#fuck authority - gay pining - i'll beat a mf with their own arms
uselessidiotsquad · 3 years
all righty, i am back and it's time for asks (if you'd like them of course)! :D have ☾, ☆, ♡, and ▼ for Galla and Sigilis! -kerra-and-company
Thank you @kerra-and-company :D War Cat Wives Time ❤
☾ - sleep headcanon
Sigilis snores like you would not believe, sounds like a freight train running over a mile of chainsaws. It was often the source of irritation for their old Warband because she would end up keeping some of the other members awake. It used to piss off Galla too, but the older they got the more it's become a comfort. Sort of a 'well at least she's still breathing even if it's loud as hell' thing.
Unlike her mate, Galla can fall asleep at anytime, as long as it's fairly quiet. As soon as she closes her eyes and has five minutes to relax - she's asleep. This is a turn that irritates Sigilis because she has insomnia and it takes her forever to fall asleep, if she does. Meanwhile Galla can go "Night." and be unconscious and in restful sleep in under 10 minutes.
☆ - happy headcanon
Sigilis has made it one of her life goals to teach and get Ruby to know as many of the worst insults/curses she knows. She's collected quite a few over the years and a treasure like that shouldn't be wasted. Every time the Sylvari insults something or comes up with her own curse, Sigilis swells with pride.
When Galla met the Olmakhan and saw that there were other ways to raise cubs besides shipping them all off to the Fahrar, she was so relieved. That at least some group of Charr had broken out of the f'ed up system she had been part of. It made her sad, in a way, too. Because the idea of raising cubs instead of just poppin' them out and sending them off forever appealed to her but she's well and past the age for it. So when Valens came along, a sprightly rebel teen with boundless enthusiasm, who needed some form of guidance to keep an eye out for her - she basically got her wish.
♡ - romantic headcanon
Idk if I've said this one before? I feel like I may have. Sigilis thrives on coming up with the worst petnames and ridiculous gushy metaphors, just to irritate her. She gives people she's decently fond of mildly insulting nicknames, people she doesn't care about don't even get one. But GALLA gets the most soppy, extreme, just plain stupid ones. One time she was looking for her at the Hero's Canton and kept going on and on until eventually Galla threw a bottle at her general direction.
("Has anyone seen the love of my life? the most beautiful creature to ever walk the land? the light of my heart? the diamond of my soul? apple of my eye? the embodiment of perfection? the sun of my sky? the sweetness of my-
"Oh there she is." )
And this one I know I've said before, but I'll add it here again. Sigilis loves playing with Galla's braids and hair. Though her mate pretends it annoys her - she actually does like it.
BONUS ROUND: Galla holds a lot of tension in her neck and shoulders, a left over from tensing when pit fighting. Sigilis will stop mid-project to give her a neck rub or just plant a kiss on the top of her shoulder to get her to realize that she's holding tension again.
Galla isn't the best with romantic gestures, but she hasn't given up yet in all the years they've been together. She'll buy her flowers (even if she doesn't see the point to them, they just wilt - that's more depressing than anything) or snacks (at least those have a functional purpose). She'll try to arrange dates (even though she's confused as to what makes a 'date' different than any other event together). But she still tries - and it's the attempt that charms the hell out of Sigilis.
▼ - childhood headcanon
Sigilis tried to run away from the Fahrar a time or two! She hated it with a burning passion because she always got in trouble (sometimes her fault, most of the time not her fault she probably has some form of ADD that's never been addressed). And didn't make friends easily since she put up with 0% of anyone's nonsense. Cubs being jerks? Just kick their ass. Primus punishing unfairly? Put nails in their seat cushion. Scrap duty for a month? Jokes on you - I'm doing it for three months and I'm not even bothering coming to class.
Galla, as she got older, she had several admirers and people who had a crush on her. Which confused her because - y'all legit were trying to kick my ass before, what gives? Hormones, Galla, the answer is hormones. She didn't know until way later that the reason why all the guys flirting with her made her so uncomfortable was because she wasn't into them. Sigilis, contrarily, knew she was into ladies very early on and spent a good long while crushing on Galla from afar.
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