#fun fact: you can't pose babies who can't sit up on their own
cinamun · 1 year
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The Nightmare | Next
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wileys-russo · 9 months
Kyra cooney-cross "I don't know how you managed to make me your girlfriend" (in a funny way) london colney
kyra cooney-cross
if there was one key attribute that no one could ever deny you had, it was patience.
hell you had to in order to date kyra, the girl was like an energiser bunny on a slow day and didn't need any sort of substance to be bouncing off walls.
you'd grown up together and gone through the youth teams side by side, so overtime you'd learned exactly what it took to try and navigate being her girlfriend rather than her babysitter, though that wasn't to say there wasn't days where that line felt blurred.
today was one of those days.
with the weather outside set to storm all day the training program had been altered to mean no one needed to train outside, the flu making its way through london and a big game coming up on the weekend the the coaching staff weren't ready to take any risks.
most of you didn't mind the change, taking the opportunity for further strength training in stride.
one person who did not like the change however was kyra, whose pent up energy coupled with the shitty weather meant she was like a ticking time bomb, unpredictable and ready to go off at any second.
"ky, baby please stop that." you sighed, your girlfriend stood in front of you as you sat up on the weights bench, repeatedly punching the air in front of you, her fists mere millimeters from your nose.
"can't, i'm like rocky!" kyra puffed, making all sorts of strange noises as she continued, another sigh leaving your lips as you dropped down to your back and continued with your exercises, kyra reverting to now kicking the air.
"kyra! do your program!" kim yelled out from across the gym, the words falling on deaf ears as the captain gave up for the day, having been pushed to her very wits end by the young energetic aussie who seemed allergic to sitting still.
"ky, honey please do your weights." you sighed as you finished your reps, your girlfriend returning to her punches, again only millimetres of space between her hands and your nose.
"fine! spot me." kyra groaned as the two of you swapped, her laying down on the bench, your own program long finished as kyra wasn't even halfway through hers.
"babe, focus please." you reminded as the brunette chattered away mid chest press, the bar slipping slightly as you hurried to grab it but she assured it was fine and continued on her way.
"whats next?" you held your hand out for her program as she tossed it to you, causing you to sigh and unravel the crumpled up ball, running your finger down the list. "bicep curls." you nodded for her to grab the hand weights.
"don't need those. i'm massive!" kyra stood up on the bench and began to pose, grunting and heaving as she flexed and moved like a body builder, rolling her sleeves up as you watched on unphased.
"wonderful, bicep curls please." you held up the hand weights as the brunette dropped back down with a huff. "you're no fun sometimes you know babe, like a wet blanket." your girlfriend accepted the weights as you chuckled.
"well you have enough fun for both of us, someones gotta keep you on the right track." you gestured for her to start, the girls around you watching on in wonder at the utter patience and the fact that kyra seemed to listen, able to work through the rest of her program with minimal interruptions.
"ky maybe thats not the best idea." you warned as she moved into the other section of the gym, grabbing the ropes and starting to pull herself up. "its fine! look im like a monkey." the brunette started to make noises as she swung herself back and forth and you took a seat.
"you've got twenty on the bike and ten on the rower and you're done. can we please get it done? then you've got free time and lunch." you tried to encourage, most of the other girls long finished as your words fell on deaf ears.
"you have the patience of a saint." steph sighed pulling herself up to sit beside you as kyra continued to swing. "just the practice of one is all." you chuckled, again try to coax kyra into finishing her program but to no avail.
"kyra i really don't think thats a good idea." steph warned as the girl dropped and started to try and wrap her ankles up to hang upside down from the hoops.
"sometimes you just need to let her do something dumb, its the best way she burns off energy and learns a valuable lesson." you shrugged as steph looked to you to continue her warnings.
and sure enough, your words rang true as kyra swung about upside down.
"im the king of the castle and you're all dirty rascals! oof." with a loud thud and a grunt she fell from the ropes to the floor with a groan, wincing as the ropes all fell down on top of her to complete the accident, the girls who were left in the gym all roaring with laughter.
with a sigh you hopped down and offered her a hand up, her face flushed bright red with embarrassment as you shook your head.
"ky baby some days i really don't know how you managed to make me your girfriend."
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prianya · 2 years
Pri hallooooo
If requests are open may i ask for a beach episode you know every type of media has one- and if its ok involving the very lovely convex??
Also ive been seeing the posts recently hope it get bette for you there :<
Have a nice day beloved (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Scar x Reader x Cub ▪︎ Platonic
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Word Count ▪︎ 932 words
Summary ▪︎ Sometimes you can't take Scar and Cub anywhere. If you thought that a beach was safe, then you're sorely mistaken.
Note ▪︎ Hello bookmark! I'm terribly sorry this ask took so long to be completed, but I do hope you enjoy it! You have an amazing day as well darling!
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You step out of Scar's car, rubbing your drooping eyes slightly as you try to wake yourself up. The car ride had been hours, and now you've found yourself wishing to be home more than anything. Scar and Cub unload the car, pulling out your bags and the sun umbrella.
As Scar passes you, he sets your sun hat on your head. The hat was a gift from a therapist of yours, Kristin, who had helped you get through a majority of your freshman year of college. Her and her husband were sweet, and you babysat for them sometimes. They had 3 kids, a pair of twins and a baby, and all 3 were the nicest kids you've met. Scar crests a small hill, striking a pose as he stares down to the beach from your parking space.
"Time for our beach episode!" Scar exclaims, pointing down the sloping sand to where you could see other people with chairs. He stands infront of you and Cub, his hands on his hips with sunscreen smeared on his face. Cub takes a few short steps, bringing up his hands and lightly shoving Scar down the bank of sand. You let out a snort at the small scream Scar releases as he falls, and the two of you laugh as he rolls.
"Epic start to our beach day," you giggle, adjusting your large sunhat on top of your head. Cub laughs as well, and offers an arm out to you. You link your arm to his and the both of you walk down to the water. The two of you find Scar quickly, laying down towels and opening the beach umbrella you had Cub carry.
"I'm going to relax for a while, and the two of you can go have fun," you sigh, laying down on your towel and resting your head in your arms. The two men take your advice, rushing off to do who knows what at the beach.
"I'm telling you, I'm going to build the best sandcastle," Scar scoops up another bucket of sand, turning it and delicately placing it on another spire.
"You're funny man, but I'll let you think you can beat me. Might save your ego," Cub scoffs at him, turning a blind eye to the look of offense Scar gives him.
"How dare you," he says, narrowing his eyes at Cub. Cub smirks at him, picking up his own sand pail.
"Oh, I dare." The both of them keep the tension-filled eye contact, silently communicating. As if they had reach an agreement, they look away and scramble to build their castles.
You sigh in delight, the summer sun bathing you in warmth. The beautiful day, paired with the fact that you're undisturbed, has made this beach trip much more enjoyable. You flip over, adjusting yourself to get the most optimal tan you can.
As an afterthought, you reach over and pop open the sunscreen, placing a dollop on your nose and rubbing it in. Adjusting your sunhat to move the black brim blocking your vision slightly, you drift off. The warmth of the sand was making you drowsy, and the lull of calmness put you to sleep quickly.
"I WILL KNOCK OVER YOUR CASTLE." Scar seethes, reaching over to dump out his bucket of sand over Cub's head.
"Don't you dare! I've worked hard on this," Cub manages to block Scar's hands, evading the sand bucket in the process.
"You just dumped sand all over mine! It's ruined!" Cub shrugs at Scar's words, continuing to block the annoyed man's access to his sandcastle.
"That seems like a you problem, really," Cub mutters and Scar narrows his eyes.
"I'll show you a "you problem" you-," Scar cuts himself off by lunging at Cub, who lets out a girlish scream.
You sit idly, sipping on a juice box as you turn pages in your new novel. The plot was interesting, really, and the male love interest reminded you of Xisuma. You ponder on that thought, thinking about how accurate the writing was to the personality of your friend. Throwing away the thought, you let out small hums and gasps as you read through the lovely book.
"Oh dear," you say, pitying the female lead. She had just been left on the altar by her fiancée, and the book had only a few pages left. You read on, too absorbed in your last chapter to notice a lifeguard walking towards you, with Scar and Cub in tow.
"That's her right there, yes," Scar confirms, and the lifeguard clears their throat. You look up, confusion painting your face.
"These two were causing a disturbance," the lifeguard explains, "And we've been forced to remove them from the beach." You deadpan at the two, and the lifeguard retreats after sensing your annoyance.
"You two are grown men, and you just hot us kicked off a beach." You say slowly, your eyes narrowed the entire time. The two of them sweat, looking anywhere but your face.
"Sorry?" Cub offers weakly, and you just sigh. You push yourself up, and pick up your towel to shake it out. The two watch as you put away your things, gathering bags and folding all the towels.
"Let's go," you sigh, pulling Scar's keys from his bag. The two follow behind, with Cub grabbing the beach umbrella. The two load the car, and you slide into the driver's seat and turn the ignition.
"I am never bringing you two to the beach again," you mutter, and neither of them have the heart to disagree.
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ilgaksu · 1 year
Sorry, I always see your posts late. More thoughts on to be the knife? Character moments you didn't get to include or backstory that didn't make it onto the page or how do Xiazi and Xiao Hua end up crossing paths again?
(you don't see them late, and there is no expiry on asks or ask memes for me. you just need to link to it if it's a numbered question so i know which post to refer to for example. i just explicitly post inviting asks because i have limited energy, have recently been travelling abroad and this week have the requisite flare-up, and i also sometimes just want to make it clear when people will get a timely reply. and often, if it's a message i want to really think about, it'll take some time anyway! so yeah, you're all good <3)
OH, OH THERE IS SO MUCH. especially because i'd ideally like to write another fic in that universe, with the proviso i have a Backlog and a promised heist au because of that one poll. i'm tagging @difeisheng mostly for the sake of it being a shared baby so they can pull me back in line if i've forgotten/misremembered something.
i think the most fun thing to focus on in this reply is how they cross paths again, which is that the victim in the current murder case is, in fact, an ex-employee of xiao hua's. xiao hua has a spy network throughout the city, and a large number are women and men who were previously indentured sex workers, and xiao hua bought their contracts and destroyed the contracts, usually dramatically in front of the people, then offered them a job working for him in some capacity. this means that even if the person chooses to leave sex work and say, open a business (which he might give them a loan to open) or work in a hotel etc (he'll assist that too), they can still accept working for him as a direct spy. or otherwise, they know they owe him a favour he can call in. the women in the brothel in that fic have actively chosen to stay in the profession. he isn't helping people find jobs or open businesses or get married out of the goodness of his heart, it's because hope is a valuable currency to buy extreme loyalty, and often is more effective than fear in certain cases.
so, xiao hua is pretty concerned that an employee of his has shown up dead. and he doesn't like the implication he can't take care of his own. so he ends up helping wu xie solve the case, and this involves him and hei xiazi infilitrating a western-style dance hall, posing as a couple. xiao hua in this is still very trans, remember, and so he decides to dress in western women's clothes of the time and pose as a short-haired ingenue, and hei xiazi sees this and just about drops dead, since i apparently only write one kind of cross-dressing.*
we just thought it'd be fun to have xiao hua in a typical 30s ballroom-appropriate gown sitting in hei xiazi's lap to perform brainlessness while hei xiazi has no clue where to put his hands given xiao hua could cheerfully cut them off with the knife he has strapped to his thigh next to those stockings. then they break into the owner's office. and make out in there. and then get caught. and then escape. and then fall into bed together back at hei xiazi's apartment. i'm pretty sure that's the next meeting. i feel like ash will correct me if i am wrong.
*i'm using the term cross-dressing, btw, because contextually that is how the character views it, and how they are operating within their understanding of it, attraction or kink or complicated feelings or otherwise.
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kiridarling · 4 years
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izuku midoriya | ft. ceo!au + praise + exhibitionism + breaking and entering + body worship + f!reader + more! minors dni.
— 3.8k words
“When I saw you this evening, in that ballgown, I knew I just had to have you. But I can't be a gentleman for much longer, as much as I'd like to."
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You’ve always hated Chopin.
“L’œuf mimosa, Madame?”
After turning down the poor waiter whose arms quiver under the weight of the plates, you turn back to your red wine and people-watching. The ballroom is full of golds and reds, the amber lighting illuminating the intricately decorated walls. And you sit in the middle of it all—you and your 147 billion net-worth, with a ball gown that’s caught at least half the aristocratic asshole’s attention, not that they were very loyal to their wives in the first place.
You're not here for their attention, though. You’re strictly here for business—and frankly, you want to do nothing more than sock these fat business moguls in their chubby faces until their teeth fall out and demand they pay their taxes. But, seeing as you’re the only woman here who isn’t a gold-digging wife, you bite your tongue.
You’ve always dreaded black tie events, but as you’ve said, duty calls.
A whine filters through the speakers, followed by two amplified taps and a clear of a throat. The murmur down as the auction's owner takes the center of the stage, stilling in front of the next piece of art—hidden behind a black veil—before adjusting the tie to his business suit.
“I’m glad that you all could be with us tonight. I have both a great privilege and honor to host this event,” he announces, bulbous head already growing damp under the heat of the stage lights. “Now that we're almost at the end, I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Saving the best for last, as one does."
He includes a casual wave to his comment and the audience erupts in a flurry of chuckles, though not for long. As he walks over to the piece, hand raised and ready to reveal, silence seizes the room by the neck.
"Well. Shall we?”
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The audience balances on the edges of their seats, with millions of wide eyes and thrumming chests in anticipation. A smooth flick of a hand and the black sheet is removed, and there sits the only piece you’ve had your eyes on all night. She’s even more beautiful up close.
“El Bacio, The Kiss. Francesco Hayez, 1859.”
The grip around your glass tightens. The brilliant blue from the woman’s dress in the oil painting may as well burn your eyes, and the surrounding murmurs peak with your interest. You know it's yours without question, though—you can outbid almost anyone in this room. Anyone that matters, anyway.
“This is the original version, originally commissioned by Count Alfonso Maria Visconti of Saliceto. It was donated to the Pinacoteca di Brera in 1886 and went missing in 1937. Starting at ten million.”
You try not to scowl. The fucker jacked up the price by two million.
“Twelve million,” the man says as he recognizes whoever lifted a hand. You sit tight, your hands throbbing in your lap for the right moment as you survey the room for anyone who could possibly pose a threat. You find none.
The bidding continues. The price elevates from twelve million to fifteen to thirty to fifty. You raise a hand, finally, fingers splayed wide and confident to signify a five.
“Fifty-five million.”
The room falls silent; you try not to smile. You know for a fact no one wants this painting more than you do, and you’re determined to have it.
“No one else?”
His eyes scan the room but no one makes a motion. It’s yours.
Until there’s movement from your peripheral.
“Sixty million!”
You eye whoever had the audacity to raise their hand, only to be met with a rather peculiar sight—a man, roughly your age, with slicked-back green hair and a hand twice the size of yours, lifted lazily in the air.
With a huff, you find yourself thrusting another five into the air.
“Sixty-five millio—Seventy million!”
You know that green-haired (probably) trust fund baby has got to be doing this for fun because the poorly hidden smirk hidden behind the hand he rests his chin on is more than obvious.
You dislike him already, immediately categorizing him with the rest—another sleazeball.
“Seventy-five million!”
“Eighty million!”
“One hundred million!”
In your defense, you were getting frustrated.
Either way, the green-haired stranger backs off with a nonchalant shrug, and it makes you burn this discontent. The business mogul-turned-auctioneer steps off the stage for another twenty-minute intermission and folks turn to one another for conversation. You sigh, simply satisfied that you’ve gotten what you came for.
You find yourself faintly puzzled by the boy with the green hair, and you're sure it's solely due to his age. Frankly, you've been the only one under thirty in the Top 100 Richest People since you achieved such a feat, and the fact that you haven't heard of him is...puzzling. But it doesn't matter. Clearly, he’s just another fellow looking to put another pretty thing in his foyer—you doubt he knows a thing about art, and definitely not an appreciation for it. You find solace in the fact that it's the new addition to your precious art collection instead, and will be owned and taken care of by someone who actually enjoys it.
“Good evening.”
You jump. Wrapped up in all of your inner turmoil (complemented by inner bragging, naturally) you fail to notice the greenette cross the expanse of the ballroom and make himself comfortable in the open seat next to you, despite your lack of approval.
“Hello,” you say, unsure of why he's here. He offers a hand to shake, Rolex glinting under the golden lighting.
“Izuku Midoriya,” he introduces, and you suppose shaking his hand won’t hurt.
“Your name?” He snorts, raising a cocky eyebrow. You scowl.
“Does it matter?”
“Not particularly.” Izuku rests his forearms on the table as his evergreen eyes rake your figure up and down. “But if you prefer to remain nameless, be my guest.”
“My name,” you clarify. “It’s [Y/N].”
You’re not exactly sure what possessed you to tell him your name so easily. Maybe the fact that most already know who you are, and the fact that this man—this stranger—doesn’t know who you are, irks you a bit.
Okay. It irks you a lot.
“Well, Miss [Y/N],” Izuku tilts his head sideways. “I think that’s a very pretty name.”
Your body betrays you with a light gasp. Stupid thing.
“Well. I’m bored,” Izuku announces childishly, relaxing against the chair. “Lets go somewhere.”
You roll your eyes at his asserted dominance—in no way does he expect you to go with him, does he? You raise an eyebrow.
Izuku clicks his tongue as if it were a buzzer, and more importantly, as if you were wrong. “Why?”
That has you scoffing. “I don’t know you.”
Izuku’s eyes flash with a challenge and it’s gone just as quickly. He leans forwards, crowding your personal space yet again.
“I told you my name, no?”
“You did,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest and straightening your back. You feel too small. “But I know nothing about you.“
“Well,” Izuku places an inquisitive finger on his lips, and it’s almost mocking, the way he takes a moment to think about it. “My name is Izuku Midoriya. I like...katsudon and hero movies. I’m here because I have too much time and money on my hands, and I’m, most importantly, bored.”
Your eyes narrow. “What do you do for a living?”
Izuku’s lip curls, and it’s downright sinister, “I'll tell you if you come with me."
You roll your eyes, and he takes both your hands in his. You don’t pull away, but you don’t reciprocate it either.
Izuku shrugs, “Wherever the wind takes us.”
Your stomach growls loudly, interrupting your fairly intimate conversation and dying your cheeks pink. Izuku raises an eyebrow.
“I heard they’re feeding us escargo for dinner.”
“Ugh,” you sigh, shoulder sagging. “Looks like I’m not eating, then.”
But there’s a glint in his eyes, and you’d be lying if you said there wasn’t one in your own. There's an ebb in the discourse, a beat, before Izuku's nodding towards the exit.
“Fast food?”
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Wendy’s hits different during a Parisian midnight.
“—and so I had to be like: No Kacchan, you can’t hotwire his car to blow just because your food was, and I quote, lukewarm.”
You snicker behind a fist, digging your fancy heels into the grimy cement sidewalk, Wendy’s frostee in hand. Izuku hasn’t let go of your hand since you two left the fast-food joint, and for some reason, you haven’t pulled away.
"Violence seems to be a reoccurring theme with your friend," you say, laughing when Izuku nods in agreement, eyes stuck on the full moon hanging high in the air.
"You remind me of him, actually."
You raise an eyebrow, unable to see the correlation at all, "Because I'm a loud and angry and I like to blow things up."
"Or, because you're strong—independent. The type of woman to make men turn tail and run, you know?" Izuku turns to you with a lopsided grin.
You hum, averting your eyes to the moon. It's a stupid question, one that's all too loaded yet empty at the same time, and you hate that you hesitate to ask it.
"Why haven't you ran, then?"
"Easy." Izuku lets a smooth shrug roll off his shoulders, "I like strong women."
He continues to pull you to an undisclosed destination, the two of you stumbling through the heart of Paris with his suit jacket around your goosebump-ridden shoulders. People stare, but for the first time in forever, you find that you don't care much.
Finally, you two reach Izuku's "big reveal." You gaze at the magnificently lit french building in confusion, the golden under lights contrasting both of your beings against the navy blue sky.
"The Louvre?"
"Mhm," Izuku says, and he looks more than giddy. "Have you been?"
"Once," your voice is weary and you're sure he senses it, his grip tightening around your own. "For a fundraiser...but it's midnight Izuku, ho—"
But he's already tugging you to the right, dipping between columns and arches until you reach the back of the building. Izuku turns to you and whispers:
"Watch this."
It's hard to tell what he did exactly, especially with no light—it's just a bunch of jingles and ticks. Though, the moment you can't escape the sense that this is beyond sketchy, a lock clicks, and a door whines open.
"Hurry. And take your heels off," Izuku whispers, tilting his head towards the entrance. You hear the crunch of a leaf and see the beginning of a white flashlight curl around the building and fuck, this place has to be crawling with security guards, doesn't it?
"Don't tell me what to do," you grumble...as you take off your shoes. (Because you were going to do it anyway.) You enter and he closes the door behind the two of you, submerging you both in complete darkness.
"Security's only on the outside," Izuku grins. "They don't expect us to get inside, so as long as we're quiet, it should be fine."
"Until we have to get back out again," you say, huffing. Your heart pounds from the adrenaline because frankly, you've never been one for adventures, and breaking into a historical french museum is miles out of your comfort zone. "Seriously, did you think this through at all? What happens when we get caught?"
Izuku sighs, turning to you with a pout before grabbing your free hand again. "Women worry too much. C'mon—I wanna explore."
"You—let go, you misogynistic assho—"
You're cut off by a finger to your lips. Izuku bends down so he’s looking at you straight on, eyes dark as he sternly whispers, "Do you want us to get caught?"
It's not the prospect of getting caught that makes you falter, though—it's the way his stare pins you in place, voice swollen with that air of dominance you claim to hate. You have to tighten your grip on your heels to ensure they don't hit the ground.
"Now," Izuku‘s strangely childish manner returns, tugging your hand once your panicked whisper-yelling ceases, "Shall we?"
You roll your eyes, but your bare feet patter against the cold Louvre tile anyway. And you've got to say, the museum is much nicer when it isn't crawling with people.
"Mona Lisa's forehead is bigger than I thought," Izuku observes with a finger on his lip. He's on the wrong side of the railing, his nose close to kissing the glass protecting the piece. You snort, dropping your head to pinch the bridge. He turns to give you a weird look.
"Nothing, just," you shake your head, the cool wood of the railing digging into your forearms. "Did you actually want that painting?"
Izuku frowns. "Which one?"
"El Bacio."
"Mm," the greenette hums as he thinks, blinking to the corner of the room."I suppose. You seemed like you wanted it more, though."
You roll your eyes, "So you cap at eighty million?"
Izuku shrugs, hopping the railing. Seems like he's finally done insulting poor Lisa, "I capped when you started to sweat."
You huff, but stomping instead of walking isn't so intimidating when you're barefoot. "I wasn't sweating."
You see a hidden smirk on Izuku's face once you catch up to him, and it's frustrating and insulting, to say the least. Both of you proceed down a hall of statues. "You're much easier to read than you think, Miss [Y/N]."
"And you're not as perceptive as you think, Mister Midoriya."
Izuku chuckles at that, shaking his head. "Well played, Miss [Y/N]. Well played."
You're not sure why your chest swells, but it does, and it takes both you and your limited lung capacity off guard. But you don't have much time to sort it out—Izuku's grabbing your hand again, and redirecting your attention to the last statue in the hall. You recognize it and frown.
“Cupid and Psyche?”
The silver moonlight pours in through the window, spilling down Cupid’s tipped wings and the softest points of the Psyche’s curves. Izuku hums in confirmation, hands sliding to encompass your hips as his chin hooks on your shoulder.
"Well done, Miss [Y/N]."
His voice deepens—it's coarse and heady, and gets your blood rushing in a way breaking and entering never could have.
"Amore e Psiche, Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss. Antonio Canova, 1793."
You fail to understand why this statue stood out to him compared to all the others, but the circles Izuku’s thumb presses into your hips signifies that you’ll find out soon.
"Cupid represents desire, and Psyche, the human soul," Izuku says, running his hands up your sides. "Together, they make the perfect union."
Dipping his nose into your neck, Izuku inhales, and the hands around your waist tighten, if the smallest bit. "Psyche was the prettiest woman in the world; so pretty she rivaled Venus' beauty with her own. It didn't matter if it broke rules—Cupid knew he had to have her."
The gentle nudge of a neck evolves into a set of butterfly kisses, tracing the column of your neck until his mouth reaches your ear. A hand slides to gently cup your breast, and the other to your thigh.
"Miss [Y/N], when I saw you this evening, in that ballgown, I knew I just had to have you. But I can't be a gentleman for much longer, as much as I'd like to." Izuku groans into your neck, hips gently grinding forwards. "So, it's up to you what we do next—I could drop you off at your home to probably never see you again, or...”
Izuku shifts, and you can feel his hardening cock against your back. “I can bend you over right here. Your choice.”
You hesitate, determined to think this through—but Izuku's wandering hands and rutting hips prove to be too much of a distraction.
"Fine," is all you say, before whirling around, grabbing the greenette by his dress shirt, and slamming your lips onto his.
Izuku kisses back with a grin—like he knew you were going to say yes—and places his hands around your waist yet again, backing you up against the marble statue.
"Sit on the platform," he breathes into your mouth. You frown.
"Like, the platform to the statue? Caus—"
"Yes on the statue, now sit," Izuku demands, but he doesn't give you much room to protest, forcing you onto the marble platform. Hiking your dress to your waist, Izuku's calloused palms slide up your inner thighs, spreading them apart to make room for himself in between. He pauses.
"No panties?"
You flush red—from the exposure or the comment, you aren't sure—but you huff in defiance nevertheless, determined to stand your ground and keep some of your dignity. (Though you're positive Izuku can feel you shaking already.)
"I'm wearing a dress," you defend weakly.
Izuku hums behind a bitten lip, lying a heavy thumb on your clit. It's enough pressure to make your thighs tense but not much else, until it flicks downwards.
"I wanna taste you," Izuku growls with dilated pupils once he finally tears his gaze from your exposed body. "Can I?"
Heat surges through your veins, and you let him pry your thighs apart as you respond with an unsteady, "Yeah—yeah, that's fine."
Izuku's chest rumbles with a growl as he closes in on your pussy, hands gripping underneath your thighs. You whimper when he trails butterfly kisses down your inner legs, the grip you have around the skirt of your dress tightening.
"So pretty," Izuku groans, chuckling when you shiver as he flattens his tongue against your slit, "My Goddess."
With that he dives in, almost sending you toppling with the force. The moonlight dyes his green locks a navy blue, and you can't resist seizing them into a fist when he pushes a finger in.
"Feel good, Gorgeous?" Izuku says with a knowing smirk on his sinfully glossed lips. Another digit enters and it has your toes curling as you nod. “Shit, you’re tight.”
Izuku spits on your pussy and it’s downright dirty, before looks at you under forest green eyelashes, the other hand finally letting go of your thigh in favor for pulling at the top of your dress.
“Izuku, wha—“
“I wanna see your tits,” he huffs. You’d laugh at his enthusiasm if you weren’t so aroused, and you find your hands joining in the flurry. The moment they’re free, Izuku’s mouth latches onto your breast in an instant.
“F-Fuck, ‘Zuku—“
“You sound so good when you moan my name, sweetheart,” Izuku groans, and you jolt as he tweaks a bud.
“Say it again.”
He pinches your nipple and clit at the same time, and it has your legs kicking as you squeal his name again.
The Izuku growls and it's nothing but feral, and another yelp of his name has him pulling you to your feet to the point where your noses almost touch. Aggravated from being so close before the greenette ripped his fingers away has you scowling.
"Can I fuck you?" His breath ghosts your lips. You hide your shock by a roll of your eyes.
"Do you always ask stupid questions?"
Izuku hums in contemplation before grabbing you harshly by the jaw, to the point where your cheeks squish into your eyes and your lips pucker. "Say it, Bunny."
"I just sa—"
"Say 'I want you to fuck me, Izuku,'" he says with a cruel snarl. "’Hard.’"
Your eyes dart from his heavy gaze to the statue, and you can't help but feel more fragile than glass. "I litera—"
"Say it, brat."
"I—" you try but nothing comes out, and you blame that darkened stare of his, "I w-want you to fuck me. Izuku."
Izuku inhales sharply, the fingers cradling your face tightening before he speaks again.
"Good girl."
He spins you so your hands lay on the statue's base, yanking your hips back and flipping your dress so your bare ass is exposed to the cool air.
Izuku's palms caress your behind, kneading both globes before he pulls you against his bare cock. (When he took off his pants is beyond you.) He slaps his cock against your clit until you huff in frustration, turning around to shoot him an angry glare.
"Today, Izuku."
The greenette blinks out of his absorbed gaze on your behind in favor of glowering you down. You waver under his glare despite your best efforts.
His cock kisses your entrance and then all of it is in you at once, and his size is enough to make your inner thighs ache from the stretch. You bite your lip in an attempt to muffle a moan, but that crashes and burns fairly quickly.
"O-Oh shi—"
"You said today, didn't you?" Izuku rasps, before pulling out and stuffing you full at a quick and steady pace. Your hands scramble for proper purchase against the statue—without breaking it, for gods sake—but the harder he fucks you into it, the harder it is to stay upright. "Quiet, baby. We're not supposed to be here, remember?"
You nod frantically, teeth digging into your bottom lip. The thought of getting caught, you, of all people, while being railed against a marble statue—
Izuku moans in your ear, a hand moving between your thighs to rub at your clit. "Oh, you tightened when I said that—you like the idea of getting caught, Bunny?"
You respond with a choked moan, thighs quivering with an impending orgasm. Izuku groans as you tighten around him again, but they quickly turn into shushes.
"I-I know," your voice cracks and it's absolutely pathetic. "But I can't—"
Izuku's hand wraps around your mouth to the point where his fingertips just barely brush your ears. You whine, eyes fluttering as the new grip adjusts the angle ever so slightly, and pushes him so much deeper.
"You're gonna kill me," Izuku says, wheezing out a laugh. "I—fuck Bunny, I'm close."
You whimper behind his hand and nod as if to say me too, and you're sure Izuku understands from the way he groans before he speeds up in all aspects. "Good. G-Good—cum for me baby, I know you can—"
Your toes curl into the marble floor as the coil in your gut snaps, knocking the wind out of you and sending you thrashing in Izuku's arms. You hear the greenette curse and shudder behind you, stuttering hips slowing to an eventual stop. Both of you stand there for a moment, comfortable interrupting the silence with nothing but your heaving breaths.
"You okay?"
You chuckle. It's dry and scratchy, and your lip throbs from biting it so hard, but it isn’t...aggravating, per-se. "You sound worse than me."
Izuku laughs at that, though it waters down as he pulls out with a hiss. "I don't think worse is the correct adjective here, Miss [Y/N].”
You snort. Back to “Miss [Y/N]” it is, then.
Your ears catch the distinct wail of ever-increasing sirens, but you don't think much of it until the side of Izuku's face starts flashing blue and red. Both you and the greenette falter, sharing a look.
"Police! Hands in the air!"
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i wrote this while watching a hysterectomy in physio aah (also yes, the french police speak in english leave me alone skjdhfgk) — sun
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writer-ish · 3 years
The 3rd Annual Bloom Edenbrook Fundraising Gala
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Dr. Brooke Spiers) Word Count: 2.9k Rating: Mostly T (innuendo, language, smooches)
Premise: Dr. Brooke Spiers and Dr. Ethan Ramsey get coerced into answering anonymous questions submitted by generous donors at this year's hospital fundraising gala. They have about as much fun with it as you'd expect.
This idea is all thanks to THIS ASK from the lovely @lem-20. The concept and all questions are hers! Thank you, darling Leah! ♥️
Author’s Note: My first time with a mixed-media type post(!!!) and the writing part has been done almost script-style, similar to the "Not Yet Wed" questions courtesy of @jamespotterthefirst, which you can find HERE. Hope you all enjoy. 🥰
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Bonus Raffle
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SETTING - Diagnostics Office - 5:15 PM
TWO DOCTORS in formal attire sit across from one another. The male, DR. ETHAN RAMSEY, late-30s, devastatingly handsome, leans against a desk, arms crossed. The female, DR. BROOKE SPIERS, late-20s, charmingly attractive, sits on a larger table further away, legs swinging.
Ethan: I can't believe you talked me into this.
Brooke: [smirking] Why does this feel like deja vu?
Ethan: You know exactly why. You coerced me into the same sort of nonsense in your intern year for that magazine—whatever it was.
Brooke: Yeah, and remember how much publicity the hospital got that year? You're welcome.
Ethan: How can you be sure our "publicity" had to do with that article and not the fact that a first-year intern stole from a large pharamceutical company to administer an unapproved drug to—
Brooke: [hands up] Okay, okay, we get it. Regardless, you have to admit I was responsible for all the publicity. [grins]
Ethan: [can't help but grin back] Touche. [sighs deeply] Let's go home.
Brooke: Can't, babe. We're the main event.
Ethan: How did this even come about? Is there not some code of ethics against this sort of thing?
Brooke: [laughs] It's just staff and donors. All adults. We're showing that we're good sports and it's for a good cause.
Ethan: [grumbles] I don't know why people care so much about us.
Brooke: You don't? I mean, have you seen us?
Ethan: [dryly] And so humble, too.
Brooke: Lord knows you aren't with me for my humility.
Ethan: Indeed. [picks up a glass from the desk at his side, swirling the amber liquid] Well, I hope you're prepared.
Brooke: [amused] Prepared?
Ethan: You're used to me being reticent in situations like this and holding back? [downs the liquid in one shot] Not today.
Brooke: [wary] What does that mean?
DR. RAMSEY stands up, crossing the room towards DR. SPIERS until the latter is forced to open her legs to accommodate his presence. He braces a hand on either side of her, leaning forward until their lips are almost touching. Her face flushes. He notices, and a slow, lazy smile spreads.
Ethan: It means [kisses her slightly open mouth softly] I'm answering all their questions.
Brooke: [giggles nervously] All of them? But what if—
Ethan: [punctuating each word with a kiss] All. Of. Them.
He leans forward and captures her mouth in a deep, searing kiss. Her arms twine around his neck and she lets out a soft moan. Drawing her ankles around his legs she pulls him even closer and he places one hand on the desk as the other glides up her back. They stay like that, interlocked for a moment, before he pulls away.
Brooke: [eyes still closed] Hmph.
Ethan: Let's go get this over with.
Brooke: [slowly opens eyes and peers at him, disgruntled] What kinds of questions do you think people are submitting?
Ethan: Like you said, Dr. Spiers... [a slow smile spreads] Have you seen us?
DR. SPIERS laughs as she follows DR. RAMSEY out.
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A.N. PLEASE do not look too closely at this very badly photoshopped pic 😂
SETTING - Bloom Edenbrook Hospital, Main Atrium - 6:25 PM
Our two doctors sit beside each other on a makeshift stage. A semi-recognizable third-year resident is the host for the evening. DR. RAMSEY dusts an imaginary piece of lint off his sleeve. DR. SPIERS has her hands in lap, knee shaking slightly. Noticing, Dr. Ramsey reaches over and rests his hand on her leg. She looks over with a small smile and places her hand over his.
Thank you to our very own Chief of Medicine, Dr. Ethan Ramsey, and his partner, head of the Diagnostics Team, Dr. Brooke Spiers, for being here with us today for a good cause. Dr. Ramsey and Dr. Spiers, are you prepared to answer some questions provided by our generous, anonymous donors?
Brooke: Sure, why not.
Ethan: [through gritted teeth] For a good cause.
Alright, excellent. I will be drawing these questions at random. Thank you to all who donated for the opportunity to submit a question.
Dr. Ramsey and Dr. Spiers, you will both be posed a question. If you choose to answer, you must both answer. If you choose not to, you must match the donation made by the donor, in lieu of a verbal response. Are you ready to begin?
Ethan: Mmm.
Brooke: [nervous laugh] I suppose.
Alright, here we go!
First question: If he/she could take one thing to a desert island what would it be?
Brooke: Me.
[Audience whoops and laughs]
Ethan: [can't hide his smirk, before clearing his throat] Brooke would take her phone. Heaven forbid she can't post about something on Pictagram.
Brooke: It's true. I'm sorry for being such a young millennial needy for external validation.
What are your nicknames for each other?
Brooke and Ethan: [look at each other. Brooke laughs.]
Ethan: Just say it.
Brooke: I mean, it's nothing too embarassing. I call him babe usually, or baby sometimes if I'm feeling extra nice. He calls me—[blushes and looks over at Ethan]
Ethan: [sighs] 'My love'. I call her 'my love'.
[Audience "awwww"s]
Who’s the better cook?
Brooke: Oh, Ethan. A hundred percent.
Ethan: It's true.
Brooke: I'm abysmal.
Ethan: Normally I would demur when it comes to Dr. Spiers' perceived faults, but in this case she's correct.
Brooke: Thanks, babe.
Ethan: You have many wonderful qualities that don't involve ovens, my love.
[A squeal from the audience that sounds suspiciously like Sienna]
Who has the last word in an argument?
[simultaneously] Brooke: Ethan Ethan: Brooke
[They look at each other]
Brooke: [laughs incredulously] Seriously?
Ethan: You think I don't hear you muttering to yourself after you walk away, almost every single time?
Brooke: Oh, so cursing your name and your very existence counts as the last word and not you shouting [affects deep voice] "And that's final!"? Duly noted.
Ethan: I don't sound like that or say that.
Brooke: Mm, sure.
Who is best at keeping secrets?
Brooke: Uh, neither of us?
Ethan: I had a secret once and it was hell keeping it.
Brooke: You've had a couple.
Ethan: True. I'm done with secrets.
Brooke: In lighter news, we kept [gestures between the two of them] this thing a secret for a bit. No?
Ethan: [opens his mouth to agree, when he's interrupted by a shout from the audience—]
Audience member that sounds suspiciously like Elijah: Nope! We all knew!
[Audience loudly murmurs in agreement]
Brooke: Never mind, then.
Who wears the trousers in the relationship?
Ethan: Neither of us subscribes to antiquated beliefs of superiority in a relationship. We're partners and teammates and work together accordingly. Sometimes she helps and guides me and sometimes I do the same for her. There is no one person who holds higher ground over the other and to imply otherwise would be foolish.
Brooke: [literal heart eyes at Ethan] What he said. [stage whisper] Except it's me.
[Audience laughs as Ethan rolls his eyes]
What is his/her worst habit?
Brooke: Workaholic, poor communication skills, yells first and asks questions later… I could go on.
Ethan: Charming. I have two words for you: messy packrat.
Brooke: Excuse me?
Ethan: If I had a nickel for every useless piece of garbage you kept "just in case" or for each article of clothing on the floor of my bedr—[clears throat] Just trust me.
Brooke: [smirks and whispers against Ethan's ear so only he can hear] Sorry, who is responsible for my clothes on the floor…?
Ethan: [says nothing but smirks as well]
[Audience murmurs in scandal]
What three words would you use to describe them?
Brooke: Hmm. Let me think.
Ethan: Passionate, caring, intelligent.
Brooke: [looks at him fondly] You came up with those fast.
Ethan: [matter-of-factly] I could give them ten more easily.
[Audience "awww"s]
Brooke: [to the audience] No, no, no don't be fooled, he doesn't mean only the flattering words, trust me.
Ethan: I believe it's your turn.
Brooke: Dedicated, compassionate, brilliant.
Ethan: [smiles softly at Brooke, who avoids his gaze. He reaches over and squeezes her hand.]
Brooke: [mutters] Yeah, yeah.
What celebrity do you/they think they most look like?
[Both Ethan and Brooke look at the announcer quizzically.]
Brooke: Celebrity? Uhh…
Ethan: I don't even know how I would begin to answer this question.
Brooke: Ryan Reynolds?
[Audience laughs and loudly disagrees]
Ethan: Who?
Brooke: [laughs and shakes her head] I don't know! I just named a random hot guy. You name a redhead actress. Jessica Chastain?
Ethan: [confused] Do you mean Jessica Rabbit?
Brooke: No I don't mean— [looks at him incredulously] Are you saying you think I look like Jessica Rabbit?
Ethan: No, I thought that's what you were saying and I was about to tell you how incorrect you were. Er, that is to say—
Brooke: I feel like you're digging yourself into a hole here.
Ethan: Agreed.
Who is the most vain?
Ethan: Both of us have more pressing concerns than our physical appearance.
Brooke: Ethan.
Ethan: [splutters]
Brooke: If you're going based off who spends more time on their hair in the bathroom? Ethan.
Ethan: [crosses his arms and glowers, but doesn't disagree]
What is his/her guilty pleasure?
Brooke: Ethan's is cooking shows, particularly Nigella.
Ethan: It's true. Brooke's is high calorie indulgences like—what's the freezer cake you made me buy the other day? With no identifiable or even passably edible ingredients?
Brooke: Ooh, Deep 'n Delicious. So good.
Ethan: [rolls eyes] Yes, because we all need our daily dose of hydrogenated oils and preservatives.
If they had a free pass, which celebrity would they choose to sleep with?
[Look at each other blankly]
Brooke: Uhh… Nigella?
Ethan: This Ryan Reynolds fellow?
Brooke: [laughs] I don't even like him!
Ethan: So who, then?
Brooke: [crosses her arms] I notice you didn't deny Nigella.
Ethan: This question is stupid. Next question.
Where and when did you go on your first date?
Brooke: Derry Roasters
Ethan: What? No. I took you to Sorellina—
Brooke: What, three years after we first met? No. Our first date was Derry Roasters when you caught me following you that time.
Ethan: Ah, so she finally admits it. I thought at the time I was… what was it, "paranoid"?
Brooke: [laughs only a touch guiltily] Did I say that?
Ethan: So you're treating the first time you trailed after me to the local coffee shop as our first date?
Brooke: Well, you paid.
Ethan: Yeah, after you "forgot" your wallet.
Brooke: What, you thought I pursued you for your good looks? No, sir. I like a man with deep pockets. Plus, you know how I know it was a first date?
Ethan: Please, enlighten me.
Brooke: You ordered for me and I didn't get annoyed and it was horrible, but I still drank the whole thing.
Ethan: The espresso Romano is not horr—
Brooke: Horrible. Coffee and lemon? [shudders] That's how I knew I was into you.
Ethan: [intrigued] Really? Way back then?
Brooke: [nods, blushing slightly, and rolls her eyes] Oh brother, don't act so shocked. You knew.
[Audience laughs and whoops]
Ethan: [shell-shocked face showing he absolutely did not know]
Where was your first kiss?
Brooke: [sheepishly] Miami.
[Audience murmurs in surprise]
Ethan: [sighs] Yes.
Brooke: Is that—are Harper and Naveen exchanging money?
Naveen: [from the audience] Dr. Emery should know better than to question my instincts!
Ethan: [loudly groans] Next question.
Who is the loudest in bed?
Brooke: [yelps and, remembering Ethan's earlier warning, throws her hand over his mouth]
Ethan: [from behind her hand] You probably could have made the answer less obvious.
Brooke: [blushes and groans]
[Audience roars its approval]
Which of your friends do you think he/she is most likely to have a crush on?
Brooke: Ohhh, this is awkward.
Ethan: My friends?
Brooke: Considering we can list your friends on one hand…and some of them intersect with mine. [bites lip] What do we do with this one?
Ethan: [to the host] What did the donor pay?
Ethan: To submit this question. How much?
Oh, uhh—[checks] $200.
Ethan: I'll write you a cheque for $200. Next question.
Brooke: [shakes her head laughing] All the questions, huh?
Ethan: At my discretion, yes.
Bryce: [from the audience] You know the answer was me for both of you, anyway!
Ethan: [scoffs] Fat chance, Lahela.
Brooke: [pointedly silent, staring straight ahead]
Ohh-kay. Next question. Who had feelings first?
Brooke: Ha, me. For sure.
Ethan: Are you sure?
Brooke: [looks at him incredulously] I just told you I liked you even after you bought me lemon coffee at Derry Roasters three years ago. [sits up to look at him more fully] No chance you liked me earlier than that. I mean, like-liked me.
Ethan: "Like-liked you"? Are we twelve?
Brooke: You know what I mean. You were such a grouch and I was just your annoying intern.
Ethan: [irritatedly] The annoying intern I kissed in Miami, what, a week later? Is that how obvious my lack of feelings for you were?
Brooke: [opens her mouth to respond and then closes it again]
Ethan: That's what I thought.
Who’s more dramatic?
Brooke: Ethan.
Ethan: I am absolutely not—
Brooke: See? Honestly, he's exhausting.
Ethan: [glowers]
Who has the weirdest orgasm face?
Brooke: Weirdest?
Ethan: Oh for the love of—
$5000 to not answer this one, doctors.
Brooke and Ethan: [jaws drop simultaneously]
Brooke: Someone paid five-thousand dollars—
Ethan: What kind of a pervert—? Fine, say it's me.
Brooke: It's really not.
Ethan: [quietly] Well, it's certainly not you.
Brooke: Yeah, but—
I believe we have our answer!
Ethan: We'll take it. Next!
What are you most likely to argue about?
Ethan: Brooke believes I could be more communicative about my feelings, especially when I have a problem.
Brooke: You do listen!
Ethan: Of course. We also argue about when she's going to move in with me.
[Audience gasps and murmurs in gleeful scandal]
Brooke: [jaw drops] Ethan!
Ethan: It's true. [turns to host] I believe it should have already happened. She believes she needs to maintain a tenuous hold on a bedroom she rarely occupies for a group of roommates who would be happy for her to move on.
Brooke: [fuming] Of all the high-handed—
Jackie, from the audience: He's right, girl, bigger and better awaits.
Brooke: [through gritted teeth, as Sienna, Ethan, and Aurora all nod and give her thumbs up] Maybe this is something we can talk about later—
Ethan: Whatever you say, my love.
Brooke: Oh, yeah, now with the "my love"s—
On that note! Here is our final question.
What’s the most romantic thing they’ve done for you?
Ethan: [looks at Brooke, who is still glowering] Most romantic?
Brooke: [glares]
Ethan: With Brooke, it's the little things. She'll notice when I'm having a bad day and bring me my favourite donut. Or a well-timed hand on my shoulder or knee when she can see I'm getting riled up.
Brooke: [glare softens a bit]
Ethan: She's thoughtful and kind and extremely empathetic. She knows what I need even before I know that I need it. It's not—candlelit dinners or what have you, but I've already prided myself on being a practical person and this intersection of—of practicality and care? That's what I find… [struggles to get the word out] romantic.
[Audience "awww"s]
Brooke: [screws up her mouth before leaning over to kiss Ethan on the cheek] Okay, that was sweet. [Thoughtfully] Most romantic thing Ethan has done for me? Well… [side-eyes him, before continuing] The HAZMAT suit sleepover last year was probably up there.
Ethan: [uncomfortable] I don't want that to be classified as—
Brooke: You were there for me at a time when I needed you most. If that's not romance, I don't know what is.
Ethan: [increasingly agitated] That's not romance, dammit, that's—that was a necessity. That was vital. I needed to be there. I needed to make sure you—that you—[cuts himself off, clenching his jaw]
Brooke: [eyes soft as she looks at him. Reaching out she rests her hand on top of his clenched fist until it unfurls slowly underneath hers and he releases his breath slowly] See? [softly] Romance.
Ethan: [sighs deeply, then links his fingers with hers and gruffly kisses the top of her hand] All this tells me is that I've neglected you on the "romance" side of things.
Brooke: [still smiling softly] No complaints. [looks out at the audience] Are we done here? [affects a deep voice] Are you not entertained?
Ethan: [fondly] And she says I'm the dramatic one.
I think we got what we needed, doctors. Thank you for helping out for a good cause. This raffle ticket session alone raised a total of $23,000 for Bloom Edenbook Hospital!
Ethan: [dumbfounded] That is insane.
Brooke: I promise we aren't that interesting.
The people beg to differ. Round of applause for Dr. Brooke Spiers and Dr. Ethan Ramsey for being such good sports. Until next time, doctors!
Ethan: [over thunderous applause] There absolutely won't be a next time.
Brooke: [laughs and stands up, smoothing out her dress]
Audience member that sounds suspiciously like Jackie: Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
Rest of the audience chimes in: Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
Brooke: [crosses her arms, smirking at Ethan]
Ethan: Oh for the love of— [acts like he's walking away, then loops an arm around her waist and pulls her close, tilting her back and kissing her thoroughly]
[Audience roars its approval]
Ethan: [pulls away slowly and sets her upright, chucking her chin with an affectionate and slightly devilish smirk. He starts to guide her away from the host and off the makeshift stage]
Brooke: [mutters, still a bit dazedly] Told you. Drama.
[Laughing, they walk off stage together.]
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