#fucking love senior dogs so much though. They're so dynamic and sassy
magicmagica · 1 year
Literally. My friends dog is OBSESSED with me and I have 0 clue why
I'm walking her while she's out of town and momma J is keeping her in her house.
But if my name is even mentioned this dog goes off the walls crazy!
Last night ma had her hooked up outside on her lead cause she mentioned I was coming over and Baylee almost destroyed the living room bouncing off the walls
She did that weird dog thing where she got so excited to see me she grabbed my hand in her mouth and just held it while we walked to the door together. We were holding hands!!!
Scares the living shit out of me sometimes (dog trauma from my vet assistant years) but like. On purpose? Like she's got these pranks she pulls off
Honestly growing up my family just sorta had me? Around? If that makes sense. Never talked to or played with we moved so much I didn't have other kids to play with. But I had my dog and we did everything together
She'll charge and growl and then kangaroo jump an inch from you. And if you jump or spook she dead stops and just grins at you and rolls around like she didn't just do that
She just has so much emotion and thought behind her eyes it drives me fucking crazy when science bros try to push the only we have thoughts theory like come the fuck on. Go outside and touch some grass you're not even an apex predator
She's a pit hound mix and waaaaay too smart but still such a dog. The ultimate dog. Her only thoughts are dog
I've never experienced so much dog in 1 dog
And chatty like a pit but opinionated like a nose hound. She looks like someone took a pit and stretched it out a little. Ears awkwardly goblin long weird long nose but pit jowls. Talllll hound skinny legs but thick pit body and waste.
And when she sits or lies down she looks 100 ibs over weight but when she stands she has a great body condition for an 11 yesr old dog like
I'm not sure this dog is a dog and not just something wearing a dog suit
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