#fuck you i may have actually enjoyed semifuckingconductors if it wasn't for all your goddamnfucking--
sharlmbracta · 10 months
i think pook head has become a stressed distress signal at this point
#fuckign semiconductor prof what the fucking hell you are saying#a cry of help#so sad mad and jealous every time i see a post from the seniors how great the last prof was who taught the subject till last year#who retired just a few months ago#constantly shrieking in agony rn#source of 80%-90%+ of all pain in this semester#i fucking hate you#prestigious fucking shit#who think who knows shit about **everyones** adulthood#fuck you i may have actually enjoyed semifuckingconductors if it wasn't for all your goddamnfucking--#ugh#his lectures are **incomprehendable**#self rant#i hate you.i hate you.i hate you.i hate you.i hate#**fuck** you for somehow making me feel sorry and incompetent for you fuckign-- making **me** feel like i haven't tried enough when i didn'#have time to give it to#he tells us to “just keep trying and think about it for hours that's what important in the end” so **lovingly** and i'm like. yeah **no**#i don't goddamn fucking want to.#i've already been there and it didn't fucking work when your answers are as uncomprehendible as your lectures themselves#and they're so.fucking.long without a critical point to round it up to and reconstructure it myself#so it's my fault for deciding early on that beating a dead horse is a waste of time compared to spending those time for other subjects#while attempting to cater to myself in order to keep myself sane#why do you think so many 20s people commit suicide mr nice guy -- you could be one of the reasons :)#ignorance is also a charge you guilty when you're a much more stable and esteemed professor ffs#my guy. duuude. reality. your words doesn't have the effects you pursue. it only makes us feel disgustingly guilty to ourselves.#and you know where those shits lead to in the end and uncared for.#long rant#not here to initiate a fight#i know you mean well and only fucking **well** but. But. would you **please** just. kindly. fuck off for once :)#honey glazed words repeated for the 100th time doesn't have the effects to ourselves anymore. we're tired. so already fucking tired.
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