#frankly this makes way more sense to me than Mombi magically keeping Tip a child for eighty-odd years for… some reason?
just-some-guy-at-shiz · 9 months
I need an AU where Tibbett is actually Tip. Ozma Tippetarius. Because tHE NAMES ARE TOO SIMILAR.
The ages seem to line up right. Either someone close to the royal family stole away the true heir before they could be assassinated and changed them to hide them, or the Wizard wasn’t yet ruthless enough to kill the kid and ordered them hidden instead, effectively just a normal person now. Living in the Emerald City they were supposed to rule.
This AU kind of relies on Tibbett not dying tragically, so let’s fix that, shall we? I dunno if Tibbett somehow becomes the head of a new revolution or something, dunno what this discovery means on a grander scale… I’m mostly interested in the smaller personal stuff.
Does this suddenly make it clear to Tibbett why he experiments so much with gender presentation? In a decidedly trying to figure himself out way? Does this discovery clarify how he sees himself, gender affirming-ly? Like, is he genderfluid? Or trans, in a was-supposed-to-be-cis-but-stuff-happened sort of way? Double trans? Crope says, “Does this make me bi now??”
Trans Tibbett says “I’m a woman, I was just born in the wrong body,” but then she finds out that she actually was born in the body she wanted, but SOMEbody RUINED IT for her.
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