#fuck it I'm tagging it if I have to see hundreds of uncritical LE STEP ON ME MOMMY posting then you have to see what an actual fat woman
strawandstream · 2 months
I think the worst part of Oswalda's design that they clearly took inspiration from a real woman from the 1920's burlesque scene, Gladys Bentley, for her style and shape. But Gladys didn't look like that.
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(Photo posted by one of my favorite blogs for old 20's and beyond photos, New York: The Golden Age)
Gladys was a black lesbian, a crossdresser, and a crooner who took an unmistakably masculine role during a time when gender roles were in upheaval. You should absolutely look her up, because the shit they got up to back then was far more wild than some silly comics. She was also, you know, visibly fat. Her fat doesn't magically disappear under a tailcoat and double breasted vest, it just shapes it differently.
It would have taken so few changes to make her a rebellious, powerful character rather than a loose collection of sexualized traits. Less pinup doll, and more Gladys Bentley. They couldn't even give her a slight hint of a stomach, and people will lap it up because lol she's fat milf mommy ect ect. But like... is she though? Is she actually fat, or is she just twitter artist right kind of fat.
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