#fun fact they both have expirience of haveing a voice in the head they didn't ask about
bnbc · 2 years
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oh, the joy of OCs interacting!
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softestnatalie · 1 year
Abandoned corridors of the heart
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x female!reader
Timing: Season 1
Chapter Summary: An unexpected guest arrives at the camp as another member of the group goes missing. Your attempts on getting closer to Daryl fail.
Warnings: swearing, mild language
Autor's note: I'm so excited for this fanfiction omg, it's so fun to write and i really can't wait until Daryl and the reader get closer and have cute (and spicy hehe) moments. Also, I'm so unsatisfied with this chapter, I rewrote it, like, 3 times but it's still not as good as I wanted it to be :/ Also, thank you for all the support, likes, follows, and reblogs are always appreciated <3
Chapter 2: One day at a time
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The next day, you decided you should thank Daryl not only for bringing you here but also for the little trust he had in you. So, when you woke up, you made it your mission to find him and tell him your 'thank you's'.
You had to admit you were more than just nervous. The last time you had talked to him, it didn't go quite well and he was pretty moody towards you but you hoped it was just a first time expirience and that maybe he'd be nicer this time.
You were hoping to make a new friend in him - after all, you didn't really have friends and the fact that you saved him and he gave you a place to stay at would be a good basis for a friendship. At least, that's what you thought.
You found him pretty quickly. He was outside his tent, holding his crossbow as he seemed to be cleaning it. Next to him was another man, talking to him in what seemed to be an aggressive manner. It made you rethink for a moment - maybe another moment would be better - but you didn't know if you would have the courage to speak to him some other time , so you decided to just get it over with.
When you continued walking in very small steps, the other man went inside the tent - seemingly sharing it with Daryl - and it made you walk faster in hopes of being able to talk to the grumpy redneck before the other man came back outside. Though, it probably wouldn't really make a difference - he would still hear the both of you.
Daryl looked at you when he sensed you walking into his direction and his expression changed from annoyed to even more annoyed, making you feel small again. Still, you kept going until you were standing only a meter away from him.
"Hey," you whispered, nervously fidgeting with your fingers as he looked at you for a split second before he averted his eyes again.
"Whatcha want?" he grumbled into the cigarette, which was hanging between his lips. And the way he practically spat these words at you made you feel even smaller, so you stayed quiet for a moment in order to find your voice and think of an answer. Apparently, it was too long for him because he stood up with a 'pffft' leaving his lips and walked past you.
You turned around and watched his back for a few seconds before you jogged up to him and reached for his arm, "I- wait," your hand only graced his skin before he jerked his arm away from your reach, a scowl forming on his face.
"Sorry," you mumbled quietly becasue, somehow, you just weren't able to speak louder than a mouse around him. And, honestly, by the way he was looking at you, you were losing hope about building a friendship, pretty fast. Still, you continued to speak, "Thank you."
Daryl shook his head, smoke puffing from his mouth, "Fo' what?"
A small smile formed on your lips as you looked up at him, putting a strand of hair behind your ear, "For bringing me here," you waved your hands around, "It's nice," you paused, smiling again and folding your hands behind your back, "And also, thank you for trusting me - at least, enough to bring me here."
He scoffed loudly, pulling the cigarette from between his lips, throwing it on the ground and stomping it out, smoke, again, escaping his lips, "There ain't nothin' to thank me fo'."
You shook your head instantly, "There is-"
You got interrupted by him before you were able to finish your sentence, "Go, girl, don' need yer bullshit."
Your smile fell at his words and you didn't know why his words stung so much, after all, you didn't even really know him - but, god, they stung. You didn't dare to say anything else, afraid you'd have to hear more of his hurtful words. So, you just nodded slowly before you turned around and walked away.
Daryl watched you until you disappeared from his sight before he continued walking as well, doing what he wanted to do before you had walked up to him. Hunt. He'd almost say he regretted the words he had said but he didn't allow himself to think about you too much - he'd be gone soon anyway.
You took a moment to process the conversation - if you could even call it a conversation - and calmed yourself down, taking a deep breath and closing your eyes for a second. It was clear to you that you and Daryl definitely wouldn't become friends.
An 'oof' left your mouth when you bumped into something hard and you looked up to see a young man - probably only a few years older than you - looking down at you, an apologetic look on his face.
"I'm sorry," he exclaimed, holding you by your arms to keep you stable.
You shook your head and smiled gently at him, "It's okay, wasn't looking," you lowered your head in slight embarrassment.
The young man smiled as well and nodded softly, "Okay," he looked around and seemed to remember something because his eyebrows shot up and he opened his mouth to say something, "Me and a few others are going on a run to get - you know - supplies," you nodded in understanding as he continued to speak, "So I'm asking around to see if anyone needs anything in particular."
You held up your hands while you shook your head again, "Oh, no, I don't need anything. But, thank you-" you paused mid sentence as you realised you didn't even know his name.
"Glenn," he finished with a short nod, "Okay, gotta go, we're leaving soon," he was already starting to walk away as the words left his mouth, lifting an arm to wave at you.
You hummed and continued walking as well, trying to find a quiet place to have some alone time. You wanted to be by yourself for a bit and just think about the whole situation - become clear about your feelings.
You found a small lake, which was at the back of the camp. Walking a bit closer to the shining water, you sat down, pulling your knees up to your chest and crossing your arms over your legs. You rested your chin on your knees as you looked at the blue waves - the slight wind making them move softly.
You liked it here - at least, you thought you did. It's kind of weird - if that's the right word - to be with a group full of strangers. You felt like an outsider among them 'cause they all seemed to be so close and you just couldn't imagine fitting in. Not now, not ever. You had always been a person without many friends or people you actually cared about, so you weren't used to having that many people around you. But most of them were being really nice to you despite their clear distrust. You were hoping you'd feel more comfortable over the time - after all, you had only been there for a day.
You stayed there for a little while longer before you stood up, ready to go back to the others and help them with their daily chores. Most of them were busy already. Dale was trying to fix up his old RV - the hose seemingly making a problem - while Carol was sitting with her daughter, reading something. Lori and another woman, who's name you didn't know, were doing the laundry and you thought helping them would be the best option. You walked over to them, smiling almost shyly as you started picking up the clothes.
You managed to hang up a few pieces before a crackling noise got your attention and it seemed like it got Lori's as well because she dropped the piece she just started to pick up and jogged over to Dale, who was holding a walkie-talkie. You followed her, stopping next to a girl with blond hair as all of you waited for Dale's next move.
There was a voice coming though the little speaker and the old man listened for a few seconds, trying to understand what was being said before he spoke, "Hello? Reception's bad on this end. Repeat, repeat."
It was silent for a moment before the voice sounded again, "Shane, is that you? We're in some deep shit."
Dale held up one finger to silence Lori when she started to ask questions as the voice on the other end came through once more, "We're trapped in the department store."
The group was starting to get nervous now, everybody oviously tensing up as they realised their people were in danger. Shane was rubbing the back of his neck, staring at Dale, "He say they're trapp-"
He didn't even get to finish as the walkie-talkie made a crackling sound and the situation got further explained, "Geeks all over the place," the voice said more but it was barely audible, the crackling way too loud.
You were confused at the word 'geeks' but you quickly realised he meant the 'rotten people'. Dale tried to get a few more answers but at this point, he couldn't hear the person - called T-Dog - at all. The others started to discuss wether they should or shouldn't go after them and you just stood there, looking around almost helplessly as the group got louder, looking angrily at each other.
Amy, the girl who had been standing next to you for the past few minutes, was arguing with Shane, "She volunteered to go," she looked him up and dowm, "To help the rest of us."
He nodded, "I know," he lowered his head and looked at the ground before meeting her eyes again, "And she knew the risks, right?"
Amy stared at him in disbelief, cleary not understanding how he could be like that. You weren't even sure who they were talking about but you were, too, shocked about the fact that he was ready to leave the rest of them behind. People who wanted to help - people who put their lives in danger so the group would be able to survive.
"See, if she's trapped, she's gone. So, we just have to deal with that. There's nothing we can do," he continued talking, now looking at you for a split second, who was still standing next to Amy, then trailing is eyes to the ground for a second time.
"She's my sister, you son of a bitch," she practically spat at him before she ran away, surely wanting to be alone. And you could understand her. The worry she must've felt in that moment - it reminded you of the time when you were waiting for your mother to return. You could only hope that their story wouldn't be over yet.
And as if mother nature understood the current mood and situation, it suddenly started thundering with rain following close behind. Lori decided to follow Amy, giving Shane a long look before walking away.
The group split up afterwards, everybody doing their own thing as to dirstract themselves from their feelings. While Carol cutted Carl's hair and Shane cleaned his gun, you helped a man named Jim hanging up a line, cans attached to it. It was supposed to alarm the group if 'geeks' - as they called them - made it up the hill.
You were busy for quite a while. Everything was going good and you thought Jim was pretty good company. You were talking to him when everybody's ears perked as a loud siren like sound pierced the air. Dale immediately took his flield glasses to see what was causing the noise as the rest slowly walked over to him.
"What is it? Is it them?," Amy asked, in hopes of getting her sister back. And you, too, hoped it was them just so everybody would be able to reunite with their loved one's.
"A stolen car is my guess," Dale answered, following the car with his eyes as it drove up the hill, parking right next to his RV. Carl covered his ears when the loud beeping sound became too much for him.
Shane and Amy almost sprinted towards the car when the door opened and Glenn stepped out, suprisingly wearing a wide grin on his face.
"Holy crap, turn that damn thing off," Dale exclaimed, pointing his finger at the korean man. But he didn't even get a chance to as Amy started pestering him with questions about her sister, "Is she okay? Is she all right?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah," he held up his hands as Shane forced him to sit in the car again in order to pop the hood. Jim made the sound stop as Amy continued to ask about her sister, "Where is she? Why isn't she with you?"
"She's fine. Everybody is," Glenn smiled and that seemed to shut the blond girl up, nodding her head slowly. You walked over to her and rubbed her am in a comforting way, which made her give you a small smile - a silent thank you. Glenn apologised for the loud noise just before a big Truck approached.
Amy freed herself from your grasp when she saw another blond girl stepping out - you assmued her sister - and ran towards her, giving her a big hug, both of them laughing in happiness.
Everybody started to hug each other and you had to admit you felt a little left out, you weren't close enough to them to hug anybody. So you looked down, trying to make yourself somewhat inivisble - not that it was hard. Glenn seemed to notice you anyway and thought it wouldn't hurt to see you smile as well. So, he made his way over to you and wrapped you into his big arms, catching you of guard for a second before you returned the hug.
You pulled away after a moment, looking at him with a small grin, "I'm glad you're okay."
He nodded softly, "Yeah, me too."
He turned to Shane when he asked the young man how they even managed to get out on their own, "The new guy. He got us out."
Just then, another figure stepped out of the truck, putting his hands on his hips as he made small steps into the camp. He was wearing a police uniform but it looked dirty and used, showing his fight to survive on the oustide.
You jumped a little when Carl started running towards the man, screaming in happiness, "Dad!" The older man engulfed the child in his arms, hugging him tight to his body. Lori was following close behind, looking at the man in pure shock before she wrapped her arms around the both of them.
You were happy for them - all of them - you just wished you could've had the same luck with your mother.
Later that night, when everything was dark already, your group was sitting in a circle, Rick telling his story. And it amazed you, gave you hope, knowing that even in a shitty situation like this, good things can happen.
After some time, Dale turned his head into Shane's direction, "Have you given any thought to Daryl Dixon?" he took a sip of his drink, "He won't be happy to hear his brother was left behind."
Shane shook his head, folding his hands above his knees. And you were a little shocked since you didn't even think about Daryl having a family here. Then again; it'd explain the man you saw him with this morning.
They started dicussing who would be the one to tell Daryl about Merle's fate, T-Dog volunteering first and then Rick. In the end, they decided Rick should do it 'cause they were scared the situation would get worse if a black guy told Daryl about it. You didn’t think it’d make a difference, but it’s not like anybody would care about your opinion.
"I stopped long enough to chain the door," T-Dog said, his head lowering in guilt of leaving a man behind, "Staircase is narrow. Maybe half a dozen geeks can squezze against it at once. Not enough to break it," he paused for a moment, looking at everyone, "Dixon's alive and he's still up there, handcuffed on that roof."
He stood up and left after that, going into his tent to call it a night and leaving the rest of the group.
"I'm gonna go sleep, too," you spoke, standing up, stretching your legs and arms, and yawning loudly. The others smiled a bit and said their good night's to you.
You laid in your tent that night, staring at the 'ceiling' and thinking about the day. It was okay - better than the days before - and you actually felt like you could be happy if you got used to this place - to the people living there. You were scared of being happy here because that would mean you accepted the fact that you'd lost your home and your mother. It would mean you're letting go of the past. But you tried to tell yourself that it's okay to miss someone, that it's okay to let go, that the hurt will fade, that it's okay to move on. You tried.
Chapter 3
Tag list:
@hotgirlsshareaccounts @tiedyedghoulette @alialiclouds
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