#freddie mercury x reader (platonic)
My Rules:
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Good omens 🐍🍎:
Aziracrow x reader:
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What We Do in the Shadows 🦇:
Lazlo Cravensworth:
Nadja of Antipaxos:
Nandor the Relentless:
Colin Robinson:
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Queen 🎤:
Freddie Mercury:
Brian May:
Roger Taylor:
John Deacon:
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The Beatles 🎸🥁:
Ringo Starr:
John Lennon:
Paul McCartney:
George Harrison:
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David Bowie ⚡️ :
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Harry Potter ⚯͛:
Ron Weasley:
Harry Potter:
Hermione Granger:
Remus Lupin:
Remus Lupin as your uncle 💕🤍
Sirius black:
Sirius black as your dad 💕🤍
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Percy Jackson:
Percy Jackson:
Annabeth Chase:
Grover Underwood:
Luke Castellan:
Clarisse Lu Rue:
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warnersister · 3 years
Freddie Mercury - Valentine’s
Freddie Mercury x Reader
Roger Taylor - Valentine’s
Brian May - Valentine’s
John Deacon - Valentine’s
Warnings: mentions of sex - (not with Freddie).
Queen Masterlist
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You were lonely.
And I mean, lonely.
You were slouched on the sofa, depressingly eating chocolate.
Eating your sorrows away.
That’s what you called it, at least.
But Freddie wasn’t happy with that.
“Rise and shine darling, you look like shit.”
He said to you, having barged in with the spare key that you never actually gave him.
He picked out an outfit, even did your makeup for you.
“Ahh yes! You’re my Valentine!”
He clapped his hands excitedly.
“What about Jim?”
You crossed your arms.
“Visiting parents.”
He said, nonchalantly.
“Come on darling, we are going to have the best day.”
You went out for tea and cake, deciding to start the day off ‘steady’.
Steady soon turned into a late night karaoke bar crawl.
You sang and drank.
And sang.
And drank.
And sang.
And drank.
And drank.
And drank.
Did I mention that you drank?
Vodka, lager, gin, whiskey - you name it.
In the space of three hours you were sat in the sixth bar of the night, eating some chocolates you impulsively bought from Marks & Spencer’s when you were scoping out the wine.
It was like therapy.
“Darling if you’re that desperate, I’ll hook you up with Roger.”
He shrugged, causing you both to explode into a fit of drunken giggles.
You don’t know what happened in the late hours of February 14th, 1987.
Only that you somehow woke up half-naked in Roger Taylor’s arms, finding a note from Freddie telling you to thank him later.
You loved him.
Your brilliant, fabulous Valentine.
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anne-white-star · 3 years
Band queen x blind!reader : just as good as the rest
Notes : reader is blind and the adopted daughter of miami (Jim beach) one day she gets to meet the band, and she asks if she can play the drums for a bit, the band is blown away by her performance. 
Warnings: non
Words: 1014
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(Not my gif)
My name is y/n y/m/n beach.
And in 1982 during the recording of calling all girls for the album hot space i met the band queen. How do you ask? Wel im the adopted daughter of jim or how the guys call him miami beach. And i have a great talent for drumming, but not just drumming i have a disability you see im blind. But on to the story shall we
*flash back*
"There is not enough guitar in this album i swear" Brian said angerly as he sat down on the coutch and rubbed his face
"You had your fair share of guitar solos in the past Brian its now time for disco"
"I swear if you two are going to fight again like the song back chat i throw my drum sticks at you guys"
"Ladies please stop as i have said it before there is only room for one histerical queen"
"Yeah Alright what ever Fred, so are we going to start recording now or?"
"Yeah Alright Lets go"
about 2 and a half hours later the boys were half way trough the recording for calling all girls, but they all started arguing again because roger was to fast with his beat
"Roger slow down a bit"
"No you are the one who needs to speed up john"
Brian sighed "we should take a break i think we need to calm down a bit"
"Good idea i could use one"
The boys were caught off when there was a knock at the studio door, Freddie stood up And opend it. On the otherside stood their manager miami (jim) beach and next to him stood a girl about (your age) she wore dark sunglasses
"Ah miami great that you are here we were just about to take a break
"Hey Freddie, thats alright we just wanted to check how everything is going so far" they both walked in and sat down on the coutch where Brian sat as wel.
"Who's the girl?" Asked roger as he stood up And walked over to them
"This is my daughter y/n"
"Nice to meet you im Brian and these are roger John we call him deaky and thats freddie" he said as he grabed her hand
"Like wise its Nice to meet you all, um im his adopted daughter but he has been more of a parent than my real parents"
"Wel glad to hear that you have a really Nice and loving home"
"Thank you"
"So y/n tell us have you lissend to our music before?"
"Oh yes" she beamed "i love it so mutch you guys are my favorite band"
"Aw we are honnord dear" Freddie gave her a side hug
"You guys also inspired me to pick up drumming"
The boys beamed at this "really? Thats wonderfull" said john
"Could you show us some?"
"Yeah sure why not, any requests?"
"Can you do ogre battle?"
"Sure can, but i need the music to be able to play with it"
"We have a cassette here" brian stood up And walked to the casette player and put it in
Y/n stood up And so did jim. He guided her to roger his drums and say down "roger are you alright with me playing your drums?" She asked as jim gave her the drum sticks
"Yes of course as long as you don't break anything"
She nodded "alright brian start the cassette" he did as asked and the music started.
Once the backwards play of the song was over she started playing. But the boys were also suprised when she started singing
🎵Now, once upon a time, an old man told me a fable
When the piper is gone and the soup is cold on your table
And if the black crow flies to find a new destination
That is the sign
Come tonight
Come to the ogre site
Come to the ogre battle fight🎵
Y/n was absolutly rocking it And was just as good as roger and her vocals wernt bad eiter . Once the song was over y/n placed the drumm sticks down.
"That was amazing darling you did so well"
"Thank you Freddie" she smiled and stood up, Jim saw that and grabed her arm and guided her back to the coutch
"Um why does miami keep grabbing your arm? I mean you can see perfectly fine right?"
"Um not really" she rubbed her neck
"Why not?"
Y/n sighed and took her sunglasses off, looking back at the boys were a pair of Pale y/e/c eyes.
"Your blind" said john as he looked at her in shock
"Yes i am" she smiled softly
"But How did you? "
"Lots of practice Brian lots and lots of practice"
"Thats even more talent worthy tell me y/n how long have you been drumming?" Asked Freddie leaning forward
"Um good question when was it again dad?"
"Sinds 7 years old she has been practicing, y/n was born blind"
"Yeah, also one of the reasons why my real Parents dint want anything to do with me"
"We are sorry to hear that"
"Its alright I have a loving home now"
"Thats really good to hear" Freddie paused for a second "have you ever considered taking drumm lessons?"
"No but i don't think they can teach someone like me it takes lots of patience"
"Wel i could give it a try if you like" said roger
"I said that i could teach you"
"Yeah sure why not" y/n Could hear the smile in his voice
"Thank you roger"
Freddie stood up " We have to get back at recording now, would you like to stay and lissen y/n?"
"Sure if dad finds it alright"
Freddie looked at Miami for an awnser " Sure go ahead i need to fill in some papers"
"Yay thank you so mutch dad"
Freddie ruffled y/n her hair " now come along dear we have to record some songs" they all walked back in to the booth and started over again as if the whole argument never had taken place.
The end
I hope you all enjoyed reading
Sorry if its bad
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oasis-for3v3r · 3 years
Chivalry and Chiffon <3*
Freddie Mercury x Black! Reader
Prompt- Reader gets stood up on a date constantly, and feels like a joke.
A/N- This was an idea I had and recently I need some self-love. Of course anyone can read this and enjoy it as well! 
Warnings- Mentions of nervousness/ anxiety, self esteem issues.
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You should’ve known this would have happened. After all this is the 3rd time. 
You would meet someone, at a coffee shop, bookstore or record shop. They showed some liking to you and then say a flowery promise of meeting you on x corner of y street. You would then wait 10 minutes, turn into 20, turned into 30 which then turned pathetic.
This time was another one of those moments of false hope. Except now it started to rain. Which was sad since it meant that you had to wash your hair and it was ruining your favorite dress.
On the good side it meant that it would cover your tears
Your chest started to hurt from your racing heart and the lights from the streets began to blur like paint spots on a canvas. You had so much energy from the dissapointment and anger, that you nearly tripped on the stairs leading to your apartment.
Which is why you nearly had a heart attack when you saw Freddie open the door.
“Freddie!!! Jesus! Don’t scare me like that! I thought you were a mass murderer!” you exclaimed, pushing him to the side a bit.
“I’m sorry dear, I just got back from a studio session with the boys and I didn’t want to go that far to my fla-Darling are you ok?” He said concerned.
“Im fine Freddie,just got caught in the rain that’s all.” you said as, you had a lump in your throat.
Why doesn’t anyone like me? Why am I a joke. 
Your thoughts were ricocheting of the walls of your brain each one more harsher than the last. Your chest was getting tighter and your hands were shaking. 
You were so wrapped up in your head, that you didn’t notice that Frieddie wrapped you in a blanket and sat you down on the bed.
“Y/N” Freddie said in his deep voice, while also turning your chin to face him.
“What happened” he said in a way that made you think you had no other choice but to answer him.
“ He stood me up again.” you said, trying to have your voice even. “it’s a pattern that happens, I meet them, they show a liking to me, then they never show up. it’s like Im one big joke to everyone!” with the last few words you sobbed into Freddie’s chest.
“Oh my darling you don’t deserve any of this.” He said holding your head to his chest. 
Freddie was one of your closest friend; you meat him in a study group for graphic design and have been glued together since. His band Queen was taking off with a bang so far. Everyone knew and loved of his confident and charismatic persona on stage. He was like that only on stage. Off stage he was a bit more introverted and he was more to listen than to talk. To everyone he was “FREDDIE MERCURY” in capital bold letters. To you he was just your Freddie. In letters that scream comfort and loving.
“May I ask you a question, dear?” He said, suddenly standing up.
You nodded, head gently rested against a pillow.
“What wee you going to do on your date?” He said going over to your grand bookshelf that held not a single book, instead a plethora of records. Filling your bookshelf with colorful thin strips. His finger ghosting over rows of them.
“Dancing. We were supposed to go dancing.” You said fighting back the tears.
You got spooked when you heard the sound of a trumpet from your record player.
It was Lousiana jazz, Soft and smooth and it reminded you of home. 
“Tell me how you want to feel when I dance with you” Freddie said approaching you with an open hand.
“I want to feel soft and dreamy, like Im walking on a cloud. I want to feel close with someone and together. I honestly just want to feel loved and feel happy with someone else as I am with them.” You said, not really thinking about the words one tumbling out after another. 
He took your hand and pulled you close dancing- rather swaying along in a sweet and simple two-step. Your ear began to vibrate as Freddie began to sing.
Oh, I used to be your baby Used to be your pride and joy, hmm You used to take me dancing Just like any other boy But now you've found another partner You've left me like a broken toy
Well this is making me feel more like shit- You thought but didnt say anything because you loved his voice. 
Oh, it's someone else you're taking Someone else you're playing to Honey, though I'm aching Know just what I have to do If I can't have you when I'm waking I'll go to sleep and dream I'm with you
Freddie was a surprisingly good dancer, well you shouldn’t be surprised you did know that he was a boxer so..
Oh take me, take me Take me to the dreamers' ball I'll be right on time And I'll dress so fine You're going to love me When you see me I won't have to worry Take me, take me Promise not to wake me Til it's morning, it's all been true
You just let the tears fall at this point letting yourself feel emotions.
Which you haven’t done in a long time.
What d'you say about that, hey honey? You gonna take me To that dreamers' ball? I'd like that Right on that 42nd street Way down, downtown dreamers' ball
When he said this he was doing his best impression of an Lousisanan Accent, spinning you around repeatedly, thus making you laugh.
Oh take me, take me Take me I'm your plaything now You make my life worthwhile With the slightest smile Or destroy me with a barely Perceptible whisper Gently take me Remember I'll be dreaming Of my baby at the dreamer's ball
With this he dipped you and gave you a kiss on your hand.
“Because you are a lady and you deserve it. You deserve all of the good things.” He said as a matter of faculty.
“Thank you Freddie, you truly are wonderful.” 
“So are you my darling.” 
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somebodytoolove · 4 years
My Smile, Still, Stays On
Platonic!Freddie Mercury x Reader
Summary: Freddie needs a moment before the show. You’re there for him.
Word Count: 516
Originally posted: October 16th, 2020
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It’s late November 1981, and you’re back on tour with the guys. You wonder how this came to be your life. The big stages, the screaming fans, the music so loud you can feel it in your chest…
From the wings of the stage, you look at the four men in front of the crowd. Brian plays guitar for the group. He always makes you feel like family when you come to the shows, a soft-spoken man who is also very intelligent. Then you have John, the bass player, who doesn’t have much to say at all. You feel comfortable around him, though, and you admire his talent. Then, on drums is Roger, who you are often intimidated by due to his large personality. He’s always a good time to be around, but sometimes a little intense for your taste. As your eyes scan to each of the men, you center in on the frontman; the powerhouse entertainer who can sing anything you put in front of him. You watch him run around the stage like he owns it, and you’re proud. That man is your best friend.
— — — —
“Fred, come have a drink with us before the show starts.” Roger utters, already two drinks in and showing no signs of stopping.
“Oh, darling.” Freddie sighed. “I’m just going into the changing room, I need a minute… are you coming, Y/N?”
You follow immediatley.
You have always been at Freddie’s side. You knew him before he became an icon, and sometimes you can’t believe this is the life he has now.
Once in the dressing room, Freddie finds a chair. Hunched in front of a corner mirror decorated with tiny, twinlkling lights, he fixes his make-up while you sit on the couch in the middle of the room.
“Darling, I just need to be alone… sometimes they don’t understand.” Freddie is speaking so quietly, you can barely hear him.
You get up to give him some space.
Freddie quickly turns his head. “No, Y/N. Don’t leave. I need you here with me.”
The two of you sit in silence. It’s a comfortable silence, always has been. You wonder what’s clouding Freddie’s mind. You’ve been here through all of the ups and downs, and realize better than any, the weight “Freddie” has on Farrokh. He starts every night, every show, exhausted before it even begins. Not only from the singing, dancing and entertaining, but from the expectations of thousands. He has always been fairly shy in his personal life, and you find it almost amusing how sometimes even he can be insecure. Watching him perform, you’d never know.
You check your watch. It’s almost time for the show to start, and Freddie hasn’t said a word in what feels like an hour. In reality, it’s only been 15 minutes, but the silence feels longer. The quiet is good for the both of you.
The sound startles you. The stage manager calls for the band, it’s almost show time. Freddie finally gets up and walks over to you. As he approaches, you think about how the shy, quiet boy from Gladstone Avenue is about to transform into Freddie Mercury and leave the fans with memories that they’ll never forget.
You look up to him. He looks at you with his big, toothy grin, “Darling, I’m glad you’re here.”
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Pamper (Platonic!Queen x Reader)
Summary: The boys bring comfort during that time of the month
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1335
Requested By: @foxinaforestofstars - Hey there! I've spent the last week reading all your Queen fics and I adore your writing! So, I was wondering if I could request something platonic with the dear boys: Reader is on her period and the cramps are so bad she's barely able to move, covered in cold sweat and throwing up and the boys are taking care of her because it hurts them to see reader in pain. Thanks in advance!
A/N: Thank you so much for requesting! I get severe menstrual pains so much of this is written from my own experiences but I completely understand that it’s different for everyone. Personally I think this is one of my worst fics because I haven’t written anything in well over a month but I’m hoping that this is similar to what you had in mind!
(Also in light of J.K R*****g’s repeated transphobic behaviours and the T***p Administration’s reversal of trans health protections, just a friendly reminder that this blog is a safe space and this post is for everyone who menstruates! Men, women, nonbinary people, literally anyone. I won’t hesitate to destroy terfs on sight :) )
Feedback is always appreciated! ♡
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“(Y/N)?” Roger called, letting himself into your apartment with the spare key you kept hidden under the doormat. For midday your kitchen and living room was incredibly dark, the curtains still drawn from the previous night “Sorry for barging in but you didn’t pick up when I called.” He continued, peering around as he quietly made his way to your bedroom. “I was in the area anyway so I just thought I’d check in.”
He couldn’t say what he was expecting, but it sure wasn’t this. There you were, hunched over on the edge of your bed, one hand on your stomach and the other holding your head.
“Shit (Y/N) are you alright?” Roger gasped, snapping into action and running to your pyjama clad form. Kneeling on the floor in front of you, he gently lifted your chin with his fingers when you didn’t respond. Brushing the unkept hair out of your face, he smiled sympathetically at your bloodshot eyes and shimmering skin, a product of the silvery tears and sweat rolling down your face from the searing pain that found itself in your abdomen.
With short quick breaths and a waiver in your voice you whispered “No I’m fine Rog, it’s just that time of the month you know?” You quickly wiped away the emerging tears that were threatening to fall and plastered on the most superficial of smiles, “No need to worry about me, I can take care of myself.”
He stared at you disapprovingly, shaking his head lightly, “I don’t doubt that but I don’t want to leave you here on your own either.”
“Roger I promise you I-“
“Did you want me to call the others?” Roger queried, seemingly unimpressed with your stubbornness by the way he interrupted you, “We can help out if you like?”
Although both of you knew that you didn't have much of a say in the matter, he allowed you to mull over the offer for a moment, reassuringly running his hands up and down your arms. Caving into his persistence, you nodded your head silently and watched as his face lit up with a smile. Quickly, he leant up and placed a quick kiss upon your forehead before lifting himself from the ground.
“I’ll be right back.” He vowed, running off into the living room to call Freddie, John and Brian. Part of you felt that you would be wasting their time and being selfish, but deep down you knew you’d drop everything in an instant if any of them were unwell and needed taking care of. The day would pass by far sooner and their company alone would ease the torment your body was putting you through.
You didn’t realise how excited you were until the remaining three boys bounded through the apartment door. While you expected their bright and energetic selves, you were met hastily with sympathetic and worried eyes upon seeing your bundled up frame. Roger had managed to get you to lie down in the comforts of your bedsheets and you wasted no time in curling yourself up into a nest of sorts, basking in the warmth that it provided.
With all four of them together, they quickly decided that Brian and Roger would go out to gather ingredients for the lunch that you hadn’t yet eaten while John and Freddie stayed to help you out where they could.
You and Freddie weren’t exactly shy when it came to physical affection with one another. You were the kind of friends that found comfort in innocent intimacy, holding hands and cuddling one another being a common occurrence. So when he offered to massage your stomach, you couldn’t accept fast enough. As you lied flat on your back, Freddie sat on the edge of the bed beside you, running his warm hands across your skin and soothing the aches that you fell victim to each and every month.
“Look at the positives my dear,” He mused with a gentle smile, brushing his thumb across your navel, “at least you’re not pregnant.”
“Right now I almost wish I was,” You replied jokingly, a puff of laughter escaping your lips. “I’d do anything if it meant this would stop.”
Right on cue, John manoeuvred his way around your bedroom door with a tray in his hands, “I made you some peppermint tea.” He announced cheerfully, placing the tray onto your bedside table, “Veronica asks for it often when she’s feeling like this, it helps her so I’m hoping it’ll help you too.” He confided, patiently waiting for you to sit up. Freddie wrapped an arm around your waist and gently lifted you so your back was leaning against his chest while John gathered one of the daintily painted teacups and handed it to you. Ever the considerate, he handed a second cup he made to Freddie and then grabbed a third cup he made for himself and clinked it against yours; joining in on Freddie’s and your quiet chatter, so you wouldn’t have to drink alone.
With your mind at ease as a result of the comforting tea and Freddie’s soothing movements, you found your eyes growing heavy and a warm humming sensation settled it’s way into your body. Before long, John and Freddie’s voices grew quieter as you indulged in the rest you so desperately needed.
When you awoke, a bright shade of orange flooded through your bedroom window. Hues of reds and yellows painting the ceiling in the most beautiful display. The pain in your abdomen had long subsided and you instead found yourself in the less sufferable state of deep fatigue. You squinted your eyes with a hand to your face as you adjusted to the light before making out the shillouette of Brian in the corner of the room. He sat perched in the armchair positioned next to the window, a cascade of curls falling around his face as he peered down at the book in his grasp. ‘Steppenwolf’ it read, by Hermann Hesse. Completely engrossed, he didn’t notice you were awake until you let out an audible yawn.
“Evening (Y/N).” He greeted, eyes still glued to his book as he finished off the page.
“Hey Bri.” You smiled back groggily, “I take it the others have left?” You queried, noticing the comfortable silence that enveloped your small flat.
Brian nodded while closing his book and placing it on the nearby table, “Rog had some errands to run, Freddie had an appointment and John has a date with Veronica.”
You nodded softly in response, a sudden wave of guilt washing over you. “Thank you for all taking care of me today. Although I’m so sorry I’ve kept you so long, you really didn’t have to stay.”
“Oh nonsense (Y/N), I wouldn’t want you to wake up in an empty house,” He reasoned, “Besides, we agreed that we wouldn’t leave you alone until you were feeling better.”
How thoughtful they all were, taking time out of their day to tend to you. In a bid to show Brian that you were in fact doing much better, you attempted you lift yourself out of bed and try walking around for the first time that day. However when you stood, a sudden wave of nausea washed over you and gave you the false sense of motion, making you lose your balance. Brian’s arms quickly steadied you and as the room stopped spinning you felt the all too familiar burn of bile rising up your throat.
Noticing you paling face, Brian swiftly walked you to the bathroom and dampened a washcloth to press against your forehead, “Chrissie’s out with her friends tonight so I could stay for a bit longer if you like?”
From the position you were in, knelt over the toilet bowl with tiles digging into your knees, you mustered a sharp nod, “Thank you for putting up with me.”
He laughed lightly in response, rubbing a soothing hand over your shoulder, “We’re here any time you need us.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tags: @kelleypenac @chlobo6 @crazyweirdocalledfriday
(Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you want to be added or removed!)
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ineloqueent · 4 years
rainbows in the sky
Platonic!Freddie x Reader
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synopsis: they’d never done anything like this before. but it was what they’d aspired to all along.
warnings: descriptions of anxiety
word count: 571
see the moodboard here!
March, 1974
Live at the Rainbow.
It was to be the biggest show Queen had ever attempted, and Freddie had the nerves to show for it.
He was a bundle of energy, pacing up and down the room until the makeup artist quite begged him to sit down, and Freddie fell into a chair, refusing to stop tapping his foot against the linoleum floor.
Brian and John were tuning their guitars, and John laughed softly.
“Freddie, it’s going to be fine.”
“Tell that to Brian,” Freddie muttered. “His jaw is tighter than that high E string he keeps tuning.”
Looking over at Brian, you stifled a giggle, because he really did look rather nervous too.
“At least Roger’s not worried about the show either,” you said, “so that makes two of you.”
John rolled his eyes, tossing his hair over his shoulder to get it away from where he was bent over the fretboard of his bass. “Probably off with that girlfriend of his, or what do you reckon?”
You grinned. “And you, Deacy, would be with yours if she were here.”
Brian’s eyes widened. “John, you have a girlfriend?”
John, in the meantime, had turned bright pink. “Y/N, you weren’t supposed to tell anyone.”
“They were bound to find out,” you shrugged.
“Go on, then,” said Brian. “What’s her name?”
Deacy glanced down. “Veronica,” he replied.
“Oh, you’re smitten!” you laughed, as Brian nodded in agreement. You were attempting to keep the conversation topic light and as far from the impending show as possible, and it seemed to be working.
Until Freddie waved away his makeup artist, looking unusually frazzled for his poised self, the light of his shyer side dawning through his well-kept façade of confidence.
“Yes, yes, we’re all in love, brilliant,” said Freddie, in a singular breath, “we’ve got a show in ten minutes, our biggest yet, and it worries me desperately that absolutely none of you are as worried about the outcome as I am.”
With a sigh, you departed your chair and walked over to Freddie’s.
“Move,” you said.
“Pardon me?”
“Make room, you silly goose.”
Freddie blinked, but then shifted to one side of the armchair, and you squeezed in beside him.
Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you leaned your head against his. He reciprocated after a moment of pause, and you smiled.
“You’re going to be fine,” you told the most talented group of people you’d ever had the fortune to be acquainted with. “Even you, Roger.”
Roger had just walked in the door with his girlfriend at his side, and looked perplexed by the current seating arrangements. A smirk crossed his mouth when he realised you were giving one of your famous pep talks.
“You’re all going to be fine,” you said, “and more than fine. You’re going to be absolutely amazing, because you’ve never been anything less, because you’re all bloody perfectionists—”
You saw Brian nod, as Roger snorted in something like agreement.
“— and you’re going to go out there and knock everybody off their feet with your talent.”
Freddie murmured, “I’m not so sure. Spare me some of that confidence, darling, because they’ll all be disappointed by me.”
You glanced at Freddie, and patted his hair.
“You’re going to be fine too, Freddie. You especially will be fine. You’re going to be a legend.”
And finally, Freddie smiled.
“We’re already legends,” he said.
And he was right.
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freddie-moments · 4 years
… as always
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✭ Platonic!Freddie Mercury x Reader ✭
summary: right before Christmas, Freddie has a little problem and needs your help
warnings: none, I think it’s ok :)
word count: 572
A/N: english is not my native language, sorry for mistakes. I hope you like this little story. I used a prompt found here
☆ ✭ ☆
It's late. The traffic outside has long since calmed down and it has become quiet. You stand at the window and look at the snow-covered street. That's exactly how it has to be before Christmas, you think and snuggle up on the sofa again.
 A Christmas movie is on TV and with a glass of wine you enjoy this evening that you have all to yourself.
At least until the doorbell rings.
At this time? You leave the chain in front of the door when you open it and see who else is coming here at this time.
"Hey darling, you have to help me!"
“Freddie? What… what's going on? Wait. ”You close the door again to remove the chain and finally let him in.
"You are my last hope," you hear him say as he rushes past you with a huge bag.
"What now? Tell me!" You follow him into the living room and still waiting for an answer. Freddie looks a little desperate and you're starting to worry. Your gaze falls on the bag.
“What's in there?” You ask, not knowing if you want to hear the answer. Freddie sits down and pulls the bag towards him. When he opens it, you look curiously inside.
There were tons of boxes and other loose items.
"OK. I can't do much with that right now. How should I help you now?"
Freddie puts his hands in the air helplessly and looks at you.
“I tried to wrap it up. But the result was horrific. Really, I just can't do it. And tomorrow they have to be ready."
"But doesn't Mary always do that?"
“Yes, but she's on vacation over the holidays. And I can't ask Peter, he's got his own present too. Please help me! I've also brought everything you need for it!" Freddie looks at you hopefully and waits for a sign from you. How can you refuse him this request? You grab your wine glass, fill it up again and then point to the dining room table.
"OK let's go. But you label the tags, yes?"
Freddie jumps up and hugs you.
"Thanks! I knew you wouldn't let me down, darling! ”He takes the bag, takes out all the presents and also the paper and the ribbons and assists you with packing. He'll hand you tape, take the scissors from you, and use his finger whenever you need to tie a bow. In between he writes cards and hangs them with the presents. You turned off the television for a long time and put on a record with Christmas music instead. In between you sip your wine.
Even if Freddie attacked you with his request, you have to admit that this evening before Christmas couldn't have been more beautiful. Around midnight everything is nicely packed and the wine bottle is empty. Freddie happily stows the packages away and you take him to the door.
"Have fun giving away then, Freddie."
"Thanks! I'll definitely return the favor, darling.”
You hug him and kiss him on the cheek.
"I know. But you don't have to."
"Mhm. As always."
"Merry Christmas, Freddie."
"Yes, merry Christmas to you too."
☆ ✭ ☆
Shortly afterwards he is gone and from the window you can still see him getting into a taxi and finally driving away. You stand at the window for a long time and enjoy the calm that comes over you.
Can't it always be like this?
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
The truth and a warning; AU Ghost! Queen x teen reader
*Author’s note*
Well this was a LONG one in the making but I finally sat down and made a sequel part to my Legend of the Band fic.  Now I’ve got ONE LAST PART and it’ll be published up in just a few minutes so I hope you all enjoy this little fic and for new readers coming in, READ PART ONE FIRST BEFORE YOU READ THIS!!!
Warnings: Parent arguments, fluff, angst, demons mentions, supernatural elements, kidnapping, paranormal stuff.
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I was running through this dark hallway.  I didn’t know why I was running, all I knew was that I had to keep going.  Soon enough I came to this fire-lit room.  It looked like something out of a cult film with candles, Satanic markings all over the wall, and a large fireplace that was just roaring with fire. At the center was a large pentagram of some kind with candles at each of the stark points.
“Don’t go to them. You’re putting yourself in danger. Your whole family will be in danger if you don’t stay away.” There he was again. I looked up and soon appearing right at the center of the pentagram was a man with shaggy blonde hair, a scruffy appearance with a five o’clock shadow, wearing a trench coat, a white button up shirt with a long red tie, and black dress pants.
“Who are you?” I asked.  He just looked at me with that same sharp expression.  He opened his mouth but another voice spoke out of his mouth.
“Wake up!”
I woke up with a gasp and glared up to see Roger hovering right in front of me.
“Roger what the fuck? You trying to give me a heart attack or something?” I hissed at him.
“Well if you had woken up the first time, I wouldn’t have needed to do that, would I? Now c’mon. I want you to see the sunrise with me.” I got off his bed and stretched myself.
It’s been almost 3 months since my friends and I came up here to Rockfield studios.  Since then I had been coming up here in secret without telling my nana or my dad. Most of the times I would come up would be when Freddie and the boys would want me to hear new songs they got (Freddie said that since I came to the farm, it’s like the creativity they once had when they were alive suddenly came back).
But throughout all the visits I have done with the guys, I—still hadn’t worked up the courage to tell John the truth about……who I really am. I mean how would you be if you were in my shoes? And how would you tell the spirit of your dead grandfather that you’re his grandchild without freaking him out.  Or causing some sort of ghostly pandemic where he’d like explode all of London or something.
Roger hovering right outside his room waiting for me, I stood up and put my hoodie and sneakers on and followed him.  My thoughts also went back to the dream I had last night. It was also been practically 3 months since I’ve had that same dream over and over again.
At first it happened the night I came back home.  But one month later it came back to me.  Then it was once a week, then once every other day, and now since a month ago, it’s been every night.  I don’t know why this guy keeps coming into my dreams or why he says the same thing over and over again.
Roger and I finally reached outside.  The snow crunching underneath my feet with each step I took.
“You know you’ve really been out of it lately. You sure you’re not sick or something?” I looked up at him and said.
“Nah. I was just dreaming.”
“Naww about me? Lovie I’m flattered.” He teased flirtatiously as he tossed his long, flowing hair aside. “Alright c’mon. Fred’s just about to wake up, we gotta get up to the top of the barn before he does.” He flew towards the inside of the barn and I ran after him.
He now floated on top of the second level of the barn where mostly some more hay and old bags of manure stood at.  It was then I finally told me.
“Eww no way Rog. Besides you’re like in your 70’s now. It’s just weird.”
“Technically I would be, but I’m still physically, in a sense, 26.” As I came up to the ladder that led up to the second level I continued while stepping up the ladder.
“Whatever. But no, my dreams are that every time I’m running through this dark corridor. Then next thing I know I’m in like—a cult room. Candles surrounding everywhere, a roaring fireplace, like even more so than when you guys make the fire roar and there’s all these pentagrams and Satanic markings. But what’s weird is that there’s always this—man standing right at the center of this large pentagram.”
I finally reached the top and Roger couldn’t help but tease at me again.
“Wow. Never knew you were into that kinda stuff (n/n).” I glared at him.
“Does your mind ever leave the gutter? Besides the guy’s like in his mid-40’s or something.” I finally got over and now stood alongside Roger.  He then raised his hand up and I soon began levitating in the air and soon the two of us phased through the ceiling until we ended up on the roof of the barn.
“Well it’s about time you slowpokes got here.” Freddie’s voice soon spoke up.
“Wha-but-you-but-you were-I thought-that-you…..” Roger began stammering. “You dirty rotter! I was supposed to finally be the first one up to see the sunrise!”
“Oh don’t get your celestial knickers in a twist Roger. Remember I once told you there was only room in the band for one hysterical Queen, well there’s only room for one hysterical ghost on this property. And that’s me.”
“God if I could wring your neck in I would.”
“Oh (Y/n) dear! So glad you could make it! How did you sleep?” he hovered over to me, circling around me before stopping right in my face.  He observed me closely before noticing the bags under my eyes at this point. “Wow, dear no offense but you look absolutely knackered.”
“Yeah I uhh—was having that dream again.”
“You mean the one about that fellow in the trench coat?” One time Freddie actually came into my dreams and I was forced to tell him just what was going on.
I nodded.
“Wait you know about these dreams Fred?” Roger asked.
“Yes. But it’s between (Y/n) and I. So unless you want to know more you won’t hear about it from—”
“I’ve told him about it.” I interrupted him.
“Wait so this chap in the trench coat. He—doesn’t hurt you does he?” Rog asked worriedly.
“No, no not at all. But he—he always gives me some kind of warning. Saying things like I’m in danger, or stay away from them. But this time he told me that my family could now be in danger if I refuse to stay away.” I sat down on the roof bringing my knees up to my chest as I exhaled outward, my breath now visible thanks to the cold. “I’m really starting to get scared about—what it all means?”
“Well it could just be a fluck or something? Sometimes dreams don’t mean anything.” Roger said as he sat to my left while Fred sat at my right.
“I’ve been having this dream since meeting you guys it—has to mean something. Doesn’t it?” There was silence between us till Fred spoke up.
“Dreams are a silly thing. They can be there one moment and gone the next. I think I once recalled about my overbite being a lot bigger. And all that meant was that I was truly what my friends once nicknamed me, Bucky.” It was then he actually made his overbite extend further out (think of a cartoon character at this point) as he then growled and grumbled as he began to chomp like a beaver.
After that, his overbite went back to normal as we all laughed softly.  I shook my head and rolled my eyes.
“Why do I keep coming to your guys?”
“It’s because you like us.” Teased Freddie as he pointed his finger at my nose.
“I don’t. I love you guys.” His smile turned soft and that’s when Roger said.
“Look, here it comes.” We both turned around and low and behold the sun was slowly starting to rise.  The first light came into the sky, and the sparrows began to stir and the stars began to fade.  Wow, theirs is nothing that beats a countryside sunrise and sunset.
“So—apart from the dreams, how have you been (Y/n)?” Freddie asked me.  I grew solemn and I said.
“Nana’s—been feeling under the weather lately. Both physically and mentally.” Right at around New Year’s, we had a scare when we got a call from the hospital saying that Nana had taken a bad fall.  
Fearing for her safety, dad had her move into the home with us and since I’m still on holiday break, I’ve been keeping an eye on her.
“My friends still won’t talk to me since that night on Halloween.” Its true.  In fact they’ve avoided me at all cost.  I’ve heard them say that I’ve been possessed by the ghosts themselves every time they see me.  So basically I’ve been kicked out of the group. “And then my dad still won’t give me the time of day anymore.” I grumbled hatefully.
“Still? But didn’t you go on that lovely little Christmas trip with him and your nana?” Freddie asked.
“Yeah for like an hour till the office called him telling him the pitch meeting couldn’t wait.”
“Typical fathers. Always thinking that work is more important than family.” Roger hmphed.  I scoffed softly. Tell me about it.
“So this is where you took her.” It was then floating right above us was grandda—I mean John.  Granddad? Can I even call him that even in my head? It’s still wild to even think about.
“Good morning Deacy darling!” Freddie praised.  John—grandad crossed his arms over his chest as he gave Freddie and Rog the stink eye that my nana always gave me when I misbehaved (now I know where she got it from).
“C’mon John it’s the mid-winter sunrise and I thought (Y/n) might like to see it.” Roger said.
“You do realize she could freeze up here. She’s not like us Rog, she’s human!”
“I’m fine De—AHH-CHOO!” I sneezed out.
“See? She’s already catching her death already. Couldn’t you two have allowed her to see the sunrise from inside the home, or at least not up on top of the barn where it’s the most coldest?” he said as he came up to me and touched my shoulders.
I’ve also noticed that it’s really only been my granddad’s touch that I can actually feel.  When it comes to the other guys, they go right through me.
“C’mon (Y/n), let’s get you back inside and I’ll fix you up a warm cuppa.” He took my hand and we both phased back through the barn. He then wrapped an arm around me and together we flew back towards the house.
Back in the living quarter’s I was sitting on the couch with two sets of blankets wrapped around me, the fireplace going off, and soon John had my cuppa float right towards me.
“Thanks John.”
“Are you sure you’re warm enough? As soon as we came in you were shivering like a leaf.” God that’s such an old saying.  But I guess that is something that only my grandfather would say.
“I’m fine, really. Thanks John.”
“You really should’ve bundled up more before you went outside with Roger. The countryside gets colder than it does in the city. Especially since this place isn’t as updated as it would be today when it comes to heating.”
“I know. I thought I’d be fine with just my jumper but I guess I misjudged it.”
“More like underestimated it.” He teased.  I took a sip of my cuppa and hummed softly. “Is it done right?”
“Just how I like it.”
“That’s good. I was thankful to actually get that old coffee machine working again. That thing hadn’t been used in decades.”
“Now was that story Brian once told me about Roger wanting to smash that thing true?”
“Oh god don’t even get me started on that. I can’t believe he actually remembers that.” He groaned which made me laugh.
“That’s only because you guys refused to think my song was good enough for the album!” Roger’s voice exclaimed.  Soon both he, Freddie and even Brian came through the walls and Brian said.
“Please tell me he’s not going off about it again. I swear Roger if I have to hear about your song one more time I’m gonna find a way to exorcise you.” Granddad and I looked at each other as he and Rog proceeded to argue and the two of us rolled our eyes.
“Be a dear for me (Y/n). If you ever find my body, please get some scissors and stab me in the ears.” Granddad whispered to me.  I reached out and gently patted his shoulder.
Man he wasn’t kidding about the fact when their fights get crazy. I could only imagine how they were when they were alive and could actually hurt each other.  But it still amazes me that even through their arguments and fights, they still come together and make such beautiful music.
I felt granddad touch my shoulder and the next thing I knew, we silently phased through the couch, down the floor until we arrived in his room.  He released my hand which made me go back to being solid again and he said as he hovered over to his bed.
“Figured you’d be safe here. I’d say in the next—ten seconds Roger’s going to go all poltergeist and start throwing things about.” And low and behold, I heard a very loud crashing and the sounds of Brian, Fred’s and Roger’s screaming at each other.  I cringed at the loudness of the banging and their yelling.  It was like hearing three banshees screaming in my ear.
Then with a snap of a finger, all went quiet.  I turned to granddad and saw that his left hand was slightly raised and his fingers were in a snap position.
“Took me over 20 years to figure it out but, now this room shall remain soundproof till they cease their petty arguments.” I smiled and said.
“God I wish I could do that.” He chuckled softly as he sat down on his bed.
“It’s definitely a gift worth having.” I then noticed how his face grew solemn. “Plus I—I need the silence.”
“Why’s that?” I asked with a tilt of my head.
“It’s nothing you need to worry yourself over (Y/n) dear. I wouldn’t want to bore you with the story.”
“No please. If you’re—willing to share with me, I’ll lend an ear. Believe me you’ve listened to plenty of my teenage drama.” His famed gapped-tooth smile came on display as he softly chuckled again.
“It’s not drama, it’s life. Everyone goes through it, even I did when I was your age. God I really do sound like an old man don’t I?”
“And yet you’re hardly pass the age of 24.” I said as I sat down beside him. “Come on tell me. Please.” I placed my hand over his and gave him my best puppy dog face.  He looked down at me before smiling softly and said.
“Alright you little puppy.” He patted my head before raising his hand and an old suitcase soon floated towards us.  It opened up and soon a photograph soon came out of it. He sent the suitcase back to the corner and held the picture in his hands.
It was a picture of my nana.  She was outside underneath a cherry blossom tree in what looked like a park.  She was beautiful with her long flowing brown hair, her belly showing signs of her pregnant with my father (probably around 3-4 months).  She wore a pretty purple dress and in her hair were 2 flowers.
“Today’s……well…..today would’ve been our 45th wedding Anniversary.” He said solemnly.  Oh shit that’s right. Nana’s been dreading this day in secret.  She hides it from my dad awfully well but I’ve heard her cry at night, crying out granddad’s name in her sleep whenever it was just the two of us at the house.  “I think that……that’s probably why I’ve still remained here on Earth, and never got the chance to move on.”
“How do you mean?” He continued to look down at the picture of nana.  His long, ghostly black fingers stroking along the picture, especially once the tips of his fingers touched her face which held a beautiful smile.
“Unlike the lads whose memories have been slowly fading away of their previous life when we were human. I—I always found myself thinking of my love, my wife, my best friend. And every now and then……memories would come back to me.”
“What kind of memories?” I asked as I held onto the sleeve of his shirt.  I looked up at him like a solemn child wanting to hear the story of their dead relative.
“Just—the small things. The sounds of her attempting to make breakfast. Poor Ronnie could never really cook well without at least trying to burn the flat down.” He chuckled the last part out which made me softly laugh. “The way she would put on her lipstick. So carefully.”
He looked up and he had this look of—wonderment. Wistfulness. His voice even whispered wistfully as he reminisced about him and nana.  A smile soon spread across his face as he continued to speak with admiration and love.
“I do remember that she always used lavender lotion. And when we’d embrace, I would pull her in. And breathe her in. So deeply. Then at night before we would go to sleep, she’d cuddle close to me and we’d whisper to one another with her first starting off, ‘I will love you forever; whatever happens. Until I die and after I die,’ then I would finish whispering in hers, ‘and when I find my way out of the land of the dead, I’ll drift about forever, all my atoms, until I find you again’. Guess that saying became our reality.”
That’s what Nana always said to me when I was a little girl during the thunderstorms to calm me down.  She would always say that very line and then she taught me the second part.  Never did I imagine that I was saying granddad’s line back to her.
He stood up from the bed, his back facing me as he stood before the wall.
“But that was a long, long time ago. She’s—probably forgotten all about me. Moved on, probably had more kids with another man. Probably for the best.” God my heart was literally breaking at hearing this.
“I don’t think she did. I believe she couldn’t forget about you. I’m…..sure she felt the same way about you. And……couldn’t find it in herself to love another man as much as she loved you.” I said to him solemnly.
“Then I’ve caused her nothing but heartbreak and pain. She deserved to move on from me after my death. If she—if she has cling to the past, then……” he trailed off and I saw ghostly tears fall down his face.
I got up from the bed and slowly approached him.  I stood at his side for a moment before reaching out and taking his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.  He turned to me, his heartbroken face made me want to cry and just hug him.
Why did this have to happen to my family? To Queen’s family? Whoever or whatever happened on that fateful day deserves to burn in Hell because they took everything from these boys, from my nana, my father and me.
I embraced him and held onto him as tight as I could.  I felt granddad crumble in my arms as he wept into my shoulder.  My sleep shirt getting drenched with his tears, but it was worth it.
After standing there holding each other for a while, I wiped away his ghostly tears which floated into the air as soon as I wiped them off his face.
“Deacy, look there’s……there’s something I gotta tell you.” he separated from me.  His eyes went from heartbroken to concern in the snap of a finger.
“What is it are you okay?” God ever concerning for his loved ones safety.  Even when he not even five seconds ago had a mental breakdown.  He was willing to put his own feelings aside to ask if I was alright.
“I’m fine. I…….” this was it. I have to tell him.  I don’t know what the repercussions would be like, hell I may cause him to bring this entire farm to the ground, but I have to get this off my chest. “Deacy I’m……”
“Oi (Y/n)! Your cellphone’s been blaring off frantically and none of us know how to answer it.” Roger’s voice spoke up.  We looked up and there he had his head peaking through the roof of granddad’s room.
“You couldn’t have learned to knock first!?” Granddad snapped.
“Please I know about your sound proof ability in this room. Even if I tried you’d still never hear me. Now please (Y/n) go see who it was. If I have to hear that bell alarm one more time I’ll bring this whole farm to the ground.”
“Okay Rog I’ll be up there in a sec.” his head soon vanished back through the roof and I looked up to granddad and he said.
“Go on.” I walked up the stairs and headed towards Roger’s room where I grabbed my phone and saw that I had 2 missed calls from Nana, 12 unread texts from dad’s cell and 13 missed calls from dad’s cell.
“Shit.” I unlocked my phone and went to dad’s cell first just to let him have it with me.  After just one ring his frantic voice exclaimed out.
“Dad I’m sorry. I meant to tell you I was going out of town but I forgot.”
‘Out of town? Out of town!? (Y/n) (m/n) Deacon you’ve been going out of town for the past 3 months and you’ve never once told me or your nana where exactly ‘out of town’ is. This is starting to become a problem.’
“But dad…..”
‘No buts! From now on I want to know where you are at all times, and all destinations are to be approved by me!’
“What?! That’s not fair!!”
‘Unfair?! You wanna know what unfair is!? Having your nana crying all day because of…….’ He trailed off. ‘Anyways she needed you. What would’ve happened to her if you weren’t there because you were ‘out of town’. Now I’ve got to get back to work but when I get home, I expect you there and then we’ll further discuss your punishment.’ And with that he hung up.  I growled and tossed my phone onto the bed before plopping down against it.
“Was it him again?” I looked up and there was granddad right at the door.
“You heard that?”
“Darling I think everyone from Pembroke heard.” He joked. I collapsed on the bed with a heavy sigh and said.
“I don’t get why he’s so overprotective.”
“He’s your father. And he loves you.” he said as he came up to me.  I turned on my side and huffed.
“I doubt that.”
“Why would you say something like that?” he asked me.  I sighed heavily and said.
“Ever since mum left us when I was 12 for her new boy toy, dad’s thrown himself into his work. He’s never actually confronted the problem. He just buries himself into his work. There have been times where I needed him and he was never there. It was like I was invisible to him. And now all of a sudden he’s starting to care about me after practically ignoring me for most of my teen years! If I’m being honest…..I think he stopped caring about me a long time ago.” my voice cracked at the last statement.
I harshly wiped my tears away refusing to cry in front of him.  That’s when I felt his fingers gently grasp my chin and he turned my head to face him.
“Now you don’t mean that.”
“I do. I hate myself for thinking such a thing but it’s true.”
“A father never stops caring for their child. Sure he may pile on the work or can be strict but that’s because he can’t risk to lose you like he lost your mother. Being a parent—it’s the most frightening job in the world that not a lot of people can handle. But I would gladly like to have that chance of having that job. To have been there for my son if I had the chance. To love him, to care for him, to show him that dad’s aren’t just the type of walk away to the store or leave to record an album and never come back.”
He wiped my tears as he cupped underneath my jawline and we both looked into each other’s eyes.
“So never doubt your father doesn’t love you. Okay?” I nodded and said.
“I should get home then.” He smiled softly and nodded in agreement.
“Promise you’ll reach out to either Freddie or Brian when you reach home.”
“I promise. Tell the guys I said bye.”
“Will do poppet. Until next time.” He gave me a kiss to my forehead and I walked out of the house towards my car and drove all the way back to London.
On the drive back just a few miles out of Bristol, I stopped at a gas station to get me some breakfast.  When I picked me up some sweets I walked back to my car and started it up before finally pulling out of the gas station and continued down the road.
While driving on a stretch of wide open roads with fields and nothing but cattle, suddenly out of nowhere I saw a man frantically waving his arms back and forth. 
He looked like he had just came out of a pub fight, his clothes almost torn to shreds, his face all bloodied up, and he was even limping and might’ve had a broken shoulder with the way his left arm was dangling.
Something in my didn’t sit right and as much as I would’ve said I kept driving, I’d be lying.  I slowed down and rolled my window down and he came up to me and said.
“Oh bless you lass. I’ve been walking for miles with no one in sight.” American accent must be a tourist or something.
“Are you alright sir?” I asked him.
“I’ve had better days. Listen my car broke down several miles West. I’ve been traveling all night and couldn’t see a damn thing. Can you please give me a lift to the closest repair shop?”
“Please I know I’m asking a lot and this must seem like a creepy situation.” I’ve had creepier experiences, I mean I’m friends with the ghost’s of Queen. “I promise, all I need is a ride and I promise you’ll never see me again. I need to check in on my wife and daughter. They’re probably worried sick back at our cabin.”
“Alright. Get in.”
“Oh thank you so much. Thank you, thank you thank you.” he opened up my passenger door and sat down before closing it.  “I’ve tried to get a signal for hours but there’s hardly anything out here.” He joked.
“Yeah the selected country parts of the UK can have some pretty crappy service. Once we reach close to Bristol it should work. But I’m gonna have to briefly turn around just to get us there.”
“Do whatever you’ve got to do. You’re very kind to do this for a complete stranger. Your parents must be very proud of you.” my hands gripped the wheel tighter and I said.
“Yeah. Yeah they are.” I turned my car around and drove back to where I saw the Bristol exit. “So……how exactly did your car break down?”
“I don’t know it just started sputtering and the next thing I knew….” He blew out a raspberry. Suddenly my head started to pound like a drum.  I groaned as I rubbed my forehead trying to rid of the pain. “You okay?” he asked me.
“I—I don’t know I…..I need to pull over, right now.” I put my hazard lights up and pulled to the side of the dirt road.  I put my car in park and leaned forward.  God what the hell was going on? It’s like Roger was using my head as his personal drumkit. “Damnit what is wrong with me?”
“Perhaps you just need a bit of rest?” suddenly I felt something cover my mouth and nose.  Panic aroused from me as I tried to fight back but the man quickly grabbed hold of me and pressed the rag or sponge whatever it was harder against my nose.
Shit I should never have let this guy into my car! I watch crime shows for this very reason! I’m such a dumbass.  All I kept doing was trying to send a telepathic signal to Freddie hoping he would see what was happening but soon enough my fighting spirit ceased as my eyes soon closed and I was knocked out.
*John’s POV*
As the day went by finally the lads ceased their infernal argument and we were in the studio trying to see if we could finish up a new song that Freddie had written for (Y/n).  All the awhile I kept having this very bad feeling that something happened to her, something very bad.
“Deacy? Oi Deacon!” I snapped out of my daze that’s when Brian said.
“Geez you looked even more spaced out than you normally are.” I glared at him.
“I’m just—thinking about (Y/n).”
“Oooo, is our little Deacon in love with a new woman?”
“What?! Eww no you filthy mongrel. It’s…..Fred are you sure you haven’t heard anything from her?” I asked Freddie worriedly.
“Not yet my darling. But you know it’s a long drive between here and London. Maybe she’s still driving. You worry too much darling, she’ll be…..” suddenly he lurched forward almost as if in pain.
We all looked at him fearfully as his face contorted to absolute fear before he flung himself back against the chair.  His arms reaching upward like he was holding something, all the while struggling and grunting in a panic-like seizure.
We all gathered around him calling out his name before finally he lay there limp, his eyes closed and his face relaxed.  I turned towards Roger and Brian and they were just as confused and frightened as I was.
“Fred? Freddie. C’mon mate wake up.” Roger shook him. Suddenly Freddie’s eyes opened and he gasped out.
“It was horrible……the worst fear I’ve ever felt.” His breathing was shaky and his eyes frantically searched around the studio.
“What Fred? What did you see?” Brian asked.  It was then Freddie turned to me and he said regretfully.
“I’m sorry John. I’m really, really sorry. But you were right.” No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no it—it can’t be!
“What Fred don’t leave us hanging!”
“It was (Y/n) dears. She sent me a message. Someone’s kidnapping her.” At that point, had we’d been alive, our hearts would’ve sunk in fear.
“Who!? Who was it!?” Roger demanded as his drumkit got knocked over by the rage he felt.
“Calm down Rog! We’ll figure this out.” Brian assured him before turning back to Freddie. “Now Fred could you see anything? Like who it was? Or where she was at?”
“I just remember……fear. And muffled screaming.” Freddie sobbed as he gripped the side of his head.
“Okay, okay. Concentrate. The smallest detail will help us figure out who it could be.” Brian assured him.
“I couldn’t see him. But I felt her being pinned up……against someone’s chest. And…..it looked like she was in her-her car maybe? And…..” at this point his voice grew off into a haze as he tried to recall everything he saw through their telepathic message. “It smelled weird like—I don’t know I wish I could remember more!” Freddie leaned forward and wept.
Roger and Brian embraced him, rubbing his back gently shushing him.  At this point I couldn’t handle being in the studio anymore.  Somehow I ended back in my room, anger boiled inside me along with fear and heartbreak.  I then threw my head back and just let out the most agonizing scream I could.
If any mortal were to see, they would’ve seen all the windows shatter from every building Rockfield farm studios had.
*My POV*
When I came around I saw nothing but candlelight dancing through a dark room.  I groaned tiredly as my head was still slightly pounding but not as much as it was earlier.  When my vision finally started to become clear, that’s when I saw some familiar drawings surrounding me.
All the Satanic markings, ancient drawings, hell the room itself was familiar.  I was in the very room where I’ve been at in my dreams.
“I tried to warn you love. You’re meddling in things you shouldn’t be meddling in.” wait that accent.  I slowly raised myself up from the floor and soon coming into light from the fireplace was him.
The man from my dreams.
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“It’s you.”
“Yes it’s me. Your personal boogieman. Look since you wouldn’t listen to reason through your dreams, you forced me to take drastic measures.” He said.  Wow this guy was really charming.
“You know an email or a threatening phone call would’ve sufficed.” I sassed at him.
“True but then you’d still probably go back to that farm. Am I right?”
“You don’t know me!”
“Oh on the contrary love, I know everything about you. (Y/n) Deacon, daughter to Robert and Sharleen Deacon who are divorced now right?” I glared at him. “Granddaughter to one Veronica Tetzlaff and John Richard Deacon. The bass player of the former band Queen. And you—little missy were just about to tell your granddad of who you really are.”
“So what if I was? You don’t know how lonely he is. If he knew that my nana still loved him and has told both my father and me about him…..”
“It could end the world.” I looked at him confused.  He sighed heavily shaking his head disapprovingly. “I hate involving normal people into my line of business, but you’ve left me no other choice.”
“Just who exactly are you?”
“The name’s John Constantine. My family’s been cursed with being the fine line between this world and the afterlife. It’s my job to ensure that no demonic or spiritual presence tries to threaten our world. And to ensure no dumb teenagers go poking their noses in forces far beyond their reach.”
“If you’re referring to the first time I went to the farm, it wasn’t my idea.”
“But it was your idea to keep going there. Meeting the ghosts of Queen. And for that, you’re causing a shift in the balance.”
“So what now? You going to kill me?” I threatened.
“No. See I can’t kill another human being without probable cause. That and since you’re a kid with a family, I’d rather not be interrogated by the police. And I wouldn’t want your dear ol granddad to haunt my arse for the rest of my days. I get enough of that already.” He walked over and grabbed something off the table and he continued, “This is your last warning love. Stay. Away. From Rockfield farm.”
“The boys will know something’s up if I suddenly stop coming around.”
“Which is why I’m going to put them out of their misery and send their souls to the great beyond. They’ll no longer be stranded here, they can freely go up to heaven, blah, blah, blah heavenly stuff you know all that.”
“You can’t do that!”
“Better me than something else. And trust me, there are far worse things than people like me that want a snag at a few stray ghosts.”
“And what if I refuse to do as you say?”
“Man you are a stubborn girl.” He muttered impatiently.
“Call it a family trait. What’s so dangerous for me to stay away from Rockfield Farm?” he groaned and said.
“I really didn’t want to admit this but I guess I’m gonna have to dumb it down for you.” God this guy was a real arsehole. “Unlike the other three members, your grandfather still holds onto the memories of his human life. And when a ghost does that, it makes them dangerous. Extremely. Dangerous.”
“You don’t know my granddad. He couldn’t hurt a fly much less hurt me.”
“Really?” he asked more skeptically than questioningly. I nodded proudly. “Then answer me this then love,” he walked up to me and leaned down close to my face. “If you do tell him who you really are to him, that makes him even more bound to you. Then say the next time someone, be it mortal or even demon even hurts you. His bound to you would become unstable. When ghosts become unstable, they lose any sense of humanity. And when they lost their humanity, they’re nothing but shells of endless wails and overpowering abilities. He could bring down an entire city if he wanted to just to get back at whoever hurt you. And that becomes messy for me to clean up.”
“Glad to know this is more about you not wanting to clean up a bit of mess.” I sneered.
“Not when the mess is millions of dead bodies who were nothing but collateral damage. Trust me love when I say that your granddad is bad news already being a ghost with memories. And here’s something else if you don’t believe me.” He pulled out his phone with a news media post that read.
What felt like a 5.5 earthquake shook the entire community of Monmouth Wales. Out of nowhere the grounds began to shake and some witnesses have claimed that it was sourced at the old Rockfield farm studios where witnesses have also claimed to see windows exploding.
“I know you must’ve sent some sort of message to them when I grabbed you.”
“Wait that was you? But….the guy that grabbed me had black hair.”
“Simple transfiguration spell love. I thought kids your age watched Harry Potter?” I glared at him. “Now I want your solemn promise, you will not. Go. To Rockfield farm anymore.” I looked down and I said.
“I can’t just suddenly ghost them. No pun intended. Let me go back and say my final goodbyes to them.”
“I can’t even let you do that poppet. It’s either you stop going, or put your family in grave danger because of your selfishness.”
What do I do? What do I do? If I suddenly stop going to the farm, the guys will feel like I’ve abandoned them.  And Granddad he……he’ll be heartbroken the most.
“Well…..your answer?” he asked impatiently.
“Fine. I’ll do as you say.”
“That’s a good girl. Now then, I want you to wear this from now on until I can finish my job.” He held out a long silver chained necklace with a vile attached to it.
“Please tell me there’s no blood in that thing.”
“Don’t be stupid. It’s salt. Ghosts can’t get through a salt circle, nor can they get out of one. So long as you wear this, they can’t reach out to you telepathically.” He placed the necklace around my neck. “Oh and love, it’s best we keep this interaction a secret. Probably best to not let nana or daddy know of this.” He gave me a nod before suddenly placing the same cloth over my face and once again I was knocked out.
The last thing I heard him say was his warning.
“Now keep away for your family’s sake.”
When I awoke, I found myself in my own bedroom.  I was in my bed and pressed to my forehead was a warm rag.  I heard footsteps coming towards me and coming into my room was my nana.
“Oh (Y/n) you’re awake!” she quickly came up to me and cupped the side of my face frantically looking over me.
“Yeah uhh nana. I—I know this’ll sound strange but—how did I get here?”
“Don’t you remember? You drove all the way here but passed out as soon as you got to the door. You were freezing cold to the touch. I was so worried that you’d……” she pressed her hand over her mouth and I saw tears form in her eyes.
“Oh nana I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I worried you.” I hugged her and nuzzled her shoulder.  She wrapped her arms around me and she sniffled.
“It’s okay love. I just…..I just couldn’t bear it if I had to lose you too.” I looked down, my eyes shining with regret.
Maybe that Constantine guy was right.  Nana Ronnie loved me and dad so much, I could never live with myself if I got all of us hurt.  Maybe it is best if I just—forget about the guys.
I guess—in a way I’m glad I didn’t tell granddad the truth yet, cause if I stopped going there had I told him, he would never let me or the world forget it.
It's gonna be hard to just forget the guys but I have to. For Nana’s sake.
So as punishment from my ad, he grounded me for a month and basically put me on house arrest. I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere unless it was to school and home.  Any other places that I needed to go to like the library, had to be approved by the boss man himself.
Constantine also was a constant pop up in my life.  This time he took my advice and actually managed to figure out my phone number and has been sending me text messages every other week or so.  He’d inform me that right now the grounds were too icy to travel to the farm so he’d have to wait till spring to perform the exorcism.
Of course I couldn’t find it in myself to respond back to him telling him it was fine.  I just deleted the messages and try to live on my life.  Now I won’t deny I’ve missed the guys, especially granddad.  For the first time in my life, I got to know more about my family than I ever had in years.  Only for it to be taken away from me because some threat that Constantine won’t really tell me about.
I know there’s gotta be more than just my granddad’s potential of becoming a ‘bad ghost’.  But I don’t know what.
Another couple months passed and finally it was springtime in England.  The cherry trees were in full bloom, the weather was now more cooler, and the typical spring showers washed away any remaining snow that was left.
I was currently at school and today we were doing the mile and a half run for PE (UGGGGHHHH!!!) I don’t even know why we have to do this run? It’s just a way for people to show off on who’s got the fastest timing just so they can get up on the leader boards in the locker room.
And of course with no friends in PE, the runs get VERY boring so I was left alone to run by myself.  That’s when I noticed something odd.  A crow kept trailing beside me, cawing every now and then.  At first I paid no mind to it (after all we get crows all the time).
But when I noticed that it was starting to swoop down closer and closer to me and literally following me no matter which way I swerved or even ran back, that’s when I got scared.  Thinking I could outrun it, I ran past any remaining students that still hadn’t completed the mile and a half run.  
The crow still right on my trail as it cawed and swooped down closer and closer to me.  I turned around and that’s when I was shocked to see it’s black eyes suddenly turn pure white.  Oh shit now it all makes sense, it was—suddenly the crow landed right on top of me and it was almost like my body just shut down as I collapsed right there on the ground.
Next thing I knew, I was in this empty blackness.  There wasn’t anything in sight and it was dead silent. No birds, no chattering peers, no crow, nothing.  Until……
‘(Y/n).’ I gasped at the familiar voice.
‘Do you know how worried we all have been for you? You’ve stopped coming to the farm. What has happened!?’ his worried tone made my heart clench.
“I’m sorry Deacy I……dad grounded me and then school got busy and……”
‘LIES!!!!’ sudden a harsh wind blew right in my face. It was like standing right next to a tornado or a hurricane with how hard this sudden wind gust was blowing right at me.  I would’ve been knocked over if it hadn’t suddenly stopped.
When I opened my eyes and put my arms down from my face there right in front of me was granddad. His eyes full of heartbreak and betrayal.
‘The last thing you ever sent to Freddie was your kidnapping. Who was it? Are they threatening you!?’ oh god don’t let him get mad don’t let him get mad.
“No. I—Like I told you Deacy life just became busy. And the roads got too dangerous for me to travel on.”
‘That didn’t stop you before. How come none of us could reach out to you? It was like you dropped off the face of the Earth!’
“I don’t know Deacy I just…..”
‘What?! Hmm?’ I sighed heavily and turned away from him.
“I can’t tell you.”
‘Can’t tell me. Tell me what?’
“It’s too dangerous Deacy I can’t tell you.”
‘What? What is so dangerous that you can’t tell me? Unless it’s the fact that you no longer like us and think we’re nothing but a bunch of washed up has-beens. A waste of your time!’
“No John Deacon it’s not like that at all and you know it!”
“I’M YOUR GRANDDAUGHTER!!” I gasped and covered my mouth. His expression went from anger to shock.
‘Wha—what did you…..say?’ I sighed heavily and said.
“Your wife, Veronica Tetzlaff. Her—your son Robert is my father. Which makes me her granddaughter. Your granddaughter.” His face still held that stoic but shocked expression.  He backed away from me and looked like he was trying to form words.
‘How long have you known?’ he asked me after a long bit of silence.
“After meeting you guys.” He exhaled sharply and rubbed his hands through his hair. “I’m sorry John I—I didn’t want it to be like this. I was gonna tell you back at the farm but then Roger he……”
‘Stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.’ He turned fully away from me.  His shoulders rising and falling rapidly as his breathing got deeper.
“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry granddad!” suddenly a flash of light blinded me and the next thing I knew I was hearing concerned mutters around me and my instructor Mrs. Hood say.
“(Y/n). (Y/n) Deacon can you hear me?” I let out a gasp and sobbing out.
“I’m sorry granddad. I’m so sorry.” I then just curled up and wept hysterically.
After that I was sent home early and Nana was my personal nurse. She asked me what exactly happened but I refused to answer her.  I just kept silent throughout the rest of the day.  Of course not wanting to push me, Nana left me alone for awhile and told me that dinner would soon be ready.
Right as soon as she left, my phone made it’s text tone. I reached out for it and it read out.
Constantine.  I looked out towards my window and saw the branch that always hung right beside it. I knew I’d never make it pass Nana by going through the front or back door, so my best bet was taking the window. I ran up to it and opened it up and looked back to make sure that she wasn’t coming back up.
Then as carefully as I could, I got onto the branch of the tree and crawled to where the branch was the sturdiest.  I looked down and it didn’t seem like that much of a high jump.  So I held onto the branch and dangled there for a brief moment before exhaling out.
“Okay. One….two…..three.” I let go and landed on the ground before quickly racing towards the shed to grab my bike.  Once I had it, I pedaled to the park.
When I got to the park, I stopped right by the lake and stood underneath the lamp post.  It was maybe a minute later when the light suddenly started to flicker before going off. Soon the rest of the lights began to flicker before they too went off.
“You didn’t listen to me at all, did you love?” I turned and there coming right up behind me was John Constantine. “One thing. I ask one thing of you and you couldn’t even do that. Why didn’t you keep that salt necklace on like I told you?”
“It’s not like I had any choice. My PE teacher saw it and she forced me to take it off while we did our mile and a half run. She even pocketed it in her own pockets and refused to give it back till I finished the run. That’s when……”
“Brian possessed that blasted crow just so your granddad could talk to you. And then you go off and tell him the truth, didn’t you?”
“Again not my choice. He forced it out of me. I didn’t want him to think I had just abandoned them. Forgotten them! You know my life was perfect till you came along and had to fuck it all up!” I snapped at him.
“Oh believe me love, if you think I’m fucked up. Then you’re really not gonna be happy about what else is coming. Because of your reckless confession, now he’ll be after you.”
“If you mean my granddad that’s fine! At least now he knows his family hasn’t abandoned him!”
“I wasn’t referring to him.” He said grimly.  Wait what? What was he meaning?
“Then what—”
“I’ll explain later. For now because of your big mouth, I’m gonna need to take you somewhere safe. Follow me.” He turned around and walked onward.  I stayed in my spot thinking what could he be talking about? “Oi love stop your gawking and let’s get a move on! You’re exposed out here so let’s go!”
I followed behind him taking my bike with me as I kept thinking just what exactly could he be mean by Him.  If it wasn’t my granddad I needed to worry about, then who?
*3rd Person POV*
Veronica was just finishing setting up the table for supper. She took her spinach casserole out of the oven and set it on the table and called up to (Y/n).
“(Y/n) dear. Dinner time!” when she didn’t get a response she looked up from the table and took off her oven mits. “(Y/n)?” she walked up the stairs.  Unaware that a hand print came visible along the kitchen window.
Veronica came to (Y/n)’s room and when she looked inside and didn’t see her granddaughter there, she began to panic.
“(Y/n)? Where are you?” she looked in her closet hoping to find her hiding in there. “Don’t play around now love nana’s getting scared!” she quickly ran towards her son’s room to see if she had gone in there.  She looked and looked but there was no sign of her granddaughter anywhere.  “I love you so much don’t do this! (Y/n)!”
She came back downstairs and suddenly noticed that the house had grown colder.  She thought maybe it had to do with the thermostat so grabbing her glasses she went over to the thing but saw that it was still at the normal temp. that her son always kept it on.
So……why was it growing colder and colder with each second?
As she could see her breath visibly come out with each exhale, a haunting, whispery like moan echoed through the house.  Then she heard her name being called out.
“Veronica.” Panicked Veronica quickly went back up the stairs towards her room and quickly shut the door and locked it.  She huddled against the corner of her room holding her Catholic cross necklace as she proceeded to plead the Lord’s prayer.  
All the while her door suddenly started to frost over and started to bang and rattle, like someone was trying to break into her room.
“Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from……” as she continued with the Lord’s prayer only to have her door suddenly come down. And floating right there, she let out a horrified scream as she saw standing right before her very eyes.
The ghost of her dead husband.  Beneath him a trail of black blood followed him as she slowly walked towards her extending his arm out to her.  Groaning and moaning her name with agony.
Terrified Veronica let out a horrified scream as she tried to pray to God for protection.
“DELIVER US!” she cried out.
“Veronica……” She continued to scream in terror as she clenched her hand over her heart. “Help…..me…..” John pleaded as his mouth dropped in a haunting manner as Veronica finished.
“FROM….EVIL!!!” As she leaned her head against the wall all she could do was gasp and cry out in fear.
Coming in from another long shift at work, Robert came into the house and felt the coldness of it.  But what frightened him was the fact he could hear his mother’s panicked screams from upstairs.  He immediately dropped his stuff and raced up the stairs exclaiming.
“MUM!! MUM I’M COMING!!! HOLD ON!!” When he finally came into her room, the only thing he saw was his mum leaning against the corner, her face contorted into fear, tear stains on her face and she was clenching her heart in fear. “Mum! Mum are you okay what happened?”
She couldn’t speak.  All that came out of her were gasps and whimpers of fear.  Fearing she was having a heart attack, Robert phoned the ambulance.  
Within minutes, they loaded her up and quickly took her to the hospital with Robert holding her hand trying to comfort his mum who was still in hysterics.  He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed his daughter’s number.
*My POV*
Constantine had taken me to a safe house (to me it looked more like a bunker).  All around there were books about spells, demons, every creature imaginable.  Dusty tables with ingredients that you would find only in a voodoo shop.
“What is this place?”
“My own personal safe house. You were here before. Just down in the basement. Here no ghosts or demons can even get a mile from this place. Now then, let’s start off with—” my phone suddenly rang and he glared at me.
“Sorry it’s not like this is a movie theater.” I took my phone out and saw that it was my dad. Oh bugger! I internally groaned as I slid the answer button and I said slowly.
“Hey dad.”
‘First I’m not even gonna ask where you are. All I want you to do right now is get to London hospital as fast as you can.’
“What? What do you mean dad is everything okay?” before he could answer, I heard Nana Ronnie’s panicked voice gasp out.
‘My John! My John was a horrifying black-eyed demon!’ my eyes grew wide.
‘Just get to the hospital and I’ll meet you in the lobby. Your……Your nana’s had an accident.’ I was frozen in my spot.
“It can’t be.” I whispered.
‘(Y/n)? Did you hear what I said?’
“Yeah. Yeah dad I’ll be there soon.” I hung up the phone and Constantine looked at me with sympathy in his eyes. “Nana saw granddad. He scared her so badly that she’s on her way to the hospital.” He rubbed his hand over his face as he sighed heavily.
“I’m sorry love. I really am.”
“This is all my fault.”
“Well…….” I glared up at him telling him to not bullshit me.
“Don’t suddenly change your statement now. You’ve told me that something like this could happen. I should never have gone up to that farm in the first place. If I hadn’t nana wouldn’t be dying.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do! You should’ve heard her Constantine. She—she sounds like she could die from shock.”
“I hate to bring this up now love but—you do know what has to be done now right?” tears slipped down my face and I asked him.
“Promise me that they won’t suffer.”
“Passing on for a ghost is like going to sleep for us. I promise they won’t feel a thing. I’ll have a cabbie take you to the hospital to see your Nan and father. And hey,” he came up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder, “You’re doing the right thing. The spirits of Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Roger Taylor and John Deacon don’t belong here on Earth anymore. They’ve suffered enough being restless spirits. I’ll let you know when it’s done.”
He then left the bunker without another word.  Just like he promised within 10 minutes a cab was waiting for me outside and the cabbie drove me to the hospital.
Once I got there, I saw my dad sitting anxiously on one of the chairs in the waiting room.  When he saw me, he came up to me and I looked up at him with eyes full of tears.  We didn’t say a word till I suddenly embraced him and I wept into his chest, pleading for forgiveness.
My dad wrapped his arms around me and stroked down my hair trying to comfort me.  Together the two of us sat there and waited until a doctor would come and tell us nana’s update.
*3rd Person POV*
As the night grew darker, John Constantine arrived at Rockfield farm studios to finally put an end to the restless spirits of Queen.
“Alright, first to send these guys onward. Then focus on the real threat.” He grabbed some essence candles, a container of salt, his lighter, and an old iron candelabra shaft. He walked towards the barn with his bag of ghost equipment and he said as he stood right out the house. “Time to finally have some fun.”
He walked up the steps of the porch and opened up the wooden door of the living quarters.  As it opened, it made its famed creaking sound and Constantine slowly walked inside.
“Alright where are you yah hard rocker ghosts?” he muttered.
‘You want us John Constantine? You’ve got us!’ soon a swarm of starlings suddenly flew out from the fireplace and burst through the windows. Frantically making their chirps and calls as they swarmed practically the entire house.  Knocking over every antiques scattered throughout the house, damaging the curtains, and most of all trying to get a stir out of Constantine.
Constantine swatted the birds away with the candelabra shaft but it didn’t deter them away. Then as quick as they came, they soon vanished and the only thing standing there was him and Brian May’s ghost.
“I should’ve known you were the one behind the animal’s odd behaviors. I forget you also had an interest in animals, right?” Brian’s snide smile was cold as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Call it a side hobby. And I don’t control them. I share their vision to see beyond the reaches of the farm.” Constantine nodded snidely and sarcastically stated.
“How sweet of you.”
“Now tell us this,” Roger’s voice soon spoke up.  Roger came out from the raging fireplace and continued, “How is it that when our sweet, loving (Y/n) suddenly stops coming around, it’s your ugly mug that we have to keep seeing snooping about the farm grounds?”
“And more importantly, what did you do with our beloved darling?!” Freddie’s voice snarled as he came up behind Constantine.
“Look gents if you really think I harmed her in any way you’re poorly mistaken. I just gave her some strict warnings to stay away from here less her and her family be in danger. Now enough gab, and let’s get down to work.”
“What kind of trouble?” Deacy’s voice soon spoke up.  Coming out from the shadows was John Deacon’s spirit.
“Ahh, the grandfather. The guest of honor at last has arrived.”
“Enough talk, what did you mean trouble?!” Deacy demanded.
“Nothing you need concern yourself about. I’ll handle it from here, for now you lot can just move on after I—” suddenly Constantine was pushed up against the wall.  The iron candelabra was tossed out of his hand and soon Deacy stood face to face with Constantine.
“Tell. Me. What’s. After. My. Family?” Constantine sighed heavily.
“Not a what. A who. A demon has been eyeing your granddaughter ever since she met you lot.”
“A demon?” questioned Roger.
“Yes. Beelzebub. One of the high keepers of Hell.”
“What does he want with our (Y/n)?” demanded Freddie.
“Apparently he’s pissed at not only the fact that the living is conspiring with the dead. But that it’s family related. Having future generations meet face to face if one is dead and the other living is strictly forbidden according to Hell and Heaven’s laws. As soon as I found out that she was being targeted by Beelzebub, I’ve tried to send her warnings about it to stay away from here.”
“Those dreams she’s been having. You were behind them all along?” Freddie said.
“Yes. But apparently she still kept coming. Mostly because of you John Deacon. Then I got a message from one of Beelzebub’s lackies a week before I came in contact with (Y/n).
“More like kidnapped!” Brian hissed.  Constantine rolled his eyes and continued.
“Kidnapped, met with her, same thing. The point is, he told me that Beelzebub was not only coming for her, but for the rest of her family too. And he’s already managed to trick your living wife into seeing what you’ve become.”
“He’s hurt Veronica!?” Deacy raged out as the house began to shake.
“Deacy, Deacy dear calm down.” Freddie tried to soothe.
“Not hurt. But he sure as hell gave your wife a hell of a scare. And if I don’t stop him now, he’ll hurt (Y/n) as well as her father.”
“Robert.” Deacy whispered.  Constantine nodded.
“So because of her interacting with us, we’ve marked her for dead?” Roger asked.
“Not if we can stop Beelzebub first my darlings.” Freddie said.
“How Fred? We can’t leave the farm grounds. We tried to when we first became ghosts it’s impossible to leave!” Brian said.
“You guys won’t be going.” Deacy said.
Everyone looked at the young bass player’s spirit.  His friends and brothers looked at him like he was talking crazy.
“Deacy you’re not suggesting…..”
“I am Brian. The only one going is me.”
“Absolutely not dear I positively forbid it! I forbid you going alone!” Freddie said as he floated right in front of Deacy.
“You can’t suede me Fred. Not this time.”
“Deacy I know—”
“No Brian you don’t know what I’m going through!” Deacy snapped.
“Deaks she’s our family too. We love her just as much as you do. If she’s in danger then let us help you.” Roger said.
“No Roger. I’ve already risked my living family’s lives, I don’t want to risk you guys too.” Deacy then turned to Constantine and he said in a firm tone, “Do you know a way a ghost can leave his burial prison?”
“There might be a spell.” Constantine shrugged nonchalantly.
“Perform it then.”
“Sorry mate can’t do that. See I only came here for one purpose and one purpose only. And that was to send you and your friends to the great beyond. If you lot don’t go then you put yourselves at even greater risk of going straight to the looney bin of ghosting.” Constantine then felt Deacy’s hand at his throat, slowly squeezing it and he was slowly being raised up till he was almost at the ceiling.
“And if you don’t brew up something that’ll allow me to save my family, I’ll reach into the deepest parts of your brain and pull out each painful memory one by one forcing you to feel exactly how I’ve suffered and will suffer if anything happens to my family.”
“Alright! Alright you win!” Deacy released his grip and Constantine was dropped to the floor. He rubbed his throat and let out a few coughs. “Bloody hell now I see where your granddaughter gets her stubbornness from.”
“Enough talk. What is it you need to brew this spell up?” Deacy ordered.
“Nothing to exotic. Just the skull of an owl, feather of a crow, fur of a black cat, a few bluebells, and a dash of paprika.”
“We can manage that. Roger you know where the paprika is, Brian you can get the bird stuff, and I know where to find Midnight.” Freddie said.  The three ghosts all left the living room leaving the two Johns in the room.
“A word of warning for you John Deacon, your powers might not be as strong as they are here on the farm. Also you’ll be prone to every ghost weakness in the book. Iron especially.”
“I don’t care. All I want is for my family to be safe, and for Beelzebub to go back to hell where he belongs. He picked the wrong family to target.”
“Family man till the end. That’s either very admirable or very stupid of you.” when the guys got back with the ingredients, Constantine grabbed his bag and brought out the gauntlet he was going to use to send the guys away, and poured the ingredients in.
“Deacy are you sure you should go at this alone?” Freddie asked worriedly.
“It has to be me Fred. If Beelzebub wanted to get a message out to me, he should’ve had the balls to come here himself. Not bring (Y/n), Veronica or Robert into this mess.”
“Alright Deacon, it’s ready. Just stand right over there.” Constantine said as he pointed to the center of the room.  Deacy floated to where Constantine wanted him.  As he poured out the sand mixed with the ingredients he needed, Constantine began to chant in ancient tongues.  He circled around John pouring the sand out till it formed a circle.
He stood in front of him and held his hands downward to the ground.  The sand suddenly sparked into a ring of fire as Constantine’s chanting grew louder and faster.  Freddie, Brian and Roger stood there in shock at seeing their youngest brother and band member suddenly in a ring of fire that seem to spin faster and faster as it rose over John’s entire body.
At one final command, the fire disappeared and John’s spirit was gone.
“Where did he go?” asked Freddie.
“He’s been sent to the heart of London. But finding his family is all up to him now.” Constantine explained.
The three ghosts turned to look at each other worriedly and hoped that their friend would be okay.
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roach-circus · 4 years
Two Of Us - Platonic!Freddie x Reader
I’m so excited for this to be released! This is my first fic, the fluffiest, no smut. Word count is about 1.35k. Warnings-wise, I would just say that there’s a fair bit of angst, and that’s about it. If there is anything I missed, PLEASE let me know, and I am quite sorry. I have to thank and credit several writers dearly, @rhapsodyrecs read through this and gave me some fabulous feedback, even though it wasn’t a BoRhap fic. Thank you, love! And wow, I also definitely have to thank/credit @ineloqueent, she read through this as well, gave me some great suggestions, and helped me with several awful grammar issues. I cannot thank either of you enough, it really means a lot to me, especially for my first writing, I appreciate deeply the amount of support you both have given me. (Ok, slight-sappiness over now.) Although I don’t have a ton of followers, if anyone has any constructive criticism, further ideas/feedback, etc, please let me know if possible!♥️♥️
The sun is far below the horizon when you arrive home. What that usually brings light to everyone on this earth is nowhere to be found.
As you trudge through the doorway of the flat you share with your best friend, Freddie, all you feel is stress and the overbearing weight of everything crumbling around you. You take your time, slowly removing your shoes and raincoat, before washing your hands and drying them on a decorative towel with cats on it. The towel makes you smile, with the picture of the carefree kittens prancing around in a field.
Swiftly moving to the pantry, you snag some chips, a box of mini-cupcakes, and select a bottle of pop from the counter. From there, you make a slow trek to your bed.
You place the treats on a plush chair and step over to your record shelf, pulling out “Let It Be” by the Beatles, and carefully placing it onto the player. Relief washing over you, you sit back in the chair and close your eyes as dialogue from “Two Of Us” pipes up from the record player beside you.
Although you are able to enjoy just sitting and relaxing, you feel nothing but dread for the day to come. It isn’t easy working in an office job, but it is especially difficult as a female in the 1970s with an office job. Your boss has no idea how to act around women, and your coworkers will never stop trying to find ways to get you to help them with their work. It’s also just very bleak, entering the same off-white building every day, doing essentially the same work until who knows when. You wish you could live like your roommate, passionate about your work and creating beautiful music for people to praise and appreciate. You wish you weren’t simply stuck watching him and his best friends touring and meeting new people, having the time of their lives. You want that.
By “I Me Mine,” you’re practically crying, not seeing a point in holding it back. But before you can, you hear the few greatly upbeat lines of,
“I me me mine!
I me me mine!
I me me mine!
I me me mine!”
And you see your roommate, in purple fuzzy socks with cat ears, slide through the doorway to your room and crash into the back of your bed, giggling madly.
“How are you doing?” he asks nonchalantly as a giggle escapes you as well. The floorboards creak slightly as Freddie gets back on his feet. You want to tell him about everything, but you have trouble finding the words. All you can do in the moment is to look at the worn-down wooden planks of the floor, and half-mumble, “I’m having a bit of a hard time right now, Fred.”
You want to tell him about how much you resent your current occupation, but you can’t get it out. Instead, you chose to trudge over to your bed and sit near the backboard, and Freddie follows suit. You hold back your tears as he lifts his arm to place it around your shoulders,
“Do you want to talk about it?”
God, you do. But as soon as you open your mouth to speak, all that comes out is a sob. One, after the other, after the next. It was inevitable, but you don’t like for people to see you cry. It shows vulnerability, and that can be a dangerous thing. Freddie doesn’t look like he’s completely sure what to do, but he knows he needs to comfort you. He sits up and gives you the biggest, most sincere hug imaginable, and you couldn’t be more grateful for having someone in your life as much as you are right now.
You sit in silence for a few seconds, before Freddie says,
“Y/N, I’m deeply sorry, dear. Do you need anything? Is there anything I can do to help out?”
“I don’t think so. would you just stay with me, maybe?”
You aren’t sure if he’ll agree to this, so you mentally cross your fingers, hoping he will agree to. He’s one of the most supportive and sweet people you know, and his kindness is exactly what you need right now.
“Of course, darling. But, even if it’s just for tonight, I’m going to need you to feel better.”
“Oh god, Fred, you’re ga-”
But before you can get the words out, he attacks your sides and begins tickling you:
“AH! FREDDIE,” you cried, sputtering with laughter. “N-HA! HA! OH, YOU BITC-HAHAH!”
He tickled you until you were worn out from giggling, and only then did he sigh, and sit back satisfied with his work. “I can’t believe you would-hic!-betray me!” you feigned offense.
Your eventual rebuttal is the only thing you know he has a weak spot for: head scratches. When you place your hand on the back of his head and begin to run your fingers through his hair, he legitimately starts to purr.
“Awww, little kitty Fred!”
“Oh, fuck you Y/N,” he says jokingly.
A few years ago, you had discovered how much he liked for his hair to be petted. He would claim how much he resented it then a few minutes later would barely try to hide how much he enjoys it. It had made him feel better after several frustrating days at the studio, and never fails to do so now. And in all honesty, you feel better too, at least for the moment. Freddie has always been there to encourage you and sympathize through difficult times, and it truly means the world to you.
Freddie leans back, sliding into a half-resting position, and you mirror his position. Still in comfort-mode, he raises his arm up so that you can rest your head against his chest. The things Freddie is comfortable with when it comes to friends amuses you a bit, but you aren’t at all complaining. Sure, he has plenty of established boundaries, but those boundaries seem to recede a little when he knows a friend is in need of support.
He strokes your hair, a habit of comfort for both him and you. You’re grateful that you’re close enough with your roommate that you can comfort him or be comforted by him.
“You know,” you say, “I really love you, Fred. Thank you.”
“Of course, Y/N,” he replies, still playing with your hair. “You’ve always been with me through my troubles. we stick together.” He musses your hair again. And I love you too, darling.”
You sit in contented silence, while the record plays “The Long And Winding Road”.
“The wild and windy night
That the rain washed away
Has left a pool of tears
Crying for the day
Why leave me standing here?
Let me know the way.”
A peaceful song, it is, albeit with some sad undertones, but focusing on the melody kept you from reliving your dispirited thoughts of earlier. All you can think about now is the radiating warmth and peace of Freddie, and that is really all you felt like focusing on anyway.
You lean back into him and he wraps his arm around you. you could feel your eyelids lower, and you know that it is time to close them fully and try to get some sleep.
Feeling Freddie start to play with your hair again, you reopen your eyes and look to your side to find a little braid coming off of your head. Freddie notices your glance and responds, “Your hair is fun to mess with, love. It’s very soft. I think I’d start stealing your shampoo.”
“Oh, don’t say that,” you tell him. “I know you already are, Fred.”
You release a small laugh, and he does too.
Your eyes slip shut once more, and this time, Freddie’s do as well. As you return to that feeling of warmth and fluffiness, you sigh happily. Freddie takes that as a sign that he was successful in making you feel better. And he’s right. He always makes you feel better.
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Prompt(s): 1. “Do you trust me?”, 36. “Are you blushing?”, 51. “You’re so beautiful” (from my 55 dialogue prompts post)
Pairing(s): Freddie x Female!Reader platonic
Requested by @matildarosetaylor , I know you requested this forever go, I’m so sorry it took so long to get posted.
Warnings: fluff, poor writing skills. I apologize in advance for any grammar or spelling errors. 
Word count: 319
“Do you trust me?”
“Yes, Fred, of course”
“Then why won’t you let me help you get ready for your date?” he asked flopping on your bed dramatically as you rummaged through your closet
 “Because it's not a big deal and I don't want it to become a big deal”
“Darling, of course, it’s a big deal. This is your first date in months!”
You sighed “ok Freddie. You win. Would you please help me get ready for my date?” 
   About an hour later you had showered, dried your hair and were currently doing your makeup as per Freddie’s instructions while he was digging through your closet looking for something appropriate given the details you had disclosed about the date. When he finally settled on something he set them on your bed and you set about changing into what he had picked as he looked through your jewelry box. Once you were clothed he handed you what he’d chosen and you leaned down in front of the mirror. After putting on the jewelry you turned and grabbed the purse he was holding you
“You’re so beautiful”
You flushed, embarrassed and looked at your shoes. 
 “Are you blushing?” when you didn't react or respond Freddie stepped forward and cupped your cheek in his hand so you’d look at him, which you did “why are you blushing?”
You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out. You didn't have a clear cut reason for blushing, other than you were nervous and Freddie always knew what to say to make you feel better. He just had a knack for making everyone around him feel special, which was just a small part of what made Freddie himself so incredibly special. When you finally looked up you saw him looking at you, his concern written blatantly on his face. 
 “Thank you, Freddie. You really do know how to make a girl feel special” 
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liliah39 · 5 years
Bliss: (Freddie Mercury X Male! Reader Oneshot)
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Word Count: 3.2 K
Warnings: None! Just loads of fluff!
Plot: You and Brian are best friends, he knows about your sexuality, but doesn’t know about yours and Freddie’s feelings for each other. It comes a time when you and Freddie are ready to be open with your relationship. How will Brian take it?
A/N: This is a HalloQueen Event Gift for @rushingheadlong​ !! Surprise! I’m your Secret Santa! Thank you for hosting it @dtfrogertaylor​ ! I hope you enjoy it darling! I did my best! It was so nice talking to you and getting to know you! Please keep in touch darling! I think I feel more comfortable writing male reader after this, so I might be able to do a Brian one if you want one! Just leave me a request for a oneshot in my asks! (Also plz excuse typos) -C
October 1976:
With the autumn leaves changing color, a new chill was in the air, confirming that fall was upon you. You hurriedly zipped up your coat as you ran inside the recording studio with coffees for Brian and his band mates, eager to see Freddie. 
You and Brian were best friends, and always had been since you were little. You grew up as neighbors, and basically were never apart. He got you fascinated with the stars due to his own obsession, making stargazing in one of your backyards in the summer your favorite pastimes, and sometimes you’d stargaze  in your snowsuits in the winter if you were feeling risky. Of course the two of you did other things too, running, hide and seek, pretending you were pirates sailing the seven seas; a typical thing for young boys to do, but as you grew together your interests changed. It went from pirates to The Beatles as the sixties rolled in, each of you getting the extremely unfortunate bowl cut and doing your best to form a band. You were never as musically talented as Brian was, but you could manage on bass, and were able to have a garage band with him and a couple of other boys from school for a couple years before Brian’s talent had surpassed all of you. Although, no matter how your interests changed, the two of you always found time to look at the stars. 
Now you were both just out of your first four years of college, still living in an apartment together and trying to figure out the next step in your lives. Brian opted to put his schooling on hold for a while to pursue his band Queen, which seemed to be going surprisingly well, however you decided to get your PhD in Astrophysics, the field both you and Brian decided to go to school for together. Even still, the two of you told each other everything concerning your lives; it’s like you were each the brother that the other never had. 
Brian was the first to know about your sexuality, and took it extremely well. Said it never bothered him, that he’d love you and your were still his best mate either way. He said in some way he always knew, but was just happy that you were in tune with yourself enough to be able to find someone you truly loved. He always told you about his new girlfriends he’d meet, but they’d never last long. However, there was one thing you didn’t think you could tell Brian. You didn’t know how. 
You were in love with his other best friend.
His best friend that hadn’t come out yet. 
His best friend that was Freddie Fucking Mercury. 
You took a deep breath as you walked in the door to the studio, remembering how your feelings for Freddie had budded all those years ago. 
~~~~~Flashback to 1974~~~~~
Brian introduced the two of you when he had started talking to Brian at Smile gigs. Freddie was so insistent about being in a band with Brian and Roger that he went to all of Smile’s performances. You were usually at them too unless you had a test the next day, always wanting to be supportive of your best friend. You and Freddie hung out together throughout the Smile gigs constantly, always singing, dancing, or getting drinks at the bar. His beauty seemed ethereal; an extremely attractive, dark haired man with an attitude that could kill. It was then that you not only realized you liked men. 
You loved him. 
After Tim left and Queen formed, you were at all the performances, hungry to watch Freddie parading across the stage in your solitary confinement of your love for him. You kept your feelings to yourself for years, unable to admit them and lose your friendship with Freddie. Besides, he was dating Mary. There was no use in making a fool of yourself.  Although, one day after Queen played at The Rainbow in 1974, about a week after Freddie had broken up with Mary for what he said were “personal complications, he stopped you and asked if you wanted to go get a drink, like the old days when they were playing local bars every night.
“I’d love to Fred, really, but you know, Brian’s not 100% yet. I know he’s back and playing, but he’s only been out of the hospital for a month. I should go home and make sure he’s okay. Sorry, mate.” you solemnly admitted. 
Freddie nodded his head understandably, although you couldn’t help but notice a look of sadness and disappointment in his eyes. “Of course, I understand, Y/N. Next time, Darling.” He winked, stuttering through his words as if nervous to talk to you. 
That’s odd, you thought, as Freddie opened the door to his dressing room and quietly shut it behind him. You walked next door to Brian’s dressing room, knocking to announce your entrance before walking in to see him putting his guitar in its case. 
“Hey Bri,” you said, trying to be cheerful, “how’re you feeling?” 
“Alright, Y/N. Really, I’m okay. Quite tired, but I’m alright. Just need to go home and rest.” He smiled. 
“You sure?”
“I’m sure,” he laughed, “you’re always so worried about me.” 
“Well that’s ‘cuz I wouldn’t know what to do without you, Brian. We’ve been inseparable for how long now? It’d be like taking away my other half if something happened to you.” You laughed. 
“Yeah, I guess that makes sense, I’d be the same way if I was in your shoes.” He laughed. “You’ve been so helpful in the last couple of months while I’ve been going through all this, Y/N, and I’m completely capable of taking care of myself now. I just played two nights of concerts. I’m okay, Y/N. Go out. Have some fun. I’m worried about you. You haven’t done anything except for take care of me for ages. As your best friend, I’m telling you you need to go out and have some fun.”
He could see the hesitant look on your face. You were worried about him. 
“As your best friend I command that you get your life back.” Brian joked, making both of you laugh. 
“Alright, alright.” You resigned. “You’ve been very active for a couple days, so I won’t do anything for tonight, but I’ll go out soon, I promise.” 
“Were you asked to do something tonight?” Brian pried. 
“Well…” You hesitantly started. “I was. But I turned it down. More worried about you.” You admitted. 
“Y/N,” Brian said, hands on his hips. “Go do something. Go out. Who asked you?”
“Freddie.” You admitted. “He wanted to go get drinks.”
“Go with him,” he urged. “Find yourself a guy. I’ll be fine. I’ll see you back at home later.”
“Thanks mate.” You smiled, turning around and exiting his dressing room, knocking on Freddie’s which was next door. “Fred?” You called. 
After a couple of minutes, the door blew open, “Hello, Darling.” He smiled. “Come in,” he said, turning around and closing the door behind the two of you. “Couldn’t resist my offer?” He teased. 
“I guess not.” You laughed. “Brian said he’ll be fine, and I haven’t gotten out in a while, so I figured I’d get a couple drinks. I miss talking to you.” You said earnestly, putting a hand on Freddie’s shoulder as you spoke. 
“Wonderful!” He exclaimed. “Then just give me a moment to get dressed and we’ll be on your way.” 
He brought you to a bar called Blessing’s Tavern that was just down the road, the two of you laughing the entire way. Over a couple of shots and far too many beers, the two of you caught up on life from the last couple of months, hearing about the recording process of the new Sheer Heart Attack album which you missed out on because of Brian’s hospitalization. After his story was over, there was an uncomfortable silence between the two of you. Something you each wanted to bring up, but resisted. 
You couldn’t help it anymore. 
“So, how are you doing, Fred? The whole thing with Mary?” 
“Oh I’m just fine, Darling.” He assured you. “We’re still close friends. I’m the one who pulled the trigger; it was my choice. Thanks for asking though.”
“I know, but any break up is difficult no matter what way it happens or what side of it you’re on. I’m here if you need me.” You assured with a smile, patting him on the shoulder. 
“Thank you.” He smiled. “I’m really fine. I guess you could say I just came to terms with myself. Who I am, you know?” 
You nodded. You definitely knew. That’s exactly what you said when you came out. It made you confused. Did Freddie realize he had feelings for guys, and that’s why he broke up with Mary? 
You stayed silent for a while, a million thoughts rushing through your head as you contemplated what his previous sentence possibly could have meant. 
You couldn’t speak. 
You couldn’t do anything. 
Is it possible he likes me to?
Just then, he was the one to break the silence. “I see you looking at me.” 
“W-what? Well I’m sitting right next to you, Fred. Course I’m looking at you.” 
“No, Darling. I mean when I’m on stage.” 
“Well yeah, that too?” 
“Jesus, Y/N. You haven’t figured it out yet?” 
“Figured what out?” 
“Oh don’t act so oblivious. I see that you feel the same way. I broke up with Mary because I wasn’t happy with the lie I was living, I’m not straight. And if I’m right, you aren’t either.” he retorted. 
You’d never told anyone else other than Brian, let alone your other best friend AND your crush. 
“Am I right?” He asked. 
You nodded. “But don’t tell the others. Brian’s the only one who knows.” 
“Oh I’d never,” he admitted. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone either. You’re the first person I’ve told.” 
“Why me, Freddie? Why tell me first?”
“Because I figured you were going through the same thing, and because well, I like you. Figured I’d just be straight forward about it, you know?” 
You nodded. “Wait, you like me?” 
“Yeah, Love. Quite a bit, actually. Didn’t make me break up with my girlfriend for nothing.” He laughed. 
“Wow.” You said, truly astonished. 
“What? I’m sorry, Y/N. Do you not feel the same way? God this is why I didn’t want to do this, I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.” 
You laughed at the irony. “Actually, quite the opposite. You were spot on. Spot on to the point I’ve been into you for the last four years and never said anything because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. What are the odds?” You laughed. 
“Oh thank god.” He said, clearly relieved, and pulling you in for an embrace. “You have no idea how hard that was.” 
“Oh believe me, I do.” You laughed. 
“Well then, we must celebrate! I’d like champagne!” He screamed to the bartender who was at the other end of the bar, making you laugh at his brutal honesty. 
~~~~End Flashback~~~~
You stepped into the boys’ room to be greeted with smiles, hellos, and many thanks for bringing much needed coffee. Freddie stopped playing piano to come over and pull you into a tight embrace, kissing your cheek after making sure no one would notice. 
The two of you had been seeing each other privately ever since your feelings were confessed all those years ago, yet had done an excellent job of hiding it. The other three members didn’t even know, not even Brian. 
“I like your shirt, Fred.” You smiled, making him blush. 
“Why thank you, Darling!” he winked, knowing it was one of your favorites whenever you spent the night at his place. The other three noticed the odd encounter yet said nothing of it, assuming it was just a typical conversation between two friends. 
On a break, you hopped onto the piano bench next to Freddie, trying your best to make what you were saying look like a casual conversation. 
“Love,” You started, “can we go to the park after? I’ve got to talk to you about something.” 
“ ‘Course. Say no more.” He smiled. “You’ll drive me, won’t you?” 
“I always do.” You smiled in a sing song voice. 
The two of you sang along to the radio in the short, fifteen minute car ride to a solitary end of the park, walking hand in hand to a bench in the middle of a path, the bench you and Freddie had specifically named yours, in a comfortable silence. You observed the way the sunlight hit his perfectly chilled face, jet black hair waving in the autumn wind. 
“You’re so beautiful, Freddie.” You softly admitted as he pressed a kiss to your lips. 
“I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” He said as the two of you sat on your bench together, his arm around your shoulder. “You wanted to talk?”
“Yup.” You laughed. “God, why are you always so to the point?” You teased at him.
“Because things can be so drawn out sometimes, Dear! When some conversations are heavier or more uncomfortable, I just want to get it over with. No need to dwell on them.” He huffed, the temperament of a princess, making his shirt extremely fitting. 
“Alright, alright.” You laughed. “I think it’s time, Freddie.” 
“Time for what?” his face grew worried. “Please don’t say you’re leaving me.”
“Oh god no,” you smiled. “I’ll never leave you, Baby.”
He pressed a soft kiss to your lips in relief. “Then time for what, Y/N.” 
“Time we tell them. Our friends. Our family. Brian especially. We’ve gotta come out. Say we’re together. Not to the public, because you know they won’t understand, but our friends have to know. They deserve to know.” 
He nodded, taking in all you just said. 
“And especially Brian, Freddie. Brian’s got to know. He’s my bloody roommate and best friend for crying out loud. I hate lying to him, sneaking out at night to come see you. I can’t do it anymore. I can’t keep hurting him blindly.” 
“I understand.” Freddie smiled. “I’m just nervous. They know about you, I just haven’t manned up enough to tell them yet. What if they kick me out?” 
“They won’t kick you out, Love.” You laughed. “I think they already have their suspicions, to be honest. Brian asked me the other day if you were gay. Said I didn’t know of course. He said it’d just make sense to him if you were from your stage costumes and such.” 
“Oh. That’s a good thing, right?” He asked. 
“Yes, Love. A good thing.”  You assured him. 
“What is they don’t think that me coming out is a good move for the band? What if they kick me out?” He worried. 
“Freddie. They’re your  best friends. They’re not going to kick you out. And like I said, just to our friends, not the whole world yet. Okay?” 
“Okay.” He smiled. “Please don’t think my insecurities have anything to do with you, Darling. I was actually thinking today about how nice it would have been to just be us at rehearsal instead of this facade, you know?” He smiled. 
“It’ll all be okay soon, my Love.” You assured him. “I promise.” 
The two of you decided to tell Brian first. It only seemed right to you; you knew that if he was in your position he’d do the same thing. You picked Freddie up at his house, pressing your lips to his as he got in the car. 
“I love your jacket, Fred!” You smiled. “Trying to dress for the occasion, are you?” 
“ ‘Course.” He smiled. “I always do!” 
“Must be new, right?”
“Yes, good job at noticing, Darling. I’ve got the best boyfriend in the world.” he smiled. 
“So do I.” 
When arriving at your apartment, everything was extremely normal, the three of you just sitting in the living room laughing as you listened to a Beatles record. After a short while, you could tell it was time to just admit the true reason you were there. Freddie said he left telling Brian up to you seeing as the  two of you were incredibly close. 
He heard the tone in your voice change, his head snapping up. 
“Can we talk to you?”
“Course, everything alright?” 
“Yeah yeah, it’s just-  Well remember a couple 
years ago when I told you about me, and how I felt? My sexuality and all?”
“Yeah?” He said curiously. 
“Well, um I’ve found someone.” You smiled. 
“Really?! That’s great, Y/N. Who is it? When can I meet him?” 
“Well you already have.” You smiled, taking Freddie’s hand in yours. 
“You see, Freddie has expressed that he feels the same way I do, and we got to talking and doing more together over the last year or so, really acting like we’ve been together in the last six months or so, and we just decided it was time to say how we’ve been feeling, wanted to tell you first.” 
“Really?” Brian smiled. 
“Really.” Freddie confirmed. 
“Guys!” Brian said, leaping up and engulfing the two of you in his huge arms, “Really?! This couldn’t be any better!”
You and Freddie looked at each other smiling with a quick peck on the lips. 
You knew this was the start of something wonderful.
Roger and John took the news just as well, acting as if nothing had changed. It gave you and Freddie each such a weight off of your backs to know the two of you had the support of your wonderful friends behind you. 
You moved in with Freddie a couple months later, not expecting to have cried as much when you left your apartment with Brian, but the two of you were crying like little girls. Freddie said it was almost like watching twins be separated after being together for 24 years, however, the separation was healthy for the two of you and improved your relationship drastically. It also allowed you to mature as a person as well. 
You made it to everyone of Queen’s concerts, taking breaks from school and work to go on tour with them, and you honestly had never been happier in your life. You got to spend each night watching your boyfriend and best friends who had turned into your family perform. You got to see your best friend flourish as a guitarist little by little each and every day, and you got to watch the love of your life, Freddie, parade around stage each night looking ethereal in his flowy white shirts and tight, sexy leather ensembles as he serenaded you, telling you each night that he sang each song for you and only you. It was bliss. 
A/N: Ah!!! That’s it! I really hope you like it, I put so much work into it! Happy Halloween to you all!! Also, sorry it took so long, I had to carve pumpkins!
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anne-white-star · 3 years
Band queen x reader : the little things
Notes : reader is afraid of thunderstorms so the band decide to comfort her. They build a pillow fort, watch a movie, eat some snacks and cuddle together. Takes place during the early years of queen.
Other note vhs tapes weren't invented thill 1977 but lets pretend they were invented earlier 😅
Warnings : fear of thunder and lightning
Words : 1180
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(Photo doesn't belong to me)
The boys were at their own home talking about what song they should record next, it was raining pretty hard outside
"I say Fred we should go and record liar first" said john while stiring his tea
"I think seven seas of rhye is better" Freddie said while sipping his drink
The phone that hung on the wall started to ring, roger picked up " roger taylor speaking how can i help you?"
"Hey rog its me y/n"
"Oh hi y/n What is it? "
"Um i feel stuppid to ask but could you and the guys please come over?"
"Oh yeah sure we will be there in 20 minuts"
"Thanks rog" she hang up the phone
He placed the phone on the wall "Guys that was y/n she asked if we could come she sounded a bit panicked"
Brian stood up And grabed the car keys "i'll drive lets go"
Like roger promiced they arived there within 20 minuts. It was raining cats and dogs outside. John rang the bell
Y/n opend the door "Oh thank goodness you guys are here, come in" they all walked in and went to the livingroom, y/n was about to close the door when a big bright flash filled the sky and then a big boom sound. She recoiled in fear. she closed the door and locked it then walked to the livingroom
"So y/n why did we need to come over?" Asked Brian while looking around a bit
"Wel um," there was an other big flash, followed by an other big sound, she let go of a yelp and ducked down.
The boys looked at echoter and then back at y/n
"Oh y/n darling" Freddie stood up And kneeled infront of her. "Are you scared of the thunder?"
She nodded "Im sorry it looks so stuppid"
"Oh dear its not stuppid at al" he hugged her
John stood up "you know what we should do, watch a movie together" he walked up to the tv and picked up a vhs tape with Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory on it. "Do you want to watch this?"
Freddie helped y/n up "Yeah sure alright" and they both sat down on the coutch
Brian walked in to the kitchen "I'll go and make us something"
"Oh ok thats alright"
Roger and john picked up some blankets and pillows from the side of the coutch and they pulled some string lights from a drawer
Brian apeared from the kitchen "Hey y/n, do you have any popcorn?"
"Yes in the cabinet above the sink"
"Thanks" he went back to make some
"Roger john what are you guys doing?"
"Wel we thought that it would be a good idea to build a pillow fort"
"That sounds like fun" outside it was stil raining and thundering
Freddie, john, roger and y/n worked togeter to set up the fort, in about 10 minuts it was done .
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"Oh its absolutly perfect" y/n clapt her hands
"The popcorn and tea is done" Brian had some cups in his hands and gave them to the others, then he went to get the bowl of popcorn.
"John could you put in the tape?"
"Yeah sure" he turned on the tv and put the tape in
"Are you ready y/n?" Roger asked
"Yeah i am" she smiled softly
"I never seen this movie before, what is it about?"
"Its about a man who has a candy factory and he needs a heir for his factory, so he puts 5 golden tickets in some candy bars al the 5 people who find the tickets are invited to the factory, but there can be only one winner" y/n and roger sat down on the coutch while the others sat down on the ground before them
"Sounds intresting"
"I watched it a few times already so im not gonna say anything" she smiled. Al of a sudden a big flash light up the room again after that a big boom was heared it shook the house. Y/n griped on to roger. " Sorry" she ducked her head
"Dont worry its alright" he smiled
John sat down "Lets get started with the movie".
*time skip*
They were half way trough the movie when Freddie said "i realy start to hate that veruca girl" then she started to sing i want it now " Oh god now she's singing"
"She wil get her karma don't worry" y/n laught
When the movie was over y/n turned off the tv. "So what did you guys think?"
"I loved it" said Brian
"God that part with the boat and the tunnel was so damn scary" roger had his legs pulled to his chest
"My favorite part was where charlie won the golden ticket" said John while putting away the popcorn bowl
"Me to plus the ending of was so sweet"
Brian stood up And looked out the window " its stil thundering outside, would you like us to stay the night?"
"Yes please if you guys dont mind"
"Alright but i think we need an extra mattress"
"There is one leaning against the wall in my bedroom"
"Alright mind helping me?"
"Sure bri" She stood up And walked to her room and opend the door. "here it is, i hope its good enough"
"Its perfect you take that side i take this one 1. 2 .3 " both of them picked it up And brought it back to the living room
"I got some extra blankets and pillows"
"Thanks Fred, put it down here bri"
"Alright" they both lowered it to the ground
"Deaky can you prepare it?"
"Sure i can y/n" he smiled
"Roger can you help me in the kitchen"
"Yes of course what are we going to do?"
"Im going to make some sandwiches for us all, could you grab a few things and help me prepair them?"
Roger nodded " Yeah sure what do you need?"
"Um bread, lunch meat, cheese, salad, and tomatos"
"Alright where is the bread?"
" Its in the cabinet above the sink where the popcorn also is, the rest is in the refrigerator" y/n pulled out the plates and a knife to cut some stuff up
About 10 minuts later the sandwiches are done "here you go guys enjoy"
"Thanks you two, these are delicious"
"Your welcome" y/n was a lot more on ease now after all the hours they spent together, but still there is some fear
Later that night They al prepared to get to sleep, Brian had closed the blinds and dimmed the lights "ready for bed y/n?"
"Yeah im tired, with who can i sleep?"
"You can sleep with me" roger grined and held up the blanket
"Alright Sure" she smiled and walked over to him she lied down and got comfy "good night guys"
"Good night y/n and of you are scared please wake us up"
"Will do thanks you all for today"
"Your welcome dear"
That night everyone went to sleep peacefully
The end
I hope you guys enjoyed reading please let me know what you think 😊 also concider rebloging if you like the story
Have a Nice day everyone♥️
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Red Wine and Tea Time
Request: How about platonic Freddie being friends with opera singer! Reader for a blurb idea!
Word Count: 234
Warnings: Generally nothing but they are drinking wine, Platonic!Freddie x reader, and umm, bad writing
A/n: i hope this isn’t too far from what you wanted!!
“ I love them but they can really be bloody idiots” Freddie laughs. The two of you had been friends since university, and even though your schedules clashed, you always tried to make time for each other. Even if it was just getting together to fill each other in on your lives.
Today it was your house, much smaller and quieter than Fred’s but there was wine and a couch and that’s all that mattered.
“Please explain to me how a professionally trained vocalist could not hear that she was flat” you groan, taking another sip of wine. “ it’s not even like she was just barely flat. She was flat, flat” He laughs and holds your hand “Darling, people are idiots, I know you know this.” You laugh and lean your head on his shoulder, taking a deep breath.
“You’re right but that doesn’t excuse it” you reply before closing your eyes.
“We really need to do this more often. I miss you far to often”
“ You miss me when I’m in the next room!” You giggle and look up at him.
“ Well yeah, but you’re my best friend so I have every right to, oh and I’m inviting the band to come watch your performances next week”
You raise a brow and shake your head laughing “ you’re too much Fred.” “ I know I am, but you love it.” And you did, every single day.
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somebodytoolove · 4 years
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𝓣𝔀𝓸 𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓪 𝓕𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻
❅ written by @mazzell-ro
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Could you write hc about how queen and the borhap boys would react to you being pansexual? Thank you!!!
You bet!! I hope this is okay and you like it!! Also, I will include Freddie platonically and the others will be with you in a romantic connection!
He would get it the most! He would wrap you up in the biggest hug and overload and mother hen you with support.
So he would love to dress you up, I think. Take you places where people are in hopes you would catch someone's eye (”though the scrumptious looking bear in that corner is mine darling.”)
If it was in the modern era, he would buy you things with the colors of the Pansexual Flag.
You know Garden Lodge would be an extra special space for you if you needed protection or escape. Jim, the other men there, and the cats would all love it when you hung out- together and if not gay, then purring.
He would be confused at first, but then get it as you explained it to him. He would nod his head and go “ah!”
He might also get jealous of any hot people who come by but you assure him it’s okay and rub his hand. You tell him being pan doesn’t mean you get horny for every person you see.
But it makes Roger honored that of all the people you could be with, it’s him.
He is glad he got over his own feelings and you both get very cuddly and soft with each other, from sharing kisses and eating ice cream together and him writing private love songs for you.
You came out to Brian when you were both walking in the evening, holding hands. The stars were out.
You did it casually, out of nowhere. “Oh, and Brian...I’m pansexual.”
 It almost flew by his head, so he blinked and went “oh…okay.”
So the next day Brian goes to the library and checks out any and every book about it and looks it up.
By the next time you both talk about it, he has figured out all these neat facts about pansexuality and shares them with you! It’s like a scholarly reading club! And you find he takes it easily and always smiles at you and protects you if anyone talks crap.
He would be the most confused at first and you would have to explain it to him.
But this sweet boy loves you so much he learns to accept it, even though he would be the most foreign to the concept.
He would then show up and buy you flowers or cake or anything if he thought he said something bad but you assure him it’s fine- he just loves you so much and doesn’t want to hurt you.
If you ever felt lonely because you hadn’t found any other pansexuals to talk with you- Deaky will keep you company and even get out of his shell to ask others.
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You tell him a little later in your relationship- you were so nervous and you know how fast Rami’s career is taking off.
You both are at his place, cuddling in his bed. So you turn around, and softly confess you are pan. He smiles and cups your face and tells you how devoted he is to you.
He even starts dressing in outfits the colors of the pan flag and the sorbet-like colors look amazing on him- like a springtime flower.
You both get invited to the Met Gala and dress in those colors- and you encourage him to put on something bolder than just a tux (”C’mon dear, make Freddie proud!”)
You come out to him in the car on a highway, so he holds your hand and tells you all the things you dreamed of him saying to you after coming out.
Though be warned, he will (lovingly) tease you, like watching a movie together he will say “This dumb love triangle would be solved if they were pan, like you!”. But he knows the line and never crosses it.
Like seeing a hot woman leads to both of you talking and then laughing about both of you checking her out.
He reminds you every day of how much he loves you and that you can be honest with each other!
You come out to Ben casually at breakfast. You were in his hotel and he had to leave to film something. So as you ate your cereal you said “hey Ben…I’m Pan.”
He had to leave at once to be on time, so he only lightly nodded and went “oh, okay Y/N!” and left to get to the location.
When he came back, he apologized for it. But you laughed and said it went far better than you feared. You both enjoyed some wine and snacks and talked all about it. He would also quietly listen as you tell and expand everything. He always gives you a kind smile that makes you smile back to assure you.
Although some jealous fans of Ben may criticize him, he takes your hand and says he is prouder to be with someone proud of who they are, which makes your relationship stronger.
You come out as pan while camping. You both were around a bonfire and you said everything as it cracked in your ears. He nodded, the orange light against his face softly.
He nodded, completely understanding from the get-go. “Thank you for telling me, Y/N, I’m honored you trust me that much,” he says, pecking your forehead.
He makes you feel so assured, that your imposter syndrome about being queer or doubts about your identity go away!
Plus, he gets to go to Pride with you and you both get little flags and wave them and enjoy the parade together. He wears just a big shirt that says PAN ALLY on it and smiles with sunglasses on. It’s the most fun and free you’ve felt in a long time, even better that you can be fun and free with him.
Taglist: @stardust-killer-queen @queenlover05
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