#friday roundup persists into the girls' teenage years
livwritesstuff · 10 months
Can I live in your brain?
Can you directly inject your steddie dads stories into MY brain?
Can you just... help a girl out? With that? Somehow? Lol I cannot consume them fast enough.
I love them so much. Thank you (and I'm not sorry for the spam likes - you deserve them)!
dear god i wish you could bc i literally cannot stop thinking about this 'verse and then at least i'd have some company in the madness
anyways thank youu <3
have a double post on this fine friday
so anyways 2008-2011 are what Steve and Eddie refer back to as the war zone. Why do they call these years the war zone? Because it's the brief stretch of time where they have three fully autonomous children (i.e. not babies) all under the age of 10.
It is total pandemonium. Neither Steve nor Eddie get a full breath of air until the day Moe turns 11. Naturally, it is also a period in their lives where Steve and Eddie don't get to spend as much time together as they would like, because they're a little busy wrangling little girls.
Thus, to make sure they get at least some semblance of face time during the week, they call Friday nights (after the girls are asleep and while Steve and Eddie are getting ready for bed) their Friday Roundup.
The purpose of Friday Roundup is to recount the insanity they each had to endure that week and confirm that they aren't living in an actual fever dream.
"You missed us celebrating opposite day," Eddie tells Steve one night as he's midway through brushing his teeth, "I had to tell them they couldn't flip all the furniture over and it was like I told them Christmas was cancelled."
"Moe got mad at me because we had expired orange juice in the fridge and I wouldn't let her use it to fill water balloons," Steve replies.
"Well, that's just common sense."
"Not to Moe. I think her words were we shouldn't let it go to waste."
"Dear god, she's getting too smart for us," Eddie shakes his head, "Hazel cried the entire way home from dropping Robbie and Moe off at school because the sun was following us."
"She got mad at me the other day when I made her a peanut butter sandwich," Steve replies, and he holds a hand up when Eddie raises a questioning eyebrow, "Wait - because what she wanted was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich...without the jelly."
"Jesus Christ."
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