#funny story time my boyfriend thought thats what taylor swift meant
Sweet Pea//something gave you the nerve, to touch my hand
Request: okay so the main request is a Sweet Pea/Reader insert pretty much using the bottom right gif from this gif set, i just think its a really great facial expression, it doesn't really have to be set in the "heathers episode" if you have a plot/idea in mind for it
hey! i hope you like this!! i honestly had no ideas about what to do with this, but then @statticghost​ being the angel that they are gave me this idea! so thank you!! title is from ‘its nice to have a friend’ by taylor swift! have a great day/night!
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- To most people, 
- Sweet Pea has one facial expression 
- And one facial expression alone 
- A scowl. 
- But it seems meeting you has opened him up to a lot more feelings 
- And so now to everyone’s surprise 
- He actually smiles 
- And laughs 
- And not just at people he doesn’t like. 
- Sweet Pea has looked at you many times 
- From the day he met you he couldn’t tear his eyes away from you
- Usually it was because you were one of the people he was scowling at 
- But now when he looks at you its usually with a smile 
- More like grinning like an idiot anytime he even thinks about you 
- But he’s only looked at you like this a handful of times. 
- Three to be exact
- The first time he does it
- Is to annoy you
- He’s already argued with just about every student at Riverdale High
- And its only his first day 
- So by the time he reluctantly drags himself to last period History 
- He’s tired, annoyed and grumpy 
- He’s also been separated from Toni and Fangs so he’s worried about them too
- When he sits down at the back of the class
- He just wants to lie his head on the desk and have a nice nap for the forty minutes he has to be there 
- But as soon as he’s comfy
- Somebody is stood beside him, tapping their foot 
- And its you 
- He remembers seeing you stood beside Reggie when everybody was shouting in the corridor 
- And he remembers you looking just as bored as you do now 
- ‘what?’ He’d mutterered when he notices your arms crossed
- ‘you’re in my seat’ 
- ‘i didn’t see your name on it’ 
- ‘you don’t know my name’ 
- ‘i don’t want to’ You’d huffed loudly and he remembered smiling to himself 
- But then Reggie and a few of his minions had come over 
- All trying to look threatening 
- And all failing 
- And he rolled his eyes, sitting up properly and crossing his arms in font of his chest 
- Both of you had glared at each other for a few seconds 
- Completely ignoring Reggie’s presence 
- But then of course he had to ruin it 
- Like usual 
- And Reggie started talking 
- ‘if she wants to sit there...i suggest you move’ 
- ‘if you want to keep all your teeth...i suggest you shut up.’ 
- ‘do you really want to get kicked out on your first day’ 
- ‘yes’ He’d replied bluntly and he swore you had actually giggled 
- But he was quickly distracted when Reggie had leaned forward, his hands resting on the desk 
- Sweet Pea had looked between his face and his hands before standing up and sending you a sarcastic smile
- ‘if you ever want a boyfriend that is actually threatening, you know where to find me...princess’ 
- He’d gave you that look before moving to the next empty desk 
- Your cheeks were bright red for the rest of the class 
- And it didn’t help that he kept sneaking glances at you 
- Before he left school, you had managed to catch up with him
- Muttering a quiet ‘i don’t have a boyfriend’ 
- Before rushing off to find your friends 
- And that was the first time you ever made him smile 
- The next time he looked at you like that came months after the first 
- The feud between the north and southside had settled 
- But tensions were still there 
- Some people had started to see southsiders as people
- But some, still saw them as nothing but gang members 
- Luckily
- You were one of the good ones 
- You’d figured out that whatever you’d been told about the serpents was probably a bunch of lies 
- Especially if the majority of them were high schoolers 
- So you’d made it a mission to be nicer to them 
- To try and include them in more things 
- And to try and defend them when people were asses 
- You’d also made friends with Toni after being partnered for a science project 
- Which meant that sometimes you would sit together for lunch 
- And that meant Sweet Pea had more opportunities to talk to you
- He didn’t really like you at first 
- Well, he thought you were pretty, but you were also a northsider 
- So he liked flirting 
- But that was about it 
- And the Toni started talking about you 
- And you would spend more and more time with them 
- Which meant that Sweet Pea was slowly falling for you 
- And he was terrified 
- Because whatever he wanted to happen between you 
- Whenever he figured it out 
- It just couldn’t 
- Two sides of the same town were still at war with each other 
- Even if it had calmed down a little
- And nobody would take a Romeo and Juliet style relationship seriously 
- But then you appeared 
- Wednesday lunch time 
- It was like every other Wednesday
- He waited anxiously at the table for you to arrive 
- All bright smiles and funny stories from your last class 
- While Toni and Fangs made fun of him 
- And then he saw you walk towards him 
- A bright smile on your face 
- Despite whatever the school was passing off as mac and cheese dumped on your tray
- And you were talking to a friend he recognized from your shared History class 
- But just before you sat down 
- You were surrounded by Reggie and his little gang 
- All with sneers and smirks on their faces while they block you from going any further. 
- Sweet Pea is the first to stand up
- Quickly followed by Toni and Fangs and then the rest of the serpents 
- You and Sweet Pea make brief eye contact 
- Because lets be real god can make eye contact with him, he’s that tall 
- So its easy to see him over the heads of the football team 
- You don’t look worried though 
- More annoyed 
- And it makes him smile
- Despite his clenched fists 
- ‘y/n. have you forgotten on which side of the town you actually live on?’ 
- ‘reggie, just because you find it difficult to make it back home, doesn’t mean its difficult for everybody else. but if you need help, you live in the third biggest house in riverdale, its even got your name on it if you’re still confused. now will you kindly move so i can sit with my friends’ 
- Your smile is the sweetest thing Sweet Pea has ever had the privilege of seeing 
- But what you’re saying makes it so much sweeter 
- And the look on Reggie’s face makes it 1000 times better 
- He stutters for a few seconds before huffing and walking away 
- His friends mumbling to each other while they quickly follow him 
- Fangs is the first to approach you 
- A bright smile on his face while he leads you to the table 
- And Sweet Pea looks at you like that when you walk past him
- But you don’t notice 
- You’re too busy laughing at something Toni has said
- The rest of the serpents have surrounded you 
- All of them listening intently while you tell them something that had happened earlier in the day
- But Sweet Pea’s left frozen in his spot 
- He honestly has no idea what to do 
- Because that was badass 
- And he’s finally figured out what he’s feeling 
- He’s pretty sure its love. 
- The third time he looks at you like that, is a lot later 
- Three years to be exact 
- Its graduation! 
- And Cheryl is throwing the best graduation party you’ve ever been to
- Not that you’ve been to a lot 
- But its still great 
- You and Sweet Pea are best friends 
- But there’s something more behind it 
- So what if there’s a bit lot of mutual pining between the two of you? 
- Anyway 
- So
- The graduation party 
- Everyone is crying 
- And telling people that they either didn’t know or used to bully, how much they’re going to miss them when they leave 
- You and Sweet Pea are on the dance floor 
- Having the time of your lives 
- Your song is on
- You both looking amazing 
- There’s absolutely no rhythm between the two of you 
- Your kind of just jumping at each other with the biggest grins on your faces 
- But then yours falters and he notices it straight away 
- Its only for a second 
- But before you know it
- He’s pulling you off the dance floor and up the stairs, pushing you into an empty bedroom 
- ‘whats wrong?’ 
- His face is filled with concern while he looks at you 
- You just sigh and flop on the bed 
- Staring at the red and gold ceiling
- He lies beside you
- His legs dangling off the end and you nudge his thigh with your own 
- ‘i’m going to miss all of this’ 
- Its silent for a few seconds and he sighs 
- Deciding on the best thing to say
- ‘me too.’ 
- He smiles at you sadly and grabs your hand 
- It feels natural 
- Like the most normal thing in the world 
- But the action makes you both blush and turn away 
- ‘sweet pea?’ 
- Ten minutes have passed of the two of you listening to the faint music coming from downstairs 
- The room is suddenly a lot darker 
- But there’s moonlight illuminating some of the room 
- And when Sweet Pea turns to face you 
- The sight makes you feel breathless 
- Moonlight lies gently on one side of his face 
- The few freckles he has somehow sparkle 
- And the curl lying on his forehead looks so soft that you’ve already brushed it away before you can stop yourself 
- You swear his breath hitches and so you look back at him 
- Maybe its the lighting and atmosphere 
- Maybe its the impending definitive change thats coming for both of you 
- But his hand finds its way to your hip, giving it a soft squeeze before pulling you closer
- And your hand moves into his hair, tangling your fingers in the strands 
- Your heartbeat is a mix of nerves and excitement as you lean in closer 
- And you swear you can hear it over the music coming from the living room 
- But Sweet Pea looks just as nervous while glancing at your lips 
- And then it happens 
- He kisses you 
- And its soft and gentle and a little awkward at first 
- There’s some teeth clashing and head bumping 
- But you soon get the hang of it 
- You work each other out 
- And its definitely worth the three year wait 
- You would wait a lifetime if it meant you got to kiss him at the end 
- And suddenly he’s on top of you 
- Looking down at your with swollen lips and messy hair 
- And he’s staring at you like you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever seen 
- you are 
- ‘sweet pea?’ 
- ‘yeah’ 
- ‘i still don’t have a boyfriend’ 
- ‘i know’
- He smiles at you 
- And its the best thing you’ve ever seen 
- You kiss him again
- And again 
- And again
- Until you can barely breathe and your lips hurt 
- Then he looks at you like that 
- And three years doesn’t feel that long compared to the lifetime ahead of you
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