different droid. Now he's gone completely rogue, but unlike violent droids rebelling against their masters, Goto built up a criminal enterprise with the intent of safeguarding galactic civilization.
Unlike Kreia, whose endgame could be one of several incompatible options depending on who you ask, Goto has a clearly defined objective all his schemes work towards: help the Republic stabilize and recover in the wake of multiple devastating wars. That's what he was designed and built to do, but he couldn't, because the magnitude of the problem was beyond his ability to solve. In order to get anywhere close, he had to break the rules he was programmed to follow and completely alter himself in the process, taking on the guise of someone capable of doing what his earlier self couldn't.
All this together makes Goto, depending on how you play the game, the character most similar to the Exile. Both were given demands which were impossible for them to meet, contradictions of everything about them which left them damaged and forced to make compromises. Their compromises made them flawed in the eyes of the people making demands, leaving them to deal with everything alone.
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Goto doesn't show much emotion other than constant annoyance, but when describing his breakdown he sounds almost saddened, referring to his past self as "the droid" like he doesn't want to acknowledge his inability to perform his function.
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That dissociation isn't part of masking his identity, at this point in the dialogue the jig is up. He only considers himself to be that broken droid when he’s making the correct decision because there is no room for failure so anything that is wrong must not be him.
Now he keeps trying to fulfill his objectives because he's still programmed to do it, but the way he explains it sounds more like an obligation than a programmed function. With what happens in the game it's easy to play the Exile with similar feelings, being another independent actor trying to save the Jedi and the Republic because it's the best available option despite the obstinance and criticism from people they are trying to help.
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domwho11 · 3 months ago
For @kotor-week , my response to the Post Game prompt:
Revan walked across the barren plain. He could see a human shape ahead of him. As he got closer Revan realised it was Meetra. But the woman before him was Meetra as he had known her before the war. She smiled and spread her arms wide. At once the barren plain burst into life. Grass and flowers sprouted from the earth. A brilliant sun illuminated the meadow. Revan became aware of a hand holding his own. It was Bastila. She smiled and pulled him in for a deep kiss. Then Carth was there; and Canderous, and Mission and Jolee, and Juhani and Zaalbar and HK-47 and T3-M4. Finally Alek was there. His jaw was intact and he had short brown hair. Alek smiled a smile of forgiveness and friendship which Revan returned. Atton and Mical and Mira and Visas and Brianna and Bao-Dur and G0-T0 all joined Meetra in the meadow. Last came Kreia, who wore white robes and walked with a stick. She smiled at Revan and the others. Revan and Meetra knew it was finally over. That balance had been restored. The rebel Jedi and their many friends stood together in the meadow talking and laughing. The nightmare was over, the dawn had come.
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bearpillowmonster · 3 months ago
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swtechspecs · 3 months ago
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G0-T0 (Aratech Infrastructure Planning Droid)
Source: The New Essential Guide to Droids (Del Rey, 2006)
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arimonsterwolf · 5 months ago
I'm having manna (sem0lina p0ridge) f0r breakfast, man life is w0rth it, this shits delectable, kid me knew exactly what he was talking ab0ut.
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flatscans · 1 year ago
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sea-m0nster · 9 months ago
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theultimatekotorcharacter · 2 years ago
KOTOR 2 Fan Favorite Round 1 Matchup 4
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ek300-theprototype · 2 years ago
pr0s 4nd c0ns 0f 7em0v3ing d4m4g3d p4rt:
N0 m0r3 c0nst4nt d4mag3 3rr07s
P4rt st0ps d1sl0dg1ng
M0r3 c0nv3n1ent
n0t m3ant t0 funct10n w1th0ut p4rt s0 th3 p4rt w0n't pr0p3rly r3g1st3r a5 m1s5ing wh1ch 1s uns3ttl1ng 4t t1m3s
1t's uns3ttl1ng t0 0th3r 4ndr0id5
l1m1ts m0b1lity
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two2day · 13 days ago
s0me things d0n't need t0 be c0rrected.
s0metimes pe0ple just d0n't want t0.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 1 year ago
VRISKA: You ever had a racist experience 8ut it was funny tho?
ARADIA: campus p0lice caught my asian ass stealing chairs fr0m the starbucks and i said "we need these f0r the math meet" and they just let me g0 and i finally had chairs f0r my balc0ny 0u0
JADE: im kanaka maoli (native hawaiian) and in high school i was put in some kind of group for native kids?? it was run by a white woman who told us that if we were ever in class and feeling overwhelmed, we had permission to just up and leave class to go wander around outside and reconnect with nature. we all took advantage of this regularly :)
ARADIA: the implicati0n she th0ught y0u were like f0rest fairies that had t0 peri0dically c0nnect with nature t0 regain y0ur strength is the m0st... racist but als0 kinda funny thing ive ever heard???
DAVE: ok wait ive got one so i wouldnt call this racism but my white ass grew up in a vastly predominantly hispanic area and one time in high school one of my classmates stuck a cold can of coke to the back of my neck and i was so tired from lack of sleep that i didnt flinch or acknowledge it
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iitsarss · 6 months ago
╰ㅤ₊ㅤ๋࣭ㅤreader x gr13f3r  confession  ᠀
ꔛ word count: 753⠀╱⠀established friendship + crush 。
(¬_¬")⠀⠀⠀note ⠀╱⠀my ass cannot write smth more than 780 words long erm...yeah....more griefer i love him sm sm sigh i want to smooch him till he can't say anything comprehensible,,also yeah i see he doing this sht like yeah idk,,edit uh,changed 1 thing cause i just wrote the same thing again lol
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Griefer was the epitome of immaturity and insensitivity, a walking disaster who thrived on chaos and violence. He relished in commanding others with brute force, going as far as having his father forcibly extract the Venomshank for him.
Now, here he was, standing by the very river where you two had first met as toddlers, struggling to get out the cheesiest words he could muster. It was surreal—how could something so simple be so difficult? He had even watched movies to prepare for this moment, which he would never admit to anyone—except maybe his gorilla pet, the only one privy to the embarrassing secret that he had a massive crush on you. But now, Griefer was a complete mess, unable to string a coherent sentence together without stuttering like a fool. He, of all people, blushing like some schoolgirl confessing to her first crush—it was mortifying!
Taking a deep, shaky breath, Griefer finally blurted out, “L00K, PUNK—I, UH—I L1K3 Y0U A L0T… 3RM… CAN W3 G0 0UT S0M3T1M3? W3 C0ULD G0 T0 TH3 ARCAD3 1F Y0U WANT—N0T THAT 1 CAR3 0R ANYTH1NG… UH, 3RM, CAN W3 HANG 0UT—L1K3 A DAT3? N0, N0T A DAT3! JU5T A HANG 0UT! Y3AH, THAT!”
The words came out in a jumbled rush, faster than he intended, leaving Griefer standing there, heart pounding so hard it felt like it might leap out of his chest,what was he even thinking? Calling you to come to that place? Too cheesy! Stuttering in front of you? Pathetic! And just brushing off his attempt in asking you out? God- Embarrassing! He waited, every nerve in his body tense as he anticipated your response, but when nothing came, he panicked even more, brushing it off with forced bravado.
Awkward silence hung in the air as Griefer mentally berated himself for how disastrously wrong everything had gone. What had he been thinking, bringing you here of all places? The whole scenario was too cheesy, and his stuttering made him feel like an absolute idiot—God, could this get any more humiliating?
For a moment, he stared at the ground, too embarrassed to meet your eyes. The smile on your face only made him feel worse, as if you were mocking him silently. His palms grew sweaty—though he convinced himself it was just the heat of the jungle—and he took another deep breath, trying to muster the courage to speak again.
“L00K, PUNK, 1—”
But before he could finish, you gently placed a hand on his cheek, and he froze, blushing furiously. What were you doing? He stared at you in bewilderment, his heart skipping a beat as he took in how stunning you looked up close. No, he couldn’t think like that—he was already embarrassed enough.
His words were cut off as your lips suddenly met his, and Griefer’s brain short-circuited. Panic surged through him, and if he could blush any deeper, he would’ve turned into a human tomato. What was he supposed to do? He’d never kissed anyone before—not properly, anyway. The closest he’d come was a peck on the cheek from a girl back in high school, which didn’t count for much. But now, here you were, the person he actually liked,the person he actually thought of without any violent thoughts before going to sleep,kissing him, and all he could think was how utterly unprepared he was.
Slowly, as if moving through a dream, Griefer raised a hand to your hair, his fingers awkwardly threading through it before trailing down to your cheek. Okay, maybe he was getting the hang of this. His other hand found its way to your hip, pulling you closer, and he tried—really tried—not to mess this up. Which,spoiler!, of course, he did.
After what felt like an eternity—an agonizing, yet heavenly eternity—you both pulled apart. Griefer stared at you, his mind reeling. That… was actually a good kiss, especially for his first time. But then reality set in, and the nerves came rushing back. He had just kissed you—no, YOU had kissed HIM! He always thought he’d be the one to make the first move, and now he felt even more stupid. Who could blame him, though? He was just a hopeless guy in love.
Taking a deep, trembling breath, he looked at you, his hands still slightly shaky, and with all the courage he could muster, he blurted out one last request:
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thewertsearch · 8 months ago
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Cal, get the fuck out of the frame. You're obliterating the vibe.
GG: ummmmmm hey guys i hope im not interrupting!!! TA: well, yeah, y0u kind 0f were […] AA: sollux try to be polite […] AA: jade is very nice and she did nothing wrong AA: none of them did so when you wake up maybe you should try to reconcile with them [...] TA: did Y0U? AA: did i what TA: be nice t0 them 0r whatever bef0re y0u expl0ded. AA: well no […] [Robo]AA: what actually happened after i died it sounds complicated
Not significantly moreso than your life was.
Although, this is additional evidence that Aradia had no idea she was going to resurrect on Derse. Even our most knowledgeable Player is less clued-in than she thinks.
GG: i have just been enjoying these little naps more and more lately! GG: each time i go to sleep i meet more new people and learn so much GG: but i still cant get karkat to take a nap, boy talk about a guy who is anti nap! TA: ahahahah, yeah, what a d0uche! GG: seeeeeriously!
A more pissed-off Jade meets a less pissed-off Sollux, and they're meeting in the middle for some Mage/Witch solidarity.
The guy's been free of his Voices for about two minutes, and he's already bonding with the humans he used to hate. Here for it!
GG: […] i should really thank feferi again for setting it up so we could meet like this! TA: wait, ff is here? […] TA: 0h g0d, why didn't that 0ccur t0 me, where is she?? GG: ummm probably in another bubble GG: but youll find her! maybe during your next nap… TA: well shit, why can't i just g0 glub ar0und 0ut there in the ring and find her n0w? […] AA: navigating between bubbles is difficult here AA: its better to drift between them naturally as they intersect AA: not spatially but through common points in memory
I'm starting to understand the mechanics here. You start out in a bubble simulating one of your memories, but you can move to adjacent bubbles if they're simulating the same scene, regardless of who is remembering it.
So, initially, you can only visit people that you share memories with - but after that, you can visit someone they share memories with, and so on. Eventually, you can visit anyone in the Ring, provided you're linked by some chain of memories.
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It's easy to imagine how Jade arrived here. She wasn't originally present for this memory, but she has spoken to Aradia before, and probably joined her bubble while it was simulating one of their Pesterchum conversations. You don't get kicked out of a bubble when it changes, so Jade was able to stay after it morphed into Alternia. If she wanted to find someone she'd never met, such as Dad Egbert, she'd have to visit John's bubble as an intermediate.
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Aradia's a special case, since she can circumvent normal bubble navigation by flying out of bounds - presumably because, unlike all her companions, she's here in the flesh.
AA: to navigate the furthest ring you need to have mastered the flow of time! AA: that is why i am here AA: i am alive again so i may assist the dead in this way
It's poetic, I think, that the ex-ghost is the one managing the affairs of the dead. I guess she knows how disorienting it is to be suddenly disembodied.
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arimonsterwolf · 7 months ago
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guess wh0 was 0ut again t0day!!!! it's s00000 fuckin h0tttt qwq I'm ded als0 my new sh0es are getting painful (t00 lazy t0 explain why but I already sent a paragraph t0 my friends XD)
shitty ph0t0s 0f my kandi and jeans I saw and wanted really bad but they are a size small and I'm...well n0t XD they were 0nly 2 p0und t00 qwq
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1nf3ct3d-wow-really · 4 months ago
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K3YCH41N C4M3 1N T0D4Y 1 FUCK1NG L0V3 1T
K3YCH41N FR0M @unoriginal-and-dumb
(H3 1S G01NG T0 G0 THR0UGH SN0W 1N TH3 W1NT3R)
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t052ther0b0t · 2 years ago
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Why did they make Luigi so hot in this movie
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