#frankie's aim goes wide once and half the school has to chase down the garbage goblin that swallowed it
Frankie hearing about "catching (someone's) eye", popping their eye out when they pass Cleo in the halls, tossing it to her, and
Frankie: Wow, Cleo! Looks like you really CAUGHT my eye today! XD
Cleo: Awww, Frankie~ That is the sweetest-
Cleo: wait wait wait, don't you need this back?
Frankie: Nope! I've already given you my heart, what's one more body part?
*runs into a wall*
Frankie: Ow.
Cleo: Riiiight, smooth thing.... I'll bring it over after classes.
Frankie: 'kay!
Cleo: Spook-tacular~ It's a date~
Frankie: *sparks and walks into another wall probably*
it turning into a thing. ghouls instinctively ducking as frankie's eyeball goes sailing though the air again, cleo starts carrying an extra little canopic jar just for frankie's eye, keeping it full of water so the eyeball doesn't dry out (like with contacts) bc of course she knows how to take care of her precious monster's detached organs and of course she's gonna be extra careful with them <3
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