#fresh faces fitblr challenge
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So guys welcome to my April. Two weeks ago, I had a stomachache and started to develop a headache. It progressed until that Saturday my fiancée dragged me to to emergency room. I couldn’t focus, I just cried while holding my head. We get there and they give me a “migraine cocktail”. I take a nap and I’m feeling ok. Not great. Pain at a 3-4. But they’re like welp you’re good to go bye. Come back if the pain comes back all the way today. Here’s some imitrex and take it every 2 hours when a migraine comes on and you’ll be fine. We get home around 1pm. We go to bed (he works nights and hadn’t been to bed yet) I wake up at 3 and my headaches coming back so I pop an imitrex. I do the same at 5, 7, and 9 as it just keeps coming. He packs me back into the car and we’re back at the hospital. They give me another cocktail and over the next 24 hours in the ER do a spinal tap and a million other tests. I get admitted and I’m in inconsolable pain. No amount of drugs would touch it. I barely take Tylenol on the regular and let me repeat, drugs were not touching my pain. I was in fetal position crying in the worst pain of my life. I told my mom and fiancée repetitively that I thought I was going to die. I’m not being dramatic. I could feel my pulse in my head. My mom held my head for me while I tried to sleep and couldn’t. I barely could sip water. I couldn’t open my eyes. It took constant medication until Monday afternoon to bring my pain down at all. From Saturday to Monday afternoon I cried and begged for pain medication. I just still can’t fathom how bad it got. Also, when I got to the hospital my resting heart rate was 135. I was weak and dizzy and didn’t know why. I’m severely anemic, and actually had an appointment to meet a hematologist last week to look into it. I’ve been anemic for years, I take an iron pill daily, but it’s just gotten worse. And I have other medical problems so I think most doctors put it on the back burner and I didn’t realize how bad it was. Well from Saturday til Wednesday, I set off the heart rate monitors every time I stood up. I wasn’t allowed to go to the bathroom unsupervised. I didn’t know what was wrong. My anemia had gotten so bad that my brain was begging my heart for blood to my extremities and there just wasn’t enough blood to go anywhere. Hence the heart rate. I had two blood transfusions and two iron infusions over the week. I’m going to need these regularly until my hematologist can get to the bottom of my anemia. Unfortunately they can’t really run tests until I get to a normal level. I haven’t had a normal level since 2011. I can’t imagine how much better I’ll feel. This is so relieving. I go in Wednesday for a follow up. They don’t officially know what it was. I tested negative for everything. However, about two weeks before that I had started a new drug for my ulcerative colitis. I had read side effects cause headaches, so on that Friday before the hospital I had called my GI and asked about it. He told me to stop the medication and we’d touch base this week on a new treatment. So I stopped on Friday. The doctors said I either had chemical (asymptomatic) meningitis caused by a bad reaction to that medication, which is extremely rare and there isn’t a test for it but it’s not contagious, or I just suffered a bad reaction to that medication. Regardless, me stopping the drug could’ve saved my life. It was terrifying and I’m so glad I’m home. I’m not cleared for exercise yet but I’m being the best damn cheerleader as I can for my team in the Fresh Faces challenge. I hope to be kicking butt with them soon! Also, just icing on the cake, my wedding is in 12 days. So I’m so glad it wasn’t more serious. If it had been viral meningitis I would’ve been in the hospital for at least 2 weeks. So I’ve been MIA but I’m ok. Missed you all. Hopefully back to 100% soon
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Fresh Faces, Team New Growth
@swoleprincess @liv-inshape @katidust
Hey team! I wanted to give you a heads up on what I accomplished at the gym this morning. I cleared the following;
3.0 miles
100 push ups
100 squats
100 lunges and
100 sit ups
I completed this and my usual chest day routine. I can probably knock out another 100 push ups later, and if there’s something any of you can do well, by all means claim it and kill it.
Make sure you’re keeping hydrated and if your body tells you to not do something, listen. I don’t want anyone getting hurt. Also, do what you’re able to, don’t feel pressured to try to put big numbers up because someone else is. Work at your own pace.
@evolutionofacosfitter I’m looking forward to the solo challenge......
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Fresh Faces, Team New Growth
@swoleprincess @liv-inshape @katidust 
Hey team, I wanted to check in with everyone as I didn’t hear from anyone last night. I did have find the time yesterday to knock out another 150 push ups, and squats. I also managed to get in 2 miles yesterday as well. so with those numbers at least here’s where we’re at;
9.74/30 miles
250/500 push ups HALFWAY THERE!!
350/500 squats
200/500 lunges
100/500 sit ups
when you can get me your numbers if you did anything yesterday, if you didn't that's fine too. I'll see what I can do about some of those sit ups later, and I’ll get more push ups in later too.
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Spring fitblr challenge, fresh faces team1
Hey @liv-inshape and @swoleprincess I’ve been thinking about a team name for us and I have a couple of ideas, feel free to share your input! With this challenge being set in spring, I figured a good theme for our team would be something that reflected this time of year! Take a look at these two and let me know if either of them catch your eye, and if you have a suggestion by all means let me know!!
New Growth
Raining Gains
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Fresh Face Challenge Team 1
Hey @swoleprincess and @liv-inshape welcome to the team..... speaking of which, do either of you have any ideas for a team name?
If you come up with anything let me know! Just a heads up, @evolutionofacosfitter likes to keep things interesting, earning himself the title “torture king” but don’t let that scare you because despite the difficulty in the challenges it’s still always a do what you can! A little about myself;
I’ve done a few challenges with other fitblrs, and every challenge is a bit different. I’ve completed a few of @evolutionofacosfitter challenges and earned title “burpee king” during one of them. I like to help motivate the team I’m on and those I compete with because we all have a similar goal in the end and just because they’re an opponent doesn’t mean they don’t need encouragement. I try to stay in contact with the team daily, that way if you’re having trouble with something I might be able to find a fix for you or at least point you in the right direction. If you ever have any questions by all means ask me!!
I’d like to get to know my team, so set up an intro via reblog of this post or tag the team in a separate post!!!
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