#fun fact izzy also uses this deck and SHE'S probably going to be death in this run
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ladyoriza · 20 days ago
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characters as the major arcana- Nomos Von Valancius as The World
UPRIGHT: Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel, fulfillment, sense of belonging, wholeness
REVERSED: Seeking personal closure, short-cuts, delays
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bethagain · 1 year ago
Ruminating on OFMD, as one does. It’s been fun to see everyone’s takes on what happened between the end of S2 E6 and the morning of E7. But what else might they have gotten up to besides, um, what followed immediately after the curtains closed?
Then I remembered the crew had borrowed the bathtub.
Also on AO3 as The Bathtub's Full of Rum. A short and sweet little scene, no plot really just vibes, a little blushworthy but mostly SFW.
“I need a bath.”
Ed’s head is pillowed on Stede’s chest, hair a glorious tangle.
By the time they were both aware of the world again, the singing above them had stopped. There’s no more laughter drifting down. No footsteps on the deck.
The sky, full of stars, is its own firework now. 
Ed turns his head, burrowing his face against Stede’s skin. “Yeah, you do.”
“So do you,” Stede says, and immediately regrets the affronted tone.
“Never said I didn’t.” Ed rolls away and sits up. Shifts close again though, hip against Stede’s side. He runs his hands through his hair, looping some strands around in a practiced motion to keep it off his face. “Did you see what happened to my shirt?”
A few minutes later they’re padding down the passageway, bare feet on smooth wood. Stede knocks, just in case the washroom is occupied. 
It’s not. The room is empty. In fact, even the bathtub is missing.
“I told them to put it back,” Stede sighs.
“It’s probably still full of rum. Along with your crew.”
Stede looks around for ideas. “I suppose we could wet some towels, for now?”
Ed reaches for his hand. “I have a better idea.”
Stede’s not too sure about climbing to the deck in just his nightshirt, even though it does cover all the important bits. Ed doesn’t give him time to object, tugging him up the ladder and into the starlit air. 
Ed, not fully dressed either, looks at ease in a pair of Stede’s linen drawers, his own abbreviated black shirt skimming the waistband. Stede, barelegged, is starting to feel ridiculous. 
The Revenge is still wearing its finery. The paper lanterns, no longer illuminated from within, are shades of silver. The cloth flags, breaking up familiar sightlines, hold the shape of a temporary dance floor. 
The crew seem to have fallen asleep wherever rum and exhaustion caught up with them. Lucius and Black Pete are cuddled together under a blanket on the steps to the quarterdeck, Pete’s head on Lucius’s shoulder and Lucius’s head tilted to rest against Pete’s. Frenchie and Roach are sharing a pile of sailcloth nearby, each snoring softly. 
Jim’s laid out beside the capstan, one arm thrown around Archie’s shoulders. Archie’s legs are tangled with Olu’s. Ed takes a long step over their feet. Stede manages to follow without tripping.
“Where are we going?” he whispers. 
Ed raises a finger to his lips, pulling him along as they tiptoe past Wee John, glamorous as ever, leaning against a pillow with his back to the mast. They slip by Izzy, sound asleep beside Wee John, the silver light making the glitter above his eyes glow.
At the port side gangway, where a Jacob’s ladder waits ready to be lowered toward the sea, Ed drops Stede’s hand. He’s already pulling up the hem of his shirt as he flashes Stede a grin. “Ready to go swimming?”
Stede’s too busy staring at that shirt coming off to answer. Looking at Ed has always been distracting, but now he knows how those lines of muscle feel. How there’s steel under the softness of his belly, how the hair on his chest manages to be coarse and like silk, at the same time. 
Stede’s brain catches up.
“We’re in the middle of the ocean! Do you have a death wish?”
“Ship’s hove to,” Ed says. “She’s not going anywhere.”
“No one’s even on watch!”
But of course someone is, because even if Stede forgot for a minute what it means to be a pirate, the crew would not. He follows Ed’s nod toward the foretop, where a shadow turns out to be Fang and–is that a goat? 
“Does he even see us?”
Ed raises a hand and Fang waves cheerfully, then turns deliberately away. He shifts the goat, too, so they’re both facing off to starboard.
“You’re insane,” Stede says. In reply, Ed unbuttons the linen drawers and drops them, and he’s over the side before Stede gets more than a glimpse. 
Stede leans over the gunwale in time to see the splash, white lines of water spreading in concentric circles where Ed went in. It’s only a second or two before Ed’s head pops up and Stede can breathe again. 
A low-voiced shout floats up. “You’d probably better take the ladder. It’s a long way down.��� 
It does look like a long way down. 
And yet… It’s been a night for firsts, hasn’t it. Stede looks behind him, where the crew are still out cold. He glances up to the foretop, where Fang is steadfastly looking out to sea. He looks down at Ed, who’s treading water, smiling up at him.
It’s a new experience, tugging the nightshirt over his head, letting the night air and the starlight touch every inch of his skin. Stede steps to the bulwark and unhooks the rope that guards the gangway. He drops the ladder, because how else are they going to get back up again. And then he steps to the edge, letting bare toes hang over. “How do I do this?”
Ed’s grin widens. “Bend your knees, get a good jump away from the side. Then arms over your head, back straight, point your toes.”
Stede breaths in, breathes out, looks at the starlight on the water. “Get out of my way,” he calls down. 
He hits the water with a whoosh, breath knocked out of him, a rush of bubbles closing above his head. He surfaces grinning like an idiot, laughing even as he’s gasping for air. The water is cool but not cold, with tiny currents alive against his skin, the night breeze on his face, silver sparkles dotting the surface as far as he can see. Ed is waiting a few yards away, watching him, eyes shining like the stars. 
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comebeonetwothree · 4 years ago
Blog #6: Coast to Coast
The homeland of the rich, the famous, and the homeless junkies of Los Angeles, California will always have my heart.
With my first near death experience, I have come to see life in a new light… YOLO!
Remember that term? Yah, it was one of those fads that had meaning to it but no longer holds a place in fashion... thank god.
Everything on this coast is slow, even the way people talk is dragged out. No one J-walks here. They seriously wait for that little white man to pop up on the cross walks before walking, even if there is not a car in sight.
Yet everyone here has a serious addition to coffee.
Hangovers are even more dragged because everyone is so uber healthy here, they straight up do not have greasy food.
I made the mistake of ordering an egg and cheese, knowing it’ll only be a disappointment compared to a New York BEC. It was beyond disappointing, especially being hungover as fuck.
Everyone here is stoned all the time and have been for years. I truly believe the whole city moves so slow because everyone is high all the time.
No wonder they can survive with the shitty food- they are too high to realize.
They do have some fire weed here, so it makes sense, but damn… they are so slow and ditsy.
There is so much art here, from music, to painting, to theater, to creativity, everyone comes here with a dream. Some make their dreams come true, others end up addicted to crack, but everyone originally came here in hopes of making something of themselves.
That energy runs through the streets, it is so lively and so filled with hope. It is truly an inspiring place to live.
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Who have you become…
The people on the west coast are just genuinely nicer. We had a conversation that consisted of outrageous hand gestures with a random man in his car.
He had blocked an intersection accidently so I couldn’t make a left turn, where he then proceeded to see me raging about it and trying to mouth to us how sorry he was. We straight up had a conversation with this guy and were joking around while waiting for the light. We left mouthing, “We are from New Yorkk, move outta the way” as a joke, and he just understood and left us with a peace sign.
There is a surplus of homelessness here, and it is sad to see but also so interesting to watch them set up communities on the sides of highways and all along the beach.
There is never just one homeless dude posted up under a cardboard box. It’s always 15+ people posting up together in nice ass tents they probably stole or making cardboard houses with tarps for extra coverage.
They get super creative with their homelessness; it is fascinating to watch.
This one guy was zipping down the road in what looked like a decked-out bike, with high handlebars and a motor. He was moving with traffic and was looking cool while doing it.
As he got closer, we realized his get-up was made from an ironing board he bent into a seat, a plastic crate holding up the ironing board to a lime scooter he probably stole a month prior. Topping it off, he added tall handlebars for that 70s badass look. That man mastered one man’s trash, into another man’s treasure.
The saddest part is knowing majority of them came out here looking for their big break and got so hooked on drugs, they could never make it farther then that last $10 in their pocket for drugs.
On the other hand, some of these people have money to their names, but choose this lifestyle.
They really enjoy the life of nothing. This one woman was offered a job and a home, and she politely turned it down because this was her home. She loved the community around her and wouldn’t trade it for any material. What a way of life.
My family was so generous to let us three, stay with them here in Venice Beach. My Uncle Greg is my mom’s brother. He moved out here with his family to further his comedic career. Unfortunately, that meant I couldn’t see my cousins often.
My cousin Owen is a year younger than me and in the same grade as my brother. My other cousin Jojo is four years younger but grew up so fast. I always said the water in California was cracked out, because she always appeared older than my brother and I.
Since COVID I hadn’t been able to see them in two years, so I was so excited to hang out with them.
Jojo just graduated high school, so she is finally old enough to do drugs with!!
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We also got to meet up with our friend Izzy from Oneonta. She is living out here for the summer with her sister. What a life.
Izzy is thriving here with her job at this night club and is living in her sister’s cute ass apartment in Echo Park. She has the total LA vibe and even knows all the local spots to hang. Shout out to you for sneaking us into a random hotel’s rooftop pool! Confidence never gets questioned.
We love meeting up with friends from school, it makes the trip feel more homie.
What’s hanging dude…
Joshua Tree National Park was something out of another planet. It seriously looked like Jurassic Park and a dinosaur should be appearing at any second.
It was very different from anything we had ever seen before, but it was still a desert and was hot as fuck.
We did some gorgeous hikes through all the massively large, rounded rocks that somehow were placed on top of each other ages ago.
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The trees that are all around are Joshua Trees, also considered Trees of Life.
This means they produce a way of life for other creatures at all stages of its growing/dying process.
While in beginning stages of its life, Yucca moths use the trees pollen to lay their eggs in and produce pollen scatter, creating more trees. When the trees are gown, the caterpillars use the tree for habitats and provides food sourcing for a lot of other desert species. When the tree dies, the bark is used to create habitats for humans and used to wove baskets and other materials.
These trees look like a palm tree and a cactus went to TOWN together.
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Los Angeles is the other city of dreams. It is not comparable to New York City besides the homelessness and the traffic.
The Ocean really makes the whole city’s surfer aesthetic. Everyone, even the rich and famous, dress like they are in last weeks outfit.
The style is so different from New York. People really don’t dress to impress but spend half their life savings on their wardrobe.
Visiting my family here has always been the ideal way to do this city, since they take us to all the local shops, and we do fun activities like surfing. It’s not just another tour bus showing us where Kurt Cobain shot up some heroin for the first time.
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They also show us the best food joints. We got these sushi balls, and it was the greatest -post beach snack- imaginable. A little hit of the wax pen and a bite of this ball is comparable to an orgasm.
Where are all the famous people…
Joshua Tree was so beautiful, it is a place I will be re-visiting, considering we were only there for one night.
Los Angeles is where I have always wanted to live, ever since a young girl. Whenever we would come out here to visit my uncle, he would take us to the coolest places, and we would meet the coolest people.
One year I was here on my birthday, and his buddy stopped over to say hi, when I came downstairs in was Zach Galifianakis chilling there with a $20 bill and my name on it as a birthday gift.
You could imagine my teenage self shitting a tiny bit in my pants as he handed me $20… However, in my head I was thinking, “I know you’re rich, give me more you cheap fuck.”
This year for graduation I only got a phone call from him… how rude.
My Uncle is a popular comedian, if you know him you know him, but if you don’t, he is very irrelevant to you.
When we arrived, he took us out to a show he was preforming at in West Hollywood, featuring other comedians you might know or might also be very irrelevant, including Bill Burr, Anthony Jeselnik, Pete Holmes and Beth Stelling.
It was a cool venue, and a fun time. My favorite part was being called out for attempted DUI’s in every state we have been in due to my funneling addiction, thanks Uncle Greg, that was supposed to be a secret.
After the show he dropped us off at this bar that his friends said was the “it” spot. When we walked in, the bar itself was perfect, expect it was populated by older rich men trying to find their next sugar baby.
We had some contenders, but they were asking for too much… No, I don’t want to go back to your house and sneak past your wife and kids as we dart to your hot tub.
When will we leave…
When we first got to LA we had full intensions of staying only four nights and getting out of my family’s hair, but then plans fell through.
Because I love it here so much, we decided to stay!!
Just kidding, I wish we could stay longer… One day I’ll move out here though.
COVID restrictions are back at it again, ruining our plans of going Yosemite. They are the only National Park that requires a whole ass separate pass just to enter the park, on top of the $30 day pass we already have.
The only reason our route was heading inland California was to see that park. So, we did a little digging and decided to just send it up all the way up the coast and do the legendary Pacific Coast Highway.
This is what we originally wanted to do before we found out about Yosemite. Guess we will have to come back to see the park, aw shucks!
Why can’t I afford this…
California is fucking expensive; I can see why the population of homelessness is so high… Even gas is $1.00 more than it is back in New York.
And for Why? They are on a coast, it’s not like the desert where there is a gas station every 100 miles.
They know people here have the money, so they overprice literally everything. A fucking water bottle is $7.00. Sorry didn’t realize paying for survival would be this expensive.
The older man at the bar loved to throw the fact he had money around (as do most people with money around here). He kept saying he works on wall street, but wall street is literally a street in New York City.
He just wanted to flex he works in finances and has a hot tub, okay we get it you have a small dick.
How we almost died…
This is my favorite part of the last week, but also the most traumatizing.
So, have you ever heard of cowboy camping?
Well, neither had we until our friend that had just camped in Joshua Tree told us about it and how legendary it was in that specific spot.
Cowboy camping: you don’t pitch your tent, you just post up with your sleeping bags under the stars.
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Since Joshua Tree is known for their stars, we thought fuck it, we are here for less than 12 hours, the weather is perfect let’s do it.
That night was a full moon, and it was a killer sunset (all pun intended). We cooked up a nice rice bowl for dinner and then laid in our sleeping bags watching the stars.
The moon was almost too bright, it was taking away from the illumination of the stars, but it was legendary because I’ve never seen such a big and bright moon before.
But you know what they say about the full moons, it brings out the crazies. And in our case, coyote crazies.
After drifting off to sleep under the peaceful star and moon lit sky, I was rudely woken up to really loud growling and whimpering.
It was not something that was off in the distance, it was right next to us… barebone in the wild.
I quickly and quietly turned over to grab my bear spray that I keep next to me when camping. I started thinking, “Alright this is the only thing keeping me from getting mauled by whatever the fuck is next to me.”
Not knowing what we were dealing with, I slowly popped my head up hoping the animal didn’t catch my movement… I saw about 5 feet in front of us was a pack of about 10 coyotes, running around chasing animals.
We happen to be the center of their circle and were surrounded by their pack. Thankfully their attention was diverted to our asshole neighbor’s whose food was left out. Thanks for that.
We just laid their paralyzed in fear of death. As we laid there, I saw two shooting stars and wished for life… Shoutout to those shooting stars.
We tried to stay as quiet as possible, so we didn’t become their next victim. Maya was not having it though and couldn’t stop shaking. There was a moment when her shaking was so loud, and I could see a coyote right next to us, so I had to hold her body so it would stop moving.
We laid there for about 20 minutes until the noises stopped… then we booked it for the car. We slept in the car until the sun rose.
As the sun was rising all the coyotes simultaneously howled for the rest of the pack to meet up and disappear before daylight. That was one of those, “holy shit that was the coolest most terrifying moments of my life”, moments.
We left the next morning as fast as possible, running on no sleep and fear… we headed for the city. I had never been more grateful to be in a city.
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