#ft kim jonghyun of nu'est
hellevator-mp3 · 5 years
Pairing(s): Jaeyong, Johnten, Jihancheol
Genre: Slight angst, fluff
Word Count: 2900+
Warnings: None
Author Note: as usual, this is unbetaed because we die like men dflkghd uhhh if you see any mistakes or weird tenses, please let me know!
and just like chewing gum (or rather, ring pops) this is a prequel to show jaeyong's backstory for of chaos and calamities, but you can read it as a standalone story as well!
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"i can’t do this anymore. this-this hiding thing, not being able to tell my friends that i’m completely, utterly, irrevocably in love with you” the words kept running circles in taeyong’s head, long after his best friend and lover had walked away. now, he could only hope that he could run fast enough in the future to catch him again.
if anyone had asked what jaehyun’s plans were for the day, he surely wouldn’t have said “oh, nothing much, just studying biology alone with my ex because the rest of our group ditched us”.  no, if it were up to him, he would be laying in bed watching reruns of his favorite show, or at the gym.  he was skipping leg day to watch his ex pour a red bull into his already overly caffeinated drink and -- wait, what?  
jaehyun snapped back to the present just in time to hear the splash of the canned drink as it was poured into his iced coffee.  with eyes round like saucers, jaehyun reached forward and grabbed at taeyong’s wrist, but not before the last dregs of the drink were spilled into his cup.  for a moment, the two of them stared at each other and tried to ignore the energy pulsing between them.  without a second thought, jaehyun withdrew his hand and watched as taeyong nonchalantly stirred the mixture, taking a sip, before chugging the whole thing down in one go.  
now, jaehyun had known taeyong since their freshman year.  he had never seen him chug a cup of coffee or an energy drink that fast, nonetheless the two together.  he pushed the thought aside as he instead focused on his notes, forcing himself off the thought that he didn't know taeyong like that anymore.  
they worked in near silence for a bit, going over their previously done work together with small comments here and there, correcting the form of a sentence or where a formula was written wrong.  it took a while for the amount of caffeine to hit taeyong, and jaehyun paused for a second when he saw the other's hands beginning to shake.  without saying a word, he got up and went to the counter, ordering taeyong’s favorite muffin, a banana, and a bottle of water.  he hoped that the combination would help ease the way taeyong’s hands were shaking, and was mildly pleased with the look of surprise on taeyong’s face when he set the full plate on the table in front of him, directly over the notes that he was looking over.  
without a word said, jaehyun pulled their shared notes over to him, as well as the textbook that lay sideways between the two of them.  he began to check over his notes, and then eventually pulled taeyong’s towards him as well, adding and taking out information wherever necessary as taeyong finished off the food and drink.  
by the time they left, there was a full set of notes for them to copy and print for the rest of their group, and they left one another in silence as they headed home.  taeyong’s phone felt heavy with jaehyun’s number in it once more, along with the knowledge that it was saved under “jung jaehyun”, and not under one of the many nicknames that taeyong once had for him.  
“you can’t just ignore it, jae.” johnny was the voice of reason a week later, sitting alongside yuta, who were two of jaehyun’s closest friends.  “you have to tell him eventually.”  jaehyun snorted, shoveling another mouthful of whatever slop lined his tray - meatloaf? pasta? the world may never know.  he sure as hell didn’t.   with one last glance across the cafeteria at the table where taeyong sat surrounded by his friends - their old friends - he smiled wistfully at johnny.  “if only it was that easy, john.  he wouldn’t listen to me anymore.”  johnny and yuta shared a look, before returning to their lunches, gears already turning away in their minds.  jaehyun pretended that he didn’t glance up at taeyong every once in a while, acting as if he was scrolling through social media instead.  
he couldn’t deny, however, the shiver that wracked his body when taeyong glanced back at him, with a strange look in his eyes that jaehyun couldn’t decipher.  
across the canteen from jaehyun, taeyong was settled in between some of the members of his friend group.  jonghyun (who insisted that they call him jr to set him apart from the other jonghyun’s in their school) sat to his left, with seungcheol to his right, followed immediately after by his two boyfriends, jeonghan and joshua.  they were the only five there at the moment, leaving nearly half of the table empty.  after receiving a text that the others wouldn’t be coming for lunch, taeyong and jr moved to the other side of the table, which gave both sets of people ample room to spread out.  
the only disadvantage was that this put jaehyun, who was across the canteen from him, directly into taeyong’s sight, and vice versa.  taeyong listened idly to jeonghan talking about their plans for the weekend, his eyes drifting over to jaehyun without thinking about it.  he must have spaced out, because joshua snapping his fingers in front of his face was the next thing he heard.  “so are you gonna talk to him, or are you just gonna stare like a lovesick fool?” his tone was slightly snippy, but taeyong knew he meant nothing by it.  
in response, he sighed, resting his cheek on his folded hands that lay on the table.  his verbal response came out muffled, and jr grabbed a small chunk of his hair and gently pulled him up.  taeyong grimaced, letting a dramatic moan of pain slip through his lips.  the sound attracted looks from other tables around them, but taeyong just wrenched jr’s fingers from his freshly dyed silver hair.  “there's no reason to talk to him now.  we're just partners in class, not partners in life.” he replied, his eyes drifting back to jaehyun - who turned almost at the same time, their eyes locking.  
when jaehyun finally broke his gaze, taeyong whispered “not anymore, at least.”
the other four shared a look, knowing what had to be done.  
taeyong and jaehyun had known one another since they were teens, having gone to the same high school together and only getting together in their junior year.  jaehyun knew that their relationship would be a secret for a while - taeyong wasn't yet out to his friends or family, while jaehyun was.  that wasn’t a problem for jaehyun.  he kept their physical contact short, only kissed taeyong behind locked doors, and never let his stare linger too long.  for a year, that was enough to keep jaehyun sated.  
however, problems began popping up after their first anniversary, just as they were heading into their senior year of high school.  they often had late night talks, saying that once they graduate they would room together in college and that would be that.  maybe taeyong would be able to come out to his friends, then, since they were planning on furthering their education in a different city.  they spent months and months studying for their exams, and saving up for application fees and down payments for a dorm - then it all went downhill.  
they went to a party together on a normal friday night, dressed to their best and walking with linked hands, but only as soon as they were out of sight of taeyong’s parents.  jaehyun hadn’t been able to wipe the pleased smile off his face as he listened to taeyong blabber on about a new track he had been working on, not even when their hands naturally fell apart just before they arrived at the block that johnny, taeyong’s best friend, lived on.  they could feel the vibrations of the music halfway down the street, the front door stood wide open and dancing bodies visible through the open space.  the two didn’t even bother finding johnny, taeyong instead guiding jaehyun to the kitchen with a gentle hand on the small of his back.  his touch was withdrawn as soon as they stepped into the significantly less crowded kitchen, and taeyong rifled through the fridge to find them two sodas to mix with one of the many bottles of alcohol lining the countertop.  
it wasn’t long before jaehyun was leaning into taeyong’s side on a long couch, drink held precariously in his hand and threatening to spill at any second.  taeyong laughed at some joke that he told, grabbing the other’s drink before it could spill and leave a stain that johnny would never be able to explain.  when jaehyun leaned forward to leave a small kiss on taeyong’s cheek, the elder pushed him away with wide eyes, motioning silently to the other people in the room.  it was then that jaehyun truly realized the magnitude of their relationship, of the situation that they were in.  taeyong watched in silence as jaehyun seemed to ice over, his mouth clamping shut as he scooted over to leave room between them.  he snatched his drink back from taeyong, almost as an afterthought, and threw the rest of it back with no hesitation.  taeyong could only watch as he got up and went to get another drink, stumbling back towards him with a half full drink a few moments later.  it was only when jaehyun mumbled something about needing to go somewhere quieter that taeyong finally unfroze, gently grabbing his wrist and dragging him upstairs to one of the guest rooms that he had claimed as his own.  
after unlocking the door, he led jaehyun to the bed, and allowed him to sprawl all over the navy blue covers as he locked the door behind him, throwing his jacket off into the corner, and sitting down next to jaehyun.  he looked over his boyfriend’s face, taking in every little detail.  a bad feeling grew in the pit of his stomach, one that seemed all encompassing and like it would take over the world if it could.  
little did taeyong know, it soon would take over his world.  
drunk jaehyun was a filterless jaehyun, taeyong had found out over his time of knowing the other.  therefore, it wasn’t a surprise when jaehyun began venting over the little things that had happened in his life, before suddenly jolting upright and staring at taeyong with a gaze that seemed to intense to be anything but sober - but the quiver of his lip and slur of his words was enough to let taeyong know that jaehyun was anything but sober.  “why are we still doing this?” he muttered, words thick as they came over his tongue.  taeyong’s voice came out gentle, asking what the problem was, and jaehyun just shook his head, seeming to change his train of thought. “i can’t do this anymore.  this-this hiding thing, not being able to tell my friends that i’m completely, utterly, irrevocably in love with you” was the next thing out of his mouth.  taeyong froze once more, only being able to watch as jaehyun got to his feet and bolted for the door, unlocking it quickly and slamming it shut behind him.  taeyong went into overdrive, rushing towards the exit in search of jaehyun.  the younger boy was nowhere to be found.  
it didn’t take more than an hour of texting and calling jaehyun to realize that his texts and calls were no longer going through, and he couldn’t get a hold of him through other social media.  the bold “you’ve been blocked by this person” on jaehyun’s twitter page sent a bolt of pain through his body as it finally sunk in that this was it.  this was the end of the best thing that had ever happened to him.  
jaehyun had even gone so far as to transfer schools to avoid taeyong.  it wasn’t a surprise, honestly, since most of jaehyun’s friends went to their rival school anyways.  over a year and a half after the incident, taeyong had found himself sitting across from jaehyun for their project, and didn’t know how to deal with himself.  
so how he, jaehyun, found himself standing in front of the door to taeyong’s dorm a few days later, he’d never know.  all he knew was that the older had sent him a text, asking to meet in his room to go over part of their notes.  jaehyun didn't question it, considering that they had a test next week over the notes that they had taken, and they needed to be perfect.  jaehyun knocked lightly on the door, listening for the telltale sound of feet coming towards him.  the door swung open, taeyong standing behind it with black dye on his head, and one of his stained gloves pulled off so he wouldn't stain the door handle.  he motioned for jaehyun to come in, telling him to ignore the smell that lingered in the dorm.  
jaehyun looked around a little, seeing familiar photos and decorations that taeyong had brought from home.  he felt a pang in his heart as he saw a particular frame that still housed a photo of them from one of their trips to the park in their younger days.  all thoughts of taking notes and revising left his brain at the sight.  taeyong noticed his gaze, laughing a little when he saw what had caught jaehyun’s attention.  “even after all these years and all we’ve been through, i still can’t get rid of it.” he mumbled, eyes flickering up to meet jaehyun’s, who had been watching him closely.  jaehyun’s gaze drifted back to the photo, his feet slowly following suit as he reached out for the frame, picking it up gently and gazing at the photo inside.  it was probably from middle school, given that they both had their natural hair colors - they had both dyed their hair in high school - and they had their arms wrapped around one another.  jaehyun remembered the day it was taken, not in specifics, but in feelings.  he remembered the feeling of the sun on their back, of the burn he got on his knee from sliding down the slide and rolling off the end (the burn that taeyong kissed, because he swore it would make it better), he remembers the feel of taeyong’s squishy cheeks under his hands as he teased him.  
“can we talk about it?” jaehyun uttered, his voice shaking slightly as the memories brought back a torrent of feelings that he thought he had covered up.  taeyong replied with a small ‘yes’, causing jaehyun to let out a shaky breath and set the photo down, turning to taeyong before he could lose his nerve.  “it was true, what i said that day, about being completely, utterly, irrevocably in love with you.  it’s still true, as much as i wish it wasn’t.” he let out a sad laugh, before his head tilted down so taeyong could no longer see his face.  “i regretted it the moment i said it, the moment i walked out, and i’ve regretted it since.”  taeyong barely caught the rest of his sentence as his voice slowly tapered off, and jaehyun watched his feet come into view before taeyong was throwing his slender body into jaehyun’s arms, grasping tightly at him.  
he could hear taeyong breathe a sigh of relief.  “i regretted it too, not holding you back, that is.  i watched you walk out of the door and out of my life and didn’t do a damn thing about it, and i’ve regretted it since then.  and i’m sorry for never telling my friends, at least.” taeyong murmured into jaehyun’s shoulder, where his face had inevitably ended up buried.  jaehyun was shocked, to say the least, as he slowly wrapped his arms around taeyong’s small frame and pulled him closer.  
that is, until taeyong’s dye wet hair touched his cheek and he jumped back with a small shout, causing taeyong to drop to his knees and laugh.  he watched as taeyong bustled off to rinse his hair out, coming back with water wet hair this time, drying it off with a towel.  when he was done, he used the towel to wipe off the dye from jaehyun’s face, although it still left a blue mark.  even after he had wiped the dye from jaehyun’s face, his hand lingered, and before they knew it, they had locked eyes and were leaning in, eyes fluttering shut and their lips about to meet --
then a door slammed not even ten feet away, and they jolted apart.  a glance to the side revealed jeonghan, taeyong’s roommate, standing in the doorway.  he stuttered out an apology, alongside a sneaky glance at taeyong, whose face was flushed red.  
the two of them burst out laughing as soon as the door clicked closed, leaning on one another for support as they laughed until their lungs hurt.  it was then, and only then, that they finally shared their first kiss in close to two years - jaehyun’s hands settled on taeyong’s waist, and taeyong’s arms around jaehyun’s neck.  it was like time had never passed as they settled into a rhythm, their bodies pressed together and hearts beating in sync, it seemed.  
the first time they sat together with all of their friends, it was nothing short of awkward.  seungcheol and his two boyfriends had staked their claim on three consecutive seats, leaving taeyong and jaehyun to sit next to each other, while johnny and yuta sat next to them.  johnny had also dragged along his new boyfriend, ten, who was coincidentally on the same dance team as taeyong.  
and jr? oh, he sat between all the loving couples, silently gagging and making faces back and forth with yuta, the only other single person at the table.  
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yooneroos · 7 years
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somebody help him pls...
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wooyoungbby · 7 years
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jonghyun the betrayer
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nations-son · 7 years
Hongki: Jonghyun-ah, let's eat together.
Night Goblin every Sunday 6:30PM on JTBC
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deens94 · 7 years
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sunny-cucumber · 4 years
My Top 150 Kpop Songs
I am putting together a list of my top 150 kpop songs, this list only reflect songs and groups I personally really enjoy and have stuck in my mind after all these years, this list will lean heavily towards boy groups as I dont have many girl groups I enjoy, I will be counting sub-units and solo work separate from group work, I also acknowledge this list might be missing great songs by certain groups, not because I dont think they deserve to be here but because I forgot the songs or groups existed. I am to the best of my ability going as far back in my memory to songs from 2006, as thats roughly when I got into kpop (actually think I started really listening in 2008 but I back tracked to learn certain groups early work once I found groups I liked). (for some groups I have limited myself to 2 picks, they are songs I enjoy but also songs that show different sides to the groups I really like). And now I present to you MY top 150 kpop songs (in alphabetical order by group) 
1. 2PM-Again and Again 2. 2PM-Heartbeat 3. 2ne1-It Hurts 4. 2ne1-Hate You 5. Astro-Knock 6. Apink-Dumhdurum 7. AB6IX-Breath 8. Ateez-HALA HALA 9. AOA-Bing Bing 10. AOA-Bingle Bangle 11. B.A.P-1004(angel) 12. B.A.P-Rain Sound 13. Block B-Toy 14. Boys Republic-The Real One 15. Bada-MAD 16. Big Bang-Sunset Glow 17. Big Bang-LIE 18. BTS-Blood Sweat and Tears 19. BTS-Save Me 20. The BOYZ-No Air 21. The BOYZ-Reveal 22. Baekhyun-UN Village 23. BEAST-Fiction 24. BEAST-Breath 25. Brown eyed girls-Abracadabra 26. Brown eyed girls-Sign 27. Clazziquai-Romeo n Juliet 28. Clazziquai-Tell Yourself 29. Co-Ed School-Bbiribbom BBaeribbom 30. Day6-You Were Beautiful 31. Day6-Letting Go 32. Dean-D(Half Moon) 33. Dean-Instagram 34. DBSK-Wrong Number 35. DBSK-Mirotic 36. EXO-Lucky One 37. EXO-Overdose 38. EXO CBX-Blooming Days 39. Fromis_9-Love Bomb 40. F(x)-Red Light 41. F(x)-Nu ABO 42. FT Island-Love Love Love 43. FT Island-Hello Hello 44. GFriend-Fingertip 45. GWSN-Puzzle Moon 46. GWSN-BAZOOKA! 47. Golden Child-Wannabe 48. Golden Child-Without You 49. GOT7-Lullaby 50. GOT7- Stop Stop It 51. Girl's Generation-Genie 52. Girl's Generation-Hoot 53. G Dragon-Heartbreaker 54. G Dragon-She's Gone 55. Heize-Jenga 56. Hotshot-Jelly 57. History-Psycho 58. History-What am I to You 59. Ikon-Killing Me 60. Infinite-The Chaser 61. Infinite-The Eye 62. Infinite H-Pretty 63. Jonghyun-She Is 64. Jonghyun-Hallelujah 65. Jimin-Serendipity 66. Jimin-Lie 67. Jus2-Focus 68. Jay Park-Metronome 69. JJ Project-Bounce 70. KNK-Sunset 71. Kara-Lupin 72. Kara-Pandora 73. Kim Hyung Joon-Oh! Ah! 74. Lee Hi-Breathe 75. LOONA-Odd Eye Circle 76. Ladies Code-Pretty Pretty 77. Ladies Code- The Rain 78. Luna-Save Somebody 79. Monsta X-Play it Cool 80. Monsta X-Dramarama 81. Miss A-Breathe 82. Miss A-Touch 83. Mamamoo-Peppermint Chocolate 84. MBLAQ-Y 85. MBLAQ-Smoky Girl 86. NCT U-Baby Don't Stop 87. NCT127-Superhuman 88. NCT127-Simon Says 89. NCT Dream-BOOM 90. NCT Dream-Ridin 91. Nu'est-Overcome 92. Nu'est-Bet Bet 93. ONF(on and off)-We Must Love 94. ONF(on and off)-Complete 95. Oh! My Girl-Liar Liar 96. Oh! My Girl-Closer 97. Oneus-Twilight 98. Ong Seong Wu-Gravity 99. Orange Caramel-Catallena 100. Pentagon-Sha la la 101. Red Velvet-Peekaboo 102. The Rose-Baby 103. Rainbow-Mach 104. Seventeen-Oh My! 105. Seventeen-Home 106. SF9-Easy Love 107. SF9-Now or Never 108. SHINee-Sherlock (Clue + Note) 109. SHINee-Symptoms 110. Super Junior-It's You 111. Super Junior-Don't Don 112. Super Junior T-Rokkugo 113. SuperM-With You 114. SuperM-Dangerous Woman 115. Shinhwa-This Love 116. Shinhwa-Sniper 117. Sunny Hill-Midnight Circus 118. Sunny Hill-Pray 119. Speed-Zombie Party 120. Secret-Poison 121. Sistar-Alone 122. Stellar-Sting 123. Stellar-Vibrato 124. Sunmi-Heroine 125. Sunmi-Gashina 126. Taemin-Move 127. Taemin-Drip Drop 128. Taeyong-Long Flight 129. Ten-New Heroes 130. Teen Top-Supa Luv 131. TWICE-Feel Special 132. TWICE-Likey 133. Toheart-Delicious 134. Taeyang-I'll Be There 135. Taeyang-Where U AT 136. TARA-Sexy Love 137. TARA-Bo Peep Bo Peep 138. Tiffany Young-Magnetic Moon 139. UKiss-Neverland 140. Up10ton-Your gravity 141. Uhm Jung Hwa-Ending Credit 142. VIXX-On and On 143. VIXX-Dynamite 144. VIXX LR-Beautiful Liar 145. Wanna One-Spring breeze 146. X1-Flash 147. Yezi-Home 148. Zico-Any Song 149. Zin Tae Hwa-Fallen Angel 150. ZE:A-Pheonix
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kpopshitposter · 5 years
Are these actual people or characters?
ayo ayo ayo
The people on my blog are kpop/cpop/vpop idols, so they’re actual people who just be looking and acting like fictional characters bc they’re so beautiful it doesn’t feel real
Since it really be seeming like you’re in the wrong part of town I thought I’d compile a lil playlist for you… it’s a #-Z of Korean artists I personally listen to on the regular. Complete with song recs! I had a lot of fun putting it together so even if you only bother to listen to one song on it I hope you enjoy it!!
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uhhhhhhh it’s a lot (this list should explain why it took me so long to reply to your ask i’m so sorry I hope this is helpful)
Casual disclaimer that if you feel like theres any problematic people mentioned please be aware that i dont pay attention to scandals so this is just about the songs
Also I guess people should feel free to add their faves to the list if they wanna recommend it and I haven’t included them
Alsox2 if any links are wrong im sorry i love u
Feel free to ask me to order them by genre, male/female, or mood or anything like that too if you’d like!! K-pop in general is a really fun and comforting music genre and you should totally give it a chance
2NE1 - I am the best3racha - Matryoshka (MaaAaaAAAAA)4Minute - Whatcha doin’ today
AB6IX - BreatheA.C.E. - Under Cover (I also really recommend Take Me Higher but rlly all of their songs)Agust D - Agust D (TONGUE TECHNOLOGY!! ICONIC. But also The Last and all of his solos)AOA - Bingle BangleASTRO - Moonwalk ATEEZ - Promise and Wave and HALA HALA all of their songs again lmao wow so many talented people in one list
B1A4 - Rollin’BASTARZ - Help Me and omg just take the albumB.A.P - Wake Me Up B-BOMB - Give & Take BIGBANG - LAST DANCE and FANTASTIC BABYBLACKPINK - Kick It they have a lot of good songs tho!!Block B - Be The Light and Don’t Leave and Dreams Come True and No Joke and Toy dkfjghjsw Block B are my ultimate group and I love every single one of their songs - they’re kings of genre varietyBolbbalgan4 - Some and Travel and Ring they have loads of good songs!!!BTS - Blood Sweat & Tears and Dope and Just One Day and Home picking is rlly rlly hard because they have a crazy amount of songs lmao I went with songs where they all have lines
CHUNG HA - Roller CoasterCL - Hello BitchesCLC - Hobgoblin and NoCrush - None also Cereal ft. Zico
Day6 - I Need Somebody and Shoot Me don’t forget to dance to Shoot Me like this (but we’ll get to Stray Kids later)DEAN - The Unknown Guest and Bonnie & Clyde and D (Half Moon) ft Gaeko
Eric Nam - Honestly EXID - Up & Down and I Love YouEXO - Damage and Wait and EL DORADO and Universe and yknow ALL OF THEM they do a lot of different genres!EXO-CBX - Hey Mama!EXO-K - Overdose
F(x) - Rum Pum Pum PumFANXY CHILD - Y
GFRIEND - Me Gustas Tu and Time for the moon night and RoughG(I)-DLE - LATATAGirl’s Day - Something Girls’ Generation - Lion Heart GOT7 - MiracleGRAY - TMI and Late Night with Loco
HEIZE - Don’t Know You and Shut Up & Groove with Dean and Jenga with GaekoHOA - LongingHoody - Like You and Golden with Jay ParkHYUKOH - LOVE YA!
iKON - Love Scenario (this might as well be Korea’s national anthem at this point)INFINITE - AIR and Bad (they don’t have a bad song)I.O.I - Very Very Very ITZY - DALLA DALLA and ICYIU - BBIBBI and Palette ft G-Dragon (she’s ridiculously good)
Jay Park - Me Like Yuh and Solo ft Hoody and Upside Down ft Simon Dominic and Loco and GRAY I really like Mommae ft Ugly Duck tooJENNIE - SOLO J-Hope - Daydream Ji Chang Wook (fight ME LMAO IM SORRY I HAVE TO INCLUDE HIM) - To a Butterfly he’s done a lot of good songs and has a really beautiful voice!! You can listen hereJimin - PromiseJimin Park - April FoolsJin - EpiphanyJJ Project - Tomorrow, Today and Find You (I think all of their lil subunit songs are good)JONGHYUN - MoonJUNNY - Handle You and Magnet TELL ME WHY EVERYONE IS SLEEPING ON JUNNY BC IDK
KKang Daniel - What are you up toKARD - Oh NaNa and Don’t RecallKevin Oh - LoverKEY - Show Me but really NOT A SINGLE BAD SONG IN DIS BITCHKNK - Love You
Lee Hyun - You Are Here (i know it’s random bc it’s from the BTS game album but this song is so so beautiful)Loco - to be completely honest I don’t know if Loco has any solo music but I really like Still ft Crush and Don’t ft Hwasa
Mamamoo - Open Your Mind MOMOLAND - BBoom BBoom Monsta X - No Reason and Ready or Not and Be Quiet yet another one who physically can’t do bad songsMINHO - I’m Home
NCT - Baby Don’t Stop and Highway to Heaven and Simon Says and Jet Lag and Candle Light and Boom (I couldn’t with all the subunits so JSIJFGUH) also I’m gonna include WayV even though they’re not k-pop (they’re an NCT subunit) Come Back and Regular (my most listened to song on spotify) and Let me love u and Take Off and Dream LaunchN.Flying - Hot Potato and Rooftop NU'EST - Where You At
ONE - HeyaheONEUS - Twilight Orange Caramel - Abing abing and Dream of Clara and So Sorry and Cookies, Cream and Mint and Superwoman (they’re my favourite girl group im OC trash even tho they’ve disbanded :]]]]]]] )O.WHEN - Picture
PARK JI HOON - L.O.V.EPENTAGON - Shine P.O - Comme des Garcons
Red Velvet - Red Flavor and Aitai-taiRM - Forever rain and Change ft Wale (tbh I only like mono. - his other solo stuff just isn’t for me but feel free to check it out he’s got MVs and stuff on YT!)
Sam Kim - Scent and Make Up ft Crush and It’s You ft ZicoSEVENTEEN - Pretty U and HIGHLIGHT and HOME and THANKS and ALL OF THEM ARE BOPSSSF9 - RPM SHAUN - Way Back Home SHINee - Get The Treasure and Diamond Sky and View they have a lot of songs and a lot of rlly good stuffSimon Dominic - ullah and Simon Dominic and Comfortable with Gray and ONE and WON & ONLY ft Jay Park and Cheerz …….. I like all of his songs as well sofjhrSISTAR - Touch my bodyStray Kids - 4419 and GLOW and My Pace and Chronosaurus and MRIOH anduhh one more time everything they do is worth listening to at least once!! Stray Kids are really all such sweet people and my ultimate bias is Chan from this group so I hope you like them!!SUNMI - Siren and ADDICTSuper Junior - MamacitaSURAN - WINE ft Changmo (produced by SUGA odfjgh)
TT2U - Ososugiruouni and Goodbye TAEMIN - Famous and Tease and Slave and I’m Crying and Thirsty and MOVE TAEYEON - WhyTHE BOYZ - No Air and Giddy Up and Walkin’ in TimeThe Rose - sorry and with you and Like We Used to Do and She’s In The Rain and BABY wow really all of their songs thanks for coming to my ted talkTXT - Nap of a Star and CROWNTriple H - GIRL GIRL GIRLTWICE - Heart Shaker
U-KWON - Let’s Ride also whatever you don’t should definitely NOT check THIS performance out
VV - Winter Bear (not a dry eye in dis bitch)VAV - Give me more and SenoritaVIXX - Chained UpVERIVERY - Tag Tag Tag
WWanna One - Energetic WINNER - AH YEAH and REALLY REALLYWoosung - FACE and MOON
X1 - everything is just teasers right now really but X1-MA IS EPIC SO
Yerin Baek - Blue and As I am (her voice is really incredible and unique)Yoon Jisung - In the RainYoon Jong Shin - Like It and Wi-Fi ft Zico
Zico - I am you, you are me and She’s a Baby and Eureka ft Zion.T and Bermuda Triangle ft Crush and Dean and Artist and ANTI ft G.Soul and Fanxy Child ft FANXY CHILD Zico is CRAZY talented and he’s done a lot with a lot of people and he’s really out here saving the whole hiphop industry Zion.T - Eat and Hello Tutorial ft Seulgi
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singingmyreverie · 7 years
College AU! Kim Jonghyun
Group Member: NU’EST Kim Jonghyun (JR)
Type: Fluff
Style: Bullet
Summary: Fellow otaku from the library is more than what he seems… ft. fanboy friend Ha Sungwoon
as a book reader you love visiting the library in your spare time
sometimes it’s just a breath of fresh air or a small getaway since most on the campus are too involved with practices 
it’s been a while since you’ve checked if any new manga are out so you’re browsing the shelves
haikyuu!! volume 9!
you reach for it, but another hand brushes over yours before pulling back
“ah sorry, I didn’t see you there,” said a gentle voice
the owner was really handsome, and gave a shy smile
kinda reminded you of wartortle
“I’m sorry too, I didn’t see you either”
the two of you stood there, unsure of what to say
but he was also admiring your beauty wow
finally you speak up, “it’s a really good series, isn’t it?”
his face lit up, “it is! I’ve been waiting for the next book almost all week!”
conversation sparked between you two, excited about your love for manga
recommendations were thrown at each other, but many common names were found
he then mentioned he’d let you take the book if you would exchange names
so you did
but the catch was that you’d have to bring it back tomorrow so he could read it soon
and it became an everyday occurrence to meet jonghyun in the library
sometimes sitting in corners, laying between shelves, or at tables
conversations branched out to other subjects
like you both enjoy Nu'EST’s songs though he was more dedicated than you because you only knew their songs and not members 
but most topics came back to manga because you loved the way his face lit up when he talked about it
the librarian would shush you when the two of you got too loud, even though no one else was really around
there were days where you guys would share headphones on a laptop while watching anime
one day you sat across from jonghyun who looked a little more tired than usual boy practices so hard
“(y/n)” he said lazily, head resting on the table in the seat across from you
“hmm?” you looked up from your book
“did you know that Nu'EST was gonna be performing during the festival?”
“Nu'EST? really?! ”
“yup, on idol day” he nodded
“wow I definitely have to see them then! will you be going too?”
“I have something to do during the performance, but let’s walk around together before”
“aww alright then, sounds good,” you smiled
idol day comes around and the two of you meet up at the beginning
jonghyun seemed to look nicer than normal is that even possible
the booths had a lot of great fan art that the two of you had to control yourselves from buying it all
one stage design club collaborated with some actors to create haunted house 
you wanted to go in so jonghyun followed
when one ghost popped up in front, you jumped and grabbed jonghyun’s arm
he squeezed your hand, and didn’t let go even when you guys reached the end 
you didn’t really mind so you kept holding his hand when walking around
jonghyun won you a chopper plushie at a shooting game
it hit 4pm and he had to leave
you thanked him for spending time with you
“(y/n), can i meet you after the Nu’EST performance?”
“I thought you were busy?”
“just for a little bit, but I will come back!”
“I have to stay for the performance after because a friend is playing, but after that one?”
“I’ll text you then” he smiled and ran 
he left you puzzled, but you decided to get to the stage area where you agreed to meet sungwoon since he was a big fan of them
you spotted sungwoon, who talked about how thrilled he was for the Nu'EST performance 
you reflected his excitement and hoped they would sing your favorite song, “hello”
the stage went dark and moments later the mc walked onto the stage 
“Many of you will be familiar with this group, as they are our alumni. Welcome Nu'EST to the stage!”
cheers erupted from the audience
5 guys appeared on the stage, backs facing the audience
you couldn’t help but think that one looked a little familiar
the music started and they turned
kim jonghyun????
“sungwoon what’s the name of that member?" 
"he goes by JR like his jacket says, but his name is kim jonghyun,” he shouted 
you’re too shocked to even move
you couldn’t tear your eyes away from him the whole stage
his rapping sounded so genuine 
at one point you thought you saw him make a heart in your direction, but it’s such a large audience that you doubt he spotted you
when the song ends you shake off your shock and cheer with sungwoon 
the two of you stay to support the next performance of a new idol and your friend sewoon
but you once it’s done, you tell sungwoon you have to leave, and bolt out of the audience
you fumbled around for your phone to see a new message
meet me at the library -JR
“JR,” his texting signature hit you
you rush to the library and stand outside the door, breathing heavily to catch your breath
but you’re too impatient and walk in anyways
jonghyun stood by a window in his pink and black jacket
wow he looks amazing
“ah (y/n)” he smiled
“how could you not tell me you were in Nu'EST??” you hit his arm
“I didn’t really mean to hide it from you, but I really enjoyed how you treated me so normally" 
"why wouldn’t I treat you normally? I just wish I knew so I could support you as a friend!" 
his smile fell and his face turned serious
”(y/n), I don’t want you to see me as a friend. I like you and I want to date you.“ 
you opened your mouth, but no words came out
his firm eyes kept you captivated
he pulled you in and gave you a kiss on the lips
after he releases you, you’re too flustered and at a loss for words
so you hug him, burying your face in his chest 
eventually you manage to say, "i hate you”
he just laughed and held you
omfg you two are too cute of a couple 
a lot of casual anime and library dates 
not much would change since you two are so comfortable with eachother
there’s zero shame from the both of you being otakus 
Nu'EST members like to tease you for not knowing who they were even though you listened to their music
sungwoon hates you for not telling him you were friends with Nu'EST or even dating one of the members, but you told him your story and introduced them so they’re all besties now
he’s like a little child sometimes, but he takes such good care of you
and you do your best to give all your support to him, making sure he knows he’s loved by you
he likes knowing he’s boyfriend material
College AU Masterlist
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optomstudies · 7 years
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your blog! Your advice and tips are all so helpful and sound very sincere! huehue... I was interested in optometry last year too but I ended up choosing something different~ By the way, what kpop groups are you into? =D
Thank you! I'm glad they sound sincere; they are sincere! I try my best ^^
Omgsh yay! Another question about my favourite topic (I'm sure my followers must be so sick of me talking about kpop, but I've only got this one big hobby for now, so let me live hahaha) I'm mainly into girl groups, I don't tend to watch variety stuff except for BTS, I'm mainly into groups for their music and videos! The following is in a rough order of how much I like the group.
BTS - my ultimate bias group, I love the members equally, their music, their choreography, their cinematography, their teamwork, their lyrics, everything! Favourite songs: Young Forever, Run, Lost, Outro: Wings
Red Velvet - I love Wendy, she's hilarious and cute and an amazing singer! All their songs are bomb; there hasn't been a single song I've disliked! I like both Red and Velvet sides equally ^__^: Campfire, Automatic, Russian Roulette
Lee Bada - finding her was a miracle: TV's On, Drug, Memories ft. Konsoul
Lovelyz - their songs are so cheerful and their concepts are the best! I like Mijoo the best because of her two-sided beagle charms: Now, We and How to Be a Pretty Woman (예쁜 여자가 되는 법)
f(x): 4 Walls, All Night, So Into U, Love
Shinee - all their songs are really good. I also like what Jonghyun has put out as a soloist: View, Odd Eye, Ace (Taemin)
Mamamoo - I love pure pop songs and songs with a little jazz: Woo Hoo and Decalcomanie
Heize - I liked her before her appearance in Unpretty Rapstar because I found a song of hers called Pume Sweet Pume and I was amazed by her lovely singing and rapping. Everything she's put out has been great!
Seventeen - very refreshing music, but b-sides are often not the type of genres I like: Mansae, Pretty U, Q&A
Loona - omg I am in love with Kim Lip - please check out her song Eclipse. She's such a girl crush, I'm so mesmerised by the fantastic cinematography. I also like the mini album Love and Live by Loona 1/3
IU - so many songs, can't choose!: Twenty Three, Good Day, Red Shoes
EXO - I don't know anything about the members except their names, their songs are just too good though: Hey Mama (CBX), Monster, For Life, She's Dreaming
Crush: woo ah, Don't Forget ft. Taeyeon
Miss A - they have so many good b-sides: Breath, Goodbye Baby, Come on Over
NU'EST: Love Paint + some b-sides I can't recall
Suran - discovered through Min Yoongi: Wine, 1+1=0, Walkin
Secret - I miss them, I really liked their girl crush side, and I like Jieun and Hyosung's solo stuff a lot: Poison, Calling U, Vintage (Jieun), Find Me, Goodnight Kiss
KARD - All their three releases have been great so far. I like Don't Recall the most.
Girls' Generation - original group I was really into! I like TTS the best! There are so many good b-sides!: Mr. Mr., Party, Sailing (0805)
Vanilla Acoustic: Blind Date, Summer Cold, Like That Summer (그 여름처럼), Sweet Chemistry
Blackpink: girl crush concepts again: Whistle, Playing with Fire
AOA - they just have a lot of bops: Excuse Me, Miniskirt
Ladies' Code: Galaxy and The Rain single albums
Laboum: Shooting Love, Sweetly (달콤하게)
Zion T: Eat, Just ft. Crush
BoA - an oldie but a goodie: Who are You, Only You, Kiss My Lips
Twice: TT, Cheer Up
NCT 127 - growing on me...: 0 Mile, Sun and Moon, The 7th Sense
Pristin: WE and Wee Woo
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itachikun · 8 years
Rules: put your music on shuffle, list the first nine songs and your favourite lyrics from each, then tag 9 other people to participate!! I was tagged by @yasmeensghauri (I took so long to get these done omg but thank uuuuu) 1. Jonghyun, Inspiration It's been a while, my memories have faded Our roles are unclear 2. TVXQ!, Lucky Star You make the waves crash in my heart You made me live 3. Dynamic Duo ft Kim Bum Soo, Good Love For you, I'll deal only with the darkness You just need to bloom 4. Ravi ft San E, Bomb I came from dipping myself in hell's fire So knock on me, the more you do, the sharper I get 5. Jonghyun, Neon I lack nothing when I have you by my side I can do everything 6. Exo, Beautiful My heart can't settle down When my name touched your lips 7. CNBLUE, Can't Stop The scent of spring that resembles you is still cold 8. NU'EST, Action Why am I bad? Because I'm better than you? Because I'm different, because I'm not the same? 9. Exo, One and Only The wet for in my heart clears Only you become more defined The scenery in front of me freezes Only you are breathing Don't allow me to be anything but yours I tag....... : @rninyoonqi @curlypcy @chens @kingbyunny @ladyscersei @little-ems-is-in-fandoms @yano @worthys
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yooneroos · 7 years
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hongki punishing then protecting his baby goblin
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wooyoungbby · 7 years
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JR & Hongki struggles with English
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nations-son · 7 years
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Night Goblin Gangneung Trip Part 2 – Behind the Scenes 📷
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nations-son · 7 years
Hongki punishing Jonghyun but immediately asking if he’s okay and for towel. 😭
Night Goblin every Sunday 6:30PM KST on JTBC
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