#fun fact this is my 200th work on ao3! which means it's like my 230-something work on here. wack.
prompt: stabbed (alt no.11)
whumpee: sonny carisi
fandom: law and order svu
hi here's a fic that i did not all plan on writing...it's been a hot minute since i've seen this show but i was trying to work out who i hadn't stabbed yet and well. that list is surprisingly short. so here we are! hope you enjoy :)
It happens with absolutely no warning. They’re canvassing an apartment building, checking to see if anyone has information on a young girl that’s gone missing from her grandmother’s apartment. He’s been given the top floor, and the grandmother lives on the second floor, so he’s not really expecting to find out much. Thus far all he’s learned is that the old guy in 603 likes to vacuum in the middle of the night, and that the couple in 615 has a dog even though pets aren’t allowed. 
He stops in front of the last apartment on the left side of the hallway and knocks. A guy around his age answers the door. 
“Have you seen this girl?” Sonny holds out the picture they’ve been given. The guy takes it, looks closely, then passes it back. 
“I don’t think so. Something the matter?”
“She disappeared from her grandmother’s apartment on the second floor two days ago.”
“That’s terrible. But I’m sorry, I haven’t seen her.”
Sonny nods. “Thanks for your time.”
The man shuts the door and Sonny turns around to begin canvassing the other side of the hall. He comes face to face with a woman, also about his age, who is reaching into her purse, he assumes for her keys. She must live with the guy he’d just talked to. 
“Hey, have you seen this girl?” 
The woman looks at the picture, blinks. And then she pulls her hand out of her purse but instead of a key she has a knife and just like that she stabs him in the stomach. 
The first thing he feels is complete shock - what the hell just happened? And then he looks down at himself and sees the blood soaking through his shirt and the pain hits him all at once. 
He falls to the floor and the impact makes the pain even worse. It pulses through his torso, hot and sharp and overwhelming. 
He lies there flat on his back for a few seconds, feeling the blood steadily soaking through his clothes, before slowly dragging himself up so he’s sitting against the wall. He has to focus, he tells himself. He knows what he’s supposed to do, in theory. Apply pressure. But with what? 
He knows he’s not going to be able to remove any of his clothes. So he looks around for something else he can use, but only manages to establish the fact that he’s completely alone in this hallway. He briefly wonders whether the woman who’d stabbed him is inside her apartment, whether she’ll come back, but decides that’s a problem that can wait for later. 
Having found nothing to use to apply pressure, he settles for simply using his hands. He presses a palm into the wound but almost immediately removes it. It’s far too painful and the sensation of blood soaking into his skin makes him dizzy. 
He’s shaking, he realizes, looking down at his hand that is now stained bright red with blood. That’s not good. He stares at the hand for several seconds and tries to get it to stop shaking, to no avail. He should do something about this. 
Call someone. The thought pops into his mind unbidden, and he wonders how he had managed to forget that he isn’t here alone. 
He grabs his walkie talkie and presses the button. 
“Hey, Lieu?”
Olivia’s voice comes through the speaker clearly. “Done already, Carisi?”
He exhales slowly, readjusts his grip on the walkie-talkie when it threatens to slide out of his shaking hand. “Not exactly.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Got stabbed.”
“There was a lady…she had a knife. Took me by surprise.”
“Where are you?”
“Sixth floor.”
“Don’t go anywhere. I’m on my way.”
He doesn’t think he could go anywhere even if he wanted to. He leans his head back against the wall and lets the walkie talkie drop to the floor. He wishes that the pain would stop, or at least become more tolerable. But it’s still horribly present, pulsing with the same intensity that threatens to overwhelm him completely. 
He opens his eyes - he hadn't even realized he’d closed them - and finds himself looking directly at his Lieutenant, crouched on the ground in front of him. 
“Hey, Lieu.”
“A bus is on the way. How are you holding up?” she asks, taking off her jacket. 
“Been better,” he answers. “I think the lady might still be inside. Didn’t see where she went.”
“Did she have red hair and a black jacket?” 
He thinks for a second. “Yeah.”
Olivia sighs. “Fin saw her leave the building in a hurry a few minutes ago. She said she was late for spin class.”
“Hm,” Sonny says, eloquently. “Will you -”
Before he can finish his sentence, Olivia presses her balled-up jacket into his stomach, and it feels like someone has hit him with a baseball bat. All the air leaves his lungs in a rush and he has to grit his teeth to keep from making noise. White spots dance in the corners of his vision. 
“Sorry, sorry,” is the first thing he hears, once the ringing in his ears dies down. 
Sonny doesn’t say anything in reply, isn’t sure he’s even able to. He tries to take a steadying breath but it catches in his throat and turns into a sort of whine on the exhale. 
Olivia grabs his hand. It’s the one covered in blood, and it’s still shaking, and he feels the need to apologize to her for both of these things but he still isn’t sure that he can speak. He’s too focused on breathing and on not letting the pain overwhelm him to the point of passing out. 
“Just a couple more minutes,” she says, and if she’s bothered by the blood or the shaking she doesn’t show it. “You’re gonna be okay.”
And despite the horrible pain and all of the blood, he believes her easily.
thanks for reading! hope you enjoyed <3<3
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